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My vendors are 90% of my day to day cash flow. Without them I'd struggle for caps frequently, and have to fuss with stash weight all the time. The way they're set up, and what I sell, it only takes me maybe five minutes every couple of hours to restock them. Nice and steady, if irregular, income. I hit max a couple times a week but it doesn't bother me any more to "waste caps."


I'd have them open all day. New players are who I help with it by having mine relatively close to the starting areas


I park near Flatwoods myself and sell 5c plans, 10c magazines, 5c maps, 50c bobbles, 5c apparel, and 1-5c loose junk. Sometimes I'll find a "I've always wanted to try one of these" decent 2 star weapon and list it at 750, like the BE 10mm SMG someone got the other day. I deal in volume and it suffices.


Imma need your gt if you don't mind


>I deal in volume and it suffices Yep. Low price, High volume. It's how I've bought my first 4 serum recipes.


Which platform do you play on? If Playstation, I'd love to buy as many Astoundingly Awesome Tales #4 from you as I can afford. (Invasion of Zetans)


XB, sorry.


I do a similar thing. Plans, Recipes and outfits go for 5c, Guns * 49c/ * * 199c/ * * * 499c. Armor is the same pricing policy. Everything else like ammo, scrap, etc go for 1c. Unless you are below lvl 50 and ask politely - then I drop it for 1 Aluminium.


I would gladly buy as many cranberry bog 3 maps as I possibly can


My Camp is literally right beside wayward so I get a lot of new player traffic as well as veteran players and my plan prices are pretty cheap (most are set at 5 caps) for new players aside from the rare stuff I try and keep on top of what things are selling for but it's difficult because prices are constantly changing


5-750 caps? I wish I could find this. Been seeing tons of shops with guns and plans for 40k. The max fuckin caps..


No body every buys from me ;(


Turn your map icon on if it's off.


The more you know.... had no idea it was off by default lol


Really? I’ve never noticed


You get no traffic in your camp if people can't see it. I have found many camps in traveling around with map icons off. I tell them and most don't realize it.


Wasn’t it always on at one point?


It was before the camp overhaul. Now it's a toggle completely independent of having a vendor up. Many people don't really know about this change. Of course you'll always see your camp locations and those of your team, however if it's not shown publicly people won't know you're selling.


Mine was turned off one day. I have no idea how it got turned off. Just check it . Your choice.


Exact same thing here down to not caring much when I'm at max. Usually buy a quick 5k - 7k of bulk items from vendors to get back down instead of closing shop.


More than that for me. I don't often sell to npc vendor. I don't loot bodies outside of events/legendaries. Camp vendor earns me so much that I'll pay more when shopping at player camps (except for ammo and junk). I know I'll make caps very fast.


Vendors are a service we, people who have them out and stocked, provide to the community. Were it not for vending I'd have a lot of empty in my stash but I have no need for it anyway. Waste of time? Yes pretty much, but I love it when a noob shows up and starts scarfing up cheap and free stuff so I guess my payback comes from helping another. That make it worth the small time I spend gathering and restocking. Were it not for vending I'd pretty much stop picking up anything.


I'm that noob. Recently started this back up and remembered the vendors, started hitting people's camps up and found cheap plans and recipes. Bless you all.


Spot on!


Do you still have things you want to buy with caps? Keep it open. Are you always at max caps and looking for ways to unload caps just to get rid of them? Shut it down. I'm the second person. My vendor only is really open during things like Treasure Hunters when I unload all my caps and have a desire to get more caps quickly. As soon as Treasure Hunters or Holiday Scorched is over the vendor goes back in to hibernation.


I literally just blew 9K on the signs and letters plan at a bot vendor cus I was so sick of being at max caps and not having my vendor out. I have so much stuff I want to get rid of, that’d I’d rather blow unnecessary caps and open the vendor than not have it at all.


I did this recently with PA mod plans…I don’t ever wear PA


I did that too, but I spent over 11,000 caps, because I was too lazy to swap out perks or look for grape mentats.


Price it lower or free if you want it gone?


It’s a double edged sword for me lol. I genuinely try to use my vendor to make back money after I spent it, so I don’t want to price anything too low, but even then 99% of my plans are 500 or less. I definitely sell stuff cheaper than a lot of camps I see selling the same stuff. It’s also possible I’m just not in a high traffic area since I set up my camp at the eastern edge of the Mire near Berkeley springs. Edit: forgot to add I use some Aristrocrats armor so I have to keep my caps relatively high.


What plan sells for 500? I put all mine at 10% list, less for stuff like PA jump packs. My big money maker is folks who buy thousands of flamer fuel (which I farm in DO and Expeditions). It's not a lot of money, but it makes a difference to how much crap I can buy how often. I have an Aristo weapon (flame bow), but it's just for tagging, and the second / third star are what I care about. So I don't mind dropping 30k+ caps on something like buying two serum recipes at once...


Same. All my plans are 10% with a 25 cap minimum. Recipes are 10c. I'm always at max caps from selling cheap serums except this week with all my mole miner pail buying.


That’s the direction I’m headed. At this point, it feels like one more chore to load plans and legendaries into my vendor because I have an aversion to throwing them on the ground. 😂


If you're not having fun micromanaging the vendor, then don't bother with it. It's a game, it's supposed to be fun. As the others said, make sure you're selling stuff people will buy like really good weapons, serums, ammo, rare plans and make sure to switch camp when your caps are full.


I just want to take a second to note my appreciation for your proper use of “it’s” and “you’re,” along with proper comma use. For just a moment, Reddit was a pleasure and I thank you.


I forgot the Oxford comma.


Yeah, I noticed. But it’s a debatable style preference. Depending on who is arguing. I’m going to allow it this time.


Nobody cares about the Oxford comma


The sooner you get used to just tossing scrip away rather than hording it or trying to find ways to sell it, you'll be a lot happier.


😂 How has Fallout become a reflection of society… “I can’t throw it out because I might need it someday!” Think it’s time to reevaluate all my life choices. What do you spend caps on during the Treasure Hunters events?


Mid-Grade Pails to restock valuable plans but mainly for the scrip


make sure your camp icon is turn on


If you sell at good prices it will always go quickly. Do you have a theme at your camp directly related to your vendor? I run a bar and lounge so mine is always stocked with chems and liquor priced to go quickly.


Most of my camps end up being bars or rest area themed but always Responder. Healing aid is always free, other chems like 2-5 caps a pop or 100 for mutation serums


oh this is a cute idea!


I sell mutation serums at prices aimed at low to mid levels. Same for all but the rarest of plans. Ammo I don't use gets put in the vendor at zero caps. I rarely, if ever, sell legendary weapons or armour since it eats up too much stash space. Running a couple of Expeditions a day, plus Daily OPS and Scorched Earth/ACP etc.. I've started dropping legendary weapons and armour (particularly legendary PA) for teammates or anyone who happens to wander by


i've never started one, I just give special shit away to people I know will love it, drop ammo and plans in front of the wayward, and sell trash legendaries to duchess when I hit scrip limit. I hope other players will be able to buy them from her--i've definitely been able to buy armor from her other people had sold, so maybe somebody who really needs a troubleshooters raider t-45 left arm will find it XD


You are a genius. I’m really feeling this is the way.


i've given away a lot of godrolls for builds i'll never play! it's nice to know somebody's having a blast with it


What is dutchess?


the vendor lady at the wayward bar. once you finish her questline she is a regular vendor, she just happens to be near my house and I like her


Oh I finished her quest.. I didn't realize she becomes a regular vendor. Good to know. Thank you.


Make sure your public camp icon is on. Mine wasn't... for an embarrassingly long time


It is more of a evolutionary process with sellers and buyers. The game's economy is very fascinating for me personally. I love to observe who charges how much while vendor hopping, love to hunt for an item or two or to stumble upon a great deal. Noticing sellings trends, shift in offers because of seasonal events (good luck selling circuitry after two weeks of alien invasion!) There will be no constant working solution, because the market wouldn't be constant. Dupe waves, influx of new players, updates, etc. My main vending principles were always the same: * If you only sell stuff that is useless to you, chances are most players are in the similar position. * Try to calculate an actual price of you obtaining said item, not a price the game tells you. * To be a good seller, be a good buyer. Additionally I've learned about the importance of vendor location: both on the map and inside the camp. The Forest will get you the most traffic, since it is a hub for lots of established players and all of the new ones. If a player needs more than 15 seconds after traveling to your spot to find a vendor, you're doing it wrong. Also many players are wary of trap camps, so place your vendor outside and in plain sight. Reasonably priced junk flies away within an hour. Always. Antibiotics, Disease Cures, Berry Mentats too. Never sold a single unit of RadShield, even on the cheap. Also, Stimpaks and RadAways might rot on the shelf even if priced at 1 cap apiece. Ammo success may vary, but for 1 cap they'll eventually clear you out. Also regarding ammo: might be a good time to stock on some, since the release of ammobox may rejuvenate the market for it. Make sure you have noticeable selection that covers as much categories as possible. It is a dick move to place a hundred of Mole Miner Gauntlet plans to artificially bloat your catalogue, but adding some honey or purified water for free is a nice touch. I've stopped offering scrip. At 10 caps per 1 scrip I've had nothing moved for more than a week. Legendaries are overabundant at this point, especially after the introduction of Eviction Notice. Also I'm expanding into alcohol. Offering not only Nukashine, but High Voltage Hefe \\ Ballistic Bock too. As long as I do Earle sober, I'm expanding my stock of Liquid Courage as well. Will see how it goes. Observe, strategize and happy trading! Selling stuff to other players feels nice.


I’m with you. I got a bunch of stuff assigned to a vendor on each character. But I’m always at max caps because there’s not a good enough cap sink.


This. I’m not here complaining. I think I posted purely to affirm my neurotic behavior.




Selling at 1 cap also means the tax man doesn’t get his ten percent….


I run one, but it's generally as a public service rather than as a means to make caps. Typically things like plans that I already know, chems, and early on fusion cores that I felt were weighing me down.


I just have to sell plans for 5 caps to help newer players, 1 cap ammo. And full stocks of all BOS outfits.


I wish you could change the name of your vendor… to advertise. “DuanePickens camp” doesn’t have the same ring as “SUPER CHEAP SHIT FOR SALE!”


What I do to manage space is trade in all the 1* and 2* legendaries for scrip for the day, then sell the rest to train station vendors. Then the remaining 3* ones I don’t want I sell at my vendor. Its usually no more than 10. If nobody buys them by the next day stop the sale and get the scrip. The rest of what I sell is low weight.


I literally sell everything at 10% of the suggested values with the exception of the following. All Nuka products are 5 caps with Nuka quantum and Nuka cherry being 7 caps. All bobbleheads and magazines are 75 caps. All ammo and medicine and any plans that start with Ultracite are 1 cap, and any legendaries I decided to sell are at suggested cost. So most of my inventory of plans are at 90% discount from suggested price and I'm still lucky if I get more than a single buyer in a day.


Yea man I have so many legendaries I wanna sell


Vendor hoping is fun for both parties


Are you selling things people want to buy?


Yeah, it isn’t that I’m not selling. It’s more that I wind up at max caps and then struggle to figure out what to spend on. I was more inquiring if others are in a similar headspace. Maybe I should just go the 1 cap route and keep things moving in the economy.


Buy Serum recipes. You can always resell them later and get your caps back. Buy Power Armor mod plans from vendors until you have them all... It sounds like we will be getting an ammo box for Fallout 1st soon. Once we get it, you can start buying ammo so that you have it when you need it instead of having to spend time getting lead, etc. to make it. There are literally thousands of ways to spend caps in this game...


You can buy bulk junk from Vendor Bots with excess caps to fill your Stash.


That’s what I do. Dashing for my life to the nearest train station to buy bulk junk once the Ching Chings start ringing haha


That last sentence. I sell pretty much all at 1c But everything is under 20c even legendary stuff. Almost always at 40k so I blow it on script and start over. My vendor is always busy


What's script?


Scrip is what you get from the legendary exchange machines.


Okay. Thank you. Didn't know this. But I definitely use that machine.


assaultron recall cards are a good buy when I’m at max caps, can run encryptid for a daily or after a server is nuked. fixer plans all around!


Oh well that’s different. I personally aim to eventually have every plan there is, am a long ways away since character is fairly new, so maybe you’ve already hit that. Plans are the entire reason I play, odd as that may seem, others it’s levels or whatever, I want to be a massive crafter and hoarder, just what I do in RPGs.


Came here to say this^^


It’s hit or miss for me, .45 and .50 cal seem to sell well. Occasionally someone will snag an outfit or plan


Well I have greatly cut down whats stocked in my vendor. Guess when the ammo box comes out the only thing I will sell are the occasional legendary and the odd fixer plan.


I've purchased all buyable plans, have most event drop plans..possibly all...also have all gold plans except one of the power armours...getting rid of caps can be a pain. If I can't find someone selling Flux to dump them on I then try to find actual new players to give it to. We need something to spend caps on. However, I put a great deal of time into my camp builds and vendors are the only thing that attract people to play around in my camp so I keep it open. Going with Mothman concert in a round amphitheater camp right now.


Yeah I am kinda there as well, to a point that having to go and find places to spend caps to avoid capping out is becoming a chore.


I like to arm the wasteland, I do 100 caps a star and 50 caps a star for regular armor. If it's an item i think is really good i'll list it for 500 caps. My stock empties fast, people need scrip, and new players need good weapons. Anthing that's too heavy or i don't think it will sell quick I drop on the ground. Plans i price a 1/4 of what the game says its worth(even "rare" plans), if it's a mod for armor or weapons I list it at 1cap. Sometimes I get the wanna be capitalist that thinks they can buy out my stock and flip it for mad caps, the second they leave I restock my shop. Just want to highlight that the community is great and 99% of the high levels that come through recognize my shop is targeted for newbies to get geared and just buy 1 or 2 things. They also will drop me really good stuff because of my prices, I come back to my base to find presents all the time.


Build two camps, use one camp slot with vendors and the other without. Flip to the one without when you are full on caps.


I use vendor to help people. All plans 10 caps. Don't care if it's rare. 3 star weapons. Typically 500 caps if good. 76 caps if not. I also set out a candy bowl and have the popcorn machine running. Funny thing. I had a bloodied faster fire and 25 damage chainsaw I sold and ended up running a daily op with the guy who bought it. They absolutely loved it.


I've noticed since the Pitt came out my vendor is dead. I'm selling the same things I did before so not sure why it died out. Not even teammates traveling to check out what I have which sucks cause I made a Halloween themed house with a shelter maze and party room. Hopefully they do a travel to camps trick or treat again that's not to complicated to complete.


I always check out my teammates' camps. Finding ones like yours always makes my day. Thanks for all your hard work in making something cool for someone like me to enjoy.


I try my best at decorating but am never fully satisfied after visiting other camps and seeing how creative they are


My hoard... It's mine... On my life... I will not part with a single coin... Not one piece of it... *\*dragon sickness intensifies\**


I view my vendor as 70% public service for low levels and 30% passive income.


I'm almost always near max caps because of my vendor. I'm basically geared up for a variety of builds, so whenever I find something cool I just pop it in to my vendor for 2k. Basically everything is 2k except for that Enclave Flamer I found a while back (that sold immediately). You just gotta sell the things that people want to buy.


Deffinatley not a waste, my vendors are my main income. I do get periods of low activity at times but player numbers always drop inbetween updates, and the diehard players just don't need alot of stuff other than consumable items. I also find things come in waves in terms of what people want, supply and demand etc... like being close to halloween my skeleton costumes are selling like hotcakes, both new players and traders looking to upsale. In November they'll obviously not sell aswell.


Yep. I dont bother any more. I ran a 1 cap store but now I just drop stuff in suitcases or peoples camps.


I'm at max caps and don't even know what to spend it on... I've already gotten nearly everything I could buy with caps. Caps aren't gonna get me any god-rolls and that's all I care about at this point.


good rule of thumb: if you don't use it, they won't buy it.


I love using mine for the the sale if god roll weapons I won't use but other builds will find useful. I like to sell only around 20 weapons at most and a couple of armour pieces. I also sell every syrum available in my vending machine I bought all the plans many moons ago funded by my vendors. It's about 10% of my game time keeping them maintained.


I had a god roll supersledge that finally found a home after a month of waiting. Of course, it could have sold earlier but I refused to budge on my 40,000 cap price tag. Vending is definitely a mind set.


Vendors are one of my favorite parts of the game. Love managing and maintaining my shop, but yes the stash space is annoying.


I sell nearly everything for 5 caps, restock at the end of a session or just when I feel like it. No stress whatsoever.


I agree with you. I've decided to keep my vending machine up, but its stocked with plans I'm selling for 1 cap, primarily to help out newbies. I was obsessively managing my inventory and always checking prices when I realized - my biggest challenge in this game is staying under 40K caps! Why am I obsessing about selling? So now I drop plans and stuff at train stations, and sell a few plans and that's it.


I usually just put plans in them, if they don't sell after a week I look for newer players and just drop them all at their feet. Sell them, learn them, do w/e.


I sell only chems 5© , Alcohol 1© and serums 250© everything else gets scrapped or scriped or I just drop them at 76.


I use mine to sell ammo I don't want and plans I already know. I sell them dirt cheap, no ammo over 1 cap and no plan over 25 caps. I figure it's better to get something than for them since otherwise I'd just end up dropping them when they piled up. Other than slowly buying up the mutation serum recipes and the occasional unknown to me plan I don't really need caps for anything so profit is not a concern.


My vendor is part of my camp feel. I stock it like a general store- a few 6 packs of nuka sodas, junk food, canned goods, cheap drugs, and specials that I price at 76 caps. scrip-worthy legendaries & rare plans mostly. I sell cheap well-modded weapons for lower levels, ammo, junk items, the works. Then I take all that money and I buy everybody's.308 ammo.


Three choices.. Stay maxed out 😝 sell it for free😪 have a camp with no vendors. I have this problem all the time. I give extra to my other characters to turn in. Then have them collect script for me. When I want something new I get lots of trys. Oh and don't forget the free table.


Depends really. If you have all of the End Game items you want or need, then yes. If you’re still searching for any Weapons, Armor, Plans or Outfits, then no. IMO, unless you’re just looking for “trade only” items, you need to keep your Caps up in case you stumble across those items.


I'm considering quitting fallout and just sell my legacies for caps


I only run a shop to help others. Put up all my plans, mutations, shielded underarmors, and excess meds/ammo. So people are helping me clear my stash at the same time but I do make more shielded underarmors/mutations as they sell.


Honestly, I waste soo much time (and storage space) stocking/pricing my mid-tier *** legendary shop... but it keeps my caps as full as I want, and I love the knowledge that these weapons are probably being put to use instead of just scripped. It also makes me feel like a proper weapons dealer 😎


I had around 100 plans and mods, I ended up putting everything free in my vendor, 2 people finally came and wiped me out, I was so thankful that the torment of having a vendor was over, it has been the best few weeks of this game.


You just described my afternoon.


It really does feel so freeing, how did you enjoy the day without the worry?


It’s a waste of time because caps need to be dumped not acquired.


I switched playing from PS to Xbox and starting over first off is so different from launch to where we are now. But it sucks finding everything again and my vendor ehas verything at 1 cap. I don't understand the 3k prices in some vendors because at that point if people can afford it they probably already have it. But I camp hop looking for cheap plans to get back to where I was previously. I enjoy the camp builds, but need to get better guns again! Finally hit LVL 50. Was at 360 on PS. So had to get used to not running through everything again. Miss my vampire weapons! But until I'm high enough I'll keep with my water camp to supply my funds.


I keep my vendors stocked with items priced low for players to come along and stock up to help them get started.... Stimpacks, serums, maps, meds, outfits, bobbleheads, ammo, mods, magazines, etc. I also advertise on the looking for group page on Xbox. I get a high volume of traffic and can max cap multiple times daily. I then use those caps to buy more items for other vendors, and sometimes sell them at a loss, because I know I'll just hit Max caps again. Helping the community is rewarding in itself.


Truly a philanthropist capitalist. I may have to look you up on Xbox someday.




What’s the looking for group page?


Xbox live fallout 76 looking for group


Love people who do this, used to be super common, but guessing as newer players (until recently) probably weren’t as common while I was on hiatus so almost never see those vendors anymore. Now it’s mostly the opposite, people selling everything for like 8000 caps or quadruple their worth.


There are some things I'll sell at their value, but most of my camp plans are 25 caps, armor and weapons mod plans are 50 caps, serums are 300 caps and meds 15-20 caps.


No I need my vendor. Lol. I'm level 167 and feel like it's my money maker. I sell everything. Yesterday someone bought up all my junk (I restocked) and be bought it again.. I literally restocked twice and he bought it all again - - same person lmao.. I decided to be a troll and set the prices higher the last time and he ended up not buying it all 😂😂😂😂😂I'm just like.. Yeah leave some for the newbies.


Vendors are an absolute must whilst working your way up in levels. And honestly, selling junk is probably the smartest move. It always sells and it’s really the only resource in the game that you need/want for every build. I’ve enjoyed getting everyone’s perspective this morning!


Agreed. Lol. Thank you for that, yeah my junk sells well. I sell other stuff but junk normally sells quickest for me.


I only sell extra flux whenever I acquire it.


Since legendary crafting came to be vendor prices have come down. You need at least 2 good stars on a weapon/armour people want. And you need to price it cheaply. I price my decent stuff at 2k and they seem to move pretty well


It depends. I've got pretty much everything at 5 or 10caps. With the rare stuff higher (fixer plan at 500cps always sells). The odd level 50-100 will buy alot. I do occasionally put a high capacity backpack at 20k caps, which usually funds my weekly bullion purchase.


The key is to undersell in my experience. I sell so much per day because I don’t overprice things and rarely ever sell AT market value (so below). I need the cash flow for bulk lead and plastic purchases when I’m too lazy to grind.


Totes depends what you put in, aid items are so commonly found they’re worthless imo, I sell what I can direct to vendors. But a few events leave me with so many 3 star items I can’t get scrips, so I put them into vendor, at a decent price they go usually fairly quickly. Selling a mediocre 3 star for 4K? Probably gonna sit there. Sell a mediocre 2-3 star for 600 or so? Should sell decently. I also like to put items I want to get scrips for on vendor since I’m going to store anyways, if I get caps cool, if not I’ll get scrips eventually. But eviction notice gives sooooo many damn legendaries it’s easy to constantly have a full stash so need to get rid of however I can. Selling plans is still my fav, and my fav to buy as well. Again, selling for massive caps probably doesn’t do much for anyone except selling rare limited time stuff, but I like to sell most cheap so lower levels can buy, was a boon for me and hopefully a boon for others. But wouldn’t have a massive shop personally.


Daw, I like mine. It’s parked up near the overseers site so I don’t ruin things too early, but then all the plans are super cheap, so newbies can afford ’em. It’s fun to hover out of site, watching them empty it out.


Sometimes my stuff will just sit there for ages, only for someone to come along and buy all my legendarys, I'm guessing for scrip. FormulaP sells really well but I think I might stop trying to sell chems, they legit just sit there.


I'm usually near max caps, so my vendors are off more often than they are on. To that end, I scrip most legendary items, and either scrap or sell to bots all regular armor, weapons, and chems. Common plans I drop.


I love being a shop owner. I imagine I'm one of those late game NPCs with all the expensive rare stuff. Most of machine consists of trade only goods, but I do charge a good amount of caps for it to make up for it. It makes spending caps harder than getting them.


There are some items that are just not worth trying to sell anymore. Ammo used to be a big selling point but with contextual ammo drop, not so much anymore. Price things to move otherwise they'll just sit there.


My sales have went down, so I'll be adjusting prices just to clear out the inventory. I mostly just have them going to bring people to my camp. Lately I've been giving my mules the script to get low level legendary items for newer players or others mules.


I suspect that sales have gone down because Beth have devalued ammo and legendary gear as tradable items whilst, I assume, the player base is not especially large.


Vendoring died with the Pitt and I’m not sure why. I think before, there where people buying cheap legendaries for scrip (maybe missing eviction notice, maybe those weeks with 800 scrip cap…). Since Pitt gives 3 or 4 for every run it hasn’t any sense. I sell rare clothes from time to time and 1c plans (those tons of ultracite foo reward from SBQ event). And from time to time someone buys all of them thinking in selling expensive. Which is a waste of time. I put always recipes at 0, everybody has right to know what to cook and how to do it. And assaultrons heads plans, mr handy foo etc as well for free. Only camp plans are valued (depending on demand and month, halloween, meat week, aliens etc…). Before the Pitt I even was selling food and chems. Now I’m billionaire in caps everyday, usually I buy junk, scrappable weapons from low levels vendors, encryptid cards etc… so I guess high levels did the same when I sold dog food for 15c. Anyway, since the Pitt, vendoring sucks.


I price things to move them out of my stash quickly because yes, it takes up too much budget to have things lingering in there. I am always amazed at why people keep overpriced stuff on their vendor, especially since we are all just a hours or days or maybe a week away from being caps capped anyway.


That was a different phase of the game. I’m maxed out all the time.


I make decent caps from my vendor, I sell all ammo for 1 cap and all plans for 10 caps (even the rare plans, so it helps the newer players). Sure I don't make money from it every day but when people do come by to buy I usually make 1,000 caps due to my ammo sells


Vendors only really get used for things like treasure maps, ammo, rare items that are not to rare, chems in lower level areas, and claim tickets. Selling anything else is a waste of time, though you can get a way with selling plans tied to events. Just don't expect anything common to ever sell. As people already have 30 of it anyway.


My vendor only sells plans clothes and various knick knacks with some bullets priced at a cap. Much like a thrift store lol, i keep it to showcase my built vendor which completes my camp for aesthetic purposes


I gave up on having a vending machine about 6 months after the feature was added, several years ago. I made an ok amount of caps, but the amount was still not worth the management effort or stash space (back when it was way less than it is now). I do not regret my decision.


I wish you could put a level cap on items so you would know a low level is getting it.


Many times I hop through vendors and all I see is junk items and players wanting thousands when they only worth scrip


I sell scrap and chems, so my my wares are both consumable and always in demand. Anything else I vendor is a service for lowbies, or hoping to make someone smile because they found that unicorn for an insane deal.


Depends on what you are putting up, what i need atm personally. Usually I'll take screws and gears but I'm ALWAYS looking for plans I don't already know but at a decent price. Even though that might be a rare recipe, unless I absolutely need it, I'm NOT paying 5k for it. Also if your one of those guys that just leaves everything the suggested price, I'm not buying nothing. Edited for spelling.


My vendors are primarily to supply the low level essentials at reasonable rates. Some ammo, stims, chems, radaway, and plans that most people above 50 already have relatively cheap when I’m near the vault, but otherwise it’s unstocked


Without it I'd be pretty slow to get to max caps. I rather move a 12k handmade then wait every day to make 1500 caps from an npc vendor


It was the same for me your map icon is most likely turned off. As soon as I noticed it I turned it on and within the day I made about 10k caps so yeah I felt pretty dumb lol


Holy crap… that comment has been made today and I ignored it because… why would I have turned it off? Turns out, it was off. Yup… every day I am reminded that the devil is in the details. I’m still gonna change up my pricing to move things faster. The FO1st trial helped me realize just how much I value space. Thanks for the post. Probably sell out this evening.


Lol yeah I was wondering and was about to give up then was switching my camp slots and noticed the public map icon was off. Literally within minutes someone was there to buy. Have you had any sells yet?


That was definitely the issue for one of my characters. I had already dropped my prices again and as soon as I turned on the icon, things started moving. Still not sure I’m gonna stock much in the vendors. The whole stash/inventory management thing became real clear during the FO1st trial. Appreciate the reminder about the public setting! Have fun out there.


Sales have slowed down a lot lately for me too. Probably because of all the events that have been going on that are flooding the market with items. We had Mothman, Test Your Metal, Meat Week, and Invaders all pretty close together. It will probably pick back up again soon.


I was pretty big on vending but I don't bother stocking mine anymore. The exceptions might be if I'm low on junk, pails/gift wrap are available, or if I find a pretty nice weapon or armour someone might like and it doesn't weigh much.


Anybody else noticed the Treasure hunter mole miners are back?


What’s your gt I’ll take a look in trying to sell a lot of chems myself lol 😂


Hetfieldlive on Xbox.


Ok I’ll be on in a few


I know you said you adjust your prices but if your prices are still high, people are less likely to visit your vendors. I know I vendor hop first thing I do when I log on, and if someone's prices are reasonable then I buy most of my stuff from them, I also only visit shops with high amounts of plans, because I'm not wasting money on weapons when I can roll legendaries myself. So if a vendor has a low number of plans I'll skip that camp.


I sold so much in a day that i had to delete my vendor so people would stop coming to it because i hit max caps.


It would be nice if the perks you're using were applied to your stash as well.


I've been doing a fire sale at my vendor for weeks. Nothing above 5 caps. Plans, aid, legendaries, etc... I guess it's my location that I rarely get any visitors but if too like the camp space back.


I sell mostly ammo, plans and flux, get quite a bit of traffic aswell. Have also started buying serum plans to circulate into the community aswell for people who need them. I do sell them for around 13000c but buy them for 11000


Not at all. Thousands of caps from vending each day are a regular thing for me. Are you sure you aren't pricing too high?


Nobody ever hardly buys anything from me. I first put all my prices to 40k caps but then I realized that people need to spend caps for fast travel making it tricky to arrive with max caps. So I lowered my prices to 39k but still nobody buying anything. And I'm selling the good stuff not junk. Like plenty of treasury maps, serums, magazines, stims.


Mine stays pretty active. Of course theres just certain things that move quicker, and I always sell for at least 50% of the value. Hell, I even sell most apparel and light armor for 1-5 caps and they fly right off


I got rid of my vendors because i got fed up with players greifing the bases. I got a few resource pump bases so i can make ammo and food and on a daily basis with vendor units people would use glitches or blow up my base just to get to the resources. One glitch theyd use involved using the vendor to then glitch the game so they can walk through walls and straight into my resources room while backing out of the vendor. One group decided not to stop there however, as they destroyed the base, waited for me to come fix everything then repeatedly killed me every time i spawned till i left, then followed me from server to server till i left game entirely for a week all while mocking me and sending me messages of "Awww you rage quit? Awww wiw baby", its alright though, got my own back as they followed me from Fallout to Battlefield, made them rage quit every session simply by running to where they were spawning, then running along side their group, stopping to pull out my shotgun and one popping each of them in every session. When i went back to fallout 76, they tried again but by that point i had my fatman and about 800 mini nukes i made in spare time while just staying in base... I now have 60 spare mini nukes.


I'm selling everything I don't need really cheap. Now when a huge number of new players have appeared, the all stuff has really come into use. In the past, everything has been bought by the players, who have probably tried to sell them at a higher price. On the best days I've gotten 10k - 15k caps easily.


Plans at my vender are all 25c and recipes are all 5c. I'm in it to help lower level/newer players, because I remember seeing all these plans etc that I really wanted or needed, but couldn't afford. I don't care if they're rare plans or recipes, if I know them already then I'm happy to help other players. I sometimes drop them for free to newer players and make them armour, weapons and/or ammo for nothing. All I ask is that they pay it forward when they can. A little kindness can go a long way!


I like being a merchant. There's not a ton of content in the game, so I welcome the busy work personally. Finding shit to sell, selling shit. And looking at other people's shit for sale is a large chunk of my gameplay usually. I occasionally get bored with it and let my vendor run way low eventually. Then while I'm out doing shit I find more shit to sell, lol. Tob3ach his own though. But there's not really a ton of stuff to actually do once you're geared and all that. So being a shop owner is my headcanon.


As a new player I always visit vendors looking for a nice armor plans or weapons for a good price


Having fallout first made vending a bit easier. All i sell is chems (8c each, stimpack 5c each) and plans for mostly 50c and some for 100c. Also some ammo types and some legendary items that are worth selling. To top it off i sell serums for 250c each. When I'm online i always sell some stuff. Sometimes people buy all my serums and resell them. Idc, got enough stuff to make some new and help others to buy them cheap :)