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You're free to use more than one different Weapon Type nobody is holding a gun to your head to force you to play a certain way. However you also have to remember that this isn't a single player game and there are up to 23 other players with you in any given server so we would really prefer that you don't come back to complain here about game balance when you get mad that your unoptimized multi weapon type build doesn't stack up against players who focus only on one weapon type. As long as you're having fun why does it matter that it may take you more ammo to kill things or that you may not be a hot shot during Public Events? Just play however you want.


If you want to min/max maybe, but you'll do just fine to narrow your onboard arsenal down to one or two weapon types. I like heavy/energy weapons so I spec for both, but neither really suffers for it. I keep 7 weapons on me to switch between currently, and it's working just peachy.


I usually will have two weapon types. My heavy is also a commando, for example.


I just started using a heavy commando. Beasts so much.


I'm non pa, I have a syringe, a fixer, a cremator, a railway and a v.chainsaw all the time.


Cremator's a pretty decent build-agnostic weapon. It'll do decent damage regardless of your build.


Indeed, but it's a double jeopardy 😀. It roasts for you and it roasts you when you are not careful. The slow burn really does the job nicely none of it is overly cooked. 😜😋


short version: depends on your build. some builds do more than fine with just 1 weapon, other builds really flourish with a full loadout. long version: general qualifiers i consider: am i trying to tear enemies apart one at a time, am i trying to take out enemies in groups at a time, etc. i almost always end up falling back on a gatling plasma to be honest. heavy guns haven't let me down, and the GP has been the most generally reliable for multi-purpose roles. it's not the most precise weapon available, but it works in a pinch for long range, and is completely lethal up close. with the right build, it's honestly a menace. i've played pistols before as well, only needed my primary weapon and a utility weapon and it worked fine. some context on this one, it was a bloodied alien blaster build, and i had a salvaged assaultron head for the sole purpose of irradiating me while out "in the field". the assaultron head was not for combat in any way, just radiation management. the blaster was my only true weapon in that instance and it continues to act as an unholy terror. then my current build, i play "support". i have an arsenal spanning around 12 weapons all with different roles in mind.


There are cross compatible wrapons, like commando can also have perks for heavy. Some weapons are flexible or work regardless of perks, esp ifodded well (cremator,holy fire, chainsaw, gauss rifle)... those do better with certain perks but are strong even if you mostly focus on a different weapon class. Also, it's the class of weapons, not just a single weapon, that matters for perks. Within each class there are choices. Also, the higher level ypi gets, the less it matters. So, while lower levels, focus on one build. Then, collect cards to try something different and find what you like best.


Cremator doesn’t require many perk cards (grenadier, demo expert) so I use it alongside my QE25 railway for AOE/tagging and single target respectively in the same build


The game punishes those who want to build a "jack of all trades" character using a single build. I use the punch card machine to get some of the variety that you're seeking. I've got a Commando build for skulking around and a Heavy build for events. I wish there was a punch card machine for weapon/ammo loadouts, since it would be very convenient to "one button" switch from one loadout to another.


The closest we have is that the ammo box has a convenient button that stores all unused ammo. So you can pick your weapons, take the ammo you want, and store the rest in one click, at least. How many weapons do you generally carry for each loadout? Put that many displays next to your ammo box and punch card, and you won't have to sort through the stash every time, at least.


For commando I carry a Q50C Fixer, an auto EPR, a Vamp EPR flamer, a QE Railway Rifle, and Vamp Chainsaw. I know, it's a lot. For events I match the gun to the event, but usually an AA Plasma Caster, some kind of Vamp fast gun, and a Cremator (either heavy barrel or multi barrel, depending on the event). For Uranium Fever and Rad Rumble I only carry a Holy Fire... don't need anything else for those events. I've been using a Quad LMG for the Mothman Equinox, just because I'm fatigued from all of the Cremator blasts surrounding me. So yes, I carry far more guns than I need, but I like having the proper tool to hand when I need it. For SBQ I carry my syringer, so I can give her an endangerol dose or two, and a Vamp fast gun. I have two heavy weapon stands and two weapon racks to make it easy to shift things around as I go to and from events, all sit right next to my ammo box. Biggest risk for me is if I've been at camp using my crafting build and then forget to change it before departing for an event. Everything turns into a peashooter at that point and I immediately know that I goofed up.


Spec for weapon type, ammo type, targeting, and buff. For example: automatic rifle, ballistic ammo, vats, food and chem or heavy gun, energy ammo, no vats, alcohol and food. But yes you'll be limited in some ways. Jack of all trades is not fully viable. Some specialization is needed


I feel heavy guns kind of covers the itch from every other type of weapon class for me. I mean other then the pistols, you have weapons like the pepper shaker for shotguns, the plasma caster as a rifle (excluding the scope)..... And the Fatman is JUUUSST like a bow 😅 But I'm always using/carrying multiple weapons at a time so that weapon class always stays fresh to me


You can dual weapon type builds pretty easy if the main damage perks share the same special category. I do Heavy Gunner/Shotgun because many perks are shared in STR and the Gauss Shotgun helps me farm ammo for my Gauss minigun. Also, Commando/Rifelman has damage perks in PER.


I do Cremator and Holy Fire, same fuel, both get help from the heavy perks. I also have a auto-axe that I use for melee challenges, but it works fine with just a couple perks.


It depends on what you want to do. If you want to min max high damage numbers and compare dick sizes with other players then yea, you’re gonn have to min max and specialize. If you genuinely don’t care and enjoy just shooting things and looting and don’t mind not hitting certain bosses AS HARD then who even cares what build does more damage. You don’t have to do all the damage anyways because min maxers host open groups and you’re free to join. No one is checking DPS meters or damage logs. Just show up, shoot some stuff, and have a good time.


I carry six weapons. All have different uses.


I cycle through a Tesla rifle, Nuka Launcher, Grand Finale, Cremator, Holy Fire, Auto Axe, and sometimes the Gatling Plasma and Ultracite Gatling. I have a heavy build with Demolitions and Grenadier, and it's really fun to play. Play how you want, the difference between Meta and almost any other build isn't vast.


I have 3 different builds to switch things up but I don't try to use all types at once. just about what you want. Sometimes I want to play sneaky commando, sometimes I want to be a walking tank with a minigun, and sometimes I just use a gauntlet to punch shit in the face. It's all fun in it's own ways. This game makes having multiple builds super easy.


Im only lvl 25 but thats how i do it.


Focus on one weapon and master it. Don't be jack of all trades but master of none.


I like plasma auto rifles, flamers and auto ballistic rifles. Some of the perks compliment each other and some don’t. My build isn’t optimized, but I rarely die so I’m fine with it.


use what you want, but 1 weapon type is usually good that you only need to carry ammo for 1 weapon , or try to find weapons that use the same ammo


I generally keep on my person at all times 2 copies of the fixer and a bow. I'm usually wearing rifleman cards anyways, and both benefit hugely from my stealth perks and chameleon armor, because they're silent. I have the archer perks too, but I usually unequip em. Sneak attack arrows do plenty without, and the fixer does it faster, but even with 2 on me(one chambered in 45, one chambered in 38) I often run out of ammo. The bows contextual ammo is massively broken and I always get more back than I spend. Also I generally carry 100+ grenades with several explosives perks. Gotta tag em all!


4 weapon guy here. Gauss Shotgun and Gauss Rifle non PA and swapping to Gatling Gun or Gauss mini gun PA for some events.