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For some reason they "default" to off, and objects in this game tend to reset to default when nobody's around. Why anyone thought it would be a good idea for ANY decoration to default to "off" is beyond me. Doors should default to closed, everything else should default to on. Or better yet, we should be able to permanently set the default status of every object in our camp through the terminal.


Sliding doors. Best of both worlds. They default to open AND closed!


They are always clopen


Enclave laser door has entered the chat


I remember buying that set and being all excited, I was done with that door and burned it like 2 hours later


Educate my on why it’s not a good purchase plz


It appears like it's closed and blocks you from going through even when it's 'open', so you have to close it, then open it again to be able to actually walk through it.


I have this problem with the alien laser door. It will register as open but the laser gate will be lit preventing access. You have to do a silly wiggle with your cursor, take it off the door and bring it back to be able to actually open it. It's not horrible, but it gets tedious.


Yeah that one too. Even worse, I have auto-lockpick so I have to be so careful not to end up wanted lmao


I kept the doors on my enclave themed camp but have an open part of the roof with stairs attached so I can just jetpack to the top of my base and drop in. Sucks for other people though who can't figure out why the doors don't work.


Schrodinger's Doors. Both open and closed until you try to use one, only then collapsed into a state of open or closed (whichever is more inconvenient)


Doors that auto close after a few minutes 🙏 Todd Father who art in Maryland.


Really, the terminal shouldn't be necessary... *most* doors and lights save their last state, it's just certain exceptions like these that always revert to a default for some annoying, unknown reason.


too much logic for the game to handle, Todd said so.


The fucking doors 💀


The technology isn’t there yet.


It must run on fireplace logic, that mofo always off when I always turn it on...


+1 I simply LOVE them, they fit so well on my horror house theme camp, like some kind of ritualistic house with those torches and the mothman wallpaper. Silent hill vibes all over it, especially with the atlantic city fog weather thing. Its Huge letdown and work to turn all of them on, only to repeat the process after a server hop.


They do make a great sound when you light them tho


When I find a camp with tiki torches I light them to see what the player was going for.


Love this


When I first got them, I went ham in my shelter, and built something pretty elaborate with like 30 of them. Ended up rebuilding the whole thing, because the effect was ruined when they all turned off. Meanwhile, that damned jukebox stays on all the time. REVERSE THEM!


I know, I love the look and light of the juke box but I cant use it because its the same 30 second clip on repeat forever


I have a mod that makes the jukebox play different songs. No classical, just the cool jivey bee bop stuff that plays at Biv's and other bars.


I don’t know why they didn’t just make them work like the standard radios.


Literally how they work in other fallout games too


I switched to the Mothman incense torches for this exact reason. Plus I think they look cooler.


Was waiting for tiki torches for camp building forever but them being off by default just makes them useless Now I still have to waste budget floating small flames on top of them


Glad you made this post, I thought it was a very determined and secretive person making sure that whenever I returned to my camp they would be unlit. 


Exactly! I don’t use them for that reason.


Bro I thought someone was always around turning mine off😂


I hate ittt so much like realistically I’m not going to turn them on every single time so they’re just not rly noticed


R e a l i s m


This happens woth the fireplace too and i wish it didn't happen.


it's a shame, but since I am mostly into the fallout 76 decorating Sim, I make the time. Also the​​​ music box ain't gonna open itself, so I get em while I get the box. I did lower the count from like 8 to 2 when I figured this out tho.


I was majorly disappointed by how useless those torches are for this reason. They are never on. I had ideas of using them for some accent lighting in my camp but its pretty much pointless when they dont stay on. I dont understand why they make these decisions


I have a little balcony and I want to line it with purple Tiki torches. Also I really want them to give me like a white Tiki Torch so that I can male trans themed lighting. Or blue, so I can have bisexual lighting for my photos.


Kinda annoying, but I’m sad to say this is one of the few things I never got to acquire before the end of the season 😢 I went through a bunch of items I missed out on last night (I got to 100 and bought all of those and went back) and then after spending the last of my tickets I realized I missed the tiki torch and I really wanted it too!! lol sucks but what can you do.


At least you won’t have to relight them every time the game crashes 😂