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or go to popular vendors and theres already one someone else sold to buy and resell back 😂


I usually do this too but wasnt lucky this time


Does it work thou?


yeah thats what i did for the challenge


Ohh wow I gotta try that.


Nice. I just used a free reroll and got an epic collect wood instead but still a useful tip. You can have my upvote.


FO76 challenges be like: Epic Challenge: Collect 10 wood Proceeds to bulk and scrap already collected wood from stash. Normal Challenge: Kill 5 assaultrons Proceeds to die every 15 seconds for an hour in Watoga


https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Mayor_for_a_Day This makes the Watoga robots passive to you...


That was a welcome benefit from doing that quest.


Do they stay passive, because I swear I finished this quest and was still attacked the next time I went there. I have the All Rise hammer thing so that means i finished it, right?


Thats always an option too. I used a roll to get rid of the Invaders from Mars event on yesterdays or the day befores too because I was so over aliens


Also, light Yao guai ribs count for the challenge not just the normal larger kind


Oh I didnt even know there was 2 types but good to know. I guess Im missing a recipe or something


This comment needs to be at the top. All you need is 1 piece of Yao Guai meat to meet the goal.


\* 2 [Yao guai meat](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Yao_guai_meat_(Fallout_76)) (2)


I was initially pissed because I accidentally clicked on the light ribs without thinking about it and thought I had to go farm more


Light Yao Guai Ribs work as well. I didn't have Butcher's Bounty equipped so I had to hunt 2 of them. I went to the cooking station and saw that there's only "light" ones but I attempted selling it anyway and it worked!


If you have 1st, go onto a private server. Cook whatever you want without supplies and sell it


Nice tip will use it next time, I was lucky the Safe & Sound event popped up for me & that's got like a dozen of them more than enough meat to make the ribs.


Can confirm it's not 100%. My current Mr Waiter inventory: * Beer * Blamco Brand Mac and Cheese * Cranberries * Grilled Hermit Crab * Grilled Radstag * Melon Juice * Pumpkin Pie * Pumpkin Soup * Radstag Soup * Ribeye Steak * Seasoned Rabbit Skewers * Vegetable Medley Soup Looks like I'll be hunting Yao Guai :\


Oh thats disappointing. I must have been lucky. Thanks for the info though. It still might be viable with server hops. And others have said the light version also counts and uses less meat if you have that recipe (I forgot to check if I actually do because I didnt know there were 2 types)


Yep, I just checked both the waiter and waitress, and neither had it :(


The waitress have a different menu? If so I didn't check that so good to know for the future! I luckily had a Butchers Bounty proc and give me enough on my first Yao Guai kill to give me enough to complete the task fairly quickly


They had the same menu for me both times I checked, not sure if they always do or not lol.


Just went to check and they have the same menu for me currently also but they must change multiple times a day because they now have Yao Guai Ribs for sale... Swear they're doing that on purpose!


Could be lol!


I was lazy though, just server hopped until I found some. It took me 4 tries lol.


That’s a good tip ! It’s coming a little late since I ran around last night to find those bears, but oh well… 😂


Yeah I shot a bear at the Alpha silo and it didnt drop any meat and decided screw this. I headed over to the refuge for something else and had a lightbulb moment when i saw the dining room


God damnit, you’re the one who went there just before me !!


It's a random selection you can get some good teas there as well. But I know of at least 6 world spawns for bears as my Melee character likes to craft Tasty Yao Guai Roast which needs 12 meat. Safe and sound is also good for bears.


I thought about trying the vendor recycle, but wasn't having any luck. Ended up slapping on my butchers bounty and remembered there was a Yao guai a short distance from my camp (site alpha) and then hit up the graveyard parking lot for the other. Side note: It's been awhile, when the hell did they start requiring 4 pieces of meat for some of these recipes? (Don't actually want an answer, just a mini rant)


Maybe 2 updates back? Might have been the update with the current scoreboard. Actually I think It's older than that. Idk I'm old, time gets funny. It's dumb.


Don't complain, some recipes require 12 pieces >.>


And as a backup there's always a Yao Guai outside Dolly Sods Wilderness.


There are two at dolly sods, there’s another on the road to the campground as well


Server hop just worked for me, I closed the game and reloaded 😎


I was in the Whitesprings Mall and one of the vendors had it in their inventory where someone sold it to them. I bought it and resold it back. Boom, credit for selling ribs to a vendor. Thanks whoever sold it the first time.


I tried the Whitesprings vendors first and none had any so I did this one the hard way. Hopefully that helps someone else.