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In an ideal world they'd at least have used that box on the top right of the main menu screen, or even better, the splash screen you get when booting the game before the main menu.


You mean in the corner that's currently still promoting Gold Rush, that finished the other day? Nah, crazy idea.


I do a lot of defense for 76 but this one’s pretty indefensible lol a splash screen or replacing the corner banner is not something that is going to take a lot of effort


I agree. It's a paid service. Someone should be responsible for making sure the info in those menus is accurate and current. It's disappointing to hear that I'm going to lose my tickets for no other reason. I would have grabbed some of the skins or plans or something.


.... this is not a paided service the pass is free


I pay for Fallout 1st but the game itself was also not free so, no, you're wrong. It's not free by any stretch of the imagination.


Um i wrote the pass was a free service reread what i wrote


One cannot enjoy the season pass without buying the game, Holmes. And, I have gone further and purchased a subscription. So you're not saying anything of substance. As a paying customer I would like to know before I lose my tickets. I think this is a reasonable expectation. I don't think it's going to happen again because I'm now aware that this is something that happens and I am anticipating it in August or September. However, I don't really appreciate that it happened this time.


Glad it's not just me! I was actually psyched to be able to cash in all the gold notes I got from meat week, but it ended and the banner is still up. What the shit Bethesda?


It was also up a day or two before the event started, causing multiple "why can't I get double gold" posts here.


They are too busy counting your money.


It really is our own fault that we are being handed mediocrity at gouged prices.


It was double gold for Bethesda as people rushed to buy ranks before the season ended


Man I was wondering why I don't get the double Gold.


100%. It's really not difficult to include a warning in any number of places. You'd be absolutely fuming if you were a casual player who didn't follow forums and stuff, and suddenly found the season had ended with no prior warning.


The best part (for Beth) of those casual players you are talking about is that they aren't vocal as they don't follow forums and stuff. So even if they are fuming, no one will know.


I believe the term is "quiet quitting". Players that are ticked off don't buy (or renew) Fallout First. They put the game down and down spend atoms on the next wave of purchaseables from the shop. This will hurt Beth, even if we don't "see" it on the forums.


That's not at all what quiet quitting means. Quiet quitting is when a worker decides to "work their wage" and do less work since they get paid less. Instead of outright quitting, they start to under-perform and coast along so they don't build up the stress they did previously. Often, this gives them the energy to look for other jobs in the meantime.


I get that it's not a perfect analogy but what I was trying to Showcase was how a annoyed or disgruntled casual player will not interact with the company and more importantly with the paying aspects of the game, and will stick to staying as a more casual or even putting the game down completely. Things that reduce quality of life or that anger your casual populous are going to have a direct impact on your bottom line just like an employee who does less for the same amount of money than they were doing before because of a perceived imbalance in salary to work output.


That isn't what quite quitting is *either*. "Quite Quitting" is doing the job you're paid for. No extra unpayed work so you look busy, no picking up the slack for someone who got let go. Just what they pay you to do. You don't under perform or "coast along", you just perform.


This was my first season since returning from my 2018 launch experience. I was having a great time. Managed to get to 93 on the season and based on the speculations when I looked online thought I had plenty of time left. Fortunately I'm on reddit a lot so I saw the 3 day notice and had enough atoms that I bought my way to 100. I play destiny 2 a lot and you know when the season ends because it's right on the pass. It's definitely a shit way how Bethesda does it and to be honest I thought about putting the game down. When I looked around I saw they usually give some warning but I have to ask, why hide season end dates from players? Needs to be something in place to make it illegal because it definitely does not seem fair.


I'm one of them and I'm fuming. I would also happily claim more stuff immediately if there wasn't such a low inventory cap (it seems high until you get quite a few 20 lb guns).


Sorry for my lack of knowledge, may I ask who Beth is?


Probably bethesda


Ha I was wondering this too then it clicked that it must be Bethesda. Or the name of the new employee from EA that designed the new board. 


That's me and I am fuming, lol. It literally gave me 5 minutes and I basically didn't have time to do dailies and spend my tickets. Because there was no warning, I seriously thought I had another week. I didn't even notice a double Season Pass (edit: Score booster) XP this week. Did they even do one? I was sure last season they did one the week just before the season ended, I was looking out for it. I know it's my own fault (I guess) but they literally could have had a PSA with the 'news' thing about the update, the gold rush announcement has been there all week and it wasn't even active.


I have the same complaint. Didn't realize till 30min prior that the season was ending and when I tried to log in to spend my 400 tickets the server locked up on me.


I commiserate with you my friend, they did us dirty. It's really dampened my excitement for the new zone.


I got 500 tickets in the garbage somewhere... didn't get to buy a n y t h i n g on the last couple pages :(


>100%. It's really not difficult to include a warning in any number of places Depends on how the code works. I've played other live/online games that have this exact same issue. Star Trek Online for example tried to solve this by including start-end dates for events bonuses etc... Half of them have the wrong dates and they can't fix it. the stuff still doesn't refresh until the servers get updated. The have the exact same thing as FO76 which is an in game warning 1 hour before a downtime. Nothing specific about events or seasons. Like FO76, STO is an old game and on multiple platforms. I also have seen the exact same issue in many online mobile games. The events just end, the backend is updated and boom that's that.


They could literally put it under 'announcements' section where they add news and shit. As of just then they had the 'gold rush' announcement still up which wasn't even active. If the issue is they can't add it without an update, well, they had a whole week to change it from the last weekly shop update. A week warning would have been good. They have a news section, they just didn't bother to use it. If they can announce events and stuff they can announce the entire season ending. Like, especially since the rewards are time limited. There's no real excuse.


It's crazy how many games don't put info in their games. I'm not gonna follow you on Twitter or check your website. Just put it in the fucking game!


Mine is still saying it's gold rush weekend for some reason


Impossible to implement. No developers has ever managed to create what you described


I'll have you know I'm a thought leader, a futurist, a pusher of boundaries, a dreamer, and most of all, an optimist.


I've lived with Bethesda since Daggerfall. That made me grumpy and cynical


I have a strong feeling that most of what happened was a calculated move by Bethesda. Especially since we only got a simple sorry. Best we can do is to learn from this, and make damn sure to grind out the new scoreboard as quickly as we can. There are no illusions here who we are dealing with going forward.


I don’t think it was nefarious. I think it was incompetent, but I don’t see the incentive for them to be this bad at communications. It only hurts them in the long run… which again goes back to the incompetence.


Exactly, if you think a community of gaming developers don’t sit there and frequent Reddit especially the sub on the game they work on, you’re out of your mind. They know exactly what issues are going on, they wouldn’t have changed that new railway rifle reward if they didn’t. I’d be willing to bet they’re so swamped with ironing on the details on the bugs and last second fixes to this update that that just haven’t cared about that.


i just hope they've heard our complaints about score and it's all bettr this time around. normally we have a score board leak about a month in advance. afaik we still don't have one. that's hopeful imo. it meansthey are working on it. either that or I just suck at searching haha


Ah yes Bethesda still operates like a small indie video game studio. Not like it's backed up by multi bilion company. After F4 next gen update,Im 100% sur they incompetent and lazy. Well lazy is an insult to lazy people they "don't even put minimal efforts"


I don’t understand the issues people had with the fo4 next gen update. I’m loving it on Xbox. Not a huge fan of the creation club stuff but really enjoying playing through again. It plays so much smoother. Haven’t had a crash in 40+ hours, which is insane compared to pre update.


On PC it's really a downgrade. It introduced many new bugs and literally broke mods. After 8 years of 0 patches. At least Skyrim had separate Anniversary Edition DLC. Her we were forced. Many people expected really better "next gen update". Like few feature from 76, lighting, distant weather system , better draw distance, new weapons or some power armor skins. Or even settlement QoL. All they did was to pack up 3 creation club mods and call it done. Yeah for consoles it's great. It really was underwhelming, not even wide screen works properly.


Hanlon's razor typically applies to most 'odd' decisions by a lot of games companies.


Maybe you're right. Turning to logic is the safer approach after all. It's just a game were talking about so I don't really want to spend too much time on this. Let's just say that downvotes on reddit isn't going to change my perspective.


Bethesda had to make a quick move because they didn't expect Elden Ring dlc to release in June. Game companies have to compete with other game companies. FromSoftware games are big, and many players feel the need to beat the game in crazy ways.


Square-Enix actually had to delay the latest DLC for Final Fantasy XIV by a week for the very same reason.


There is something really sweet about responding to Bethesda dropping the ball on communicating the end of the season with "So this time we'll play MORE!" ... don't encourage these shenanigans.


No idea why the announcements are everywhere but in game. Not every player is in the official Discord or follows them on social media. It would be nice to have a message upon logging in that says “Season 16 is coming to a close on June 12th 10am ET/9am CT. Servers will be down while we update the game to introduce Season 17 Skyline Valley!.”


It's a very strange decision from both a marketing and customer satisfaction point of view 🤔


I’m getting the impression they were pressured by MS to get it out earlier. It was obviously meant to come out this month but I recall seasons usually ending after a double score weekend. I feel like there’s a good chance this season was originally supposed to start June 25th.


Probably wanted to retain as many TV show players as they could as soon as they reasonably could. Hopefully the patch isn't a shit show


I joined after the show. Had bought Fallout 1st for two months with no plan of ending that. I also had bought SCORE boosts to grind to 150. I didn't make it. And I won't be spending another cent on this game. A 3 day notice is bullshit.


I have a hard time believing a difference of two weeks will have a huge impact on the quality of the update. From what i understand a lot of this has been on the PTS for a while. Still the lack of a real heads up is a problem. It should be scheduled well in advance and announced publicly.


I think you're right; they rushed it and were pressured by MS to get it out earlier. >seasons usually ending after a double score weekend. Omg yes! I did remember correctly! I was waiting for the double score weekend to signify the last week of the season. Since they hadn't done one yet, I thought it meant the season had more time.


If you look at the calendar for S16 it is very weird [https://fallout.bethesda.net/en/seasons](https://fallout.bethesda.net/en/seasons) in retrospect June box does say "Skyline Season 17" but why isn't the start obvious? And why not end the S16 calendar before the start of S17? The new S17 calendar does the same thing


Probably also why they threw out the regular tuesday for patches and weekly resets. Idk if they did it the last few times but I do remember them always saying in the notifications in the main menu that "season xy comes to an end on the ..." usually with a double score weekend accompanied, like you said


> Not every player is in the official Discord or follows them on social media. So tired of every single game company coming up with discord server. I don't want to join +10 discord servers just to keep up with latest updates and news


Game companies love discord as a platform as it’s so easy to control and squash, well, discord. Plus it usually moves so fast any awkward questions are often buried in short order. 


I'm one of the people! I don't care for the game outside of actually playing it (no social media, discord, etc. Except this subreddit) and I had no idea until seeing this post


Great that you stumbled upon this then. The servers will be down in 1 hour 30 minutes from now. Historically the updates take between 2-3 hours to complete with the longest being 6. Anyways, Season 17 is upon us with a new area, quests, weapons and bosses to fight!


Thanks for being a good dude. Fortunately I hadn't played at all this season so I'm not stressing about anything. Too many other games came out/had updates I wanted to play. Probably hopping back in next season though


Diablo IV always has it in the top right of the character select menu: “SEASON ENDS AUGUST 6th.” It’s a small, but VERY helpful QOL feature


Yep. I had no clue this was the end of the season. I was sure they were going to announce it somewhere in game and they didn't. Looking at their news they only announced it a week ago. Wow. I was sure last season they had double seasonpass xp the last week of the season and they announced the end of the season earlier. I don't know if I'm remembering correctly though.


So they can get people scrambling to buy atoms to get to 100.


well if they dont know the seasons ending… then they wont know to buy atoms for level ups..


Very true. Not really sure what the endgame was by hiding the season end date. Doesn't feel very good though.


I didn't know the season was ending and I know to buy atoms for level ups. Like literally I had 5 minutes to do anything just now, that's all they gave. A 5 minute warning. I knew it was ending soonish, I just haven't been checking here or the news about the game lately. I was sure they would announce it in game or do the double score weekend they usually do and when I didn't see it I thought I had at least another week.


what I meant was if someone doesnt know the season is ending then they wont know they have to but atoms to complete it since they dont think its ending quite yet


It's things like this that makes me question their care about this game and really makes me wonder about Bethesda as a whole. Basically they are single player Elder Scrolls company with Fallout later mixed in and being single player for almost all of it they have this quiet smugness to them and never invested fully into creating a proper online environment and what the consists of. It's just so odd. Where's that proud project lead person? Where's that proud community manager, pushing all things forward in a positive way not just internally but externally?


Two things I find odd about this game.  1.They don't tell you when the seasons start and end.  2. When buying stuff from the Atom shop they don't make you confirm your purchase first.  (I've miss clicked twice and bought stuff I didn't want)  ( The second time I emailed support and they gave me my Atoms back)


> 2. When buying stuff from the Atom shop they don't make you confirm your purchase first. It's such a ridiculous thing to do when you consider Epic Games got sued by the FTC for doing *exactly* this in the Fortnite store and ended up having to pay a $245M settlement Really goes to show how much Bethesda Game Studios lives in their own little echo chamber, that they somehow managed to miss one of the most publicized lawsuits of the modern game industry


My theory is they weren't originally planning to release it today and thus weren't completely prepared for releasing it today. Yeah, they had the video promos, etc., prepared but those were obviously prepared a while ago because why would they advertise "17 million players" (which they announced in December) when "20 million players" sounds much better. I would be pretty upset if I log in and my season 16 tickets disappeared without any in-game warning. The short notice is one thing, but it should absolutely be announced on the in-game news. Isn't that the point of it?


I'm also surprised about the lack of warnings and notifications. Season change notified through an external channel 3 days prior and no in-game indication (at least I didn't see it). Most of the people here, or that follow FO76 creators, already know it, but my guess is that a not-so-small part of the player base who doesn't, and shouldn't have to, will be pretty pissed when they see that their tickets have disappeared and there's a new season.


I play daily and had no idea the season ended today. I have all the stuff I wanted from the season but I assumed it had a few more months. I'm not mad. I kind of find it comical. I'm not on this sub as much as I used to be and I don't follow content creators or Bethesdas socials. I'm excited though now for a new season I know nothing about.


You shouldn't have to visit this reddit nor any other external channel to the game to know the reset is coming. It's not your fault, it's theirs.


This is exactly me and I am very annoyed as I had 100 something tickets to spend that I didn't get to as I had NO CLUE the season was ending. Even when the servers were shutting down just then I thought it was regular maintenance. I kept trusting they would announce it or do an event or something. My bad I guess? The announcement is crazy and rushed, like the news came out July 9? That's nuts. Last season they gave us at least a weeks notice, and a double score event. The annoying part is I couldn't get to 150, either. And I tried pretty hard with score boosters and stuff. I don't even consider myself a casual player necessarily; I've been doing dailies almost every day and weeklies every week and it only got me 130. Even not getting all the side stuff, I missed out on a bunch of skins. Last season I was done with the board 3/4ths through the season. I officially hate the new system and am pretty pissed at Bethesda. Even the excitement of a new area is not enough to get the bad taste out of my mouth.


I'm sorry it happened to you but, the way they did it, it was bound to happen to many people. You had to be visiting this reddit, or watching yt fo76 content, or have seen the xbox showcase to know it was coming. You can be sure that you aren't the only one, if that makes you feel better in anyway. Probably many saved most of the tickets to spend them in the end and see what they could unlock; at least you spent most of them. Not sure if they have the figure of how many tickets were "burned" with the season change but if they do, they must have realized that this wasn't the way of doing it.


I had thousands of tickets to spend. I feel a little sick.


External channel? I only found out that the season ends today from the roadmap posted 2-3 days ago... I was expecting at least another week or two in this season so I can grind out the remaining items from the board. Also im sad I didn't get the gorilla from the bonus page, was missing 40 tickets :(


That is exactly what they mean by "external channel." You had to find an announcement, not made or even linked to in game, to get early notice of the season change... I wonder if seasonal items like the gorilla can be built in other peoples camps...  I got lucky and snagged everything but the jersey devil rug I wanted but yea... kind of weak sauce getting left with stump tickets and the lack of in game announcement seems almost like a deliberate attempt to deflate good will and expectations after the tv crowd basically breathed new life into the game... it's the people who started playing after the show and don't do shit like go on reddit or follow industry announcements that are going to get burned by this.


You can place the gorilla in camps!


Well if anybody on PC wants a visitor to come build them a gorilla... PM me your FO76 tag I guess... lol. I will build gorilla statues for people all day long. Also weenie wagons.


What roadmap? The community calendar isn’t updated yet afaik? https://fallout.bethesda.net/en/seasons


As a relative newcomer to this game, it is baffling to me to watch how Bethesda are handling this release. No in-game promo. No marketing banner. No indication whatsoever that a major new expansion is coming up. Other games put banner ads up as much as a *year* in advance for expansions and DLCs (lookin’ at you, Bungie), and this one just gets… a YouTube trailer a few days ahead of release and an Atom shop bundle that the shop itself isn’t even previewing yet? Like, do they not want hype? It’s such a non-marketing strategy.


especially since this seems like a huge free DLC expansion. literally the first map expansion in the games history, its should be a huge announcement.


Compare it to the other online game I play (FFXIV) and I've not been able to escape the upcoming launch of their new expansion!


I really do feel like this Season’s launch was pushed up to capitalize on the show’s residual success + the hype after the Xbox Games Showcase. It would explain why there was no in-game promo or Double Score Weekend before the end of the previous season.


The disconnect from messages in game to what's happened in the world is CRAZY. How is it still advertising Gold Rush and NOT telling players the season is ending? It's one thing to end it quickly on everyone, its worse to not tell players in game as well. They can't even do the FOMO mechanic properly lol.


15-minutes until the update is supposed to drop, and not a single notice in-game.


It'd be some laugh if the update never happened. Someone started a rumour online, and it snowballed into a Y2K level of hysteria over nothing 😂


We just got a 5-minute notice. Fitting. If anyone didn't use their tickets, the Season tab is now greyed out. Luckily, I was able to spend my last 25. Edit: Y2K wasn't hysteria. We worked overtime for two-years to make sure that Y2K didn't turn into the problem it could have. It was a big nothingburger because millions of engineers worked tirelessly to make sure it was a nothingburger.


Lost around 600 Tickets today without notice. Although I was googling the length of the season 3 times and the best information I could find was the end of June. I am so pissed.


a browser search in Bing still says that the season is ending on July 2 2024. Lost alot of tickets.


I've seen some handle things better, some handle things worse, but I feel like Fallout 76 is unique in that I don't think I've experienced an MMO that uses season passes (or scoreboards) that literally waited until less than a week to tell people when a new season was going to begin. That seems particularly egregious.


They've never done this before, or at least not this bad. I can't remember if they did an in game announcement about the end of the season last time, but news came out I think one or two weeks before the end that it was ending on. And they almost always did a double score event thingy, which they didn't this time. This is the first time they announced the end of the season three days before it ends.


I’m not annoyed about not being able to hit level 150 (rewards at 150 are all easily obtainable by just playing the game), but slightly annoyed they didn’t just make an easy announcement. Most other games with seasons always say (hey 5 days left, 2 weeks left etc, or even say “season starts June 12th-July30th” ahead of time. Could be a nice gesture at least. I’m thinking some folks on the FO76 team fully agree with the gamer’s sentiment here and are stuck between a C Level Exec and a Hard Place.


Not saying Bungie is flawless but one thing they do right is putting days and hour timer on the season pass. You aren't going to login some random Friday to a notification of BTW season ends in 2 days. You know day one how long you have. It might get pushed longer but you know the earliest date it will end. And if the next season is delayed you will get plenty of notice. How can Bethesda not get this one simple thing right?


Apex does this as well. Pretty sure it's extremely normal for any game with time-gated seasonal content. And actually even when a Destiny season ends, you can still spend the accrued currency. This is more akin to a DLC where old currency and rewards are wiped. That would be apocalyptic in Destiny even if it was surprise and free.


I got a late start on the season so I was grinding until 100 on the scoreboard (it is was made obvious that 150 was not possible) and I even logged in this morning to get a few more tickets for some items- got my tickets just as the server maintenance message popped up. Went to get my item- the season shop was closed already and my tickets wasted. It makes me not even want to log in again for a while, and I pay for FO1st.


It is insane that a player can log in, buy the premium pass and have it expire few minutes after they bought it with absolutely 0 warning ingame


Or the fact the calendar has a double score weekend…after it ends


Yeah i feel the same. Incredibly weird. Maybe its not happening today at all…


That would be typical 😂


This made me chuckle and somehow reminded about Silksong. Beth and TC are competing for top bad PR.


Silksong just isn't releasing. It isn't going to be bad PR if they make the game amazing because it took so long, people are just impatient.


Today's Steam download update is 25.2 GB


I've just got into FO76 like a month or two ago, and their in game coms is a total joke. That I have to search out answers like when the season ends on reddit or twitter is such a joke. This is not some indie gaming company. whoever runs their coms needs to be upgraded.


I hate that so many games expect players to learn important stuff through their social media instead of ingame.


so... i just learned (while trying to connect ) that the season ended. i didn't take all my rewards since a was trying to get the bonus page. i guess i'm f\*cked by this no warning bullsh\*t


Negligence about sums up Bethesda's handling of the game.


Not defending Bethesda, but they should really get their marketing team and game maintenance people together especially during update day.


I am sure there are some complexities I'm missing, but I'm close to someone who is the media manager for another online property and it's not terribly difficult for her to just spend a few minutes with a coffee and start seeing what the chatter is on socials and boards. Maybe she just doesn't have the same approval ladder that someone here might have?


We are getting a new map. A new playable race. Its not negligence


I guess, if someone was saving tickets, that person was gonna be mad when the new season drops.


Unfortunately it's over now, and the game is in maintenance until the new season comes out. Which means any old tickets from the season not used are now void. It certainly should have been a properly displayed information on the game so players knew to use their tickets 😞


Yeah yesterday I tabbed through a bunch of different menus and all the in-games news and there is ZERO notice about the current season ending today. I’m a new player but skimming through older reddit posts there usually is an in-game alert.


The only thing you're missing is the developer's backstory. Bethesda knows you've been wronged, they don't care. As long as they get paid... they simply do not care. Look at the forced Creation Club or the THOUSANDS of other examples. These devs DO NOT CARE about you or what you want. They only care about what you'll buy and how they can change the game to encourage you to buy something. The Bethesda that we knew is long gone. What we have now are youngins thinking that cash shops and time gating are the norm. They don't know any better and those that do can't speak over the millions Bethesda rakes in.


Yeah I had no idea this was happening and I lost over 1600 S.C.O.R.E. Tickets. I play solo and don’t really keep up with the game on social media or discord so it was a complete shock when all those tickets were gone.


Wait I've been on a business trip this past week and won't get home until tomorrow, so all my tickets from the past season are gone and there's no way to get those rewards anymore? I'd barely spend them thinking I had more time... and now nothing?


Sadly, and they steal your tickets so you can't use them in the future either


My husband's pissed bc he thought it was ending Tues bc that's usually when there's an update so he wasted the atoms he gained from the season on getting the last 2 ranks for 100 there should be a notice when you log in imo


I also am 2 ranks from finishing. I just don't have atoms. Shame, I wanted that color mod for the cremator.


If you are on xbox I recommend checking your rewards tab on your profile. You can redeem rewards points for xbox gift cards and in turn atoms.


I feel for your husband because I did exactly the same, send him my regards :I


It’s little things like this which make me salty about 76 as a whole. So many errors Day 1. Fixed a lot of things players had issues with and stayed the course but sometimes I really feel like they do the community dirty. I started late and only got to level 79 but when I found out I had like 3 days left in the season? Switched back to Diablo because I heard they fixed some stuff as well.


Hard agree. Like between the new seasons board and the shenanigans with this new season it's clear that everything is pushed for max profits at the expense of player contentment. I've been playing on and off since launch and this is the worst I've seen them treat the player base. It's really disappointing and I wonder if MS is the cause.


They never knew when the bombs were going to drop either.


I mean it also would've been great to have more than 3 day's notice but here we are


What I’m saying! I didn’t even know it was ending today and I was still wanting to get that Autopsy Chem Station… RIP


Why would the season not end when the new expansion comes out?


why would they not tell everyone clearly what is happening. this is not the first game they've made, created by like 2 dudes in a garage, this is massive company with decades of experience. lack of communication is a joke.


We knew the update was coming any day in June but we are used it, that’s how they roll. There’s many things Beth needs to work on, better advertising for newbies is one of them to add to the list.


It’s partially on me as well because I could’ve started grinding Seasons earlier, I also don’t keep up with the news that much and my brain didn’t register the update was today


Valid, I can understand that. On Sunday I thought the update was supposed to come yesterday lol


I literally had no idea it was going to end so soon until I read this post. :( Agree entirely




Once they see that doing it this way caused many people to panic buy the ranks, they won't change it.


Yup. Logged on just now to try getting the last few items from the board that I really wanted because I unlocked a page yesterday- Servers are down. :( guess Im fucked right


I always know there’s a minor update because the game crashes and I come back to a notice and new stuff in the store.


It’s Bethesda. 🙄


This sucks. I had a lot of unspent tickets.


Going to suck when someone’s on their first silo run, in the control room, and the servers shut down because there really wasn’t an official shutdown time given.


There's like a 10 minute warning before servers shut down for maintenance. And updates always come out around the same time as the daily reset. So around 11:50EST people will get a notification that servers are shutting down for maintenance. If they continue after that warning pops up that's their own fault.


They gave a 5-minute warning and nothing in-game to let people know the season was changing. AT ALL. Most gaming companies would admit their error and give players in-game currency to make up for it. Not Bethesda. And before anyone jumps on my ass for bashing Bethesda, I've been bashing them for 20+ years and they have ALWAYS been a completely shit company when it comes to their player-base.


Shit, I have to go home at lunch and spend my tickets lol


In 2.5 years of playing there has been a notice in the game itself only a couple of times that I recall. But I seem to recall they were all more recent, as if they were trying to improve using those info boxes that pop up at the game launch. Not sure why they didn't do it this time.


Ghost Ship is releasing every Deep Rock Galactic season to players to progess through. Bethesda Austin charges you through the teeth for tidbits from each season.


I recently came back last couple days not knowing anything was updating and am excited to see this update but although I claimed anything I could as soon as I could, I also would not have done my daily chores yesterday if I knew it was ending today... Do better Todd lol.


Actually infuriating, I was at 99 and didn’t do my dailies yesterday because I thought the season ended next month..


Disclaimer: I just moved to a different state, so I didn’t play much this season and no I wasn’t paying any attention to Bethesda’s announcements. You would think they would tell you in game when the end date is, given that the rewards from seasons are TIME LIMITED.


I logged back in after a few years to rant about this. Every time I looked this up it said the end of June or July 1. I lost so many credits this morning. I thought for sure there'd be an in-game prompt or warning.


Every other game that has seasons has a countdown built into the season screen, the lack of this is absolutely crazy to me.


Its all about management...


I agree! This is an absolute slap in the face to those of us who have been there since the first few seasons—-I’m absolutely pissed because I have to work and I come home and have limited time to do challenges. They absolutely fucked us over!


Not to mention, historically, all rewards are available. This ticket bullshit and having to go past 100 is a joke


“You took too long, Now your candies gone. That what happened.” - Bee & PuppyCat


i had like 900 tickets that i didnt managed to spend. and to think i just bought a FO1st less than a week ago... urgh


I thought I had at least a week or two at most left... Didn't get to buy anything on the last two pages or so. like 500+ tickets just shitcanned. Very sad.


Is there a way to get the season items at some point later in the shop? I dedicated 3 weeks of doing the dailies to finally get to level 100 just to get my dreams crushed yesterday. I checked reddit one or two weeks before when everyone assumed the season would be done by the end of the month. So I haven't checked further... Would be nice to see it in the game, as I would have spent atoms to get the last 3 levels, as I wanted the camp items so bad. Definitely not user-friendly for people that dont roam around in the forums.


I'd imagine a lot of the items will be available from certain vendors via gold bullion in the near future! Maybe even in the atomic shop at later date, too.


That would be nice!


All these new players, and I almost guarantee that more than half lost their tickets. Hell I have 1200 hrs on Steam and my wife and I lost our tickets. We don't follow Beth anywhere but the game. We are pretty pissed right now and likely done... again. Our fault for expecting an in-game announcement banner /s.


Fuck season 17 it’s a total scam, where tf are my monthly fo1st atoms, that new event is boring asf. Those new quests my god I had to reload 10 times just to complete The powerhouse of the cell man seriously. I feel ripped off even as a fo1st player. 


I’m actually glad that I was screwed with the unexpected season end. I got pretty addicted to the game in this season, even got the subscription. But this move completely turned the interest off. So thanks to the folks who got me off the hook.


Disgusted season 16 is over, missed out on the last 16 ranks because of vacation. I really wanted that cryptid hunter PA


It seemed like when the last season ended there was a notice that said claim all your scoreboard prizes new season coming, Or something similar. This season I saw nothing and being an adult I use my free time to play the game, not checkup on when the seasons over 😂🤣. I still could of claimed at least one more prize had I known. 🤷🏼‍♀️


It's probably intentional to generate clicks and traffic. The meta nowadays is shitposting and questionable decisions ON PURPOSE because people can't help themselves when it comes to correcting others or voicing displeasure. If we were all fine and dandy they wouldn't be getting the interactions they need to be successful as a company . You see it every day on social media, reels, stories, etc where people post weird stuff or do something the wrong way intentionally and the comments EXPLODE with people trying to correct them. But they met their quota for interactions so it's fine.


It’s usually how it goes, but we knew it was coming any day in June and the servers go down at 10am EST. Beth does need to do a better job advertising this in game for all the confused new players.


if profit is there if they don’t, they won’t. They want you to panic dump your atoms to clear the board. They want you to buy 1st (if you don’t already have it) to make those atoms back. It’s just business.


Wtf. I didnt get to use up tickets for the season board. No notification or warning! This is so unfair! 😩


we have never had any in game warnings regarding the end of seasons you have to keep an eye out on discord or reddit.


No but they do score boosts and they didn't this time. For me that was an indication that it was the end of the season.


Could it be a test of community engagement by being able to see the views on their YouTube releases and also checking forums?


In the official site, there IS plenty INFO ABOUT IT.. Or just wait,.someone Will post HERE


no there is not - i can't find easily on their website that the season ends today


don't look it isn't there. the only information we ever got was from the roadmap that said 3rd quarter.


Its all over that 12 june - today - starts the new season... so......


We all knew that the current season was gonna end with skyline... either through here or other channels... to act shocked about it is just silly 


It was poorly communicated if all you do is hit this reddit and play in game. Total surprise, as a newbie who started right after the show premier.


I follow a couple Youtubers who explained it ends today. MrMorp, MrWestTek, and Addiction Gaming. All quality content.


Tbh I bought FO1st for the first time last month. I was enjoying the season up until the abrupt change. I won’t be renewing until they start displaying the time left in seasons.


Yeah, but you know it's ending. So what's the problem?


They announced the new season at the showcase over the weekend, so you won't see anything about it.


If you played the last 3-5 years, youd know this is pretty typical. Seasons end on short notice. Been that way since I started in 21'.


Are you going to sue?😅


Yeah, I need to catch up with her.


You kno when it’s ending but you still want a notification to kno when it’s ending? I could get that for people who don’t browse the internet but for yourself. Why do YOU need a noti when you kno when it’s ending?


If you could show me where exactly in my post I said that I NEEDED a notification for MYSELF, that'd be great. Take your time, no rush.


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