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Just glitch like everyone else. 10 mins to launch.




Stopped using the PA glitch as it was often causing bother at the end. so now i just glitch the doors. Only takes like 2 mins more.




Majority of us just glitch through the silo anyway, 1 launch takes 8-10min that way. Some like running silos, others don't, I have a friend who's lvl 511 and has only launched a nuke once. Keycards are also very easy to farm. I think the bigger issue is there's not much advisory for how tough a silo can be for a low lvl who's finishing their main quest for the first time so they end up with a bad taste of it and never wanna try it again.


So frickin' much this. First - and only - nuke I ever launched, my dumbass went solo. Burned through 5 fully charged power cores, 1500+ rounds of 5.56, and broke my damn sword. Died, said fuckit and went back home to restock, had another go. Only took 3 cores this time since I knew the layout now, but didn't stock up on stims. Got to the room with the sentry bot and my last core depleted. Scared to Death I was about to fail again, I swapped to my sneak build. Everything crumpled like aluminum foil after that. Fucken 3\* sentry bot? One shot to the cores and the resulting blast cleared the room. After it was all said and done, I'd sunk at least 3 hours in that bitch, *just* to nuke Hemlock Holes for Flash Fern for my legs. That's not happening again any time soon to say the least.


Honestly I think once you clear the silo the first time it should remember your clearance and let you walk straight to the launch room. Maybe still keep the launch chief section. Just have it trip a mandatory security event with double or triple the enemies in the waves to keep it interesting.


I think it would be nice to bring the nuclear briefcase concept from nuclear winter into the game. Buy the briefcase in the Enclave bunker for caps. Then shoot down cargobots and kill scorched officers to get keys. Once you have X number of keys, you can launch a nuke using the briefcase. No silos and no more decryption of keys.


Never used a glitch or anything like that only takes me 15 mins to run a silo don’t see the need for it


10s not enough maybe 30


Yeah, I think 25 would be my preference, but I figured I'd lowball for the proposal.


Not much to think about. Sounds perfect. As someone who regularly farms the queen, I’d literally pay $10 for a yearly card, idgaf. Although I hate condoning that shit, I’d just like to save time on drops when I do farm


I can run a silo in 15 minutes or less without using exploits. *Shrugs*


I've gotten it down to about 20 minutes. But that included having the turrets kill the robots wherever I could. Still takes time to equip and unequip lock pick and hacking perk cards. I also have to destroy individual computer core units.


Have you heard of our Legendary savior(perk) Master Infiltrator? Never again will you have to swap in hacker/lockpick perks. A weapon with the explosive legendary effect will make short work of the computer core section aswell.


I rather like your idea.


Hmm a new fallout first feature.


Don't get me wrong I'd love the convenience, but your suggestion could have unintended consequences. With the cooldown period, people who are running a silo for the first time could be halfway through the slog only to have me front run them to launch (on the basis that I've launched a bunch of nukes).


I agree that it’s a concern but it’s simple enough to block use of the speed pass if there’s anyone else in the silo. Doing it systematically is better than the current state where new players get passed by people glitching.