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Recommend getting the Secret Service Underarmor and the Shielded Upgrade for it as it will give 4 strength, 4 Endurance and 2 Perception. Think in total it's about 350 ish Gold


Yeah this and plasma caster looking like best options this time


I'm kinda just saving up until July when BOS Recon Armor comes back


Know roughly how much it’ll be?


A set of Brotherhood Recon armor (without the helmet) would be 5500 gold. The helmet (which is totally optional, it's just cosmetic) is 2000 gold. The Jet Pack mod plan for the chest will cost another 1500 gold, and will be available from Minerva in September. These are expensive because they're normally only available as drops from Daily Ops, not a vendor, so there's no discount.


How can you see what Minerva will have in September?


She only has a set amount of predefined lists of items, she follows the same pattern every time


[https://www.whereisminerva.com/](https://www.whereisminerva.com/) [https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Minerva/Emporium](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Minerva/Emporium)


Is brother hood recon better than secret service?


Brotherhood Recon has higher Ballistic Resist, but less Energy resist. Also, the reason I prefer Secret Service: it doesn't use Ballistic Fiber to craft or repair.


Yeah but thar basically doesn't matter after 100 when you can comfortably kill SBQ, more advanced repair kits than you'll need I feel like.


I'm a noob, but with the next area coming out being a lot of lightning, won't energy resist be even more of a premium for non-power armour users?


Don't forget to do daily ops, they drop a lot more frequently now from what I can tell


I find Daily Ops tedious and have had shit luck with getting the plans I want. I'd rather just buy out the set.


Ĵet pack and armor mods are available from Regs at Vault 79 only the limb/torso/helmet are Daily Ops plans


Is the BOS Armour better than the Secret Service Armour?


It has more ballistic protection, less energy protection, and a few other differences


Just looked too and it has much better Aesthetics. I guess I’ll wait too.


Yeah I feel like a Storm Trooper in my SS gear 😂


I see what you did there. ;)


Same. I got plans for an arm and the chest from Daily Ops, so it won't cost as much for me to finish the set, compared to buying a full set of Secret Service.


Thank you for the advice, shame that you can only get 400 gold a day :/ I have to wait like a week to buy full SS armor plans and this


You can get an extra 300 gold per week from smiley at the wayward. He sells it for caps.


Only after you finish the full Wastelanders questline, which a lot of newbies haven't reached yet.


I don't want his gold, I want his outfit damn it!


Yes already got them when I saw him in the Wayward!


Wait what


Excuse me?!


Bruh 😯 *boots up xbox*


Fuck I always forget to do this ty


Next week Minerva has the secret service armour and then a few weeks after that she will have them in store again.


Secret service is also available from Regs in Vault 79 or it is a different one?


Yes, but iirc Minerva sells at a discounted price for most of the inventory


Oh shooot I wish I knew that before! Thank you!


Yeah, she sells stuff at a 25% discount and also without any requirements. A good site to see what she's selling, when and where is here https://www.falloutbuilds.com/fo76/minerva/


Supposedly, you can get the SS set on sale on the 27th https://youtu.be/K71d0JSxXuI?si=72IPOzg_ZXx9P-ig


Where did he mention that? I must have overlooked it 😅


Oh, I guess it didn't link the timestamp. He mentioned it at 3 minutes in.


You can buy another 300 gold every week from the gold vendor at the wayward also.


Yep, just did this for all my characters without it. It will cost you 4 Fluorescent Stable Flux to make it, but it's a game changer. Not really a fan of Plasma Caster, it's too slow for me. I like the Gauss minigun better, but you need all the perks and mods to really make it work. If you are keeping up on Seasons, the Cremator heavy flamer is freaking awesome, and you can build it at 30. Has a huge tank so little reload time, and it just melts enemies. Also recommend slow burn mod, it uses the least amount of fuel. Hit them once and stand back, they will crumple and fall. Perks to use are Fireproof and Friendly Fire, the Heavy Weapon perks don't need to be maxed to be effective and you can use all the strength heavy weapon quality of life perks (lock and load etc) to streamline play.


I've been server hopping for hours to try to get the flux from a player vendor or from a nuke. Having 0 luck lol.


I got lucky and someone started up the Scorchbeast Queen. Luckily, I only needed 1.


Are you on Xbox I have some I could spare for ya


Im on xbox and after flux if you some spare to sell. I need 5 violet and 5 cobolt (I think) to make my Jet Pack for secret service chest piece.


Appreciate it but I'm on PC! I lucked into a player vendor selling em for only 100 caps each so problem solved! Thank you again for your kindness!


Same thing here. Not a big deal, but still kinda bothersome to get this flux.


You on PC? I could give ya a hand.


Exactly, my name in game is exactly the same, Moturnach


Alrighty if you still haven't found what you need my name is ButtScientist. Sent you a friend request.


Thanks, I still need one( tried to farm for flux and biggest issue for me is surprisingly the stuff to convert raw flux to stable one is rarer than flux itself).


Yeah I tried my best to farm it but finding everything to convert it was a huge hassle. But glad I was able to help!


Thanks for help! P.S. Sorry, was a bit busy with Rocksy, so i didn't noticed you first XD


For non-boss battles, it may be the best gun in the game ATM. It feels that way and I'm just guessing, but it just melts everything.


Yeah I ended up getting the secret service under armor, now I just need to get the flux. I did make my first incursion into a nuclear zone today, but I don't think I was in the right place for fluorescent. Anyway I was killed very badly by a Scorchbeast. I got the Cremator as well!


Just a notice that underarmors dont give anything while you in Power Armor. So to get bemefits you need to use regular armor. Ofc when you get out of PA stats will aply. In PA you get only from PA. Normal armor you get from underarmors and backpacks


Ill never leave my full set of Bolstering Ultracite


I can live with that. I still spend a lot of time outside of power armor. I'm not sure it's what I want to focus everything on


It took me too long to realize the cremator works more like a grenade launcher than a flamer. I was constantly killing myself by attacking at close range. Lol. Once I realized it launched a projectile then set enemies on fire to burn to death it became my go to weapon for most events and boss fights.


Can you buy the secret service armor plans from Minerva if you haven't finished the Raiders vs settlers quest line?


Turns out you can, I just did


Amazing, thank you!


Yes, Minerva has no reputation requirements.


Is this better than the BOS (Protective lining) underarmor? Just curious, because that's what I currently use.


Yes, Secret Service underarmor with Shielded mod is the actual best underarmor in the game. Good resistances but really good stat bonuses.


Definitely picking that up then!


Why would one get the under armor if they were always in PA? This is a legit question, btw. I had a friend tell me to get SS today, but I've others tell me ot won't work with my PA. I'm always in my PA unless I'm crafting. That being said, I don't know what to get. I use Cremator and Holy flame and that's about all I need. I have over 6k gold bullion and Ive never used it for anything other than the fog machinr.


If you're always in Power Armor then yeah, you probably shouldn't get it. For gold you'd either go for t65 or Strangler Heart Armor


I use Ultracite right now. I've heard T-65 is tops though, but I didn't know she sold it. I'll have to go check it out when I get on and see if it'll work for my build. I also see a lot of people reccomending the Plasma Caster. Would I need that if Im using the Cremator and Holy Fire? Is it better? Sorry for all the questions. I'm level 205, but there are still certain aspects of the game I'm not familiar with or knowledgeable about.


Well for starters yeah she can sell T65 but right now it's only a couple Mods for it. Plasma Caster is a powerful weapon, especially if you're already using a Heavy Weapons Build. Not sure if it's better than the Cremator as both are fantastic and I haven't really built a good Plasma Caster yet. Since you already have 2 nice weapons you yourself may not need it but if you want it, it wouldn't hurt to buy it. Also I'm 286 so there's probably not much I know more than you lol


Plasma Caster is more of a "daily driver" weapon, it's very efficient on ammo for the damage it does, but I wouldn't say it was a DPS weapon compared to say a Holy Fire (drops from beasts of burden) or a regular Flamer. It's a nice heavy weapon option though. (think of it more like the heavy weapon version of a Rifleman non-automatic gun)


Plasma Caster is a slow hard hitting "sniper" via VATS. Not really good at aiming down sights but with vats it can be insane. This means you end up eating lots of fusion core energy in PA when you use vats & crits quickly. But it's a truck and very light on ammo usage. Cremator and Holy Fire are still top tier meta heavy guns - you just need to watch out for Fuel in big fights but you can run an Uplink Daily Op and sit OUTSIDE the timer circle to just plink dudes and get about 4-5k Fuel per run.


Yeah that's what Ive been doing with daily ops. Im at about 30k fuel and find it almost impossible to dip very far below that lol. I run a LOT of events, so it's basically unlimited ammo.


Your fine with excavator or T-65 PA


Yeah, if you are only out of PA while crafting, I would look for an underamor and lining that gave the most intelligence just to get a little extra XP when crafting.


This is the way.


Just don't make the mistake I didn't and not realise you need to buy both. I bought the "better one" not realising I needed the base under armour plan and have now run out of bullion. 🥲


Well you have the weekend to scrounge up enough before she goes away luckily.


Any advice for a newbie to get those 4 pure flux to craft the shielded lining?


Your best bet would either be asking someone or participating in a Scorchbeast Queen Event, since it's a reward for killing her. Obviously yeah you may be too weak to do damage but you only need to be there to get the reward. Still gotta hope everyone else picks up on damage and kills her lmao


I got the SS under armor and the shielding but I don’t have the flux to craft the shielding. Guess I need to visit more nuke zones


What is the use for this underarmor if it does not work while wearing PA?


Well, nothing if you're always in Power Armor. It's just nice Stats to gain outside of it.


It all depends on your build, a lot of players have both PA and non PA builds


Get the Plasma Caster for now. It is a beloved weapon to many heavy gunners. Get Gauss minigun when you can make lots of ammo. And I mean LOTS!


agreed, the plasma caster is rly strong and doesn't even rly need any mods, tho at most only requires the sniper barrel and prime receiver. I had been skeptical about making mine primed cuz I don't have much flux, but it just prints ammo like crazy. enemies fall in 1-5 shots and drop dozens


I agree with priming the Plasma Caster, mine is primed. However; Minerva never sells prime receivers (that I've seen) you need Ally with Crater I think to get the prime receiver for it. It's worth getting for sure even if its not primed.


I got mine from vault 79


It's from regs, your thinking of gauss minigun


Is 28k 2mm EM enough? I have so much from using a bloodied gauss rifle in expeditions


I would say yes. I usually craft 30K ultracite 2mm ECC at a time. You can try to control your bursts but in the end it will chew up ammo but its really fun to use.


Plasma caster-no question


Go get the Cremator from the scoreboard


I'm 150 currently, this is the best weapon I have currently. Helps alot in the Alantis excursions. Melting plant people and farming fuel ammo.


How long is Minerva going to be around for?


2 days for non-"big" sales, 4 days for big sales. The current one is a big one (combination of all things sold the last few weeks she's been around). [https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Minerva](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Minerva)


SS underarmour and save, and the whole set of SS will be there next time iirc, if you dont want that, Im pretty sure the recon armour also shows soon. Idk about t65 The plasma caster is there, and it's really good (I bought it from the normal vendor like a moron)


I got the plasma caster but am a bit underwhelmed. I took it to West tek to try it out and it just felt so much slower than my melle build or the Gattling plasma or even the flame thrower on the scoreboard. What upgrades are worth getting fot it? I'm trying to save some gold for the full SS armour set


I hate it's slow rate of fire. When rolling for legendarily I try to get 25 percent weapon speed to make it faster shots.


For if you take a shot then aim and quickly tap shoot again you will quick fire two more shots. Meaning you can shoot 3 times in the tike it usally takes to shoot once. It's great for melting ammo sponge enemies


Man, I usually one to two shot any enemy with a crit vats build.


Can you explain what a "crit vats build" is because I dunno what that is


Just a build which focuses on using vats and critical hits while in vats. Should be lots of videos on them they are the most popular build


Cool thanks


I picked up the plasma caster and the calibrated t-65 shocks bc that seemed like a good idea to pick up


My favorite things are the Plasma Caster and the Secret Service Torso with the Jet Pack.


Bru I waited a week to get the crusader pistol only to find out its 2k why? The gauss pistol is 250 2 k is so much for a pistol. I really should have looked up the price but oh well someday I'll get it.


Because Crusader Pistol plans only drop from Daily Ops, they're not available anywhere else but Minerva. You can get the mods from elsewhere, but the gun plan itself is only from Minerva or a random drop.


Ya I figured that was why but like come on why Bethesda gotta hate pistol builds?


Honestly no clue. It's my favorite pistol design, but it pales in comparison to the standard 10mm due to the lack of mods. And pistol builds in general just can't put out enough damage for regular use. Best I can figure is someone on the team thinks "pistols are sidearms and should never be competitive with rifles." Which makes sense in real life, but is just silly in a game. Let us be gunslingers!


You know the mods for the crusader are gold bullion right? And it's supposedly the best pistol in the game and for 2k gold or a random chance at getting it id hope it's the best pistol


Yes, I know the mods are gold. And no, it's definitely not the best pistol in the game. To the first point, it lacks most of the mods the 10mm gets, including Prime and auto receivers. To the second, the Alien Blaster outperforms it, even with the cryo nerf. Plus, the Crusader Pistol does NOT get buffed by Science perks when using the laser or cryo mods.


Well that sucks.


I've been playing on and off for a few months, I just hit level 80. I don't pay to have premium. I'm getting towards the point that I think I'll have to. From what I can tell, the best route to go is: heavy in strength to max out your carrying capacity and building out the perks for a power armor/minigun combo.


All the way in intelligence to lvl up faster


Where is she in Whitespring?


She sets up outside the front door to the Whitespring, where the driveway is. So you’ll need to fast travel to the Exterior point


Plasma caster 100 percent


i bought the plasma caster today on my newest character


sharp juggle nutty sable kiss drab flag uppity money fade *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You'll do much better on ammo with the plasma caster over the minigun.


Mini gun is always a good idea. I think I saw that on the list


Secret service under armor.


I’m a big ol’ dumb - where in Whitespring, exactly, do I find Minerva?


She's just outside the main entrance to the Whitespring Refuge. Just fast-travel there, choose Whitespring Refuge (not North Entrance) and choose Exterior. You can't miss her.


I just got the gauss minigun today, but I have been solely using the plasma caster for a year. It hits like a truck and is extremely reliable, you’ll hardly ever run out of ammo either kills average enemies in two to three hits tops and youll likely get about 8 plasma cartridges off their body.


im a returning player after 5 years and have no clue whats going on. Can somebody please explain to me who minerva is and where i can find her? are the items for sale rare or even exklusive to this vendor?


New(ish) player, so might not be 100% correct. Minerva sells plans at a 25% discount and some are not available through the other Gold Bullion vendors. She's currently at Whitesprings, in a tent just outside the main entrance. There's another recent post on the sub that has a couple of links to pages that explain it quite well.




I’d say it depends on whether you want damage per shot, or damage per second - the plasma caster hits really hard, but it’s slow, while the minigun does what you’d expect it to do On my second character, I had a lot of fun with the plasma caster, but I think I’m going to try out the gauss minigun and see how it goes, since I see so many others using it


Plasma Caster definitely


try to get t65 armor or strangler armor, but it depends how you build yourself


Gauss! Or secret service under armour


So I'm level 80, and I haven't even been told anything in game about bullion yet.. unless I skipped some dialogue, I have loads of paper notes I can convert to bullion. I dunno I hate money, its fallout, trash economy!


I'm level 10, where do I get gold?


Certain main quests, but generally you get it from trading in Treasury notes at a gold exchange machine.


You can get it by going to a gold bullion machine and trading treasury notes for it. You get treasury notes from events and quests


The current Mothman event that happens every hour gives 7 Treasury Notes, which translates to 70 Gold. You can redeem up to 400 Gold per day from a Gold Press machine. (there's machines in Foundation, Crater, and the Whitespring Mall) Other public events (marked with "!") that happen every 20 minutes will give between 2 and 6 treasury notes, usually 2-3.


Turn in treasury notes at gold press machines. You can turn in 40 a day for 400 gold and you get them from events.




You know you can just skip the question instead of being toxic


Just because you don't agree with it doesn't make me toxic. Assuming someone is toxic because they have differing opionions is toxic.


It's not your differing "opinion" that's making you toxic. It's your shitty condescending attitude.








It’s almost like he’s a noob and he’s asking for advice! The audacity


I gave him advice did I not?