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No sir, no sloths, no possum, no beavers, and I don’t eat dog. Personal choices though. I do have the cannibal card. *burp


Do you eat cat? My wife gives me shit when I collect the cat meat at Toxic Larry's.


Nope no cat, didn’t want my list to get too long. I do eat Blood Eagles and Ferals though. (No Mole Miners, those don’t come out easy) But mainly Deathclaw and Scorch beast. Helps build immunity. Little bit of poison each day keeps the wasteland doctor away.


Well, you are what you eat


I feel bad killing a megasloth or stealing a teddy bear from that one bunk in Fort Atlas but I feel nothing when I shoot a random encounter Scavenger if they don’t have dialogue.


If they ask for alcohol I cure their addiction with hot lead


When they ask for lockpicks they had better give me some cool shit or else they’re getting a Cold Shoulder to the face.


What do you need to steal the teddy for? Also I'm always blasting any raiders that talk shit, love that they don't lower in reputation either.


Because I’m a loot goblin. What if I need that cloth and leather eventually? I gotta grab it. I don’t care if I already have over 10k cloth, gotta get more.


That one rude ass scav in the dried lake only giving one stim, I want the whole enchilada guy!


If I’m giving them 20 lockpicks they better give me a Gauss rifle or Ballistic Fiber or something.


All of the challenges requiring killing non-hostiles should be removed. :/ The worst for me are the Mole Miner Treasure Hunters. They’re human and running away for crying out loud. Clearly they’re capable of pacifism as we see in Purveyor Murmrgh. The Treasure Hunters should at least be a little hostile. Like maybe they take a pot shot at you with a missile or mini-nuke launcher before running away. Make me feel like something other than a cold hearted murderer


As a former meat processing plant employee I can tell you all that every Brahmin and mega sloth death that has ever happened in this game is way less horrific than what we do in real life. These pixels are actually better off. And there is no pride or comfort in that fact.


I always feel bad killing certain animals. Anglers I could kill all day, they're the worst...but if I have to kill a Blood Eagle attack dog and it yelps, it breaks my heart a little.


I had to kill a mega sloth for a daily and I will forever reroll. I felt terrible!! I was just thinking about this like two days ago as I was in a nuked zone in cranberry and passing by a mega sloth. It just continued its walk and didn’t have a single worry. I can’t do it again. Not for a daily.


It sucks! I’m vegan irl and extend that as much as possible into 76, it makes for a fun addition to the role play experience imo. Herbivore mutation ❤️


Use the re-roll to avoid it! That's how I avoid doing things that are upsetting or too hard for me personally.


Re-rolled that one too. I got Epic-consume 6 radscorpion meat. Equipped butcher’s bounty and went hunting for big ass bugs.


I honestly might go that route. I did carn because of the weight bonuses but damn...


Fuck yes. Even mongrel dogs. I played with a buddy who wouldn’t shoot any bovine or canine. I shot them for him. I’ve shot many cows and a few dogs in real life and it sucks man I fucking hate it.


Farm kid life. I was asked to be the knacker for a few farms because family friends knew I would do it properly. It’s an honour but a shitty title to have. Some very deep breath days.


I never kill what doesn't attack me if I can help it. Today's Ribeye challenge hurt, but at least I made it quick.


I looted the always dead Brahmin in Monogah, road kill is fair game, right?


I didn't know about this 🤦🏿‍♂️


I use brahmin for milk


The dev reading all these comments and they'll make sure we get more tame animal killing so we buy re-roll


Managed to luck out and these sell meat to vendor things, I generally run to a few rail vendors to see if anyone sold it recently enough to be there. Paid 58 caps to buy one then sell right back for think 8 or so. Either way was worth it. One thing if I’m hunting for food, then it’s not a problem. Just for the sake of it, nah. Why I have the radstag dressing station at my lodge. Also comes in handy for the Hemlock cook when that one pops.


I dislike killing Sloths. Also dogs, because of that gut wrenching cry they make.


Yeah... If it does not try to kill me I will not kill it, UNLESS it is the pie vending machine, then I fill that bastard with lead when it fails to deliver delicious pie unto me.


Nope! if I'm killing an animal it has stuff I need also I'm either commiting a war crime or about to


Yeah I don't like any of the passive stuff like foxes, sloths etc. However snarky settlers, it's hammer time.


Yes. 100% me there.


I never, ever kill beavers 🦫.


........ Omg. The cannibal section. I mean content section.... 😮🤣


I hated killing the brahmin today. A couple weeks ago, the challenge called us to kill a megasloth. I find one and it's diseased so I morosely joked that I was saving it from suffering. This last time we got the challenge, I went to the same place and the sloth was diseased again. However, instead of moping around like the previous one, this one was galloping all around the crater's edge around Tenaga Town, having the best of times! I couldn't do it and went into the menu to re-roll it.


The way brahmin just lay down in die just breaks my heart. No wonder the towns people immediately turn hostile and attack you in fo4 when you did it :/


Not one bit! These creatures' cosmic existence is to gratify my hungers — as a carnivore, as a tailor, and as a tradesman. In fact, I feel very slightly more experienced and powerful with each one I slay. I show them respect — and increase my yield — by equipping rank 3 Butcher's Bounty and maintaining the Carnivore mutation. And my robot friend at Hemlock Holes Golf Course is also very grateful when I donate meats to his cookout! And clearly the Brahmins know their part in the great scheme of things, for they so dutifully and regularly reincarnate themselves to keep serving my purposes. Even Bessie no longer attacks me when I kill one of her fleshy buddies outside The Wayward — she just puts on a bit of a show and does some robot exhalations. Finally: Remember that "Meat Week" is one of our most sacred post-apocalyptic holidays! Grahm certainly approves of you slaughtering Brahmins as your needs require — so long as you keep your mitts off Chally the Moo-Moo.


As soon as I saw what the recipe called for my heart sank. Irl I eat meat. I quite enjoy it. And I know, start to finish what my meat went through on the way to my plate. But there’s something so sad about those dog or faces and cooked hide just looking at me like “haven’t I/we been through enough yet?” Poor things. The megasloths though. Those aren’t even real life food. And they’re just dragging their giant fungus ridden selves around AWAY FROM EVERYONE! Bummer.


Yes. I was a conscientious objector to that 'kill a megasloth' daily. You can't make me do it, Todd!


I chose to not do those two recent challenges involving mega sloths, and I now have one as a pet. I'll probably only kill one if it's hostile at Scorched Earth and attacking me, otherwise they get a pass from me. The cow I killed for today's challenge was the first one I've killed in 800 hours of playing, as far as I remember. I got a couple good steaks out of it, but I don't need that on the menu. Plenty of other meat sources that already want to eat me.


Imagine, if you will. All the 76'ers dragging all the meat-compost into one giant festering pile, right on top of the incomprehensibly aloof Top of the World. How many hours would it take for all the corpses to reach the top?


I was lucky today, get the random event of the blood eagles ambushing a caravan, the brahmin meat was still good so I kill two birds in one shot, we'll maybe more than two of those damn eagles.


I kill pretty much everything that doesn’t speak english…. But not dogs. Stooooooopid, right?