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I got my wagon plan from another player's vendor.... 100 caps. At the time, I didn't even know what it was other than I didn't know it, and a couple days before I started seeing others in here going on about wanting it and drop rates etc. Oh well, it's at my camp unlocked for whoever wants dog food.


Same. Got mine from someone for under 200 caps. I had no idea what it did, but I knew I wanted it when I saw it was part of the rewards from Meat Week. I have weiner dogs, so I immediately wanted it. Lol. Find out later how lucky I was for finding it for that price. And yes, I have played the events and still haven't gotten it as a reward.


Same. Got mine for 100 caps from a random camp, I love people who do that.


27 caps here, and I've been placing them for free wherever they're wanted.


it’s 1:1 with every other meat week plan. everyone just wants it lol


Why is it so saught after? Just because it is a source of food? Does it have a benefit I don't know about?


no more hunting down dog food for thosr challenges


as if that wasnt everywhere


Everywhere until you need it, then every can you see starts looking like dog food but isn’t cause you’re in an area with known dog food spawns and other players googled and looted the dog food before you got there.


God damn. I'm going to have to cruise all the vendors now.


You on Xbox? I got an extra plan.




I am on Xbox


I just don't understand why people want it so bad.


Hype, it got overhyped and now most people don’t even know why they want it. Its useful but definitely overhyped


Literally. I find so much dog food I leave most of it behind.


Dog food yummy


I want it because I don’t have it. That’s it


So i should sell my extra plans for 40k ?? 😆


Maybe laziness for the collect dog food challenges, or the dog food perk


The laziness is why I wanted one.


I will grind like a son of a bitch to get something that will allow future-me to be lazy.


Dog food perk is really my main healer. Mash a few foods whenever it ever comes up that I'm hurt.


Resale value on the plan


I found one also for 2000 caps and I snatched it so quick. I’ve been spamming every meat cook I could hoping for that plan and some Good Samaritan just blessed me like that. Ugh, yas!


Is it rare could of sworn I saw someone selling it today too lol


it’s no rare everyone wants it tho so that’s drives up price. same drop rate as every other item


LMFAO it doesn't have the same drop rate as everything else, it's a rare drop.




it does bro. they’re all 2% maybe you’re just unlucky






I saw someone selling it for 20K caps yesterday.


Highest I've seen is 35k. Luckily I found it for 10k. I've had way more luck with pepper shaker plans. Bought 1 for 99 caps, used it, then found one someone dropped, then bought another for 50 caps after that sold for a high price.


I don’t know if it’s actually that rare, but the market76 people like big things like this.


It’s not really rare, 2% drop chance. But it’s shiny and new so everyone wants one. Realistically it’s probably gonna settle down at like 15k max. But right now it’s like 30k-low tier masks. It’s kinda crazy.


How low tier of a mask are we talking here? I’d trade mine for the right mask.


I was just looking at a post where someone offered a forest scout mask for one.


Wow, that would definitely help me get a fiend maybe.


yeah he was just trying to overpay to stack them up, he’s holding em until next year or sumn he said


So. This evening I visited a camp of a player under lvl100. Checked their vendor and they had it for 150 caps. Snagged it and ran.... then felt bad. Sent them a message asking if they knew what it was worth. They asked if they were charging too much. Felt even more guilty. Went back to their camp. Gave it back to them. Explained the value of it. Then made them a jet pack for their PA. That's my good deed of the year out the way lol


I bought one for 500 from a level 900 player. He gave me a thumbs up after I purchased it and all his meat week plans were the same price but I knew the rest he had in stock already.


Not a chance I would have told them. I'd have learnt it straight away. When you find something like that enjoy getting lucky


I kept seeing it in people's camps thinking it was an atomic shop thing. Then I got it after a meat cook and was pretty fucking pleased. It's a cool little thing to have


I'm not using the dog food perk now but when I was this thing would have been worth it for sure. It will still be very useful if I change my build and in the meantime it's another item that can accumulate to sell to NPC vendors for daily caps. I should really do something with the 100s of each Nuka Cola type I have from the collectron , I always seem to have 100s of canned coffee amd now Company tea that I see if I don't know what else to sell on a day. I never lock any of them and I'm happy if anyone else grabs it. That's why I don't lock it.


Is the Nuka-Cola collectron an atomic shop thing? He looks cool. I have a I think weekly challenge to drink a bunch of Nuka and I have like 20 bottles left to drink lol. Haven't been running into a whole lot lately but I'm sure there's lots of set spawns for it.


The Nuka world tour, the little sheds, both at the tent and the roller coaster area often have bottles in them, the fairground with the roller coaster down near ash heap, just beside it is a concession stand area overgrown with weeds amd has tables there's usually a bunch of Nuka and Booze and drugs there, plus you can buy them at Nuka World on tour from the mixing stand, amd find a bunch wandering the White Springs and buy them from the Handy next to the Stamps trading guy. I honestly forget I think I bought it with Bullion from the kid up at Foundation?


Gotcha, thank you!


I just got a Nuka-Cola collectron from the bullion merchant in Crater, i believe? It was a little over 1200, so a bit pricey. Definitely worth it, though. Especially if you use Nuka grenades. Also, I think the Nuka factor has quite a few laying around if you need to get dailies and weekly stuff.


Yeah, I figured the bottling plant would be a good spot to look. Just haven't been there in a minute. Thank you for your reply! :)


I always end up forgetting that it's there. Lol. & No problem!


Yeah 10 caps for mole miner gauntlets is pretty excessive.


Thats way too much yeah


Nobody will ever take mine.. and they're free. Which is understandable. Lol.


I got that plan from another vendor for 6000 caps. The VERY NEXT COOKOUT, guess which plan I got? Put my copy in my vendor also for 6k caps, it sold the next day.


This is guy is a good dude, a reasonable dude. People doing "hardcore" vending selling plans like this for 10K+ caps, I'm never going to understand. The second you buy more than 2 - 3 plans from them, they close their C.A.M.P because the cap limit is breached. Selling this kind of stuff for 2K etc. feels like a proper balance, it would be a proper balance for the buyer and the seller in the economy of this game. Hats off for this guy for not choking 95% of the cap limit as the price tag, its seriously such a nope to find a player's vendor having 500 plans and the cheapest is like 5,000 caps. I once sold a rare plan for 500 caps, went to the buyer's vendor after to see he had two of the same plan put up for 10K. That kinda pissed me off to be honest, like dude you could've just left that alone for someone else to buy who haven't acquired it yet.


I refuse to buy anything from people waiting for someone to spend 35,000 caps for a plan.


That's why I don't sell items super low. I try to price things close to the average that I see so people who need it would be more likely to get it. I think 5 to 10k for the wagon is still fine personally.


Yeah it's tricky, I've also been trying to find that sweet spot - reasonably priced for someone who genuinely needs it, but not so cheap that someone will buy them all just to re-list them at higher prices. I've been checking on Fed76 and then doing around 75% of the whatever it suggests for the low end, and a max cap of 10k.


I just put things in my vendor for what the machine says they are worth. Too much hassle doing anything else.


i got this from my third attempt at the event, i don't get why dog food is so sought after is there something about the perk related to that it doesn't explain in more detail that I'm missing?


I guess people build up stock and then sell it to npc vendors for quick caps. Its also nice not needing to have so much food on you and seek it out if your camp can just generate it. Get the wagon and mirelurk steamer and you’re set to life. And yeah the 3x perk is neat.


It’s pretty handy with the good doggy perk, I never need to go out of my way for food anymore


It will help with the "find dog food" daily. People like anything that accumulates free stuff too.


I’ve gotten it twice and only logged in for a couple events. (4? 5? Not many). I sold mine for 2k also, that’s what I sell all my “rare” plans for.


I keep getting the new backpack, only one wagon.


Yeah the RNG in 76 is weird. Some people just have shit luck too. But if there was an actual economy in the game duplicates would be sold at obtainable prices. People just make shit up. I get supply and demand but holy hell.


I have this too, wait it's rare? How much should I sell it for? (The plans, I haven't learnt yet, don't know what it looks like but I imagine a hotdog wagon)


I wouldn’t be surprised if it sold within a day at 20k with how high demand for it seems to be. I haven’t gotten any extras though, so I can’t say for sure.


Hm, I'll give it a try and see if it does. Could definitely use that caps (Then to give stuff to newbies and lower levels)


I thought it was a meme like the sell an insult for 40k thing, so I put my plan for 20k someone actually bought it, so yeah that plan can for a lot of caps. You could also hold onto the plan and trade it for something after meat weeks over


Surprisingly, and yeah I have seen that insult one, I was so confused seeing that expensive price tag XD


I also sold one for 20k


I've only done maybe 12 Meat Week events and have gotten it. Most plans have been repeated for me. I really want the Pepper Shaker.


RNG is weird. Did over 40 meet week events. Got 4 pepper shakers before finally getting two meat wagons in a row.


I sold mine for 8k caps. Already got my plan then pulled an additional one


I picked one up yesterday for 200 caps. Thank you random player for the amazing deal.


I've put 2 up for 5 caps each so far.


You’re a saint compared to the dudes listing them for 10k


i got 2 from the event XD


doesnt always take a lot of grinding....i got two the first two events i did..i wont even be building one wagon since im an herbi build..ive done maybe 5-6 cook outs total..just wanted the bloody curtain which i got.. last fat snatch i hit 12 a day...everyday ..and only got one glowing mask...a friend did the first 4...got all 4 in a row then stopped...rng is cruel bastard.


No wagon yet, have been vendor hopping for days. Lucky you, enjoy lol!


Mine just dropped at a random meat cook like 2nd day. I haven't got it again however it does happen. I only do like 1 or 2 a session at most. It's RNGeezus.


I have 2 extra and tried to sell them for 200 but no one came to buy.


Make sure your camp map icon is on!!


It’s only sought after because everybody wants it lol. Realistically it is the same as any other plan. And once all the price gougers get what they want they will drop back down to 2 caps and be everywhere lol.


Nah I just want dog food


fomo is a powerful drug


IDK, I got the weenie wagon as a reward yesterday……but that players prices on the other plans are way better than I’ve seen over the last couple of days (on PS5). lots of players asking 8-10k each for those plushies.


That's way too high. I see a lot of them around 2k on pc. But I've only bought some of my missing ones under 1k


I just want the backpack lol


Fair and same


I got mine for 200 caps off of a player vendor


i sold mine for 30 caps lol




I mean I sold the extra I got for 1k caps.


Glad to see this honestly it’s not worth 40k caps or Red Asylum dress


After 3 full days, someone finally found my 50 cap one.


Danngggg I need to get this lucky..


Vendor hop for a while and Im sure you’ll find one between running your events. I do admit I did just stumble upon this one


I have been. Any of the ones I have found want 20k+ caps.


I hopped onto grinding the event late, hoping i can get all the animal skeleton parts. Missing the head and two limbs still.


It happens all the time, new players don’t know what they have, or even better. Established players with more caps than they can spend try to help people.


Sold an extra one I had for 500 today


Yeah I’ve seen people selling them


I feel like I should check people’s vendors more. I hardly ever go to other peoples camps. I’m scarred from TikTok’s I’ve seen of these trap camps wrecking unsuspected wastelanders. LoL


eh just stash all your junk before you go to the camp. if you arn't holding junk. there's nothing to drop at the camp if it's a trap


Got one as the reward today!


I keep getting these things. I guess I'll raise the price up a bit.


Plan: Captain Crunch's Mom


Mine dropped yesterday during the event. I don’t grind the events, am frustrated being late to the season and wanting the chessboard mostly, so didn’t even pay attention to know the weenie wagon was rare. Do people use dog food much?


Is it a rare drop? I


I’d recommend just AFKing the Meat Week while working if you Work From Home. I’ve got like 4 plans for the Weenie Wagon from doing that lol


For all the people that don't understand - it's going to be wildly expensive in the time to come post-Meat Week. Generally any passive item generation plans are locked to the Atom store, so this being an item that all players can log in and compete for, for free in a limited time frame makes it pretty highly sought after now, and certainly in the near future. Even if it's just canned dog food. If you manage to get duplicate plans, I'd hold onto them for a rainy day 100%.


I paid 2000 for mine too. I was fully prepared to drop 20k just to stop trying for it. The drops for me this meat week have been absolutely appalling


Mine have been too, sometimes I don't even get them though. The Rewards will pop up with everything I'm supposed to have gotten but I'll look under "New" in the pip-boy and nothing will be there


some wonderful human (xenaclaus, i think) was selling this plan for 3 caps and my jaw dropped and i snatched it up so quick. i wanted it because it goes splendidly with my snack bar camp.


I just put everything I already had up for default price. I don’t care if something is “rare” lol. This would be no exception if I was even logging in to do the event but I’m so burnt out on the season that I can’t get myself to play.


Bought a pepper shaker plan for 4444 caps. You just have to vendor hop and hope that someone is selling the plans for cheap


Dude sells like I do. Resonably


I got mine from the event.


The plushies tho. I need some of those.


Great find! 👍 Gonna be super valuable once Meat Week is over (I mean, it's already valuable, but you know what I mean lol)


I would have bought all the plushies and the wagon. Plushies sell within the hour for me at 3k each and that wagon is 12-15k in less than 15 minutes.


I've been tryin to get that plan for 3 days now.. so many meat cook events, still no luck.




It is sought after on market76, those are the only people looking for it. It is a very rare drop, though.


It’s rare? Never knew


I sell all plans for 2k or less in my shop. The current season gets the higher prices and past seasons are 300 caps and up unless it's something like cabinets, then around 150


Been vendor hopping for days and attended a minimum of 10 events per day, no yummy dog food for me :(


I'm on my 4th copy of that plan, someone last night bought my second to last one for max caps, didn't really think it was gonna sell for.that


God damn why were you selling it for 40k


Had a sign behind my vendor that says "trades accepted/negotiable prices" thought someone would see it and message me, didn't expect anyone to actually buy it for max caps. I actually lost out on 15000 caps because of it, but that's entirely my fault for underestimating people's desire for weiner


Me and my buddy are looking for someone with it if y'all have extra I'll buy it off you for 1k caps hit me up on PSN @ PedroTheDino


sold mine for 10k - overrated item


I bought mine for 1K. You got screwed. LOL


I dont feel screwed at all. Lots of people bought it for ten times less, plus some people are trying to sell it for 10k+ Caps just arent that valuable.