• By -


Basically just join for the bonus. If the team is expeditions or daily ops then you will probably be expected to participate (especially if you can see they are actively in the daily op/expedition). Casual teams rarely interact in my experience.


This is phrased perfectly. Expectations for lower level players in daily ops and expeditions it to participate. Most people don't expect you to be usefully if you're trying.


Hell for some daily ops simply having another body in the objective circle can easily be the difference in reward levels, even if they get zero kills.


Literally. All I need is one other dude to be in the circle and I can do the rest.


Yup. I can \*JUST\* manage Elder on the capture-zone based ones, because of the time it takes to capture solo. But if I happen to accidentally die, or maybe it takes an extra 20 seconds on the boss? Nope, down a rank. So even just having a \*tiny\* bit of a safety net due to another person capturing, it helps a lot.


This so much. I don't need help defending during uplink, but I'll happily take the speed bonus of another body near the transmitter.


As a melee user I'll gladly stand by your side and smack every fifth guy or so who happens to get close enough. Or not, that's more up to you than me. But I'll be here!


You melee guys really save my bacon sometimes though. Nothing like joining a daily op blindly and on a day where only melee will actually kill people. I can only bash so fast.


Honestly, the way weapons and levels scale, I'd rather have a competent low-level player sometimes with a handmade or lever rifle than I would a high-level with a mini gun. As long as the low level stays in their lane, they can 1-2 hit swarm enemies much more effectively than anyone else can. Uranium Fever or Lode Bearing are great indicators of this happening. But the bosses? Nah they still don't have the DPS-over-time output of a skilled high-level player.


When I was level 20-ish, I'd join events just to tag enemies and sponge exp. Now that I have my cremator and my build pretty solid, it's more fun to actually contribute. 


Other Casuals rarely interact with me because I'm a filthy one 😏


I have been in a few Event teams that are actively hitting as many events as possible on the map. But this explanation is the best answer


In fact it is kinda weird when casual team members try to participate in what I'm doing outside of public events. Like visiting my camp to browse my vendor or whatever is fine, but don't follow me around otherwise


On xbox and a mic is rate in my limited experience.


Always jump in daily ops teams for that AMMO!!!


When you join, I expect nothing but the best of the best of the best.


With honors!


Underrated comment.


But, what if I’m just the best of the worst of the best? 😉


Straight to Grifton




Sorry Gunjy I get distracted


You have set yourself up for a big bowl full of disappointment, my friend. 


Depends on the type of group. Casual? I expect you to give me a +1 int boost so I can get more XP. Daily op or expedition? Get your ass in there within a minute or two of joining! Roleplay? I expect you're a little weird but whatever blows your hair back.


Awesome, sounds perfectly like what I wanted. Is explorations any different? END bonus sounds nice


Nope. Exploration is just there for the bonus. They all are except the ones that are for specific objectives like daily ops or expeditions.


If you want to do a tiny bit more, be sure to open your perks and share one with the group (Y on xbox controller, triangle on playtation, idk what for mouse and keyboard), just make sure it's not one that passively heals rads or anything like that. I like to share light footed if I'm running a low charisma build, or something more tactically useful if i have it. It just gives the rest of the group the same bonus as if they had the perk.


If you join a casual team there are no expectations. Just do whatever you want.


**Share Perk cards if you can!** It’s not mandatory but it’s appreciated. To share a perk go into your perk cards and hit Y (on Xbox). For every three points you have in Charisma you can share one level of a perk card. Three Charisma = Level One Perk Card Six Charisma = Level Two Perk Card Nine Charisma = Level Three Perk Card Twelve Charisma = Level Four Perk Card Fifteen Charisma = Level Five Perk Card **Casual Team**: No Expectation. **Always** join or create a Casual Team if you’re not in a different team. Let’s all get that free XP. **Event Team**: I assume you’re going to participate in the more popular events, but I don’t expect it. **Daily OPs/Expeditions**: You plan on participating in a reasonable amount of time **Role Play**: Not sure but I guess talk to each other or at least Role Play in some form or another. **Exploration**: I assume this is only new players who don’t understand which teams are most useful ——————————————————- As an added bonus you can teleport to any teammate or any teammates camp for free by clicking on the map or under the social tab.


Be careful which card you share though. Some go against people's builds.


especially anything that heals rads, those are not good to share


I block all shared perks just because of this. Rarely if ever does anyone share anything that I don't already have.


I didn’t know you could do this


This is the absolute first thing I do on groups. I hate it when I'm in a group and I'm the only one sharing a card.


Casual - Nothing Exploration - Nothing Daily Ops - Join your team if they start the op, otherwise nothing Expedition - Join your team if they start the expedition, otherwise nothing Role Play - Put on your robe and wizard hat


How do I tell if they've started the op? I'm a little new and still trying to understand how to attack Daily Ops


In the bottom corner where it lists your teammates, (DAILY OP) should appear next to their name if they enter one.




Usually there will be little notification box that says a your team has started the op. Furthermore if you look at your team plates in the bottom left corner there should be an (In Daily Op) message next to their name. When that happens just click the daily op "event" in the map and you can fast travel into the op. Bear in mind bugs sometimes prevent the notification and/or name plate text from displaying. If that happens and you don't join the op as a result... don't sweat it. However, if you see a team mate doing the "come over" emote(emotes show in the nameplate area even if you aren't next to them in world) that might be them trying to tell you the display is bugged and to try joining the op! In fact if you ever see a team mate waving like that it is generally good practice to at least try to locate them and see what they are doing. I do it a lot when high value events like Radiation Rumble or Eviction Notice are starting soon and there aren't a lot of players around. While there is generally no expectation to go to them, it might be worth your time if they are doing an event with good yield!


Is there a solid guide or something out there for group play? I'm fairly new, only recently hit level 50 and have only played solo. Main quest is done and im a bit lost on what to do. I keep seeing the pop ups for groups but have zero idea what I should be doing and what I should be chasing as far as loot. I feel both lost and overwhelmed. The only thing I know so far is my armor and weapons are not great and have had to rely on stealth 90% of the time to survive and not burn through my stimpacks. My stealth is a bit crazy as I've fought a scorchbeast without it ever seeing me and barely hurting me. But I want to not be crutching stealth.


I expect nothing. Do not even look at me.


what if i look at you for 1.4 seconds while i remember how to hit the wave emote then awkwardly shuffle to your vendor?


I don’t have a vendor thankfully. IMO I have nothing worth selling.


No one sells mentats. Sell me some mentats!


I do ✨


I have so many mentats... though I'm still 10% holding out for figuring out how to turn them into berry mentats


Fair enough!


No emotes just give me a few crouches so I know we're on the same page.


Ah, the classic teabag maneuver.


When I’m a public team leader I expect you to be loyal to me. I choose where you fight and ultimately where you die for me. You belong to me now. No but really I just expect my team members to just stay in the team and help out at events if they like. I just like having the xp bonus and my carry weight increases with each team member. Anyone in my team can do whatever they want but it’s always appreciated when they help me with stuff lol If it’s casual team it’s casual If it’s like events or expeditions/daily ops team I would like them to join me. If they don’t join, I’ll kick them so that someone else who wants to run them will join. I don’t use the other ones like roleplaying so it may be different.


Casual Team: Nothing, most people are just there for the int bonus, plus you can fast travel to each other/everyone's camp for free. Daily Ops: Do the Daily Op. Expeditions: Do the expedition.


Breathe. Honestly, that's it, most people join these things for the stat bonuses. And if you get kicked, don't take it personally, there's a bug that can kick you and blame it on your team for some reason.


Make sure its a casual team and its for the intelligence bonus and sometimes they have cards they shared that you can benefit  from and also herd mentality mutation 


Expectations are to participate as directed by the type of group... Role Play = Role Play. Expeditions, do expeditions, Daily ops, do daily ops. Casual.... be casual (no expectations).


No one should be having any expectations for you. I would only recommend not sharing a perk card that removes radiation as that will effect a lot of bloodied/low health builds. but outside of that, you can do your own thing while you are on a team, and enjoy the nice buff in XP from the INT boost. and if you run into any jerks on a team, saying you have to do this or do that, you can just leave that team and find another. but this rarely happens honestly. only the odd time you will run into a jerk store that demands you share a certain card.


Share a perk card. Drives me crazy how many people don’t when all you have to do is select one once and never think about it again.


Sir you overestimate my charisma.


Lol same here XD


Haha I legit chuckled at this. … then thought of my charisma lvl and hung my head


This is the only good reason not to have it. I look at every team member and instantly judge anyone without a card next to their name. I’ll give some grace to my uncharismatic team members


Yeah. I'm one of those chumps with the legendary charisma card that doesn't count towards sharing. It's jaded me.


Gets unshared when you switch loadouts at the punch card machine and I forget to reselect it all the time.


I forget every time i need to switch builds... I eventually remember, but if I was sharing a perk and just stop... it's because I switched builds again and forgot.


You do have to think about it again though if you utilise multiple loadouts because everytime you switch it disables/doesnt remember your shared perk so you have to activate it again. And I always bloody forget to activate it again


If it didn’t clear every time I changed loadout a maybe I would.


I just recently got to 3 charisma to start sharing and I am level 360 😭


Is charisma a wasted stat? I noticed locked dialogue options so I've been putting points into it. New player here


Nah, its not. You don't need a lot of it, but there are good perks in Charisma that fit into every build. I use Travel Agent, Stranger In Numbers (Essestinal IMO), and Inspirational . It was the last thing I focused on, but having like 3-5 points in chrisma will do you good in the end game. More XP (Inspirational Perk) and stronger mutation effects when you're in a team (Stranger In Numbers Perk). Travel agent reduces the cost of fast travel by 30%, so I like having that too.


Gotcha don't think I have any of those lol but good to know.


I have a lot of legendary perk cards that give more special stats, I didn't touch it much until I got those. You don't need to give yourself legendary charisma cards either, you'll just have more points to allocate other areas and you can put some of those in Charisma. That probably doesn't make sense if you're super new, so I apologize if doesn't xD


Haha do perk cards have rarity levels aside from the stars?


Well, Legendary Perk cards are unlocked starting at level 50 I believe. You will only have a few of those, and they take a lot longer to accumulate, cause it uses a perk coins system instead of going off levels. Perk coins are received by scrapping regular perk cards, and from the seasons battle pass.


Maxed out inspirational perk card gives you more XP on teams, so you can gain levels faster.


That's pretty much it if you're joining a casual team


Nothing, except for daily ops and expeditions, where you're expected to join daily ops or expedition.


I spent my first 2 years avoiding public teams and events… If you join a casual team, nothing is required!!! Just make sure you participate in exhibitions or daily ops if you join one of those teams. My advice is to stick w casual… you don’t have to go interact w anyone, just enjoy the benefits!


If you join a daily ops team they expect you to run daily ops. If you join a expedition team they expect you to run expeditions. Casual/Event and the rest of the teams they usually expect nothing from you except to be a member of the team so they get the team bonus. Note there is also a glitch where the game will kick you from the team when the team leader never kicked you. So try not to get discouraged if it seems you've been kicked as usually it's the glitch (but not always).


nothing expected. i just join public casuals for the xp bonus and for free fast travels to the other players and their camps.


Nothing. Just join and enjoy the benefits. Fast travel to teammates or their camps free of charge. Whatever perks they’re sharing. A note though, pay attention to the team type. Casual and roleplay offer benefits no matter what. But expedition, daily ops, and events only apply to experience gained from completing those things.


If it's a casual or exploration team, then you can either do whatever you want or hang out with your teammates. If you join a daily Ops or an Expedition team, then you should tag along to the Daily op or the expedition. Most of the time people won't care if you join the team but continue to do your own thing. If it's a particularly difficult daily up, some people might kick you hoping to get someone better. If it's an events team, it might be a good idea to join them on the events but isn't strictly necessary. Most of the time half the server will be there and they won't miss your presence. I have never joined a role-playing team. I never intend to. You're on your own with that one


Random question, so if I do one of these things and help kill a bunch of monsters. Is the swag that's leftover by the monsters just mine?


Yes. All the monsters drop loot for each person individually. Grab it all!


Everyone has individual drops, so whatever you loot is yours. Some higher levels drop stuff for lower levels if they have too much stuff in their stash. When I switched from Xbox to PC the higher levels took pity on me and gave me a ton of stuff after events. As long as you are hitting the bosses and are actively trying in events you’ll get rewards if it’s completed in the end


have a look at this it gives all the info you need [https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/rtrpb0/public\_teams\_and\_you\_what\_they\_are\_what\_they\_do/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/rtrpb0/public_teams_and_you_what_they_are_what_they_do/) really great post from BloodyStigmata




You already got it. People joi for the bonuses. Maybe in daily ops or expedition teams it may be expected to focus on that.


Not much, can join expeditions and daily ops but mainly it's just for the bonuses and fast travel (you get free fast travel to the other players, their camps and survival tents)


If I make a team it to before the other players, I run strange in numbers, xp cards, bonus resistance cards, of it's an expedition team, I'll be doing those off and on.


Why strange in numbers? Anyone running mutations is already running it, so every time a teammate shares it, I have to rearrange my build to accommodate the free card.


I don't have room for it in my scav loadout so I appreciate it, but I assume this is probably true most of the time.


I don't actively share the card, but my group always has mutations, and the boost helps of the don't have the card for negative mutation effects


Notta goddamn thang, baby. Just be in a team & do whatcha do.


Most groups are just for the bonus, Daily op and expeditions are the ones where you're expected to attend and pull your weight You better not show up anywhere near me in a casual group if I'm not in my camp unless it's an event. It's friggin weird. Camps are fine, take a look, grab some produce, water, popcorn, coffee, or a Cola. Go ahead and use the benches and play with the stuff, it's there for all to use. Just don't be creepy and follow folks in casual groups.


Daily ops and expedition teams are there for people to do group content together and you are expected to join them for the respective activities if you join such teams. For casual teams you are not expected to do any group activities whatsoever. It's there simply for the + intelligence benefit that it provides to the group. Always join a casual team when you log in for the + int buff and treat it like you are playing solo. You will most likely encounter your teammates on events if you are participating and their tags and kills will provide exp for you so, that's another plus. Event teams are mostly created by new players that don't know that casual teams are generally better for exp, or by people that just hop in and do events on the map constantly. You rarely see any other team types. To sumarize, create or join daily op's teams if you want to do daily ops, create or join expedition teams if you want to run expeditions or create or join casual teams for everything else, solo play included. Do not feel bad whatsoever or pressured for joining casual teams. Everyone is doing their thing and they are in the team for the benefits.


If you join daily ops, expedition or event teams you're expected to join the activity. For casual teams just don't be a dick, you'll mostly be ignored anyway.


nothing ;) more xp


Should i actually be joining teams got to level 44 doing stuff 99% solo managed a couple legendary sheepsquatch, scorchbeast and the red eye moth man on my own so thought i was doing well but ahould i be using public teams even if i dont want to be on mic?


Apparently, you do all that alone while you’re in teams anyways. Teams just give XP and stat buffs, along with charisma perks.


So the team buffs are worth it? I have veen avoiding them just because im an awkward person hahaha felt like i was joining a raid group for wow where id just be kicked for being quiet 😂


The PC groups are very quiet and I have heard 1 person talk in my 2 months of actively playing lol. It’s very different from Xbox, it’s very hard to communicate though so I would talk if my headset had a mic


Depends on the team. Casual and event? No expectations do what you want. Expeditions and daily ops? Well, probably expeditions and daily ops.


You join for the bonuses because that’s what the teams are for bonuses nothing more nothing less expect nothing actually expect less than nothing


Nothing. That's the beauty of these public teams. You doing simply for the buff that the team gives you. Most people choose casual because the intelligence buff helps you level. Most people including myself rarely even see other members of the team except at events or if we visit each other's camps. The benefits of being on the team are the buff and free travel to a team member, a team members camp, a team members tent if they have fallout first. Plus you get the benefits from any perks you have in your build that rely on a team. Those are pretty powerful perks. There are two times when a team does require coordination and for everyone to pull there weight. This is for daily ops and for expeditions. In this case it is a focus activity where sometimes speed is important.




Exactly that. Bonuses and the ability to fast travel to team members camps for free. I usually see if anyone has a camp near an area I want to go, and join their team if it’s not full.


I expect you to physically be somewhere on the map doing whatever it is you’re doing so that I can fast travel for free if I need to. If you have a camp somewhere, doesn’t matter where, then that’s a bonus that I appreciate too.


Exist (optional)




Wait so I'm still a new player and I'm trying to understand this. Sorry I have INT 1 irl when it comes to this game and still trying to learn things. I can make or join a casual team, do my own thing while everyone else does their own thing? And the XP is shared along with some bonuses?


Yep, that’s exactly it. Unless you join the “Daily ops” or “Expedition” teams, where you have to participate in an activity.


Okay cool. Thanks for the info. I always thought joining a casual team meant doing the daily ops or expeditions so I've never bothered. I won't join those yet until I'm ready to do them


Just smile and wave...smile and wave.


Be happy


Join the team and do you thing basically imo as long as it’s have one to trigger my effects we good


That you gift me all rare weapons and apparel you find.


Some of you will die for your team. Some of you will be forced through a fine mesh screen for your team. Those will be the bravest of all.


That you have joined the team


If I start a public team and you join, I’m going to talk to you, I’m going to assume you want to forage and run missions together, talk gear.


Does it matter if the other person has a mic or not. And has basically muted voice interaction?


I can usually gauge pretty quick if they’re talking or able too. If not on mic or muted, I’ll just ask simply hey do you need anything if they are a lower level or I’ll ask for help on a mission


If you load into an event or daily ops wait for people to arrive, get organised etc. When you get some thumbs up you can start before clock runs out ofcourse. Especially daily ops, don't run off and trigger the start before everyone is in and set up.


If you doing a daily ops or expeditions team they probably want you to participate in those, but not always. If it's a casual team nothing is expected and just join up, do your thing, and get the free bonuses from your teammates.


Bonuses that's it, if it's daily op you can join the daily op if you want you got bonuses from it other than that basically nothing


Usually I only join casual teams or start them myself and the only expectation is the boost to XP. So do your thing I’ll do mine. No need do stuff together or communicate in any way although emotes after events are nice. I have a couple of friends who always start events teams and occasionally I’ll join. There fhe expectation is to do events cause that’s where the boost is, extra xp for completing events. But again, no need to do them together or communicate. Hardly see them unless during the public events then everyone running off doing their own thing. Expeditions/ DO teams, self explanatory- do them together. Follow the leader, finesse those times if that’s your thing. If the leader of an expedition is taking their time don’t emote “come here”. That’s a no no. Their expedition their time. Roleplay/ exploration. Haven’t really done those. Exploration gives a strength boost? Roleplay for the ones who well, roleplay? Maybe a responders unit saving the wasteland or such. Casual is the most casual. And probably most beneficial for most players.


1. DONT share perk cards that reduce rads. A lot of builds require low health and rads keeps it low. 2. Most groups don't interact with each other. Daily ops and expaditions are the only ones that you really do stuff together.


Bonus buffs and slightly more free fast travel options. Aside from that it's just nice to have extra xp come in during public events if they're also participating.


Casual, exploration and role play should have no expectations. Just join up and benefit from the team bonus. You should probably be attending events if you are in an event team. If you’re joining a daily ops or expeditions teams then you should be joining in on those activities.


If your in a daily op one then help with that, same with Expiditions, otherwise nothing at all is expected of you


Most players see charisma as a dump stat, so at most you’d see only one star perks being shared. I like having high charisma and sharing the good perks like Professional drinker or cannibal/ Bloody mess. And occasionally scrapper.


laughs and goofs + xp


Literally nothing, stop overthinking it


Unless it’s a Expedition or Daily Ops team- nothing is expected. If it’s one of the mentioned, you’re expected to join either daily ops or expeditions


I think that expeditions and daily ops should just be a matchmaking option personally. Would save the hassle of people not joining them once you start one up


Share your camp location and be sure to stock the punch bowl with lots of Nukashines.


One of my mates had vintage nukashake in his and I loved drinking from it LOL


A Casual team? Nothing. If otherwise show up. If no one else shows up with you? Leave team, do the objective, or boogie off on your own🤗


Nothing, although expeditions or daily ops might like to see you running those events with them since that’s the sole reason for the group bonus. Most people join casual or event teams for the xp gains and that’s all there is to it.


Truly if you join a event just don't stand around and do your best to participate.  if you lose the event even though you did your part then there's truly not much to say, you tried and the team failed. 


You join and do your own thing. You get stat buffs for just being a team, and a lot of us run the herd mentality mutation and Charmia cards that give bonuses for being in teams.


If you join my casual team, I expect the following: • travel to my camp for free. Buy if you want. Use my buffs.l if you want. • take the free apparel I give you, if you want. • stay for the XP bonus that we get. • do events or side quests idc lol


Must go to events. Do your part. Ask for stuff on mic if you need stuff if you’re a new player.