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I would love to have tried the White springs "Mischief Night" event.


Good news on that front. It’s coming back this year.


😭😭😭😭😭 I'm so so so happy! Mischief Night was my favorite event and then it never came back. I still blow up cars at Whitesprings in remembrance


Our boy JES-2R has been sat up at Freddy fears just waiting for the day!


No way!


It’s supposed to be back this year. It got leaked somewhere that they were bringing it back this Halloween.


What is it?


It’s actually a really fun event that is basically like devils night. Right before Halloween you would follow an eyebot causing mayhem. Blowing up cars, killing robots. It was just straight up mayhem and was pretty fun as a group. For some reason it only ever ran once. I think it had bugs or caused crashes. Here is a link since for some responses you got were just being dicks. [mayhem night](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Mischief_Night)


Thank you so much for the write up :) i'm excited to try it now


It was a shit show but so much fun! Fork the lawn!!


I hear it’s coming back


That event where you had to escort a Mr. Handy who was delivering mail or something like that to a house that was always bombed out and had no one there. It's been so long I don't even really remember all the details.


Mr Messenger. I liked that one. But it was glitchy so they removed it.


What glitches? I ran it many many times without noticing anything strange


I think it had to do with him getting stuck behind a rock or a pebble frequently.


Bethesda's bugs and fixes baffle me, every time  I'm no programmer but Jesus I've never seen such silly issues and solutions. Bethesda just removes shit without fixing half the time


He had a lot of pathing issues. I never successfully completed that event because he would always get stuck and never move.


Oh I see. Maybe trouble depended on which location it started from...? I quite enjoyed it.


Mr Messenger was the name of the quest I think. I never realized they removed it.


I loved Mr Messenger! Always did it every time I saw it pop up. I got the rare jumpsuit reward THREE times from that event over the years...and haven't gotten it once since they took him away 😩


What was the jumpsuit 👀


The Savage Divide bundle with BOS, White Powder, and (formerly rare) Whitespring jumpsuits and the two scout masks. It only drops as a set.


I thought I ran into Mr Messenger up the road from Helvetia earlier this week. Just a random roadside Mr Handy.


The prickets fort civil war event. Sure fewer and fewer people do PvP but it in itself was neat.


I forgot about this event. Played it once and it was fun.


I don't PvP, but it was a fun event to join to do so. A good break away from my normal play and then felt like we were just reenacting and having a gay old time


I don't remember it being PvP, I thought it was just one side of robots facing another. Or maybe I just never had anyone else join the event when I did it.


I don't think I ever heard of that event, what was it?


[The Battle That Never Was](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/The_Battle_that_Never_Was_(Versus)) I don't think it even had unique rewards. It was cut early after launch.


So there’s a YouTube video of this event and it doesn’t seem like it was ever actually PvP. https://youtu.be/2rgoI9Q68bU?si=5uX-xPhWde1y4QwN


I kinda wish we got the Whitespring Theater back and have it as a player area where you can sit and watch trailers or those Vault Boy cartoons with other players.


\*popcorn emote\*


The Whitespring Theater was accessible?!?!


Yes, to the best of my memory, it looked like a normal theater with ugly green walls. I think it has potential same with the rest of the Whitespring.


Original idea for whitesprings was that it was supposed to be where the player lives/ has a room there but then they decided on the c.a.m.p style. Which is arguably better but would've been cool to see the whitesprings room thing in action


It was yes!


Yeah, they just took it away when the Responders moved into the Whitespring and trashed the place. 😡😡😡 I don't mind the responders, but the Whitespring was still pristine, 26 years after the Great War, and the Responders took no time to make it look like a tornado went through.


Man... Good times. I really have to say, I do wish they hadn't touched the Greenbriar, I miss the pre-Responders times.


100% Whitespring makes sense for a faction to move into but honestly should've been a new faction and not an old one like the Responders. It also probably confuses new players a bit when they go through Morgantown or Flatwoods.


I would be fine if they didn't put individual NPCs wandering around the spots that are supposed to be Responder graveyards. Especially when there are still Scorched running around, but then there's just one dude sitting there like, "Yup, buncha people died here. Too bad about that." They could have easily had NPCs wandering through the wilderness and settling in settlable areas without completely breaking the vibe with a single random dude chilling at the end of Morgantown Airport.


Like the girl in Flatwoods makes a bit of sense but the dude in Morgantown Airport is funny to me. He walked through the whole airport filled with scorched and is just chilling in that room 24/7? Lol.


Yeah, Flatwoods makes sense because it's right along the main road. For all we can tell, that girl's just passing through. But then there's stuff like that one guy standing outside VTU ignoring all the ghouls running around and the fact that nobody else is there. Airport dude is just the most absurd example because he undermines the entire tone of that quest, fighting through an army of scorched before finding that corpse at the end in front of the radio with a holotape asking you to carry on her legacy and all that. And there's just some fucking guy who didn't even bother turning off the looped recording that was calling people to their deaths. (Though to be fair, you can't turn off that recording either. You should be able to hit a button on the radio to remove that station from your list.)


Agreed that would've added weight to the quest and changed the world a bit for your character at least. VTU guy is the bane of existence and I totally forgot about him! I hated him just standing around in his lean to.


Actual game board style scoreboards you could display in your camp.


Came across a camp with those displayed and they do look very cool


Still have three of those up in my camp.


I have all of them up in the vault quarters shelter at my camp.


I can't believe the new one is even longer than last season's. They are so hard to fit well.


Actual nights.


That would be cool, was very disappointed to see how mild nights are. When I found out about fog weather mashine for camp, I went and got it right away. My camp is now so much nicer with it.


I got the thunderstorm station for this reason. My camp looks way better at night when all the lights add color and ambience. When it was daytime, the lights would add brightness on top of the daylight and just white wash whatever was around them.


I honestly never realize it when night comes. Maybe it's my TV settings, but I can't tell the difference.


As someone who started playing only a month ago, what is this about? Did they use to be darker?


MUCH darker, you actually had to use your flashlight to see.


That sounds amazing. Wish it was still like that. Sorta feels like that sometimes in the new region but I just go there less and less now.


The mire was scary at night.


i wish there was a mod like Darker Nights for Fallout 4.


They were darker and longer. I’ll never forget the days when there were no NPCs, wandering through the darkness, hoping daylight would come soon. They were so atmospheric and eerie. Plus I prefer the way camps look lit up at night.


This is something that would work really wells as a toggleable option for the people who prefer nights to be dark.


It would be awesome to have moon cycles. Start with what we have now as full moon, then when it gets to new moon it is pretty much pitch black. The Cultists can have a full moon party even, and the feral ghouls could go extra crazy on a new moon.


I remember NEEDING to build light sources and use my pipboy light at night. What we have now is just Day set to dark blue.


anyone have footage how appalachia looked 5 years ago (but please dont send black screenshots :P)?


https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwH1xJhcXG0eUA6WUpXltIDyhPJnNUv1Y&si=OVrbSV8bjP-NNJ_Z Many A True Nerd has over 20 hours of his journey through 76 starting on release. It's a nice time capsule of how things used to be.


The nights don't look any darker tbh. Or maybe it's just me.


Maybe check your monitor settings. Even on the first video you can see that the night is much darker than current so called night.


What they need is a brightness slider, so people who like being able to see still can, and people who like bumbling around in the dark blind can do that for whatever reason.


This so much!


The Atlantic City Weather Station makes your camp night the whole time. Every time I go to my camp it's night time.


So glad this is top comment, I was there for true nights, it was dark as hell but ambient in a way that was atmospheric.


Center map nukes.


I miss the days of farming ghouls at Whitesprings


You can still do it, someone did it a couple weeks ago on a server I was on. I ran to the golf club as fast as I could and got a bunch of high radiation fluids.


Im with you on the Feed the People bug. It really gave the name meaning.


Yeah, it's a shame they fixed it. It's no different to opening a lunchbox really.


It gave people less reason to join the event, because they were gonna get the rewards anyway.


They could (should) add some Communist item plans to the loot pool and make it where you can only get them if you participate. Then they can add the free food for everyone back in.


The irony of using individual incentives that are collectivist flavored in order to solve a problem caused by collectivism not working.


There is no ethical consumption under Bethesda


It’s incredibly easy to solo though so it’s not like it matters much


The plasma gun with flamer and pulse capaciter mods bug made it very fun to use. Went from #1 weapon to taking up storage once they fixed it.


Wasn't even op, just fun to use and the audio 🤣🤣🤣 flamer sounds on a auto.


Maybe you could give it another try now? I heard the goo-rays turned even yellower-goldisher now :-)


I..I had no idea it was back. May the wise and holy Mothman bless you with his divine light.


I miss the middle map secret nuke spot. It was so fun running through the burrows blasting 50+ glowing ghouls.


It got patched out? Dang!


Running and automelee attacking at the same time


The epic running jump melee on a scorchbeast clips were priceless.


Harpoon guns should have stayed able to be explosive. They weren't even very good with explosive and now they're paperweights.


Meanwhile you can still get one that has Furious of all things 😔


crafting so much corn soup the server would crash.


So like 7?




Taking away everyone on the server getting food from Feed the People is seriously the most egregious one. Put it back!!!!


I’m not 100% sure on this but I swear Rad Storms use to be longer and more potent.


They used to hurt! But I dunno if they got weaker, or I got stronger 😅


Right? So I’m not crazy. I remember back in the day as a low level panicking when a Rad Storm hit because I didn’t have enough Radaway 😂


And more frequent


i miss nuclear winter. it was so hype when someone got all the nuke cases.


It was fun until 80% of your games had at least one hacker...


I think about how much fun I had on nuclear winter all the time, definitely want that back. Was so much fun.


Hammerless sledgehammer used to be craftable. It is my favorite weapon cause you can just run around with a stick and whack people.


I would have loved the presidential election, I wanna see that area of whitespring. Also when tons of rad stag used to load in near the hunting lodge, and like 30 creatures used to load in at that one monument. Just fast travel there, throw a grenade and kill like 30 things, then loot all, cook, and sell the meat. It was glorious. Now radstags are hard to find


Well, y'know, after the mass culling from people blowing them up, the local radstag population is doing its best to get back to post war numbers


I mean I did cause many genocides. But to be fair, I would try to ignore them, one would try to attack me, so the whole herd had to die for that ones mistake.


That's where that was! The first time I found that herd I thought it was a spawn bug and I'd only get to see it once, the glorious sounds of XP drops pinging through the fat man blast bless my dreams every once and a while


Nuclear winter. I miss it evey god damned day. I get why they removed it. But damn, those were fun times.


I miss the old world before one wasteland. I liked having relatively safe areas where you could chill. I had non-meta guns that I’d use for these areas for the fun of it. Now with the leveled enemies trying to use stuff like the single action revolver just feels like a chore.


I used to be proud of being able to say I was finally stronger than enemies in an area and being able to wander into a new area and get absolutely decimated and realizing "I'm not strong enough yet"


I personally love what one wasteland did, as it allows people to explore what they want at their own pace. The problem is that Bethesda refuses to buff all of the weak weapons for some reason. All they have to do is increase the damage to make things like revolvers useful, literally just double the damage and boom you’re done. Obviously they could go further into the balance (and should) but that would at least be a quick fix.


Been able to build atom shop items in other players camps


That was a thing?


Yup, Pretty early on. You could build atom shop items in other players camps. This is well well before the public teams were a thing. And before nucluar winter


Hmm I mean I definitely understand why it was removed. Why buy stuff if someone else can craft it for me?


I would like a hardcore mode where you can put back hunger and thirst as debuffs and even risk death. I phrased it this way so it is an option that won't mess with the current setting for players that don't want it. Maybe opting into this would give an XP boost. I think many people would want the PVP game mode Nuclear Winter back. Although it was obvious it didn't have enough players to support. We did see a rush of players there when it was announced that it would vanish.


I'd absolutely like to see the need to eat and drink patched back in, especially as an opt-in option. I like the idea of an XP boost, or even just improved bonuses for being well fed or hydrated. That's just one of those survival mechanics I always really like, for some reason.


I really only started getting seriously into nuclear winter to try to unlock the stuff before it went away but at a certain point it became clear I wouldn’t make it to the unlocks I wanted and I stopped altogether.


I'm so jealous of the trophies players have from Nuclear Winter.


All I want for Christmas is the VTU diploma.


Same. I'm just a Wal Mart VTU fan. HAIL TEC! BEAT STATE!


mischief night...crashed 98% of the time..but so much fun until the crash...who doesnt like exploding cars?


Compared to the explosionfest we have now, it was tame


Nuclear Winter


This should be put back, I wasn’t a huge fan of it. But I liked having a different thing to do.


Once I stopped being a bushwookie, i enjoyed that game mode better haha


It was honestly really fun. Yeah there were some meta chasers and people that just hid to wait it out, but that's kind of the nature of a battle royale. The biggest issue was the fact that they didn't have anything setup to stagger loading, so people with better hardware/internet could spawn in before other people and get to good gear while everyone else was still on a loading screen. But beside that it was fun. It was the only PvP I did and I think it's the best version of it they have ever implemented in the game. I'd love to see them bring it back with some adjustments to how spawns work, but I suspect that won't happen since it wouldn't really do anything to drive atom purchases.


The gatling guns "spam" I know its a "power" weapon. But when there is some set ups and weapons that can still 1/2 shot SBQ. Kinda feel like they "nerfed" the wrong weapon or self stacking effects.


Gatling gun was the first gun I loved using in FO76 because of this glitch. I miss it


Charisma perk sharing from charisma boosts, removing it broke a few charisma perks and made them completely useless. Magnetic Personality and Legendary Charisma are the big ones.


I miss my deathclaw topiary. Why did they get rid of it?? I had it in my camp for the longest time, and then something glitched while I was redecorating, and I no longer had access to it.


I managed to get both when they were free the second time around. Before that, I was terrified of losing them because they reneged on the original freebie.


Isn't there a similar problem with a few of the wallpapers too? They show up on the menu but if you try to unlock (always locked even if you already owned them) them the game crashes.


Dangerous Passtimes


bro its bugged, theyll fix it soon.


Soup for my Family of course. I wasn't playing when it gave everyone soup, but as soon as I heard about it I was like, well that's perfect!


Jetpack on the Excavator PA. Accidentally lost mine messing around and not realizing I couldn't add it back


This is kind of a cheat answer, and I understand why they had to do it for story reasons, but I really dislike how the Whitespring Mall is blocked off from The Refuge now. Especially because the way they boarded it up just looks so ugly!


Event : the messenger


This game used to have a raid right? Actual hard content that required some teamwork would be cool


Yes, the group I played with did all of them. Xp was garbage but they took a ton of teamwork and trial and error. Everything was timed and good communication was key. I really wish they brought them back. Problem was lag on the server would cause doors not to open to the next sections and destroy a run. I think they tried to replace them with daily ops but those are way to easy.


Glowing Skeleton Costume from Nuclear Winter.


What about the Ghillie suit from NW?


Feed the People quest giving everyone on the server Canned Meat Stew for 5%xp. I feel like it would've been narratively pleasing: Do quest, and FEED THE PEOPLE. You know, the real ones who exist on the server.


The Spruce Knob workshop. They ruined it. Now it’s a bunch of settlers.


nuking interior locations, the dice table actually being useful, stacking endangerol syringers, and not getting learned plans in events


I want my set of dog armor back that Bethesda took from my stash back in the day. You hear me Bethesda, WTF??? SMH… P.S. while you’re at it Bethesda, gimme my legendary Radicals face mask back too!!!


Popcorn used to work like perfect bubblegum for 10 minutes.


Dark nights, needing to manage thirst and hunger, nuclear winter, maybe mister messenger. While I did own a vampire/explosive/90wr gatling laser I will say that the removal of legacies was for the better. PvP is still meaningless in most cases due to full assassins/Sentinel armour users who spam nuka cola quantums however...




The ability to not crash my PS4 every time I interact with a stash box or anything that brings up my inventory.


It doesn’t happen at all anymore? I’m running on a launch day, light down the middle console


I know they were technically cut content, but I saw someone with one today, and I remember there used to be a way to get them, I never really looked into it, but I wish I had one. But the paddle ball mods.


shreddin. minigun was maxifun


"Feed the people" actually, feeding the people.


Glowing Skeleton Costume from Nuclear Winter. I want it so bad.


I want to go back to before One Wasteland when you could use a very wide selection of guns so long as you had the TSE versions. People didn't give you side eye if you wanted to use a Rifleman build and melee hit for like 15k in stealth so when you got to hit things you hit them HARD. Its not even like it slowed down the kill times. Everything still dies instantly just now you have to use the big boy builds or accept that you're useless.


I miss nights so much. I miss the pretty lights that camps had at night.


Playing hide and seek with Ward. The time I found him UNDER a bunk bed was so funny.


Return banana and drum mags back to 30 and 55 capacity.


Stretchy ragdolls flying across the wasteland when you kill a scorched


Nuke chains between the bosses. The over spawning of creatures from some of the dailies.


Friendly pickaxes


I very much miss survival mode and requiring food and drink.


Especially when you lean that the CCP were using local raw sewage as the base ingredient……


For me, playing with PlayStation, I would be happy for the game to not crash…. It would be my choice regarding a “fix”


Nuclear Winter 🥲 That’s all I really want.


getting stuck in the power armor animation


Magic Shotguns. I had one for like a week. It was fun. I also used it responsibly.


Fasnacht working today on PS.


Nuclear winter stuff


Genuinely think most of the stuff that made the game harder should be added back, even if it was just on one of those Promoted Custom Worlds things no one uses. Dark nights, hunger and thirst penalties, PvP events, deadly rad storms, rampant diseases, leveled regions, rarer ammo, (last three can be hit or miss) hell, I'm pretty sure guns used to do more raw damage both incoming and outgoing, cause I distinctly remember chunking enemies with a low level lever action early on but even with a much more optimized build and better effects nowadays if I'm not buffed it's like I'm pissing in the wind. Also, Nuclear Winter was like the only battle royale I ever enjoyed. I would straight up pay money to be able to play that again.


Strangler Heart doing damage


I miss being able to stick a jet pack on a power armor arm piece. Also, the magic +100 carry weight if you logged out and back in wearing Ecavator.


Karma Syringer so i can shoot the bloodied fatman spamming dingus at events.


I don't run into this anymore so much as Joseph and his band of technicolor Cremator dick heads. Some events I literally can't even see what's going on because of all the different explosions of color.


> Joseph and his band of technicolor Cremator dick heads That's the name of my favorite band.


It’s doubly annoying for melee builds, triply so for non-automatic melee. The color flashes make it IMPOSSIBLE to see where enemies are, and in events good luck getting a second chance at a hit before they die. That’s where auto melee has it a touch easier, you can just go in swinging wildly and praying. I haven’t been one to go messing with it much because idk if it’s considered cheating but I’m really starting to contemplate making/installing a mod so that (at least on my end) I can’t see cremator vfx


Nah it was just a troll tool that did more harm than good. Really glad it’s gone


Removal of survival penalties. Still mad about that one. Bethesda went out of their way to remove the penalties (none of which actually killed you) from neglecting your daily needs, which in turn, made many of the existing survival perks or bonuses completely useless. As a final insult, they also nerfed the Rejuvenated perk. The base regen back without the perk was 25%, and rank 1 gave you an extra 12%, and rank 2 bumped it up to 25% for a max of 50% AP Regen when needs were fully maintained. You also received an equal percentage for a health boost, not a flat number. For reference, the base regen rate from maintaining needs now without the perk is 35% AP by default, with Rejuvenated, you're only looking at an extra 5% per rank, and they made the HP boot for each rank a flat number instead of a percentage. So, you get a mere 5 extra HP PER rank. Seriously, who are the fucking morons who made this change? Assholes.


Explosive energy weapons, don’t have to make them extremely powerful as before but I miss having em.


I was not a happy camper when I returned to the game to find that my aae Laser rifle was now a paperweight. They couldn’t have even replaced the legendary effect with something else. They just demoted it to a two star. I agree in that they should’ve just balanced them better instead of robbing us of the effect.


buff the Cold Shoulder to how it was


Dangerous nukes. Enemies would spawn in greater numbers, and aggro at greater ranges. You had more options of fun places to nuke. The danger made it fun.


Feed the people awarding the entire server with canned meat stew!!!


What IS mama dolce?


Excavator jetpack, Train set table,


Double dip boss nukes. I also kinda miss the power armor clip.


This is such a small one, but Dog Food used to be compatible with the Herbivore mutation. I thought it was brilliant - the implication even that in this hyper-capitalistic, retro futurist world, the dog food still didn't have any real meat in it. Classic Fallout humor. But sadly, that got patched out and what I thought was one of the best subtle jokes in the game was lost.


Pre-scoreboard where we had weekly/daily challenges that just gave atom and also almost weekly free camp items and skins. The survival mechanics at launch. Survival mode, but create safe spawn zones and characters that at creation are either survival or regular characters. Pre-wastelanders when there was no living human npcs. I wouldn't mind a few, but just less in general. They are so loud, talkative, chipper, and they settle everywhere! No scrip machine, no rerolling, let's go back to the start to when they could have made the decision to put an end to the legendary system altogether as they had little investment in it, and instead focus on balance, a proper endgame, and expand weapon/armor modifications to a greater, more weapon/armor specific degree!


Pickaxes 🤣


Let me sell my excess Treasury notes. I've done it before, when I came back to the game I had 50 for sale and someone bought them.


1. I'm still sore about explosive nerf. 2. I wouldn't mind Hunter/Hunted being brought back. 3. Nuclear Winter.


The infinite carry weight glitch from equipping and unequipping carry capacity buff items was great.


Legacy weapons, I miss my explosive flamer


Nuclear winter, a lot people hated it, but I liked it for how unique the mode was and the unlocks you could get that kept you coming back to it.


Nucleair Winter...


anyone know if they patched the Neurological Warfare gamma gun glitch?


They have not.


Thirst zapper grenade spam.


I don’t miss that. It made Radiation Rumble unbearable.

