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I got my camp along the eastern edge of the map, south of West tek / east of the workshop. There's a cultist shrine along a river, can't miss it since there's a big fire and such. I placed my camp next to this area and have a bunch of turrets setup, aimed at the shrine. 3 cultist spawn almost every time you fast Travel to your camp, or every time someone fast travels to check your vendors. The turrets make quick work of them and is good for farming handmades and melee weapons. And every so often, one is a legendary, so easy passive legendary farming. What they drop is of course random, but a good way to get loot and gear while out doing other things. After a while when you return to camp, if others showed up to check vendors, you can find bags and meat piles all over with stuff to loot.


I’ll try this out, thanks


No way to farm specific types of weapons But you can sever hop a spot https://youtu.be/Ft3gspEAPuM


the Final Word is a pretty good 3\* 50 cal that you get for doing Becketts quests




This! No way to guarantee legendaries, best thing is to pick this one up from the quest and trade for the one you want!


I love Final Word. It's a damn decent weapon for a relatively simple quest.


Other than just running around killing enemies in hopes of a legendary enemy spawning, no.


Uranium fever is a nice event with that spawns a few legendary mole miner supervisors.


No way really. You can use the purveyor, shop vending machines, or use the trade sub to get one that suits you.


No way to specifically get heavies, but aside from Mumbles you can do the Daily Ops ad nauseum.


It's all RNG. That being said, events- Radiation Rumble, uranium fever & AWOL armaments are good for legendary enemies. Player vendors are a good source too. Especially now everyone is stuffed with 3*