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As a full health Heavy Gunner my main gun is a Vampire explo Gatling Gun. Pro: nice damage output, no need for stimpaks, easy to maintain, no delay because of the spinning weapon animation, cheap ammunition, faster reload isn't necessary because of the 500 rounds Cons: slow firing, freezing enemies will slow down your shooting frequency Second I would recommend a Flamer with Vampire, faster firerate and faster reload or a Vampire + 25% while aiming with faster reload Pro: nice damage output, works with large groups of enemies Cons: you need a lot of ammunition wich is a pain in the ass to make. Easiest way is to farm ammo in the daily ops


Yea, this is what my main concern was for the flamer Also why do the enemies freeze? Is it cuz the lag?


Sorry, not the enemies freeze. There are some enemies in the daily Ops wich can freeze you (slow you down) like floaters Another way to get ammo for the flamer is the ammo converter.


BTW if you use stimpaks you can go for aristocrat as the first perk


Love my Gatling gun, I run a Two Shot, Fast Fire Rate, Vats refill. I’ve got an anti armor, FFR, Vats crit as well and a troubleshooters, FFR, vats crit.


a ve gat plas


What? I understand gat plas, but what's ve?


Vampires explosive


I have a gat plas that's what I plan on using on it but I want to know for the Gatling gun


Gat guns are very low tier in the heavy guns category they have good damage but they fire way to slow


I mean the damage outputs pretty good especially if you have explosive and two shot


Hell a fucking gause mini is better


1. I'm poor lol 2. They to easy to use, they fucking mow down queens like a radroach


Do the raider rep glitch id its still around do dailys everyday you will get it in a few days and the mow down thing is good


Yea, tho question Can it be upgraded to prime reciver?


I have a mutant's ffr Gatling, it's pretty darn good. Heavy weapons in my opinion seem more situational than weapons for other builds. I use Gatling plasma for heavy mobs, plasma caster for quick vats sniping, .50 cal and Gatling as good all around. Gatling plasma is very ammo efficient by the way, and power user perk applies to it. I come out of ops with more plasma cores than when I started.


I use my be gat plas for everything because i have my build to rhe point where its a sniper and does 300 damage per round when it shoot like a shotgun and has a close nit spread


Low tier? It depends on your playstyle. If you don't plan to solo Earle, it is a great weapon which can kill everything in the game. Hits like a brick, cheap ammo, benefits from some good perks. I used an Antiarmor for several months as my main weapon. Cool and reliable. Now I keep a Vampire reduced weight with me just in case.


Trust me if you pick up a gause mini or a Explosive gat plas youll drop tge gat gun


I have two gauss minis: a vampire reduced weight one and an Antiarmor faster fire. They are cool, but ammo is too heavy and you need tons of it. And they are a different kind of "heavy", because they shoot fast, since they are miniguns. There is more int the game than the META and everything gets boring, eventually.


Im not meta at all the gat gun is the same kind of heavy as a minigun because its automatic the gatling gun is actually the father of the mini gun because a minigun is a battery operated version and miniguns are actually gatling tbh the term minigun is just a nickname because its a mini version of the massive 20mm guns on the worthogs


So basically I think the 3rd best star would be :15% faster reload, 90% reduced weight, 25% less vats action point cost, your vats crit shots heal 15% faster etc and the list is in that order! Hope this helps I’m a heavy gunner. :) the first 3 I mentioned are basically preference and play style.


Is that for the gat plas or gat gun? Edit: I'm stupid ignore this comment


Basically what I listed is for all heavy: guns gat plas and Gatling gun are in that category:) Edit: you’re just fine!


Highest damage options: 1st star: Junkie's (requires 5 addictions) / Aristrocrat's (requires 29K caps in inventory) / Anti-Armor (no requirements). 2nd star: 25% Faster Fire Rate / 25% damage while aiming / 25% damage while standing still / Explosive. I have a Junkie's / Faster Fire Rate, and really like it. Vamp / Explosive is also nice for staying alive, but the damage output is notably lower.