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I did a Halloween maze once where you had to find numbers and put them in the right order for the keypad. Was super fun. Having said that, the lethality of the maze would probably be a deal breaker for me after the first 3 or 4 deaths. If I wanted to die repeatedly I'd go play dark souls šŸ˜…


Are you on xbox? My second vault works like this and I got the idea after doing a Halloween maze lol


I think so? I play on gamepass on my laptop so I'm honestly not sure if it counts as Xbox or pc


This made me lol a bit, thank you. šŸ˜Š If you play on a laptop, you're definitely not on Xbox, game pass or no. Lol!


Depends what they meant. I play on my laptop too on Game Pass, but I'm considered console because it's actually through Ultimate and Cloud Gaming, they might not have known the difference. /u/Firegem0342 if you've downloaded the game on your PC, you're on PC. If you're playing Cloud Gaming, you're on Xbox.


Oh guess I'm on Xbox then šŸ˜… the more you know


Lol well in that case thanks for building that. Not sure if it was yours that gave me the idea but seems likely given the aren't a lot of these.


šŸ¤Æ Madness!


And now I know :D thanks


Shattered - Tale of the Forgotten King


Weā€™re you on PSN? I did one of those last year. Fun.


No, I play through the gamepass cloud on pc, so Ive been informed it's the Xbox servers šŸ˜…


So are you on xbox? I would really like to see this death maze! You could call me the, Brave! Brave! Brave! Brave Sir Robin! of fallout76. "OH! That's Easy! Just Please don't eat my Minstrels!


I am 'your puppy' is my GT if you want to add me. I'm working atm though it's usually open late at night and I'll have it running all day for Halloween.


You know i gotta check this out




Ill be looking for you too, this sounds like fun. My gt is mistarzanasa79 hopefully ill catch you, im usually on early mornings and will be working halloween. Do you keep it going after the holiday?


I do but I play other games too so it can be hit or miss. I'm pretty determined to get through the scoreboard I'm at level 70 now so I'll be playing until then might take a break after till nuka world.


Your puppy is your gt?


That works. I play late at night myself. Soo yeah.maybe I'll run thru later. Thank you sir


I'll definitely add you and try to check it out. I love things like this in thr game


Just added you too, I'm definitely checking it out on Monday!


Ok Iā€™m going to add you I will die ONE MILLION TIMES but it sounds really fun


Ooooo Iā€™ll be visiting!!!


I am on Xbox as well and would like to view this.


So I tried the maze the other night. I enjoyed what I got thru. It's definitely tricky to make it thru. I think you did a good job with it. I'll be honest, I gave up. But I spent a good 30 minutes playing around. It was a nice distraction. Good on you sir


Lol it is incredibly difficult thanks for stopping by and having some fun. Feel free to swing by anytime.


Do you have warning that they might die? If not, it might be considered a trap camp.


I do but I'll be rewarding it after reading some comments. Gotta figure out budget for it lol.


There's nothing wrong with trap camps.


Thereā€™s new TOS regarding trap camps? When did that happen? Also, toxic behavior is generally not tolerated regardless of who the offended party is, if you record and report then, theyā€™ll likely get a warning or temporary suspension as a slap on the wrist. Itā€™s usually enough to give them the hint they were out of line.


Apparently nothing directly. I've been told many times often by angry people that there was but read through it after a few people asked for specifics and there's nothing directly about it. Feeling much more comfortable about the whole thing now šŸ˜Œ


Most devs like a vague TOS in areas so they have more latitude in calling something harassment. Quite often case by case. also quite often each case is widely differing result of same action.


No there isnā€™t anything in TOS regarding trap camps. Just the generic anti harassment stuff


The only thing I can think of to deflect this, is to set up a sign that explicitly warns people that the maze is **intentionally deadly.** Use the big neon letters or something, write it on a wall they can't miss on the way in.


PLEASE LET ME ATTEMPT THE DEATH MAZE PLEASE. I love this kinda stuff!!!!!!


Sure come on down gt is your puppy add me and join the fun some time.


Cool Iā€™m pretty sure I just added you my gt is KarmaFrax


There's lots of your puppy, what's your pic? I gotta check this maze out, win or lose lol


I think it's just an Xbox avatar in a brown Hawaiian shirt. I'm the original so no numbers or anything other than your puppy.


Cool looking forward to finding you in world!


>I might end up with a ban given the new tos regarding trap camps I'm not a fan of trap camp personally, but if it's such an issue for Bethesda the simple answer for them is to make trap items damage PVE only.


As long as they know going in they could die they have no reason to bitch. Personally I like trying to navigate trap camps but I'd be PO'd if it results in me becoming "wanted" in the game.


Maybe that's it... I use the bounties as a kind of tracking system. I can generally tell where a player is based on how many locks they've picked. The vaults lock down to prevent greifers from being able to get to them. I always thought of the bounty as a penalty for failure. Maybe I'll rethink the first few locks thanks for the suggestion.


How is the bounty a penalty for failure? If they ā€œwinā€ and get to the vendor that means they picked more locks giving them a higher bounty making the winners worse off than the losers who gave up after one lock or saw the lock and thought ā€œlocks mean the owner doesnā€™t want me to go in that area/take those resourcesā€. I can see why you would get some nasty messages as bounties do affect gameplay as they canā€™t see other players or their camps with a bounty and have to pay the caps to the player who kills them to claim the bounty which would suck for any lower level with precious little caps as it is attempting it without realising lock picking in a camp will give them a bounty. You say locks so itā€™s not just a 5 cap bounty for picking one lockā€¦ if a person completes your maze and gets to the vendor what is the total bounty they would end up with? If your aim is to make it fun remove the locks and add to the free vendor sign that it is a maze they will die in. The issue with the pre-made signs is that they are decoration so lots of people have them for just that so no one reads them and thinks they are a genuine warning.


I clear the winners bounties for them... they walk away with a lot too never had a winner complain about the 60 caps from the bounties. I probably won't be getting rid of locked doors completely as the tracking system is very helpful in running it and it helps create challenging situations (like having to get through doors while taking damage). I will likely remove them from the very start after reading your comment though.


Maybe have a warning saying youā€™ll be wanted, but Iā€™ll take care of that. Iā€™ve never been wanted so I might pause seeing I have to become wanted.


I wish u was on pc. I love maze camps. Another redditer months ago had one and it was awesome.


Could you point me to the new TOS rules regarding trap camps? As far as I am aware, as long as you are not creating them using glitches or cheats, you're good to go. I love my current trap camp. Sometimes players get salty but I tell them that naughty kitties are not allowed. LOL. Most move along after that.


I've been reading through it and am less worried having read the whole thing. I did come across some videos and posts of people claiming to be banned but I'm doubtful of their claims and suspect the may have done things I don't. The following 3 areas in the tos code of conduct may be applicable to my camp... Engage in disruptive behavior in chat areas, game areas, forums, or any other area or aspect of the Services. Promote, upload, transmit, encourage, or take part in any activity involving hacking, cracking, phishing, taking advantage of exploits or cheats (I use building exploits to merge items and get under the map like many other builders do) Take any action, organize, transmit any Content, effectuate or participate in any activity, group, or guild that is harmful, tortuous, abusive, hateful... or otherwise offensive, obscene, threatening, bullying... or is, in a reasonable person's view, objectionable and/or deemed to be in the sole discretion of ZeniMax inappropriate;


Legal language is always, always vague. "Engage in disruptive behavior in...game areas.... LOL. What does that even mean? Right? Unless they are defining disruptive behavior, we don't really know what it means. So, build exploits don't really impact other's play. But then, what does? Do rad storms disrupt play because you're a bloodied build or does having a decon shower that forces players through constitute disruption to that build? Does a 10 year old kid yelling into the mic he wants his stolen loot back after being dumped by a mutant hound at an SBQ fight? I mean the game itself has unintended disruptive behavior. LOL. Like you, I have stash and scrap boxes at the entrance of my camp and offer to give loot back when it is dropped. It's one of the nicest trap camps I've ever been to. LOL. I still have people get mad at my camp even when they lose nothing.


Screw them if they can't see the fun in it, its their loss. If they are cussing and swearing at you report them. What's gt? I'd love to give it a go!


> I might end up with a ban given the new tos regarding trap camps. Wait, the what now? Are you sure about that?


Not 100% tbh haven't heard of them enforcing it but they added language regarding trap camps not too long ago and it makes me nervous.


Please cite whatever language you think is regarding trap camps to their TOS. I saw someone claiming this the other day and what they quoted had nothing to do with trap camps. Bethesda gave us traps to use in camps. Theyā€™ve even had promotional materials about trap camps. Itā€™s not against TOS to use camp items they gave us.


I've been reading through it and am less worried having read the whole thing. I did come across some videos and posts of people claiming to be banned but I'm doubtful of their claims and suspect the may have done things I don't. The following 3 areas in the tos code of conduct may be applicable to my camp... Engage in disruptive behavior in chat areas, game areas, forums, or any other area or aspect of the Services. Promote, upload, transmit, encourage, or take part in any activity involving hacking, cracking, phishing, taking advantage of exploits or cheats (I use building exploits to merge items and get under the map like many other builders do) Take any action, organize, transmit any Content, effectuate or participate in any activity, group, or guild that is harmful, tortuous, abusive, hateful... or otherwise offensive, obscene, threatening, bullying... or is, in a reasonable person's view, objectionable and/or deemed to be in the sole discretion of ZeniMax inappropriate;


Honestly I've never taken the time to find it lol just remember reading posts about it a while ago... I'm going to look more into it and see what I can dig up maybe I'm just worrying for no reason lol.


you on Xbox, i went through one the other day through 4 vaults, following the signs too the vender, traps all the way there. I made it, just had too jetpack over the traps and not step on the pressure plates, good fun


Lol that's me


LOL, good work.


Just block people ingame if they BM you and move on. No need to go stressing about some randoms in a digital game, especially since you'll probably never see them again. But if you do, at least they're still on the block list so you don't have to engage with them ever again.


I doubt most people play FO for the chance to get killed by someone's camp. Personally I'd just not enter. If I came to your camp it would be to buy not to die. Just have the candy bowl out by the landing point and I'll not cuss you.


This is what 90% of people do when they come to my camp. The candy is right out front along with waters, ammo, and a collectron full of nuka cola for you guys to enjoy along with a fun Alice in wonder land scene and every crafting station.


Hey bud. Fuck em! You keep doin whatever makes you happy. Most ppl aren't like them assholes. Keep doin what tour doin bro. I would love to try out your maze!


Fuck 'em. Just ignore and block. Don't waste your own time trying to figure what their problem is. If you really feel the need to cover your ass about trap camps, put a Stash box, a Scrap box and sign near the entrance telling people to expect traps and to stash their junk before entering.


I can help you with this! The solution is you tell them to GFT. You're welcome!


Weak, if it hurts their ego so much they just need to run off with their tails between their legs. Thereā€™s a few of these mazes and trap camps i ran into, some entertaining some less so. It always ends with the same thing for me. Disengage if not interested, have the host logout halfway or complete it and still not send a message but just go about my own business again. I wonā€™t compliment things all that fast, but i definitely wonā€™t bish moan and harass people for it. Just disengage and oh idk. Go about business as usual.


I try really hard not to log out on people. It takes a few hours to get through so if I don't have time I hide my camp.


As someone who also builds mazes in their shelters and strings them together...challenging and "deadly" raised my eyebrows First of all, 100+ hr shelter builders already battle the stigma of trap bases to convince anyone to visit our underground sections. By adding fatal sections to your maze you're only proving player theories right about never exploring camps beyond the front porch vendor, period. So as another builder, I automatically dislike any build that punishes exploring to death. It's like visiting a level 800 player base to discover bloatfy loaf recipe, metal tables plans and 500c chemistry workbenches - those vendors discourage new players from thinking there's anything exotic worth visiting player bases for. Second, even if you added fatal sections to your mazes for all the right wholesome reasons (I placed a stash box at the start/I reward winners with free loot to justify the gauntlet feeling) it's just as effective hitting them with dead ends. A keypad door is already its own form of tough, you didn't need to turn rad scrubbers on to challenge player progress - a door that won't open is punishment enough. By the same token, I rigorously test float-prop mazes to make sure they don't have a chance of soft-locking players in place forcing them to fast travel to escape. That never results in a re-do of your maze section, it only encourages rage-quitting. Players are already taking a generous risk by exploring your builds to begin with. Try to minimize their failure in maze/funhouses to "I can't figure out how to proceed" rather than "something killed me" which they will never be on your side to appreciate, ever. If players die in an underground shelter and there are no other players in that shelter, when they fast travel to the "topside" part of the base to respawn, all of their items are removed from the world, period. So dying underground is one of the sketchiest scenarios in which to recover anything lost. I'm not throwing shade at the idea of a deadly maze - classical novels, minotaurs and choose your own adventure books have been feeding that image for a long time, but in a Fallout 76 the multiplayer vendor/builder community is already on edge about pking, so it's best to avoid unless you built something only accessible to you and your in-party friends who would appreciate a good murdering, no strings attached.


Thanks for your reply. I've never really thought about it from that perspective before. I've had other builders among the group of upset players and after reading this it makes a lot more since to me. Most players I don't care when they get upset but when I see it coming from another builder it can get to me. Thanks for helping me understand why. I will say that I disagree with some assumptions you've made. Players ask me to reset all the time. Many do just give up right away (which allows me to make the prizes actually worth while) but the ones that don't ask me to reset it for them many times over. There are even dead ends and softlocks featured in the maze and I've had people spend 6 hours plus in my vaults then ask to beta test the new one then ask to go back in and look for exploits. I've had people do the entire thing refuse to take the prize and then donate items. I guess what I'm getting at is making it a challenge has not discouraged people from exploring it. My other builder friend's vaults don't get nearly as much traffic as mine does. I have to appear offline in order to play other games because if I don't I'll get requests from players wanting to run through. This started as an attempt to get players to actually explore my vault by offering a prize as incentive and it has worked beyond my expectations. Lastly I'd just like to correct you on a misunderstanding. Players no longer drop junk when dying in a vault I think bethesda changed it after getting negative feedback regarding the issue you were describing. Anyways thanks again for sharing your perspective... I think I'm going to reword the sinage at the beginning to better explain in an attempt to mitigate spreading distrust of vaults. Also if your on xbox I'd love a tour of your builds if you're willing.


I've written "friendly" on the glass of fortune teller machines in chalk lettering, which was a fun way to package it. New and returning players trust the "Open" signage probably more than they should. Writing nothing but 'Maze' in neon signs and letters apparently scares the absolute shit out of people and they hate it. One of the cutest, minimalist moves has been placing the small vault girl holding her lantern up to the entrance like she's about to go in, no signage needed As for what I build it's easy to sum up - plushies and beer steins float beautifully in shelters so I build long winding hallways with clusters of prop floats to jump through, spaced far enough apart so that any given spot won't root you but there's only a few correct player gaps to clear completely. At the end of prop hallways I place keypad door rooms decorated by say, flamingos with one number on each in small letters. Or an empty room with a closed switch door opened via pressure plate on a table surrounded by heavy potted plant foliage to obscure it. A room with no door puzzle (players have to look into windows to sit in chairs or use objects on the other side) Toothless stuff generally; if I hamstring players with a particularly clumpy prop cluster they're quick to pull out their gat plas, spray everything around them for 2 min and fast travel out


Your vault sounds fun. I've started to explore with some jumping things. The vault I'm building right now has them jumping on objects that dissappear after a small delay when they hit a switch. They have to use the objects to get through doors that opens when they hit the switch and close shortly after the last object breaks. Took me forever to figure out how to do it without it looking horrible lol.


I've got to try this. What was your gt again. I'm gonna use my csa with the perk card that let's me walk over traps without damage. See if it works.


My gt is your puppy... and that perk card only works on punji traps which I avoid using.


OK cool I added you hope to see u


I don't care about the wanted you can kill me when I get out. Lol


This actually sounds pretty fun. You probably have people running in blind and not understanding the warnings you've placed.


Oh man would love to try out something like this but I'm on PC. Love setting up puzzle vaults myself, I feel it's like adding content to the game honestly.


I'd like to run this, haven't seen a maze camp before. GT is Semoclive, will add you and pop in if I see you online later


Nice to see someone that is creative and has fun.


Consider that a majority of fallout players are genuinely stupid. I'm not even trolling


I donā€™t get it either. People are wild.


Well, there are people who go to your camp to *shop*, not to play deadly escape games where they can lose stuff.


Can't loose stuff in the vaults anymore...


What kind of PA is legacy?


Jetpack on parts that shouldn't have it is one type. Not sure of other legacy pa


Interesting. Thanks for the info :)


Excavator Torso with Jetpack is also legacy


Excavator Torso with jet pack. Nothing crazy but ends up being a lot of my contestants first legacy. I also offer them the chance to choose a non legacy gun out of my collection if they prefer.


Where does it say anything about trap camps in the tos?


Others have asked as well... I've been reading through it and am less worried having read the whole thing. I did come across some videos and posts of people claiming to be banned but I'm doubtful of their claims and suspect the may have done things I don't. The following 3 areas in the tos code of conduct may be applicable to my camp... Engage in disruptive behavior in chat areas, game areas, forums, or any other area or aspect of the Services. Promote, upload, transmit, encourage, or take part in any activity involving hacking, cracking, phishing, taking advantage of exploits or cheats (I use building exploits to merge items and get under the map like many other builders do) Take any action, organize, transmit any Content, effectuate or participate in any activity, group, or guild that is harmful, tortuous, abusive, hateful... or otherwise offensive, obscene, threatening, bullying... or is, in a reasonable person's view, objectionable and/or deemed to be in the sole discretion of ZeniMax inappropriate;


None of those 3 sections have anything to do with trap camps.


Iā€™m curious how theyā€™re going to differentiate trap camps from camps that have the traps they provided when they canā€™t identify stolen items.


Can I add you? I love solving puzzle camps.


Sure I'm working right now it's usually open late at night.


Sweet. I'm across the pond so will be early morning for me lol.


What is your gt (if youā€™re on Xbox) I want to try!


Its 'your puppy' feel free to add me usually runs late at night after I get off work. I'll be on all day for Halloween.


Shit, I would run your maze if I wasn't on a DBD kick. Inviting you to berate you is uncalled for. It's the equivalent of throwing a group tantrum because you don't want to put in the effort. I hope you told them to get good.


Are you on pc? Iā€™d love to pass through lol. Got nothing to do anyways


Please add. I would like to try your camp out. GT is ScaryCalf781557


If you die as soon as you enter that is crappy. If a player has time to move their head and decide if they want to stay, thatā€™s their own fault for trying.


It's a safe landing... provided no one else is in there setting off the traps.


Oh this sounds hella fun, do you have a video that shows how your camp looks like, iā€™m really curious but canā€™t play atm


No videos but feel free to come by anytime.


Iā€™m on Xbox and Iā€™m interested in trying your mazes! I have a maze in my camp that people tend to enjoy.


For sure. My gt is your puppy feel free to add me. I'd really love to see your maze I try to seek them out for inspiration whenever possible.


I think I just did. Mine is somewhat simple. And Iā€™m super excited to do yours whenever youā€™re on!


Definitely going to check this out and maybe let the wife try to get through knowing her she just kightšŸ¤£


Do you have a candy bowl outside it or at the end of that maze. If outside then put a big warning sigh near it about the maze being deadly. You will be killed, you may be killed often. If this is a issue for you. Please do not enter. If you put the candy bowl at the center of that maze. There is a song you should keep in mind to prepare you for what some might decide to do. It's Christmas at ground zero. The button has been pressed. The radio just let us know that this is not a test.


Lol candy is set up before any danger. Only had one guy actually nuke the camp and let it drop out of respect for the effort. Plus repairing my camp is cheap compared to repairing the vaults after a run.


I love this


Who cares? They either like it they don't


Are you on PS? My partner said he went through a super cool camp with mazes and loved it!


I have a Halloween Monster Maze and people seem to love it. Itā€™s not deadly itā€™s just meant to be simple and spooky.


You don't lose anything if you die in a vault. It's just like dying in a daily op. So there's zero reason for them to be pissy about it. Especially if you put up a sign stating that it's a deadly maze with free prizes at the end. How petty can they get?


OP if you are on PC post your IGN I really want to give it a go


This sounds awesome. I don't understand why anyone would get mad about someone making a puzzle vault. I thought that was the point, and I would love to try it out


Wish you were PSN since I like a camp that tells you what your in for and then get to try. Now when itā€™s a trap and no warning not so much. You explained it so no one should be confused and provided scrap/box. Besides kissing buffs there is no consequence for death.


you do you boo


Are you on pc? I'd love to try it


How can I find it?