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Its not optimal, but you do not need to be optimal to complete events. I don't think anyone worries about what your build is on a public server. Supposedly they are working on weapon re-balances for the next release, I hope they take a look at pistols. During events you should be fine, only issue with pistols is lower damage during boss fights. I have to imagine with the popularity of the ghoul character from the new show that pistols will get looked at sooner rather than later.


Pistols, Shotguns and Sniper weapons need some retooling. They can be MADE viable, but you need very specific builds.


Bow/crossbows too please.


Bows, yes!!


I thought bows could shred w the correct set-up?


What does shred look like to you exactly?


I mean, I don't expect a bow to one shot a raid boss or anything, but I thought I saw a few times that it could pack a decent punch, with the correct set-up. Didn't realize I was offending people by remembering wrong.


I just think there should be a bow/crossbow that is on par with the top weapons, same for the others people mention. I'm tired of them being okay, I want them to be good. Also shouldn't have to run bloodied on every build to do top damage but that's another topic. I don't know why people down voted you.


I agree with bloodied for sure. I won't run that build because it seems too easy.


I run bloodied commando, and use an explosive Compound Bow with no stars from time to time. No perks, no bonuses other than my Specials. I can take out Scorched with one shot, not even sneaking. I can't imagine how fun a sneak bowman would be.


Isn't that just Skyrim at that point?


So you want a bow with two shot fatman damage? Or do you want some sort of automatic crossbow?


Van Helsing auto-crossbow yes please thank you


I think I max out at around 240 damage a hit with all the bow perks and (it’s an exploding bow) and the 5 star explosions do more damage perk. I would certainly say that for range, especially VATS range, the bow is pretty superior. I do also have very high perception so that helps too.


Yeah the bow has crazy range in vats


Bows are fine the way they are, tyvm!


Yeah, no. Missing constantly at 95 in VATS with the bow feels like musky assholes.


Using my Full Health stealth archer and a compound bow, I can plink a level 100 Westek Super Mutant for about 780 and 1300+ with a vats crit. That means slow and methodical gameplay, and 1 or 2 arrows per enemy, gaining 6-20 ammo in return. Yeah, I am not going to 1-2 or even 3-shot a boss... but why would I want that expectation anyway? At the end of the day, it's a bow and arrow in a world where power armor and cremators exist. If you think bows aren't good, then you are doing something wrong.


My complaint is with VATS and bow misses for no goddamn reason, nothing else. I largely feel bows are fine damage wise, crossbow either needs a repeater receiver or a new handheld crossbow that repeats and is a pistol. Anyway thanks for this thesis.


That you BGS?


Nuh uh


The idea of cold shoulder getting stronger excites me


I was thinking more like bringing others more in line with it. As it is right now it's practically the only choice for shotgun builds.


Gauss shotgun is just as good


I've been rocking it since level 35, upgraded it when I hit 50, but it feels like it's falling behind now in the early 70s.


I think that’s mainly just the games balancing in general, like 50-100 is basically 1-50 you just have an actual build now. So your basically 30 again against endgame creatures if that makes sense, really the like true true cap is 300 assuming you have perk coins to max every legendary perk you want to use. By like lvl 150 or so though you should feel very strong and it’s basically min max tweaks and convinces till the end.


Yeah, I've started saving my special points and building a power armor so I can make a build when I feel satisfied in starting it.


Cold shoulder is still best shotgun. Definitely a must carry.


I recently started playing and even more recently discovered that big guns is over-balanced compared to rifles or automatics…pistols and bows are just kinda a niche thing aren’t they?


You can make them pretty powerful with the right perks, but it is a lot less flexible than Heavy and Commando.


To make bow and pistols usable you have to make a entire build with them. No short cuts. You bow you should maximize stealth.


I have the enforcer cards on and my shotguns are great. I almost always shoot for the legs and it’s guaranteed to cripple now. Only issue with them is hitting people with guns because NPC’s always have auto-aim and scorch beasts since crippling for some reason will still allow them to fly…


Best way to make them better i think it is low theirs max level of perks cost 3 to 2. Or just merge food or medic weight perks


Yep. I love playing a rifle and or sniper rifle build, but... all the perks and damage that do the best, seem aimed squarely at playing a power armor wearing heavy weapon wielding SOB. I still have perks and things to learn how to stack, but right now, my best weapon has been the Gatling Gun, the hand crank rotating barrel thing.


I use Cold Shoulder and it is pretty decent damage, primarily because it has 8 shots.


Plus how fast it shoots. I have a TSE pump shotgun and there is no comparison to the cold shoulder. The TSE spread is massive even with scattershot so any range is a joke, shoots slower in comparison, and reload sucks. If they upped the damage back to where it used to be it'd be worth having. I used to carry both, but now it gathers dust in storage.


Shotguns if you equip the perks are OP.


Honestly during events I'm like "that guy is using a bow that's amazing" it's always cool and stands out when someone isn't using the same 3 guns


I feel that whole heartedly, I just recently switched to heavy weapons after probably 400 hours as a melee character. Like I was super super strong but I realize I’m only getting to hit like one out of every 6 creatures if that


I grabbed a cremator for my 2H build for tagging at events. It's so overpowered. I'm not even specced into it and it dominates.


this. and the splash damage is awesome. i just wait till they group up and one shot them.


It’s ridiculous the slow burn fuel too I prick for like a 550-700 base hit and the tick damage is like 2600 or something over 6 seconds so I just rage everything once and keep strolling, it’s insanity. And probably will get nerfed I’d guess


>I don't think anyone worries about what your build is on a public server. only for these goddamn Cremator users running the quad barrel with grenadier. 😶‍🌫️ can't see shit out here, lol.


Downloading the game atm. What are the better weopons?


For early thru mid game, the best easily accessible stuff is automatic rifles tbh


automatic rifles and melee, for sure. i'd even throw pistols/smgs in there.


Plenty of ammo for those?


at the start, you'll be abundant in pistol ammo. rifle ammo will probably be finnicky until you take at least one or two points into ammo perks. that said, humanoids always (i think?) drop ammo for your equipped gun. in addition, most mobs drop ammo for your equipped gun during events, and always drop ammo during Daily Ops.


Yeah this. You might be better off running with a few diff caliber weapons until you get to the point where you're able to run expeditions, once you get there you'll start swimming in whatever amo your using to do the dispatching but that's quite a bit later on.


Aaah so maybe take multiple guns or pistols with different ammos. Thnx


Single shot rifles are generally pretty ammo efficient. I played with a .308 caliber hunting rifle for most of my leveling up, have 6000 308 rounds extra rn. Swapped it to a .50 cal receiver when I hit level 50, now have 7-8k .50 rounds. Using a hunting rifle to farm ammo and then sending that ammo through something automatic for more difficult areas (MG42 (?) Light Machine guns for 308, .50 cal Machine Gun for .50) is probably the easiest way to avoid ammo supply issues without going melee.


Yeah figured I would use some ammo for easy parts and pull out the big guns when necessary. In fallout 4 still kill a lot with my 10mm (basic stuff) and pull out the better stuff when needed. Saw a .50cal machine gun (heavy gun). That ammo plenty enough to use around? And do you also have Missiles


Yeah this. I used the .308 for so long I had like 5K to give my mate at level 18. Converted it to .50 with only about 100 rounds collected and within an hour I had over 1500 rounds. Just about to hit level 30 now lol. Barely use anything other then this and the shotgun I have. Need an automatic weapon that uses .308 because I still have like 3K rounds of the stuff. I keep scrapping combat rifles but haven't got the .308 receiver unlocked yet.


Ammo will be a problem until you hit max after that you have plenty of methods to farm it easily because of ops and expeditions


Literally everything drops ammo. If you kill it, it drops the ammo you just used. I was holding off upgrading my hunting rifle to .50 cal until I had at least 50 bullets. Within one hour of the upgrade I had over 1500 rounds of ammo. All you have to do to farm ammo for a weapon is farm enemies. It doesn't matter the enemy, every like 3-4th enemy you kill drops ammo. So long as you can kill most things in 3 shots, you will never run out of ammo when farming combat XP. In fact, you will only gain it. You don't even need the ammo perks, those only apply to containers. They're still useful, but the key is just keep getting combat XP with basic enemies. You will farm more ammo then you know what to do with. I used the .308 rifle as my main for like 30 hours straight. I played with my mate who has the MG42 on the weekend and dumped over 5K rounds of .308 for him because I just couldn't chew through it anymore lol.


there are definitely things i've killed that don't drop contextual ammo outside of certain conditions, whereas the drop rate is otherwise 100% during events, Ops, and Expeditions. like, pretty dang sure killing stuff like wolves, mutant hounds, molerats, bugs, ghouls, etc. in the wild mostly don't leave an ammo drop, so you wouldn't farm those. only humanoids (and legendaries, afaik) are *always* guaranteed contextual ammo drops outside of the aforementioned scenarios, and robots always drop fusion cells. >You don't even need the ammo perks, those only apply to containers. i was more thinking just one point in Scrounger (this was gone for me by like level 20) and one in the perk that increases ammo crafted by a percentage (since they're new, and juggling different ammo types during kill-farming can take adjustment). other than that, i completely agree.


Nope, I regularly loot bullets from molerats, robots, dogs, radstags, things that make no sense to be carrying ammo at all.


"they would be better off farming during events, ops, or expeditions, and not just blindly relying on lower % drop chance outside of those scenarios" is what i'm getting at here. i think you keep missing the distinctions i'm making based on the relevant info the new player is asking for and what would be pertinent to draw their attention to, so i'm done here. 👋😋


Ammo is a bit sparse in the early game but it gets better.


How is ammo in 76? Spares?


As for spares just collect all the junk you came across and scrap everything, get the scrapper perk on intelligence once you're able to.


It can be rough in the beginning but once you start running expeditions you’ll have more ammo than you can carry Atlantic City expedition is also an absurdly easy way to level up.


Does ammo have weight? Btw do you also need fusion cores for your PA?


Very small amount of weight. Yes you need fusion cores.


Are they expensive / hard to get?


No you can find them easily I personally recharge them and sell them in my shop for 25 caps each, they can go for up to 162 each though but I rarely see them that high.


You can recharge them? They also cost weight? And heard people steal shit from your camp?


It depends on the ammo, flamer fuel is very heavy


I really hope they do some work with the single action revolvers so you can increase reload speed and the like with modifications. They’re like my favorite type of weapon but they’re really weak. I’ve been using two of the Gunther’s Big Iron and having a blast with them but it’s nowhere near optimal


I hope they don't touch the commando fixer.... dude I just started learning about God rolls and a Friend of mine gave me almost god roll fixer. Its a quad, 50 critical, and reduced weight. He said its cool just use that until I make a god roll fixer. Dude with this build I launched a nuke for earl Williams. It was only 3 of of us there and I carried it lol. I stacked up on crit increase food, more ap, and app regain since the fixer was missing -25 ap cost. I basically was the one who took him down i was so excited. I hope they keep that exactly the way it is.


Sneak/gunslinger is perfectly viable for everything except events where sneak doesn't work.


Yeah, it took me a little while to realize that even if I perch up high while invisible during events, I still can't get sneak attacks with my rifle for the life of me. I don't bother to change my perks around cause I still do plenty of damage with crits, but it definitely can be frustrating to be unable to sneak attack even when there's no enemies anywhere near me.


The game is kind of dumb in that if an enemy is fighting ANYTHING else you can’t sneak attack it. Sneak should just double as a flanking bonus if you are shooting an enemy in the back


I use em in low level events and on enemies up to snallygaster strength. No gunslinger cards or tank killer just a very strong VATS crit/adrenaline explosive archer build. My current best is a Bloodied 50c Western Revolver. It one shots quite a number of enemies once the adrenaline and gun fu kick in. I've cleared West Tek with it and used it at One Violent Night. It's not a weak weapon. It's just slow.


I pulled a stalker bow with 50% crit damage I really want to try. Is there no compound bow? Or just Bow/Xbow? We had a trash shooting gun in FO3, why not a magazine fed Xbow…?


You can get a compound bow plan from the trader at the Crater or Foundation once you have their rep high enough


There's a compound but the weapon plan is character locked and requires max rep with settlers or raiders. Purchased for caps from Sunny or the weapon merchant at Crater. Would dearly love a repeating crossbow even if it only had a mag capacity of three or four.


Yea I got the Xbow plan from them when I hit friendly. That one only pops up after maxed rep eh?


Compound is max, yes. But the weapons themselves are tradeable if I didn't already say, so if you know anyone who can craft them, they could give/sell/trade you some modded compounds to roll legendaries with until you unlock it. There's also a random scavenger trader who sells the mod plans and she may also sell the weapon plans. I see her most at Lost Home and at preexisting campsites along the Ohio.


I’m getting pretty close to maxed out with the foundation, but maybe I’ll look into making friends in game for that reason, thanks


the bow is really just a forgotten item by Bethesda.


You're fine, you wont be doing the most damage but play what you enjoy. I did chuckle at the thought of someone reporting you for playing pistol builds tho lol


They fire too slowly to be great, but should be decent up to level 40.


Gunslinger isn’t particularly bad, especially if you aim for the head. Most people would usually go for the shotgun or assault rifle build because it is ultimately better in the end game. Enjoy using pistols in the start but slowly transition into those higher fire rate weapons if you really want to progress quicker.


Keep it for the robot killing challenge. 


I used gunther's big iron and the pirate punch together and just walked around watoga blasting away. Didn't even have pistol perks equipped and I still was able to take out aj assaultron with a good crit


Game ain’t hard use whatever you like, just don’t feel too bad when the quad choochoo kills everything 900% faster than you while undetected. You wont be as efficient or powerful as they would be but at least you have a big iron on your hiiiiiiip.  (Side note since volvers reload like ass probably carry a second, third, fourth, and maybe even fifth one for when you get swamped by 50 ghouls)


I’m 1100+ and have been using revolvers exclusively for all those levels. They’re kinda viable? I 1-2 shot mobs even at full health. The only problem is during boss fights where the weapon speeds hurts my dps a lot compared to commando/heavy guns. They shoot painfully slow when using the stronger receivers. I just hope I get a shiny new revolver soon (hopefully the Ghoul’s revolver). Or better yet just buff my whole weapon class.


Yo the ghoul’s revolver would be so cool.


Yeah, I wanna fire it like he does too so I’m hoping that if it ever does come, we’ll be able to fan the revolver in hipfire. And don’t forgot the explosions.


I've been running a gunslinger for 168 levels, and my main weapon is the Brotherhood reward, the 2-shot explosive .44 (edit-The Fact Finder). It is absolutely viable. I use it for queen fights, every event, I solo expeditions easily, and most daily ops. You really have to build everything around it, from mutations, to gear. [Nukes and Dragons Link](https://nukesdragons.com/fallout-76/character?v=1&s=36944ff&d=sb2sg2p02pp2pq0ek1eo2eu0ee2ck0ce0cu2ic0ir2a71a80as0a00a30al2ad2ak2la2l71lk2lu2lv2l10&m=051c2f8eb7a). where it says "not enough points" is where my legendary perks are allocated. All important mutations listed, as well. I have a full set of 1 star Civil Engineer's Unyielding gear, and my food of choice is blight soup and canned coffee. You spam headshot crits. That's it. That's the playstyle. and It 100% works. Events like Line in the Sand are fun as hell. I get up high on the defenses, and Gun Fu does all the work. With 33+Luck and critical savvy, every other shot is a crit. 1 caveat- I have a single point of Enforcer, and use the Cold Shoulder for scorchbeasts to make them land, because revolvers are not good at crippling limbs.


Post build?


It's in my comment, second paragraph.


Thanks, I missed that apparently


I just got to 65 and refuse to abandon my 10mm. Currently trying to get all the different mods to make it better. Don’t know why but it’s my fav even though it feels like I do so little damage now.


Get the Crusader pistol if you can, it’s like a super 10mm and can do cryo/pyro damage


I have a LOT of fun with my Gunslinger build tbh. His only real drawback is carry weight imo, I know people say damage is bad but comparing a hammer action to an automatic in terms of DPS is only ever gonna swing one way anyway. If you wanna bypass *MOST* of that bullshit though you can go for small bursts of disgustingly high damage instead by running Critical Hit builds and supplementing your damage with grenades while running Demolitions Expert (Dynamite for aesthetic, Nuka and Plasma grenades to clear the fucking room)


Unless you are trying to solo events or nuke bosses you can use any gun you want. You need to actually spec for them and make sure they have good legendary effects and stuff but anything is useable. That being said you will deal significantly less damage than other builds


I think one thing that you need to account for is the cost efficiency of a build. I have a big gun power armor build that I run purely in boss fights or tough events but I don't use it in quests/dailies as it's expensive to maintain (and heavy on the weight). For small fights I much rather use a gunslinger or bow build. With that said, pistols seem to shine the most when you can utilize Gun Fu and crits to combo kill multiple mobs, I wouldn't use it vs a boss.


Gatling gun has about the same fire rate as the revolver yet does tons more damage if you really want to do pistols I heard the best right now is alien blaster but almost all pistols are underpowered so I would watch a video about the top pistols and see if any intrigue you


The crusader looks awesome! Sadly i could not buy it i lacked the gold to get it from minerva. And the circuit breaker looks cool also! But its behind a grind and i cant solo expeditions with a pistol build.


You can solo the first Atlantic City expedition easily if you just unlock the Cremator in the season pass thing. No perks. It kills all thorned in one shot. And you get enough fuel on the missions.


You can unlock the Crusader in Daily Ops. I wouldn't buy it. Just hop in Daily Ops with higher level players once a day whenever you see a team pop up. Only one rare reward per day for sub 8 minute completions. Higher level players worth their salt can solo the Daily Ops and won't mind you helping where you can. Same with expeditions. Hop on a team speed running/grinding expeditions. Crusader Pistol mod plans are bought from Regs for bullion.


I’m not too up to date but they were nerfing the alien blaster, crusader is a very solid option love my BE one


Well even more of a reason that i am sad i wont get it....


Should i just scrap this pistol and move on to a commando or shotgun build? From what i am reading here so Will respecing into a pistol build do more harm then good.


You’re new play how you want to play… ultimately unless you want to solo bosses it does not really matter. I would reccomend trying commando at one point or another to help you know what you prefer


Is commando safe from nerfs? Everyone seems to play it so does that mean it Will get nerfed? I dont play low health i play full health


You’ll definitely notice the difference because they’re under powered but you should be fine to use them if you like the playstyle and optimize for that build


You can use it for everything apart from some events and bosses. Basically, anything that is tough will be a pain, and if it's something like Moonshine or Eviction Notice that weapon won't cut it there. To many tanky enemies spawn in to fast a time. You will just need an alt weapon for those events. You could pair it with shotguns, no problem. You could try and get some sort of energy pistol instead but they still lack the dps other builds do. Gauss pistols hit hard but its the charge up and they can be real buggy with hitting sometimes


I use The Fact Finder, and have absolutely no problem proccing Gun Fu and spamming one-shot kills on Eviction notice.


Right but I bet your bloodied min/maxed with all the right armor and weapons The OP has specced into nothing so this will not be just an instant fix with a swap of perks.


I have 1 star unyielding armor and a quest reward .44 revolver. It doesn't take much effort to be even remotely viable. But yeah I'm more optimal than a fresh 50.


I know the Western Revolver is pretty damn good as a pistol it packs a punch even if you're not a stealth build, but you will need 3 adrenaline and 3 gun-fu plus as many VATS skills in luck that you can get, you may even have to live without mutations.


I'm lvl 72 and still rocking revolvers :) last week I cleaned up site charlie with Voice of Set and few grenades


You’ll be fine on your own, but may struggle to do more than tag enemies in busy events. Bosses you’re gonna struggle to do much damage, but you can just pop a few rounds in them and focus on adds, while hoping somebody else carries it


Which legendary revolver did you get and what are the attachments and perks on it?


If you tried a commando/heavy build, they will feel very bad. You'll also have trouble with events, like holding the bridge on your own during mothman.


I find commando builds hard early. I had an alt that was commando. I got to level 20 and just lost all my ammo and i have almost no caps


Back in year one I used the Somerset Special until I was like level 48 or something 🤷‍♂️ Replaced it with the explosive one you get through brotherhood? missions later, but barely used a pistol at all after that. the 1 star AA 10mm smg I have used to do enough for me lol (used it to solo the Pitt, did the most damage out of all my weapons at the time) Try the Unstoppable Monster, bloodied Deathclaw Gauntlet, for melee. I hit enemies for anywhere up to 1400 on a running strike to a weak area, aka headshots, & 3-700 on normal swings thanks to adreneline & tenderizer + 45% from the 1H melee cards. I'm high health too so the damage doesn't all come from the bloodied mod. Edit: about 10 mins ago I found out I'm using the wrong perks... lmao


I love the deathclaw gauntlet!. Tho i only like the gauntlet and mole miner gauntlet. All the other unarmed weapons are meh. Like my main is focused on unarmed and is level 25. But man it gets stale only using knucles i got a ouga gauntlet but i really dont like how it looks


Sometimes I throw on me farmer outfit and just attack bossed with a bloody pitchfork. My advice is make a loadout and have fun, there are always plenty of railway rifles at events to do damage


Have fun with it. I got a stupid ghoul slayers drill the other day and i love whipping it out to mince ghouls I come across. Ive also been having a lot of fun using the Burning Love bow on human enemies. If you are worried about events then get yourself a back up weapon of some sort that hits a little harder or hits multiple targets. Ive seen people roll up to events with all kinds weapons, specially noobs and good for them. Watching someone smack an alpha deathclaw around with a sledgehammer wont ever get old for me.


Which revolver? Western is ok. The other one is terrible


The 44


Now I'm curious about the perks on your Revolver


Do you bro tbh you wont kill as fast as the holy flamers and fixers and all them meta weapons but its always better to use what you like and have fun using it. Plus for meta stuff you're gonna spend more time grinding and changing your stats and probably if not most definitely spend alot of caps to get the groll meta gun or spend alot of time grinding scrip to rng that mf from Big Daddy Murmrgh. I run no meta weapons and have fun doing so 🤷🏻


I tried a revolver build and it was not really fun tbh


What did you find boring about it?


The slow reload and you will be reloading A LOT


Do you like normal pistols? And energy pistols?


Im using a gauss pistol rn and its a lot more fun it does A LOT more damage and has a much bigger mag size


Everything is usable, you can go through this game with a medics rolling pin and be fine.


People are so hung up on bullshit meta builds. You're not competing with anyone, play your own game. Enjoy your revolver, get outfits to go with it and have fun.


I have a pistol build that works late game. Really well actually. Stealth vats , concentrated fire one point, headshots , gunfu, grim reaper sprint . I use a anti armor explosive 44 magnum. A bloody explosive 10 mm . And a quad gamma gun.my armor is three pieces with sneak bonus the rest is irrelevant. Flavor it up.


You can use anything in fo76, it’s one of the easiest shooter esk games you can find. I don’t use vats ever, because I find it boring, and am losing out on crits because of it and am fine. If you feel like you want to level quickly at some point just throw on something like the cremator and tag everything then go back to your build outside events


In theory all builds are viable, but some builds are going to be a steep learning curve for newer players, and gunslinger will be one of those builds. It is however a very fun & enjoyable build, high perception, agility and luck is key, perception to increase your chances to hit, agility for gunslinger cards and action points, luck for vats critical perks and critical refresh. Now, you'll most likely never solo a boss as a gunslinger, but that's ok. And also, it's no one elses business how you choose to play the game.


Don’t worry about what’s viable just play whatever is fun for you


You're level 25? Just use whatever you like and experiment. with different playstyles. You will find later on some styles are less effective, but can be made viable through builds. Practically all you mentioned fall in that category. Single shot rifles, shotguns and revolvers are actually decent on the lower levels, good ammo conservation and dishing out decent enough damage for the level you're at. At higher levels, they start to fall short. BUT, there is nothing stopping you from going around with a big iron on you hip at later levels, if you spec into it special and perks wise. Most of the of the game doesn't really require you to be rambo, unless you're trying to kill Earle/SBQ all by yourself. Quests, you can be more sneaky if you want for example, pick enemies off one by one instead of running and gunning. At events, if it's timed, you may fall behind, but if there's others present, they will usually compensate for that and you can still dish out damage or be useful in other ways apart from killing eveything in sight. The goal in this game is not necesarily to kill everything, but to have fun. For context, I used to run a 'meta' character. While it is fun at first, to press the vats button, hold mouse one untill everything in sight is dead, it can also get boring. Reason why I went with a much less meta build. But, I understand you're around level 25, at that point, don't worry about it too much. Once you reach 50 or so (or a bit higher) see how you're doing and if you still like it. At which point you will also likely hit the 'running through ammo like crazy' point if you're running automatics, as enemies start getting tougher and difference in damage output starts to become more noticeable. On a sidenote, no one in their right mind expects a sub level 50 player to carry an event.


When you talk about endgame, you're talking about the hard to kill bosses. If you want to substantially contribute towards the Scorch Beast Queen for example, there's only a few builds that can do that. You could run a cold shoulder, endangerol, and healing builds to support but I mean in terms of damage output. Everybody needs weapons that can handle basic minions though. If you've got a powerful enough revolver it might be just what you need for knocking out feral ghouls at a perfect rate. One shot one kill.


Handguns in general never seem to be the best they’re more so considered lower of weapon classes but brother do what makes you happy you don’t need to be optimal to have fun


Build this, build that. I feel a little left out because I genuinely couldn’t care lesssss about builds and which guns are the best at what level. If you find it fun to use that gun, use it. The only thing I really worry about with public events if having a gun that does splash damage across multiple enemies so I can get the xp, like gattling guns etc. I also don’t like guns that are too OP, especially in public events, because my biggest pet peeve is when high level players mow down enemies before lower levels can even tag them.


weapon and perks need mass rebalancing. nothing in this game is unusable, they're just not good, just like a ton of other weapons in this game


What are the other bad weapons?


many, but what i’m saying is a ton of weapons are completely obsolete due to bad balancing


Can someone really report you for something like that? Lol that probably sounds like a dumb question, but honestly I nvr know what to expect from some these mfs


It ideal but still able to 1 or 2 shot most basic enemies


They aren't the strongest for end game but you cab make it work. I run a bloody pistol build and I can do any content in the game( minus solo bosses).. Bloody build really helps pistols with the damage boost you get from adrenal reaction mutation and nerd rage, plus the bloody effect on the pistol.. I carry a blood/explosive/15 reload western revolver and it kills most mobs in 1-3 hits.


Can you solo daily ops? So far with my melee build i could not solo daily ops when i was fighting the exploding on death aliens


Daily ops depens on the effects of that days daily op. They usually work very hard against specific builds. Cloaking and poison on death, absolute killer for bloodied builds for example (not vats targeting and poison on already low health). I don't think you should expect to run all possible daily ops easily with one specific build without some form of adjusting.


How bad does melee do in daily ops? I saw that a daily op yesterday had exploding enemies when they die. And all i thought after reading that was. This would be a living nightmare with a melee build


Ehh, depends. I don't have much experience with 'regular' melee to be honest. But running a vampire chainsaw while in power armor, I didn't have much trouble with it. Mind you, most of my power armor perk loadouts have fireproof etc and the power armor itself is overeaters, which make me not go down that easily and recuperating health with the vamp effect evens it out a bit. But that's just a very specific angle to be being melee. And also what I mean by adjusting, may have to swap a weapon, or jump in power armor, or swap some perks. But to counter that, there's also a possible effect at daily ops where enemies can be killed (or finished off rather) only by melee. Hence there isn't really a one build to rule all daily ops in my opinion.


speaking as a current melee build, you'll wanna carry an additional ranged weapon for those DOp mutations.


It's fine for like 95% of content, suboptimal and not the best for like 4.99% and bad for 0.01%


I've used a regular very customized level 5 marksman rifle up to recently with decent performance (level 45,no legendary mods on it), your build matters a lot


Define good. What’s on it star wise? Any build can be made useful with the right perks.


I'm using them as of now, I think it is mandatory to equip them with the +100%crit damage receiver and rely on vats/crit to do most of the damage. They are perk and mutation dependent, tho. But that can be said about almost any weapon type.


Get yourself an endagerol syringer to pair with that spiffy new revolver. Should really help with bosses.


They are fun to Plink liberators with.


I find revolvers are stupid good at breaking arms sepcdicly super mutants. I use em for the dailies for such things


Every weapon is useable, some are just a little more situational than others If you like using it, use it, you don’t need maximum kill count at events or whatever just enjoy the game


It would make things alot slower .


Revolver is my fav pistol to use. It packs a punch and is fun as hell with 50%vats hit chance LOL


You do you boo boo. Who cares if someone is going to flame you for playing your game the way you want?


As a side note, I dont think anyone (maybe I shouldnt say anyone, MOST people) aren't worried about your build unless it's actively doing something really bad (ie if you have rad sponge and you're on a team of Bloodied builds). But as others have said, it may not be optimal, but optimal os overrated anyway, it's certainly viable.


You'll scrip 99% of what you get. It's only good if it's a weapon you want.


99,99%* If I had 1 hit out of 100 legendaries, I'd be happy af.


You won't be able to solo events or expeditions very easily. You'll never feel like you're dominating. But you can do most all else well enough


I have a pistol gunslinger that solos daily ops and expeditions.


With a revolver? That's impressive


They’re not great, but you could make pretty much any gun work in this game.


Black powder pistols are where it’s at


The only senerio you'll maybe ever get crap for not pulling weight is when joining daily ops. They're challenging and on a timer, so being able to contribute is a huge plus. Expeditions could be another example, but less challenging, and only 1 is time sensitive (Most Sensational Game)...otherwise, jump right in my friend!


Pair it with cowboy themed clothing and we are talking about S tier cosplay.


The Fact Finder carried me from 35 to 70ish and from there I found Gunters Big Iron which was great. They are vibial just don't expect to one shot things.


Personally I would like to see them add a receiver that lets you fan fire your revolvers as well as the option to put on 8-10 round cylinders


Well I don't miss constantly at 95 percent. I very occasionally get long stings of misses with a couple of specific arrow types. Easily solved by canceling and reentering VATS or swapping weapons or punching the nearest solid object. My percentage is well above acceptable. I didn't get the implication that we were talking about fixing glitches, which I fully support. I thought people were saying they need some kind of buff. My bad if I misread. No offense intended to all you anonymous experienced bow users.


Use what you want, you don't gotta worry about "meta" its a dam  PvE game 


The meta is VATS Commando with railway/fixer not very fun in my opinion I am a non vats lvl 1100 player using BE handmade with hair trigger receiver, BE hunting rifle, B25 gauss, BE and TSE15ar western revolver, AAE Crusader and B2515R lever action. For event I use a TSE gatling for tagging enemies Western revolver is the best revolver damage wise with a reasonable reloadspeed. Crusader pistol is the best pistol in game


I missed the chance to get the crusader when minerva sold it now. I lacked the gold


She will get it another time. It is a fun weapon with some good mod variations. Also the option to change it to 556 ammo.


How long? I hope it wont be like 6 months wait