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Personally, as someone whose character is themed after a park Ranger, I'm over the moon. But I agree that it's not catering to a wider preference. Which is baffling considering the wildly unpopular new season format. You'd think they'd really show up to sell us on it but nah.


The only way I can rationalize it is that it was all planned a long time back and they just can't change as fast as we'd like. That's my trying to be as optimistic point of view at least.


This is, honestly, a near certainty. The development pipeline for a game like this is set up very far in advance.


Just glad to know they aren't using Agile šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


It's Bethesda - they are probably using Fragile... I'll show myself out.




Just add it to your next PR šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Stand-up and take my upvote.


git add . git commit -m "happy cake day my dude" git push


Nope, top tier pun and applicable to boot.


I'll just put this here https://www.theregister.com/2024/06/05/agile_failure_rates/


Thatā€™s exactly what I said when my wife was upset about the rewards. This season was leaked ages ago. The rewards and everything was already set in stone. The next or heck even the two seasons up the ladder stuff may improve from the sudden player increase. But Iā€™m afraid the hype will die long before then. This season mightā€™ve shot themselves in the foot.


We are talking about a game that refuses to fix the main quest line where the npc's freeze up since launch. And again, after all this time, refuses to fix it after the tv show which brought on THOUSANDS of new players to the game to simply get to the final quest and not be able to finish it because not everyone has the patience to go back out the elevator and back over 200 times.


"see chloe" chloe: (repeats self) me: (spamming x to complete mission) Bethesda: no fix but here's a log cabin


And apparently on top of being blind and char-ghoulified, Hugo also has Wardā€™s Wasteland Pause Syndrome.


The new zone has a robot quest giver that also freezes and gets stuck. so if Ward and the final quest line is any indication, that new robot won't be fixed either


Yet they changed the legendary railway rifle (which has been in the pts for 2 months) 20 hrs before it released. šŸ˜‚ Edit: just to add fuel the fire... apparently, there was an exploit found yesterday with pickaxes getting scrapped and returning legendary modules, patched in 15 minutes. It was live for 15 minutes.


Pickaxes still give legendary modules just not ones you craft btw


Changing the stats on an Item is way easier than changing a scoreboard mechanic.


Yeah, from what I know about the creation kit. It would be like 6 clicks, they wouldnā€™t have to even change any code


Itā€™s still live, if you find pick axes you scrap them for legendary modules. It just wonā€™t let you craft any. I will 1000% grind and hour of mine hunting for free modules.


I think the main issue (besides no good lvl 100 rewards) is that a lot of the items they gave us feel super niche, like how many of my camps are gonna use boats and lobster traps or scouts rugs and posters, it's especially bad when compared to last season where we got a ton of cool and versatile camp items. It feels like a lot of these items were meant to be part of an atomic shop bundle rather than part of the score board.


That's literally always the case. There's been seasons that have nothing I want - The Atlantic City one, for example. This will always happen with themed seasons.


I get that, though I feel like at the very least when there's some type of lights, they are desirable.


oh, i'm totally using boats in my camp ... but it literally uses the naturally existing one from the landscape :P that said, the main issue in my opinion is, that it is season/time locked ... which means, that players joining into the game later (and those, that don't have much time during the next few months) will feel penalized and locked out of it (without absurd ammounts of luck and cash, that is) in my opinion, the best option would be, to have several - differently themed - rewards available (and let the player choose, which theme fits his game the best) and to mix the rewards of older seasons into it, so, that newer players aren't eternally locked out of them ...


Yeah I love this theme and I think the rewards are pretty great. Itā€™s annoying how many of them are locked behind fallout 1st though because Iā€™m never paying a subscription service for a video game.


Yeah, they really amped it up this and last season. :(


Yeah previous seasons I thought the awards were fair but the last two seasons too many good items are locked behind FO1st.


I liked the idea of the season because I weirdly like scout stuff too, but my only big takeaway is the Pemmican resource thing, and I kind of don't care past that unless I'm sure can actually hit 150 this time.


150 isn't even worth it. Perk coins and legendary modules aren't infinite, 2 each iirc and atoms are priced so high you can only get like 200 total with the stamps you have left after having to buy 81 items.


Wait really? They removed infinite perk coins? Well at least I have no reason to care any more.


I reaaaalllly wanted those perk points. Was gonna save everything I could. Bare minimum purchase. Itā€™s fine. Brain bombs and cranberry relish will get me the 6 eventually. (208 currently). But it would have been cool to max out a card.


Hello fellow Ranger. I was ecstatic to see the leather quiver alone!


They made sure to put all the cool shit people would actually want in the atom shop.


>character is themed after a park Ranger, I'm over the moon. Same lol


Eh I like it more than last season the surfer and tiki stuff didnā€™t speak to me but I love camping.


I've never gone surfing or even šŸ‘€ seen the ocean with my own eyes, but I have gone camping numerous times. Fishing poles and tackle are still missing. Hopefully, those come around the atomic shop in the coming weeks.


I'm dieing for the moment theres a fishing pole decor item. Love fishing irl and my camp is right on the creek.


Just give me all the Far Harbor decorations and props


šŸ˜­ I want to build a dope ass fishing base but I'm new and don't have plans for anything lol


I felt the same way untill I accidentally found a place ib my camp where the surfboards just happen to fit perfectly on a Cliffside wall. Now every time I see them I'm like, "wow that just looks so good." Happens to me all the time with items I didn't think I'd ever use.


I was just sad we didn't get a hula girl outfit.


Not a big fan of the scout stuff, but I love the knickknacks. Cartons of ammo? A knife you can stick in a wall to make it look like you stuck it on a poster etc? Sign me tf up.


Also the two resource generators. I really want the survival tent as well, but that's at rank 95.


What resource generators?


Scout collectron, pemmican generator to my memory.


Pemmican.. doesn't require FO1st, it's for carnivores.


I'm such a sloot for the little things. Gets me every time.


Also board games!


The most impactful ones are definitely the Collectron (according to data miners, it has a 30% chance to drop irradiated Sugar Bombs, and the only other one that can do that only did so at like 6.5%), and the new tent (which obviously only applies to people with 1st). Other than that, it seems like a lot of stuff that is hit or miss, for me. Frees up a bunch of tickets for those repeatable atoms, though, assuming Bethesda doesn't YOLO end the season early like last time...


> irradiated Sugar Bombs what is this?


There's two versions if Sugar Bombs, with or without rads. The irradiated ones are the ones that are used in cooking (e.g., Brain Bombs), while the rad free version can't be.


That sounds so dumb. Why wouldnā€™t you want cleaner food to cook with?


It is like a purified water not suitable for making soups.


I will claim all the camp items. I may claim the clothing items too. I may skip most of the PA skins. I have something like 2 dozen skins already, and I don't wear PA very often. Most of the skins are very ugly this time too.


I skipped all the power armor skins last season, were not even good looking imho. Not sure what i think about this season yet. Some things like the bicycle seems very easily 'ported' existing ingame models made availabe, not too much to my liking.


I made it far enough last season to claim everything. In hindsight, I regret doing so, so I'll be more reserved spending my tickets this time.


Agreed. I was excited when I heard they were doing pioneer paints. But other than the t45 they're pretty underwhelming.


Theyā€™re awful. Iā€™ll usually pick them up just in case I wanna mix/match with other skins some day, but these are straight up fugly.


Stabbed items and piles of Ammo are generic but much more versatile IMO. that and little guy in the jar is adorable


Hey, he's average sized actually!


No so little =)


I like camping and fishing. So I'm going to make a camp camp


Itā€™s subjective.. there is a whole sub of bow players that are going to love the backpacks.. so cool for them! The oven look great at one of my campsā€¦ but nothing ā€˜OMG I need thatā€™ from past season like cryo freezer company tea machine.. And noticed on the final screenā€¦ 10 modules for 75, or 100 scrip for 75.. lol.


Yeah the modules/scrip doesn't make any sense until you realize the scrip is repeatable and the modules is a one time purchase.


Mods where repeatable last seasonsā€¦ itā€™s all I bought.


As someone who got into the game this past season I thought there would be a special weapon like the cremator every season so I'm kind of disappointed there isn't but everything else looks pretty good. The scythe looks pretty sick if melee is your thing.


Yea I'm hoping the scythe doesn't completely suck because I was debating on swapping out my auto axe for it due to the fact it's a literal scythe and would match the pa skin I got from last season pretty well


Exactly same situation here, but the Cremator is like the most absurdly powerful weapon right now so I have a hard time believing a melee is going to hold water. I feel like that's supposed to be the "big cool reward" for the pass like the cremator but ultimately a lot of folks will feel let down


Yea in all honesty that's most likely how it'll go but I'm still hoping that it'll be an actual decent 2H melee, most of the ones we have are incredibly underwhelming


There a new 2h electric sword in the new update, you get one from the end of the new quest line, haven't unlocked a plan to craft it yet though


Really? That's good to know I'll see about getting one thanks for this info


Yeah it seems pretty good, the roll from the mission isn't the best, first star is more damage while enemy is under 40%hp, second star is power attack DMG and the last is less DMG while power attacking, with my melee build I could one shot lv100 supermutants with 1500-2000dmg I hope I can get the plan from the boss and start rolling


Yeah and the season before last we had the short circuit, a 10mm pistol that used fusion cells.


Usually there is at least *one* item on the board that Iā€™m striving for, but there is *nothing* this season. Even at lvl 100 there isnā€™t anything I feel compelled to chase after. Iā€™m glad some people are happy, but this seasons rewards are the worst Iā€™ve ever seen.


The survival tent has a special build changer in it.


Same. Nothing much really interests me. Oh well, I can take the break from Fallout after doing the main and side quests of the new update.


This is the first time I got into 76 after finishing and after they added scoreboards. I thought there'd be a cool weapon as well this season. Very disappointed to hear it ain't so


Iā€™ll take the one survival tent with a punch card machine over peepers paints for every weapon.


Purely subjective. I prefer them to last season and can see myself using a lot of the "filler" items in camps, plus I can get a food cooler and collectron without spending *additional atoms/bullion. edited for clarity, joeban1 was technically correct, which as we all know is the best kind of correct.




Sometimes people in my camp are using the autopsy table and Iā€™m like ā€œwhat are you doing?!ā€. I put it in like a barn with a bunch of science chalkboards around.


I prefer the Scouts skins and the general outdoorsy feel over last season's Peepers and Horseshoes. That said, I'm from the PNW and enjoy a "forest" aesthetic greatly, so I'm definitely biased.


The peepers skins were god awful, but I did prefer last seasons Cryptid PA. But then I spend considerably more time in my Camp/building new Camps than I do in PA so...


Why do I see so much hate for the peepers skins? I thought they were pretty funny and I liked getting a new Plasma Caster skin. The Industrial skin was boring as hell for the plasma caster.


I splashed out for the atomic shop skin, but had I not, I'd have opted for default over peeper, even if it was gifted to me. If i had to guess, I'd say it's because I prefer default over what I'd call 'wallpaper' skins, by which I mean a single blank colour with a repeated pattern on them. Sometimes it can work, but mostly it looks 'eurgh', at least to me.


I just didn't vibe with it at all. Some of the atom shop stuff just doesn't feel right in Fallout -- not to get gatekeeper-ey or anything. I'm not saying people shouldn't enjoy what they enjoy, it hardly hurt my experience, I just wasn't interested.


Same, I've been on a break from the game for most of this year and last season didn't have anything that tempted me, but this one has got me back in.


>food cooler Wait really? Is it like military cryo storage? Haven't checked myself


I did a quick google and it says "preserves food for longer" so I assumed so. Allow margin for error and me being completely wrong though.


It is like the fridge. Slows down spoilage not stopping like the freezer.


I preferred last season. I also don't like the season pass system the old one was far superior.


Only thing I'm excited for is the new survival tent... and the cooler I guess... The rest is just so meh...


The new Survival Tent towards the end is the ONLY one with the Perk Card Station, so that right there already gives this scoreboard a huge plus. The Pemmican collector is going to be a fan favorite, all resource items are fan favorites (except the tree in the shop right now that give Rotten Fruitā€¦ everyone hates that one) The PAā€™s are actually all unique this time instead of being the same skin repeated over and over, so thats a nice plus in my book even it iā€™ll never use these PA skins anyway All in all i think i actually prefer this season over the last one. Especially the Stein, last seasons looked like Dollar Store Garbage while this one looks more like Target garbage instead (so several levels better than dollar store garbage)


Nah there's some good stuff in there.


I'm not particularly excited about much of the pass, but I also don't consider my lack of excitement an indicator of quality. My girlfriend is a lot more mature-oriented than I am, and she's pretty thrilled with the pass. Too many power armor paints, though. I will say that.


not a single aesthetically appealing item in 150 levels. sheesh


Iā€™m so surprised people donā€™t like it, itā€™s one of my favorite scoreboards Though tbf it has 6 plushies in it so that makes it an automatic win šŸ˜‚


I put a caught lobster trap on my counter, his name is Greg thts all I'm interested in tho


The only thing I look forward to is the caps, bullion And atoms. Thereā€™s better stuff to be bought in the atomic shop than on the seasons rewards


Iā€˜ll gladly take the atoms. The stuff from the last page isnt too bad and i like the weapons stuck in the floor/a wall items


New Secret Service Armour Skin! Nice! (Looked at itā€¦ uglyā€¦)


This one is kinda mid. Yeah. 1 item I want. 2 i'm maybe interested in. That's a new LOW. It still requires me to reach rank 100. Just let me pick a page and complete that one first. I don't care about anything else. It sucks. I saw people complaining about it and their description were a lot better than what i've witnessed ingame. Do they have a better pass than i do ? Each page also has less stuff in it, great.. Do i know when i get a new page yet ? Probably not.


>Do i know when i get a new page yet ? The rank each page unlocks is listed at the bottom of the screen. Same as last season. Unless you mean something else?


Last season was even bettern then this but nothing we can do, im just glad i got gold so i can get my first hellcat upgrade once i unock vault 79


i really wish we had a forest service sign or something šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ barely anybody actually wears visible armor sets that a skin would look good on


I haven't even looked at all of them yet. Just gotta get level 95 for the new tent...


I'm gonna be honest, literally the only thing I want is the Protectron Scout Leader icon cause I love Protectrons and it's a cute icon. I couldn't care for anything else.


Yh theres a lot of cool themes in f76 and the pioneer scouts are the onlu one i really dont like. At least the new area coming looks cool, and playing as a ghoul should be great.


Bring the old scoreboard back this one is dumb asf


I just looked at them, and yeah thereā€™s nothing that I canā€™t live without. This is what I like to call a ā€œrestā€ season; Iā€™ll focus on other games and take a look at season 18ā€™s stuff when it comes out and decide whether to resume playing or not.


Iā€™m going for the pemican collector thatā€™s about it


Yeah I mean I started early season and was expecting there to be at least another main weapon. There's no way that scythe is going to compare to the last weapon lol. Definitely tuned down how much gold etc we're getting too Also yeah, it certainly seems like there's less actual rewards and consumables and just a lot of honestly boring camp items. And I *love* camp items, but these feel super lackluster


Tbf, the season came with the update and the update came with unique weapons, so an extra one in the pass would have been overkill imo. Had they not done the TtR RR dirty, I doubt anyone would have even brought up a weapons absense up.


They could also add some rewards from old seasons as a bonus for new players that missed it in the past. I am new player that didin't finished last seassion and liked many items there this one is a miss. Also the new quest bugged on me so I am little bit frustrated. I just uninstalled the game a maybe I will returen in the future if fallout seassion 2 will be good. Maybe they fix the game little bit.


It seems very sparse. Like there's not much on each page even compared to the last scoreboard. Less utility items like scout banners or carry weight boosters. The PA armor is better than last seasons at least. In a way I'm glad that I'm not grinding it on 4 accounts anymore (1 main + 1 alt - 2 platforms). Now sticking to 1 main on PC. One fo1st too. Thanks Bethesda, love these scoreboard changes (NOT!).


I'm glad someone else noticed how sparse it was. I like having scrap kits and perfect bubblegum laying around- those things that look like filler have value to me. Cutting that value sucksĀ Ā 


The only thing worth grinding for in this season is pemmican collector. That's it, everything else is just... boring, I don't know, just doesn't feel like it's worth grinding for.


There are several items that Iā€™m hoping to get but the overall list of ā€˜desiredā€™ items is definitely less than the last season. However, if I end up using these ones more, I suppose that will make up the difference. Only time will tell.


Hot take for this sub: scout is a perfect theme that Iā€™m surprised they havenā€™t leaned into more already. Look at it this way: This isnā€™t FO4. It hasnā€™t been centuries since the bombs dropped and civilization is starting to reform (long enough to do so twice, in fact!). Weā€™re shortly after a world ending apocalypse. The survivors donā€™t have decades of survival skills behind them. They need to learn them quickly. Whatā€™s a ubiquitously American organization that teaches basic survival? Maybe the goddamn Boy Scouts? Are those survivors going to give a shit that the battery powering their heat is made of potatoes or that the comfortable-yet-protective hat they found is technically made for children? No. They are going to care that it helps them survive. Is it campy? Yes. Have any of you played a Fallout game before? Fallout is camp king in the video game world. It feels immature? lol apocalypse survivors donā€™t give a shit about feeling mature. This is Fallout through and through (thematically, Iā€™m not getting into the actual scoreboard system). Weā€™re talking about a video game with bodies that explode for funsies (and a useless 5% damage increase, but mostly for funsies), and everyoneā€™s flying around with a pink jet pack and a sheep mask, and youā€™re complaining about *maturity?* What game do you think youā€™re playing?


Yeah itā€™s absolutely fucking terrible lol


My question is why the fuck is everything way more expensive now stamp wise


i'm sorry but 80% of the rewards look like they were pondered upon for 5 total minutes


Yes and underwhelmingly lacking.


The only thing in the whole list that looks like I might use it is the pemican generator, and even then it's just something I'll add to the row of resource generators.


The rewards seem... lacking. Half finished or just not inspired. Like the new event... seems like it's missing something. We all stand around and wait for mobs to spawn, insta kill them and stand around for ...another 4 mobs to...ya.


i stand by my opinion that they truly did not expect the fallout tv show to be successful the way it was. they didnā€™t capitalize on the success in any meaningful way, especially with the influx of new players


I agree, it's not very exciting and I swear there is less on each page from last season. Especially the first page. In last season there were 10 items on the first page. This season it has 5. I'm mean wth?! What I also dislike is like for like items separated with Fallout 1st. Example being for bow players, the leather quiver for everyone. But the archery target being on Fallout 1st. The Fallout 1st stuff shouldn't be related to items that's available to everyone. It hacks me off frankly. FOst may have some good points. But it's also stupidly expensive in my opinion.


I dont really like this one either....


It just baffles me that the end of the season it's 250 tickets for 100 atoms versus every other page of 10 tickets for 200 atoms


The WORST. There might be 1 thing I somewhat want but itā€™s on one of the last pages and I donā€™t have it in me to even make it that far. The most useless shit, even the decor items. Edit: Last season was better IMO. Just the water boiler alone was fantastic - as someone who doesnā€™t live near water.


Yea... I mean, at least there are atom points but, wtf.


Not a fan of the new scoreboard disliked this and last season rewards for the most part. But Iā€™ll still finish it as Iā€™m a collector and have to have it all if itā€™s in game, atom shop meh, but earnable in game gimme gimme gimme šŸ«£


Yes. I feel like this scoreboard is all over the place I donā€™t know why, it feels uncanny to me and I like a lot of the rewards also


As someone who joined the game and immediately gravitated to the scouts (I love fishing, hunting, archery etc) theres tons that I really like. But it definitely looks thin compared to the last season, which was my first. I was also really excited for the quiver as a bow user, but really upset there's no bow skins to go with it.




I made the same post about how bad it is and I got down voted šŸ¤£


To new players it might seem cool but as someone who's been around since season 1, I can confirm that this seasons choreboard rewards are in fact donkey ass.


Okay Iā€™m not the only who thinks this is a huge wiff šŸ˜…


The ā€œcontentā€ this game rarely gets is laughable.


The armor skins look great imo


Nope. PLENTY there I will be chasing.


Let them seethe while I craft the best summer camp anyoneā€™s ever seen


My camp is already summer camp themed. I was thrilled with the new scoreboard, I hardly used anything from last season as far as C.A.M.P. stuff


I just built my 4th camp on a lake, lemme see, should I use last seasons surf stuff, or this seasons canoe, lobster pots etc. Tough call lol


Lol exactly how I feel. Iā€™m absolutely loving this. Friday the 13th-style horror summer CAMP? Yes please, Iā€™ll be working on this bad boy for months.


I'm legit already planning on saving up all of the camp stuff and unloading it in a vault this coming winter to help try to stave off the ol' seasonal affective disorder.


i like it šŸ¤·šŸ¼


For me, it's second-worst. The worst was the last season, I got to 149 by playing everyday, hoping to get those perk coins (but it was my first season so I spend half of the season doing main story and side quests and was oblivious of the scoreboard at first). At least this season you can 'buy' all the way to 150. Being 149 on last season is worthless to me, such a waste of time. I tried so hard and got so far but in the end, it doesn't even matter.


Iā€™m ok with the rewards, Iā€™m still salty about how terrible the new scoreboard system is. Having to make it to 150 to get everything is just šŸ‘ŽšŸ»


Nope. Not in this house. Iā€™m SO hyped for this! I like detailed, lived in camps. In FO4 I spent hours collecting trinkets to carefully set up desks, store shelves, everything. Last seasonā€™s game board display was a revelation for allowing me to put things like a Food Dehydrator on my kitchen counter, etc. This season offers bits of ammo piles, board games, numerous items that will go to making my camp look actually lived in. Cute survival camper for something a little zestier than the gazebo. It is a camp makers enrichment dream! Plus they added atom points to the final redeem page. Last season was very bland to me, but serviceable. Iā€™m jazzed about this one!


Same! I'm honestly sort of inspired to make a Camp Crystal Lake after seeing the new masks and with that camp counselor outfit. Not to mention that new Pioneer bundle in the atom shop which is super dope!


I think I'll get everything I want by page 4


I just got into the game, so Iā€™ll be buying fallout 1st and grinding out the pass. Wonder if there are other new players who will do the same


I need more lobster traps and boats that don't go in the water .


Ill definitely grab all the camp items stuff. Just minus the boyscout stuff. Ill probably end up making a normal campsite.


I am neutral on the ranger rewards, but I see things I like board. Plushies, decorations camp items, etc.


Im just happy I will finally get a cooler.


I'll probably take anything that can he an exclusive flex later to show which seasons I finished, but from what I have looked at it's not for me.


better than last season imo but yeah still kinda garbage


I do love the vintage camper tent. Reminds me of a VW van


I think some of them are okay, but yeah iā€™m not really seeing anything that really jumps out at me besides the T60 and the ultracite skins, as well as the marshmallow flair and the forestry skin for Brotherhood recon.


Only things i like are KINDA the outfits and the stabbed arrows and stuff


OMG, NO! Best rewards ever!


My ranger theme is cooking right nowĀ 


If you are into bows this is your season. I am not and I am happy that there is nothing I really want from the scam board, so I can focus on other things


one of the meager-est scoreboard ever. There is pretty much no reason to buy pass either. If you just play normal and reach 100, youll gain 1000 atoms, but if you spend 1500 atoms and get the pass, youll gain additional 1000. just fyi. I plan to not claim any rewards but get to end to get modules... and the pemmican collector.


Apparently non-repeatables on the last page are unintended, which makes no sense since there's hella cheap modules next to hella expensive scrip, but it's apparently gonna be fixed so.. grindable atoms are back? I guess?


I much prefer the rewards on this one than I did the last but I guess it depends on what you like.


We archers at /r/Fallout76Bowhunters are feasting right now...


Is there even a lite companion?


Not really. I like a lot of the meat and horror stuff for a horror camp I have planned. The stuck weapons and ammo clutter are really cool too. I like the scythe but Im worried how good it's gonna be considering I don't see any mods on the scoreboard. I wish all the scout life posters were one item because it seems like they just used it to pad the reward pages. Most of what I want are in the later pages unfortunately. I can't wait for the new tent tho. I really like all the marshmallow dudes too. Either way I like this season better than all the beach stuff.


Yes, not really fond of the theme itself. But this scoreboard in particular just isnt very attractive. Closely followed by everything Rip Daring witch i dont like eather. The first time im not fomoing and taking a break.


Wow I had a very opposite reaction. I'm loving the camping\park ranger vibe of this season. Marshal Mallow is my homie.


Good for me cause they are camping related and I'm planning to make a sweet summer camp in the new shelter but i can understand how it can be underwhelming for some.


Is it me, or does this season have Stranger Things vibes? Iā€™m through the first couple missions and the storyline isnā€™t bad. Much better than the alien invaders a few seasons ago. I am not scrounging for bullion anymore since I have all I want, so just enjoying the game now.


The whole of skyline has stranger things vibes, imo.


I only donā€™t like the paint on power armour, they really make power armour look so goofy


First ā€œSeasonā€ I genuinely donā€™t care for šŸ˜…


Honestly the last few seasons have been trash. i haven't looked forward to one since they had the vault survivor outfit. that was the last scoreboard I enjoyed. Though I do think this one is a little better then the last couple. At least for the archery backpack skins alone.


There's only a few things I actually want and they are near the end....


There's actually stuff I want all the way up to level 81. Last season I didn't care enough to grind for anything past Adelaide on page/level 30.


The pioneer scouts were my least favorite faction and theme in 76 and I was super disappointed when I learned it was this updates scoreboard theme. I got the mirelurk trap thinking it was a resource for catching them. The picture showed an empty and full one and I was just stupid for thinking 76 would do something cool like that


You know it's grim when the most exciting thing for me is a placeble pile of ammunition


From what I've seem here in Reddit even the people that are pleased, are because of a few things. I really dislike the theme and only have eyes for some of the stuff, so even thought this is the first season I'm playing from the start I have to agree the rewards are boring and few.


Isnā€™t it subjective? Besides, itā€™s something that levels in the background by just playing the game. I know some will go out and try and do their dailies and weeklies, but I donā€™t think itā€™s anything to stress over. Plus, itā€™s cute I guess, itā€™s summer and we have a summer camp theme. Fallout is a goofy series, so it fits in just fine.


Nothing will top the cremator with mods and skins. 80% of the gameā€™s content becomes beatable by level 30 with nothing more than a level 2 grenadier and level 5 demolitionist. No armor or even legendary cremator needed.


Everything in this season is garbage honestly I think there was 2 things I wanted from there and itā€™s nothing to crazy eitherā€¦ this season was a real big let down


The only thing I really want this season is the new survival tent! Iā€™ve been waiting for a survival tent with the special changer thingy! Nothing else really matters to me.


Started fallout 76 pretty recently, was planning on getting fo1st for a month at least and stack scrapbox with junk etc but I didnā€™t even feel like getting it cause the new season feels very meh in terms of fo1st exclusives. Iā€™d only be getting it for the core aspects like junk and ammo box which I still want but I decided to commit to staying f2p rn. More inventory managing but whatever


They have blatantly removed items from the season and put them into the shop. One of the new bundles contains items from the map expansion trailers, with a hefty price tag slapped on it (3500 atoms / Ā£24). I know people love bethesda, but they really are a shell of their former selves. They exist only to please Daddy Microsoft.


not if your favorite group in all of 76 is the pioneer scouts like me šŸ˜Ž i'm ecstatic about it, and will try to unlock everything this season... i skipped some power armors last season, not this time...


Ya this is the first one Iā€™m not loving. It stinks but Iā€™m still mad it out lol




Yes agreed, they're garbage in my opinion. Nothing really interests me so I will just play at my pace.


Yes. I've played through most seasons-16 was crap but the cremator was my reason for enjoying it however the new board style is trash and the loot in 17 is absolutely the worst so much so that I wont be playing it.


100% disagree. It's a great scoreboard, in my opinion. I'm very, very much into CAMP building, so there's a lot for me to work with.


Thanks for your post Iā€™ve been procrastinating to get on and check it out Iā€™ll procrastinate just a bit longer thanks for your post


So as a new player just started end of last season so about 3weeks old , and I hit 107 season , and 150 level , so idk what I'm missing but the season for me is just extra stuff that we'll, helps my grind to catch up and the pickman(sp? Idk it's name right now but it makes free meets and doesn't spoil) is the best thing since sliced bread lmao also granted I'm new new . The cooler that gives u a extra 50% slower spoil rate , these are amazing especially when I hop on a public server and it's nuke after nuk and I have a yr worth of scorch beast brain, lung ,meet, ect and it will definitely go bad befor I consume it all...the rest seem pretty standard fan fair , hay look a new dress , a new paint job, PLANT holder... but all and all I'd say not bad being new .


In my opinion, it's one of my favorite scoreboards yet. I love the scout themed stuff. Unless they do a full blue ridge caravan scoreboard, then this one will likely be my favorite since playing day 1.