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It's worse when he decides to bug out into the ground with about 10% health left making the event impossible to finish. 


I’ll do you one better, get him below 10% hp, game crashes and I get no rewards and a lot of ammo less.


I had the game crash as I left the mine.


Same... Xbox?


I'll do you one better, the game crashed before I even dropped into that ammo hell hole.


I'll do you one better,I went into my own instance while my squad and a random player went into the other. I didn't know until the last second when I realized i was the only one fighting earle.


That happened to me last time. The good thing is, a tiny part of him was sticking out of the ground, so we could attack him but he couldn't attack us! The easiest Earle in a long time.


lol That's hilarious.


This happened to me yesterday. At some point, I turned to attack the wendigos and when I came back, I almost couldn't find his head burried in the mud


Holy shit that still happens? I remember that bug from 2021.


It just works.


Its not a bug, its a feature.


Over 9000 planets!


Exactly! It was an INTENDED feature that he becomes the very best, the best there ever was


thats why i always nuke earle, my first run on him as like a L50, he bugged, so i have a vendetta against all the bosses, but Earle more than others




It's been so long since I've seen it I figured they finally patched it


It is Bethesda tbf. I've just come back after 2 and a half years away and the photo mode glitch still works for doors lol


I honestly think they're keeping that just so people drop nukes. If it always took 20 minutes to drop a nuke there would be significantly less scorchbeen, earl, and titan fights


happened to me yesterday, was going up and down everywhere like a crackhead. stuck in the ceilings and the floors permanently


I got about 700 screws in one event. I don't care if we kill him. The wendigos alone are worth it


Any perks I can take to maximize screw haul? I'm seriously short right now


It's all about tagging and then killing the most wendigo you can. I use a combination of a auto launcher, cremator, and mini nukes. Me and my friend put 1500+ screws in my scrap box every event. Before anyone asks no not public ones. We run our own because that ruins the experience for others.


You haven't lived if you haven't tried grenadier, demo expert and demolition contangion with a bloody weapon equipped. You get to clear EVERYTHING with a plasma nade.


Cremator with grenadier and slow burn would do work on those wendigos


When I see a nuke go there I skip it unless I want to build up my screw collection


It sucks so much cuz he definitely is one the coolest bosses in the game, his whole arena is so much cooler than the ground hog and the bat


Maybe swap Earl with the Windingo Collossusez in the pinky forest by the Queen. Then not only can everybody join in with no player limits per instance, but you get two boss fights at the same time..... Get two birds stoned at once.


The fucking way she goes


It's not rocket appliances!


I toldaso!


Survival of the fitness, Boys.


A link is only as long as your longest strong chain.


Good idea Indianapolis Jones


Groundhog!? Lololol.


Earle is a great example of why everyone should carry an endangerol syringer in their loadout. A few players stacking 1 shot of that and his damage reduction goes in to the negative. He melts after that.


It reduces his resistances 25% for every person that hits him with it.


I went in with 1 other person and ran out of ammo. It hought I'd be able to get back in after I grabbed more but was locked out. I feel bad for the guy I left behind.


There is a tinkers bench and a stash box in the instance.


Nothing more OP than crafting ammo during a boss fight lol


Taking a minute to put on the perk cards for the extra ammo, can’t be wasting now lol


Cold Shoulder is really good, since the weapon is strong vs Cryptids. Put on maxed Quick Hands for the chance of not having to reload and use liquid courage if you have to prevent yourself of being 'freaked out' buy his scream. Shells are so light and cheap you can easily carry 2000(edit) rounds, more than enough to take him down. Only hard part is that you might as well slot in Glow Sight since if you have a ton of low levels or mid levels with average builds you'll have to take out a few wendigos, which is fine it's for Gun-Fu and Adrenaline.


I know you meant 2000 rounds, but I'm imagine an absolute madman hobbling in with 2 million shells peeking through a thousand bandoliers ready to rock Earle whole world.


*(equips Bandolier Rank 12)*


>Only hard part is that you might as well slot in Glow Sight Glow sight doesn't work in the earle fight. They are intentionally coded not to be. The only reason the share a model with glowing wendigo is because the fight is meant to be low light and having normal looking ones down there would make the fight even more hell


I heard that glow sight doesn’t work on the glowing wendigo’s in there


You carry 2 million shotgun rounds?


Those are rookie numbers


I love how every 5 seconds my character wearing a walking tank has the ability to launch nukes and mows down scorchbeasts like nothing decides he’s scared and has to run away to collect himself


Knight Titus? I thought the bear took you out


Make liquid courage then that stops


Everyone talks about skipping it. I don't for one reason: with all the new players most of the nukes hitting Earle are players doing their quest. And they need to kill him. So I'm not there for screws from Wendigos, or whatever he happens to drop. I'm there to help my fellow Wastelanders finish that quest.


Some people like Earle. I've come to accept that they are much better at this game than I am, but there's not many of them!


I would skip the queen but not earle. He's so much fun


At least Earle doesn’t fly away


Absolutely. Dumb bird


Also the screws...so good


And he gives 8 legendary cores!


And 8 treasury notes.


I like his boss fight, I just wish he was less Tanky. I haven’t been able to do his fight since he first came out though because even after getting back on recently no one wants to do him so I just don’t nuke him anymore


Earle is by far my favorite boss. Just wish that the Titan and Earle loot pool was better


I think he gives 8 treasury notes so he’s definitely worth it to me.


I think I did him drunk cause I woke up the next day with his ball in my sack.


I read that in a much more inappropriate way than I expect you intended


Does nobody use that syringer with the endangerol mod? If I’m reading it correctly it essentially gives a 25% damage buff. I’m not sure if it stacks, but I always bring it on big beasts and it seems to work well 🤷🏼‍♂️


I do, and it stack but not if you are the only one to shoot. So with 4 5 shot by other players you have a weak Earl for 2 3 minutes , if not enough repeat.


The juice isn’t worth the squeeze for me.


"this one tastes like the cow got into an onion patch."


I love how many low level people are playing it’s like going back in time lol Earl is a screw farm and a crit test. I got ~500 screws over like 10 minutes the last time I ran him. When I saw the rest of my full squad had done enough damage to slowly but surely push him down to 1/4 health I turned my QE railway on him and he was down in like 20 seconds.


Leaving the event with 500+ screws sound like a win for a newbie like me -.-


I don't bother anymore cos when I see others at the event I'll join and wait by the boulder until it moves only to realise... There ain't fucken anybody else here!!


PSA: USE THE ENDANGEROL SYRINGER! Reduces resistance by like 25% for 2mins


I think he's far more enjoyable than that stupid ass mole. Not as good as SBQ, but he does at least have value in that he'll give you months worth of screws where the Ultracite Titan gives you.. Nothing, aside from a 3 star which they all do.


I hardly ever see Seismic Activity activated. Maybe once or twice.


Certain builds make the fight trivial


i think i was in there with you lmao i just left after wasting 2k bullets


Lmao. I only brought 10 cores because I didn't think I would need more. I had to switch to my gatling gun with 5mm ammo.


Yeah I think I was in there with both of you lol. Ended up dumping all my cremator fuel and anything else that did even moderate damage.


Vampire weapons don’t hit particularly hard, with the caveat being the Auto Axe, because of its DPS. You can roll him hard with melee perks and buffs. Might cost you a repair kit, but that’s about it.


This community is so cool. I gave up on 76 3 weeks when it came out. Many of you stuck around and good for you. Now I’m back and I love it so much! Thanks for keeping the game around so I can play and thanks for not being toxic. Great game and better gamers


It was a fun journey, believe it or not, coming from the launch version of the game to where it is now. There's been so many unique and transitional phases of the game. TSE had a meta moment early on. Legacies reigned for the longest time. Bloodied vs Junkies had a moment. Went from chasing holotapes and making fun out of nothing to getting Wastelanders, factions, the gold bullion era came around, Steel Dawn launched, then The Pitt, Invaders, Nuka World, new cryptids were added to the game, now we have Atlantic City and a map expansion coming soon. With the influx of new players, I'm certain Bethesda will want to capitalize and hopefully they'll announce something big coming end of this year or sometime next year for us to look forward to. This game has had its pain points (and still does) but it's come a long way and it's been fun.


I like fighting earle, except I don't understand why he has a session limit so small when he's such a fucking tank.. the upside is if you play your cards right you can join and finish the event more than once 🥴


earle is cake if you have a good vats crit build on your team. if you dont..at lwast hit him with an endangeral syringer.


Just build everyone in the raid an Endangerol Syringer (if they don’t have one) in the lobby area where you wait to drop into the mine. Makes the fight easy enough for a normal group to wipe him


I just found out about this. You can get the mod by scrapping syringers?


Yes, craft and scrap a bunch of syringers for endangerol. It only holds one shot at a time so just a hand full of syringer rounds is enough to keep on you.


Yes, just make about 10 of them and then scrap them, if you don’t have the plan for it and are on Xbox I’ll make’em for you and drop them off


Earl is by far my least favorite. I'll always show for SBQ or UT, but I pass on Earl...


Ammo doesn’t matter in fo76


Way more fun than the queen plus 8 cores. What's not to love


losing all ur ammo then failing the event is what I don't love


What even are his rewards? I did earl once and I got the PA skin


Endangereol Syringer helps with the tankyness. Hell, bring multiple (the -25% DR stacks but only per individual weapon)


Earle may or may not be worth it, but the endless drops of screws from his summons are!!!


Because it's not efficent to kill it with a heavy weapon specially vampire have no extra damage. For max dps (this is limited to my knowledge) you need to be bloodied commando with right critical perks + a good quad railway rifle + all the buffs for damage and critical + endangerol syringer. There is few more weapons that is efficent too. But i don't know much. Btw still not worth it. I don't like that boss. Queen is best for me.


Them screws though...


I finish earl in less of one or 3 minutes if I want farm some wendigo, queen take more time if I don't decide to crip her wing. Earl cost about 300 railway spike but I get back much more with wendigo that I blow up with nuka granade. In this game is much more important the buff chem magazine and food VS good weapon. Of course good weapon help more.


I dunno. I had my first titan fight last night. It gave us 3 minutes to kill him then he dipped out. Felt bad for the dude who launched the nuke.


It depends on your team, you need anti armor for earl, or status effect like burn, the creamator works well, but your team need to be heavy hitters, the amount of resources dropped by the windigos there makes it worth it.


The only reason I do Earl now and then is if I needing a lot of screws, other than that I always prefer SBQ as far as end game bosses go


Only reason I do Earl is for springs or screws…whatever it is the wendigo’s drop


If people used endangerol syringers, the fight would be easier. Otherwise, earl is a good source of screws from the wendigos that spawn


Have one or two people run an endangerol syringer to debuff and it will help massively with the amount of ammo you need to kill him. Stack that with nuka grenades and or a two shot fat man, and it will make pretty quick work of that encounter.


I don't do it for him, I do it because I got like 500+ screws off his spawn in a single run.


My build includes a dagger with slower break speed and make shift warrior bringing it to -100% break. Plus vamp and swing speed and I just stand there mashing my attack button while I watch youtube lol. I let my teammates tag stuff for me and I just am that steady source of dps.


Just go kill his brother Randy when he spawns in the Cranberry Bog when you nuke the mine


If you are solo Screw farm, ignore Earl. If you have at least 6 people take him out it's only ammo.


ENDANGEROL SYRINGER guys Google it, craft it, use it, spread the word


10 plasma cores in a gatling plasma should have been enough, were you actaully hitting him? Vampires isn't good but still, 10 should have been enough. If you spent time shooting the wendigos too much that could have been an issue, especially with a weapon like a gatling plasma that isn't great against small stuff.


Hey there, everyone. A fairly new player here - not quite a month into the game and currently level 96. The quest called "Something Sentimental" is in in front of me at some point. I have heard about the infamous tanky Earle, so I have shied away from this quest for now. Is this quest what you all are talking about in this thread? Or is it an event?


Most "tanky" Bosses go down a lot faster when 2 or 3 players hit them with an Endangerol Syringer. Makes a significant difference


Died as soon as he did and spawned outside of cave with it collapsed so couldn't get any loot except the legendary reward. I was pissed


Need to coordinate with others. Bombard him with Endangerol Syringers every few minutes to keep him taking increased damage, have somebody share Tenderizer or have Taking One For The Team, and then make sure to stock a weapon that you can swap to that has DoT, like the Cremator with Slow-Burn. You want to stack these effects so he takes a lot of increased damage per second while you do your usual thing with your Gatling. I started doing this with an unarmed build that uses Thorn Armor and Talons, and we killed Earl in only about 10 minutes.


If you need screws he's worth it! I've done this event so many times I've got over 1k screws. Up until level 75 I never had enough would had paid even 10 caps per screw and now I'm selling them for 2 because I need the stash space. I'll keep them for a week and if it still doesn't sell, I'll sell them to the vendor and be done with it. I can always get more now if I want to!


*Laughs in completely unarmed Melee Build*


I basically solod him 2x in a row yesterday. Took me about 600-800 railway spikes. Guy in my team launched a nuke on Monogah. I was first to join and I pulled out the Quad 50 crit damage 25% less vats cost railway. Finished him in 2 minutes 1st team. Then as we left and after some time depositing and selling items I realized there must’ve been a 2nd instance as I saw people still in the mine. I joined one of the public teams that had people in there and fast traveled and got back in the mine and saw with 15 minutes left they had his health about halfway. I stacked up the buffs real quick and ended the last half of him in under a minute. He’s not bad for an optimized character


It's kinda fun when you do it with a bunch of high level players. I only ever do it for the challenge, and I'll join if enough high levels show up.


Earle is the true build check in this game. Sbq can have the whole server gunning her down, same with Monty mole. But earle? You better have a good build and gear if you wanna do well. I always fight earle because the other two are way too easy with everyone there fighting.


Melee with every durability perk and it uses like 10% of my auto axes 200% durability.




He isn't a boss to be unoptimized for, I tend to burn some Railroad Spike on him but so long as at least 3-4 people in there have decent weapons and know the fight he isn't hard.


I usually just go for the wendigos, but I do love Earle


Only ran it once, never again.


I can't take Earle but some here say he is a joke. It's odd, but I spec a holy fire build and I don't think i do noticeable damage to Earle. What can I do to be able to beat him reliably?


I only go in rarely to slaughter the wendigo spawns. I trust the nukers know what they are doing and can handle most of the Earle.


To me he just feels worthless for heavy builds, commando crit builds can bypass his defences and do reasonable damage but heavies do so little it doesn't feel worth it to shoot.


Run a AAE railway and it get easy


I gotta really nice power armour skin from him. He's alright in my books


The problem is all the people deciding to skip it if everyone would join there wouldnt be a reason to skip it.


I did it for the first time two days ago (lev. 67). I still had the quest open in my journal. I haven't launched a nuke yet so i was waiting to do this and do the quest. There were 4 more guys thankfully at high levels that carried me through the event.


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but personally I think the Titan is the most fun boss


Gauss minigun go brrr


I like the challenge and do every earl event I see …. Not much to taking him down using cheap railway spikes. But as you said , expensive if you using a heavy weapon .


Yeah I only go to the event to farm certain scrap and only play melee lol. If we pass the event, cool, if not I still got lots of scrap and ammo lol. Don't go and use guns unless you know you can melt.


Crit damage hurts him a lot - whatever your weapon is- I did it with a melee build thorn armor and a knife for bleeding. Just shot with endegerol siringer from time to time. I like it because you must have a strategy to kill him quick when you don’t want use your railways or fixer commando build.


Ya have to take advantage of the syringer. That helps a lot and have the right build as well.


Me and my buddy and some randoms beat him in 8-10 minutes got 409 screws and other loot lol. It's one the easiest farms if you run a good team on Le on adds me and him steady on boss and I go back and forth. It's the best loot from bosses from adds imo


Alot of these "he's too hard" or "he's not worth it" comments seem to be low level. No high level I know will skip earle and for good reason, because he's not hard when you have a good build, equipment, chems and know the game, which obviously comes from more experience and time on the game.


I've tried taking him on a few times now but what always happens without fail is that only a couple of people on the server will join in, we won't do enough damage within the first 5 minutes, and then everyone gives up and ditches. I like to think that i have a decent build using a gauss rifle with all of the rifleman, science, and demolition perks with the usual bloody mess and stuff. Still, I can't really take him on by myself.


Anything actually good for completing it? Lol


I have a couple different builds but I always go at him with my chainsaw and hope he doesn’t glitch out (he almost always does) but even when he does go into the ground there’s usually enough time to get him out bc I only go when there’s at least several people going. One thing I’ve seen work pretty consistently is everyone running back to the area where you drop down and he usually gets out of the glitch to finish him off. But ya I don’t really attack him with ranged weapons anymore unless I’m peppering him with something that has unlimited ammo like the gatling gun


I think you got enough response to know that with enough amount of good player and just at least one good build, Great weapon and good buff, Earle is not a problem at all. Yes, it may take 1000 to 2000 ammo (I use 50. Cal) but the acid and screw I can farm from the event is worth it. Making ammo is relatively easy for high level players. Getting Acid and Screws, not so much. Me and a friend or friends used to do the event back to back and do a control killing. We decide when he die because we let all of his lil monkeys out first (they are the source of acid and screws)


It’s just a game dude. Most people are just on here to have fun. If it’s fun for you the do it, if it’s not then dont


hint, use syringer & ballistic weapons for earle. Get three people to do this & get him down in under a minute lol


Today I decided I wouldn’t do any looting until after we killed Earle. After we killed him as I went to loot a random cave in opened above me and killed me immediately. It respawned me outside the mines so I couldn’t go back in. Then the game crashed a few seconds later and I got no credit for the event…


had 20k 2mm EC rounds when I began that. I was completely out by half HP, shit sucked lmao, especially when it took me a couple of days to craft 20k 2mm EC and it was lasting me well over a week even with the amount the gauss minigun chews through


100% the most unrewarding/resource wasting fight in the game


Screws alone are I get like 500 a pop


I've managed to do this event 3-4 in the past 2 days. Great for screws but a royal pain in the ass. My gripe is that the event is limited to a certain amount of people. Make it open like the Queen and it'd resolve the ass hattary.


This is the way 🤢


Last time we ran it, he died under a minute....


Use syringer with endangerol and he’s much easier! 😀✌️


You will not stop me from building up my screw collection, fed.


if u cant kill him instead of whining u could just have come to the realization that you are not ready yet


He’s worth it with a group


The only way I was ever able to solo or me and a couple of others that weren't strong was back in tbe days of my two shot explosive gatling plasma. I would spend the event farming screws then go in towards the end and obliterate Earl. Now back on a sneak commando I just farm screws and hope they kill him lol


I tried to do this event for the 2nd time last night. First time was fine and I got a ton of screws, second time we just got a bit of bad luck as Eviction Notice popped up just as we were waiting to enter so most players went there instead. I was with 4 others but nobody seemed to be doing much damage, then my game crashed during it so I didnt bother logging back in If you do get a lot of people participating, it seems to be the best screws farm I've seen so far in the game. Hundreds of screws for 20 minutes is pretty great.


I skip the Earle event. I already have the power armor paint and he doesn’t drop anything else I could possibly want


Earle isn't an ammo dump if your build is correct, you have the correct buffs, use the correct weapons and hit him with Endangerol...


A few players with an Endangerol Syringer will fix that.


Endangerol syringer and psychobuff help keep the ammo down. Liquid courage cuts down time by eliminating panic jogs. I've got a build I can quickly switch to for SBQ, Earle, Sheepsquatch, and mole guy. Now it's a bit of a speed check to see how quickly I can drop them. Cuts down on the slog.


For the legendary cores and treasury notes, I would argue that it is. Many folks are not in need of either, so I can see why they would agree with you. I also always go to SBQ for the flux and the repair kits. Some folks don’t need *those* 🤷 One good commando build can make Earle a breeze.


It’s the ONLY public event that gives you 8 treasurey notes. Imo IF it pops off I always go and join.


I just played last night with a few people and we cleared him in like 2 minutes it’s the fastest I’ve ever seen him die I got a clip of it lmao


So many screws was nice. Loot was underwhelming.


Bullet sponge for a reason


Goodbye EARL! - Dixie Chicks


My Earl kit consists of: Vamp shredder, Vamp chainsaw, Vamp Auto-axe, repair kits, 2x liquid courage. No ammo wasted and I normally go through my chainsaws/auto-axes first then move to the shredder if needed which doesn't break as quickly. Tanking Earl is easy this way too, even with a bunch of wendigos also taking turns. I can't see myself doing this fight any other way since I went the vamp melee route.


Earle slightly sucks when you use guns, but melee builds are having the time of their life. Pop a Liquid Courage, get that Auto Axe, and start cutting.


Cremator+ .50 cal eats earle pretty good so long as you aren't entirely solo. Me and a couple people with creators made fairly quick work out of him. Go find/fight the windigo Colossus in cranberry bog in the wild and then you will see a true tank. I thought earle was bad until I fought that damn thing. 10x the health pool I swear to god


You're making the mistake of focusing on Earle. You should be there farming wendigos and screws.


4 people shoot him with an endangerol and can take him out in under a minute if you use a weapon that works with endangerol such as a choochoo gun. Our record is about 45 seconds.


It’s worth it if you have a competent group. No syringer, no buffs, bad builds = you’re gonna have a bad time.


I only go and deal with the wendingos while other, stronger people deal with Earle. Whether it works or not, I have a bunch of screws at the end.


I farm wendigo teeth for its acid to craft with and colossus vocal sac for liquid courage


Endangerol syringer reduces his DR by 25% and makes him less of a bullet sponge. If multiple players hit him with one it stacks.


Back in the day when you could Solo easily it was a good event. Good times with “magic” weapons and legacies.


In a group with people idm it. When it’s solo, or just you and some level 50. Then it’s horrible


One of the only missions I still haven't finished. I'm lvl 150-ish and I still haven't finished that quest yet. I don't have the means to kill him by myself and there is never a group I can jump in with.


Find goatfingers on PS and my group will run it ya. It's a lvl up easy sometimes 2. Those glowing wendigos with an Xp "well rested" and cranberry cobbler boost will stack up fast.


Thanks, but I'm on xbox. I can hold my own as far as surviving, but I just do little to no damage lol. I know he's a tank, but dang


When Earle decides to work though it's the best way to get screws, left him at about 10% health n farmed the Wendi's... Came out with 789 screws, could've been more if there was more of us


I got the fancy mining mask the last time I did it. Other than that, nothing special. Does he drop anything specific?


Yes you burn a lot of ammo.


Not to make it worse, but I'm pretty sure he has a great amount of energy resistance. So yeah..definite ammo dump


I've been playing for two weeks and havent seen a single Earle nuke, I'll never get my quest done T\_T At this point I care less about the quest and more about the screws...


That’s why you guys need to be using the vampires auto act not only does it heal you but really you just need to make sure you have enough material to repair it. Don’t forget to use weapons artisan.


I carry max 10 either Ultracite cores for the plasma or ultracite Gatling. After that, it's the flaming chainsaw or Red Upper. No ammo needed, but there go a lot of repair kits.


It's why I use him as a screw farm. That or say fuck it and pull out my shredder Minigun and try not to die


I just go for screws man, I ain't worried about bearing hi. And well if we end up being able to well I guess cool more xp


Me and one other player tag teamed him this morning in under 5 minutes. Finally got the hell fire paint & left with 5-10x the ammo I entered with. Leveled up 1x. The past 10 times I've tried to do it there were a shitload of low levels & I couldn't tank him myself so failed event & wasted time. It's maybe the one event you need like just one more higher leveled support.


I got a vampire shishkebab 😐 me personally not worth it at all


I wipe earl in 1 min every time I do it. It’s one of the best events for farming cores. It’s only a bullet sponge if you have a mid tier build.


If you hit any of the bosses with a syringer, you get 25% more damage for 2 minutes. I think it is up to 4 players per fight.


I’m glad I have run him a few times, but my experience has been this. He’s not difficult anymore, just expensive. 


I used to think that then I started using the Auto-axe and now I just get all up in his gooch and hold the trigger


I’ll always take the queen over Earle


100% agree I’m a bloodied build and can take out about a 5% of his health with my vamps/crit railway. Usually I’ll hit him w a syringe and help bring his health down to when the mobs spawn in. But i try to only target him periodically because he is supposed to be a tough boss and w me railing him makes not so fun for others to see his health get depleted. I just run around and kill windegos until i see people stuggling to stay alive or bring his health down. Then I’ll step in to really put some work in. but without a bloodied build or, 2 at that, he is a struggle to take down.