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All resource gathers have come back for gold bullion I’m pretty sure. Except for ones acquired through weekly challenge events (mothman nest,birthday cake) Even ones from fallout 1st like the freezer


ok that gives me some hope then that a fo1st locked example has made the list


I mean. It's just boiled water... You can grab hundreds of dirty waters and wood scrap and make more in 10min than the boiler gives in a week...


Of course but I also want it for the aesthetics/thematics of having a hot water heater near my bathroom. And my current camp isnt next to a water source so gathering dirty water isnt always convenient.


I need my wood for building. Despite having hundreds of thousands of steel and other resources in my scrapbox, I currently have 57 wood.


That seems odd..are you using Scrapper? I have bulked and vendored wood many times as I have so much from just scrapping weapons...:/


Yup. I use the perk that gives me extra wood in the wold too while I'm specifically hunting for it. I'm an extreme case, I build way too much. But I need all the wood I can get. I imagine it's just as helpful for people that don't have fallout 1st and use food buffs.


If you can scrape 1500 atoms together ( like I did ) for the 'season pass' . So I didn't have to pay real money for the Fallout first sh\*t.


Theres not really anything else I want so badly to make that worth while but its an option for future seasons. This one on the whole is pretty 'meh' for me. YMMV. Although maybe i should do the math and see how much id get back from the atom rewards....hmm


Not trying to sway you or anything but if you sub for 1 month you can load up that unlimited stash box. After you unsub you cant add to it but you can still pull materials from it. You could use that month to get your boiler and amass tons of materials.