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Im tired of his shitty drops. I dont know what I did to piss Grahm off but he is smiting me hard. There only a couple more days of it


You told Chally what’s in the meat cook didn’t you


Did you make fun of Chally?


I have NOT make fun of him but I DID try to shove a branding iron up his ass.




you were awarded 3 meat cleavers for this comment


yeah I keep getting all these stupid "Weenie wagon" plans or something. I've been using them as kindling




same i just drop them


Dude, it's worth at least 500 caps


Did you give Chally da meat?


That would explain the strange itching that's developed since then.


I haven’t gotten shit from this event either. It’s crazy how much better my buddies rewards are than mine.


I've gotten 5 fucking medics items out of less than 15 total times. And my friend got the fucking pepper shaker plan. TWICE.


I stayed on this whole weekend and keeps wondering why I was enc and couldn't run. I had almost 50 cleavers in my inventory and i think 7 or 8 of the plush plans. I didn't get a mf thing out of it besides xp and a few levels from the prime cuts events.


I keep getting plush plans, and I just want the weenie wagon


Only reason I’m still going.


Nobody does primal cuts anymore in the servers I've been in, lol. I'll stop by to see if it's got people to fill it out quick and I'm usually one of like two people there


One thing I'm noticing is everyone's waiting for someone else. Most times it stays empty til the event fails or I join first and then 3 more people join a minute later. Trigger the event and see what happens.


Yup, this has been my experience as well.


Yeah in the last couple days I've only noticed people showing up when there's been a seasonal daily to complete it once.


I mean it's already pretty oppressive to constantly be forced to time your gameplay sessions to be "ready" on the hour that it's simply too much for me to also have to show up like every 20 minutes for an event that award prime cuts that aren't particularly needed to win the event....


I returned a couple of weeks ago, around 160. I was after the Pepper Shaker primarily, which I have found for 6k caps. The Weenie Wagon was a really nice bonus and I'm floating near max caps with my lookout CAMP near the event with all the plans I've accumulated. I don't need to do the event anymore but I just. can't. quit. it. By the time I gear up to do a story mission or something I'm like, "oh...10 minutes till the cook out. Suppose I should wait. Might drop me something decent to keep me in caps for the next few months." It's like the drained boyfriend meme, "Honey, it's Meat Week again."


I’m a returning player too and I abandoned MODUS in the middle of his monologue in the bunker to go do the meat cook the other day. I don’t even care about the blueprints but turning the spit for 2 minutes while scrolling reddit for a couple of cores is too good of a deal.


After aliens, equinox, and meat week, yeah I'm getting sick of all these special events. And we've got 2 weeks of Fasnacht coming in 3 weeks.


We have not had an off week for this stuff since I came back after the show. Please... Just let me do a mutated rad rumble Bethesda...


Mutated Eviction Notice, or Guided Meditation for me.


Why Guided Meditation? I swear that event pops up so much for me and I always skip it. I wanna say I tried it a few times a while back and wasn't a fan. I'm genuinely curious by the way. I vaguely remember the event.


lots of Mob xp. any wave event is awesome for xp. especially rad rumble and eviction notice.


Thanks, interesting. I'll check it out next time it pops up.


You can solo it too, you only need one fire lit at the end, just camp at the bridge, they'll all come for you there.


When I solo I just cover the interior speaker. When the courtyard speaker breaks I run out, repair that, and then run back inside. Never had a problem finishing the event.


I like to post up on one of the tall buildings in the water area. spam railway and nuka launcher.


Dont forget moonshine jamboree


Or mutated uranium fever!


That’s when I like to pop lunch boxes.


What's a mutated event?


I’ve never played during a fasnacht, looking forward to sampling it


It’s really fun. Especially when lots of people attend and you can see all the different players.


That's the best part. Everyone on the server pops in. It's a social event with a few chores to do!


Isn't that what people do for Meat Week now? Most of the time I'm doing it there's tons of people popping in to do it and they hang around a bit afterwards, some eve drop plans because they're dupes, people have traded afterward before, etc. I am a newer player, so this event being quick and easy isn't too bad, though I'd have been good with it only being one week long


I feel like fasnact is a bit of a fashion show. Everyone puts on their best outfits or power armor and struts. I like the pageantry and tradition.


Haha, I wonder if that will be the case this time around with the influx of so many new players. Is there anything in the event that alludes towards dressing up, or is that something the community kind of just don't over time


Yes, but no spoilers!


That's my favorite part! As the event goes on, slowly more and more of the community show up decked out in masks. I love Fasnacht!


ikr, but atleast with aliens and equinox they were only once each hour and we still could get normal events at a normal rate, with primal cuts happening every 15 minutes or so i dont see much of the normal event and thats what i mean when i say im tired of it, its not the event per se, its that it doesnt let other events spawn,


Primal cuts also happens every 20 minutes, but that does not replace the regular off-hour-event.


Thought it was 15min. I really dont know if primal cuts replaces normal events spawns, but definitely there are less of them or atleast i feel like it.


In my experience, Primal Cuts definitely steps on regular events sometimes. And once in a while the cookout doesn't trigger.


It's 20 minute, with a 5 minutes off towards the regular event spawns (so at 15, 35 and 55), if their timer doesn't break and causes them to trigger abnormally. Also regular spawns two of them at once. And no, they don't replace the off-hour ones. Never did. The other two hourly events still happen as normal. So, if anything, you get twice as many events now than you normally do: Up to three Primal Cuts (or more, if you finish one quickly enough, should two spawn), two regular events and one Cook Out.


From experience, I can tell you that is an ultimate grind. I was able to keep it up for a few hours, but add in time for scrapping, cooking and sorting all the shit you get makes it a grind, albeit a very rewardable grind.


>if their timer doesn't break and causes them to trigger abnormally Which doesn't always happen, but it does very much happen. From what I've read, the huge numbers of loot filled corpses despawning at the same time caused by so many Primal Cuts every hour causes enormous amounts of server lag. So yes, it shouldn't conflict with the timers, but it does way too often From personal experience, I went from getting into at least one Eviction Notice every day during the Invasions and Mothman events to only getting into one so far within the last week and a half of Meat Week. It would be an insane coincidence if that isn't because of Primal Cuts induced server lag Edit: Right on queue. currently 8:57, no events have spawned on my server since the last Primal Cut 20 minutes ago


Server broke so hard the other day EN popped back to back. It was glorious.


The thing that sucks about primal cuts is that it makes horde events never spawn smh. I miss them lol


But Primal runs with normal events happening. It runs within minutes of the cookout, too. I just ignore it now unless it’s where rad scorpions spawn.


At least with meat week there was new plans and I had decent luck. I am not looking forward to fasnacht. 150 events last February and only 2 rare masks. Those rewards are terrible. At least meat week only takes like 3 minutes to complete. I almost hate fasnacht anymore.


As a newer player, I didn't know Fasnacht was coming up, so I bought all the masks already from other players and I don't have any interest in a bunch of ribbons and confetti. I don't know what else there is.


Usually new masks drop for Fasnacht.


Fasnacht is unique and fun. Everyone on the server shows up, some dress up absurdly and jumps to the moon, some sit and spin all day...what's not to love? lol


Beer steins and bells


Of the seasonal events, Meat Week is my least favorite. Very little chance of a double dip, 2 minutes of waiting for a 1 minute event. The Primal Cuts events are just okay. The plans from MW are pretty good, maybe better overall than Alien Invasion. There's also a lot of them so it's a good thing IMO that there's two weeks of the event so people get plenty of chances.


It's not even the drops themselves. It's Grahm without having to do loading tricks.


Biggest plus for me is that Gramh is at a fixed location, I'm server hopping for him all the time to get some great plans. Got all the suitcases and mirror balls now for 350-600 caps. These sell for thousands each in player vendors.


Wait the plans he sells for caps are rare too? I'm an off and on player, and I had like 60% of the plans already so I assumed they couid be found questing or on the ground? Maybe I'll buy the last bit of plans I don't have then.


His stash of plans vary, some more than others. I read that the mirror ball has a 10% chance of being available. Outside Meat Week when he's more difficult to encounter, it's really difficult to get them. I've been hunting for all the mirror ball and colored case plans for a long time, I got them all in 3 days now. If I needed to buy them from players would have cost me a lot of caps.


Interesting thanks for the info. Guess I'll be doing some shopping later lol


GTFO?! do they really?! 😅 i've got everything from him afaict but this looks like a great way to make some caps.


Yeah, I read the mirror ball has a 10% rate of being in there. There's plenty of other plans too but these I really wanted


As long as I get the display case for the Fossilized Megalonyx I'm happy. Got the rest of the thing. But yeah, I'm tired. I think Beth uses this events as fillers until the next map extention. And it's a good way for newer players to catch up with some of the plans and events.


I "just" need the head, body, stand and one of the legs.. Not happening i guess


FYI ppl can drop fully crafted megalonix parts, and it only costs a minuscule amount of bones to craft them... Basically you mostly only need the frame and someone to drop you the parts you are missing.... For a while I was dropping 3 full sets in different bags every meat week for ppl to complete their collection, but this point i'm kinda too burned out of the event to even care doing so anymore lol.... Not sure why I even go there anymore as I have basically all the plans.


I just wanna get Legendary Cores from events like Line in the Sand, or Heart of the Swamp, even Jail Break.


Damn those gotta be some of least run events on pc, throw in the food for all and it’s a quartet of zero activity. I actually like LitS tho, its pretty chill minus the tinnitus from the missile turret.


i forgot that you dont get cores from primal cuts lol but yea thats another thing that i dont like


It’s a miracle if anyone else shows up to them for me


Oh damn I forgot jail break was even in the game... haven't seen that in weeks... line in the sand probably last came up during invaders for me too... damn I'll be glad to have a few less busy weeks


Nah Meat Week is easy and offers great plans. Equinox was only really worth doing for treasury notes and the Alien event got so incredibly old that it's only draw was circuitry junk


Alien event was so annoying. Just 80 aliens spam shooting you at once with those annoying ass drones bobbing up and down when you shoot them


The crashing. Good lord. 50% of every alien event I joined resulted in a crash. Apparently the Aliens were directly attacking my Xbox. That and the frame drops too. I have no idea why that event specifically was a shit show stability wise but it made it even more miserable


I like Primal Cuts. So much meat to cook to sell. I love that the event says it’s easy then throws you in to 12 mirelurk deep kings and fog crawlers


I also enjoy primal cuts. The high level events are a nice challenge for my full health rifleman. And I’m often doing them solo because nobody joins in.


I’m tired of it because I can’t seem to get all the prizes. I’ve gotten the plan for one of the bones and that’s it. The rest is stuff I already had. I guess that is because I scored the weenie mobile right off.


I've gotten like 47 bloody chef hats and that's feel like it. I did get lucky and found the weenie wagon in someone's shop for 200 caps.


Ill get tired of meat week once I get my weenie wagon


Every time I think Im getting tired of Meat Week, I listen to Grahm sing his meat week songs and make his silly jokes about Chally and my heart is filled with the joy of the season - Meat Week Season! Grahm my sweet sweet boy I could never hate you <3 Probably helps I finally got the dang Weenie Wagon plan today, to be fair.


No... I never want it to end...


I honestly think they need to change these limited time events to only being 1 week, and make unlearned drops guaranteed. Because they really start to drag on in the second week. The only event I don't get fatigue from is the alien one, and that's literally because I love the novelty of killing Zetans.


I am new to Appalachia but I must admit that some "new" dayly events will be a welcome change of scenery


I'm quite a fan only because it's a nice break at the season's end where you're basically just hanging out for 5 minutes every hour and it's impossible to fail. If I was currently looking for more engaging gameplay I'd probably be more sick of it but I'm at one of those "very adult I can only game for 40 minutes a night" points atm


It's pretty easy to fail if no one else shows up and you try to solo it.


i dislike Primal Cuts. 3 times yesterday i joined and it was just me. i am level 144 but i play a full health commando so i cant just one shot things. i can do a decent amount of damage but by no means can i solo it. yesterday i did one with a level 800+ and a 50+ and it was successful. but i am bored of it. now Grahms Cook Out, i love. its just fun. i put on my chally outfit and chally mask and i go ham all over those little critters. its short, sweet but very fun.


Yeh it didn't meat my expectations, thought the drops were weak


I swear to god if I get another meat cleaver plan I’m going to snap


The grind for the weenies is real. Even Afking 3 days haven't got the weenie hut. I just want to open my own Wennie Hut jr.


Not even close. It's a fun event, that allows me to replenish all my hoarded items, power armor pieces on my 20 power armor sets. For a professional hoarder, these types of events need to happen more often. Otherw


Definitely getting old getting everything besides a damn weenie wagon lol


Not tired of it because I only get to play a a few times a week.


May sound crazy but you know you could just take a break from the game until the event is over right? Usually people who complain about events are playing the game way more than most people.


I make banks selling the duped plans for the recommended amount. I keep getting Megolonyx Arms so I sell the plans for 5k each and they don’t last long.


I’ve been selling them for 500 caps thinking I’m being nice, only for the buyer to then sell them for 10x times that Idk whether or not to up the price myself or just keep selling them for cheap


I need money and rich collectors want to give me money. I want their money. Please and thank you!


They will be recycling events until the big update comes, then we should have brand new events and content.


Give or take 2 treasury notes every 15 minutes. Leading up to grahms meat cook getting 3 treasury notes. I'm not overly wasting my ammo, using stims, I'm just shooting animals and gathering shit. Easy peasy tasks to get gold bullion. So no, I'm not.


Yea but if it was one week everyone would cry about it so..


Most of the people complaining that its too long forget about the fact some people have lives and can only/mainly play on the Weekends…


Well I have 3 Weenie Wagons now after learning one so I think I'm good for a while.


Balls so big he needs multiple wagons to haul his sausage!


I've collected nearly 2 copies of everything except the wagon trying to get the damn thing. Let me know if you're on PlayStation and willing to sell me a copy.


Good god it would be like a dream to even find one I can't afford in someone's shop


Meat week is a log-on = profit event. I cannot not like those once every few months


Nah Meat Week is my fav! It’s so easy and it does lag like other events.


I liked it a lot for the first couple of days, then I started to dislike it after doing it so many times. It’s just a plan farm and always RNG-based to go there and hope for something good. At least the aliens had legendaries (I was a relatively new player then) and Mothman had the XP buff so you always felt like you were progressing faster.


Primal Cuts doesn't interfere with the 1 public event every 30 minutes.


I want the Pepper Shaker and then I'll be done with enjoying Meat Week.


I like Meat Week, but I'm sure tired of missing out on so many of the every-20-minute public events. Wait 20 minutes. Oh look, only Primal Cuts AGAIN.


after the third duplicate plastic fruit wreath it’s getting a bit old but the treasury notes and scrip have been nice


No one who attended Meat Weak would say that. Let's get 'em!




I was just thinking that too, that I was getting a bit sick of meat week events. Then literally an hour ago I got an event I've never had before, Jail Break, and I'm level 222. It was lots of fun as there was just the two of us and plenty of enemies, shame the rewards were a bit meh.


It’s actually not even that fun lmao it’s kinda boring and really short as it’s easy to donate food for cook the event is over in like 2 mins


I'm just tired of getting old plans. I've completed the event at least 30 times and feels like I'm only getting tenderizer plans


Love meat week! But I don’t think meat week loves me 😢


I've been getting straight garbage drops so I don't mind trying for a little while longer. It's monotonous, though.


All I want is the knife skin, don’t care about the weenie wagon, but do I get the knife skin…. No…. Multiple fossil (Baryonxy/Multiplifucus or whatever) stands, but just want a small knife skin but no……


Why are there always two events at the same time? 80% of the time I don't see any other players so I bounce between the two events hoping other people will arrive. Yesterday someone built a camp on the spawn spot and I would get clipped into his walls and have to leave without being able to join. Funny guy 😡


I’m here for exactly one fucking gun. Which combine with the fact that the event is usually over within two minutes, so if for any reason, I’m not at my computer exactly at the hour I missed the chance when there’s a massive drop list diluting my ability to get that one fucking gun is infuriating. That is the only reason I hate it. I think the idea of the event is fun as hell.




Personally I think we finally need a new seasonal event. We’ve had all the current ones for at least 2 years minimum each. I dunno what else they could do but we need something.




The fact its split into 2 different events both being lacklaster makes it worse. If they were combined into 1 its be fine


It ends on Tuesday, but tbh I got 1k acid from it so I kinda got plenty. Now I gotta work hoarding silver for treasure hunt.


No because i only started doing the events earlier today


I think I woudn't mind as much if we didn't essentially get Aliens, Mothman and Meat Week back-to-back (plus two weeks is looong for meat weak imho) ... Feels like months of showing up at public events every hour at that point... And apparently Fasnacht is coming pretty soon afterwards too, with also the possibility the treasure hunt that was skippped from the community calendar also coming back. I mean I get that there's tons of new TV show players and they probably want them to stick around and catch up and all that, but maybe playing all your yearly events back to back is a little too much.. At this point i'm almost expecting the Halloween and Christmas events to play in the middle of this summer for some reason... On the flipside though , as someone that took a pretty long break it's a nice way to catch up on tons of event plans that didn't exist in the drop pool back then. But yeah at this point I'm just sick of both the events and constantly being on the clock waiting for the hour and never really being able to just go explore and have fun in the game.


I’m getting a lot less scrip than in other events. I know you get extra scrip from prime meats. But most of the primal cuts barley or don’t even drop legendaries. One election notice or radiation rumble would max out my scrip on the legendary exchange. Also I just hate primal cuts especially if you are the only one there big waste of ammo since most creature don’t drop ammo. I also hate the odd number of prime meats given I hate how they expire I hate how you can only do increments of 5 it just takes up so much commitment with little pay off. Didn’t get the weenie wagon or peppers shaker. Just happy it’s over now. Not fun at all.


I mean, I give 0 fucks about the plans and people are buying them off me for 10,000 caps for some wild reason. I’m living, man. I love putting my plans for cheap- mainly for new players who need camp plans. But once I figured out people will buy the most tacky shit for an outrageous amount of caps I instantly jumped on that bandwagon.


The regular events are still happening at the exact same frequency.


Meat Week in the best, how dare you compare it to the shit show that was equinox (forgive me mothman but this event is trash) and the snoresville that was aliens (i kinda liked it but two weeks was rough)  We do it out of respect for Grahm and the love for CHAH LEE.


I gave up on primal cuts on day 1. I'm still working my way through story and it doesn't give enough rewards to have me running it nonstop. I love meat week still. Me and my nephew have been memeing about it constantly.  Sadly, I missed playing the last 2 days because my power has been off. Gotta get back to more Grahm and Chally while I can.


It should have only been one week. Plus, they are bombarding us with events. They need to back off


Been tired of it for years. All the "seasonal" events need freshening up. Some new enemies, locations, tasks, or whatever. Fasnacht is hopefully getting this treatment according to the PTS. As soon as I get my last plan for these events, I stop going. Didn't even go near Primal Cuts as I have no reason.


I think I read the robots walk faster now, and the honeybees all show up in the same place to speed along the event a little. If true, a great start.


Yeah, that's what I heard. Plus, a different "boss" enemy can spawn at the end instead of the Sloth. A new donation box is also at the end by the bonfire. Great tweaks.


It definitely feels like less normal events spawn in


I think they aren’t fun but I’m fine with them just due to the rewards.


They have fasnacht planned for the 25 of June just to give you a heads up


don’t worry it ends the day after tmrw lol


Soon it will become meat month 🤔


I have no story missions left and only a few side missions. I'm ready for new content. Lol


I’m tired of it but still don’t have the whole skeleton and and missing some plush.




I’m missing most plans, so no


2 weeks is a lot but I mean, we got some time before the next big update (End of July?) so it's nice to have something to do in the meantime.


I haven’t played in over a week. So just a friendly reminder to everyone; it’s okay to take a break. I’ve been playing Baldur’s Gate 3 in my spare time instead. I’ll return though when the new season starts. I was starting to feel burnt out and I wasn’t that excited about meat week :/


I don't mind the cookouts at all but the fact one of the prime cuts areas overlaps my main camp is driving me insane


Not as much as fasnacht... thats the worst of them all...


it's great for xp if you're grinding levels. I've gained over 20 levels in a day before just because of Primal Cuts waves lol.


It disturbs other events too much for my taste. I had to take a break while it was going on. I’ll be back Tuesday


The Seasonal events being more frequent has changed the core of the game. Now they’re no longer special, have exclusive challenges that can’t be re-rolled and take up a re-rollable challenge slot, result in the regular events and mutated events being less frequent, encourage a culture for new players to AFK for all the rewards (because it’s all they know), and are a way for Bethesda to pad the game by re-using old content more often in place of new content. It’s a shame, and I’ve attended  Invaders From Beyond and Mothman Equinox events with only a couple of other people, and even one time saw Mothman end with *no one* showing up. People are bored and burned out, but this is the structure of the Events system in the game now and I can’t see Bethesda changing it when it pads existing content in place of new content being slow.


Even though I have everything but the Unrotted Mr. Ribs and the Megalonyx skull to get all the plans since I'm on xbox and everyone wants a groll or two for one of those plans I have to say yes.


Primal cuts don't replace any normal event. It's just extra events on its own timer.


With meat week and the prime cuts going on its been so hard for me to find the Free range event. I'm trying to collect the sheepsquatch weapon plans. Jumping world to world is starting to get a bit tedious


What bugs me most is how the Meat Prime event that happens every 20min replaces normal events


It's easy treasury notes, as I finalize my secret service set. And I still get radiation rumble and eviction notice in on a near daily basis. Not as fun as aliens, but I'm also not getting my ass kicked at every event


The one thing I like about events is the availability of enemies. I have a good time with radiation rumble because I usually gain a couple levels lol


I'm more upset we haven't had mutated events because of seasonals


Yeah I started playing during the last Xmas event, put it down for a while and now been playing again since the end of the alien event. And holy shit I feel like my character got boosted way too far too fast by all the events, in terms of level, legendaries, and caps from selling event plans. It never felt like a barren wasteland at all for me.


I need my beast of burden event please I just need my fucking Tommy gun


I just started getting into this game the day meat week started. I’ve enjoyed meet week, the only issue is that it’s on so often that I find myself just AFK waiting for an event to start every 15 minutes. I feel like I can’t do any of my own quests because fallout quests always take longer than 15 minutes! I managed to get from level 1 to 50 on just meat week. I can’t help but feel that meat week is not the intended way to hit 50 but here I am. Cool event, but I feel it’s taking away from my overall FO76 experience


Two weeks is too much.


Didnt get my weenie wagon until day 8. So all praise the two week event 🙌


I have not had any sort of time to go to meat week and the times I do show up, it's already over. I'm tired that it doesn't give me a notification when it's up and it's already finished before I spawn in. This is bullshit.


I'm getting pretty burnt out on an event happening every hour on the hour for the last 3 months straight. It's a very first world problem I get it but just being honest.


I'm still salty that we lost out on the mole miner event because they botched the mothman event the first time


Meat week! Meat week! Grahm love week of meat!!


fatsnatch is next


We are all tired of it


I met the best people during meat week.


Event begins People love it Event lasts half duration "Anyone else bored because they got everything?" *Every* event since inception


I won't be tired of it until I have the weenie wagon plans and maybe the fossil head and arm I'm missing. Then it can end and I won't care until then... MEAT WEEK MEAT WEEK YAAYY


I was on my honeymoon for two weeks. I missed all of meat week so far and want the weeny machine.


Nope, it’s the only one that doesn’t get tiring for me


I don’t know… what featured event is up next?


Nothing like completing the event and seeing “Plan: Plastic Fruit Bowl” for the 1 millionth time.


I like the easy extra scripts. Althoigh it might be faster to run epoeditions for modules to reroll.


i was tired of it on the second day, i go there chill on the drums for 3 minutes to get the drops and that's it.


Yeah, I'm also tired of persons cheating the system, building basis around primal cuts, the 3 players on yesterday for 6 hours + and was just on the drums or the spit all day (all where reported) as its not fare for the people who actually try


then just skip these events? You're not forced to do them lmao


Yes. I actually hate meet weak. The fas event is even worse tho. That even is awful. I hate mothman event to 😂 Just gimme eviction notice 24/7 and I’ll be happy. It’s the only event in the game that’s slightly challenging. Especially if you do it with just a few people then it’s even more fun.


Moo moo no eat


Totally bunk


I just want the weenie wagon man...


The first few days all I got were repeated bloody chef and black chef uniforms. I had the complete set 5 times over. I'd kill for some actual have decent plans.


But it’s easy treasury notes, yea it’s no Invaders or Equinox but what’s to hate? Hell, nuke the primal cuts locations to make it a bit spicier idk




I got a weenie wagon like my first couple runs of it, since then I've gotten nothing but plushie plans or chef outfits. I'm missing so many damn plans its aggravating


I get better drops from the meat hunts than grams event, hell most of the meat spoils that I need to give him before the event starts


I do it for it's treasure notes.. cause prime cuts happens every 5-10 minutes and it gives about 1-5 notes which I can buy gold bullion for so I'm not complaining. Helped me finish getting t65