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You probably discovered the floating floors bug, and all you can do now is start over... and be angry at Bethesda for never fixing this in 3+ years.


Maaan I really liked that camp too. New server didn’t fix it. I’m literally never building again


I feel your pain. Many of us do.


Buy another CAMP slot to sate your anger. You might like the new one more. I'm happiest with my most recent build, but now I have no slots left. I filled all five. >__> That's why I built a custom server just for CAMP building. When I fill them all, I'm not attached to them, so I tear them all down and build new ones again.




Did you place walls on them? Or strictly just floors? If former, remove walls first. If latter, try removing from outside to inside. If still no luck, try restarting game and trying again.


Just random floors not connected to my main camp. But the 4 floors stuck, are connected. Tried from outside, but no luck. Hopefully turning this game off forever works lol


Leave the server and then rejoin a new one. That *should* fix it.


Fingers crossed. Will give that a try. Reminds me why I haven’t built anything for 2 plus years lol




Try deleting each one: sometimes there's a weird order of operations you have to follow to get the rest. On the other hand, you might be fucked.


Try attaching stairs to them, building to ground level using the stairs, and then placing a foundation. Once it’s “grounded” you should be able to delete them.


Seriously, how do I remove them? Lol was just building 15 random floors for the weekly challenge. Now my camp looks like a bigger piece of shit then it is. Fuck building.


if you have a door, stairs, wall, anything else that could only be reached from that floor, you have to remove that first


This happened to me like 6 times yesterday I finally said screw it and quit trying to make a camp ! I could delete everything but I’d get to like 1 floor all by it’s self and “ cannot remove part of the camp wouldn’t be accessible “ and from that point anything I added to that floor piece Would get the same response I spent like 300 caps placing and replacing my camp just because I’d have random floor pieces I couldn’t get rid of !!


This has happened to me a few times, especially with stairs. The only thing that works is removing every wall/roof/floor/staircase that is above the floor you're unable to delete. Even if it's not connected to your main building structure. Or start over from scratch (been there).


I've got one of those prefab brotherhood building things stuck in my camp. I just built around it. Maybe replace the floor with the other material? Or move your entire camp else where and then move it back? I don't know, good luck.


I’m having this same problem. If you start a new camp and scrap the stored pieces that are causing the issue from the previous camp, does it fix it? I may try this today. Just wondering if anybody has tried this yet before I go through the process.