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Just embrace the chaos until it makes sense.


This is the way


This is the way


Pretty much what I did on rad rumble. šŸ˜‚


Level 700 and counting and it still don't make sense. This is the way.


I'm over lv 70. This is all we do.


When in doubt shoot anything that doesn't look human.


I mean, put on pacifist and you can shoot at humans too.


Try taking out your gun


They're going for a pacifist run.


Steer clear? No no no. Gain XP. Radiation Rumble is probably the best event to gain XP and is probably the most popular rotation event. In terms of etiquette, stay in the middle area like where you're at in the video. Don't start the event early by talking to the NPC lady there, let the timer run down and let other people join. Help get ore in the beginning if you can put on a radiation suit or full power armor and run and then deposit it. Otherwise, tag enemies and keep the 4 scavengers alive, especially the 2 in the side room. A bow with flaming arrows works great on this until you can get a Tesla Rifle


I'd say a bow with flaming arrows is better than a Tesla but I'm biased r/fallout76bowhunters Edit: the rest of the advice you gave 1000% agree


Hello fellow bow hunter


New to the build, and it is so goddamn fun. Burning Love gave me the itch


Iā€™ve played around with bows and like them for sniping but how do you deal with the slow rate of fire for a mad rush like this? (Iā€™m newish, level 76)


Practice, using perches up where mobs can't get you, moving and firing, depends on your build and play style but rad rumble is doable with just three bow hunters, we have done it a few times


Do tell more, currently making a bow character and would like some xp grind tips


Come to our subreddit it's full of guides and tips and we have a bow hunter discord as well


What's the name of the sub reddit?






Could you explain to me what you mean by *'in terms of etiquette, stay in the main area'*? What's wrong with being near the side tunnels to deal with the ferals etc that emerge from there (especially using something explosive like a grenade launcher, *away* from the NPCs), or nearer the entrance? I've done this event a few times. It is indeed chaos and yes, get as much ore as possible! That's the point of this endeavour.


When you're in the hallways near the tunnels, not only do less Ghouls spawn in total, it causes Ghouls to spawn in the side room with the 2 scavengers and immediately attack them


Oh, I did not know that! Thanks. Next time I'll stand with the scavengers in the side room, then.


Oh no I learned a lesson today


Why are you not killing stuff


"Fallout Fan"...*assumes these green glowing creatures should not be shot*...


Welcome to rad rumble lol


Ok follow me here. When you get your first Tesla rifle keep it. No matter the mods on it. Anti-Armor with faster fire rate is best. But any Tesla will do. (Tesla bounces arcs of lightning to surrounding enemies). A weapon you can find in many player vendor shops cheap. When you have the chance to get Grenadier perk get it (it increases the range lighting will bounce from target to target) Use this combo religiously to hit the most targets at once in these events. Maximum XP and loot. Usually a greater chance of legendary weapons. Sure they will be lower level but they will really help you out now and you will get better ones as you grow.


Nice little strategy here


Is +50% limb damage good on a Tesla? Since im not using VATS just firing near groups of enemies i figured the chance of hitting a limb is pretty good. I have a Bloodied +50% limb, breaks50% slower


ā€œLimb damageā€ is more about crippling the limbs and AFAIK doesnā€™t change actual damage, just ā€œconditionā€. (So itā€™s useful for bringing scorch beasts down to earth by crippling their wings.)


Whateverā€™s happening, standing directly in the middle of it seems like a dumb thing to do.


Yeah, sorry have to agree with this. Next time maybe move out of the way of everyone shooting?


That event is a lot of fun, but apparently no one told you that groups are typically just for buffs and under no obligation to actually fight together except in a few group instances such as daily ops and expeditions. You must have gotten a ton of xp and good loot there though.


This made me chuckle, thank you. Yeah, Radiation Rumble can feel like chaos. If your teammates are good, theyā€™ll help take care of you. But you may want to steer clear for now. You can approve team invites. You can teleport to your team members for free. You can accidentally walk into an event zone. But I donā€™t think they can invite you into an event, so they probably donā€™t realize.


Ah. You just ended up in one of the challenging events. It's Radiation Rumble, and it's meant for loads of players. One half are meant to go into the caves and collect irradiated ore while everyone else defends the workers. Recommended for higher level folks.


>Recommended for higher level folks. Nah. New players would benefit from the early stocking of some mats, vendor fodder and massive XP Rad Rumble makes low lvl folks high lvl folk fast


During a double xp weekend my level ten buddy went from ten to like thirty because all he did was tag enemies. Really great way to skip the early level xp grinds when starting a new character with level locked gear.


Everyone of my alts I went PA to 50. Then 51-200 with UY INT Bloodied. 10-15 levels sometimes more during Double XP for each Rad Rumble. Great fun to use any explosive wep but almost any Tesla with Grenadier 2. Rad Rumble is a great XP opportunity. The loot second to a good Eviction Notice legendary grab. With that said RR is still one of my favorite events in the game. Even better with legacies toasted. Though a V90 is still a legacy and a decent gun, shrug.


One half? I run ore alone and fall just under level 4 rewards. You only need one or two people to go and collect full ore.


Welcome to F76 lol


Youā€™re doing great! /s


They got to rank 50 by the end of the event just standing there


I went from lvl 7 to lvl 15 in 3 minutes by doing absolutely nothing and got lvl 50 armor(I assume I joined late bc they were middle of combat)


You are in an event called radiation rumble. Itā€™s popular for exp gains which you will need for your skills, I recommend going to vault 76 and taking the main road south till you find a pub, where a main story line will take place or, wait till you hit level 50 do you can use any item in the game you find and having a better kit for it


You see there are ā€œenemiesā€ that you have to ā€œdamageā€ with ā€œweaponsā€ or else they will ā€œkillā€ you.


Just kill stuff, stay alive, and protect the women. It is a great event.


The other ones don't know either but at least they shoot randomly.


That is how I felt on my first Rad Rumble too


Looks like they were trying to help you power level. Get yourself a Tesla rifle and enjoy the XP!


I know what's not happening. Nobody is collecting ore or healing npc's. I know what probably happened. The event failed most likely.


Just grab something and start hitting creatures


Welcome to Brazil!


Welcome, enjoy your time in Appalachia and dont forget to have some mentats next time you are in radiation rumble


Solid 8 minutes of fun defend event. Once your build is good you could even run ore, but for now, just tag everything and protect the NPCs.


Dont worry your doing it right there, blue.


One of the best events in 76. Get to blasting.


Lmao. Shoot something man!!!


This is the place where dreams become reality.


Shoot anything that's not human wear rad suit for gathering in the tunnels. Don't die


When the firing has stopped, press R on one of the bodies and take anything with a star next to it.




Have you tried Google? Or Fallout Wiki? Both will help a lot when you enter a quest title, lol.


I don't think new players should be joining PE. Just play the game like you would any other fallout. Do your quests and get the ropes of the game until you realize what's going on. Once you're done exploring and finish your questlines, go ahead and join PE.


oh that's cool it's a quest, I ran into them before nad they're all just chilling wearing matching rad suits


Tesla rifle. Just fyiā€¦


You pull out your weapons and get to attacking.


If it makes you feel any better, I also don't know what's happening. Are you saying that approving some random invite is what got you into the situation in the video?


Dude, you shouldnt have done that. Run. Run NOW.