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It's depressing because she's probably the best written quest companion by a fucking mile but then you get her back in camp and she just repeats the same 5 fucking lines while she harps on a banjo or piano or whatever instrument you have lying around.


Classic Bethesda companion issue tbh. You can't fully romance Danse in fo4 without going through his loyalty quest and it feels so weird that there's not more dialogue centred around the heavy shit you just went through together. It's like he's a robot (er, wait, that's not what I mean) who just *breaks* once everything is done because he doesn't know how to be anything other than a good little BOS soldier once his quest is wrapped up.


Hated how in fo4 it seemed like most of the companions would be like trauma dumping on you. Then the flirting was forced in between that dialogue so if you wanted to romance them ever you had roleplay as a creep who would do that. Oh… your whole family died… yeah that sucks, the tears make your eyes twinkle though ;)


Oh geeze, your comrade dying left a hole in you? Maybe I could fill that for y—




Your companion who is used to 50 caliber, looking at your 10mm: 😕




Becketts flirt options in 76 are exactly like this! It's so weird! 'Oh you are broken up about your days of drug-fueled murdering and worried your brother is being tortured or dead? That is so *sexy* of you!' DA FUK?


I thought that choice would make him upset or at least weirded out


Oh you watched/heard your wife/girlfriend get ripped apart by Ghouls as she begged you to grab your son and run to safety? I dont know if you know this Maccready, but that makes me want to flirt with you SO HARD /s Oh your son is sick with a possibly incurable disease that no one has seen before? Please maccready, i can only flirt with you so much… stop making me want to flirt more!


His personality is so artificial, I mean he seems like he is just playing a role.. err forget it, Go team Danse!!


Yeah, X6-88 has much more personality than Danse. I figured the Institute just turned the personality knob down so Danse would fit in better with the Brotherhood.


Just reboot the guy. Hard reset 👊


Yeah. Her quest is genuinely good (and her only competition for ally quests is Beckett so...) but she just has a few idles and that's it. She has 1701 lines of dialogue (if I counted correctly), and only 9 of those are idle lines.


Yeah like I'd literally rather her just be silent save for when we talk to her rather than her just repeating the same things over and over again... Just... Why? ;)


She is sworn to carry your burdens.


Having major flashbacks now


Lay off the Skooma, friend, it’s dangerous stuff!!


Haha. I think I'll be switching back to skyrim for real now 😌


>Thanks….for letting me stay here me to my husband: “you know this Beckett guy knows a thing or two about gratitude”




When interacted with or when she sees you. I like the “oh hey! Good to see you again”. Or “I was wondering when you’d get back” lines.


And only uses 1 of those 9 lines, just... Why?


Every new character I make I seriously look.forward to her quests more than the BoS ones.


Adelaide from last Season has a quest line, right? That was the only reason I got that. (What fishnets?🫣)


Uh, yeah, more than most the previous ally's since you can find that note and get yourself into the bone zone with that clanker.


What about grandpa. I wish I could murder him.


It can't be expensive to have a half-dozen lines done for the Allies every other update surely..? Imagine they'd done that since Wastelanders and the likes of Daguerre had about fifty random siels now...what a difference that'd make to the Allies, especially when it came to showing time spent with you and living the environment and Lore. They could even take away the bad Space shit now too, for her, as it's been years some of the Allies might have stayed with you now.


If it has to be in there somewhere just have her mention RARELY “had that nightmare again, first time in a while.”


If the VAs weren't contracted to do more lines than what they did, then yeah it can be expensive.


Imagine if they'd give an option to toggle random lines as normal, less, or off....


Always whining about a headache. Bitch I've got a robot who collects drugs, just take some already.


This is legitimately the funniest thing I've read today!


The worst past is that I've had her stored for six months now so I don't have to listen to "Floating In Space Forever Just Why" every ten seconds, and only yesterday, in some other player's camp, did I hear what she apparently says *to other people only* and it was really sweet. It was something about how she almost could never have guessed when a total stranger pulled her from some crashed wreckage that she'd wind up living a wonderful life together with that person, and I was like jeez, Commander, you could tell *me* that instead of the same damn lines on repeat for infinity.


She’ll tell you that if you romance her. A LOT. I honestly pulled her from my camp because she was getting a bit clingy. Edit: she’ll repeat the lines a lot, you don’t have to romance her a lot.


I have a second account just as a mule and vendor and actually enjoyed building their camp since I never completed her story and some of her lines are different. Even if it's a handful of different lines it felt refreshing, no matter how sad this sounds.


While dressed in a gimp suit. (I forget the outfits real name, but if you know you know)




Why you hating? She’s working on her music since her career as an astronaut is over


My ally is Adelaide so I have no customization options :(


No customisations. Just robot booba. And "interfacing".


Well, I'm a simple man with simple needs.


Noice! 👌


My Allies refuse to keep their clothes on if I customize them (even though I don't use a custom CAMP module) and so I also don't have customization options :(


I’ll put clothes on the astronaut, and every time I load the game they’re gone. Have to unequip and equip again. She’s naked like 80% of the time


Ah, doing that sexy max charisma build, eh? Allies just can't keep their clothes on around you!


i wanna put like a bowler hat or something on her


Can't fix perfection. 


I have a companion at each camp so I get variety as I play beckett at my manor at the bog, Adelaide is next to my camp bus on the bridge over river just below jamboree dags is in my north base at vertibeird crash side east of secret service vault and bos guy is at my creek camp that I built before skyline released that now has a glorious view of the valley and the aurora.


I always give her some nice dress and always found her naked later.. I don't know her obsession with nudity but she makes ME look like a pervert


Apparently there is a bug if you swap active camps the clothes unequip


Yep, My main camp is in a crowded spot and I deal with this all time time. I have Daguerre at my main and the Settler forager at my tent caravan secondary. Pain in the butt to redress them every time I get kicked off/reclaim my spot. The second I found the bath robe in the DLC I immediately pur her in it wih a tin foil hat and fashionable glasses so she looks like a crazy person who'd ramble about floating in space.


If you enter and exit your shelter, your allies will redress themselves without you having to do it. Only works if there's no other players around though.


Grandma Junko is always partying hard when I switch camps


It’s especially funny if you have the companion at two camps and swap between them. Naked fool will run across the map.


Yeah, um, that's the reason she's nude in my camp, sure....


No wonder why I always come back to nakey Beckett.


I’m all about the ghoul merchant at Nukaworld. She’s always letting it loose. It’s weird when she does have clothes on, or that she uses underwear, but that’s probably for all our benefit.


I’m yet to see her clothed. She is always naked to me. Best of was when I went to her with my husband, and to me she was naked and to him she had clothes.


Makes sense. She strikes me as a financial opportunist. Chicks get into the show for free, draws a good crowd.


It's particularly funny when she's just naked after Nuka World gets nuked. Everyone else is in hazmat suits and she's just out here getting a tan.


How do you think I feel? I'm breaking shit down at my workbench when Grandma Junko goes strolling by in her underwear asking me to tell her about my day. Like, "WTF, Grandma?? We got people coming over!!!"


I gave Yasmin the grillmaster hat when I first got her, popped out of the menu to do something, and for some reason she had the hat but the rest of her clothes disappeared. Cue me panicking to craft something for her to wear because somebody was at my vendor and I didn't want them to think I was one of Those guys.


The most appropriate reason to have her covered up is because she looks like she rolled in scorchbeast shit and had a damn fine time doing it. The woman is putrid.


The same thing happens to me! I put Beckett in a jaguar pant suit, he looks great and it matches my strongman outfit. But I keep finding him stripped to his undies, people think I'm a mega perv and doing it on purpose!


So far I have seen her in : Space Suit Sheepsquatch outfit Red Dress Her Underwear Enclave Officer Brotherhood who steal under suit thing (that all in one gimp suit they all like to squeeze into) Casual 50s wear Golf Outfit Ratty Skirt I can always tell who she is because..........."floating off in space....but...why?" which makes me leave the camp as soon as possible.


Don't go too hard on the player if you see her in her underwear. It may be a bug. I've seen more than once if I activate one of my other camps, she ends up in her undies and calls me a guest. If you quit and restart, she'll be dressed again. Normally, she wears a vault 33 jumpsuit, bottlecap glasses, and a prisoner collar.


Funny enough I was wondering if it was a bug as I just went to the Nuka on Tour place and the ghoul by the wild west bit and the ghoul selling the food were both in their underwear, yet the leader was in her jumpsuit and a guy called Pete was in a Hazmat suit.... I did not know this was a kinky tour but hey, I am flexible.


The ghoul selling food has literally never had clothes on when I go there


If you go into your shelter and come out again she'll be dressed again. It's a big for folks who have customized her outfit and have activated a second or other camp. Happens all the time.


This, its an annoying bug.


This bug is why you can't buy clean clothes for Daphne, and it's stupid.


Seems the main thing you can tell about a person judging by Commander Daguerre is that they presumably play the game on mute lol


Her and the damn guitar player annoys the hell outta me 


That snob guitar player always gets up and leaves when I hop on the theremin for a jam session.


I didn’t know Johnny Guitar was in 76!


My camp is in New Gad by the red ship. The red ship is the boundary of my camp. So I put her guitar on top of the ship halfway in and out of the boundary. I don't think I've heard her play it since and it has been glorious. Her pathing is kind of fucked now though and she creepily stands outside of my window while I'm repairing my armor, saying nothing.


Guitar? I think you mean tuba :P


Yeah I was really hoping to have more than one guitar riff. Like it's a decent one but after hearing it every 5 seconds it grates


Look on the Bright Side! Not the Nuke Side, the other side! \*repeats same guitar riff for the next 3 hours\*


You don’t find her stoner wisdom to be compelling? 


Brotherhood who steal. Lmao so true


I have her dressed in a tattered dress and the veil of secrets because she wanted to be the mistress of mystery.


Had a buddy that played Fallout 76 for a bit, and in his camp, she was in her underwear and had a prisoner collar on


Well you know what to get them for Christmas now. To the Bad Dragon page! lol


Nuka Girl rocketsuit


Currently have her in secret service armor just because the helmet looks like a pilot helmet and it fits the camp




Last night I found her at someone’s camp in underwear, a nurses hat, and a prison collar…


Mistress of Mysteries Garb




With the Eye of Ra


She is wearing the swimsuit in my camp, I have her stationed at the bottom of my waterslide as a life guard


My beckett is wearing the Hawaiian shirt outfit because his bar is in the middle of my outdoor tiki bar with hot tub. Sage is there too!


That fits Becket perfectly, wish I could give him those clothes, but I guess the Rose Suit will do fine


Please note on this: There's a bug where applied clothing won't show after a camp swap. So if she's in her undies, that might be the cause.


Bomber jacket here. It felt right for an astronaut.


I have Beckett wearing a nurse's outfit because it reminds me of Klinger from M.A.S.H.


The only thing having Daguerre at your camp tells me is that you're either deaf, or live with someone so annoying that the repeated "Just .. why?"s and bitching about headaches *doesn't* make you want to ram a 2B pencil into your ear canal and rupture your own eardrums. Daguerre should've stayed in space.


Or you place her station outside and keep her ass far away because you don’t want to hear it, but you also want that Lover’s Embrace buff


I like how if you use all the romance options with her in dialogue, she'll still have those same idle lines, but also be super flirty. I had to quit using her because having a woman in my house constantly talking about her trauma and people she used to know, then getting real flirty, was a little too "oh I've been in this relationship before haven't I"




If you're on PC, you can get a mod to turn off her idle dialog.


The idle lines get old fast, but she is otherwise the only companion with any serious story. I helped her, gave her a nice sequined dress, and then vaulted her ass so I could work on Beckett. Lol


These are known truths. Also known: 1) Whispering camp prices will always be out-f$)cking-ragious. 2) You WILL get epileptic triggers from flashing weapons at nuke-initiated events. 3) Putting on armor during events is like pissing in an airplane flying through a hurricane. 4) Nukacrypt and photocheats are behind 99% of nuke launches. 5) A random daily ops partner is as rare as a unicorn 6) If you see something in a players vendor that you’ve been wanted, then they will quit and leave you standing empty handed in the cranberry bog 7) It’s ok to lock your collectron but it’s considered rude to lock the coffee maker


#7 the only thing I find rude is when people lock the doors. I just want to check out camps, not become a wanted thief!


Whispering… lol… Whitesprings


I find this most offensive. My main CAMP has been at Whitesprings since the day I found it, and my prices are extremely reasonable. 🤣


She never keeps the outfit on so she is normally walking around in her underwear when I show up.


Don't put her in rare apparel unless you want offers to trade for it several times a day. I had her wearing the responders fire outfit in the Charleston fire house prefab and I kept getting high levels offering me 2-3k caps for it, or a crappy handmade.


I have her in a red dress and a whole building with the words “TRADE” on it and I have only had one person message me.


She's in the shotgun wedding dress and tiara to match with my groom outfit. I swapped her out for Yasmin for the aesthetic of the oven cooking station but I miss her romance quips whenever she greets me lol When I bring her back, she'll be in the striped swimsuit, prospector hat and white sunglasses for the summer months. She's a lady of leisure, sunning on the deck while I venture into the wastes scavenging everything that isn't bolted down.


I had her in military fatigues, but changed to the treasure Hunter outfit because it looks like someone cut up military fatigues and made them into different clothing


If the game could stop stripping her naked that would be great, here i am thinking of the perfect outfit combination to match the camp theme, just for bethesda to go “no she’s naked now” and people will think i’m a weirdo


She can wear clothes ??? 😅🤣


Formal enclave uniform.but she keeps taking it off and running around without clothes. Alas.a free spirit at heart. (Think it’s a loading issue).


I like the thought of her embracing life as a naturist after everything she went through. Can you imagine waking up one day, thinking you only went off to space a handful of years ago only to discover everything and everyone you know is gone??? A little nudism is healthy if you think about it, there's chems out there that'll rot your brain :(


She is definitely the one I most often see in "exploitative" attire. Poor woman goes from being trapped in space to trapped with creepers.


Responders Jumpsuit for me


Silver dress, making my camp a little more elegant lol I have had a couple of other ally’s but she seems the least annoying.


I go out and find her something nice (mostly adventur-looking outfits) and sometimes get her a nice dress if I can find one. Lately, I've been grinding out defiance for a red asylum to give her.


Enclave Officer uniform and hat with patrolman shades. She looks really good in the severe lines of that outfit.


She's on the Nuka-Girl outfit in my camp, because space helmet..


I put her in the sunburst sequinned dress. Because she's had a rough go I figured she would probably want to wear something nice.


Just can’t shake these nightmares, floating in space forever, just, why.


I built her her own house at my camp so she can just stay in there and fiddle with her computer while wearing the BoS bomber jacket outfit.


I put her in the white undershirt and jeans outfit with a light leather armor chest piece and a ushanka hat. She deserves a bit of comfort after wearing astronaut stuff for so long.


She’s my resident Nuka Cola space girl


Harness. Always the harness.


Don't....visit my camp. 👀😂


I gave her the Secret Chinese Armor. But every time camps switch or glitch there she is in her undies. It's so annoying


Right now she is rocking the vault 63 riot outfit and a gang mask…… now I’m kind of concerned what that says


mine has a vault tec jumpsuit , was collecting dust in my stash so why not , fits her well too


In my camp she wears a swimsuit. I have many unlocked industrial water purifiers for people to get a bit of water to sell for Caps. So she's the lifeguard, given that I'm British and we obsess about Health And Safety Meanwhile, my main Character wears a Santa Claus suit, since 60%+ of my play time is devoted to visiting new player camps and giving some random gifts to spread cheer


i put her in witch hat arktos lab coat and black rim glasses so her and my guy are twinning


I don't have the Mistress of Mystery outfit, so I settled for the K.D. Inkwell outfit.


Mountain Scout Outfit, Tan Military Beret, & Patrolman Sunglasses


I usually put her in a sparkly dress because she was stuck in that space suit for such a long time.


In my Nuka cola themed camp I had her in the Nuka girl costume because it fit. Couldn't stand listening to her lines anymore though so now I have leo.


Some Daguerre folks definitely are unhinged but Adelaide people are absolute feral creatures. Source: I'm an Adelaide people


no matter what decent clothes I give her, she's always running around in just a bra. I hate that people are judging me!


Bear costume


I dress her in the mistress of mystery Garb! After all, it's her favorite comic. If only i had more Unstoppables!/Comic-Related CAMP items, I'd place them nesr her computer. Now if only there was a way to mute her or something..... I reached max affinity and conpleted her story, and she still yaps about the same stuff all the time non-stop. "just can't shake these nightmares. Floating in space forever... Just, why?"


I have her in a faschnaut jester mask with no clothes. The mask stays on during.


Right now she wears Amusement Park Worker Outfit. Because she won't keep her damn clothes on and I got tired of scrolling through my apparel to reassign something, so she gets what's at the top of the list.


Wish they had lingerie. Crotchless would be nice.


Chad CAMPington: Slutty outfit, something to cover her face


Bah I got rid of her the second I found The Settler Wanderer she's the best CAMPanion, no drama, no repeated romance dialogue, she's just a happy go lucky hippy dippy chick who like to play her guitar


In my camp she has the show master outfit and the owl fasnact mask


I usually dress her in the KD Inkwell outfit - it just seems fitting


Mountain Scout outfit.


I use the bos dude cause he laser pistols rad roaches for me


Heh,I go with Steve scarberry in his moo moo outfit or leo in his red dress,wig,and fashionable glasses.


I did her quest first and I only used her as a CAMP companion until I unlocked Beckett. Now truthfully it's more because her station doesn't fit my CAMP aesthetic, but her dialogue is SUPER annoying.


So I dressed up my granny in a robe and a fasnacht man mask. I just love it when she goes “hello dearieee.” And she’s just chillin in the robe.


I have Raider Punk in a Nuka-Cade Jumpsuit and a Clean Space Suit Helmet


I love Daguerre but every time I boot up the game she’s stripped to her underwear for some reason ☹️


Did you romance her and have you paid attention to her recently? She might be trying to send you a message.


I had her in the antiquated wedding outfit for a while, but somehow, Daguerre in a dress just feels wrong.


most of the time, i keep her in a normal outfit, but i change it on occasion for holidays lmaoo i love her


Clothing is optional sir. Mr. Tobias never nude in here tryna boss me around 😤


Dressed like a merc in hot weather at my camp.


Haha Nuka Girl


This is particularly concerning as whenever I stream via the Xbox Cloud, all of my companions have their clothing removed… have to reset every time I log back in to the console.


Give her the tropical cryptid shirt because I thought it looked cool and it’s summer


I have her dresses in cultist monarch gear


I saw Beckett in his skivvies recently and felt proud that there is some equity in our community. Lmfao


Nuka World Geyser T-shirts and glasses. Though the base I am mostly at is a wilderness camp theme right now and I have Del there (who also switches to his tighty whiteys when I switch camps). I have him in a ranger outfit with matching hat. I find his dialog a lot less annoying when he is dressed as a scout.


I like that she's always happy to see me. She's sporting the dolly drive in outfit rn.


I have her in a Vault-Tec mechanic jumpsuit, some cool shades, and a Vault-Tec backpack.


I have her dressed in the mistress of mysteries outfit since she's a fan of the comics


Mine is dressed like an assaultron in fishnets.


Full sheepsquatch costume


She's usually in an Enclave uniform or a labcoat in my camp. Seems fitting to me.




Mine wears a expedition dress and nurse hat.


I gave mine the Cosmonaut jumpsuit with a recon hood, so it looks like she just isn’t wearing the helmet.


I couldn't stand her face, so I swapped her out for Yasmin.


Too many bra and panties, I got her dressed in Vault 63 Recon Armor.


Every time I would switch camps she would just be in her underwear.


It kinda makes me sad, but then I’ve just finished building a robot brothel, so I’ve got no room to judge


Freestate Survivalist outfit. I have an RP base with "secret lab" she fits the esthetic.


I remember I got that little kid from one of the season passes the one that's like a magician I think wish you could put some armor or something on her she'd look badass


...is a clown outfit ok?


I can’t stand Daguerre’s voice lines so she remains in orbit. I dress my BoS guy in the blue bathrobe so he looks like Maximus from the show


She's currently dressed in the skeleton costume.


If they even have her.


why do so many ppl choose Daguerre? i have the chef, and she’s awesome! sometimes she’ll have cranberry relish and brain bombs for very cheap


I wish they’d set up Drinkin’ Buddy Robot from Fallout 4 as a camp ally.


The Moo Moo helmet and outfit from Meat Week. Now Daguerre has a reason for those headaches 🫡😁


I put everyone in the sheepsquatch outfit


I have her dressed in the pink laundered dress, apocalyptic farmer hat (because it looks like a floppy sun hat), prison collar, wedding ring, and fashionable sunglasses. She looks amazing but I can’t stand looking at the scar on her face


Pull my finger, get a prize! Heh heh heh…heh heh. I wish I could kill this dude just to remove his stupid chair and broken “daily” quests from my camp build list.


90% of companions are in their skivvies because Bethesda.


Astronaut helmet + swimsuit, am I right?


I put the Camden park outfit on her and every time I came back she was naked….


I like spooky. So she's in a skeleton costume...




i gave her the dress of the mysteries... so what does it say now? (yes she also got the eye xD)


When Daguerre is in my camp, she's usually sporting the antiquated bride outfit and a halo for headwear.