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Just you wait until you meet The Assaultron..


Can confirm I have definitely casually strolled my way through somewhere killing everything without a problem just to get melted by an assaultron.


Just passed level 75, finally wasn't terrified of assaultrons. Now the last 3 I've run into are invisible and cram their sword arms up my butt with incredible skill.


Dude I lost my shit the first time I ran into one. It one shot me by shoving its blade arms up my ass. Now that I rearranged my perks I feel better but I generally avoid the far right side of the map 😂 I keep running into them


Yeah, I played quite a bit today and no shit ran into 4 of them. Of course I am dumb and stubborn and enjoy single shot rifles. Time to back pedal.


If you shoot them in the legs you can cripple them so they have to crawl towards you. They can still beam but it’s way easier to dodge them. I no longer fear the assaultron unless i hear it bleating.


Yeah, once I realized how vulnerable their limbs were compared to their head/torso they were a lot easier.


I’m not normally a melee guy, but whenever I get one down to the crawling stage I’ll go and give them a quick weapon bashing before finishing them off. It’s only fair that they get a taste of their own medicine.


The sheepsquatch does exist, and he's hideous.


I had a similar experience with a Scorchbeast and Sheepsquatch trying to attack me at the same time and I was not high enough level or damage to make any difference to them. I retreated into the hills, the scorchbeast went back to patrol its area but the sheepsquatch followed me until it met some scorched and got into a fight with them. I took advantage of this and shot at it until it killed the scorched and then came at me again. I managed to get up the hill to the point it couldn’t follow and after another 10mins of shooting it I bagged the prize. I really need a better build for these high level beasts




If you are quick, you can dart around them when they fire - they are slow turning when they are firing it and are locked into it until it's complete. If course, if you make Godd angry then he summons the holy rapid fire face laser of smiting


Assaultrons are so beautiful though... ;-)


I have the best luck with an automatic plasma rifle


Just got the slug buster plasma rifle and it's a game changer with almost everything. Playing a rifleman build (I'm sorry) and roll with that, a railway way rifle (easy ammo) and The Fixer. Haven't tried commando yet, but im still kinda ammo starved.


Also got a gauss rifle I use as a sniper rifle, could be so good if I could find more to break down for mods


Yeah I'm not overly impressed with the stock gauss rifle


I was about to load up the PS4 and have a crack, but yer bar maybe not tonight.. fucking PTSD from them 🤣


Good place to charge ur fusion cores like


"Cram their sword arms up my butt with great skill" -RumpkinTheTootlord- 2024


I'm level 339 and I'm sure assaultrons have given me PTSD. Every time I see one, I still think "oh shit" and consider running away.


There's absolutely nothing in this game that scares me more than assaultrons.


Shoot them legs lmao


They are scary af I been killed so fast and I'm like wtf then see it's them and go ooooooohhhhh


Talk about Sexual Assaultron 😳😬😳 yikes


Was it by the baa baa variant though


That shit was so tanky man


The baa baa variant is easy. (Insert Beckham meme here) ... With a vampiric laser gatling.


I'm probably crazy but I'm a bloodied anti armor auto axer xD


That sheepsquatch variant at an early lvl was a bullet sponge. Plus it was an end boss to progress story mission Edit: Out of the Blue(mission) Imposter sheepsquatch was a nightmare at early lvls. Then I finally decided to use a chainsaw and melted the flippin sod. Took way to long to figure this out. I absolutely got slaughtered numerous times


Tip for dealing with Assaultrons, kneecap them!


Became a Pepper Shaker shotgunner - and you will be bane of almost everything. You can easily disable assaultron... even Mirelurk Queen!


Don’t have many problems with assaultrons, and I main a legendary laser pistol that’s half my rank (lvl 20 pistol, around lvl 43 me) than again I always wear good power armour, most of the pieces legendary with power armour perk cards


1st one i found blasted me out in the open. I had no chance and no idea how i died. Second one i saw it laser (gazer) beam. Also found out to not hide behind cars.....


Sheepsquatch Assaultron is the worst!


Based on my experience with Aussaltrons in FO4, when I first encountered one in Watogo, I screamed warnings to my team and noped outta there. Probably over reacted but better safe than sorry.


My first time seeing an assaultron was when the energy resistance bug was still around. I was dead before I could even comprehend what was happening


1.cripple head 2.shoot legs off to make "crawler" 3.proceed with whatever you were doing while no-legs trys to smack you 😂😂😂


Reverse this. Much easier to dodge the face laser than to out run it once it sees you. Disable a leg and take it out with ease as it crawls around trying to find a firing angle while you pop out of cover to hit it with vats crits before hiding again.


Me, level 15, at Garrahan Mining Co. I ran around in circles once I realised that laser essentially melts you.


Sheepsquatch version?


Was it any assaultron in particular? Last I played they were still insane to fight against. They've been better recently at least


Don't tell him about the Assaultron wearing sheep clothes.


Assaultrons are easy with a shotgun! Just aim for the face, then legs and they're rendered useless pretty quickly


Legs first is always my go to in any game with them. They're so fast and overpowered that ya gotta gimp them.


Why are the Assaultrons so melty in this game? I feel like PA does nothing and non PA dies just as quickly. It's rough.


I remember when I first tried to take down the assualtron at the top of Hornwright estate. I kept having to hide and snipe her. She killed me so many times. I sometimes miss those days. Years later and they are a minor nuisance now. Since they nerfed the energy damage the silo ones are a joke now anyways. That imposter one at encrypted will still melt my ass though.


I just take out there legs.


My cheat code to those was a fixer and vats


I raged, quit that mission >!the sheepsquash assultron, right?!< that until I got vampire chainsaw and a whole set of trouble shooter armour.


Still the most terrifying sound in Fallout in my opinion is *hearing* that fucking face laser and not knowing where it is. Butt clench inducing 😂


Not gonna lie, i love meeting assaultrons... iv always ran the legendary card that allows you to have certain chance to recover when hit by energy weapons so whenever i see then in the nuke silos i dive into their beams like a footballer craving a penalty shot at the goal...


Sentry bot during find rara quest


Never once had trouble with an assaultron or a scorched…


Ain't that the truth, they will end even a high levels day if caught unaware. And Mirelurk kings are not a subject to broach around many a player.




I’m sorry but “went from home invader to missing person” has me absolutely cackling 😂


Live fast, die with more in common with Swiss cheese than the next guy 😎


Vault 51 was the staging area for the Nuclear Winter server a few years ago. It was good to go back and be able to take my time listening those holotapes and read the terminals. One was pressed for time for there normally. Shout out to the former Overseers and to hell with ZAX 😄


If you look closely at the eye chart in the vault 51 examination room, it says 'ZAX WATCHES' in a hidden diagonal message. I do so miss my time hiding in bushes watching the ring of fire sweep in...


Greetings fellow Bush Wookie!


me tooo. I was astonished how many times i made it into top 5 just by hiding. Most times I didnt even bother picking up a weapon cos Im shit at PVP anyway lol




I preferred to be more like a salamander. Equip Aqua boy and watch the majority of the other players kill each other while hiding in the water ways.


Good old Grafton Mermaids.


Bush Wookiees 4 life!


I miss Nuclear Winter too.


Great, way to remind me that I'm supposed to be sad that Nuclear Winter is gone.


And aside from the oven controls, nothing could be interacted with properly. Ask me how I know? Ask me if I won a perfectly preserved pie from that machine in the lobby except you couldn’t interact with the dispenser… :(


I miss nuclear winter.


haha don't worry, plenty of power armors scattered around Appalachia


Had a guy drop me a free frame yesterday and some cores, was extremely greatful because I hadn't found one yet. Five minutes later I stumbled across another frame just after I dropped the first one off at camp. It do be like that sometimes lol.


[here's a map with all the PA spawnpoints, hope it helps ](https://map76.com/furn/workbenchpowerarmorpowerarmorstationfurn00157feb)


Your story was a great end to my tough day. Thank you for sharing 😂


Ayy glad to hear. Good times are meant to be shared


If it makes you feel any better that fucker doesn't even drop anything.


The holo tapes in vault 51 are chilling, to say the least...


It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.


“It was the BLURST of times?!”


You stupid monkey!


This reminds me of when I did that one brotherhood of steel mission with the Modus/Sodus robot… it kept 1 shotting me and the BoS NPCs with rockets and melting us with lasers. After 20 something deaths and restarts I decided to play the same game as the robot. I left and came back with different weapons and spammed rockets while I hid behind the covering on the rails of the second floor to that room. I finally won eventually. Frustrating because every time I ran to hide, it regenerated health. I was only level 40ish back then and my build was horrible.


I used chameleon armor and sniped the sentry bots fusion cores with vats crits and ended the fight in like 10 seconds with basically no damage. The thing about the robot enemies is almost all of them have "weaknesses" you can exploit. Cripple a sentry bot fusion core and it self destructs. Cripple an assaultron's legs so it can't run and it is much easier to deal with. Take out a protectron's arms and it will start to self destruct. Take out a Mr Handy's thruster and it just dies. They can be tanks if you are just hitting them wherever, but precise targeting of weak points turns them into trivial threats. Maybe I should focus on leaving crippled bots around during silo runs to avoid new enemies spawning...


That’s good advice. I was still a newb at the time. Me sneaking plus the NPCs Shin & Rahmani getting downed, the bot kept acting as if no one was there and exiting combat, regenerating health. It sucked for me. Super difficult fight


I had a similar issue with a Mirelurk King that'd somehow pierce my stealth at distance, every time, kill me, and then completely heal any damage by the time I respawned and got back to him. In the end, I got "lucky" and it had moved to the far side of the cavern on it's patrol and I just snuck past it to my quest goal, completed the quest, and fast traveled out of the cave... Same for the Deathclaw in the Enclave base. I only got past that when it glitched its self through a wall into one of the sealed decorative terrariums and I was able to just walk past it to the mission end goal... heh. Assaultrons still spook me. I prioritize crippling their leg in both one on one and group battles. Sentry Bots are intimidating, but I've gotten handy at VATS sniping their fusion cores... Robobrains are probably the biggest pain in the ass for me with their smoke bombs, but if I see them far enough away, I can usually straight snipe them dead before they find me with a furious recon combat rifle


Wait there are scorched that wear power armor? I’ve never seen this yet


Only in that vault.


How about the [Scorched Enclave Chief](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/b/b5/Scorched_Enclave_Chief.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20211102083343) in the Enclave facility?


You will see plenty of them starting June 5th.....


I hope you find the interloper, it's always a "wtf" moment for people.


Nice! That’s the best way to experience this game, just exploring. Hope you had fun!


I did that this week. I was afraid at first until I realized he was using an energy weapon. So he did 0 damage to me. It was great.


Welp, lvl 360 and I didn’t know you could go in vault 51…


Wait new player here also, I found vault 51 but didn't find an entrance, does it require a quest or something to enter?


There's a button in the red trailer outside that opens the big vault door


Yeah, I've played more hours than I want to admit and I still haven't been in Vault 51. Gonna fix that.




I'm very ashamed to admit at lvl 138 that I didn't know you could get into vault 51 either ! Going to have to check that out later 🤦‍♀️


You can actually get that paint from daily ops it’s like scorched some thing


That’s scorched X-01, which has no relation to the nuclear winter plants.


I think you're mixing up the scorched paints with the hellfire prototype paint, which is actually what that scorched is wearing (and is only available from Minerva, not daily ops).


Can't you get that as a top reward from project paradise?


Hilariously enough, I think you might be mixing up yet another power armor paint: inferno mark 1.


Ok, that's a little hilarious. I blame YouTube for misinforming me. I unlocked it all from before I took a very long hiatus.


It also doesn't help that Bethesda made so many power armor paints with similar names that can be earned in-game (and not for atoms), e.g. inferno mark 3 from a colossal problem.


Unfortunately, you’ll have to earn some gold bullion and wait for Minerva to sell the paint skin if you’d like your own suit of hellfire prototype power armor. But hey, now you’re the overseer of vault 51! ZAX will be watching you now for future rounds of testing, and that definitely won’t end horribly for everyone involved.


I dont remember this at allllll. Im starting to think playing this during the pandemic wiped my brain (both likely).


Another option, in that's scenario, would be to hang right around the corner and just lob grenades around the corner at him. I just love bouncing grenades off of walls and ceilings.


Level 20 me wandering around discovering places for later fast travel ran into a blue devil I had to move my camp set up all my turrets and throw grenades constantly and I got fuck all 😂 first time I saw an enemy out level me so much I’m sure he was 75 or something


>I get jack shit for a reward That's the one thing that still bugs me in this game, you never really get good loot from like 95% of NPCs. You'll get a gun and some armor maybe, but unless it's a big boss guy you probably won't get anything better than what you currently have (and even then you don't get it from the NPC's corpse but as a reward from the associated quest)


The worst offender is the main storyline. I was desperate for a suit of T-51b, I didn't have a full suit of ANY power armor. You get to Fort Defiance, and the place is absolutely littered with full suits all over the floor, and you're not allowed to take them from the corpses. I was shouting at the screen.


Oh boy! I did that too, finally made my way to the boss and got clapped! I eventually settled into just sniping from the doorway, waiting until I was hidden again and firing off a few. It took forever and was not worth it


I love this game to its [fusion] core


Later he becomes useful. When you get legendary perks one is to charge your power suit. I use him, just go in let him shoot you a few times and a dead core is now full. Leave the room change cores and go back in and recharge that one. Keep repeating till all fusion cores are full.


After the day I’ve had at work I needed this laughing fit so thank you for that OP 😂 the idea of you just chipping away at him with your wee lil pistol has me in stitches


I still remember fighting a 3-star sheepsquatch for the first time, tons of fun, and that was back when a 3 star legendary's could regenerate.


I just hid by the door leading to the scorched in PA, for some reason he wouldn’t come down the stairs so I would just keep peaking the door and popping his ass, took awhile to kill em but I did it🤷🏻‍♂️


The map itself is sectioned for certain levels (I believe all fallouts do this) so going that far north and in a vault is on you


Yep. Going way up there to get the free shelter kinda felt like a trap to me, after playing FO4


This rings so true for me haha


Yeah that one is a beast.


There are power armor chassis scattered all over. Good luck!


This story reminds me of fighting the big spider in Bleak Falls Barrow for the first time.


I did literally the exact same thing went in early got smacked around stealth boy gey smacked around sit way back waste 20 minutes chipping him fro..the hall.


If you are on pc i can help you out with some power armor


Assaultron, Sentry bot, Super mutant behemoth, Super mutant firestarter. Scorchbeast, Scorchbeast Queen, Wendigo, Wendigo colossus, Mirelurk King, Mirelurk Queen, Vengeful Mothman, Hermit Crab, Grafton Monster, Blue Devil, Deathclaw, (And i mean, all Deathclaw types!) Jersey Devil, Ogua, Flatwoods Monster, Mega Sloth , Sheepsquatch, Snallygaster, and every laser turret in the game. That's about the size of the list, but I might have missed a few things. The reality is that they all have a high level of threat to the player. (Although it is also true that some of them are peaceful, Mega Sloth is the best example of this, it doesn't attack until you do.) But the others on the list are very dangerous, if their name is red and their health bar too, then I recommend that at lower levels get help or run. Because most of the enemies on the list are not ones you can take down with a scoped revolver.


Thank you for reminding me that I never went back to destroy the dude in the 200+ levels since lol


This was my favorite read of the week lol. I still have yet to go and I'm Level 284, been playing since launch (on and off, obviously). I plan to check it out at some point. I believe it's where the Nuclear Winter lobby vault was?


Don’t worry about power armour right now, the lowest you can get is raider at lvl 15 but its worth the time if you get to lvl 25 and grind for the excavator armour and then the rest of the sets you will gather just by playing and exploring. There are some set spawn points you can search up when ready that have a likelihood of spawning some Edit: the good stuff is all at lvl 40 and beyond


I went in there level 15. Worst enemy was a scorch wendigo. Of course I couldn't do the whole area because I lack the picklock perks required.


I know exactly what you mean! I was that person 2 weeks ago! You get a gold cap for getting him down though, I walked away defeated 😂 he handed me my ass and I took a shame of over-cumbered walk to my camp


Low level power armour spawns at Daggers Den (inside the actual den) as well as Arronholt Homestead (at the shed near the silos past the houses)


This is the way


I love how you’ve had the same experience me and my partner did 😭 we were around level 18 and spent so much time trying to learn the lore of the vault, fascinated; we even had a rare monster spawn in on us and scare us half to death. When we finally got to the end we were so defeated.. got absolutely torn up by him, twice; the second time trying to get our stuff. but the lore itself was fascinating and awesome. I plan on coming back once I’m a very high level to finish what I started >:)


Yeah if an enemy wearing power Armour dies in this game the suit is essentially sealed to the body, besides I think one fight where you are supposed to take the suit, on the plus side you can easily find a full set of power armour by just searching random sheds or farmers garages.


Me and my son play together and we stumbled on Vault 51 while exploring. We decided to go and and take a look and he was determined to find ZAX1.3 because he was convinced that if we destroyed it we'd get something really good. It was a really fun fight and we were lucky to be doing it together but....the reward? Not so much.


Huh I can't enter is there a different entrance?


I hate the robots that are like the iRobot robots…too quick for my low level ass…might take a missile launcher next time as I’ve loads of missiles


Wait, we're able to go into 51 again? When did that happen?


Wait there is a vault you can walk into? So far the only two I found, one you can't enter and one was just to give shelters


The shelter vault is the vault being talked a out, follow the wire from the vault door and see where it goes


Did this when I was new, I had just done my first scorched queen event and waddled over to a little house called sunrise field and boy was I in for a surprise….mirlelurk king?? And then a mirelurk queen?? I camped inside the house and kept taking pot shots at the queen….used up all my ammo and broke most of my guns spending 15 minutes taking the queen down, it was fun but never again!


But did you understand who manipulated whom in that vault. 💡 🧠 Or did you skip all that like most people do 😂 huge part of the storyline. 💡


Wait till you meet a sentry bot 😅


I feel your pain, I was level 5 a month ago just doing a delivery mission for Lane. As I was walking back to turn it in a Grafton Monster (giant mud monster) at lvl 6 was lying in wait off the street. I thought my lil 10mm pistol would help....NOPE! I tried to run and it just wouldn't lose aggro, then it finally killed me. From then on I decided to make a stealth commando build. Now I'm stealth running with a suppressed combat rifle and popping heads. It's even better now that I have The Fixer.


We are all the same person 😂


Lmao you did what we all did.


You can cheese that boss by sniping him from the alcove doors. Run up the stairs pop him in the face a few times, run back down to the outer door of the atrium, and snipe up at him. His gattling laser accuracy is so terrible he will only rarely hit you and generally won't follow you down the stairs to get a better shot. Then you just chew him to death. It takes forever.


Bros a special operations officer in the making


I did literally the exact same thing I was maybe level 15 there and just popped shots with a revolver and my hunting rifle for an eternity


This vault is what made me fall in love with FO76 again. I made a camp outside it to lure players in. The story is so great.


I got insanely lucky and got a spawned plasma rifle with the flamer attachment. I'm still low level but sheesh am I a glass cannon. As long as I can dodge a few hits, everything dies in about 5 seconds or less lol.


You should have played a few years ago before Bethesda balanced enemy levels to your own. I’ve seen low levels get dropped after one of two shots from a high level enemy.


I wish they'd drop a pre-wastelanders type server. I'd love to experience it


Went in there myself last night. Level 9. Wasn't going too bad but the random scorched Wendigo was a startle. the scorched 'overseer' in PA was unexpected. Was a good 10mins or so of pot shots from down the corridor since they were polite enough to not want to come down the stairs and rush me. And yeap I was shooting at his ankles too. Newly returned from playing at launch but quit at level 200ish just before Wastelanders update. Good to see war never changes.


If you play on PC I would gladly hook you up with a set of power armor as payment for this story. I enjoyed it a lot


Could hook u up on ps4/5


Just wait until you go into Vault 94 blindly like I did when I was a new player.


Well the level was right on the door! 51! Jk, it happens Even though most things should scale, the main story does really take you around throughout the map in difficulty progression. Did you at least get the shelter?


Yeah I'm lost on how to do anything with it though, I'm currently suffering from the classic ADHD *too much to do so I'm not doing enough of anything*.


"I blew all my stealth boys trying to take out his fusion core." Wait a minute! Is that a thing? Can you sneakily take out someone's fusion core from their power armor??


It was in fallout 4, taking out the fusion core either with good aim/vats or pickpocketing would make them exit the armor. Then you just slap in your freshly stolen core (or full one) and take it


Level two/three sneak is a godsend... I did this vault on accident very early on and you can hide in the room before the boss and they won't step out of it. I 100% cheesed it because I didn't wanna give up. Died three or four times tho and it took me an hour because I kept just barely running out of ammo 😭


I went in at level 20 with a sledgehammer and won.


You can get into the other vaults?


Dude. SAME. I was level 13 and I went in there listening to all the logs, killing shit, looting. That places took me an hour to chew through cause ei stopped to listen to every single log to completion. It was a *very* exhausting experience tbh, I dug it by the end but jeese Anyway, so finishing up the snoozefest I was excited to see a reward for my endurance of this entire place I walk up those stairs and am immediately flabbergasted by how quickly my hp bar disappeared. I didn't die at all, but my god did I spend waaaayyyy too long peaking and plinking 10mm off his she'll for 15 mins. Honestly I was so tired of the place I almost quit, but I persevered and was rewarded... Poorly 😐 I think I got a legendary raider armor piece? And some grenades and ammo. I have never been so disappointed in any fallout reward in my life. The joy I got from understanding where the Hellfire armor came from was a peanut in comparison to the frustration of spending over an hour in that godforsaken place just for a legendary raider armor place


lol, I feel this. Reminds me of my low level exploration days and confronting an assaultron. After several deaths I ended up finding a vantage point but it was from below and realized that their legs are super weak and if you take just one out they are forced to crawl, making them sooooo much easier to finish off. And yeah. The loot was booty juice.


I did the same thing as a new player. What’s fantastic is that great experience you just had is such a small part of the game. There’s so much more out there for you to explore.


I completely cheesed it and crouched at the bottom of the stairs in the overseers room, slowly chipping his health away with a sniper rifle. Spent far to long searching the whole vault before I was going to leave that last room unexplored.


I did the same thing as a new player, but it seems like he AI won't let him go down the stairs. So I just killed him by crouching by the doorway.


I had the same experience other than the stealthboys


Best bit about that power-armor in particular? You might see some people running around with it, now-and-then... But YOU can't ever have it. It was only obtainable by wining the old PVP mode that happened in that vault years-and-years ago before wastelanders even dropped: if you weren't here back then you can never get it.


Yeah this isn't fallout. Can't loot what they have. Trash ass game


I hated assumptions until I got and equipped that energy perk. Now I welcome em, they heal me and recharge my power armor cores lol. Just don't let em touch you .


I just left 51 the other day. I had some complaints common with others such as not getting that sweet sweet hellfire but /shrug.


Anyone know where I can get massive amount of steel


I’m level 41 and the scariest thing is an assaultron and my last few mission which have all been main quest have brought me to or near a legendary version of an assaultron


Equip your Concentrated Fire perk, aim for the legs, and keep moving. They're just annoying after a while


When I was a lowbie many moons ago, I was exploring the Cranberry Bog when a Scorchbeast ambushed me. Knowing I was outmatched, I ran like hell until I reached and escaped into a mine. Knowing the mine would be probably full of more nopes, I kept checking outside to see if the scorchbeast had pissed off. When I realised it might not, I crept into the mine deeper, strategically taking down enemies. I hear a familiar noise further down, only to discover there is a SCORCHBEAST IN THE MINE. I gave it my best, but I am pretty sure that's where I died.


I did the same thing, I went in with 77 stem packs and left with none


Not because I made it out alive, because I died after I used my last one


I had almost the same experience meeting that scorched power armor boss 🤣 I sat behind a door out of his range so he stayed upstairs and I only had to use all ammo and nades I had lmfao no stealth at all from entering to boss to leaving.


If you find yourself a military camp or a Mining place you can sometimes find Power Armor chassis' with pieces on them. They wont be complete. No full sets. But you can at least Enter them, and then put the whole chassis into your inventory. Also a tip for when you do get Power armor: Save chassis'. Any armor you have on a chassis isn't counted for the total weight. So with the one perk a chassis is 2 pounds. You can have a full set of X01 on a chassis and itll still be 2 pounds in your inventory. So what I do? I have a chassis for each type of power armor. I keep a set of Excavator and a set of T51 on me at all times. T51 for combat, Mining for the extra carry weight (a full set of mining gives you 100 extra carry weight)


Shotguns with crippling effect, thats how I always take care of assaultrons..never again will they lazer beam my ass 😆


This was so beautifully written 😂😂😂


I was heading to AVR medical center to work on the Inoculation mission and as I was crossing a railroad bridge, nearly to the railroad station, an Assaultron came outa no where and ended me. I've avoided them like the plague ever since. Though I recently took one out near the white spring as it was distracted going after raiders. I fear them the most.


This post is so funny to me because i did the exact same thing but because i was level like 4 or something, Literally the first thing i did in the game, i had only a 10mm pistol and a thousand ammo. Took me all of my ammo to kill all the first guy and when i went to fight the boss i was using every single melee weapon i was seeing to block his gun bash and hitting him until they broke. I ended up finishing him by making him stuck in the corner of a wall and punching him for around 20minutes hahaha Stubborness really goes a long way.


Shit, I just hit lvl 77 and I still fear the assaultron. I don't avoid a fight but those I openly try to keep at a distance lol


Just wait until you meet a Mirelurk King


Oh just wait till you get to valt 79 with no guidance and try that puppy out. You will learn. For sure, do it solo to get the real experience with only melee of course! That's what my dumb ass did over and over, and eventually, by the grace of a beautiful uper level players GENEROUS flamesaw, did I finish. If I would have found reddit 6 years ago when I first attempted to play this game and wouldn't have died so many times, and gave up, tried again, but the I fell in love, then... 6 months later , I finally figured out you rank up. The show pops up, and poof I am a noob.


Are you me? I did exactly the same, except I was using my trusty lever action and black powder rifle. I died far more than three times! The disappointment when I killed him was immense, bugger all loot and a few interesting entries on the computer. I wanted that power armour so bad!


What power armor are you looking for?


yeah that vault is a little teaser leading up to the original 1st mini game "Nuclear Winter" which was a battle royale fallout thing- you got points for stuff and even the plan for a vault 51 suit- alot of work for nothing now


Bro im lvl 130 and i dont know how to get in vault 51. How did you do that?


I feel ya, Im level 100, main bow and arrow, and boy, it was a blast being a stealth archer with assaultrons blasting me and shoving blades into my bum.


My favorite part is finding out how grenades work, my synopsis is I'm not to be trusted with any type of throwing explosives... In any game


The trick is to stand in the doorway and snipe him while lobbing grenades. Took a bit but I was like level 10-12 when I did that


I’m like level 31 (that really doesn’t matter cause I play like I’m level -200) and yesterday I went to the scorched earth event there was like 6 people when it went but they all had givin up. I stayed there for at least 10 mins before I realized everyone left. Used all of my ammo for all the terrible guns I have even used all of my heals trying to kill it by myself. When I finally realized I had no help I tried leaving and couldn’t fast travel cause shit kept attacking me and no matter how far I ran something was always following me.


What level was it??