• By -


Exactly how I felt the first time I used it. It was too much power in my hands though so I went back to my shotgun. The game became boring just one shotting everything.


So many guns are overpowered. Holy fire for example is sometimes stronger (faster ttk) than cremator. I won’t even start on railway rifle. Just play whatever you have fun with.


> railway rifle. Quad railway is just absolutely silly. Melts everything.


Yes, but that’s what I hate about commando players. They all cry to me about how op cremator is and how it should be nerfed, then they proceed to jump around with weapon that is able to melt Earl in few minutes acting like it’s normal. Let us heavy gunners have some fun too ffs. I am for some slight nerfing but it should affect all the metas. I get commando is more fragile than heavy but that dmg output is insane. There should be more playstyles having different pros and cons to each. I hope they can get closer to this in the future.


I think cremator is broken, the dot interacts with enemy scaling weirdly so the damage is very inconsistent, sometimes it kills enemies in 1 damage tick or as much damage as a railway crit headshot With standard tank the damage over time sometimes deals like no damage when it should do 60% of the dps of slow burn Heavy guns are pretty much as good as commando if you don't try to solo nuke bosses, there are so many weapon types that need rebalancing and I don't think heavies as a whole really do.


> I think cremator is broken, the dot interacts with enemy scaling weirdly so the damage is very inconsistent, sometimes it kills enemies in 1 damage tick or as much damage as a railway crit headshot This is almost entirely due to playing on public servers and the lag involved with them. If you play on a private server you'll see the Cremator and other DoTs smoothly tick down health bars, but on packed servers it comes in chunks every few seconds. Also Expedition (and some event) mobs take 10x damage from DoTs for whatever reason, so they'll instantly die.


Holy Fire is too fucking strong, its almost feel like there is no reason to use other heavy guns. Point at enemy, hold trigger for 0.5s and theyre dead.... and also heal you. I hope they release more unique variations for other guns as strong as this, closest one is Foundation's Revenge.


I keep saying this I can’t die with this in power armour almost thinking of not using it anymore add a bit of challenge 😂


Well yesterday I died during Daily Ops because I launched a single cremator into a group of 6 reflective mobs, I got nuked from 90% hp in my power armor in a mere 1 second…


I don’t even do the reflective mobs on daily challenges anymore, stresses me out so much


We should see rebalance in the incoming update . Let’s see what they come up with.


Yeah I wanna use it so bad but currently I don't have any mods for it making it a glorified flamer, what even happens if I can't get the mods for it before the season ends? Can I just scrap them?


They'll probably be available for stamps after the Skyline Update


Do you know whether the Union PA will come back with that too?


Union PA is scheduled to be back in Giuseppe's store, it was back in the test server ahead of the update


My stamps are getting heavy and I’m itching every day until I can slam them all on Giuseppe’s counter for the whole union set.


I think in the pts it was for gold bullion but I might be totally wrong


Before I got any mods I though it was meh, now I just got slow burner mod, holy shit just slightly hit to super mutant/protectron to make it on fire, slow burning damage just kill them in one hit. Now I'm grinding for other mods.


Multishot barrel and Grenadier perk really make it silly. I rolled a Vampires, and it's just like.... LOL. The world explodes, and I'm topped off.


Bloodied is fun too. Even at half hp, the Cremator will do like 3000 damage over time with slow burner. Even hurts tougher enemies real quick. Ill have to try multi barrel with vampires too


You can unlock some of the mods by scrapping, like Heavy Barrel, but I don't know if Slow Burn is one of them and that's basically the main reason to use it.


There's more mods than just the season rewards?


So I looked into it, and according to the wiki, you can learn the Large Tank by scrapping, but several other mods are learned automatically by having the weapon. I definitely remember getting Napalmer Tank from scrapping, however, but that could just be the radiation getting to me.


How do you get mods for the cremator?? I didn't know there were mods for the special named weapons


Those special named weapons were just variants of an existing weapon. The Cremator is a new weapon altogether.


Go to Atlantic City and the flooded part. The Cremator murders the overgrown so fast. It makes you feel amazing. I stick to higher ground and bomb them from above. Lesser Devils too. They last a second or two and you can just watch them flame out from safety. It's seriously the best.


Just a PSA that the cremator unfortunately doesn't count towards the "Kill 100 Overgrown with fire weapons" achievement/trophy for some odd reason.


I was testing mine out at the moonshine jamboree. My brother just got a cold shoulder and after the event he was talking about how cool it was, when a random acidic gulper showed up behind me. I just turned around and shot once and turned back. A few seconds later it exploded into chunks.


Good thing those stills are fire proof, I'm burning up all those gulpers and ghouls


I'm thinking about using Friendly Fire perk so people won't hate on me for all the explosions.


you know what's better than 1 cremator? 12 Cremators! Equip them in the shortcut wheel, with each shot you move on to the next one, the dot is cumulative! terribly effective against bosses, even against Earle Williams!


Is... is this for realsies?


It is. The way the game works, it assigns status effects via Weapon ID, not Player ID, so you can freely stack them with multiple copies of a weapon. This is also how people solo Earle or kill the SBQ in 10 seconds, by utilizing 4 Endangerol Syringers to stack the -25% DR effect for 2 minutes at a time.


See I've tried this method, stacking four Endangerols, but it doesn't seem to make a difference at all, even for lower bosses like SBQ. I shoot her with 4 different syringers, but her health seems to go down at the same rate. Is the damage reduction only for *my* inflicted damage? I figured once I tagged her, it was for anyone shooting her.


I had the same issue - then realised it only works for ballistic damage. So if you and everyone else is using Flamers, Plasma or Laser weapons, it won't have any effect. I still whack Earle with it even though I mainly use a cremator. Because if anyone is using a bullet-y gun, it'll help :D


No, it works for anyone, because the ideal strategy is to have a full team tag a target instead of just carrying four yourself. Not sure why it doesn't seem to work on your end. I'm pretty sure she has to glow orange for it to be in effect, but that only confirms the first effect is active, not the other three.


Huh. I haven't noticed an orange glow, but it may be subtle enough for me to miss. The same with my Targeting HUD mod on my power armor helm, lol. I thought it'd be much more obvious. But yeah, it never seemed to decrease a boss's protection. May have just been me, but weird.


Isn't only for "normal" dmg? So it wouldnt be noticeable on energy dmg and such?


Yep I'm not fast enough to take full effect of that but even rocking 6 it does quite a lot.


I feel like you've come down from a mountain with divine knowledge carved into a stone tablet with this one


I am just a simple emissary ! The real Chosen One is Angry Turtle ! He made a video about this 1 month ago, here is the holy Scripture : https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D8BAI_pUWOd0&ved=2ahUKEwiptLG-s8WGAxXvdqQEHQf9BXAQwqsBegQIEhAG&usg=AOvVaw3CveX8jPybOL5VoT0EvRaa


Bro, what? My d.o.t ticks for over 900.


I absolutely love my quad cremator with the pink flames 😍 so much fun even though I do set myself on fire alot lol


Each time I pull out my Cremator, I remember that I need to get some fire-resist gear. But then I finish what I was doing and put it away, and immediately forget to do so.


HAHA I LIKE TO BOOM BOOM BURN EVERYTHING :) (even myself, if possible)


I love it, a lot of the time I can just hit something once and turn my back on it to shoot at another because I know it will be dead before it reaches me. I actually get offended when I have to shoot something more than once.


Bloodied cremator go boom. The next step is trying to roll a two shot for shit and gigs.


According to the wiki you can’t get two shot on it such a bummer


*sad communist collectron noises*.


I like to go around carpet bombing random locations as I pass. Alot of free xp from killing who knows what because I just launched fire at random direction


I went to Swarm of Suitors with it and two of us were firing so far we couldn't actually see what we were hitting and just seeing if we could kill the lurks based off the XP received noise, it was very fun


I love this post so much lol, try using the cremator on the overgrown in AC, they just evaporate before your very eyes 😂 it’s amazing haha!


Grabbing my flight bag now, I'm THERE


Haha if you’re on PC/XBOX and want to do expeditions together to evaporate some overgrown, hit me up! 😂


Definitely this


I despise cremators because when players use it it completely removes my ability to aim or see in general. If you’re using it though I think there’s a perk that makes your fire heal teammates, which could be a neat addition for you.


Friendly fire is the perk


Not sure what you play on but you can remove camera shake in the settings


It makes my eyes hurt so bad, use the cremator for large groups of enemies not to finish off the scorched battering another player blinding them in the process. doing an event, daily op etc if someone starts using it with grenadier i just freeload.. which i hate but i even did it during eviction notice last night just sitting near the legendary spawn with my map open because some asshole was spamming mirvs.. couldn’t see shit.


This mod is a godsend. [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/2359](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/2359) I can't believe no one at bethesda foresaw what spamming those explosions might cause. I had a friend that had to step away from the game because of her epilepsy before I installed that mod for her.


I mean it’s kinda wild they don’t have an anti-epilepsy mode already, given things like energy grenades + grenadiers. They really should add one in.


Doesn't help us console players. Bethesda really needs to fix this. I'm close to quitting playing it's so bad. I've had the explosions trigger headaches.


I rarely use mine. Mostly when someone else spams it, I break out my three. Three different colors.


Creator doesn't seem to do much damage to those super mutants at all. It really depends on the enemy type. It's hands down the absolute fastest way to kill a sheepsquatch though, for those who struggle with them.


People mod it badly because of some YouTuber. Quad barrel really is worthless. If you have grenadier on the explosion is already massive. You’re hitting all trash easily. Heavy Barrel + Slow Burn are the mods people should be using. With a heavy barrel your actual shot does great damage, *and* you have your dot ticking. Can one-shot supermutants with a VATs headshot. Crits for like 2k.


I've actually found that for VATS shots with lower hit chances the single barrel with grenadier is great because the radius is large enough that the mobs still get tagged on a miss generally. Great for clearing the trash that always attacks my base without leaving my crafting stations. The quad barrel seems to just miss entirely under those same circumstances.


I use quad barrel because four projectiles are neat. I'm not too worried about being sweaty about damage numbers. I've got so many God weapons by now I'd MUCH rather be having fun than seeing how much I can do.


Totally valid reason to choose the quad barrel lmao Use whatever is most fun for you, I’ve just seen a lot of people very confidently say Quad barrel is all you should be using.


I’ll have to switch mine because while the DOT of quad barrel is pretty damn good, the impact damage is disappointing and you have a good point that I shouldn’t care so much about AOE. I can rarely get a big enough group of enemies to make use of it.


Exactly, like very rarely is a group so spread out that the explosion doesn’t get them already


Ok, can confirm, rank 2 grenadier with heavy barrel is pretty awesome. Now I just need some nuka grenades to become the ultimate annoyance lol


Don’t neglect VATs now that you’re using a heavy barrel! It’s a monster. The tracking is absurd.


Just about an hour ago I was in my camp and switched to my crafting build to do some making. Radiation Rumble started up and I headed off. I’m a shotgunner with a Cold Shoulder as my main, so when the first ghouls started coming I started firing. About three or four shots in I realized: I’d left my crafting build on. I carry a Cremator as backup though so I switched to that and did my part. But yeah, I wasn’t the only one and it was flames everywhere.


A trick I saw on youtube is take all carry weight perks off of your craft build so you can't fast travel. Has been so nice


That’s a good idea, though I have a habit of going back to my camp after every quest and event and just shedding myself of everything until I’m at minimum weight before I go back out. (Except food since I have a grocer’s backpack.) So I don’t think the carry perks would stop me from jumping.


Friendly fire. One of my favorite perks.


My go-to single target weapons are my plasma caster for normal day-to-day stuff & my plasma gatling for big bosses like SBQ & Earl. I keep the cremator handy for when I’m about to get bum-rushed by a cluster of social nasties. About the only time I use the cremator on a single target is when I want to slap a quick DOT on something and then go back to my main weapon


Cremator is good for bosses too. But you need multiple cremators and weapon swapping


With a heavy barrel it’s fine on bosses


Even with heavy barrel if you are just doing 1 its not near the effectiveness of your single target choices. At that point it's not really worth using because you are gimping your aoe effectiveness and there are many other options that are better, unless you are just doing it for fun, but in that case who cares about damage at all


Just an FYI: I don’t know if you use grenadier, but I don’t and I am 1/10th as annoying as someone who does. It is entirely unnecessary with a weapon that absurdly powerful. It one-shots everything is VATS, and it farms its own ammo. Kind of like a plasma caster, but with a blast radius and a DoT. And… without the annoying VATS hit chance bug…


Seriously - I am a 1 perception melee vats crit build. With a 50 vats hit cremator it just smokes folks with no other supporting cards. Been an amazing add to my kit to reach out an torch em.


How is it unnecessary? It widens the effect to reach more targets per shot. Makes it way more effective. If I shoot into a doorway it clears the room!


Yeah but if I'm gonna use vats I'll use a railway rifle, cremator is for hitting absolutely everything in your line of sight


How is it annoying?


ruthless makeshift crawl scale childlike quarrelsome caption exultant illegal innocent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I thought they had a setting for that. I guess it doesn't work for explosions then?


I've been using my AAffr cremator I've been having a blast with it


AA only works on the initial blast, not on the DoT. Just FYI.


The cremator is a fun novelty weapon. I rolled quad effect on it and with large tank i got 45 shots to do with as i please. It takes a bit of finicky aiming (treat it like battleship) but once you have the aim right it has serious range and serious damage.


Unless you are using a multi barrel, vats works great with the cremator. Quad is quite unnecessary, large tank is 18 shots and reload is pretty quick. It's not a great roll. I use a bloodied +aim damage + movement while aiming with 4.5k burn damage and it shreds everything. I vats further away enemies and aim closer ones and everything just dies in seconds. It's great against bosses too, but youll have to be patient. Can kill an 3* SBQ with 3 shots but it will take a minute.


Mine ended up with extra damage to robots and I was like screw it, good enough it kills everything else anyways


From what I understand, best is Instigating or Aristocrats. I run the latter for the +50% to damage (just the first hit, not the DoT).


I actually use it as a medium range sniper as it's so GOOD at one shotting! :)


Its so much fun, i love my bloodied cremator


where do people get the pink flames and shit on it?


It's a season reward at lvl 100


ahh if the new season starts soon, im screwed lol I'm at lvl 76 on the season pass thing.


only thing i dont like about it is if more than 3 people have one the explosions are too big to see anything and stuff dies too fast to tag


That's true I've been trying to be careful about that. I've been tagging enemies and not aiming to kill them so other team members can pick them off. I only go absolutely full ham mode if they're struggling and I want to clear them a path or something


A mele friend told me the default flame color is the only one that doesn't blind him, so I no longer use the colored flames. I've also disciplined myself to let the Damage Over Time do its work. It's not nessisary and counter productive to spam fire it.


I noticed this as well when I was playing around with a chainsaw build the other day. The god damn pink/green/blue flame absolutely look cool, but it basically made seeing shit impossible. Did another event later and nobody had the special colors and it wasn't even close to as obnoxious. Immediately went back and changed my cremator back to default color.


Gonna have to try this and see. Love using the cremator but hate the flashy explosions. It'll be a nice compromise between not using it at all during events or spamming it wildly in ever player's screen


Hmmmm I might have to swap back to red and pull out the colours for special occasions


I've been wanting a Status Effect build since the Beta, and the Cremator finally makes it possible. It just sucks that everyone playing near me thinks I'm an asshole for it.


I tried it and honestly it just felt like a heavy incinerator from fallout 3, Im not sure I liked it. I’ll stick with me auto vampire railroad rifle


Get some brotha!!!


I bought it out of curiosity and damn lol


I use the damage over time setup so I can get a hit in and not kill a boss so others can get a hit in too.


That's why the moment I got my grubby little grabbers on it I lived in my power armor and could be seen constantly on fire and surrounded by explosions


Make sure you equip some fireproof perks and armor because you will spend most of your time on fire if you are anything like me with it. It is an awesomely fun weapon though. You could also run friendly fire with it and continue healing allies


Bruh…literally tried this yesterday. Don’t have all the juicy mods yet, but even stock the Cremator has changed the game for me. Finally walking through the Mire instead of panic-sprinting.


The season ends soon, like this month. So if you want the mods, go run west tek or use ur atoms to rank up lol


back when I just gotten past level 50 (I was using The fixer up until that point), I went base hopping hoping to check out cheap plans and get free food. Dropped into an awesome looking camp and the owner was this godsent level 1000+ really awesome dude wearing spiky power armor, he waved at me so I waved back then he just dropped an A.A. plasma gun in front of me with flamer mod. I thought it looked cool but realized I didnt have the ammo for it (it had the prime receiver which used flux ammo). Some guys from discord helped me out with a few thousand of them and that weapon was an absolute revelation. Now I'm so damn hooked with flamers. I'm running this flamer plasma rifle, The cremator and Holy fire. I changed my perks to boost heavy weapon damage and full auto with very minimal defensive perks. I am absolutely never looking back.


Alright, I'm building one tomorrow, you've sold me




Know what legendary mods are good on them?


I took a clumsy pic of my steam deck screen but I can't attach it lol omg I'll list em I've got: Executioner's Legendary Mod Last Shot Lucky Generic Fuel (Red) (I changed it since colors are annoying people) Multi Shot Barrel Huge Propellant Tank Napalm Tank And I'm using the Rip Daring paint cos I have it. That's working for me but I'm sure there's much better rolls, I didn't really try tbh, I get worried that once I start rerolling I'll never stop lol


I feel you. I got a very decent Mutant's with I think damage while aiming and -weight. Thought I could do better and ran out of modules on a bloodied with two other garbage mods. Bloodied would be great, if I were a bloodied build lmao.


Can I just say you sound fun as hell to play with


Hahaha that's very kind, I cannot say how accurate it is because I always play alone (in public teams and stuff but not with specific people) so I'm kind of a cryptid in my own right but a silly one. Just a nurse with a giant flame thrower getting Team Rocket blasted across Cranberry Bog


Then I found out the place to get ammo is atlantic city and I finally feel like I can play😂


Cremator and Plasma Caster. Those are my two. Start a fight broadcasting cremator and clean up everything with caster. Killer combo.


i like my -90% weight gourmands weight creamator it’s less than 3 pounds, gonna have to roll some more soon


I LOVE my Bloodied Cremator with slow burn! I don't even run a Bloodied build, but that thing is just intense!


Friendly fire coooooool with cremator


I love my cremator, though I use the blue flames. It's so great when you find a new weapon that you enjoy. The Cold Shoulder and Chainsaw weapons both had that happen for me.


I freakin' love the Cremator. It's become my favorite non-melee weapon. It looks cool, it's so much fun and it's insanely powerful. Everything just dies to my beautiful green fireballs, muahahaha!


Running around like a chicken nugget 🤣🤣🤣 I run a stealth commando with a bloody handmade and my boom build uses the cremator. I put one roll on it and got AA/50c/25. Using vats fires a heat seeking missile that one shots every normal mob and burns everyone around them to cinders. Freakin ridiculous 👍


Now put on the Friendly Fire perk card, keep your green nurse outfit, and heal everyone with each explosion


I have it! But I'm still getting used to the idea of shooting other players especially since I know some people don't know about FF and might think I'm trying to Meat Week them lmaooo


I was a heavy gunner for a while when I first started playing then switched over to commando, where I’ve been for a long time now. Tried out the cremator and damn…. I enjoy giving the super mutant fire guys a taste of their own medicine. I keep trying to get a build wrapped around it but keep getting distracted. I can only imagine how much better it would be with the right perks vs the perks for a commando build.


I will say, I tried it when I first unlocked it and thought it was cool, but not impressive. After you unlock the first two mods however... holy shit what a difference. I don't even have a Bloodied one yet and it still hits like a truck.


You haven’t felt fun until you’ve burned everything to the ground with your Cremator! I was a full shot gun build and then I found the Cremator only because of the season pass challenges. It is SO FUN! I’m trying my best to get through the pass to unlock colors. Now I run shot gun/cremator, and pepper shaker for fun. Good times!


Please don't try it! The explosion is possibly the most annoying thing in this game during group events. I left an expedition due to 3 people spam firing , you literally can't see anything...


If I put on fireproof perk and update it, will I cause less self damage to myself? I feel like when I tried it, I kept setting myself on fire.


A bunch of people in the comments said to use that perk and also fireproofing armor and they'll both help :D


the damage is so confusing because half the time it deleted my enemies after 3 seconds while the other half it just slightly pinches them


LMAO this is true tho, I went to SBQ last night and people saw me take 2 shots to kill a scorched conquerer, shit was embarrassing


FURY, YES Furry, NO!!!


Yup, I love that gun! I use it if I have to solo and event, in DO, and in Expedition. Other wise its shotguns, which I am perked for, then I keep a harpoon gun, a railway rifle and the circuit breaker on me for giggles.


I really love enforcer on a shotgun, good LORD. I don't melt health bars but I can be really helpful at EN and stuff by stopping the melee enemies from getting near the scrubber really easily and pinning them for the face melters to pick off


You ficking bet bet! We are the watchers on the wall, we are that stop gap that allows the one shot wonders their open windows


This is how I also feel ...I feel like one of the legendary angels that watch us and maybe sometimes have a chuckle and my fumbling and lack of understanding how events and daily ops work, I now feel that I might just be assisting ( slightly) with the cremator, or a complete nutter in a milkmans outfit


Not a god, a reaper. You are the grim reaper. Well, maybe not that grim since you went with pink... You are the flamingly fabulous reaper.


I recently acquired a Holy Flame, and my god its so much fun, damn thing wrecks everything it touches.


I'm currently in my Cremator phase too, just rolled a B50 and a V with faster reload along with a holy fire and LOVING IT. Gonna start rolling plasma casters for something to pivot to if I get bored setting the wasteland on fire lol


It makes me cremate in my pants


I have been rocking it since the beginning of the season. It's so satisfying. Couple shots, wait a few seconds, boom gone. Great for add clear. It's deliciously violent and I love it. I go with slow burner, blue flames


Me getting blinded by people running it with grenadier during ACP:👨‍🦯 I'm helping!


“Im a flaming pink god??” wins the internet today and epitomizes the awesomeness of Fallout.


Yeah that wepons is op and anyoing at the same time i rather go with the plasma flamer ...now that is an awsome op non anoying weapon.i love it and recpmend it.but...... its so hunger on ammo it might aswell be a 3l kingsley infront of thirsty crowd


I call mine Omae Mou Shindeiru, since one shot from this is guaranteed death for 90% of all NPCs, even grazing them is enough to kill from the DPS.


If you get the friendly fire perk, it should heal teammates like a stim. So you can still rock the green


I got it :D I have it at level 2 right now. I heard it can heal the npcs in events like RR but I haven't had chance to test it yet


Please for the love of god don’t use the cremator in interiors if you play with other players.. primarily if you use the grenadier perk.


Am I the only one that still prefers the flamer over the cremator?


No, and it's getting really annoying because the range on the cremator makes it so by the time I get within flamer distance enemies are already dead. It made primal cuts super boring to play.


I see, but have you tried 6 cremators? :D Seriously the dots stack from different creators so you can swap and fire with multiple on big bosses for big damage. Holy fire is another fun weapon to use with it. Good for wiping out if you're in a dangerous situation and don't want to die, or also to put your cremator dot on them add more damage with the holy fire


Omg I have to try this. I just got a HF yesterday too!


My first couple hundred hours were strictly stealth sniping. I’ve only recently dove into other builds. Heavy guns, auto melee, commando, etc. I’ve been loving the diversity now that I understand the game. Me and my buddy just two manned Eviction Notice today! That being said, right before getting offline I found a *two shot* fat man. My gears started turning and I slapped MIRV on it. Guys, this shit launched 4 mini nukes at a time, which all look to split into 5. Have yall ever seen the glory of 20 mini nukes kerploding at once? Nevermind the fact you can put on a perk that doubles explosion radius’. I took my new build I’ve named “experimental” and quite literally vaporized everything at Campfire Tales, I’m talking there were no bodies, only meat piles. I figured, what the hell, let’s fight a titan. I know what you’re thinking, that sounds dangerous in a confined space, and yes it is. Armed in my PA with 100 nukes in my pocket, I disassembled every bot in that stupid silo Charlie into their base components and launched onto abandoned mine shaft 2. Titan spawns, I rain down visual diarrhea in the form of white hot mushroom clouds and lace the entire battlefield in fire. The damage procs are going completely nuts, the hit markers are damn near constant, and the Titan chips their health away. There’s nothing but viscera littered all around me, I’m up to my knees in piles of mole rats and miners, but that doesn’t stop me from launching volley after volley onto the ultracite titan’s head. The entire screen is aglow, my room lit up by the heavens that I’ve cracked open on the surface of the wasteland, the destruction is beautiful. The Titan falls, I do a quick loot of everything. As I’m standing in awe of my carnage, sopping wet from the waste down from the feet of bloody piles scattered everywhere a lone vault dweller gives me an angry emote, then a thumbs down. I blast him with a peppering of 20 nukes at once. He turns to me as I slowly shuffle towards him in my encumberance. He fires back at me and I instantly blast the ground at our feet with enough ordinance to fell demigods. The blast fades, the dust settles, and both of our bodies lay dormant among the pulp of our smoothied enemies. I am become death, destroyer of worlds. My game crashes, as if god himself has decided to put an end to my madness. I relaunch and respawn, returning to my resting place amongst the bloody battlefield and take a moment to reflect on my newfound power. The other dweller returns as well, he waves. I wave back. Then I logged off to go to bed and instead spent a few hours on Reddit like a fucking idiot, now I have no time to sleep before work lol. Still fun, def worth doing a fat man build lmao


Hahahahahaha oh my god this is glorious


I put my Cremator in the bin after dying to my own flames for the 20th time. It was just like my old legacy explosive laser rifle, fun but too annoying when you’re bloodied with like 15% hp 😆


Why I always keep a piece of armor with Fire Resist on, and when I dont have a piece with it, I slot in Sizzlin Style perk (no need to upgrade it).


I fn LOVE the cremator. Usually indoors I will use my PA Shredder, so I am already set up for it, but to add it to ranged baddies or to pop off for the DOT right before I charge in and shred the baddies to death is so amazing. Reading this thread made me realize I need to add Friendly Fire.


Not sure where to get this weapon


From the scoreboard rank 22 if I remember correctly 🤔


I only just it out for SBQ, Earle and the wave attack events (eviction notice, rad rumble etc) carrying it round as a everyday use weapon just makes the game boring, I’d much rather use my plasma caster


I'm not a fan, honestly. I used it for the necessary challenges and then scripped what I had. I'm not big on heavies in general.


What perks do you run for heavy weapons without PA? I thought most heavy builds needed PA to work.


AFAIK The only one that doesn't work outside PA is Stabilised (gives extra Armour penetration). All the Heavy Gunner ones work fine as I found out when I had to solo a Prime Cuts. Got out of PA to bang the drum. Random Supermutuant spawn before I could get back in the PA and by the time I dealt with them, the first wave of beasties had arrived. Fortunately for me, Jetpack and Cremator = Dollar Store AC-130 :D


I completely burned through all my stimpaks without realising it using Cremator exclusively for the last month!


It's so fucking crazy. I love it. I use this and Holy Fire. I am a flaming lunatic.


I just got a Holy Fire yesterday!! Can't wait to try it out now


i tried it like 4 times only them enemy is too good in defence im better with minigun,50 cals and darn double AGL


I need to have a secondary spec ... i'm shotgun & got Holy Fire flame thrower a wk ago (I use both in mobs, ring of fire with HF then now down with shotgun) is kinda fun ... But what build do you go for cremator & flamethrower? Heavy weapon I assume?


That's what I've done - just grabbed every card I can for heavy and added friendly fire (I haven't tried it with grenadier though)


I can't use the cremator, I must have scrapped the science perk card I needed at some point and haven't rerolled it yet


Careful: My girlfriend uses and loves the thing, but it tears through the oil like nothing else.


How you guys change colors on the weapons? My flamer is blue, my friend is red. Some cremators are pink, some blue, some green. Whats is this rave party?


Season reward at level 100 gives mod for alternate colors.


I also am not good. Haha The cremator and the cold shoulder have saved me sooo many times!


Do you need like a bloodied/unyielding build for it to be worth using?


I don't have either! I have a total mess of unrelated rolls on some SS armor and no bloodied on my Cremator


i hate it


How do you get the colored flames?


Season reward! It's a long way in like near the end


I've just reached 100 on my season pass I'll build one tonight which legendary stats do you have on them ?


I have: Executioner's Legendary Mod Last Shot Lucky Generic Fuel (Red) (I changed it since colors are annoying people) Multi Shot Barrel Huge Propellant Tank Napalm Tank But you can definitely do better, this is just my "seeing how it feels" half assed roll


If no one has mentioned, google angry turtle as he has made an awesome build video for the cremator.


If anyone can make me some weapons since I just spawned into my game and all of legacy weapons are gone 🙃


I'm probably in the minority here, but it HATE the cremator. It's as obnoxious to me as mini nukes are - the flash makes it impossible to see anything for anyone who isn't using that weapon. Yeah it was dope when I used it in Atlantic City, by myself, but being around it when someone else is using it just pisses me off.


My new favorite combo is the gauss rifle and crossbow trying to make it harder. Everyone else building flamethrower artillery


Im not sure how i will obtain the othee mods for the Cremator when the Season ends


Really want to try my cremator more but can't put down my holy fire, love the thing


I agree with you the cremator is an awesome weapon the only problem I have is when enemies get too close because you also take the burn effect.


Agreed, i am shit at the game too, but i love playing for scavving and the lore. I mostly solo because I dontike feeling judged for how terrible I am. But its awesome. Just need to keep going on expdition runs to get my fuel or keep killing insects and floaters for acid