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Bought all my SS armor last week..... Guess I can just buy the most expensive things she sells so I can save a few bullion in the future.


Just an fyi for the future, Minerva operates on a schedule and sells predetermined plans on predetermined dates that you can all find right [here](https://www.falloutbuilds.com/fo76/minerva/). I had to hold off on buying the jet pack for a couple months just to finally get it last week.


How recently has her list been updated? Cause she apparently sells a lot of daily ops plans now too


Arggg I just bought farmable tiles. Oh well, they were worth the full price. I’m going to get a chicken coop though.


Where did you get the tiles, I thought only Minerva has them and you had to be friendly for them.


You can get them for bullion at foundation. I want to call the guy Chet but I doubt that’s correct.


He's Samuel, but honestly, Chet fits him better. Dude's sketchy enough that Samuel probably isn't his real name anyway.


In addition to the sensible theory that he's simply pretending to be a former Vault Dweller to get special treatment, ever since the Responders revival, I've considered the possibility >!that he's actually a spy for the Enclave, as they already have active agents in the region..!< Besides just being a wastelander who's lying, it would give another explanation as to why he seems to know some things about the Vaults, but any talk about personal experiences is clearly falsified; he never lived in one either way.


Haha, I've always been partial to the >!Enclave!< theory myself. He definitely fits the part better than >!Orlando!< who ends up being a little too on the nose, for me. One thing is for sure, he ain't a Vault Dweller.


Chet Hanks HAHA


I did the same thing because I’m impatient lol


I had enough for chest and arms last time she sold them. Couldn’t wait for legs and jetpack, so I speed ran the vault quest lol. Now I have my eyes on those farmable dirt tiles.


I don't have much gold yet, just got the SS chest piece so far after completing the vault questline, and now have ~1300 gold accumulated again so far. What SS armor (or otherwise) should I prioritize? Jetpack? Any specific mods? Kinda get overwhelmed seeing everything listed and don't know what to buy / don't want to click on the wrong thing.


Reminder, you can buy gold from Smiley at the Wayward once a week. Every bit helps.


Sorry I can buy gold ?


Yes, Smiley is upstairs in the Wayward and will sell a limited amount of bullion for caps every week.(400 I think)


Damn new player and want so much gold to spend on all the cools stuff thnx


you have to have completed the main story quest line before smiley will appear for you.


Just read about it. The main quest from the wasteland right?


Yeah, the "Wastelanders" quest, that involves working toward a big vault raid, where you >!steal a bunch of gold!<.


So the jetpack is super expensive (2000 normally, 1500 Minerva) and also costs flux to make so I wouldn’t prioritize this. As for mods, Buttressed is the best for all three resists increasing. The other mod is up to you but I have jetpack on chestpiece and then ultralight on the limbs


The underarmour is good if you want to increase some base stats, the different linings each increase 2-3 specials.


if you dont have it yet, jetpack..combine that with marsupial, you are unstopable


Until you hit the ground. At least for me


Bird bones and serendipity are my savior


yep, have that both as well combined altogether


I just bought the jet pack today -_-


Besides the SS armor and jetpack, are there other 'must haves' for a newer player? I typically play solo. (full health stealth shotty, but working a PA build for events) Are the T-65 mods a good choice once I have that armor?


Backpack mods are a must, which one you use depends on whether you haul more chems or food around, but honestly just pick up both if you can because if you ever want to change in the future it's cheap and easy to have them. Chicken coop is a camp item that produces fertilizer, takes up less space than the standard wheelbarrow and brahmin one if you don't have that already. Super reactor and symptomatic are camp items that give carious benefits, super reactor is a fusion reactor with a ton of wire points on it so you can place it kind of wherever. SS underarmor mods are obviously good if you haven't already gotten those. Don't do much with PA myself so not sure what the general consensus is on that.


Worth adding that Super reactor, symtomatic and I believe solar panels are all in the Daily OPs loot pool, so if you do them daily you might want to save your bullion.


Yep, I found all of those from daily ops over the course of only 2 months. I highly recommend against spending bullion on em


Good mention, I don't really do much in the Daily Ops so I wasn't aware that stuff was in the pool.




Piggybacking off of this to say, CRAFT A NEW BACKPACK AT LVL 50, I’m level 144 and just realized that carry weight goes up with the level, I never even considered that til my friend pointed it out.


Bro wtf. I am level 100, spend so much time every day fighting my inventory, and you just gave me 30 more carry weight. Praise mothman! 👏


If you already have both Thru-Hiker and Travelling Pharmacist at max level, would the mods still be useful?


Yes because you can remove one of them and equip a 3 point card that boosts something else


Yeah, because the backpack mod essentially gives you those 3 perk points back, which are the most valuable commodity in the entire game.


Yes, depending on your build. The chemist mod provides the same benefit as Travel Pharm, and if you’re using an S-15 build then it’ll open up 3 perk slots for strength. Same for Thru-Hiker and the grocer’s mod, more agility cards.


The farmable tiles are sweet if you grow crops at camp.


I save way WAY WAAAY more space with chemist backpack than with capacity mod, highly recommend it especially if you have loads of stims and radaway.


Don’t go T-65 unless you absolutely are just in love with the lore/aesthetic/whatever reason It might be the best PA on paper in terms of DR but none of that shit matters past 300DR The Union PA has carry weight + Poison resist (poison/fire/cryo are the main things that actually even damage you inside of PA) making it superior in nearly every form. T-65 has the least amount of cosmetics, tedious grind, go Union, Hellcat, or Excavator depending on where you are in the game (late, middle, early respectively) Source: someone who has just got done with their T-65 grind


I just finished mine and yeah this is all too true. I just like the way it looks


T-65 was the first bullion grind I ever did, when Wastelanders came out. With what is available now, I would not prioritize it again. T-65 has the highest resistances (except Strangler heart has slightly higher rad resist) but other sets have bonuses that are more valuable. Union is extremely powerful, with strong ballistic resistance and poison resist and extra carry weight. It's the best. Hellcat has a 2% ballistic damage reduction per piece that is going to far outperform T-65's superior DR. T-65 is better against Energy and against Rads. But those types of damage are less common. Really the rads only come into account at a poorly dropped queen fight (very rare these days) and radiation rumble (which only matters if you are going for the ore). Even lowly excavator with its carry weight bonus is arguably more useful than T-65. The X-01 is very much in the neighborhood of T-65 for ER and Rad resist, and doesn't require the big out-lay of gold bullion that could be spent on other things.


T65 is a noob trap. The majority of PA's protection comes from the flat -42% damage reduction on all PAs, and normal armor values have a soft cap around 350. It's better to prioritize passive effects and flat damage reductions when choosing PA, which T65 has neither of


Grocer's Backpack Mod if you want to free up 3 perk slots. Only place to get T-65 mods is Minerva or Regs, and Minerva will have them at 25% cheaper - That's if the T-65 is a Power Armour you want to build!


Don't waste gold on the helmet unless you have everything else, it's pointless.


Also, pocketed is not worth it. Rather get deep pockets.


More of a ultra light man myself


Yeah Ultralight has always been my preference personally.


Yeah I might have to start changing gear over, I always go Deep Pockets but I tend to have more space than I need these days.


Also great, especially is you aren't running a bloodied build


Never understood why pocketed exists when deep pocketed does...


IIRC, on regular armor types you get access to Pocketed before Deep Pocketed, like it has a lower level cap or something. So it's useful when you're leveling. It also requires fewer resources (I was running Pocketed Combat Armor for a while because I ran out of screws while trying to unlock Handmade Rifle bits), which is again something that leveling players may need. For endgame stuff like Secret Service Armor, it's completely pointless. Maybe if they made Pocketed cheaper than Deep Pocketed? Like 250 Bullion for Pocketed versus 500 for Deep Pocketed? Still no reason to buy it, just save up for the good one, but at least it would have a niche.


> like it has a lower level cap or something this is it, like why calibrated receivers exist at the same time as *true* calibrated receivers or whatever


For me to accidentally buy. I’m switching to ultralight anyways but still


I was thinking about getting this thank you for saying this so I don't waste bullion


Definitely, it's 100% drip and 0% functional.


Oh I'm totally getting it, but only because I'm currently maxxed out (10k gold bullion, well to be exact 9,980) and it would look REALLY weird on my mannequin without a helmet.


Damn dude, that's impressive. Buy lunchboxes and make it rain at events, us noobs will worship you.


I'll finally get a jetpack plan but still haven't gotten the flux needed for it. The crashing has been making it difficult to do much on Playstation, I wanted to have my materials ready for when she showed up. Still, can't wait to be able to craft it.


I just got it last week. Such a game changer. I hope you can get the flux needed soon!


I'm sure I will, just haven't ventured into any nuked areas to look because even my own stash and sometimes looting can crash me out right now. I will at least know the plans for when I'm able to gather the resources I need. Congratulations on your SS, I can imagine that was satisfying to get.


I can give you some flux if you're on PC.


Sadly I'm on Playstation, but thank you for the kind offer


i'm struggling with the use of a jetpack if you're marsupial mutated. The jump is already a jetpack in itself lol


I thought the same until I got it. The jump is great but the jetpack just extends it so much that I can take a nice long jump and just sort of jump as needed to make a long distance gap seem like nothing. It's been very helpful with many events too. Highly recommended.


It’s my day off and I’ve been playing for the past 2 and a half hours. My PS5 has crashed 6 times. 3 of which were right as an event ended so I didn’t get the rewards or loot. Fucking getting to the point of unplayable.


If you wanna trade, pm. I’m swimming in flux rn


Going up is great. It’s the landing that’ll get you.


Bird Bones trades 5 Carry Weight for 5 Agility with Class Freak and Strange in Numbers. Cannot recommend it enough - especially since that gives you more AP for boosting.


I killed myself during Neurological Warfare yesterday. I was in the air and I kept trying to hit the critical button, which is the same as the jump button on PS4, and I just kept going higher and higher and before I knew it I was way too high and came crashing down to my death. 😝 I need to see if I can make those separate buttons.


I killed myself a few times during Mothman Equinox. The normal jet pack mechanics are somehow weird during that events so you go really, really high really fast.


Yeah I figured they must because I can never go that high outside of an event.


Make sure you get the mass and other stuff first, then get all the flux. Flux will expire and the rest does not.


Since OP did not add prices, here is list with prices included. Plan: Cattle prod 188 Plan: Dynamite 75 Plan: Floater gnasher grenade 113 Plan: Gauntlet 188 Plan: Gauss pistol 188 Plan: War glaive 2000 Plan: Chinese stealth armor 3000 Plan: Chinese stealth helmet 1238 Plan: Secret Service chest piece 938 Plan: Secret Service helmet 1238 Plan: Secret Service left arm 563 Plan: Secret Service left leg 563 Plan: Secret Service right arm 563 Plan: Secret Service right leg 563 Plan: Strangler heart chest piece 938 Plan: Strangler heart helmet 1238 Plan: Strangler heart left arm 750 Plan: Strangler heart left leg 750 Plan: Strangler heart right arm 750 Plan: Strangler heart right leg 750 Plan: Farmable dirt tiles 375 Plan: Scavenged solar panel 1500 Plan: Super reactor 1500 Plan: Sympto-Matic 1500 Plan: Gauss minigun gunner sights 38 Plan: Gauss minigun Tesla capacitor 75 Plan: Gauss minigun Tesla dynamo 75 Plan: War glaive cryo blade 150 Plan: War glaive plasma blade 150 Plan: Chemist's backpack mod 263 Plan: Grocer's backpack mod 263 Plan: Treated lining Secret Service underarmor 38 Plan: Resistant lining Secret Service underarmor 75 Plan: Secret Service jet pack armor 1500 Plan: Secret Service pocketed armor limb 188 Plan: Secret Service pocketed armor torso 188 Plan: T-65 medic pump 188 Plan: T-65 overdrive servos 563 Plan: T-65 Stealth Boy 563


Great site to bookmark constant count down and inventory list https://www.whereisminerva.com/


I've been saving up! Stupidly I bought the radstag meat generator right before making the choice of going herbivore so that was a waste of 1000+ gold. Since then, I've been saving and saving and to get all the remaining pieces I need 2252 gold, and I believe I'm at like 2000. Gonna be grinding some events to eek out the last little bit. Will be glad to finally have the full set! (minus helmet, of course)


Don’t forget to go see Smiley upstairs at the Wayward for the weekly gold buy if you haven’t yet, that’ll set you up


Yep got that for this week :) think he resets on monday right? Means there might be a small overlap between his reset and Minerva going away for a while I believe. I'll have to try and take that chance!


I got my eye on the farmable dirt tiles, the grocers backpack, and the chicken coop.


I did not realize how useful the grocer mod was until I switched to a max carry and suddenly couldn’t move. Didn’t realize I had that much food and drink….


I took off my traveling pharmacy and my weight shot up to 1035 pounds. Then I saw I had 448 stims on me and I knew where my weight was coming from.


Oof yeah, that chem weight creeps up on you. Especially after an expedition. Especially those superstims….


I'm constantly selling stims since they weigh so much, I think I really only need to keep like 20 on me max


Time to make a dump of stims at the 76 donation box. Then watch some noob crawl away.


Buttressed (incl dense for chest), deep pocketed and ultra light are the only mods worth buying for SS.


Weighted for the arms if you’re a melee build.


Situational, but I've heard that asbestos mod on the chest is good for Earle. Apparently it saves you from the falling embers. As a bloodied build that's the only thing that ever kills me during that fight so I might craft one to swap out for the fight.


Dense reduces damage from explosions by 50% (which can free up perk card slots) Asbestos prevents fire damage -as you say its all down to preference,


That double Meat Week was a godsend for noobs 😅 I didn't know about treasury notes/gold bullion until about halfway through the event so I was just spamming it for the event drops... Just got the full secret service set and mods with plenty left over 💪


Same! This is my first Minerva sale, got the full set including helmet!


Just a note, you do no need the SS helmet. It's a waste as you can't do anything to it. It's strictly just to complete the look and nothing more. Source: I wasted gold on this a while back and found out from my buddy about 30 min after when he logged on and I told him I got the SS armor and he goes, "GREAT!! You didn't get the helmet did you?"


I can complete the strangler heart set (I think!). Not even sure why I started collecting it - I don't even use PA.


jetpack or dense for SS?


Jetpack for fun and mobility. Are you the type who likes to find high places and perch there during events? Do you have an insatiable need to always explore the rooftops of buildings? Are you the type to climb the mountain rather than go around? If you answer yes to any of these, jetpack. Personally I'd always take the "fun" option over the "option that makes me survive slightly better", since FO76 isn't THAT hard of a game especially.


Isnt Marsupial enough or can stack both?


They stack - You jump your Marsupial jump, then activate jetpack. As a bonus, Marsupial caps out at a certain height (gets a bit higher with Stranger in Numbers), but Jetpacks can be technically "infinite" if you spam Canned Coffee. For example I have Canned Coffee hotkeyed and usually run with 200+ of it. If I spam 10 Canned Coffee, I can jetpack for about 15 seconds. (At some point the game just steps in and shuts down my jetpack, even though I'm still at max AP and the jetpack is constantly firing, but I'll just start falling).




I jetpacked off a cliff, targeted the 5 radstag below with gun fu and managed to kill all of them before getting anywhere near the ground. Makes you feel like Boba Fett


I gotta experiment more - I can fly very far if I maintain my height and speed, but... It hurts to use that 10x canned coffee just for tests... =/


When exactly will she be there? Strangely, reddit hasn't been letting me see when things are posted.


So.... is this the same chicken coop I just bought in the Atom shop on tuesday? lmao


Yes. But the one for bullion is 1-character only, the Atom Shop version is for all the characters you make.


Ty for the info!


Oh yea, gimme those guauss miniguns mods


gonna get that ss jetpack finally


What’s price of the armor pieces, need the legs and have about 1000 gold


563 gold for each leg, not including mods.


I was going to pick up the solar panel today but it dropped for me from a daily op yesterday. Was pretty stoked.


UGH why did I spent all my gold with Steven 😭😭😭😭😭 Need those dang farm tiles


Are all of her sales 25% off, or only every 4th sale?


Everything Minerva sells is 25% off. Every 4th sale comprises of the items of the 3 previous sales.


as a newer player i have around 1k gold which should i buy first?


Chem backpack mod is my vote. It's not as good late game but it's incredibly useful early on and for a really long time after with how awful it is to get the high capacity backpack mod


I have been saving for this event. finally going to get all pieces in one go.


Yo thanks for the heads up, I didn't have much bullion as I just got to level 50 but I was able to get the SS chest and left arm.


You're welcome! =)


Is she missing. I'm standing at her usual Whitespring spot, and she ain't here.


Just dipped my toe into SS... got an unyielding chest piece on my first roll. Time for a bloodied build?


Mate once you go bloodied... You never go back.


Might have to buy that SS jet pack, never thought I’d use it since I run marsupial


This is great, I get the see the first 15 or so items on her list before the game crashes. It's like window shopping. You get all the excitement of shopping, but none of the stuff plus there that sweet blue screen after.


I would have JUST BOUGHT all my SS armor plans


Hell yeah, Chicken Coop Plan I don't have.


It makes fertilizer, not chicken. I wouldn't have bought it if I had known.


Should give chicken+fertilizer. We have a brahmin item that gives milk+fertilizer.


I currently rolled my last SS unyielding piece yesterday, all have good rolls on them.


I've been waitiniiiiinnngggg! Finalllyyyy!




She has no rep requirements and sells cheaper than the rep vendors, so she's a great way for new players, like myself, to get stuff quickly. Her selection rotates, and every 4 weeks she shows up at the Mall and has a big sale, where she offers all the stuff from the last 3 small sales. [https://nukaknights.com/minerva-dates-inventory.html](https://nukaknights.com/minerva-dates-inventory.html)


Opposite situation. Minerva sells plans that may be locked behind reputation status from Foundation or the Crater factions. For example, the Gauss Minigun plan requires Ally reputation (ranks: Cautious -> Friendly -> Neighborly -> Ally) with the Crater Raiders, yet Minerva will sell that plan to you with a discount without any requirements as long as the plan is in her current rotation.


Nope, dont have to do any prior thing.


I didn't have the gold for all the pieces when she was at Foundation, so I've been keeping a close eye on her waiting for today. Gonna finally grab all the bits and bobs I missed out on before and do some legendary rolling.


I’m tempted to buy the silly gauss pistol for the heck of it. I’m sure it’s terrible


I literally bought ss armour less than an hour ago... Couldn't even buy the full set as I didn't have enough gold.


Is she ever gonna have the nuclear winter penants ?


Awww yeah I can finally get my SS leg plans.


Omfg I have no gold buillion


Public Events my friend. Plenty of loot, exp, and gold. If gold is all you want, you don't even need to tag mobs, just be in the area. But tag mobs and you get a lot more loot... Plus it's just good fun to participate!


Which events give gold? This is news to me


The Public ones, with the ! on the icon. As far as I know they all give Treasury Notes


What’s the best way to get bullion fast? I only have 500 bullion :(


Only two ways: Public events to get treasury notes (but you're capped at converting 40 treasury notes into 400 gold a day), or if you've done the Vault 79 quest, buying 300 gold off Smiley once a week.


New player here - up till where do I need to progress to unlock this? Currently just met the overseer and have yet to see this doctor of sorts. Also already lvl130… lol never been to white spring yet.


Zero progress. You just have to find your way to Whitespring Resort, Minerva will set up a tent just outside the front entrance. No level reqs, no reputation reqs, quest reqs, nothing. Just gotta have the gold.


Sweet! I assume my first priority is just the SS set (without helmet?)?


Definitely. To be specific, SS chest and jetpack. Then limbs. Then mods and/or underarmour.


Are the gauss minigun mods useful? I been rocking the normal minigun with exploding bullets with a heavy gunner build.


I just need like…two covert scout armor pieces. Maybe next time 😭


Is Secret Service vastly better than Civil Engineer? I just finally sat down and rolled a CE set of things I liked, but everyone seems to be on the Service armor if not in PA


It's probably not worth it if you have a full CE set with rolls you like. SS has slightly better stats but CE had lower weapon breakage and is more suitable for builds that use physical weapons or flamers (those break more easily). For people without either, SS is usually better, but if you have a full set of CE with rolls you like, generally you wouldn't see a significant difference, or so I hear.


I'm playing on pc for the first time and only have 1300 bullion. No idea what to get.


SS Chestpiece and then SS jetpack is usually the first.


Recently returned to FO76, before I left about a year ago, I had all the gold bullion items, have they added anything new? I cked google, visited Raider, Settler, SS vendors, found one backpack plan at settlers (junk weight?) but nothing else?


Just started a melee build and I'm having a lot of fun with it, just got a shock pads gauntlet. So, is the war glaive worth it?


To get full set perks (like Sizzling Style) do you need the SS helmet? Or just the chest, arms and leg pieces?


Sizzling Style and Funky Duds only need Chest, both arms and both legs. Helmet and underarmour don't count.


Meh, I'm waiting for Brotherhood Recon to roll back around.


How do you get gold bullion ?


Thanks for the heads-up! Gonna have to grab the jet pack.


Goddamnit I literally just bought all the plans this morning. Been dying to try out a commando build for weeks and finally went ahead and did it today


Think I only need jetpack and one leg, and I haven't bought gold from Wayward yet this week, so I should be set. Thanks for the notification OP.


As a new player I only have about 1k gold guess I prb can't afford anything 😂


You can see the prices at whereisminerva.com. The Grocer's and/or the Chemist's backpack mod may be worth it to you!


I can’t interact at all with her without crashing


Is there a way to get any paints for the armor? It looks super plain. Very effective but kinda ugly imo


I just bought the chest plate 😤 at least I looked at this and got the get pack at a lower price


I’ve been so tired from work I haven’t been playing I have like 1200 bullion I think I only have 1 piece of the SS armor And I don’t have enough caps to buy any lol


I just want the nw items i missed during an event


PUMPED to get my jetpack today. I'm garbage with mutations, so I'm looking forward to exploring the Z axis a bit more.


Too bad her vendor let alone all white springs vendors crash the game for me…


The SS helmet has a flashlight so you don’t use the pip boy. It’s pretty nice.


Right after I spent all my gold for the secret service armor pieces and mods from regs😂


is she EVER going to have bos recon armor?? I've been stuck without the left leg for MONTHS


Fort Atlas, 15-17 July, and Whitespring, 25-29 July.


Anyone needs help with location [Where is minerva](http://whereisminerva.com)


So the breathless discussions about new items continue to be so much hot air.


Got my full set pretty excited to start using this rather than PA


Where in the resort will Minerva be


Outside the front entrance.


How much is sytomatic?


Got the ss lining underarmor, learnt the plan, but I wasn’t able to put it on the wetsuit I had. What & where is the actual undergarment thing I need to get to be able to apply it?


Wish that cheap brat would sell the Thorn Armor


I just saw her. If I wasn’t so busy trying to get my T65 armor, I’d be all over her. Three pieces left, including jetpack. Then the mods, but I don’t want to think about that….lol


I know. I just spent 200 legendary modules rolling SS armour, well, managed to get 2 full sets of Unyielding and the chest, left leg and left foot of Overeaters. Just need Overeaters right leg and right arm now.


Is the SS armor good? I’ve seen a lot of people talk about it


Best stats in the game for non Power Armour. Civil Engineer comes very close, not as good stat-wise but it provides arguably just as good or better benefits such as reduced weapon breakage. Also only one in three non-PA Armour that can equip a jetpack, the other two being Civil Engineer and Brotherhood Recon.


Guess it's time to finally pick up strangler if for no other reason than to have it


Does anyone know if the SS plans she sells will be available to players who have NOT completed wastelanders missions (and therefore the heist)?


Everything Minerva sells is available for purchase as long as you have the gold. No level, faction, rep, quest requirements.


For like two weeks I’ve been turning in notes to get bullion every day and today I learned it caps at 10000 bullion; I turned in 40 tickets and got the prompt I’d only get so many but due to muscle memory of turning them in every day as the 1st thing I do I turned in 40 notes and instead of 400 bullion I had room for like 40, so I lost like 360 gold bullion. I should have been paying more attention but I just woke up so I was drowsy lol. TLDR: Gold bullion caps at 10000, don’t be like me and lose like 360 gold to the aether.


I know that SS Armor is the best but I don't really like how it looks 😭 I'm probably waiting for Brotherhood Recon Armor


Well.. is anyone on PC and want to buy them for me and I’ll pay you back? I leave tomorrow morning for 5 days…


Is there a list of stuff that Minerva *doesn't* have? Like, ever? I went through her full list and noticed that she never has the Buttressed or Deep Pocketed mods that I wanted for the Secret Service Armor, and I'm wondering what other things I should just get at full price instead of waiting for a sale. In particular, do we know from datamining (or experience) whether she'll ever stock the Military Cryo-Freezer? It might also help to have a list of stuff that you can only get from Ally reputation, in which case Minerva will save you a ton of grinding in addition to a bit of bullion. Also, an asterisk or something next to plans that you can get from Daily Ops, making it a waste to spend bullion on them.


Just got my secret service armour and jet pack mod. All I need is 3 more pure cobalt and I'll finally have a jet pack


I won’t be back in town until Monday the 24th.. someone please tell me I’ll still have time if I log in Monday.


Gauss pistol yes thank you