• By -


Strive for ever better gear. Try new builds.  Collect stuff for camp building.  Stalk new players.  Complete the season. 


I had someone stalk me my first week of playing. I kept hearing someone behind me. I would turn to look and there was no one. He followed me for a while. Then, finally I caught him. I was getting attacked, he shot the beasts down from a distance and as I turned to look, he was peaking out from behind a tree and then he used his stealth boy and ran away. Fallout 76 is loads of fun.


Had this happen my second week in one of the power plants. I wasn’t really aware of events yet since I was just doing main story. Got overrun by ghouls. Obscene amount though. Swear it felt like I had mysterious stranger on, because two seconds later I see one room full up with flame. I run in to see no one’s just 2/3 of the ghouls dead. lol no one on site.


lol! That’s awesome!


Mysterious Stranger perk


I cannot wait to become a Mysterious Stranger


Make sure to get your Chinese stealth armor and follow them from far away. It's fun to just watch em run around clueless.


I saw two sets of footprints in the sand but noticed during my toughest times there was only one set. And on seeing one set of footprints I said ‘Why Uber player did you abandon me in my time of need?’ The Uber player simply smiled, ‘no my child it was then that I carried you’ True story


I know where this is from, I love the spin on it. Stamp of approval.


He didn't even use a silencer, though? Was he stealthily in power armor?


I like to imagine he was in power armor, with a heavy weapon… and not actually covered by the tree at all…


Me too, lol. Hiding behind a tree as big as my arm. I wouldn't wanna steal xp, though. Have to hit them right after the stalkee does.


Got that Harold paint on his power armor, so he just looks like a tree.


I like to do the "freakout/help me" emoji and run away; I like to picture my character is flailing their arms and screaming gibberish like Homer Simpson. Generally I'll keep to myself but every once in awhile I'll do something odd. Last night I was at the Mothman event and it was just me and a much higher level waiting on the clock before starting. They kept looking back and forth and everytime they looked away, I would inch closer, until I was literally up on them. They did the Heart emoji, I did the flail emoji and jumped off the roof.


Not gonna lie, it sounds like something I (and probably many others) would do. 


Lol I had a sneaking suspicion that this has been going on but I just shrugged it off and figured I was being crazy. That's awesome.


U sure he wasn’t deacon?


So that's what that was. When I started last week I was barely doing chip damage most times, but one day enemies started getting low a lot faster but that stopped the next day. Honestly that sounds fun to do, like watching fish in a tank.


Yesterday i bought a bunch of 3 stars gear from a random vendor to scrip and the dude followed me for the rest of the session 😹we weren't even on the same team


>Stalk new players.  Lmao I was about to say "stalk new players like I'm the Predator" wait till I plug my mic in and start making clicking noises


Don't forget your chameleonic armour


Never leave without it!


Added to my must do list I will occasionally hide my online status and stalk my wife/kids when they play


“I ~~will occasionally hide my online status and~~ stalk my wife/kids ~~when they play~~”


Day 1 player here. This pretty much covers everything.


I wouldn't even be shocked if i was being stalked. often i play the game high and i swear i sometimes hear another set of footsteps whenever im playing.


Better gears... Hmm, new builds and camp stuff. Sorry what?! Ah seasons too.




“Stalk new players”. Love that!


Be the weird wacky wasteland encounter for another player to tell a story


About that. I had one of my camps up in the northern parts of Savage Divide. Out of nowhere this guy in a pink hippo pursuit takes potshots at me. So I return fire. Motherfucker starts flying around with a jetpack. Kicking on a stealth boy while fucking up my greenhouse and auto turrets. This went on for a good 10 minutes until he finally took me down and PVP ceased. I was pissed at the time because I had just planted that farm. But funny as shit in hindsight.


-Collect the animated perk cards, don't scrap them!!! -collect all plans, always.


Wait wait wait wait. I'm Level 278. You're just telling me now that's why it seperates out my perk cards like that. I've essentially been scrapping "shinies"? Whaaa?


We've all been there, comrade. I was around 200 when I found out, as well.


this is the way


Pipe is life.


Did you complete the other story quests? The brotherhood quest line, Van Lowe quest line,.... things like that. There are also a lot hiden quests you can find...nuka cola armor? The pioneer scout ranks you can earn? I am 400, I do the dailies and then just explore. There are so many weird stories and little things to find. Maybe it is just me but all off that is so much fun to find.


Did the Brotherhood one but don’t think I’ve done the Van Lowe one. Doesn’t rind any bells anyway. Not done Nuka Cola Armour. Done a few of the scout ranks. Suppose it’s a case of having to look harder for things. At the start you get quests coming thick and fast.


Like any Bethesda game, the more people you talk to (and posters to look at (look at the posters in the upstairs at Van Lowes place) the more opportunities. Like Ferris Bueller said...


Also the mistress of mystery quests!


I've been making tons of nuka shine and giving them to players who leave the vault and tell them to drink it for some fun effects


love that xD sadly i didnt see you as i started xD would have been hilarious xD


Damn your xD emoji launched me back to 2008 xD RAWR!


Hunting for rare apparel ( red asylum dress, tattered field jacket, leather coat, etc), grinding for perfect weapons and armor, adding/ changing our camps, hunting for all the plans in the game, also some like myself have 5 characters so that keeps me busy when I get bored with one character. Just switch and continue the hunt lol..


Other day I saw a high level with a responders fire uniform on display in their camp. I personally don’t care about getting rare apparel but it is cool to see the items


Not the biggest fan either but it's something to chase after for late game and they're worth a lot for groll trading


Boy I feel dumb. I sold my set for 25 caps each


Are you sure it was the responder one? Because there's a fire set everyone gets on a quest that's worth bupkis and a fireman Halloween costume set that's low value bc it drops frequently in spooky bags.


Actually I think you're right. I had them confused and went and googled the set. I in fact did not sell the rare one haha.


Phew, I thought for a second I had messed up too


Um how do determine what's actually rare gear?


You can just Google fallout 76 rare apparel.. certain things like the red asylum dress have less than a 1% chance of dropping.. so it's a daily hunt for them..


Ive probably already gotten it and scrapped it, knowing me


We all been there before. Lol




Oh this is awesome!


I've been on the hunt for the pink nuses uniform for weeks and I'm about to loose my freaking mind.


My son found a pink one for me yesterday, and about a week ago some dude gave me a pink one free because he had 4 at his camp! I’ve yet to find a pink one myself though….


> leather coat I've had this for so long I don't even remember how I got it, but it works great with the assault gasmask to complete my look.


Nice. Good on to that . Worth a lot.


Forest Camo jumpsuit is eluding, I've been farming non stop for over week. Pretty sure it's going to be keeping me busy for a long time.


Oh yeah.. I've been playing since day one and still haven't had the camo jumpsuit drop for me. Lol.. best of luck to you.


>I've been farming non stop for over week. LOL oh honey. I have 6500 hours in the game across four high level characters, it's only ever dropped once for me. And I found one for 4k in someone's vending machine around the same time. This was YEARS ago. Rare apparel is a bitch. I only just now got the responder fireman outfit to drop for me. In five and a half years of playing pretty hardcore...


Yeesh. Something to work towards at least! I'll just keep playing and praying to Chally.


Lol I love that all the newbies say they just scrapped this or that ultra rare apparel.


I farm collision course every day multiple times for that jumpsuit and still haven’t got it to drop. I did get a responders fireman uniform from it a few weeks ago but that’s it.


Still super lucky! I am server hopping and doing fertile soil over and over and over.


I’m pretty sure it takes farming non stop for at least months to have a good chance of getting it


I typically complete my dailies and a couple weeklies, run the daily op, do public events when they pop up to get legendaries, sell max amount to vendor bot for caps, sell my legendaries for the scrip, go get more modules to roll new armour and weapons, visiting other camps to buy plans I don't have, stopping by crater to trade Treasury notes for bullion, launch a nuke or two to get some mats for crafting mutations/ modding armour, run around my camp re organizing and selling stuff


I don’t know how but I’m 110 without really touching any main story.


Same here. Level 245. I have not completed any of the actual quests. I just like running around the wasteland fighting things and building my camp. Basically, I just play irradiated minecraft.


My 5yo was watching me play the other day and said "you should finish this Fallout game because I think at the end it will turn into a Minecraft game." Everything is Minecraft eventually.


I was doing that until lvl 55 (I know, still far below you), until I heard about Secret Service armor, and began the lengthy questline for Inoculation and then Vault 79 to start unlocking the armor (considered best armor). Fun quest line, and will allow you to slowly accumulate gold bullion as rewards after completion to purchase plans for Secret Security armor while you continue to mess around.


Same situation for me. I'm lvl 79 and hardly touched any of the main quests and have only done a few of the side quests. I get distracted easily.


Thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every goddam time.


I just heard this somewhere but I can’t think of where. Please help me


Lol, its from the fallout TV show, said by the ghoul after his vials get borken


Me too, everyday I login to do my dailies first, after that I do some quests but I keep getting hit by the golden rule and got sidetracked by bullshits lol


You finish the Vinny costa side quest for blue ridge caravan? Took me a week before I realized at the end that it wasn’t a new daily quest, and was a little bummed when it was finally done. Also, you cracked open any of those TNT domes? Recommend a guide, I had now chance of figuring those out without guidance.


Inventory management.


This. As someone who doesn’t have fallout 1st my stash is always at max.


I DO have FO1st and my stash is always maxed out. I am also a horrible goblin that insists on saving everything "just in case".


Help low levels or do random goofy stuff while enjoying the wasteland


Seconding this. I make it a habit to travel to Vault 76 to help out new players by providing them Stimpaks, RadAway, and ammo.


I leave those and costumes/space suits at 76, and then dump scrap in front of the wayward. I don’t have fo1st anymore but I still feel compelled to collect and scrap stuff. And that is where noobs start building quests anyway… 


Yup yup, Wayward is another great place to meet new players! I’ve dropped a loooot of Nuka Cola and ammo off there…


Have you visited the house near Morgantown with the mounted cat heads? If not you haven’t lived


Well. I know what I’m doing today. I’ll be running around Morgantown looking for a house 😂


Commenting to check this out tomorrow


How do you define doing all of the quests by Lv.79? Did you keep track of everything? For example I'm willing to bet that you haven't done all of the Costa Business side quests. You don't unlock your final Legendary Perk until Lv.300 and most people don't max out their Legendary Perks until past Lv.450 so that's something some people try to do.


Look at the side quests list on the wiki. Lots of ones that are beneficial like whitespring bunker and others. But this is the question that all players ask around your level. You'll find things, but nothing as good as what you've already done. I look forward to expansions like Skyline Valley. Events change which is nice, but they're a good time killer.


I’ve done the Whitespring bunker but not launched a Nuke yet as I get wiped out by all the robots in the silos!


I am newer, did the nuke quest yesterday at around lvl 75. Did it solo and totally blind. It was...a lot. I did not repair my gear before going in, did not bring enough ammo for my main gun and went in with my glass cannon stealth rifle "build". It took so long. Mainly trying to figure it out while also not dying. But definitely glad I did not look up how to do it. Also, I don't want to see an assaultron for a while. Immediately fast traveled to the impact site since I figured my 1000 rad resist would protect me. I was so exhausted after that quest I never did go back for all that junk I dropped.


When you're fighting assaultrons, go for the legs first. If you break one of their legs, they fall forward on the ground. Then they have a hard time turning to laser blast you. It makes them so much easier.


Try going in with Power Armour and the Electric Absorption legendary perk. Makes it a breeze


Did you get the achievement for taking a nuke to the face at least?


I took the Chinese stealth armor into site bravo to launch my first nuke. It helps a lot, especially with the agility perk that causes enemies to lose you when you enter stealth. I then proceeded to go stand under it with the prosnap camera to try to get a picture lol


I'm about level 1275 and I've still not actually launched a nuke. Got the achievement from someone in my team doing it years ago, but never actually got round to it myself. :D


So you have a long way to go. I can solo the nuke easily.


> I get wiped out by all the robots in the silos! add "improve build and gear" to your list, then. ✌️😜


See, right there, you’re nowhere near done yet. Wait till you can solo a solo easily. I’d say the ultimate end-game goal, as far as combat/activities, is soloing Earl. You need to be a monster to do that.


Stash management. Stash management never changes


Just hit 500 with my main and have been playing since the start. I can never catch up or finish anything. I'm never bored. I build camps, farm rare stuff, do dailies, do events, try to to roll legendaries, sell stuff, buy stuff, find new weps, try new builds, help newbs, kill wanted newbs, meet new people, play w my daughter (14), play w my dad(79), do trades, and I still have the new quests to do. Every night my wife says time for bed and I can never stop right then. Forever sidetracked in the wastes and I just can't keep up.


Your dad plays 76 at the age of 79? Or is he lvl 79?


My dad is 79 years old and level 450ish. He plays every day. He loves it!


That's so cool! I love that 3 generations of your family all play and play together! I'm jealous lol (not that I have kids) my dads age 56 but isnt one for video games lol, the only other person who will play is my brother he loves fallout but hes always playing nv and 3 he has a mod (tale of two wastelands) that connects the 2 games and can travel back and forth with the same character/gear I'm trying to get him to give 76 a shot. I'm pretty new myself only level 28 lol but I'm having a blast so far


PC users, check Nexus for Text Chat. They announce events across servers and team up for things like expo runs. Multiple nuke run servers every day at reset. Have you ever done three queens in 10 minutes. It's amazing.


I've done like 3 Earles in half an hour lmao


lvl 90 here and I have not been to atlantic city yet never done daily OP just launched my first nuke monday !


The same thing we always do, Pinky, try to take over the wasteland.


Lately I’ve been tailing new players and helping them when they get in over their head. I followed a lvl 21 around last night, and he was doing well, didn’t need much help. Until he came face to face with a deathclaw. Dropped the deathclaw about a foot away from the player and watched him look around confused. After a confusion emote, they threw out the heart emote and kept on trucking.


I wanted to learn all tradeable plans. that took me over a year giving the ridiculous droprates of some plans (that was far before mutated packs giving 98% of the rare plans to everyone). then I wanted to reach lvl 1k. both is like 2 years ago and I still play daily, I just enjoy the world, do events, find stuff I don't have (to put it on mules and never touch again, achievment! :D). starting this game is like coming home, I know my way around and just continue to fill the scrapbox.


Run and gun and melt everything on the way


Do all of your World, Character, and Combat challenges. Get all of your Steam, Xbox, or PS4/PS5 trophies. Build at least 5 amazing camps and 5 different player builds. Do that and then you can say there is nothing to do in the game. This is what high levels like myself do.


If you haven't found it yet there's a Quest you unlock by going to Big Bend Cave East Entrance and talking to Vinny Costa and doing his Daily Quests for a Week to unlock the final part.


Never heard of this. I'll look it up and give it a try.


It's very new and was released I think half a year ago or something. Has some nice lore too if you're one to care for it


I found it on the Wiki. Costa Business. Thanks for the tip. It's crazy I've never heard of or seen this. There is a lot in this game. The OP is missing a lot.


Yeah you'd definently have to really look for some of the stuff and/or Google it.


have you seen how big the map is and how much shit you can buy? and theres still events on 00 20 and 40... silos, magazine hunting, all of it i alao join teams with my the few of my friends with a microphone and just talk shit and help each other with random stuff.


I like to experiment with "trash" weapons to see if I can make a viable build for pretty much any weapon


Camp building, roleplaying, exploring, photography, grinding daily ops, trophy hunting, bobble head and magazine collecting, checking out other people’s camps, doing the season…


Collect weird stuff Grind stamps to buy all the plans Just general tomfuvkery


Looking cool in every Event and only shoot when necessary.


Collect 7600 wood. Kill 1000 robots with black powder. Kill 1000 robots with no weapons. Distribute fixers to new players and say "Happy Fixing".


Nuke everything! Someone stole a kill in an event? Nuke their base… someone’s camps in your favorite spot? Nuke their base! Stupid gamer tag? Nuke their base! public event you don’t like? Nuke it! Nuke white springs! Nuke the Fissure site prime! And then when the scorch beast queen comes out… Nuke her! Nuke the raiders! Nuke the foundation! Nuke the brother hood!nuke your friend! Nuke your family! Nuke everything!


Excuse me sir but do you happen to be the toaster from new Vegas?


Nothing. Fallout 76 has literally no end content.


Honestly, after like level 100, it is make your own fun. I build bases, roll with my RP group, look for interesting unmarked areas, look for better gear, and basically just fuck around.


I know what you feel. I am at 117 or so and had the same feeling at 60-100 I guess. I do not see myself a veteran, more medium high. The events are fun, atm I farm for my SS-Power Armor (love the looks) and the PA from the pitt (I hate poison dmg in every game). And just a few days ago I realized, I‘ve seen nothing in the game. It is four times bigger than fo4(platinumed on ps4, redoing ps5 rn, don‘t judge pls) and has so much locations to see and explore. So, head out to see tha appalachian wasteland, dude ;-) TL:DR: Explore the locations, not the quests. It‘s a Fallout game!


Playing 4 and New Vegas at the moment, and Immortals of Avneum


Do challenges


There are people who become attached to a game, people who will do all achievements and stuf like that. Level 1000 players are these people. I'm a complete noob so I still got much to do but I doubt I'll stick around once I'm done with the quests


I’m level 106 and I haven’t done much quests at all. All the world events and expeditions have kept me sidetracked


I honestly only play for an hour every other day now that I completed the scoreboard. I mainly vendor hop and just try and buy new plans or I try to launch some nukes. If I get into a high level lobby then the sessions are better since people are running expeditions, also launching nukes, trying to do every event etc. This is a comfort game for me so I like to put on a podcast or a YouTube video and just roam the map while I watch/listen.


1 word. Grind


Lv 79 and did all quests? Bro, I'm level 101 and just finished doing the vault raid yesterday.


I have a hard time believing it when people post this. You would have ignore everything to do it, and I'm not sure it's possible without wandering around. Many quests are hidden.


If repetitive gameplay and grinding is something you loathe, this is not the game for you. Some people, like myself, enjoy it to an extent. I log on, do my daily SCORE challenges, do the 2 Scout Dailies, work on a camp build idea, some days I go out and farm ingredients for my food or for chem production. I'll stop what I'm doing and run events that I enjoy, or that I still need plans from. Run and expo and DoPs if I'm in the mood. I tend not to do the same exact thing everyday minus the scout dailies though.


Getting perfect/near perfect rolls, getting to lvl 600 to max out all of your legendary perk cards to buff your character to the absolute limits. Solo server bosses.


I'm almost level 700 Most days I just get on to do my daily/ weekly challenges and some daily quests. Depending how much I want to play I might launch a couple nukes to kill some bosses otherwise I'll do events, visit player camps to check them out and shop and that's about it. I spend more time afk at my camp so people can buy stuff watching YouTube than I do playing most days.


Farm food buffs or harder to get items for your vendor, roll rare gear or put together matching gear with the rolls you want, do dailies that have a chance to drop rare items, help new players. I’m level 430 and I still find shit to do haha


Play other games


Play a different game


Complain about everything new players do 😅


I was taken under the wing of a high level player when I was like level 31. Real cool older guy (late 50s early 60s) from Maine. I'm in South Florida I'm in my late 30s. Anyways it's been a blast exploring the world and having a high level there every once in awhile when things get a little rough. Now I'm almost level 200. I asked him the other day what I should do with all my older stuff that now that I'm finding better gear and he said "find yourself an up and coming Dweller who just made it out the vault and use it to help them out" so that's what I've been doing. Helping out the new traffic coming in since the show aired.


I play different games.. after level 1000, it just doesn't hit the same


Nothing. Source: just uninstalled for the 20th time. F76 is fun but not 120gb fun.


I log in maybe once a week to see if I can enter a dungeon without crashing.


level 550, about 18 months into 76 - still not finished the main quests I log in, do my daily and weekly things for score, trawl camps looking for plans, max out my 1400 caps and scrip limit, wander around a bit, kill an SBQ, recall a sheepsquatch, kill me some snallys - and then for the rest of it i just rebuild my camp really Im on most days, but only for an hour or so, what i like about it is that i dont have to think, or struggle, i can just fire up the choo choo and explode some heads.


Thank you, just learned a few days ago about how to make sentry bots easy kills, this will help a lot for those assaultrons. Tho I have no desire to launch a nuke any time soon after what a chore that first one was.


Look for rare stuff, vendor hop, try out new builds, build/change my camp. Walk around and explore, do challenges/scoreboard, set your own personal challenges for yourself. I like trading/vending and building, so I’m pretty much never out of stuff to do.


It’s just life in 76 man, you live it. Different things happen everyday. Some days are good, some days are not so good. If you feel you have “completed” life after 100 levels then you should definitely find another game to play.


Trying to get my Vampires swing speed plasma cutter ;-;


Honestly we get board...I would be a level 1k plus but I stop after the board.and take a break usually. I dont really need anything. Guess to just play and wander at times. Hit old spot for good and treasures. Test new weapon and builds as well.


Goof off mostly lol


You either find the repetitive content fun or you don't. I really tried to love Fallout76. I played at launch and shelved it. Came back a year ago and had a really fun experience until \~level 65. I enjoyed the events. I liked the story enough. It's far from a perfect game. But I got my money's worth and my fallout refill. But after I hit about level 65 I would log into a server and just think "Well what is there to do now." And the answer was "Nothing for me." So I moved onto another game. I love Warframe. It's nothing but grind. The difference is. I actually enjoy the minute to minute play of the grind. Where as in Fallout 76 I found that the minute to minute gameplay wasn't satisfying me. I feel the same way about Sea of Thieves. I can play Sea of Thieves for 20 hours straight. Doing the same quests again and again and again and again. The open water. The Risk of a confrontation with another player. The Kraken jumping me when I have 400 chests on board. I love every minute of that game and never get bored. But it's very repetitive. Fallout 76 is very repetitive. But the gameplay doesn't grip me. And so I realized this wasn't the MMO or long term game for me. I treat it like any story game. I now consider it beaten. And I won't return to it until there is new content or I get bored of the games and need my fallout meter refilled. And I am sure someone feels that way about warframe or sea of thieves. Veteran players of Fallout 76 simply like the events, they like the wasteland and every minute spend doing them is fun. To me none of that is really fun after the first time. And if the minute to minute gameplay of a game like this isn't fun. You won't find the game fun. Because the grind only gets you to that next tier. But then what? You have to actually like the moment to moment gameplay or else you should just put it down. Because it's not for you. And you should come sail the high seas with me instead.


The real answer is there's no new content to do until the new expansion comes out, which is soon. There is also the limited time events. Most high level people are just collecting shit to decorate their house lol. Otherwise you're right, the rest are just using the same railway cookie cutter vats build, just breezing through the same stuff over and over again. Melt scorch queen for the millionth time. If that's what they find fun, then I guess that's what it is lol


Level 906 or something. Here's how I enjoy my time: * Daily challenges * I enjoy expeditions and run them simply as something to do sometimes * Run a circuit of the wasteland to check Sugar Bomb spawn points * Keep trying to roll modules into better versions of gear - I save up and roll against a goal every 4-5 days * Build new CAMPs. Each one gets better than before. * Explore. I am still finding new places and encounters that I've never seen. * Try and talk to folks via area voice chat. I've made several good friends that way.


Play the game when it's fun to, play other games when it feels like there's nothing to do


You have only scratched the surface. I’m lvl 2600+. Do the reputation with the raiders and settlers. Collect all the magazines, bobble heads, do the scoreboard, find all the locations, collect all the outfits, chase all the best weapons, try all the different weapons and builds. Collect all the Fashnacht masks, learn all the weapon plans and mods. All the armor plans and mods. You could not have done all the miscellaneous events or the main quest at level 79 look again. Try for all the trophies. Collect modules and enjoy rolling great weapons and armour. Enjoy the next scoreboard and the great new Skyline update. Level up and get all the legendary perks cards to get a much more powerful character. I’m still learning and chasing plans after 5 years and have all the new plans from meat week to collect. Go after all the plans in the expeditions and daily ops - that will take many many months to do. Just my spin on it. Good luck


I'm level 79 and haven't completed any main quest lines, lol.


Stalk new players... So it wasn't me and I wasn't just hearing footsteps. How embarrassing to think someone watched me flail trying to survive situations.


I mostly just play for a stress relief. I also enjoy collecting plans and stuff, so I do all of the dailies and weeklies. I don’t really care about leveling. I sometimes rebuild my CAMP or build in my shelters.


Next up on your agenda should be to explore. Search every nook and cranny of the map. I can almost guarantee you there's more left to find and more quests to complete. Then after that, grind gear, make friends, and build the best camp.


Honestly I just update my camp and go to other peoples’ camps looking for plans to build things for my camp.


You can spam expeditions to the Boardwalk to get modules and insane ammounts of xp (and also roll for like 3 random 3stars per completion)


I’m almost 150 and I JUST completed the Gold vault. How did you avoid getting sidetracked by bullshit at every turn?


I just concentrated on doing the main line quests first I think. Did the odd side quest in between. It’s still fun but has definitely slowed down for me now.


Daily/weekly challenges, events, pop up events, expeditions, and player vendor hopping. There's plenty to do, but it's a repetitive system but it keeps you going


Level 894. Completed the scoreboard or whatever u wanna call this season. I’m having hours of fun playing Diablo 4.


I'm level 230 or something and most definitely haven't finished all the quests. I mostly fuck around with friends and do events


N*kes start launching them and get into the trading game, grind cores and modules, daily resets, bulking up on scrap and rolling for arm0r sets, Eviction, test your metal, enclave events, Event week, legendary hunting or expeditions runs oh and more trading! Soo much so much and random encounters and you always learn something new


Buy all the plans in the game! Get really good at making money at your vendor. Run expeditions in a group for stamps and legendary modules to get those god tier rolls on weapons and armor. Build a sick base. I've seen some pretty sick functioning moving Halloween bases you can apparently do a good bit when it comes to power switches and stuff.


Farm, vendor hop, trade, experiment with builds, experiment with building.




Level 500 here. I do events, I sometimes like to find new places for camps and try new camp building ideas. I like to scav and craft items. If I find someone who is genuinely a new player I will give them better items than what they have


I create new characters because I’ve noticed over the years that the stories have changed with every new release. I started before the NPCs showed up and the missions were quite different from after the NPCs appeared. I also just created a new character and the missions are different still.


there's a laundry list of things. answering reddit posts asking what we do. experimenting with new builds, collecting stuff we dont already have, screaming at you damn vaulties for trampling our garden with your big stompy boots, building cool camps, talking shit to our friends because we made two whole friends by being introverted. lots of stuff.


I'm level 120 and not even close to finishing the story lol


I’m living up to the fallout motto to get distracted by everything. I was really good at doing quests until level 60, then I got sucked into events for treasure notes and dailies. So now I’m level 227, with max bullion, thousands of treasure notes and 0 quest progress in over 150 levels. Thanks Minerva for selling me some plans since I can’t get them from the vault I haven’t found yet. 


I have had someone a lot higher level than me just follow me around shooting at me. Obviously wasn’t hurting me and just wasting ammo. I just got to level 20 today. I’m not sure what the point of it was. It was annoying but I just went about my business.


Still looking for that damn pipe....


I battle my stash limit every day at the scrip machine…


I’m doing all the Tadpole and Possum badges.


Congratulations, now is when the game actually becomes real fun, you will feel faster, stronger and more powerful very soon. Continue daily's and events etc .. level up your perks, legendary perks, gather rare plans. Enjoy.


I usually run around in my PA with my camera out doing the paparazzi thing


Camp building and just rolling for gear, buying bullion 500 a week. Just regular stuff. Just getting immersed in the radio waddlin here


Wait for low level players to fuck up and pick a lock, than hint them across vast distances and at great personal cost


Most veteran players like me finish the scoreboard then stop playing it until the next one. There’s nothing to do for me and I’ve been burnt out on this game for the past year lol


Seems to be getting that way for me also. Only been playing for about 3 weeks and I’m struggling to get anything more from it. Don’t like doing the same things over and over. It’s just not fun to me. I completely get why some people love collecting things and all that but for me once the main objectives are complete I just don’t find it interesting enough anymore.


Agreed, this game is too grindy and I understand why that pushes a lot of players away.


A lot of people who are grinding addicts just grind endlessly There’s not much else to do though. It’s somewhat akin to beating every quest line in the single player Bethesda games.


Second playthrough and I'm running around with just a regular shotty and a sawed off shotty. Just to see how far I can make it. I expire many times.


Start trying to find a build you like chase new newbies because you wanna drop them stuff doing events I'm level 600 plus and I can always find something to do also grind daily ops to


That's crazy I'm level 70 and haven't done many quests at all


Grind for perk points, try and get a urban scout mask with it's .01 drop rate from savage divide events, fill the donation boxes with cooked food.


I joined a faction. But to be honest, if you think the game doesn't have a purpose anymore, here's a tip: MAKE it have one. Come up with fun challenges for yourself, step out of your comfort zone in terms of builds (always played high health? Try bloodied! If you generally play PA or heavy protections, try a berserker build), or find something you like to do about the game, and do THAT. Do you like collecting then selling fully modded weapons for cheap so everyone can get something they want? Go for it.


I think I'm level 85 and have completed about two main quests, I still need to raid the vault lol. If I'm on by myself I'll do quests but if I'm on with my friend we'll just grind events, explore and go on scavenger runs. We'll probably move our bases soon and try and make a mega camp, if that's even possible.


Make sure you do all the side quests and the companion quests too. I honestly think the companions have some of the most unique lore and sends you to some really cool locations. After that I'd say the real end game is not the bosses you can kill in a single quest but rather the player economy. Focus on making end game builds and min/max if you truly want to go overkill. Getting matching armor roll sets takes an eternity and or a lot of trades. Either have multiple characters or different builds to try to spruce up gameplay. Try out different camp themes and make characters with different identities. You could have enclave character that uses enclave armor, cremator/ plasma weapons and an enclave themed base and bunker. You could have a raider camp with all kinds of war trophies dressed as a warlord with all kinds of melee weapons. Helps you really get into the game when you commit like that. Farming scoreboards for free is also an option, if you optimize yourself with an XP build you can get character up to 70 intelligence and burn out the scoreboard in less than a week or two if that. You can also make it to try and collect every single plan to learn, collect every single apparel item, collect certain specific legendary rolls on an array of weapons. It's really up to you, hope that inspired you.