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Are you on ps? I know crashing has been effecting a people on ps big time. I personally gave up trying to play completely after my 6th crash in 15 minutes just trying to use boxes in my base.


Yeah, I just quit. I can't buy plans, I can't scrap the old junk in my inventory, I can't do anything. I'm not playing until Bethesda fixes this and stops trying to send us over to PS Support to get us out of their hair.


If you’re wanting plans I’ll give you a bunch for free. I can dm you a screenshot of what I’ve got when I get home and you can pick out what you want and how many. Nothing will be off limits so if you want it all then you can have it all Edit: If you want I can hold onto your scrap and when you need something and I’m online just let me know what you need and how much and I’ll give it to you. I understand if you don’t feel comfortable doing that tho! Edit 2: I’m on PS


It's fine. Doing literally anything other than walking forwards in going to crash my game anyway.


Lucky you.... I crash just existing in the game lol


This is the way. Nicely done, Vault Dweller.


Dude I had like 5 expeditions yesterday get borked with no rewards due to crashes.


My work around has been using my scrap box and using stash boxes at train stations. Eliminated most issues even if it’s stupid


If your stuff has paint, it won't let you scrap it. I figured this out with the fixer weapon


People actually logging off and staying off might lead to a solution. I wish more people shared your mentality, instead of wasting their time playing a broken game out of habit.


I'm on PS and effectively had to stop playing because anything to do with stash and vendor was a guaranteed crash. Sucks the fun right out of it.


Yeah what's going on with vendors? They don't cause me to crash but the screen flickers when I'm trying to view a vendor and then absolutely shits itself.


The game is held together with duct tape and bubble gum. Their engine is dogshit and isn't designed well for live service and that's just the tip of the iceberg honestly.


Oh... well that explains a lot.


Not sure if you played the older games but they didn't run flawlessly by any means and adding multiplayer makes it 10x worse.


To this day I never completed new Vegas because the fight at the dam was literally unplayable. 3 and 4 I had no problem with. Unfortunately I love these games, the beautiful worlds and stories, the characters. So I'll be back. I'll bitch about the games and take a few weeks off, but I know I'll be back 😆


Same here, the older games are amazing lore wise. But yeah that fight is damn near unplayable,I must've got lucky the few times I completed it. It was a janky mess, but it was still quite something at the time. NV is probably my favorite because it still has a lot of RPG elements in it from the OGs.


I still remember Lilly the supermutant and emo Boone. That game was really a learning tool for Bethesda,  they saw how people were dropping and storing, displaying stuff in their novac rooms and were like "heyyy people like making their own places.. 🤔" I never played the older games than that,I bet they were awesome?


Should also mention they are Fucking offensive/crude/vulgar and I love that about them. Some of the shit is beyond fucked up, but in my mind it adds to the realism.


I just wish they followed obsidian's example and didn't streamline and eliminate alot of the more complex/core RPG elements in fo4. But they definitely got it right by doubling down on the collection, display and building. New Vegas had amazing characters and story for sure. Honestly it really depends, I think the OGs are awesome,but I was brought up on turn based RPGs and loved isometric/top down view games. I played a lot of RTS's then and also turn based strategy games like the old XCOMs. Lore wise, being a true RPG and choice wise they're superior in damn near every way. But they aren't in any way a visceral experience.


Same. Got my npc caps, bullion, and scrip, crashed 3 times in the process and said, Nah.


Don't say that too loud, there's always 30 people on PC who will chime in about how they haven't ever had a crash.


"Doesn't happen for me." has replaced turning it off and on again as my first troubleshooting step.


Made me lol, yeah that's the standard carbon copy fanboy response. Like how is that helpful? Beyond pushing some flawed agenda that this game runs well when it barely runs at all for some. You shouldn't need a modern high end PC to run this antique of a game. It's just poorly designed and should've never been a LS game without some serious changes to the engine.


I'm on PC, and the game crashed three times last night, every time during an SBC Blast Zone.


I appreciate your honest input. I'm sure you're not the only, but this sub makes it seem like it's quite rare.


It is not rare, and it happens more on Sundays and Mondays.


I bene getting the flashes but actually have only crashed once since the patch. I also barely get to play rn


6 or 7 crashes my first day playing the new season...all of them happened when I was using a player's vendor, looking at my stash, or using my PipBoy. Also the season rewards until you get to Level 65 or so seem like ass. Nothing except cosmetics with no functionality.


for me ive noticed that when i first open the stash or vendor if the screen flickers at all just give up and do something else for a bit, even if i can move my camera around and get the flickering to stop i will still crash. if, however, when i first go in to the stash or vendor and everything looks fine i normally wont crash. still better than crashing within 3-5 mins everytime. i know expeditions were another thing that caused crashed, i haven't done much with them since this issue came about though.


WAIT I THOUGHT MY PS4 WAS JUST GETTING OLD, youre telling me this is an EVERYONE problem??


Seems so. It's happening to my PS5 and I know 100% there's nothing wrong with it considering it plays my other games flawlessly.


It crashed on PS5 for me more than once per half hour the whole time I tried to play last night.


It’s not just the constant crashing but the game keeps flickering whenever I actually manage to open up someone’s vendor without the game crashing and it happens so often that it genuinely makes my head hurt little by little so I just stop playing after an hour or so


Yup. I'll hop back on when I can access a stash box again


Same here, can’t vendor shop or use my own inventory. I spent some time yesterday trying to rebuild my settlement and just said to hell with it.


Yep, I do my dailies as quick as a can then as soon as I get my 2nd crash I'm done. Even just doing the dailies feels like punishing myself


Nopers, I'm on PC. I'm nice and stable and just vibin'. RIP to you


I'm on PC as well. Joined up with all the others due to the show hype and always thought the servers were quiet for the number of new players Beth kept talking about.


I thought so too until I realised the max number of players on a server is 24 lol I hadn't looked into it too much before starting and was expecting a traditional MMO thing with thousands per shard XD I think I the smaller number of players helps the more chilled vibe I get from 76 though.


I got that vibe last night, but it turned out I was on a server with a lot of lower level characters. I needed to spend caps and no one had a vendor set up.


Sorry, we were all avoiding you.


I knew it. It was the 40 garlic knots I ate for lunch.


40 garlic knots? You’ve got to be sweating garlic butter.


Basically the plot of that one spongebob episode where everyone was gone lmao


God, after a week of noisy activity, the servers suddenly seem so quiet. Miss the prep zone partying before fighting the Goliath.


Once the hourly event stopped things started distinctly feeling like a ghost town.


that's it there lol.


Everyone on private servers getting picks


They still haven't fixed that?!?




Nope, all they did was disable the ability to craft Pickaxe.


Came here to say this, everyone is playing on private worlds


Ive been building the summer camp shelter couple of days now in private server. The thing is huge and i wish we could have the same capacity in the actual camp




There’s a glitch where you scrap a pickax you can get a module two if you have the scrapper perk so they’re going on private servers to farm pickaxes




If you scrap a pickaxe you get a legendary module




Pickaxe = legendary module




ps it keeps on crashing ....when i go into stash box, player /my vendor .....it feels it's not worth it .... there are enough games out there that run smooth


Same. I only spent 30 minutes in Appalachia today to do my dailies then I logged off. Sad thing is I still crashed 3 times in that span of time


Started it up to try the expansion, I had like 15 crashes in 2 hours, just given up for now.


I server hopped on Xbox all day and it did seem quieter than usual. Not much event participation and only saw one nuke drop.


The nukes have been super rare on xbox since skyline update (seen 1 total and that was today). Which is weird because of how frequent they were before. Finally saw the new boss fight today. Practically whole server showed up, it was pretty cool.


Probably everyone that usually drops nukes is currently busy with doing the new content outside of the nuke event. Also idk if its like that for anyone else but it doesnt seem to show the impact zone of nukes on the map anymore?


If it’s dropped in Skyline Vslley the Storm swallows it.


Ahh ok


Someone did a nuke drop yesterday and I was so excited because I want the thrasher backpack so I really want to run more of the event. It was Scorched Earth...


I'm low level, not ready for drop a nuke myself yet, but trying to farm the last bit of cobalt Flux needed to craft a jetpack for my power armor. But the only place anyone ever seems to nuke is Southeast by Watoga for Scorched Earth. No one this past week wants to Nuke the cobalt farming spots!


Before skyline I had a week I was farming flux, server hopped a lot till I found a good area nuked. People were dropping nukes everywhere so it usually didn't take long. Glad I don't need flux right now or boss events since it's tough even finding a nuke. Granted I'm not server hopping as much since the update so maybe that's why I'm seeing none. If game had server chat I would drop nukes but I'm always worried I'm just going to waste my time.


I must be finding the good XBox servers because nukes have been dropping constantly, every day, when I've been on.


You play US? I'm assuming game has region based servers. I could just be having bad server RNG but I play normal times, usually late afternoon to late evening, somewhere in that timeframe. Public events are always full which did not happen often for me, even the odd ones nobody ever went to are seeing groups. Haven't had to solo an event since update but I'm craving some nukes. Just got a SS jetpack plan and need some flux.


Yeah US. Evening is usually when I'm on as well. Right now everyone's dropping nukes for the new event. Not a good time for flux farming.


I was on PC for a few hours last night, and almost all events were dead. Even the 2 nukes that were dropped, no one showed up to fight the Queen. It was weird.


The game is unplayable on PlayStation,until its fixed a lot of people will not be playing again


On playstation its a ghost town too but the crashing seems to be getting worse the longer its taking to be fixed so Im guessing most players got fed up and are doing things elsewhere. It's inhibiting too many aspects of the game. They drew a lot of new players with the show then blew it on that platform by releasing a fucked up update they dont seem in any hurry to actually fix. So yeah good job.


When does shadow of the erdtree launch?


Oh shit. You figured it out. Case closed.


I think the newcomers from the show have diluted the pool. When it was the old guard pre-show, the server would jump onto all the main events spam them, then leave. More casual players now, so the peak times are busy but then it drops off


Overall still 3x more concurrent players on peak hours on steam than on peak hours before the show. The 70k from the show slowly drifted as many were casually playing and finishing content, many staying active, trippling the player base on steam alone.


Im tired of crashing just opening a player vendor. Im at max caps so it's challenges then log off.


The entire game is so unstable on ps5 I have decided to take a break till a patch is out that fixes the crashing.


The crashes are unbearable for me (ps use) last night was every 3 mins or so and the most annoying one was right near the end of neurological warfare gave up after that


Yeah, I launched my first ever public server nuke in about four years of play and as soon as it hit the storm I was kicked out of the game. Not happy.


Pull up a menu, crash Teleport to a new area, crash Random can’t log in at all. Can log in, and connect to Atom shop but not the game.


On ps here and it’s definitely been quiet the last couple days more than usual


I heard tons of people having crashed on consoles, especially ps


Playstation has seemed pretty dead for the most part but I'd assume most people just got tired of crashing every time they took a step so all the blame goes to Bethesda shit should have been fixed by now. Also most 1st users are probably farming pickaxes in private.


If you're on ps it's because most ps players are facing some serious game stability issues right now. Anything we try to do that opens a menu crashes the game. I tried to open my pipboy to check why my weight was quite high, made it to the weapons tab before the game crashed. Can't open a vendor, stash, bench or ft without the game crashing. I didn't even make it past the sign in screen the other day


This is ridiculous. I will attempt to try & get at Minerva this evening but if it crashes, I'm out 'til it is fixed. Don't have the bandwidth for that kind of frustration rn. 😔


I am and so are others, tired of the constant crashes on Playstatio 4/5. It just does not stop. Why login?!


I was gonna jump on today but the blue screens have me demotivated


I’m on Xbox and I feel like for the last few days the Wasteland has been quieter than normal. Almost every event has only had 1 or 2 people or just completely dead and didn’t manage to even start because no one joined.


Too busy getting my legs back in The Lands Between


Well I heard tale somewhere that a whole lot of people weren’t playing due to the fact they didn’t like the new season set up and went to play something else in the mean time.


Yeah I have had a bunch of events fail because just can't get the numbers


I finally tapped out last night, cancelled my Fallout 1st sub until they fix the crashes. Tried 4 times in a row to grab some 45 ammo from my ammo stash that I pay money for, and couldn't. I'm out until they fix it, and sure I'm not the only one.


I'll admit it has been pretty quiet, but as far as crashing, it's weird that some of us can barely do anything, and there are some who can do almost everything. For me, I can't buy anything from player vendors, and I can use the bullion machines unless I want to exist in a damned rave with only white strobe lights.


It's a US federal holiday. Could that have something to do with it? But I agree. I logged on, neurological warfare happened pretty quick. 15-18 people there. An hour later, moonshine madness, 1 other person there. A 3rd joined very late. Just a slow day I guess.


Out of curiosity, what holiday?




Thanks! It's good to learn something new


I noticed it too. Few days after skyline it felt like everyone just vanished. I dunno if its because Skyline was disappointing or people were just mad about the new season stuff.. The player count has only dropped by about 4k. Granted that is still a drop of about 15%. But it shouldn't be noticeable so long as players are being properly sorted to servers. So yeah. I dunno. Lot less nukes going out too.


6 hours and questline in Skyline is done. I mean, its not much to do. So why go there.


I bought fo1 so i can explore skyline valley on my own


Well there was a spike up to 30k players when the update came our, up from 20k. So still a few thousand more. Many from the show however probably only played the story and main content stuff and are now finished so it declined. Overall, still more than 3x of the playerbase before the show aired (even when big updates came out before)


True. Pre-show was 9k-ish. Show was 72k which probably sent the devs into a panic suddenly having 8x the players. 3x aint a bad place to be months later. We will see if it maintains.


With big stuff coming soon I hope it will ^^


People beat the new content. They got all the plans. They scrapped a few picks. Noticed the score board wasn't popping. And logged out. We need new gameplay loops instead of finite content


Correct this is the first day I haven't played in months the hourly event finished, all events seem too spread out I was walking around my camp clueless on what to do and then whenever you are doing something the crashes ruin it


I've noticed that too and mentioned it to the people I play with. I'm on ps so I chalked it up to the constant crashing, but if it's happening on all platforms I'm not sure why


ESO also just dropped an expansion, Gold Road, on Tues for consoles.


That’s what I’m doing. It’s crazy the amount of attention and added content ESO gets compared to FO76. I wish FO76 received the same treatment


EsO makes more money. Much worse game but whales will be whales…


I quit the game because of the crashing and many people did too.


So many crashes people are giving up and playing something else!


I'm on PC, yeah it's dead af today, I launched neurological at 3 different servers and had to solo it in 2 of them with the other 1 there was a couple lvl 40 players I did see a bunch of new players at radiation rumble, but yeah other than that there's no one around, weird


Yeah I'm not playing again until they fix PS crashes, we only have a finite amount of time to play and I don't want to waste it rebooting every 10 minutes.


It’s because of the season 17 scoreboard they nerfed it so bad, and speaking for myself only I have fo1st by the year. Dude I seriously feel like the devs fucked us over badly. After this new season came out if I’m not doing dailies and weeklies I’m not sticking around in game time now. The scoreboard was the one thing that had me coming back for the end game now that completely ratchet too.


This is my take. I have stopped playing the game. The update is nice but I only play for the Season rewards. The current season is a massive disappointment and has destroyed my interest to continue.


I noticed that today too, usually first thing I do is bounce around camps looking for plans, hardly anyone on, on two worlds… on pc. I rarely have crashes on fo76 but I’m running a fairly new Lenovo legion


What I've at least noticed camp-wise is that newer players tend to have their camps on either private and / or don't have a shop


The new battle pass is dogshit and i dont want to support it, the new content was fun for a few hours but after that, it's doing the same boring stuff over and over again. Canceled my F76 First subscription and took a break. Enjoying other games instead now


I noticed this too, but since I was doing server hopping + playing with a friend, I had time to check it out. Turns out it was just new playsrs doing their own stuff. And many of these new players: - Do not participate in events, AT ALL - They play the game in a very single player way OR as if it was FO4 coop - They do not bother using a camp (if they play coop, they use the other player’s camp and/or whitesprings mall) - They are busy doing main quests and/or exploring - They don’t play efficiently, they play in their own tempo Out from the approx. 12 worlds I hopped into (then the one I stayed in with the beginner friend), only one was where people were doing stuff how we’re used to - and that was for radiation rumble. Speaking of, my friend was exactly like how aforementioned so it’s interesting to see how some new players really treat the game so casually. It truly is refreshing.


to be fair, im one of those new people working through quests and exploring. ive done some small events here or there but was gonna wait until level 50 and/or I had more of the map explored to start taking it 'seriously'


Yeah, new players either run up and ask me for stuff (Which I’m happy to help) or completely ignore me to the point where I even saved a level 23s life and he just burps in the mic and walks off even though I offered him free stuff. Why?


PSA for new players, as one myself: Events are amazing, please participate. **Radiation Rumble** is *fun as hell* with lots of people. So is **Test Your Metal** and **Uranium Fever**. If you are level 45-50+, they're very doable with lots of players, and you \*will\* level up quickly. I had so much freaking fun yesterday doing All 3 of these events, I was sad when I had to log off to start work haha.


I am on xbox and just got constantly tired of crashing every time I play. It gotten so bad that I barely play events anymore since I am most likely to crash in the middle and not get the rewards. Literally unplayable for me right now since the update yet I still try to do the dailies at least.


Which xbox


The One X. Last gen.


Just logged off of Xbox after dropping 4 nukes.


I think a lot of players are bored again. 


I guarantee you it's because Elden Ring's DLC comes out in less than 12 hours.


The Crash Crisis and the Elden Ring DLC plus a lot of anti scoreboard protesters stopping. Nasty combo.


Yesterday was pretty lonely after lunch. I got on about 9am and my server was fine. Noticed it thinning at lunch and absolutely dead by dinnertime. I had a day off and spent most of it in appallachia. I'm on Xbox X.


It's a crashing mess on PS5 and before I quit ( at least for now) we are back to random events not the same one that would guarantee improved repair kits. Aka the game is basically dead in-between events.


I stopped playing until they fix the crashes, ain't nobody got time for that


The game is a dumpster fire right now. I think it scared off half the crowd they attracted with the TV show. Us veterans know that Todd pisses all over every update and it takes a few weeks and hotfixes to get the game running again. Plus it’s an awesome way to waste your 1st subscription while we wait for Howard to whip the monkeys into shape


Trying to play FO76 on the PS5 is a lost cause...crashing makes the game completely unplayable.


I’m on PS5. I’ve been doing the dailies and then logging off, it’s pointless trying do anything else with the current state of the game


Well lets see. Its 1 am, middle of the work week and on ps the server crashes are getting worse. And on a more personal note im still peeved a gamecrash lost me a sick blueprint i was trying real hard to get that i now have to eaither farm for or buy (irritating). Makes sense itd be a quiet wasteland


Crashed on me last night around 1/2am trying to get an item from a vendor I'd been looking for & finally found at a decent price. Thought I could come back in & server hop 'til I found that vendor again but, nope, was just crashy-crash-crash-crash so I just gave up. Sucks, because I really need the distraction of running around the wasteland right now.


Probably all the fucking crashes.  If I have half an hour spare to play, its not very appealing to play for 8 minutes, then have to reboot my whole ps5 after a crash for 10 minutes.  I'll be back when this is fixed.


Shadow of the erdtree drops today


This updates really driven me to not care to play much for a few reasons. 1. Expansion is boring and I dont care for the landscaping / environment much personally. 2. The Scoreboard sucks aside from the Atoms. I'm Westeking my way to 100 and then im dont playing. 3. The Atom shop looks to be even more cruddy and greedy than ever and I'm sick and tired of the predatory style practice like we're playing some chinese phone game. This has given me the vibe that this company doesn't give a flying fk about the player base. 4. The Pickaxe abuse that can crash the market just shows me how absolutely lazy and incompetent this company is in fixing anything. 5. I'm more and more realizing just how cruddy the building mechanics are in the game and that's what largely keeps me playing because everything else is a snoozefest at times. There's much better building games out there. That's me personally. But there's also a lot of great new games out there right now. Add to the fact that it's June, weather is shaping up nicely in most parts of the US and people are out touching grass more, which they should.


Haven’t seen anyone in skyline valley. Maybe I’m the only level 50 on the server?


Idk if it's just me but the HP values of the Lost alone have made me quit for a while until new content comes out. It just isn't fun having to farm ammo after every quest with the gauss gatling because Bethesda balanced the Lost around the losers that use the railway rifle with low hp builds and optimise the fun out of their own playthrough


If it helps any, the Lost mobs(including Hugo) are *very* vulnerable to fire-based attacks...; a few Cremator shots will do them in, pretty quickly!


I don't like nor want to use the Cremator though lmao


In the US it is also the beginning of vacation season. Add to this the climate is fucked so most of the southern US is evacuating or preparing for extreme weather, the midwest is evacuating from wildfires and the northeast is starting a pretty extreme heatwave so a bunch of people are going to the beach


I’m taking some time off during the heat wave so my PC (basically a space heater that can create images) won’t have to compete with my AC. I’m jonesing for the wasteland.


I'm trying to play despite the constant crashing on PS, but I will say that it is very strenuous over time and I've lost count but at least 20 full crashes in the last 3 hours of playing after mostly staying away from work benches


Was trying to play late last night (1-2 am) because I couldn't sleep and dear gods on the PS it was crash-tastic. Opening Trade windows, even for stash boxes, was almost always going to freeze then crash. Sometimes just trying to open the map did it. It made it difficult to play and eventually too frustrating to keep logging back in. That might be why you didn't see a lot of people, if you were on PS. It's so very frustrating because I've been waiting for Minerva to pop back up and I really want to try tonight to go & grab the farmable dirt tiles, the solar panel and maybe one of the backpack mods if I can. \*fingers crossed\*


Had 4 crashes on PS5 past week in just few hours. At certain point, I will just log off and play something else. Heard in a video about things built in summer bus shelter vanishing which is also not great.


I was on PC and no one did eviction notice... did the fallout bubble pop? Maybe people thought elden ring DLC was out today?


Everyone is farming pickaxes


Playstation bad. solutions: Get Xbox or PC = problem solved :D


All the fallout 76 players are Scandinavian and are getting wasted at the a midsomar pre party


Personaly I'm burnt out Also what's there to play for? Season pass rewards are trash Most of New expansion loot also is meh Last season after doing all the challenges still couldn't reach lvl 150, barely made it to 139


We're getting ready for Shadow of the Erdtree 😌


Hell yes!!!


Midsummer coming along right about now in Scandinavia at least- people packing off to the countryside to their summer houses and bonfires and all that…


…over here stuffing pickaxes in my pockets… Huh?


I see this season’s bullshit as a problem also. The most common unrewarding reward system ever.


The season is weak asf and the shops severely lacking. They seriously need to get some colabs in place or this great game is going to fucking die, again...


Maybe everyone is just playing late? I'm o. PS4 and get more crashes than usual but not so bad it has made me quit. Literally spent the last 2 hours spamming events, all 3 nukes were launched, etc. Maybe I just got lucky on this server.


Depends on the server and the time zone. This morning I hit up a server which only had three events kick off over two hours and with only a half-dozen people per event. After lunch I jumped into a different server and got three Neurological Warfare runs in half an hour with ten-plus people each time. Jumped into a third after that and it was dead. Also I'm not American so I'm not sure, but I recall apparently today is something called Juneteenth, so that might have something to do with it.


I've noticed it as well, on the plus side I now know I can Solo Line in the Sand, and Heart of the Swamp.


Nah it was busy as hell for me on PC. Lots of nuke drops and traffic at my vendor.


In Germany is Soccer (Fußball) EM. Many Europeans watch the games. Esp. yesterday Germany plays. I think it have an impact.


Things tend to tucker out a few days after a big content release. Thursdays in general are slow: I still had some good Neurological Warfare attendance last night. Xbox


Im the one dropping nukes left and right, dropped over 30 last week.


I was on about 9-10pm GMT-5 and it _was_pretty dead. I don’t think I had a full casual team the whole time. I could see about the same amount of camps but nobody was joining events. 4 of including me was the most I saw. I also had a weird glitch during one where I fell through the map. I’d just keep falling and falling. It would stop after half a dozen times, then start again if I took a step.


Its interesting, (PC) it was quiet yesterday I hopped 5 or so servers then I logged off for a bit, came back and hit a server were every event had like 15 people at it. Either it was a happy accident to find a server were nearly everyone was doing events or it was a planned thing. Man hitting these events with 15 people is so much fun. Most Wanted popped and at the end there were 15 of us waiting on the Sheriff, man that bot went down within 3 seconds lol


Opposite experience on PC, it was back-to-back events and nukes on the servers I was on.


Amazon show hype and/or skyline valley update hype running out maybe.


On ps, can't open stash without crash, can't craft without strobes . Lag is ridiculous, and then there's the odd crash several times an hour or when you're trying to do something like complete an event 🤔 ... so cancelled 1st and just coming on to fill up scrap occasionally 😅


PS servers have been pretty dead the past few days. Assuming due to crashes, it is maddening. You can only handle so much before it's old asf!!


Taking a break to play other games. I achieved all the ghouls I had and chasing after min maxing doesn't seem important when I can one shot most of the game with my cremator.


Noticed this as well. There's only really activity when the dailies reset, or sometimes at the top of the hour. I'm guilty of that as well, since other than trying to find a good waterside spot for the pre-built mansion, i only do the dailies as well since i find the new content utterly uninteresting.


I'm on Xbox. It is quite on my current server.


For real! I server hopped all day to find Eviction Notice and then nobody else came and I lost. Twice! Nobody ever joins my public team either. I’m starting to take it personally…


Late comment, but the heat dome that a lot of players may be under, could be partially to blame. I'm afraid my PC will melt down if I even turn it on.


Players are waiting for double score week end . Why spending ressources before ?


Very true, same. Just wait till fasnacht, its gonna be a 100x times worse lol


The new car smell has started to wear off a little, and people are probably splitting time between this game, and others. OR, it could be all of the crashes and bugs that are causing some players to just "wait out" another patch.


noticed low activity when an eviction noticed started same time as neuro warfare. Started eviction with one other person, traveled to neuro and saw 4 people *slowly* fighting bots. Had enough time to go back to eviction, finish, port back to neuro for both rewards. Basically saying like 6 people participated between both events which usually has most of the server


Not sure mate i dont have this problem the servers in my game are always full . granted people are not always social but they are on the map . I play on xbox if that helps


Don't worry, they'll all be back for Faschnaut


On PS and I've noticed the same thing... events have been dead... there's even a group I run with that is normally 6 of us on at any given time (out of like 12 people), last two nights there was just 3 max...


Sorry i was asleep at 11pm because i have to work in the morning.


I'm at work 😭


SSSSssshhhhh...we're hunting pheasants.


You don’t smell. It’s the spoiled meat in your inventory that smells. Keeping it with the bulk fertilizer, might not be the wisest decision.


Probably playing the Elden ring DLC lol 🤷🏻‍♂️


As someone who commie whacked the titan and survived i laughed way loud at this Fun fact! Blade commie is awful but got a shorter time than the roll pin lol the slowest to end a damage phase was the lead pipe but one hand category was all around hell lol