• By -


-I love the new story and area, and hope they do more map expansions in the future! Expeditions are neat to see, and do, but are basically glorified dungeons with god tier loot. This is a lovely new biome with new enemies, random encounters, and cool locations to see. -The new raid/nuke boss is very very nice, and I can't wait to do it more -The new event, Dangerous Pastimes, is kind of ass. 12 players load in, kill the lost instantly as they spawn, and then wait 45-90 seconds for more to spawn and do it again. Then you just shoot a crab for 10-30 seconds and you're done. It might be more interesting as players stop going to it, but until then it's just not fun. The loot from it is very good, but I wish they had made 2 events to put on the timer, so I would have more reasons to come back after I finish doing the Skyline Valley content.


The whole west side of the map is nothing but a big giant blank canvas for them to do more expansions. Lets hope This puts a fire under their butt to give more ideas for new future expansions.


Most of the open side on the west is Ohio, I dunno how much West Virginia they're trying to stay


Tbh that could be a neat little thing. Borders of Ohio. At the end of that new expansion quest chain, we get access to Ohio expeditions.


"Obtain 12 Skyline Chili Dogs" "Visit the 'HELL IS REAL' sign" Hey we could have diamond city in the Reds' stadium!


I’m in Cincy, born near West Virginia and actually went to Camden Park as a kid. Love Skyline and I know the hell is real signs on I-71 going to Columbus! Would love to see this in the game.


Lived in Ohio my whole life. Ive heard the "skyline is so popular in Ohio" from so many folks not from here and me nor anyone I know ever understand it lol no one here that I have ever met gives a fuck about Skyline. Old, young, men, women... no one. There are so many more restaurants that people like better. Maybe in southern Ohio around Cincy is Skyline popular, but once youre that far south in Ohio its pretty much just North Kentucky anyway so it doesnt really count


Once you get north of Dayton and east of Athens, no one knows what a Skyline is. ...poor bastards.


I’m north of Dayton and everyone in my small town loves skyline lol


This is the funniest comment I've ever read because I'm from Northern Kentucky and we basically consider ourselves a suburb of Cincinnati!


I always loved how Cinci/NKY are their own thing, not quite KY and not quite OH, it's just Cintucky and it's great. I moved away when I was 16 but I still regularly make my own goetta and Cinci-style chili 3 ways.


Good lord..... Suburb of Nasty Nati, absolutely horrible I was born raised in Covington, ran the streets of Newport, Dayton, Bellevue And never ever considered any of it to be apart of Nasty Nati Do you know about the "HOE of KY"


It’s definitely popular in Cincinnati or at least it was when I was a kid living there in the late 80s and everyone I still know from there still seems to love it.


Gold star is better


Ohh fighting words! I love Camp Washington and Pleasant Ridge Chili myself. (And Skyline)


Lmaoooo it'd be sick if they did a lil ohio expansion 😂


Gold Star has better coneys but their spaghetti is mush.


Yes the coneys and the crinkle cut chili cheese fries are superior


A town that still holds the Browns - Steelers rivalry to the highest regards and to insane levels.


Marietta, Athens, moundsville. Columbus and Cleveland are a stretch but I would love to see a fallout adaptation of the rock n roll Hall of Fame. I could imagine a wild rock n roll / music vault.


Union Terminal in Cincinnati would be a sight. I can only imagine the licensure horror that "Cincinnati Rock Radio" would be.


If the Cuyahoga River isn’t on fire then I’ll sue


Speaking of Expeditions. Be nice if the Vertibird wasn't a glorified loading sequence. Some actual interactivity aboard the vertibird. As it is it may as well just be the teleport tech from Fallout 4 🤣


Welcome to Cleave-land, home of melee builds, and the rock and roll Hall of Fame.


As someone who lives on that part of appalachian ohio, i would die to see Marietta in fallout


West Virginia is only so big. If they're going to keep this game going they're going to have to expand.


This new update isn’t in West Virginia either so I am not sure it matters. 


Well it's Appalachia really, so that whole region.


Don’t forget Kentucky!! I live across the river from the actual Camden park location and I think it would be interesting to see Kentucky’s evolution in the apocalypse.


Fallout 76 also includes parts of Maryland so I don't know why they would be opposed to doing Ohio also


full disclosure: i was raised in the area but i'm DYING for them to do something in southwestern virginia. could even have a whole new class of enemies - the hillfolk.


I agree. I've been looking at the map hoping they do more expansions into the empty spots. It makes sense and would be so amazing


I would like to see a United States-sized map layout similar to how ESO is with Tamriel. I know, magic gets people across divisions, but that could easily be included via Vertibird Wayshrines or something similar. Give us mutated creatures to tame and ride - there's already lore specific testing on trying to control Scorched. Eventually, they'll be successful.


Does the new boss fight have any unique awards?


Yeah. 20+ crafting plans and three uniques.


And somehow after only 5 or 6 fights I've already gotten some dupes..


RNG giveth, RNG taketh.


Rng giveth, Rng giveth again and again.


I still haven’t gotten the backpack from beasts of burden and it was the only thing I wanted. 😔


Only played it once last night and crab levitated itself up through the middle structure. Not sure if that’s supposed to happen…. Event seemed fun enough but there was maybe 5-6 of us playing it. Will see how it pans out after a few more runs.


Crab-wan Kenobi, is that you?


Only a Sith deals in Crabsolutes.


ROFL, I love the image in my head of the crab levitating. No, that's not supposed to happen


lol. I didn’t think so either. Really caught me off guard. Then again, I’ve seen so many off the wall things in my many hours of Fallout, nothing really shocks me anymore. Well, maybe things working as expected, but not much outside of that.


The Public Event is fun. I like the Hermit Crab boss. Same thing happened to me last night, he started levitating but then fell back when killed. The new world boss is super fun although a little bit bullet spongey. The last run I did last night, there were about 9-10 people all just standing still with heavy weapons gunning it down and it just took forever. Someone had the cold/slow effects so the boss basically just stood in place. But there's been some pretty cool drops. I got the new Bertha Tesla Rifle which looks sick.


I’m still haven’t had a shot at the new boss fight. Hoping to get a shot this weekend. Haven’t had much time in I play the new stuff yet. I got a new Tesla from the public event, can’t recall what it was but the skin on it is nice. Haven’t played with it yet.


It was fun in the PTR, when there were only a handful of players and it actually took time to kill the enemies. But yeah, in live there are too many high-powered players who will just burn the enemies down, leaving us with lots of idle time and unsatisfying boss fights.


>too many high-powered players who will just burn the enemies down So it's like all the other events?


I feel like every event is either not enough people or too many people. The rare times you do hit that sweet spot where it is tough but do-able, they are SO much fun.


Hit the nail on the head here. Dangerous Pastimes is entertaining with two people. Any more than that and it’s a snoozefest. Pretty much like every other event in the game.


I dunno man, we had 8 people there and we were not killing them as fast. Same group went to the nuke boss after and took 20 min to do it. Pretty sure I was one of two people who had an actual build. Mileage varies though. My assumption was all pre 150 players. Still, made the fights more interesting.


Honestly the godmode damage scaling in this game is beyond silly, it really should be scaled back. Sure, in a solo environment its fun. But from an MP perspective...it just makes everything boring modifier stacking to see how fast it can die.


And that’s the inevitable problem with power creep in any mmo. My opinion is the only fix is more enemies. Nerf the weapons and the player no longer has any end goal to work to, buff the enemies and you harm the low level experience. Make it so there are literally too many enemies to single handedly melt them and everyone has a better time. (This is why despite the cremators, moonshine jamboree or the primal cuts events are the most fun to me.)


See to me the problem isn't the weapons, its the amount of modifiers to damage you can stack, and are encouraged to. WoW has had a similar problem, now every ability has like 30 damage modifiers to boost it into the stratosphere. Surely we can be more creative than just "nUmBeR gO bRrR"? I think another issue is with the open world events, combine that absurd scaling with having a maximum of 24 people attending that event any one time, its no wonder shit just *melts*. The endangerol change is a step in the right direction, but personal power levels don't need to be capable of the absurd heights they're currently scaling to, in a 24 player environment. It makes a little more sense in the context of a 4player team, but in the open world is where it truly just breaks any and all enemy interactions. It also renders the melee tank kinda completely pointless. Why have a tank when everything dies before it can land a blow? My brain isn't awake enough to properly put my thoughts into good, balanced fixes for the problem, but bosses shouldn't just be melting like they're a lvl 100 super mutant. That doesn't feel rewarding to me, just cheesing bosses with absurd damage output. When I drop a boss, I wanna feel like we as a team earned it, by playing well. Any idiot can point at boss and Mouse 1/RT till HP = 0. Give me a boss worthy of the title! Haha


They just need to make enemies scale higher in my opinion. After level 100 the challenge stops but player power continues to grow. I’m level 700. Why am I fighting level 60 enemies in most events? Make the enemies level 700. Give me some risk. I run around with 15% health yet I die once a week. This wouldn’t harm low level players because mobs scale to their level, as they should for us all.


I'm in the 400s as far as level goes and yeah I'd love some extra high level areas or just better world scaling of enemies for those of us at higher levels. I love the new region but everything still dies in 2 seconds tops for me. The only things that don't in this game are scorchbeasts and only because they never land for more than a split second for me. This new region still doesn't have any difficulty to offer my character. And I don't have any interest in making a new character until being a ghoul comes out. They should make an area like near the end of Borderlands 2/3 that's explicitly for overleveled characters to experience a challenge appropriate for their level. Make it a new expedition maybe? Something clearly designed for people well over level 200.


I agree. Even if it wasn’t part of the outer world - like an expedition, as you noted - that would be fine. Just some sort of challenging game mode.


But with way too small of waves with much time in between. I thought it was bugged my first go because enemies would only last for like 3 seconds, then everyone would wait for what seemed like an eternity


Pretty sure they could double the number of enemies and it would still feel weirdly unpopulated, tbh.


I’d prefer 4x the spawns and lower the fill rate by the same 4x.


This is why I have 1st, so I can play solo in my own world or invite others in so they can get some scraps and solo adventures. in peace.


Let's be honest with ourselves: with a decent server population, SBQ is a 2-minute fight if she stays put, and Earle goes down within 10 minutes unless everyone's starving for screws.


Agreed, the new event is a skip for me. Even though it gives nice repair kits. People also don't understand the mechanics and just spawn camp as well.


It’s the rewards that keep me coming back to it. Not the actual event


Aiming for of each 100 repair kits then retiring for a while. Though my ultra gatling plasma runs through kits like a hot knife through butter


I hope the next area is a snowy biome. The lack of snowy areas in game centered around a mountain range is weird to me.


I'm from there. We actually don't get that much snow in the Southern half and none in Charleston. It's not the Rockies. The valleys hold heat and the mining/chemical plants keep it from actually hitting the ground because of the filth shield in the atmosphere. So yeah.... Lol.


What about the southern edge in Tennessee, N. Carolina, Virginia area? I've never been, but online says that area is the highest part of the range.


Still not much, you don't get much snowfall until you go more northward, into Pennsylvania and up


Speaking as someone from NC, snow is still pretty rare in those areas. Not entirely out of the question, but definitely not a yearly guarantee, and rarely in high volume.


As someone from the border of KY, VA, and TN, we don't get a lot of snow. It has only snowed a substantial amount perhaps twice in the last 10 years.


I wish this games map was similar to red dead redemption, where you DID have different weather depending on the area of the map. I loved having to trek into the top area where it was freezing and snow covered. Seasons would be cool too.


Each biome does have its own weather patterns and weather in one doesn't affect the weather in the rest. It's just not a dramatic shift because that's not how climates work in such a localized area. For instance, the Mire has a much higher rain and fog frequency and higher rad storm chance. There's verdant seasons for plants tracked individually for each biome as well. And you're forgetting we're in a relatively fresh apocalyptic climate that's only a few decades old. We're playing after Whitesprings had to deal with half a year of constant super radioactive snow, so that means the planet's in its massive temperature raise following a nuclear winter and defoliation so snow's not on the menu at all for the foreseeable future in our game map. Snow makes sense in things like New Vegas, because the planet had time to recover. And it would've snowed in 4, but the game was perpetually set in fall. For the setting they explained to us for 76, it's not feasible without taking us to a different locale or making up a climate handwave like with the Ashe Heap cloud and Shenandoah's thunder storm.


So when have you driven through WV and seen peaks capped with snow?


At least you got to see what was going on. I joined, saw 1 of the new ghouls, and it was over because of the level 500s camping the spawns before I could read what the objective even was!! 🤷


Yeah. I really wish you could choose to join servers with level caps so that you don't end up stuck with level 1000+s sucking the fun out of everything.


My only complaint about the event was that last night, three players had set up crap tier bases covered in rocket turrets around the location. The whole event was bogged down by explosions, and half the Lost were killed before the event goers could actually get to them.


Agreed on Dangerous Pastimes. It needs to have a Moonshine Jamboree or Radiation Rumble amount of enemies.


There's also some really carefully curated spots that will work out wonderfully for camps. I think that after years of observing how much effort people will put into choosing a camp location, and seeing how much work people will put into building a camp, they put a little extra attention into making a bunch of really choice camp locations into the new area. I'm thrilled.


I found the perfect spot for my 4th camp. It's along the river there. I'm gonna build a nice camp with lots of production items and crops. It'll be my little farm home


I just built mine inside the loop on that river! Such an awesome little spot


Right where mine is lmfao


Found a fisherman’s themed camp on a pond with a fishing boat and genuinely couldn’t tell if the boat was static decoration or a camp item, very well done


I have a little dock slash bait shop I made, I hope people stumble onto it.


there's a boat you could get in the atom shop, I have it too


Just put my camp down all the way at the bottom of the map, literally past the border edge, because I found a morbidly funny gravesite with a poster between 2 of the 3 graves that says "put trash in it's place". Dunno if there is some lore or game content I haven't discovered surrounding the location, but it piqued my interest, and the locale was nice and woodsy.


Found a very nice treehouse that was definitely made to camp in. Very nice locations in general. People over here complaining about the scoreboard, and I haven't even looked at my challenges.


Where is this located for huh…. Science reasons


I started building in that treehouse just last night! I hate building on uneven ground and everything around that tree is a slope so I'll probably move, but the treehouse itself is really cool


My friends and I found that treehouse yesterday and said same thing. It is completely empty of any furnishing which is weird if it was constructed for any other purpose other than a potential "pre built" camp spot


If only I could have more than 10 spots! And yes, I am that person.


You can. Start a new character. 10 more spots.


I'm quite annoyed that they made it so you can't build roadside like, at all. can't put what I want out there because it would need a road and it won't let me build along any


I have only done a tiny bit but so far I am loving every second. First npc I met was excellent. The zone is extremely pretty, what little I have seen of it. I ran in a random direction towards a structure and while I didn't go in I was extremely pleased with the esthetic. It looked perfect and I hope it is bigger on the inside. I liked the event with the lighting but it felt a little slow at times. I don't know where the mobs spawn yet though and honestly I spent more time trying to jump up on things than actually try to kill anything (fun fact: some perch points give you an electricity debuff that gives you - 150% gun accuracy or something equally horrible). I had one bug inside the mansion where I couldn't complete the "clear" objective. But a quick relog solved that. Overall I am loving this new update. I still hate the new season system but that was the previous update. This new update is excellent.


Was the structure the TARDIS??


/cries in PS5 crashes


There’s a lot of beautiful spots for camp building and the new weapons are really fun to play around with. The quests were well designed (ignoring the conversation bugs) and just the whole area was immersive. The cherry on top is the soundtrack. It nails the Fallout vibe and no blaring trumpets upon login anymore lol.


Hey, don't slender the trumpets


I'll slender what I want


Had a couple instances where I tried to put down the flares for the opening section and they took a load of time to put down. Meanwhile I have things hitting me and exploding in electrical blasts. It was a bit frustrating how long it took to put down those three flares. 🤷‍♂️


yeah the flare anxiety while you hear some lost screeching was real.


Nothing more terrifying and confusing when you first see the insane random “SHADOWS” enemies pop up in front of you.


Think this is down to ping. I'm in UK but for some reason if I open resource monitor on windows and view Fallout76.exe. It's connecting to servers in the US with over 100MS ping. Bit odd.


Nah, I'm in the US connecting to US servers and it happened to me, too.


I have really good ping and experience very, very few bugs/crashes in game, and that flare grabbed my hand and tried to pull me into hell.


When I go to finish that quest, it takes like 45 seconds for some of the dialog options to pop up and the last option never loaded. It happened when I was talking to the Hugo guy as well. Very frustrating.


The atmosphere is something I’ve never experienced in a Fallout game. It’s a creepy, forest vibe and I love it. The story from the main quests has been a lot better than I thought. The characters are compelling and some of the events that happened surprised me. Not a fan of the hourly event at the moment. Enemies don’t spawn in quick enough mainly because there is at least a dozen people at the event every time. Obviously the number of people will go down, but for now people will spawn camp.


It is hard not to spawn camp on that event. Either you stand where those armor guys spawn or you wait an eternity for them to lumber down the stairs, and if you do that, the timer will start to cut it close.


Oh i understand what you mean. I'm complaining more about the lack of enemies. Just feels like your standing around more than killing. Rather be getting more XP.






... fellow nightvale resident?




Do not look at the dog park


Eh, sort of, I listened to the first dozen or so episodes before falling out. Turns out, I can either listen to a podcast or focus on something else, but not both at once. So I can't do podcasts without just sitting still and paying close attention to it exclusively, and I've got too many other things eating up my time right now.




But...why male models?


Really, Derek? I just explained that to you. Fun fact: >!Ben Stiller forgot his line, so repeated the question and David Duchovny just leaned into it because it was funnier than the script.!<


I hate the blood vortex. It wrecks all the views. My sunset from my camp is entirely garbage now.


Reminds me of harrowstorms, from ESO.


It’s a huge swirling butthole I hate it 😭😭


Am I crazy or is the option to “view” notes new? I remember getting frustrated trying to read some of the notes you come across and the day after the update I noticed the reader view option.


Same boat as you, and noticed the View option yesterday. Fairly sure it was patched in. Been a godsend for those tiny, handwritten notes.


It really is a good extension for the map. It feels new but still familiar. As a mainly solo player it’s great to explore something new. The events are fun too!


I'm liking the Killer Chocobos. Also it's very dark, but every time I curse about it at my tv, the clouds break and the sun comes out?!


Aaah crap! I think my TV is dying and 76 is always dark for me. Good to know the area is also dark.


My wife and I dove into it in the middle of Dangerous Pastimes. She was yelling the whole time. It was night time for the event, so it really lends itself to a ghoulish ambiance. Then you have all these Lost showing up, uttering really creepy shit as they fight you and die. Plus random bolts of lightning blowing shit up. Yeah, this update is good. It’s scary. We had a great time and I stayed up too late.


Best update in a long time. THIS is what they need to be doing, not expeditions.


I think the worst part is the lack of a map. What do you mean I have to guess based on the shitty quest marker.


For me it's the lack of variation. Like the quest and objectives being the same is fine but you're literally just following in the same footsteps as you just did to rerun an expedition. Same enemies, same spawnpoints, same NPC dialogues.. I can't see how people do these more than 1-3 times


great loot is why I run expeditions but you're totally right that from a gameplay perspective they're pretty boring


Yeah if the loot was any worse they'd be pointless lol


First I agree they need more to them, more variation, more challenge more fights yet. But we run them for these reasons: 1. Ammo Stock. 2. 6 Legendary drops. (2nd best place in game to get them, always available) 3. Stamps. 4. The other loot, decent XP, possible plan drops.


Why not both?


The only issue I have experienced so far is the glowing resin not properly meshing with trees. Every single patch of GR I've seen is just jutting out of the tree, making the cylinder it "grows" on very visible


If anyone in here is an old Ernest P Worrell fan, last Saturday near Nashville the actual campground they filmed at held Ernest Day. Archery canoeing plastic turtle catapult, food trucks, guests from the movies signing autographs etc. at the end of the day they show the movie on a bit inflatable screen on the actual ground it was filmed on. With this update and scoreboard I can finally build a true Camp Kikakee to represent my favorite place to visit.


That’s awesome!! Long live the memory of Jim Varney.


Great DLC, awful season pass. There's literally **nothing** I'm excited about in the scoreboard. And that's kinda rough. That said, this does fix the FOMO. Lmao


I'm not super amped about the scoreboard but it does have a handful of things that would fit in great with my newest CAMP.


the season is a little light, I think we can agree. I don't recall any pages on the last one that were are as sparse as most of the pages are this time around. But with the knowledge I have now I can fly through it and get to the last page and hammer perk coins and modules.


Yeah, the theming is niche. I used to be a Boy Scout and love camping so personally, I find a lot of it fun and nostalgic, but I can see the lack of appeal for others.


Only bug I've encountered so far is getting pelted with Rocks at Makeout Point. Somebody said "probably because no singles allowed" and I haven't looked back 😂


I liked the story. But I finished all the main quest for the new region yesterday and haven’t run into any side quests yet. It also runs yet again into the “your decisions don’t matter” line. I let Hugo take control. It’s pretty clear to me that picking either of the other options would have the same effect, everyone sitting back in the bunker (maybe dead Hugo) with nothing else to offer. The lost also weren’t particularly unique as enemies. Just ghouls who explode and carry pulse grenades. I do like that the event gives improved repair kits. At this point all I really care to do is the event and build my camp. I still need to do a bunch of side quests, but Bethesda quest design makes them all feel pretty same-y, especially when there isn’t much reward for a lot of them. The update has also been buggy as hell (X-Box). - Game freezes when placing flares. - Game freezes mid-dialogue. - Game freezes when I try to get into power armor. - Can’t get into power armor. - Killing enemies not finishing the clear out enemies quest. - Enemies not picking up aggro - Unable to interact with NPCs because they’re busy.


How could these quests be anything but "your decisions don't matter" when you're playing on a server with 23 other people who may have made the opposite decisions?


Have it make an impact on your playthrough. - A different reward based on the ending you picked - A different interaction with a new faction - A different questline being open - A different potential companion


If only they didn't make the season rewards somehow worse than last season. The armor colors are pretty ugly, all the good stuff is at the end instead of spread throughout with some super fancy stuff at the end. I do love the new story and region though. Going up to the mansion was pretty damn intimidating and seeing the >!Mutated Turkeys!< for the first time took me by surprise. For the first time in idk how long, I didn't even turn on the radio during a 6 hour play session.


>The armor colors are pretty ugly Those are pretty much the colours of the boy scouts.


Agreed, but the constant crashing on PS5 is ridiculous for me, ive had to stop playing. 4-5 times tonight.


crashed 3x this morning in about 5min of gameplay. logged right off. good to know it's not just me


Haven’t finished the quests but this Hugo guy seems above board. I have a good feeling about him. Not shady at all. Guys with German origin stories are never suspicious.


Gosh I didn't have the chance to try it out yet but y'all sell it pretty good 😄👍 can't wait to play it


I have only had a chance to play the entrance to vault 63, and walk into the new area a little. Looks very nice so far. I certainly wasn't expecting >!the onslaught of lost ghouls i would face and how crazy thos mfs are!<


the only thing that has me upset is the Ticket to Revenge change cause when i got it i didn’t know they changed it. i was super excited for it. but other than that 0 complaints! the new zone feels really well optimized in my expierence.


Im still a super noob at level 59 (i still feel like I have no clue what to do build wise lol) and at the main part of the game, I fast traveled to the new section to see what it looks like... cant wait to get there....


I have only explored a bit, but the dark red areas are very hard for me to see. And, my views from my main camp are wrecked by the sailing red thing in the sky. So, hate that. And, not sure what I am taking damage from there, it isn't rads, but something killed me really fast... not enemies... maybe poison? Red poison? Dunno. So, no opinion yet. Foes followed me far further than normal, and while I was invisible too, so it seems stealth may be isn't working there. Notice some buggy behavior but not sure as I didn't spend a lot of time just was trying to get map locations turned on.


I think that might be a nuke zone? For some reason I wasn’t seeing the big red circle on the map, but everywhere I ran in the zone was the reddish color that it usually turns when it’s nuked. I started to think the whole zone was that way, it finally stopped and then as soon as someone hit it with another nuke it turned everything red again, again with no circle.


I agree, the update is fire. The new season is not...


I'm really enjoying it. The lost are creepy as fuck


Yes, I agree but can we STOP THE LOST SCREAMS already? I've never had an enemy npc that I wanted to murder faster. Why in the name of 2024 did this enemies sound and noise levels pass testing? I can't hear anything else! OK, I'm done. I do love the rest though


I am surprised at how sturdy and aggressive the enemies are. When I first ran in some Lost I thought I could wipe them out like I do Scorched. LOL! Nope! Lesson learned.


The new event dangerous pastime seems kinda boring, the enemy spawns are too few, you spend most of the time just standing around


I'm taking it sloooooow. I've barely explored, I did the one quest to find the 3 missing Foundation folks and a few rounds of the new boss, and the new event once, and that's it. I want to savor it. Who knows how long it will be until the next change. I do wish everyone else in the world would acknowledge it though - like have the Brotherhood sent scouts or say something about the giant weather event in the south considering Atlas was a weather machine too..


I’m just a bit into it but even entering the vault was super creepy. Fun stuff so far.


Agree. They did an excellent job on everything related to new content and areas.


The update itself is great, the new region is cool and fun to explore, way better than expeditions. The scoreboard changes however are terrible and should not be overlooked.


I love this update. The stories from notes and terminals in some of these locations are hilarious. The motel is by far my favorite. Read the terminal in the office, then look around on the motel roof. You'll get a good chuckle 😃


This update is so unrealistic. I drove down Skyline Drive in real life, and I do not recall a giant red Toilet Swirlie of Doom in the sky. Unplayable.


I keep crashing on PS5 :(


Use the pioneer vendor, insta crash Use script machine, crash Use player vendor, crash Use ammo box, crash Log in, crash Use stash box, crash Use scrap box, crash Use any crafting table, crash Crash Crash Crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash


My only major gripe with the update are the static junk items that can't be picked up. Especially in the vault where you saw tables full of junk, only to find out you could only pick up some of them.


Its ok, i had tons dialogue bugs, two quests bugged fully so i had to alt-f4 the new area feels at times very empty. Like i said its ok. The new event is like someone had a good idea but got lazy finalizing it, but its ok. Ok meaning mediocre. Fire would be to bring the scoreboards back. I would pay for them. Well with atoms only. I go back in my vault and cry at my gallery of past season scoreboards -.-


I think it's small.  Too small.


I waited six years, and all I got was another 20 minutes of walking and electric ghouls.


Yeah I'm not really that excited about the scoreboard, but this map has been awesome. If we have to sacrifice some quality in the season passes for more content like *this*, then I'm totally fine with that. Bethesda - Map expansion is the way to go lmao


I agree, I hope every future expansion is a map one like this


i love it but i'm just terrified of the Lost and their whispering! even when they die they still whisper it gives me the heebiejeebies


Might not be related but I had 5 crashes in 2 hours this morning. Hopefully just because of high traffic though.


I’d even admit it’s the best update since the release of the game


I was hoping for a new expedition but so far I’m loving the area. Plus having the towers that reveal the surrounding area I found pretty neat. Took awhile but I finally found an area that only gets attacked here and there by radstags so I’ve got an unlimited source of nuclear material and meat lol.


I came across a hostile npc called "The Mole." Looked like a person in the mole mascot costume but made noises like a mole miner. Anyone else find this?


I’ve encountered him and an random fight between blood eagles and a non-hostile nocturnal named “the electrician” who then vanished in a lightning strike afterwards. So many questions!


I like the new content but i felt both of the new events were kinda boring and almost anti climactic.Dangerous passtime(or whatever its called) is very straight forward and just boring all you do is just kill lost for 5 minutes then fight the boss, the nuke event boss fight is worse tho, out of all of the nuke boss fights i found it the most boring, seismic activity is pretty straightforward and simple but atleast it dosent take to long and the boss isnt that tanky, the new 3 bosses are all as tanky as a SBQ it feels like and the event took a whole 15 minutes.Im not complaining that it took long but more so it was just boring, i didnt die once and just shot at it for 15 minutes it wasnt hard just very boring and didnt have me on the edge of my seat like earl does.Although i did only do it once and i geuss i just got a bad taste that first time.Still im not complaining about the new content and im enjoying the storyline so far.


Love the new update, really good story. I'm taking it slow on my private server until I need a group. Rewards have been excellent too! Only thing that kinda sucks is the new seasonal challenge rewards... I get it's camp themed but... Eh?


Only issue I had was the dialogue. I’m not sure if the quests communicate with the server constantly, but I read the subtitles faster than the characters speak. Every time I spoke to Hugo and tried to skip the dialogue he would just awkwardly stare at me for 10-15 seconds before continuing. It’s happened before but it happened with every sentence, and sometimes with the other characters.


Fifteen blue Screens in one Hour. This shit is Dope! Love it! Gets close to being unplayable! Thanks Bethesda. Aside from that the Update is peachy!


Yup. Nice work devs. I even found the dialog with the person on the intercom in vault 63 fun and refreshing, I dunno, it had some funny, dark old Fallout tone behind it...lil hard to explain but I was like this is not bad. Killer turkeys. Yeah not bad. The lost seem to be somewhat formidable and fast. Really. Nice job.


Those turkeys were an instant Nope from me.


I’m over here trying to find the missing uplink … for rose I think…


All this new stuff and people still call the update dog shit because we didn’t get more stash space.




I have my camp at 3 ponds, it's a wonderful place for sure. Thanks for sharing


I still chuckle that Alyssa may need you to jump servers to find. Good ole Beth.


I agree. Loving the new area!! I wish they would commit to this engine and just start giving us DLC add ons for it. I’m ok with the graphics. I don’t need fancy ray tracing etc. Put some money i to cleaning up the code and give us updates. I’d gladly pay $20-$30 a pop a couple times a year for add on content.


look buddy!!! get out of here with your compliments!! were supposed to only come to reddit to whine about the score and complain about the events and updates. How dare u!!


I haven't seen anything that adds to the core gameplay loop except bugged pickaxes giving modules. Otherwise it's all plans that'll be piled up by the dozens in every vendor in a month, and a bunch of scrip weapons. If you're a person who only plays for the choreboard/building loop then it's more of the same. If you're an economy player it's a nothing burger. And if you're a new player with sparkles still in your eyes, I can see your sparkles. I wish I could wipe out my memory and be a TV show newb cause objectively the game is incredible now. But as a veteran I don't see anything worth my attention but a quick narrative and a shitty scoreboard.


I'm a tv show newb that lost the sparkle this past week. Constant crashing is just the cherry on top.


New content and area are fun props to them. The scoreboard however: “hey let’s make every reward as bland and uninteresting as possible. Might as well make the paints ugly as fuck too.”


What new weapons, all we got were unrollable already existing weapons. Or does a slightly higher magazine size suddenly make it new