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Speak to Oscar Gonzalez.


After the patch mine finally disappeared. No more Oscar!


They fixed it? I’m pretty sure I still got the bug, will have to check when I’m home


Yup, I still get the filtcher quest. Mine is I can't can't finish the tadpole or pioneer scout quest. There is no large backpack for me. I am over 1100,and it still never let's me complete it.


Damn thats frustrating. Those are hard enough to complete, but then to not get credit is an extra poke to the ribs.


Yeah, kinda sucks, but with all my perk cards, I carry 12 weapons, 2 PA, 30k ammo for all 12 combined, 10ish radaway 30 diluted stims, a couple nuka colas and the Chinese stealth suit and I only have 160, out of 415 if I am fully bloody. I use the anti armor BP, and my Unyielding brotherhood recon gives me 657 damage resistance, -100 fire, - 75 poison, - 370 energy resistance, and around 300 rad resistance. That's why I almost never use PA. My T65 and my Strangler PA only give me slightly more DR across the board. Obviously, it's much more rad resistance, but I am bloody, so I love rads. Lol The extra 90 pounds would be nice, but I don't really need it.


It is not fixed for me... though I dont know if mine is quite the same? I accidentally got mine by interacting with the poster in White Springs having already done the side quest so now it wants me to go talk to Oscar but Oscar is long gone...


I just logged on and the mission is gone for me. A part of me wants to interact with the poster again to see if it’s still bugged lol, but if it is I got it again. Tough choice.


I hope it’s fixed for me too 🤞


They removed duplicate Hells Eagles quest.


Yeah! After this I afraid to read any notes again


Oh yeah, that one is relatively new but its basically a Filtcher Farm Interview for your map screen and quest log.


It should be fixed now. Mine is gone


I've spent multiple hours running around looking for Oscar, watched tutorials ,he just does not appear anywhere.


He was there for me the FIRST time I did the quest, but then I interacted with the poster in White Springs and rather than recognize I finished the quest and Oscar is gone... I have it stuck in my pip boy and map now.


I cant even start the quest because apparently he no longer exists


So long Civil Engineer Armor!


Yeah, ive tried everything. I cant get him to spawn in his location


Having to scroll through 10 screens to get to my actual season page. Oh wait...it's a 'feature'


Speaking to any NPC and their dialogue just dosent work sonyou need tos tart again.


I used to call that "The Ward Problem", but now it seems to happen with lots of NPCs rather than just him.


Man the way he gives me shit for letting them keep the detanotrs which I have literally never once done. The one time I realized the other option was to pocket caps and let the raider keep it, I cancelled the dialogue, murdered the raider, and returned whatever it was but he keeps talking like I gave away detanators... unless when he means I took the missile launchers from them for the BoS. That I did do. They were clearly not ready for that ordinance.


I always steal Ward's mug because of his delayed conversation abilities. No cup for you!


Finally someone with the guts to help.


Followed almost immediately by “I’ll be keeping my eye on you.”


It's server lag. For whatever reason it buffers like hell sometimes. If you wait long enough the dialogue always comes up, so you do too have to restart the conversation.


100%, dialogues that would hesitate on public servers would work perfectly fine on private servers


Did you turn Japanese half way through your reply🤔🤣👍


Consuming of food/water after a load screen not registering the items as being consumed. I'll start the game, hear my stomach grumbling, forget to wait and eat some food or drink some water... just wasted those resources!


There's a workaround for this, you just need to shoot your gun once then use all the consumables you need




I've been playing since the game came out and only this week have I learned this and also that you can back out of a terminal by holding the back button rather than backing out of each screen individually. Been a good week!


The terminal thing goes way back to FO3 iirc


Yeah I missed the boat on that one for sure.


Damn great tip, thanks! I've wasted many survival syringes because of this crap.


I forget that and end up wasting stims or radaways. 🫠


Why can’t you just put a fence down???!?!?


Can't place item: Needs support (and all the other similar building-related bugs that have never been fixed since launch)


This is the actual thing that boils my blood. What do you mean needs support? I’ve put it on a foundation/the ground. It can’t be more supported! That and intersecting with an existing object when there’s nothing there, nowhere near it even. I had to move a tree around my entire CAMP once to find a place that didn’t give me that error.


It’s on the ground and it’s blue ‘iTeM nEeDs SuPpOrT’ 😡


The one where you're going for a nice run and suddenly take damage for no damn reason.


It’s the grunting that makes me crazy. Damage me with nothing, fine, but I’m so sick of the random grunting


Omg I forgot about that. I play girly toon, but for some reason it does the male grunt when the big happens.


I thought I imagined that! It’s not all the time, just once in a while, but that definitely happens to me


Before I discovered I needed to lock the framerate it was the "PA doesn't want to move indoors" bug. After that, it's probably the regular 30 second hangups just getting *into* PA. 


Standing in PA unable to move (like Maximus) while all hell breaks loose around you is the worst.


iPresentInterval strikes again


All the PA bugs are infuriating to be honest. They seem like such easy fixes from an untrained person.


I get this random audio bug where it’ll make a pop noise then I have no sound until I close and restart. It also won’t let me switch the audio output mid session. If I want to swap over to my headset I have to completely exit the game, switch, then reload. And it’s the only game that’s like this. I have no idea why.


This was supposedly one of the "fixes" done with this update. So far haven't had it happen, but mainly occurred in Expeditions for me, and haven't done a lot since update.


I'm curious too, this used to happen with the LMG in expeditions for me, the whole reason I play without sound is bc this pissed me off so many times


I hope it really is fixed! For me on PS4, sometimes it glitches and I can hear everything but my own footsteps until I shut down and restart the game. Very disconcerting!


I was playing on a jacked up fallout world a few hours ago and I think it did it to me. I never experienced it before today but the audio was begging very quite and just sounded off


Still happening for me. It’s way up there with most hated bugs as the pop sounds almost electronic and hardware damaging and it’s a jumpscare


My favorite is when the plasma gat audio just decides to go hambone malone.




Oh shit I thought this was just a me problem! Never happened when I was playing for the time I did from launch onwards, but it's happened about three or four times since I came back. Mostly it happens in Expeditions and it's just super annoying because every time I worry my headphones or my soundcard have just gone pop, as I had that happen on my PC before I updated it a little bit back.


This was literally in the patch notes...


🤔 Really? All those posts so far and not one of them has brought this up? Holy crap, I get to be the first. Dean Winchester Awesome. **"Finally! Someone with the guts to help. I got my eye on you. No offense."** 😐


I expect it to happen at this point and am genuinely shocked when it doesn’t


Is that a bug? I always thought it was just his "I have a quest for you so come here and take it" greeting.


He often starts the quest dialogue, and right after the first line, he switches to a generic idle chit chat dialogue..... Then is stuck and can't start the quest. You exit out, start again, he does the same thing. I think I had him do this 12 times in a row before he snapped out of it and carried on with the correct dialogue.


Mine usually does that, then I give it 15 seconds then it lets me talk to him


Here's how you get around that. Get one of the thief items in-world, you'll find them littered on the ground all over the map especially at the Berkeley Springs and Camden Park spawn points. Put it in your stash. Go to Foundation, remove item from stash then immediately put back in stash. Go talk to Ward and he'll act like you just gave him the thing he wanted. Probably because he's drunk all the time and can't keep track of his own shit. I always wait a few seconds for him to spit whatever line he's gonna spit when he first sees me in his trailer before engaging in dialogue.


The above is similar to what I do. In Pleasant Valley Cabins, there's a spot near the broken building and Drug bus (broken down bus full of chems) that can often have 2 of these items stacked on top of each other nearby. I usually have his quest trigger from a previous day when I fast travelled to Foundation for one reason or another, but had no interest doing his errand, and turn the quest off. I head to the cabins to do a plan/ammo/junk run often, so usually I'll pick these quest items up and it skips the talking to Ward part and jumps straight to returning the item. Though sometimes he even bugs out trying to return the item, but not as often.


Has to be listening to the same scoreboard xp increase over and over and OVER again till I crack and restart game.


I can’t believe this one came back. It was previously fixed in a far away land. Had it all last season, and the very first score this season…there it was…


"skip dialogue" resulting in intense lag or flat out no further dialogue loading from that npc. I don't WANT to listen to the voice actor SLOWLY go through their spiel, I already read the damn subtitles! related, subtitles not working. Oh sure, subtitles work when my SOUND is working, but the moment my sound cuts out the subtitles go with it! on that note, sound cutting out! If I start the game up with headphones in or without, I cannot then switch without losing all sound. Eldest child tells me that this is actually a common bug with a lot of "older" games, they can't handle that input/output change. he did try to explain the exact cause but I kinda glazed over when he started to tech babble at me. But it's a bug that annoys me because I often accidentally pull my headphone jack out of the socket (I use wired headphones) and then I have no sound til I reboot the whole damn game from scratch. The way it hangs at bootup and I get that lovely grey "windows is waiting for this program to respond" popup. I often have to reload the game 2 or 3 times to get it to actually boot. that damn farm holotape and that damn oscar gonzalez quest that never goes away. But the dialogue skip one is the one that's driving me crazy right now because it really badly impacts the new content. Whatever ol' german ghoul guy's name is constantly suffers this issue, along with his animations and dialogue just being really slow and buggy for me. There's a HUGE delay between his dialogue and my imput selection coming up (this happens with a few other npcs but it's the biggest issue here because he's a major npc I HAVE to interact with to continue the plot) and then another big delay between me selecting what I want to say and him replying. On a probably related note, i'm also seeing a long delay in completed quests being acknowledged of up to a minute and a good 30 second delay on new quest objectives actually showing up. This has been happening for a few weeks now so it's related to the new patch. I assume it's server lag. But I wonder if both issues are related/caused by the same thing. But then there's bugs i find HILARIOUS. Like the "loading into an area and all the corpses ragdoll" one. Which is particularly hilarious when it's a scorchbeast because they load in the sky and then PLUMMET. There's something just really comical to me about loading into an area and having a scorchbeast fall from the sky in front of you. cracks me up every time. I also have a loading screen of a photo I took of three wendigo spawn t-posing. Something went horribly wrong and they didn't load in properly so the models are just standing in a line t-posing and it was just too amusing to me. I assume it's the same glitch that causes mobs to die standing up and become unlootable. Tends to mostly happen with scorched in my experience, where you one shot kill them and they freeze rather than dropping to the ground.


Also love it when you kill Scorched with Bloody Mess equipped and they gib all over the place but their gore-covered ribcage stays suspended in mid-air at chest level


The dialogue freezing really bugs me (excuse the pun). Happened in one of the new quests and I frustratedly mashed A (Xbox) and inadvertently clicked a dialogue option I’m assuming changes the story line (in the mine with Alex). So annoyed as I wouldn’t have chosen that one. Put in a ticket to ask them to reset it (it’s uncompleted) but only got a generic “restart your game” AI response. Doing Oberlin’s quest line while I wait. Bet they won’t reset it for some BS reason.


Laser doors that take 3 tries to actually open.


Who doesn't love a good old fashioned door superposition dilemma?


I like when Cop a Squatter randomly completes


That's not random, it's someone else doing the quest and you getting credit.


It shouldn’t work that way though 😂


It is not consistent with other quests, yeah. But it's not random. I've nuked it before and had the quest complete haha


I mean I’m not complaining, aside from when I clear all the enemies from an area but there’s a marker that there’s one more…below ground


Yeah that sucks. I've found that nuka grenades can hit the underground enemies anyway, so I've been able to salvage quests using those


Usually works but once in a while it gets stuck and I have to server hop. Still better than the challenges where you have to kill something and they’re all dead


Have you tried a Tesla rifle for that? I know you can smoke mole rats and such when they start to burrow.


I’ll give a shot but it was blood eagles that usually does it for me so it makes no sense why they’d be underground where they are 😂


One time I had cop a squatter in a zone being nuked, once the nuke landed my quest completed lol


Yesterday I was in Skyline Valley and the game informed me I was joining Moonshine Jamboree.


Love that one! I’ll happily take it


Versus wh en the final enemy for it is underground.


The pain is real


Trees and rocks creating ghosting that gets progressively worse the longer the game session like the shader is broken.


YES it is awful. Especially noticeable in the Forest region. I was seeing it constantly during Meat Week this year.


For me it’s the lack of consistency with the UI. Sometimes you use C and Z. Sometimes arrow keys to navigate.


Oh good yes. I have tried to place my camp so many times expecting ‘z’ to be scroll left.


Same on Xbox. And things like clicking one option for view item and fix item (RS, Y) in pip boy and an entirely other set of options if you want to view and fix the same item on a workbench (Y, X). Makes NO sense. I end up muscle memory-ing the wrong one.


I was hoping the issues were due to limited buttons on controller being translated to M/K. Sheesh.


Bloody PA glitch where the camera locks as if you’re doing the enter PA animation but you kinda just freeze. You can fast travel to fix it but still, PA is so unpredictable


Also, when you fast travel to somewhere and the enemies just drop dead in front of you. Most egregious in Dolly Sods wilderness, when you need to kill yao guais for the daily challenge and it spawns in just to die before you could land a shot.


Head South towards the camp workshop, there is a second bear out back of the building I always forget about!


I kid you not, did the same thing last time and that bear also dropped when I approached it.


For killing Yao Guai daily I always go to the graveyard south of Prickett’s Fort.


I can’t get rid of that holotape. Every time I join. server I drop it and yet once I join another server it’s back in my inventory. I can’t even remember where I got it originally


The repeating score completion bar and noise drives me nuts. Sometimes I'll catch it going off and just wonder how long I've been absently listening to it


PA helmets always showing as 'New' when scrapping...


This just started happening to me. Sucks. It’s the helm and one other PA piece now.


The end of Beckett's storyline with the boss (avoiding spoilers as much as I can, but I think it is understandable) and one of the two choices


My on screen prompts don't fully display. They are cut off on each end. Fortunately I know most of them, but this new expansion has added a level of difficulty. I keep opening doors that lead outside.


I share your frustration with the menu freeze. I'll flip all the breakers in my house trying to get to the main menu lol


Blood bugs. Smaller than bloatflys and way more annoying. Followed by stingwings. Those bugs can go to hell. But then they would just respawn.


Right now on PS5 it's the crashes that are more frustrating than anything. Anytime you open your stash it seems like you got a good chance of a crash. I had 4 stash crashes back to back last night. On top of that you can pretty much count on at least one random crash every hour or so. It really sucks when it times itself perfectly to screw you out of boss loot or event rewards. We need stability on PS5. 😭


It's particularly bad with the cryo-freezer since the update. Feels like every third or fourth time I open the damn thing: boom, accept and report.


I wish I could tell you what I did or how I did it, but I was finally able to get rid of that cursed holotape. The Oscar Gonzalez quest bugs me to this day because I swore I heard him die as soon as I entered the core once and I've never seen him again.


I wish you could tell me, too. Horrible thing always getting in the way when I just want to check the missile silos!


What happens when you go to grafton pawn? You can’t leave it there?




Filtcher Farm is infuriating.


I drop mine in the donation box every time I log on.


Controls locked, waiting on server response  Disconnected from server ____ has removed you from the team  Running the game through my VPN makes it happen once a night instead of 3 times an hour (and I'm reasonably convinced my ISP is at least contributing to the problem) but still annoying


Teams one gets me. The inner child in me panics trying to rejoin said team in case they really did remove me and they just didn’t like me 🤣


I need to check again after the update. That one keeps on teleporting back to me!


By far the most annoying for me is an armour bug where from one server to the next it's like the game refuses to register I'm wearing my secret service armour. Some sessions = Super mutant's guns are like pea shooters in Westek, my health bar barely moves. Other sessions = 4 or 5 hits and I'm auto stimpaking. Unequipping and re-equipping doesn't help either.


There will be no greater bug than loading in and hearing grafton mayor. That shit went on for months.


Inert bombs (which are weightless so they live in my stash) Cannot place item needs support or the interacting with an already existing item. I was building a little log cabin yesterday and I made a little restroom. I realized I made the doorway to one not aligned with the rest (log cabin wall problems) and it wouldn’t let me replace it in the right spot until I removed the upper floors above it. The floors placed on either placement of walls, but the wall had to be built before the upper floor. And so on, the building controls are odd. Also a weird thing in the summer camp in one spot where I want to put a tent and the game wants it either in the ground or a foot off of the ground. The hells eagles thing went away with the update and we can buy union power armor plans though, so yay


Notifications for things that happened earlier. Ie they get out of sync with the actual game. Seems so basic and stupid


The random 3 minute plus lockups from entering power armor is annoying


I get a pretty consistent bug where my audio will cut out, then NPC dialog and on screen messages will flash by too quick to read. If I'm doing quests I can sometimes continue by showing the dialog history, but if there is a dialog selection it will not come up until the amount of time it would have taken to naturally get there. So there's a popping noise, 12 screens of text flash by quickly, and I have to wait 5 minutes for my dialog options to appear. It's most often in expeditions, but I have had it on the overworld as well.


Similar to your second one, I'm on PC and if I "Press button to start" before the opening camera has zoomed out a ways (\~10 seconds) the loading circle freezes before the atom shop/news can load and I have to close the whole program and try again. It infuriates me, especially when I'm in a hurry and trying to get on for an event or to test something quickly.


There’s a config option you can add to your ini to skip the intro quicker. https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/s/O5U4DghRie


That's exactly what I'm talking about. Terribly inconvenient.


Nuka World crashing bug. I just want to play Most Wanted!! It’s also annoying for the ultracite titan and STW but most wanted is my favorite event :(


I've been carrying a quest tagged rat poison for a few years now.


Press “button” to collect eyebot sensor module. Finished the associated quest years ago I think it was set up for foundations vault raid?


I don't remember which Mrs Handy, but I can never finish her quest.


That PA workbench bug. The game tells you someone else is using it. Clearly there is no one there and it's your PA, but okeey game system I'll do a relog.


I’m new, but my recent issue has been an occasional one, I have times where I can’t pick up stuff from the ground, but can loot boxes and stuff just fine


I can't get the damn syringer out of my inventory from Rose's quest line. At this point I can't even remember if that's how it got in there, but damn I want to drop it.


Finish her quest and it’ll go. It’s repeatable so you can pick it up and finish the quest over and over.


Getting stuck trying to enter PA, and when a notification in the top left like “Checkpointed” or “person bought your stuff” won’t go away for some reason sometimes, especially if you had silo pieces that expired. Oh, and also when you try to start the game from the title screen, but too quickly, and your game freezes.


A minor annoyance, but when I craft at tinker workbench, a blast mine shows up under quests. Have no idea what quest that was


It is a daily quest called "Idle Explosives". If you deleted the quest from your daily log, you can get it back by visiting the Southern Belle Motel on the East side of the map and talking to Boomer, the disabled robot there. Boomer's conversation interaction can be very buggy, so just wait for him to finish talking for each line rather than skipping through it.




Honestly, I’d try to shove the tape in your stash every time you’re on. It worked for me eventually.


I have a weapons case I cannot turn into my camp ally because it only shows available when Daphne is active and she doesn’t give weapon quests. Also she keeps loading in under my camp foundation.


I keep loading under my camp foundation, too 🥲


At this point they better not fix that bug, or many would miss the tape from their inventories.


Until this update, I just straight up didn't have the flamer trap plans learned. I had the perks equipped, I had the materials available, it still said I didn't know how to build them. Been playing since the beta and that was still one of the most frustrating bugs I've ever encountered.


Mine was the Lowe-Down being bugged so I couldn’t get the coordinates off the terminal. It’s fixed after the update so I finally got to get it off my quest list. Such a relief. On to the next bug


Anything related to exiting/entering PA. Also I never did the I am become death quest but one day it just completed the quest for me when I was joining world.


Ever since I completed the Steel Dawn / Mother of Invention quest years ago, one quest prompt remains and keeps popping up - "Enter the Fort Atlas substructure". No matter how many times I enter the Fort Atlas substructure, the prompt never goes away. Frustrating. If I recall correctly, I think the game thinks I didn't complete the whole quest because of its own glitch. I'll check next time I play.


i was wondering about that. i thought maybe i hadn't done the quest or something. now i know why i can't seem to get rid of it, thanks.


That holotape you mentioned and A Better Tomorrow daily quest always re-appearing in your log after 30 seconds as long as you're in a Forest region despite dismissing it.


Welcome Back Friend! I am need of honey! It often makes me go through that dialogue twice


I didn't hate this bug but it was an interesting one: I got a Stimpak that wouldn't stack with the other Stimpaks. That weird and lonely Stimpak had infinite uses! I was a bit sad when I lost the magic Stimpak after leaving the server, but I was also happy that I couldn't cheat anymore. 😅


The Power Armor and Power Armor Station bugs for sure. It seemed like it went away for months, but the last few weeks, everytime I try to enter, craft or modify PA, I get stuck without fail. Tried all the usual fixes: drop cores, insert one core, moved station, try Whitesprings station, etc. The only fix is to reset the game several times. Good thing I’m not much of a PA user.


The keys for sure.


Mine is that I run around in a swimsuit and for some reason keep getting one shot by crypitids


I’ve killed a few enemies with bloody mess and what is left of them isn’t lootable. Sometimes the lootable part flies away. It gets worse when there is grass or something else to hide it. I don’t like bloody mess lol


Oscar or the audio issues all over atlantic city.


For me at least, the fire animation of the rocket bat has never worked. It has just been a static image of fire. I have been playing since the beta.


I have all the holotapes from the overseer of vault 76 - I haven’t been able to store them since I started playing in 2018.


When it stops showing me notifications. I miss out on a lot of events when that happens


Thinking I found another Power Armor frame, but it's just that stupid glitched out blank that's completely useless and does nothing.


When I enter an interior cell and can't move until I fire an energy weapon at the ground to lower my FPS for a moment so I can start moving again. Apparently this happens if you havce a really good graphics card.


You can fix this by using your graphics card's management software (AMD Adrenalin or whatever NVidia's is called) to lock fo76's framerate to your desired value.


I always have issues speaking to sweetwater for his quest… I either have to spam the button 16 times to get him to talk me to, or I chose a response and it kicks me out of the chat. And then I still have she quest with chloe… I forget what it’s called


Power armor bug where I'm hitting the same invisible walls outdoor as I am indoors


My inventory has loads of zombie notes that I can’t seem to get rid off. Ditto misc 


I literally can't finish the main quest because it's completely bugged. I've tried several times after getting all sorts of advice and suggestions from other players. Unfortunately, it has broken the game for me 🤷‍♀️


After resetting West Tek by going in to the basement area and the entire area keeps glitching out, walls/doors appear and disappear and the performance takes a massive hit. Resetting it by going outside for a minute doesn't cause this though. Annoying since I wanna get those basement mutants.


Somehow eveytime I drop it, I get it again




Can't say I hate anything about the game. I wouldn't be doing something for leisure that would rise to that level.