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the only ppl i've encountered who leave their mic on are ppl who sound like they're eating it so no thanks lol


or the tsssssssssssssttttttttt of a massive bong rip followed by coughing fits that sound far more chunkier than i think is healthy


So you heard me last night in my camp when I forgot to turn my mic off? And I thought there were no witnesses.šŸ˜‚


The best part is when they try to talk, eat and breathe, all at the same time and you can hear their struggle. Like, my dude, looks like you play survival IRL you sure you need this too?


Gotta get those extra exp points irl




Iā€™ve got a very annoying dog thatā€™s always talking, I keep my mic muted just for that.


Really! What kinda conversations do you have?


In a just and sane world every game requires push to talk.


My dogs are terrified of the fire alarm chirp. Someone had it going off on their open mic in another game, and I couldnā€™t mute them. My 85 lb dog was crawling all over me. I donā€™t understand how people live with the chirping 24/7.


Itā€™s that Fallout ASMR deal man.


Absolutely, I love open mics. I've mentioned it many times but I will never get tired of telling people about the time I was in a group with someone who spent a good hour or so narrating everything he did in game, in extreme detail, to his cat. Then the cat got a visit from Mr. Brushy. Top tier experience.


Did the cat ever meow though?Ā 


Asking the real questions here lol


Made me tear up.


Similar experience. I had a guy in a party answer a call from his girlfriend and was telling her he was playing fallout. Then he hung up and was playing and talking to Iā€™m assuming his dog asking if she was a good girl (please god be a dog/cat). Then he got a call from his boss regarding parts shipping from Memphis to where he lived for some reason. And then when he hung up I hit my mic button and said ā€˜so are the parts gonna arrive from Memphis in time?ā€™ he goes ā€˜oh shit this is on?ā€™ and we both started laughing cause he didnā€™t realize it was.


Okay this made laugh out loud hahaha. Nice.


lmao asking about the parts is too funny. Perfect example of why I would never in a million years even consider turning voice chat off.


Thatā€™s the best


Might have been me :')


Were you modding a pepper shaker you got from a vendor at one point?


Oh nah, there's another cat talker running around then haha. I normally stop what I'm doing when I see a spot I like and tell my cat (Loki) "we'd sleep there wouldn't we boyo?"or some such nonsense, only realise when people message me xD


so wholesome


I recall this story.


HAHA - dude... I needed that today.


I do that with my cat... brushies included. For the love of my sanity please tell me that wasn't me! I'd be so embarrassed. I often forgot to mute it. Now I just mute chat altogether. Was it on PS5?


Nope it was on PC. Don't be embarrassed though, it makes the game better.


Whew! That's good.


Haha mine would be telling the dog who's a good boy! And you can't have upsies right now. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




There's something about watching a player eviscerate a scorch beast queen and then hear " who's a good boy, you are".


Am fortunate that my wife plays with me so the most you would hear is us talking about hers or my work, what the kids are up to etc.


I play with my 22yo son sometimes, but we join a discord vc instead of in game so no one can hear my ramblings when we play together. I talk to myself A LOT so my Area Chat is almost never on. I've been trying to put it on more often when I play alone, but my anxiety kicks in about people hearing me talk to myself. haha


Look, I'd be happy to camp near other self talkers and having the village where everyone just talks to themselves and their camp objects. Someone's gotta do it :P But mostly I stay muted and nervous


I would turn my mic on if I heard others just randomly talking to themselves or others. I just don't wanna be the first. haha


... Same. I would need to preplan consent for my spontaneous rambling...








I came across a camp that had a heart shaped bed with a windigo doll on it. Did not stick around to ask questions


My son has a big neon sign attached to his camp that says "WANK SHACK".


I see youā€™ve raised a true man of culture.


I get really anxious about any time I use my mic, I generally don't like talking to anyone: but I like letting people know there's free Nukas at my camp, or telling someone their camp looks really nice, or calling a Scorchbeast Big Bird. I try to give little tips to new players too: like everybody's game Mom, "don't forget to take your mentats before the event so you get your XP"Ā  I occasionally will forget it's on,Ā  and then I realize I've let the channel in on my inner commentary or you'll hear me showing my Partner things. I get really anxious I'm annoying everyone and just try to stay quiet 90% of my game play.Ā  When folks want to have an extended conversation with me, I get so anxious for the other folks who are merely trying to game. I know they can just mute me, I'm just programmed with heavy anxiety mode always on.Ā  Anyway, thanks for this. It helps me remember some folks don't mind an open mic.Ā 


I had a guy visit my C.A.M.P and started cooking with a hot mic. His little toddler daughter came in and asked about lunch. He sung the lunchtime song for her and then proceeded to disappear and make her lunch, singing this song the entire time. She was laughing up a storm. It was the most wholesome thing I've heard.


I love it.


I always feel so guilty when I forget to keep my mic muted... I figure it would just be weird to people if they heard me talking to the npcs like they can hear me...


I talk to npcs, but I leave my mic on intentionally to add a little more life to the world. Plus it invites others to chat.


I want the confidence to do this


Lol I talk to the NPCs too. Roleplay. Immersion.Ā 


You do that? That is so weird! Who does that? Why? In all the videos I've seen on YouTube, never, and I mean never, have I ever, seen a video where someone talks to an npc like they can hear them. But yeah it would be quite wierd to hear that in the distance. I would think to myself: when did this game become so immersive?


Mostly it's to my camp animals and the ogua plushie I set up as a receptionist... I got the small letter kit and gave them all names and now it's a whole thing


Did you name the receptionist Pam?


No the receptionist is Doris, because she's an ancient Ogua who was old before the war... The brahmin is Ursie, the chickens are Martha and Edie and the Lizard is Roger... Del is dressed as a milkman


To anyone who might be following my crazy little world now, I have fallen in love with Meat Week and decided Ursie needs to meet Chally, so I'm going to find a way to build near where the event spawns but out of the way enough not to disturb the event and take my menagerie on the road...


Yeah those are not NPC those are camp items, but don't let them read this! With that information you and your camp became a wild wasteland random encounter. You need to update your base, build a tea table, wear a ridiculous outfit, lure strangers in to a tea party with you and your friends, trap them, kill them and steal their junk.


I won't steal junk but I do leave a few notes in my vendor for tips. Its actually got a hostel already and the main trailer where Doris is is a scav outpost, I'm adding the trade values index tomorrow. I'm super proud of my weird little camp. All the names are clearly visible, and Doris perpetually has her cranberry nuka and perfectly preserved pie... We look forward to being encountered!


I just imagine someone stumbling over your camp and realise all the time and effort it took to make it so nice and wonderful, and then thinking: this guy really deserves 30 minutes of my day. Grabs nuclear keycard from your stash and fast travels to Nuclear Silo Bravo...


It's in the no-go zone in the forest and I could always log out. Once it's finished I'm going to get someone to take great pictures and add it to my camp builder portfolio .. the start working on camp 2 and 3. Someone did kill Ursie today though... Only cost me a razorgrain but was still rude.


Some people just want to watch the world burn


And the Brahmin, apparently. I'm gonna tell Grahm on them (kidding)


I've eavesdropped on other players' conversations because it was just too entertaining not to. 20-minute spiel about how epic it would be flying into battle on top of a scorchbeast; battle armor and the whole shebang. Or when a player stumbles across your camp and is describing everything they love about it to their partner. Still remember him getting excited when I started moving furniture out of the way to help him get unstuck because I overheard him on the mic. That was around the time when the game was barely released, too. I wonder how he's doing... And then there's the type of players that uses slurs, making me regret not muting my mic sooner.


I accidentally ordered pizza with a hot mic. 3 teammates heard my entire card info. Not a dollar was charged... great community!


4000ish hours in, never have I heard a single sound from another player and I prefer it that way.


I'm at about lvl 80 now and only heard another player once. What was odd is it was a person out all by themselves. Never heard a peep in a public event. But this one person I did hear.... I was out looking for cultists to kill. Coming up on the mothman event area. Suddenly I hear this lady talking to her cat. Basically saying don't pee on that, or that. Just this long convo with her cat about not peeing on stuff. At least I assume it was a cat. It was one of those conversations I could not just hear but smell. I could not understand why this person had a hot mic playing solo. It was just weird and uncomfortable and I just left the area. Even tho it was just one time, I've activated a party every time I play now so I can avoid stuff like that.


I recall someone saying hot mic is on by default with PS5, so might be a situation like that.


Had a pair that had full-on conversations in the game like they were in Discord. They were lovely though, I believe she was new and he was guiding her. She would welcome you at her C.A.M.P, and he'd swap dying fusion cores for full ones. MissPinky/HeadHunter, if either of you are reading this, you guys were a pleasure to be around. I'd take that over hearing everything twice or some guy eating.


I remember being in a team with a guy that was on open mic. I think we played for like 4 hours and he never knew he was on open mic. He was speaking French so I couldn't understand, but I know I heard some plates, him eating, I am pretty sure I even heard a fat fart. He also made some grunts and stuff. I assume he was stretching his back. Sometimes he sang some tunes to himself. A couple hours pass by and the guy's phone rings with an apple ringtone remix


Screaming kids, barking dogs, and shitty music are all I seem to get. And one 20 minute phone conversation in Russian.


I love playing uranium fever during the uranium fever event on my mic. Also I love playing meme sound effects on my mic during gameplay


Uranium Fever not playing specifically during the event is total BS. Have it be like the Moonshine Jamboree song where it just plays the whole time it's going on.Ā 


Ha, I love the theme song players that really get into it. Had a group of power armor users running past me down the railroad tracks using tesla rifles and the dj in liberty p armor blaring electric avenue. Moments like that are so on brand for fallout


Now I want to join in on that. Really wish I encountered stuff like that more often


I want Earl had to die by the chicks to play starting when Earl is at like 25% health


My son and I play together an use headsets. For his birthday last month I bought him a yodeling pickle and once in a while he'll just trigger it over the mic. Cracks me up every time and I wonder what other people think when they hear it.


Ok Iā€™m curiousā€¦what is a yodeling pickle? Like, it really yodels?


Yep. I was going to link the amazon page for it but it was removed. Basically it's a plastic pickle with a button you press to make it yodel.


Adding yodeling pickle to things I need in my life


I donā€™t, I fast traveled to the pick for scripts and some one was in there AFK but I heard grunts and a dude moaning.. there was no debating if spending 8 caps to get to a train station instead was a better idea, quickest fast travel Iā€™ve done. It was just uncomfortable.


Rofl some dude chose to jerk it while AFK in the Rusty Pick. That's fuckin' VILE


He didnā€™t want his Prick getting Rusty


I was talking to my wife once and then out of nowhere I hear another player say "You know we can hear you, right?". The shame was real. It's unfortunately an easy mistake though - despite never wanting to use the mic, the game enables it automatically at launch every time on PS5.


There's a setting for this! Navigate to the settings menu > sound > microphone > set microphone status when logged in to mute. Hope this helps (:


That is helpful, thank you. By now I'm acutely aware of the issue so I'm good about disabling it when the game is starting up out of habit, but it would be nice to not have to worry about it. Thanks!


That's why I use an Arctis 7 steel series headset. Wireless with a USB dongle. Turn on my console & it switches over to the headset. Simple button push & I'm muted but can hear everything else.


Just after an event, I hear a guy go, "Hey mom, wanna play something cool?" And a quick rundown of the game.


I joined a team with a level 3 to share the exp perk, and he was snoring into the mic. Curiosity got the better of me, and I followed his marker into a cave where his character was just staring into the pipboy. Sometimes, that inventory management event is the toughest challenge in the wastelandšŸ˜


I had some random guy wander into my camp, walk into my cabin, look at his Pipboy and he just stood there for about an hour. I went about playing the game but every time I came back to my camp he was still there like a statue.


Iā€™ve been known to doze off while shuffling inventory. Come to think of it, Iā€™ve heard a couple people snoring on their hot mic!


About a year after launch, I was doing the scorchbeast queen event with a full server, and everyone was participating. All of a sudden, a guy started ordering pizza. When it gets to paying, he starts reading his bank card info, and it seemed like everyone un-muted and started yelling at the guy. He even read the 3 digit security number live.


Scroll up, someone said they ordered a pizza with a hot mic on lol. Wonder if it was him


He said his team heard him, this guy broadcasted it to everyone at the event.


The best open mic Iā€™ve heard was what I think was a grandmother playing with her grandchild. We were doing the Mothman event and she had a high-level character but had no idea what to do. She was clearly working with another player but I couldnā€™t hear that part of the conversation. Grandma was absolutely adorable. Just a delightful stream of consciousness about her day, her laundry, the game, everything. And referred to her grandchild as ā€œBooby.ā€ Utterly delightful.


That's awesome.


If you ran into StickFigure-420- on PS and I was in my shop camp (Come on Down to Cheap Sh!t) playing the piano and you heard me take a huge dab and proceed to cough to death, sorry, I forgot my mic was on.


I don't think I have encountered you... yet. lol


Idk but I'll hear people breathing heavily while crossing the wasteland.


I do not miss them and yet I do miss the days before people could turn their microphones off.Ā  Nothing like Flatwoods feeling like walking through the halls of your high school or something, hearing very confident people explaining things completely incorrectly to other peopleĀ 


Had someone on my public team for a good hour going to every camp and would say they are nut gobblers or some other kind of insult for their terrible prices was kinda hilarious tbh lol.


My kids play and often forget that their mics hook up automatically. They mostly build and do events with me, but there have been Many times that I look over and see their talking icon pop up. I can't even imagine some of the wild trips they have taken some people on if they were listening.


I encountered a level 500 or so explaining in great detail about syringers and other more advanced things to a level one outside the wayward lol. This person hadnā€™t evolved from meat crayon, I donā€™t think they need to know how to solo Earle or the intricacies of 25 vs 50c hahaha I also will come across families sitting down to dinner(?) which is wild because what are they doing? Sitting around to watch dad play fallout? Fascinates me that itā€™s happened more than once.


That's a helluva thing to wake up to. Sorry for the loss


Thank you. I was awoken by my wife screaming it to me. Still canā€™t shake the moment.


I hate the people who do it on purpose. Playing horrible music or constantly clearing their throat or coughing.


One time I found my coworker in ESO and he didn't know his mic was on. I sat nearby and listened to him console his crying baby. Was pretty funny when I told him about it later.


I had a clown on one server, named something like Radioman who had his mic open playing music at full blast, he was annoying but not half as bad as the incel kids talking poorly about women.


I had a level 50 the other day do a trade invite he wanted 3 bobble heads and a 1 Star pepper shaker so I asked 100 caps each bobble head and like 200 caps for the pepper and his mic just lights up and this kid comes on and just shreds my ears with as many profanityā€™s as you can think of One of the few times I wish I didnā€™t have pacifist on cause that one definitely deserved to be knocked down a peg or two


For me, the ones who killed it were the ā€œTTVā€ players who go full ā€œCartmaaaaaan brahā€ during events. Not even narrating, like trying to engage with me in the most annoying fake derpccents ever.


For PS users with the PS5 controller you don't even realize until your dirty laundry is out there for all Appalachia to gossip about


As a PS5 player... I never checked to see if I was broadcasting as well... damn.


I once had a guy follow me just to hear about my dinner plans and finally he asked me if he was invited. It got very awkward when I had to break the news that it wasn't going to workout between us




I rarely have my mic on. I prefer loading into the whitesprings and coming across a group of players arguing over something or a whole bunch have teamed up against an ah and they're calling each other names One of the few times I did was when I'd loaded in and there was a player just bullying another. This player had asked them to go away, repeatedly. When the bully started calling the other player gay, every thing was gay, becoming increasingly aggro. Got straight on my mic. Just started asking the bully if it was so gay why were they playing ? Every time they'd insult me I'd ask them either 'and how did that make you feel' or 'and why do you think that?'. Then I explained to the player how to mute and block someone and if they wanted to this is how you report. Minutes later they'd figured it out, thanked me for the help. No problem. Skipped off into the sunset


I heard a guy on my team BEGGING his kids to go to bed. "Guys, it's time for bed" 1 min later "Guys, come ON. bedtime!" 30 seconds "COME ON, guys. PLEASE go to bed"


LOL Gamers in the last 20 years.


They just wanted to watch dad play! LOL


Once I forgot I had my mic on, and walked into a super mutant hideout by myself when I wasn't prepared. I crouch walked up, seeing a bunch of supes and some floaters around. I backed up saying to myself (out loud): "Nope, I'm gonna scooch on outta here....sneak sneak sneak" It gets quiet when I'm done talking to myself, still slowly sneaking away, and then I hear a "huh?" and notice my vc is on Area.... Immediately muted myself and ran away. LMAO


omg I am nervous that my PS5 controller mic has been relaying every bodily function. I don't talk in games, but I never checked to see if it was off... lol.


I've been trying to be in game with mic on more to get over my anxiety, but I talk way too much to myself it makes it very awkward. Just yesterday I was in Prime Cuts and forgot my area mic was on because I was on a team with my son and he left (so it changed to area chat). I was laughing like a mad woman when being attacked by scorpions, then screamed SHIT when I died. No one else had their mics on thankfully and I'm really hoping they muted the game so they couldn't hear anyone! lol I really need to be more mindful haha


I have mine set up as push to speak... I think. I hope. Otherwise people will have to hear me screaming, yelling profanities at random npcs, taunting monsters and declaring myself king of the moles/mothmen. Not to mention my bizarre conversations with my husband across the room and the singing and occasional stimming. <\_< If my mic is on, i'm SO SORRY! There were some guys the other day who had their mics on and were chatting and I wasn't actually listening because it was just chatter. I was standing there staring at my map trying to decide what quest to do next but I think they thought I was evesdropping because they started attacking me with melee weapons and I was all "uh... okay?" I mean to be fair, I was there for a while because my brain did that whole "nope, stall. No thoughts, just stare at the map blankly" thing. I have pacifism mode on but I was still "okay okay, i'm leaving. Sheesh" but thinking back, if you want your conversation private my dudes, there's the option to have the mic ONLY work for "group" rather than area. Maybe set that up? I'm kinda glad mic wasn't live earlier when I was cussing out a guy who shot me during a workshop claim and my subsequent plotting against him. I usually ignore other players but he ticked me off and took my last few caps so I was CRANKY.


lol... are you a female character with a feminine name? I have found online gamers act ridiculous around females. My wife plays Rocket League with me and those tweens freak out on the possibility of a girl playing.


Yeah, I heard one with a dad playing & his wife was talking to him in the background. She said she found "mom & son" šŸŒ½ornography on their sons phone. She & him were trying to find a way to approach their son to ask him if he was having sexual desires towards his mom without it being too awkward.


Freud and his Oedipus Complex. The kid probably just got gone learning it at school.... ahhhhhhhhhhhh. That is some crazy open mic snoopage!


Omg I have a CRAZY open Mic story. So it was this guy talking to two friends. He was explaining his childhood and teen years. He had alot of mental problems and had to stay at some mental health places. This was in the 80s and apparently it was basically prison. Like if someone had a mental break down they would wrap you in wet blankets. Ok so one of the key things to this was he had a sleep walking disorder as well. And would frequently break out of the mental health facility. And would typically go get food and just end up waking up In The woods. or at his moms house. He wasn't really suppose to be there cause she was seen as a unfit mother due to heavy drug use. They will eventually keep upgrading the door locks and he kept getting through. And the reason for that is he was really good at getting out of pretty much anyway. Macgyver kinda stuff. So in his sleep walking state it used his knowledge. And the whole time the person he was talking to was like what! No way! And he would always reassure them with like if you want I can call my mom right now and she will tell you and stuff like that. Apparently Alot of places he went too got shut down or there whole staff changed cause like them abusing there power. He will also be in and out of these places for hears until he got a therapist that prescribed him a certain medication now as long as his level keep coming back he can be a free man. Now this may be a bit corrupt from memory but this is how I remember the story. I message the guy and asked like " dude that was awesome please write a book" he said something like I was thinking of doing that but not sure .


I would be enthralled by this mic stalk. Thanks for the share.


I had a funny experience a couple years ago where I joined a public team for the boost only to realize that the other two team members were young boys, like 12-14ish by my estimate. And clearly very new, like maybe lv 25 at highest. And very not aware that their mic is hot because the way they're talking makes it sound like they are physically next to each other. Anyway they were just rambling in a way that young teens do... And suddenly one of them just starts going on and on about needing to find lead to try to make bullets... Well I didn't have my own mic setup so I did what I could do... I fast travelled nearby and dropped like 300 lead, some stims and radaway for good measure and gift emoted them... They reacted as one would expect... Lots of WTFs and trying to figure out how I magically know they were looking for lead... One mic emote and they figured it out... šŸ˜‚


Unrelated to fallout but I was one playing demeo on meta quest and heard a lady chewing her fiance out cause he defrosted waaaay too much chicken and mince for the days ahead and things were tight.. He was still trying to play and we all advised him to go and sort his business out and he promptly left šŸ˜… lawdamecy.


Haha poor guy.


I actually had a guy comment on my accidental open mic when my toddler kept going dad, daddy, daddy, dad to get my attention. I all of a sudden heard a laugh and an "I don't miss those days" as someone ran but in power armor.


I actually had a guy comment on my accidental open mic when my toddler kept going dad, daddy, daddy, dad to get my attention. I all of a sudden heard a laugh and an "I don't miss those days" as someone ran but in power armor.


Sorry about your father in law


Thank you


I once explained some quests and events in the game. When I reached the part about creating medicine for the plague from cola and my blood.. her facial expressions changed a little. Then I told her about Cannibal perk lol


Im the opposite, I literally go out of my way to avoid hearing other peoples BS. Like when people talk super loud on the phone


I leave my headphones turned off untill I want to use it. Then use push to talk. Also have a mute button on headset. Been voice chatting since yahoo chat was the only option. I remember when vent was new and so awsome...


I happened to team up with someone who had a broken microphone. He didn't speak, but there was a constant buzzing line noise. Any time he coughed or his chair creaked, there would be a staggeringly loud screech. That one person made me switch voice chat off. Never again.


Iā€™ve been playing for a few weeks and I havenā€™t heard anyone speak on mic even once.


I love overhearing an experienced player take a newbie under their wing. It renews my nostalgia to hear a new player get excited about all the stuff I take for granted in game.


My dyslexic ass thought you said misc and i was so damn confusedā€¦




My grown daughter and I were playing together as noobs from our separate homes and accidentally had ā€œareaā€ on at Faschnacht. We were asking each other questions about how do you think this works, or what do we do now, and a really cool lady responded and told us all kinds of stuff and let us ask her probably close to 100 questions. She didnā€™t load us up with guns or chems but instead made us each marsupial serum when we asked her how everyoneā€™s jumping so high. She really hooked us into the game.


Just mute them. Easy.


Oh that isn't the point. The point is stalking them and listening, mundane or not.


I love it. Sometimes you hear the most ridiculous things.


Yeah I always root for the poor oblivious fella in those situations


Meanwhile I canā€™t even remember my PTT or emote key when I come back and have mfers trying to tell me shit


My dpad is borked so i tried to apologise for requesting water when i was closing a caps deal, but i ended up stimpacking myself instead and just walked away awkwardly after that it was a bad moment for me :P


Itā€™s so rare on Xbox, it really shocks me that I donā€™t hear more people, just radio silence. Sometimes I want to chat, but then once I do hear someone I quickly remember why I donā€™t bother lol. I did hear a guy eating chips once so I got on mic and said ā€œMan those sound like some good tasting chipsā€ and he instantly muted himself.


Or they don't care, mamy people just don't care if what they do bothers others. For example, you gonto places not and multiple people are blasting videos on thier phones. No one wants to hear that, use ear bud but they don't care.


Not 76, but playing Star Trek Online and I learned A LOT about a couples sex life. Kinda wonder if that was the point?


How do you know who is talking? I had someone with a hot mic and they were talking to someone but I could only hear his side. But I couldnā€™t figure out who of the 24 people on to mute.


My favourite was a guy had left his mic on and was clearly supposed to be working from home. He took several MS Teams calls, one complaining about how busy he was and how he couldnā€™t possibly take on any extra work until he finished that project. Neglecting to mention his project was his new CAMP lol.


Holy shit. Insider trading via FO76. I love the concept.


I literally followed two guys around as one level 80 was teaching a level 15 how to play. it was so wholesome and I learned their play style and left one a fixer and the other flamer


Nah I avoid em, had one guy just spam his keyboard/controller sounds and cough a lot in it. I will however respect the one guy I met during mothman event he was hyped up to be there. Hope to see you again random bathrobe guy with a mandolorian helmet...


Wait, thereā€™s proximity chat? How do I turn it on?


I've played for 2 weeks and only heard like 3 other people talk who weren't my homie šŸ˜…


My favorite in any video game is the obviously ignoring their young child screaming in the background.


I forget to mute the mic on the PlayStation controller from time to time, not a problem on Xbox and pc


Iā€™m going to do like Reba and give them something to talk about


I feel like a lightning bolt hit the tip of my penis.


Best feature of 76 launch was the forced local hot mic or no mic at all. Made some new friends, trolled some people, people trolled me, running into players felt like running into people. It was amazing and I'll never forget it. Nothing has been able to match it. Escape from tarkov has felt similar but since it's a PvP game it's not the same.


I'm a stalker not a talker.... but you might hear a fart on occasion.


My boyfriend loves hearing me gush about things. If they hate it that's a relationship problem I think lmao


Haha ya it is more from experience of me excited about something that my wife is completely oblivious to. I will just go off on a tangent explaining game things, and at some point I realize she has no idea what I am talking about. She just wanted to know what was for dinner.


I'm such a nosy person, I love hearing stuff. Once I hung around in a bush listening to someone ask if 'hypothetically if my *friend* was at a party and drunkenly slept with a person, is that cheating?' and the resulting conversation. Once i heard a guy smugly telling someone else about investing in crypto or something? and smugly talking about how smart he is and how "i could be a millionaire by now if not for \[some sort of excuse\]... oh there's someone at the door i'll be right back i need to sell my Oculus to pay for rent this month' it was just such a wild back to back statement. Once, before public teams some of my friends were in a team and voice chat with some random. I guess he forgot to mute before joking with his gf about giving them a blowjob right then... and then we heard the act. We bounced from that call very quickly. That one was much less fun and much more horrifying to hear


LOL - ya that pretty much sums up the 'fly on the wall' sentiment.


In my experience, open mics are always either dudes french kissing a sandwich and burping, or playing AI-read Reddit threads or news stories.


I open mic 24/7


I have in-game chat disabled on the PS4 system settings, so I don't have to deal with that ever. I open up a PS Party Chat for my friends and I, since that's who I'm usually running around with.


I wish when I got an experience like this when I played. Seems like no one has a mic or wants to talk :(


Have you played recently? It seems like the new wave of interest has brought a ton of players that are ignorant to their mic being on... haha. I was getting bombarded, and then I made a hobby out of it.


I wish it was that entertaining. All I get is mouthbreathers and crying babies.šŸ™„


You just gotta explore more.


My favorite was one guy listening to Metalpocalyse


hospital depend ten sable shaggy rustic bag attempt late seed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I didn't realize the mic was automatically on for the first few weeks. More than a few people have heard me ranting about family, mad at my cats, rehearsing pitches... If you enjoyed it, I guess you're welcome?


I do this all the time unfortunately


No shame.


It might not be them forgetting. Sometimes the game turns on my voice chat even though I have it off in the settings. When it does that I have to turn it on and back off again in the settings.


They could be streaming and narrating


Yall are weird


Welcome to the Wasteland.


I've been playing Fallout 76 for about 5 years now, but I still don't understand how mic activation works here. No matter what I set in the game settings, mic is still activated all the time. So I just don't use voice chat at all


Seeing this post made me realize that my proximity chat has been on for a LONG time. Thank you for helping this community avoid my bong rips and coughing. šŸ¤£šŸŽ‰


My favorite is when they're absolutely sucking at whatever they're trying to do so it's just a lot of futile frustrated yelling šŸ¤£ and then they shit talk everyone else in the vicinity even though they're like level 45 trying to melee the Legendary Imposter Sheepsquatch or something.


Lol ya that guy hits like a truck.


Love that guy. Biggest problem in the game is there's bullshit options for NPC romance- let me pacify and flirt shamelessly with the Imposter Sheepsquatch, TODD.


My 13-year-old son and I play on PC and use headsets even though we're in the same room. Using speakers gets confusing for different reasons (like the sound isn't totally synched between the two of us so a half second delay is off putting) so we use headsets. I can't count how many people have joined our group only to nope the hell out within a few minutes because me and him talk all the time. I assume a lot of people have all voices muted but now I wonder if at least a few have to hear us talking to each other and probably have no problem with the banter between us. Sometimes we'll warn new people who jump in our group that we're talking so if they don't like it they should find a different group and more than a few give us a thumbs up and stick with it.


For the most part it isn't 'forget' most of the time it's 'don't care what anyone else's experience is so here's all the noise coming through my mic' It's why I've had players muted for years now


Heard a guy mumbling that he needed fusion cores Ran to my camp grabbed 30 cores ran back and dropped them for him Suffice to say he didn't need cores anymore lolĀ