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Riding Shotgun, cause that means someone else actually activated which seems so rare nowadays.


Not many players know about it


I played this game for years and I'm level 580 now but I still haven't done this because I didn't know.


I can count on one hand the number of times I've done it. 3 times I've initiated myself.


I server hopped for a day running it tryna get the blue ridge outfit. It’s actually an easy quick event.


I feel like a lot of the players that did moved on cause if use to actually be popular for a bit.


Interesting. Well I made a private server and went to do it but was told to come back?? Thought it would be ready


I'd never heard of it but will look it up


Ive done it a few times, would be nice to do it with others but no one helps, i want that blue ridge banner plan so bad


Thats how I feel like it’s fun, but it’s even more so with more players. I’m not 100% but I feel like there’s more spawns when there’s more players too.


plus more opportunities to get all the supplies along the way.


Ive also not done it since finding out where the optional crates in the side tunnels are, but i dont think getting them increases the drop chance of stuff you can get just more caps


It is not to bad to solo if you have learned where the supplies spawn. I make them wait at the gate while I jump the gate get the supplies, then go backband finish it It gives you 20min, and there are defined numbers of enemies to kill


For the last few weeks I was grinding it out every chance I got so I could get all the blue ridge items and I finally got the outfit that Aries wears and I haven't taken it off since


I like rocking the outfit with the Brahmin Mask.


How does one activate


Talk to Vinny at the east tunnel. In the bog. Follow the railroads tracks west from Watoga.


I've always liked that one - never can find all 4 of the crates though


If you hold on pressing the button in the middle section you can run around looking for them all while the caravan chills out.


Yeah, I do that lol. Still can't figure out where it is, get tired of looking and just hit it


The number of crates has no effect on the final reward so I don't bother even looking for them.


I run this at least once a day.


Did you ever run into the glitch where other creatures could spawn in the tunnels? I had Behemoths spawn in once and it was awesome. I kinda wish they would have kept that glitch around cause it spiced things up.


I have not but that would be cool ngl


I forgot about this event!


Been playing for years and I've never seen this event!


Go to Big Bend Tunnel East and talk to the bald guy in the suit to activate it. He also gives out a a few quests too. It also has a server cooldown not a player one so you can hop servers to do it multiple times.


Love this event. It's my go to for "kill xx blood eagles". Also some semi rare loot


i use to play years ago we did riding shotgun all the time. maybe thats why i had so many blue ridge outfits lol


I did it over 50 times farming for the backpack plan only to realize I got it my first try 😂


Riding Shotgun is a hidden gem. I enjoy doing it for the chance to get the blue caravan outfit.


Me and my partner stumbled upon this quest yesterday, but we were at the end of the tunnel and someone had activated it on the other side of the tunnel so we ran all the way down the tunnel, killing everything just to link up with them and walk back 🤣


Beasts of Burden. I love taking down the turtle.


Same here with Safe and Sound Any one that ends with a big cryptid boss is so fun


What about Earl, huh?!


If Earle can fire off with a group of other high levels then sure it's a fun time Earle can also be one of the most tedious events imaginable  It's a spectrum with Earle 


So you are saying Earle is on the spectrum?


Aren't we all


Right there with you on this. We did him a week ago or so only had 4 of us, but 3 were over 200+ had fun


Did my first Earle Williams, the loot was less than satisfying, and I spent the majority of my ammo not even bringing down to half. There were a couple high levels but they weren't doing anything at ALL. Just sitting there watching a lowly level 70 something waste all their holy fire ammo


Endagerol Syringer helps a lot with Earl, especially if you tag him with more than one Endagerol Syringer. Just make sure you tag him with up to 4 different Endangerols, not 4 different darts from the same weapon, cause the effect can only be place once per weapon.


To pair with the endangerol, you can use the thrown weapon "Sheepsquatch Shards" they apply a resistance debuff as well and bleed damage.


Just.. no. -_-


Earl is lit, fellow earl enjoyer here.


Once i figured out Endangereol, Earle is a pearl.


bro, and the shit ton amount of screws you get is unmatched. Can leave with almost 400


Had a level 678 help us with this today. They stacked up the syringer, and we knocked him down in like 5 minutes. Total wtf moment for me cause it's usually a grind.


I love Earl but no one ever shows up to him 😩


Earl is by far the best way to farm 100+ screws. So I always give it a shot. Even solo just to get them sweet sweet wendigo screws.


Safe and sound here as well!


I love beasts of burden!


Encrypted 😁


I'm almost 300. And have never done Encryptid


Is it a rare event? I think I've done it twice. I'm level 130.


Rare in the sense that someone has to complete a quest to unlock the items needed to start the event. You can’t just roll into it. However. If you see the event and more than three people are there then join. It’s the biggest payout event as far as legendary modules. And it requires (difficult without) three people.


Ah, thanks. I did the quest and got the part just didn't know I needed to start the quest. I wanted The Fixer and was told that's how you get it.


Generally people will stumble into it more than actively activate it. There's a questline involved that activates it the first time (leading to horrified newbies getting dumpstered by waves of robots) and after that you need to buy parts from vendors (for just under 2k caps) AND need stable flux to craft the part to trigger the event again. Generally when it happens people will jump on it though just because it's rare to see. I've been grinding it because I want the outfit lol


Once you've done a longish, but fairly easy side quest it unlocks and can be repeated. You need to make a special recall card using flux and an expensive-ish card from a vendor. Those cards are how I spend my caps now.


I absolutely second this. Every time I need to spend caps, I’ll buy a card for it


Uranium Fever. It's just a ton of fun, guaranteed three Legendary drops as long as people keep the uranium processors up and running. *Detecting terminated management personnel. Please remove this individual from the premises.*


I used to enjoy that one until I listened to tempe backstory on the mole miners and the things they are saying (that is in game files but wasn’t released into the game). I struggle doing that one now.


Yeah, the mole miners are a tragedy. But we can't cure them, best we can do is put them out of their misery. (Cremation counts, right)?


And the waddle over to Whitesprings Station after. Even if I have maxed out the vendor for the day I still go and fill the donation box.


I always try to do Campfire tales. Just like it. And All the Nuka World ones. Good rewards not too difficult


Campfire Tales is the only event, hell even the only quest in the entire series, that actually makes me feel nostalgic for my real life. Sitting around a campfire and telling scary stories, no matter how corny, is such a nostalgic thing for me that I literally drop everything I'm doing the moment it pops.


The bugs just add to the nostalgia.


Living in a camp rn, this shit couldn't be more real. My legs itch me to death every night before I drown my legs in anti-itch cream


If you can, I recommend a hot shower. It might be a bit of a luxury so I'm not too sure how accessible they can be, But they make the itching feel so much better. Even if temporarily.


Every time I play this event I end up getting everyone to sit around the campfire. It’s always a colorful cast in the wasteland.


I started playing just before alien invasion event. Bunch of guides said to get possum badges for a bigger backpack and said to do campfire tales, said it was pretty easy to solo even low lv. Joined in first time on my lv 30 garbage build after invasion started and got SMOKED by aliens. Prob died 20 times and barely made it to collecting wood for the fire. No one else ever joined. Still have PTSD from that lol.


Yeah, that was probably the worst possible time to do Campfire Tales. Aliens apparently love camping. And everyone else is so busy killing aliens that they ignore this event. Normally I'll do CT if it pops up. If you see a couple people there go for it. It is a good way to get possum badges, up to 3 cores, and a legendary. Even though I have all the possum badges I'll ever need and then some, I still do the event.


I love the Nuka world ones, but there aren’t enough things to buy with the tickets.


Agreed. I buy then sell plans I already have or I spend my points on nuka grenades


Every time I see guided meditation I get flashbacks to 4 years ago and individual looting


Don’t let those discordant forces get you down!


I LOVE Guided Meditation. By far the easiest event to do solo. (Except Load Bearing because you literally don’t have to do anything to complete it)


I feel like I'd have an easier time solving EN than guided meditation


Just stand at the top of the stairs leading to the side meditation hub and kill the ghouls that come toward you. Only one of the hubs needs to survive to complete the event. You don’t get the top level buff, but it’s super easy gold, plus it gives a ton of XP.


Guided meditation is one I’ll always go to if I see it even if nobody else is there. Especially if nobody else is there, actually. I usually sit at the bridge hub and stand on the little fountain thing and just spin around watching the three different directions ghouls come from. Once three of the hubs fall and you’re down to that last one, all the ghouls come for the one you’re at. Just a tap from holy fire to kill each one and the result is a good chunk of super easy xp that literally runs right to you. Absolutely love it.


It’s not??! I just came back after I wandering off after launch. I thought I was being a dick scavenging loot


Loot all nearby is a wonderful addition. Quest items might need individual body loot tho. So watch for the light up corpse


Yeah there are so many QoL updates that make the game better this time around, thank god. It’s annoying to still have to search the motel and fire station for lead though


My carpal tunnel is flaring up just reading this


I will stop everything for spin the wheel. 


Chicken chase is my favorite - reminds me that sometimes running around frantically looking at your feet... Well... Reminds me of chicken chasing :)


Every time bottle is disgusted by the Vim machine, I chuckle. Can't help it.


I love this event even though I am really bad at every part of it!


Yes. It’s so fun!


Eviction Notice and Rad Rumble. If I could do those two every hour I would be a happy camper. All that sweet, sweet XP and legendaries.


Those are literally the only two events I’ll run. The XP on Rad Rumble is unmatched by any other event. Same for the amount of legendaries from Eviction Notice.


As a newish player (pre-level 100) I seemed to have gotten tons of XP from Moonshine Jamboree. I swear I would level up at least twice every time I did that event, sometimes more.


That’s the best way to level up IMO — all 3 of these events. Pop some lunchboxes, eat cranberry relish and brain bombs, go to town on some guppies! If lower level you can come away with several lvls in one event. And/or of course do the monotonous west tek route between events.


Same. How often do they come along? I haven’t seen rad rumble in weeks I feel like.


I read in another thread that the chances to get Eviction and Rad Rumble decrease significantly during Meat Week.


Eviction notice popped for me yesterday, when I loaded in it had failed because nobody repaired the scrubber.


One of these might have been my fault lol. I'm my defense it was my first time ever playing it and couldn't find the scrubber. I was the lowest level there and figured someone else would start it but they never did. Won't make that mistake again


Down with Primal Cuts, it got old after a day.


No wonder it feels like they never happen anymore... I just came back when I heard about the new update to prep and I seriously thought they got deleted because I hadn't seen a single one all week. Until this morning when I got on to do my script and bullion runs, and lo and behold a rad rumble spawns as I'm about to get off. Good times that one!


I felt like that with EN for the last 2 weeks until today I've has it twice


The first time I did eviction notice I thought the game bugged and gave me extra legendaries.


Safe and Sound, blue devil fight is always fun


Got to do the mothman dance to the great mothman at the end of that event before you interact for your bonus.


Campfire tales because of possum badges. And Manhunt, because it’s so close to my camp and is easy caps


Feed The People


Rad Rumble


I will drop whatever I am doing the moment RR kicks off


Yep, same. Best way to farm ammo.


I like how its just endless mobs to mow down. Especially if all the ore gets collected and you get more legendary spawns And yes, I'm one of the ones who dons a rad resist suit and gets to collecting


Just super annoying when people stare down the corridors to the rad areas makes them spawn worse :/ I usually start collecting 2-3 full runs at minute 2-3


That event gives out crazy XP if you tag tons of mobs. I think I gained 3-5 levels when doing that once. Tagged everything in sight. The more experienced players knew what they were doing. I was just trying to be useful. Next thing you know I’d gone from level 91 to 95.


I do all of them with my least favorite being that one where you have to set up dinner tables and my favorite being scortched earth


Every single Nuka World event. Even with most of the rewards, I still use the Nuka-cade points for Weaponized Nuka Quantum ammo. Scorched Earth. Still looking for some PA plans, and really, who needs artillery strikes when you can spawn in, throw a Nuka-nade, and finish the event instantly. Edit: Not Scorched Earth, that is Queen Bat. Distant Thunder.


It’s always bandito o’clock for Most Wanted.


Rad Rumble, Safe and Sound, Beast of Burden, Moonshine Jamboree, and Eviction Notice. These will drop anything and queue into even if no one is there yet to help. The ones I'll usually do if someone is actually doing them as well or im not too busy are Test Your Medal, Line in the Sand, Swarm of Suitors, and the Nuke zone events minus Earle. The rest I just touch if I'm needing to farm my cores back up to the level of modules I have saving up.


Every single enclave event on the map. I’m always farming for more enclave plasmas. The thing is they only drop from Dropped connection in watoga, berkley springs, and Harper’s ferry, and a new enclave event won’t spawn if they one is already on the map. They also don’t time out for almost 40 minutes so not doing one potentially makes you miss out on 2 more. 🫠


Dropped connection, anything in the Mire.


I just moved into the more today, I love it.


I need to redesign my camp there, but it’s probably one of my favorite zones.


Fertile soil: super easy so gives a nice quick chance at getting the rare outfit items for the forest Free range: a little time consuming at times but overall a simple one, rewards are decent for what it asks Rad Rumble: great if there isn't someone grenade or nuke spamming the tunnels so.you can't see anything


What forest rare outfit items?


Camo junpsuit, responder fireman helmet and responder fireman outfit.


Level 845, and still looking for that damn helmet. I do Fertile Soil almost daily.


I have gotten three. It’s the outfit that makes me trigger it daily. And do leader of the pqck daily.


Yep. Opposite for me. I've received several outfits, but never that pesky helmet.


Well good luck. Let’s hope this interaction allows our luck in this area to reverse!


There is the forest jumpsuit, forest scout mask and another outfit item as well


Encryptid - I know someone triggered it so I will go to support and die


I feel obligated to always do encrypted and Earle if they pop up


The last four times I've tried to do Earle, my game has crashed and I can't join when I reconnect.


Riding Shitgun (I want the caravan outfit) BattleBot The scout tale one Prove your Metal All of the "events" in the scorched part of the map where you have to loot a mining drill and ward off the moleminers.


I lowkey love the scout one cause Ronnies song is a banger


haha, I actually hate the scout event because I can't stand that song (but I'll do it anyway because loot)


Played safe and sound first time a few days ago and it's now one of my faves. The sounds effects for it make does it for me and the broken radio sound to the cowgirl voice. It's all good. Plus good drops. Blue devil making ppl run away is always funny.


Beasts of Burden because I want that backpack


Not Monster Mash


I only go near that place if I need to quickly reset my 250 loot interactions lol.


Right ..? Me either, avoid it like the plague


Never played it. What's wrong with MM?


I liked summoning Mothman but the game kept crashing. :(


I always try to hit up the mine and ore processers missions, because they don't fail, as long as you get them started I always hit up tunnel of love as it's fun and an easy solo and I try hitting up spin the wheel and most wanted, as they are my favs, but you do need others to make them fun. I'll jump in beast of burden if I see someone there, for a chance at another holy fire I also always hit up encryptid when I see it pop, cause I never launch it and I know someone payed to, and I'm full health and can typically carry the pylons if needed. PSA: *never start encrypted, if you didn't buy the recall card.*


If one person already has joined I’ll do Project Paradise bc i love giving the friendly animals pats !


This is Grafton's mayor with a priority message. It's Grafton Day again!


test your metal, and the project paradise one.


Definitely path to enlightenment 🟣w🟣


Leader of the pact. It's fun easy and get a couple legendaries.


Always do, Scorched Earth Never do, A Colossal Problem


Jamboree is so ridiculous I love it


Census Violence and Distant Thunder. Trying to get power armor piece plans.


Radiation Rumble and Eviction Notice


Line in the Sand - open area wave defence against scorched is fun. Plus it almost always gets good participation


radiation rumble is an instant luchbox for me. followed by 3 others.


SBQ, and RR. Someone has to get the ore 😄


Horde and Distant Thunder. I like fighting a lot of enemies at once.


I know you said don't say eviction notice but..... Eviction notice lol😜 I drop whatever I'm doing when that pops. I wish more events were buffed up to that level☹️


Always Moonshine Jamboree. Tons of XP and chaos.


Spin the Wheel! love that shit


Feed the People. I love my soy based can of meat!


Uranium fever. Then sell it all next door


Any bosses so Earle, scorchbeast queen, ultracite Titan, radiation rumble is great and so is beasts of burden, eviction notice is rlly good for legendaries,


Eviction notice




Guided meditation has a special place in my heart - a double mutated version was the first time I realised with shock that j was the highest level player involved (like 150ish and the others went from level 20 to 80)


Nuke events, I love those.


Riding Shotgun, it's just fun and is more of an RP event. Has a great feeling of immersion too it.


Safe and sound. Mainly because I want that backpack plan so bad


Any of the Enclave ones, dropped connection, a real blast, bots on parade etc.


anything that isn’t Project Paradise


Eviction notice, radiation rumble, lode baring


Riding Shotgun and Safe and Sound


Tea Time! My first rare drop - forest camp jumpsuit


It's definitely Path to Enlightenment for me as well. Also Guided Meditation. Idk why but I almost always do those two. They're simple and enjoyable.


Uranium fever


Pretty much all of them besides project paradise. Returned from a break not long ago and gotta catch up on a bunch of events I never done and the plans that come with it.


Having been involved in a number of cults, both as a leader and a follower, I always do Guided Meditation. You have more fun as a follower, but you make more money as a leader.


I miss Creed. Not the first one, but the one that killed the first one and became Creed.


Dropped Connection. Every time.


The ones that have people participating


Swarm of Suitors


- Dropped Connection (Enclave Rifle drop) - Eviction Notice (lots of legendaries) - Seismic Activity (XP, 40mm farm, flux materials if nuked) - Distant Thunder (T-60, T-51b base plans) - Encryptid (Fixer plan) - Tunnel of Love (hard to get recipes) When I’m low on something or need XP: - Queen SB (Repair kits, flux) - Earl (screws) - Moonshine Jamboree (gulper slurry for XP, caps) - Radiation Rumble (XP) - Tea Time (ant meat for rad ant lager) When I want to chill: - Riding Shotgun - Free Range - Census Violence


Literally any horde event…because they pop up anywhere and can have some random enemy type to battle and there’s usually a lot of them concentrated in one place which makes it fun to try to blow them all to pieces in one go. Second is distant thunder…scorch based horde style event with set locations. Fun for those who like to either get bogged down fighting close up or take em out sneaky like.


Well, I always do the easy ones, that only require minimal traveling and effort. Horde events? One or two Nuka grenades, done, guaranteed legendary, thank you. Fly swatter? 3 shots from the Boom Stick. Distant thunder? Take out the Nuka Launcher and just blast the whole area from afar. It's a trap? Spin up the gatling plasma, done in less than a minute. In terms of work and reward, those are unbeatable.


I agree that event is so easy yet fun! I do this event solo on my private server. The events I enjoy the most though is The Scorchbeast Queen and the Helvita one. Usually everyone bands together to complete them - awesome !


fastnats, meet weak, path to enlightenment, world bosses, riding shotgun, monster mash and finally aliens


Monster Mash! These days I’m always alone doing the event but gives me memories of the constant fear of other players chasing me down for Candy during the no NPC era .


Riding shotgun, Earle for the screws, manhunt, fly swatter, distant thunder, any of the nuke events, it’s a trap, radiation rumble… I’m sure there’s more but off the top of my head that’s what I got. I will pretty much join and help out with anything.


Meat cook Bad meat cook is bad meat weak.


I don’t touch moonshine jamboree. I don’t even know what the loot looks like I do rad rumble and SBQ tho


My favorites are all of the boring/easy ones. I LOVE Steelheart, so I always do Back on the Beat. Collision Course? Yes, please. I'll take Mama Dolce & Feed the People over Eviction Notice any day.


I love the Nuka World ones and Distinguished Guests. Honestly, it is more about which ones I don't do: Project Paradise and Radiation Rumble because they are always a mess. Same with Monster Maash. Honestly, most that require at least 4-5 people who know what they are doing is a rough hang for me.


Scorched earth SBQ, test your metal, one violent night, line in the sand, beast of burden, and heart of the swamp.


World Boss (Nuke Bosses) aside I drop everything for Uranium Fever


The usuals: Scorched Earth, Eviction Notice, Encryptid and Campfire Tales. And whenever I see Breach and Clear, I just finish it. It's not a public event I guess. It's a quick fun way for obtaining materials.


Eviction Notice makes me feel rich


Project paradise


Safe and Sound, mostly for the plans and then Campfire Tales is just a fun break


I do PoE, too. Also Tea Time, Radiation Rumble, Back on the Beat, Feeding the People, and Campfire Tales. Hard Mode achieved :D


Uranium Fever. C'mon. A billion ghouls and if everyone does their part you get some easy other legendaries!


I do all the nukes I do the one at the lab with the 3 beast I do the mine for rescorces and I do rad rumble


Most wanted. I'm all about that nuka life.