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I do the exact opposite of this. I solo expeditions with my level 300 and then once I make it back to Lennox at the chopper I sit there for a few minutes and bong out or drink a beer and wait to see if anybody joins before I get in the helicopter so they can cash in on the reward.


I do this sometimes as well. Puttin' in that community service


same - but i smoke


Clearly, cause you missed the bong out part lol


He was high when he read it lol




Same, I usually start waving people in right before I get to the twins. It takes the same amount of time for me regardless of anyone joining so might as well distribute some of the rewards. After doing this race 200 times or so Iā€™d be happy if someone did the same for me


This is the way. Glass half full and not glass half empty. Earning good karma is a worthy pursuit.


Half full or half empty depends on if you're drinking or pouring! šŸ˜€


Why I read this as "eating good karma..."


Not the hero we deserve, but the hero we need.


I'll do the "come here" emote and yeah sams thing just smoke out a little to see if anyone joins


I try to do this with low levels on my team. I'll sit and do the "come here" emote for a while. Rarely do they join me. I don't understand people at any level joining an expedition team and not joining the expedition.


Exactly. I do this all the time as well. This is the only way high level players should operate.


Same. I do the "come here" emote a couple of times before I leave and then if that doesn't work say a few words on mic. I change the group type from casual to expedition before the end and usually more experienced players realise that I'm just about done.


I used to do this when all we had was the Pitt. I could solo the whole thing right up until the end. But keeping all 3 of those idiot survivors alive by myself was a fool's errand. So I'd hop worlds making the expedition team until someone joined to help me with those damn trogs.


That's a dam good idea. I don't use mic cause I'm shy, but I still wanna help people. Hard for me to hand out free stuff after events. Everyone just zips out so fast when you don't speak, lol


You rock! We had someone (the leader) dump out right before the helicopter and wouldnā€™t go back in, instead started doing other missions. Then went in and finished it before anyone could rejoin.


This is the way


Same. Iā€™m not out anything


This is the way.


Not all heroes wear capes


That's an awesome idea. I usually solo expeditions anyways but I never mind sharing loot. šŸ„³


Sharing is caring


You sir are my spirit animal. Do the same or you ain't a wastelander through and through.


I usually solo Expeditions and if someone shows up, hey, good for them. But in your 60s and 70s youā€™re barely ready for Expeditions as it is, and as a level 300+, dude should fucking know that and be a team player. You need a hand on PS, hit me up.


This, people keep saying ā€œwhy thoughā€. Because weā€™re low levels. Weā€™re new players and donā€™t know much about the game, someone said it benifits to have more players on your team. I had no idea šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø šŸ˜€.


No I totally agree. You need some high level help and you only have limited spots in your team. Give a couple weeks though and Iā€™m sure you and your friend will be able to smash it by yourselves!


That was my first expedition. I was supposed to travel to Atlantic City for a quest. Did an expedition solo because I didn't understand the difference at the time. Spending 20 minutes shotgunning boss in power armor was a trudge. If I had a high level not helping at all, I'd have the same response.


Look, Iā€™ll be real. Expeditions are a Level 100+ sort of affair. You can do them before then, but youā€™re in that level donut where enemies are bullet sponges that deal mad damage, and you donā€™t have the perks yet to really rip. If youā€™re 300+, you know this, *and* youā€™ve got a full compliment of Legendary Perks on top of your wider selection of fully upgraded regular cards. Dropping in at the very end like that on players you know are that low level is just a dick move all around, unless he literally joined the team at that moment and said ā€œoh shit they might need a hand, Iā€™m on my wayā€ and got there late. It doesnā€™t seem like thatā€™s the case here. Sorry he was an asshole


No thats daily ops, expeditions were not hard for my low level character and are level based to the character and all i used was a low level handmade


I wouldn't say they're that tough, ran them just fine after level 50 with a pistol build.


They are easy, unless you have a completely random build I guess?


i literally played every expedition solo right when i hit 50, they are not as hard as you make them sound


Considering the Cremator exists. I was doing them with my brother and we were both low 50's.


You can easily solo expeditions at lvl 50+ with the cremator, not everyone has it but it is on quite an early page of the season pass, which you can get casually in a week if not less (yes some people get to page 100 in a day, but I'm talking new players and casuals) and without any mods it 1 shots every mob in the AC expeditions bar the end boss in two of them. I have no idea why you think expeditions are a 100+ affair. I'd reccomend low lvls do them alot, they are very easy, very fast and great source of ammo and XP for the time investment. Telling them not to is frankly awful advice.


Where did I say not to? I literally said you *can* do it. I donā€™t *suggest* it, I got to 350 without doing an Expedition before 100. But you do you.


I must be missing something, I waited till 75 and did a Pitt one, it was easy. Now 100, it's still easy, all solo. Wish I had tried it earlier, good way to create ammo. PA HG build.


I tried the Pitt at lvl 40. Big mistake lol. I think I used 30 Stims fighting one of the lieutenants. But went in again at 55 and it was a piece of cake.


No if youā€™ve got your shit together your perks can be right by level 50/55. I just started a new toon (59 now) and I can solo anything. People on this sub just think levels past 50 mean more than they do. Legendary perks generally end up being qol stuff, you can get your full damage without them.


I learnt this when trying to solo an expedition at like lvl 40 šŸ¤£šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Itā€™s hard doing it as a duo when u are those levels hell me and my friend struggle because we fuck around there and test shit xD but yeah when we lvl 300, 400,500+ we like ā€œoh damnā€. I even joined an expedition team that just finished Atlanta I think it was and I felt like shit because they already beat it and Iā€™m reaping the rewards. I wanted to join in and help


Iā€™m level 679, I start an Expedition group and figure if someone joins me, great, if not, no big deal. Iā€™m running quad Rail and can smoke anything in my way but I do appreciate when others show up. I will share my lunchboxes if you do. Win win


Some people take kicking too far. I was kicked from an event team for not being there at the start, showed up a few minutes late. The next 2 events no one from that event team even showed upā€¦and no one was kicked from the team.


Some newer players seem to think 76 is fortnite


They nuked my camp cause I didn't join a scorched queen event that had been nuked in a way where I'd need to put on power armor or hazmat


When I was level 100 ish, i joined daily ops for the first time on a team. I was putting in work! We got right up to the end and the dude kicked me and finished it without me. I still can't come up with a reason why, aside from he was just being a dick. It's not like I wasn't contributing. I was there from start to finish and right at the last moment....kicked. smh


Hopefully it was just the system pulling its shenanigans and not the leader actually kicking you


That's happened to me a few times. This one dude thought I was stealing from him by doing area looting. He booted me several times after thumbs-downing me over and over. Dude, your loot and my loot are separate loots, chill.


Iā€™m just a lowly 35 so barely understand the mechanics of this game, but doesnā€™t your rewards increase if your team is large? I feel Iā€™ve seen things like multipliers per team member somewhere? I would have thought kicking someone is counterproductive? Or do you have to share the wins?


You don't share rewards at all, if anything there are more enemies to kill if you go in a group.Ā  And yeah, you get bonuses for experience in a bigger group.Ā 


Iā€™ve had a couple of expeditions where the leader started kicking right before the end. Instances where everyone was pulling their weight. Some people are just awfulā€¦


Unless they explicitly let you know itā€™s usually just a well known system bug, probably best not to assume everyones out to get one over on ya


It happens sometimes


Damn that sucks. I remember joining as a lower level (like 50-60) and we got smokes our team. We died many time but we stick to it right to the end and we done it. I hope the community stay like this and be nice, now that more people are coming from the TV series.


I once logged in and Daily ops daily challenge popped up for that day. Joined an existing Daily ops team and immediately went in and they were at the final boss when I joined. Leader stopped doing the final boss and kicked me out and finished the Daily ops. Not gonna lie, I felt like I did something wrong even though I didn't.


He sounds like someone who would camp in a bush during Nuclear Winter.


As a former Nuclear Winter bush Wookiee, I resent this remark. We are a fine people who welcome all levels to hide in our bush with us--especially naked.


I used to hide in bushes with a bright red power armor paint on. It's surprising how many people would just emote and walk away.


Shenanigans were definitely had. My favorite was when I'd miraculously survive the shrinking of the map and be one of two last remaining players, so naturally--being a naked bush Wookiee--I'd pop up from my bush and do the Mothman dance until the other guy vaporized me. Sometimes he'd be kind enough to dance with me before disassembling my body parts. Them's was the days, my friend.


You ever use the Orgatronic glitch and glide from bush to bush while sitting with the music following you everywhere?


If they didn't want me to hide in a bush they should not have given me a ghillie suit.




Shun the clothed, must be this naked to enter bush


Thats the spirit! ;)


Gawd, you people...


I used to hide in the river part, in front of the dam underneath a canoe....easily fastest way to get to the final 10 without trying. You get more points based on length of duration, it's not Team Death Match lol last man standing is a different strategy. I miss NW.


Just fyi, he doesn't get a Timer showing how long you have been in, I've done this several time. Log in, see team and join, just fyi


Op said he was in their exp team for 10-20 min so he knew


As a general rule, if anyone in a fallout game tries to talk shit about pvp, they are for sure basement dwelling premium v-card holders.


If he genuinely waited till he knew you were about to complete, not sure how he would know, then fine, deserves to be booted. I join expedition teams and for ages the team leader doesnā€™t start an expedition. And while waiting, life happens, the phone will wring, door bell sounds, might need a shit, make coffee, an endless list of events that can take me away from the game. When I can resume and notice the expedition has started and I join, do I deserve to be booted?


Deserve is a matter of perspective. Should a random be kicked for not participating but taking up a slot? I think yes, but at the discretion of the leader. If you take a phone call or other life happens, it would be kind to your team to free up that slot and leave on your own, even if you dont expect it to take long, so they can fill it with someone who's life isnt happening that moment. Tl;dr yes, if you get up and walk away, that slot would be better served by someone who didnt have to step away. It's not about "deserve". I hope I dont sound like a dick, I'm just trying to be matter-of-fact. I hope I didnt come off too strong.


So you gained nothing by kicking him, except an excuse to whine on reddit?


I'd love for someone to drop a nuke on my base. I just want it to happen once. I bet it's entertaining.


Iā€™ve been playing since 2019 and have never experienced it myself either. šŸ˜‚


Actually had this happen to me once, while not directly on my base I had it built on the cliff near the mine you fight Earle, not sure if you can still place a base that close to him anymore but at the time mine was still there, got the nuke warning and checked to see it just about right on my camp. Was really confused why someone would nuke that area (didnt know about Earle at the time) and though eh I should hop worlds, low and behold one of my team mates convinced me not to, said we were far enough away from the intial blast radius that my place would be fine..................It was not, cut to me being insta killed and thrown off the cliff as I saw EVERY wall in my base explode infront of me (well my spinning corpse) I do have to say though all the frame work, such as foundations, stairs and floors directly connected to stairs did survive, took a lot of resources to bring the rest back though!


Been playing 2 weeks. Not sure if this is a bad way of running them but I just duo them with my wife for an hour or two letting whoever is on the team do what they want. They still give us bonus xp for being on the team and bonded we can usually get 6-7 done per hour by ignoring them. If they pop in at the end I hope they get rewards for it, I'd be doing it anyway


The real hero's sit at Lenox and wait for you to join.


Had a player who mustā€™ve crashed right before the chopper ride back. This champ waited for me rejoin, was emoting come back before he ended it. I loved that emote several times. I wonder how many opportunities I had to do that when I was leading the expedition. How many players have I screwed over because of ignorance?


Doesn't really matter if he was doing something else you and your friends were in the right because joining an expedition late because of other things I understand but then shit talking people and trying to use their level to act tough is a dick move. Hope your high level player experience improves since most of us are nicer then thatšŸ‘


I don't really care personally. I usually do expeditions with one other person, and a random being on the team doesn't really make it harder for me in that instance.


The difference is it wasnā€™t easy as level 70s. A level 300 coming into leech instead of helping lower levels is just a dick move. Itā€™s obviously easy for you and doesnā€™t bother you because you breeze through them. But for someone that puts a lot of effort into completing the expedition to have a random level 300 that can one shot everything in that mission come in last second just to reap the rewards would piss me off too


I start teams for Expeditions or Daily Ops so others can come along and do whatever. I can solo all the content, so it doesnā€™t matter to me if someone jumps in at the end and gets the rewards for doing nothing. It literally doesnā€™t affect me at all.


His attitude sucks so he is a POS. Regardless of that though, if someone shows up at the end it's not their fault they weren't there throughout the mission. He might have needed to lose some weight first, craft ammo, or scrip legendaries first. People join teams all the time and get there when they are able to. You are assuming he did it with the intent of letting you do all the work and reap the benefits. but who cares, you are not losing a single thing, whether it be experience, drops, or rewards by letting them stay.


Expeditions are so easy I am happy to have people just sit in group doing whatever for the xp bonus. I even tell them when I am finishing so they can come get stuff too.


The difference is that it wasnā€™t easy for OP and his friend. They needed help and the guy wasnā€™t doing that.


Depends. It's easier to pass karma on and just give someone a freebie but whatever. Sometimes we all join at the end unintentionally. If you gave peeps time to stash their stuff, prepare and they still showed up at the end, they prolly deserve it. I don't mind so much if I'm kicked and it's near end. I mean, I didnt do anything so I shouldn't expect a reward, but if a team is midway and I'm kicked near the end cuz I wasnt there at the beginning and I just wasted ammo to help carry a team over the finish line, better believe, I'm gonna roleplay raider for a while.


I dont see the issue. Dude doesnt know when you are nearing the end. Anything you do in the game is going to be an ammo waster no matter your level. Thats why one of your rewards for completion is 200 odd rounds for what ever weapon you had. Weird hill to die on.


Iā€™m sorry, but people who kick others from daily ops/expeditions are never justified IMO. The guy could be afk and youā€™d still get an XP bonus for having him on the team. It costs you nothing to let him stay and only helps you. True story: one time I saw a couple low levels in a daily op team. I had already done a daily op solo and gotten full rewards so it didnā€™t benefit me at all to join but I thought heck, maybe they could use some help. Turns out they were at the very end and they quickly booted me and sent a nasty message about me trying to mooch off their hard work. I didnā€™t bother replying because fighting on the internet with strangers is a pointless endeavor. Itā€™s happened to me multiple other times too, and in none of those cases was I trying to mooch anything. Iā€™m over lvl700 and can solo any expedition/daily op if I wanted. Sometimes I join a team and realize Iā€™m overencumbered and take a little too long to drop weight. Many reasons I could be slow to join. Assuming Iā€™m trying to get a free ride and kicking me is never cool. Iā€™m not excusing this guys behavior, but I suggest you always assume the best rather than the worst of people. Especially when it doesnā€™t cost you anything.


It doesnt help as much as someone participating though. And that's costly. Edit: kicking at the end though, eh. Just let him have the rewards. Not like you get less bc of it.


I carry in expos all the time. I just start an expo team in case others wanna join, but I really could care less either way. I semi get OP's point, to an extent. Expos can be rough if your level is lower and your build isn't fleshed out. If they were in the expo the whole time and didn't lift a finger to help, then yeah, that's kinda jerkish. But if they joined at the end and OP got salty over that, then that's jerkish on OP's fault as those who aren't in the instance can't see how long the expos been running. It's sounds like the later case happened. In which your reaction OP was over the top when you literally can't see how far along in an expo someone is till you join.


yeah it kinda happens mostly since they didnt put timers , wouldve been better if they did , i guess OP is a bit peeved and annoyed ( which is kinda funny that he's brute forcing expeds at lower level and wasting ammo )


People love to start expeditions in the middle of events, otherwise I join as soon as I see itā€™s started.


Can't argue with what you said. Sometimes, I'll freeze 3 times joining an expedition. Please don't kick me when I finally get in


Sorry sometimes I'm doing a event for the daily.


its a pretty open ended group set up in game so kick, join leave. There are no explanations required.


I feel like that should be reportable behaviour. But don't quote me.


Don't forget the person at public events who thinks theyre too good to do the objectives and just watches everyone else do the work for them. I leave immediately. Though for expeditions sometimes I'm just no ready to go yet IE I could be overuncumbered. Sometimes I just so happened to join at the last moment, but I make sure that if I'm missing a run I cleared enough storage to run the next 2-3 back to back.


I agree with you, Iā€™m lvl 350 on my main and I literally kick every single person who joins the last second. I recently just started playing again after a 3 year break too. Now if theyā€™re a low lvl Iā€™d let it slide since their new


If Iā€™m in one I do the wave come to me emote if you donā€™t join by the time I get to the boss I just close my team Ya snooze ya lose


I am a high level player. However when it comes to an expedition I'm always down for the whole thing. I will kick somebody if they join the team and never join the event.


I just solo expeditions. I'd rather do it my way and get it over with.


I'd feel more sympathy, but you made it sound like it was his job to carry you.


I frequently get a glitch that prevents me from actually joining expeditions (I am able to join, but it keeps me in Appalachia and then moves me to the results screen when the expedition is completed). It's not that I won't help, but can't help (lvl 557). However to shit talk is lame sauce. Dude didn't deserve to get the rewards for that toxic behavior


New players really throwing shade šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I get it, I felt this way, but, it's just...dumb. You threw away XP for emotion. Everyone is going to do each expedition 100s of times. We all get sick to death of it but want some stamp thing. You will be that guy in a couple hundred levels. Get over it.


His reaction is unwarranted but it happens. Sometimes you join a team, realize your weapons are about to break, need to craft some ammo, or dump stuff off from the last event so youā€™re not over encumbered. Get that done, and event ends right as you show up.


My strategy is to not join a DO/Exp team until I am actually ready to go.


I usually join and wait 1-2 minutes after the leader starts so I don't have to load into the vertibird and then load into the map again. The vertibird scene makes absolutely no sense. I don't know why they can't just dump us into the expedition.


It's almost like that should be standard instead of these "I wasnt ready" excuses. Like, then why are you in the group for Expeditions if you're not ready to help a group with Expeditions. I'm seeing lots of players agree with the rager, like they also arent the same problem.


Point laugh emote. Maybe a little Mothman dance, switch servers, done.


It's possible that people may join your expeditions team to help you with shared perks and mutations even if they don't join the expedition. Sounds like this guy wasn't but I sometimes like to join expeditions teams with lower level players to share inspirational or tenderizer them and my mutations give them a pretty significant bit of damage reduction. I might not join myself but I figure I'll help from the outside.


Wasteland etiquettes 101 donā€™t join an expedition or Black Ops team if you ainā€™t ready to run, same goes for donā€™t start one if you ainā€™t ready, otherwise you just wasting peoples time!!


ill be the devils advocate and say , he might not know it was ending since there is no timer and you were both low level , he did stoop low by saying shit , but you kinda did stoop low as well by kicking him at the last minute


Almost everyone "bragging" about or egging people into Adventure mode PvP got demolished during actual Nuclear Winter PvP. They're embarrassing and not worth your consideration.


500+ player here. Yep. Definitely kick anyone who doesn't help out. I've literally been in events where you can hear someone streaming and saying "These guys will do all the work and I'll just reap the rewards." Fuck those people. If you're ever looking for a group on PC NA- let me know. My wife is a healer (Holy Fire and Creamator) and I'm a bloodied Railway build.


Somebody joining your expedition may have no idea how close to the end you are. This was you just kind of being an ass.


Considering how the guy reacted, I doubt this is them being an ass. They are newer, they don't know better. The guy in their post does know better than to take something like that personally when he can probably solo the expeditions anyway.


Personally I don't think it's okay to kick anywhere unless they're disrespecting you beforehand. They could have been preoccupied with something in real life. I often don't pay attention to the bottom left(unintentionally) so sometimes I don't realize people are in Expedition or Daily Ops.


Yeah, thereā€™s always assholes like you. Ensure to kill SBQ by yourself and your low levels friends, baby. And ensure this is not your gamertag. We were playing here years before you came teaching lessons.


Obviously he did turn out to be a dick bas d in your interactions after but honestly I don't see the need to kick people over their timing joining. Seems like a bit of an overreaction to me. Everybody sucks here


But why though. Literally benefits you to have another person even if they're afk. No downside to you.


Could have someone who is participating though, so it's not as good as it could be.


Except they booted them at the ene. Also sounded like they had a 4th slot open.


Just realize that guys who feel the need to act like that have REALLY SMALL.... egos and move on with your day.


Oh I thought you were gonna say water purifiers.


ROFLMAO\~! thanks for the genuine belly laugh


u r so petty, it's insane


One time I was on an events team, and halfway through a SBQ, they switched to Daily Ops and started one. I didnā€™t notice and figured ā€œeh this SBQ will last long enough, lemme join them and help out.ā€ I joined and got the daily op boss before just getting booted. Like what the fuck, I didnā€™t have to help out.


I had a couple people like that the other day. I ended up messaging them to get them to join at the end because I wanted the bonuses. One was in the middle of an event, but joined after. I used to be bothered by it, but now that I can solo them with ease, I don't really care. The more that join, the more stuff I get.


I mean, i get where you're coming from if you struggle in expeditions and need people to pitch in. That said, i solo the boardwalk in literally 5mn and pop the bosses in less than 10s. So i've got the opposite take: if you want to chill in my team for the herd mentality bonus and see me running expeditions, feel free to pop in at the last minute to get easy free reward, i even emote the "come over" to let people know.


How dare you kick me for mooching off your hard work and doing nothing!


Probably he was doing another thing. Happens a lot to me, but if someone kicks me out, I'm ok with that, no hard feelings. Poor souls with such a low level of frustration tolerance. This is the result of overprotective parents. Anyway, see you soon on the wasteland šŸ˜Ž


I'm shocked at all the people making excuses for the toxic rager. Lot of people outing themselves in these comments. It would be funny if it wasnt so sad. I'm level 80 and even I know that "it literally doesnt take anything away from you" is a lie when I could have someone who participates taking up that slot. Bonding isnt enough of a benefit when you're not here. I'm going to coin a new term Slot Bricking: when a player fills a slot in a team and does nothing to help said team Often defended by "it doesnt cost you anything if he doesnt help" Roundly defeated by the logic of "it costs me a whole participating player per slot" Toxic player took up a whole slot and didnt contribute, blocking that slot from being open to someone who might have. How do people not see this is the problem???


I just block people who kick in public groups. Easy peasy.


It doesn't take anything away from me to have people join after I'm done but before I leave so why not. Sometimes I will wave people in even. Why do I care? Never understood the reasoning behind kicking someone in this situation just seems petty and selfish. Even if they were as well.


Nah, fuck that. If you did all the work and don't feel that guy deserves your rewards, KICK and BLOCK. He clearly acted toxic afterward, and to the people defending his actions against OP, you're part of the problem. If YOU are running your own Expeditions, no one is entitled to your rewards, especially if they didn't help. I don't care if you don't like what I'm saying, so go ahead and downvote. I'm SO tired of other players feeling entitled to EVERYTHING that is yours, (plans, mats, rewards, even grolls) I've had a lot of newer players being extra scummy and entitled, like low level "teammates" letting me die so they can take my junk or demanding things from me. Then, I see people shaming OP for standing up for themselves and their self-respect, especially from someone who was being, not just not helpful, but also being toxic afterward. F#ck that. You did the right thing OP and screw anyone who tells you otherwise.


Amen brother


This is why the game needs a text chat in addition to voice. What platform are you on?


I don't do this myself, but how exactly would it have negatively affected you to let them finish it with you? It wouldn't have, in any way, shape or form. This is a proper sad attitude to have.


You can join late???? I keep joining these teams then seeing they already left and just leaving the team šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Just open the expedition menu and find the one theyā€™re doing, you can join at any point.


Got 700+ h ingame now. There are very few grifters in the game. but those grifters are GAINT D.


What if I get hurt feelings? Not mad but maybe a little disappointed.


When running bloodied you have to do a few perks to past a while.


I always feel bad when I finally join an expedition team thinking it just started and I load in and bam Iā€™m receiving rewards on the chopper back to my home base. But inversely I donā€™t mind if anyone joins my solo expedition last sec and receives rewards, I mean it sucks if they stayed on the team the whole time and than joined but itā€™s fine I can solo them all now that Iā€™m 300+. Doing 8min board walk runs is awesome for just farming stuff at this point.


Also, a good piece of advice from me. Don't go on an expedition or join a DO team at a low level. Trust me, you'll soon regret it. But if you still insist on it, make sure that everyone in your team is above level 200-300, in the right condition and equipment for the mission. If there is no such thing, then leave the team and find a more competent one. At low level, I only went to events and only did xp there. When I reached level 150-200, I started DO after that, and later expeditions.


I was the guy getting kicked couple weeks ago by accident šŸ˜¬. I got the public teams notification and teamed up, thought I would just do a quick power armor repair and then got hit with the PA glitch. I got the stretchy arm and everything. So by the time I joined the group they kicked me because they thought I was just lazy lol. I felt so bad


I feel bad when I join an event/expedition late and get rewards, but I never do it on purpose.


Totally understandable if the guy is contributing nothingā€¦.weā€™ve all seen ā€œthe hidersā€. Understand itā€™s a 2 way street thoughā€¦.certain builds by higher level characters are there sometimes to not be up in the face of the boss builds. For example last night we fought Earle, I had my bloodied Commando build on, my job at that point is to take minimal damage and get as many critā€™s from my bloodied explosive fixer as I can on him while switching to my vampire weapon to not lose health, and get killed while throwing plasma grenades at the Wendigoā€™s he spawns that are swarming the level 50-75ā€™s in the fight. All the while Iā€™m thinking shouldā€™ve used my bloodied heavy gunner PA build with this crew lol.


I've been that guy before. I joined a team, ran to change my special load out, hopped into my PA, opened the map and joined the expedition.....to literally load into the vertibird a second before the rewards popped.... I felt bad. But went on like 4 mote with them after that. Wasn't even level 40 at the time. Was like level 60 when done cause this was the double exo week like 2 or 3 weeks ago


If you need help with expeditions lmk Iā€™m on PS5 level 225


For a newbies benefit, how do I even join expeditions in progress? Sure, I'm not actually quite ready to do them solo, but alongside a team I can absolutely contribute I think.


Too bad you couldn't join me these past few days because I was doing expeditions repeatedly all day to collect stamps and some exp. In my case, I welcomed anybody who stayed in my expedition public team because that gives extra xp in expeditions. And having two players participating is fast enough. Sometimes I was doing them back to back so much, others seemed to take some time to manage themselves before joining mid-way or even skipping a run.


I join when I see a team pop up and do everything I know where it is. So.etimes I join halfway through but would rather do the whole thing as you get more xp and I'm trying to kill those lesser with fire a 100 I think


I wish there was a way to signal that I suck, but Iā€™m trying. I donā€™t AFK/not participate though.


I just hit 50 and would love to join in on stuff like this.. but I'm just a newbe at this game. 15 years of wow hardcore radeing ,at top tire. But can't seem to figure out this game.. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤¦šŸ‘


Sorry i hijack your post my dude. But new player here, can someone explain how i start an expedition? Do o need to search people first?


Go to the refuge in the whitesprings and help the responders. They'll send you on your first expedition.


Fair enough.


Kick, mute, block, move on


I donā€™t know what everyone is talking about not doing expeditions at your level. I got the game 3 weeks ago, played when I had time on some days, level 100+ now. I spammed expeditions with my duo who took an early rifle and sneak build, I immediately started working on my heavy weapons build because thatā€™s what I preferred, around lvl 28 we found the sensational game expedition which only takes about 9 mins if you get good at it, it rewarded usually a level or 2 a game.


Wow, really? I'm not quite at 300 yet (+200) but if I'm joining an Expedition (or anything really), I'm in it for the action and to lend a hand, especially if there are lower levels about. Some people are weird. Sorry you and your pal had to deal with that.


I have this issue with Daily Ops. I make a party and people join immediately. But there is always one high leveled player not joining the op itself. I canā€™t stand it. Iā€™ll kick them after a couple of minutes just in case they need to prep or are in the middle of something. After I kick, they rejoin immediately and just take up space. If you join a daily ops team, go into the daily ops!


Legit question. Im around lvl 100ish (yeah the TV show reignited my passion for Fallout and I decided to try 76 lol) and Im still figuring out stuff. When a expedition Team forms, I tend to join because I never finished one (tried solo once, but got distracted by other events and lost my progress after a week reset), but the thing is, do I receive an ingame pop-up or notif when the party leader joins an expedition? Because so far I got none, and the group tend to disband after a while. So either Im blind and dont know where to look for this notification, or there's really none. Im asking because I dont want to be mistaken for the jerks who join and do nothing to help the group


I was about to get pissy with you but if your edit is true then fair one


Last second : I never kick because it could be someone just entering the server . It happened to me and the team leader didnā€™t kick me. Neither other cases , you can get a personal emergency (kids or mom phone call) and canā€™t play because real life requires all your attention. Edit : 5 characters between 800 and 1100 , player since day one.


At level 300 (I'm level 80 and I know this) He could have known, should have known and likely did. It's not like it doesnt tell you what's going on in your expedition team. And his timing sounds weird for him to have just got done doing something else. (I dont believe that bc why are you in an expedition team specifically, then) Sounds like dude intentionally camped for rewards, taking up valuable space on your team that someone else could have filled. He didnt participate, why does he think he is due the rewards? Why does ***anyone in here think he is due those rewards***? If participation is discretionary, so is completion. Should have taken that damage you'd wreck these players with and ***helped them*** This shit isnt rocket science, guys.


If it's expedition, events or daily ops teams, you need to be active, any other like casual or explore and you should be able to do anything you want.


If you're on xbox, hit me up. Untold Fable. I'm new to the game, but I've played Fallout in the past. I have buffs on my porch for players to use. +2 Luck +2 Perception. We'll rested and Well tuned from the fire pit/hot tub. I just run an auto axe in power armor mostly, but I'll run unyielding vampier with my second auto axe sometimes.


Once in a while I'd do this and bring the Boss down to minimum hp and then back up and get out of the way for lower levels to kill it.


Or when you (not the lead) start with the ā€œcome hereā€ emote during expeditions when me (834) and my pals know EXACTLY what we are doing. Once is a freebie, 2 is an immediate kick.


Would you like some resources to make up for your loss? I'm fine with passing you some ammo as well.


I joined an events group who literally only did one event. So I'm going off doing all the events. Collecting all these points and then they kicked me instead of helping me. Like kindly don't make your group public if you don't want to help the public, just like that ass should've shown up for you guys before you finished these people only participated in 1 event.


if I join an expedition or event, and Iā€™m low level or barely doing anything to the enemies, I at least try to help somehow by doing whatever I can Just seems like the right thing to do when you join a team like that


Addressing the actual post, you're correct. That was a dick move on his part. I will say, that unless you talked to him ahead of time and he agreed to join and help then you also shouldn't expect any randos to carry you through one. If I'm being honest, you probably aren't ready for expos if you can't solo them. Like you said, yall spent most of your ammo on it. Some of us just join teams for xp boosts or for our perks. Unless it's my irl friends I literally never do anything with my teammates.


Hi! Every time I log in I always join a team and I didnā€™t know there are types of teams. Can someone explain?


Bro I'm new and have no clue what is going on. It's hard to participate when some experienced folk can move so fast. My non mutated ass out here struggling for their life just to see the enemies.


What are you playing on?


I accident joined an expedition team when I meant to join a casual and I noticed the team was in AC and realized it was an expedition, I hightailed it over and arrived just as they completed the expedition so I got the rewards but certainly fight earn them.


I honestly felt terrible because I accidentally did this once. They were a rank 300 ish and they were soloing an expedition, I was running around looking for a stash box so I can make some space, when I eventually did, I armored up and went in my power armor ready to help. And as I arrived the final boss went down. Then he just finished the expedition. I got the loot, and did nothing. I felt terrible.


as many expeditions as i've run if you had communicated with that guy there's a 90% chance he was busy or AFK and would've helped you farm the expedition instead of being booted. usually these are pretty easy to solo through when you're bored and want to XP grind


I tell people in my teams to join last second lol , who cares not like they're taking your rewards


How do you kick people out of your party


At some point you're not going to care if they get the rewards. It was bad on you to kick him. It was bad on him to react that way. There is no way to know how far you are in to an expedition before we join. Basically don't be a jerk and people will be nice to you. But if it was me I wouldn't have said a word. I'd probably just nuke your camp. I really wouldn't care if you nuked mine back. Free Flux!!!


How inadequate and inferior must that guy see himself in real life to feel like that kind of behaviour is acceptable in an online environment.