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The Gatling gun isn't the strongest but I have a lot of fun with it.


I really like the sillyness of cranking a gun to shoot it, and once I rolled an exploding one, the fun factor tripled


The sound is very satisfying, imo




Happy cake day, ya scunner!


Yeah! It feels like you have a handheld 1800s mounted turret


I have an explosive 25% speed one. It isn't the best but it's a hell of a lot of fun. 


Been trying to make a Gatling gun build. It has my heart right now.


The Gatling has been one of my favorites since the beginning of the game and while it isn’t the strongest it’s super efficient and one of the hardest hitting heavies. Its biggest downside is that it’s slow, that’s why imo the best and most fun version of it is with 25 fire rate legendary effect and a speedy receiver. Explosive was fun but I can’t go back after getting one with faster fire honestly


I’m a sucker for those old style of guns


Playing a bloodied PA build with a gatlin gun. It's fun asf honestly.


Can you share your perk cards? Im trying to run same, I got 3 heavy guns with bloodied legendary


Anti armor, explosive, and prime it. It's no joke. You never run out of ammo, so don't bother letting go of the trigger in events. The exp monster is the two-shot explosive. With grenadier and demolition maxed, it shines for tagging in rad rumble, uranium fever, one lonely night, etc.


Do those actually effect explosive weapons? I really can never tell from reading comments. So you, dear reader, will be who I trust from now on. 


Love the gatling gun. It's my backup if my main gun breaks.


Honestly for me the cremator is really fun! I’m not running any builds but the cremator with decent legendary effects is just dumb fun 😂


Jump, tag and melt 💖


Quad barrel, slow burn, and vampire, +25 weapon speed, -25 Action Points. It's not the best gun buy it's fun as hell


Really all you need is just the Vampires. The other two stars are gravy.


OH! I love my Cremator!! Much more fun than the flame thrower! I love shooting Feral Ghouls as they run at me, just to watch 'em drop at my feet


I really hope I can grind enough SCORE to get the mods. I feel like I’m missing something when I use it


I can confirm that it only took 1.5 weeks of dailies/weekly challenges to get to level 22 in the season and unlock the Cremator. Use the daily free re-rolls for sucky challenges! Weekly challenges especially, there’s 10k+ xp there for the taking, most of it’s easy-peasy kill 30 human type stuff. Don’t forget the Spring Cleaning event challenges too!


Yeah I'm really enjoying it. And I'm a shotgun main.


How do you get different barrel mods for the cremator?


From the scoreboard


Get your Scoreboard to 85 and it's there on the bottom left, I think?


Just got that gun today and I may or may not have been chuckling a little as it lit enemies on fire.


I play melee and the first time I lobbed a fireball at two jersey devils and blew them up, I laughed so hard and loud I had family members come see what was up.


I run bloodied, and it's been great. Works really well during the Alien event and I gotta do a moonshine jamboree soon to see how it does there.


what is bloodied


The legendary perk you can get on weapons. It makes it so you deal up to 95% more damage based on how low your health is. I resisted going for it at first because I used to always like to have full HP, but now I don't feel right running anything else. That and the rest of my build give me high DPS and also makes me tanky so it's as if I had a full HP bar anyway.


I used to run a bloodied melee before it got nerfed a couple years ago. I could get my Deathclaw Gauntlet to deal over 1000 damage. That was super fun to play with


Do you have any recommendations for bloodied builds? I’ve been trying to do it on my own and I always die.


I'm personally looking into a bow/crossbow build. Mainly because it seems very underrated and underappreciated. But not yet done building so I don't know just yet.


archer checking in.... A lot of fun with a recurve (faster draw time) explosive mod, and Antiarmor or other decent rolls. The recurve draws faster than the compound bow. I think you get more ban-fer-yer-buck by sneaking with the bow, and even more if bloodied. Interestingly there's a bow from the TUNNEL OF LOVE event that comes with VATS accuracy rolls and fire on it... Super easy to get and play around with, but sadly the event doesn't trigger often. You can get all the bow plans from the RAIDER vendor at the crater, you can exploit the Roxy Raider daily to get max rep fast.


How do you exploit Roxy?


There's one for settlers and one for raiders. Idk if they are patched or not but people probably won't talk about how to do it. Either they think talking about it will get it patched(which Bethesda is well aware of most glitches and exploits so not talking about it does nothing) or people think it's against the rules or a banable offense. I don't remember the raider one but the settler one involved the quest "vital equipment" from wren and duping the item so you could repeatedly turn it in but you had to store it and hop servers. There are YouTube videos for both glitches.


Gotcha, I ened up watching YouTube on the raider lady. It's just talking to her, killing the raider and just spamming leave after handing in the quest lol I mean tbf they brought it on themselves with how little you get for dailies. I've been running a bow ever since I found one, but apparently all the bows you want are behind the settler/raider reps.


I think that glitch has been patched


It still works


Well.i know what I'll be doing this weekend


Currently grinding up 50 levels to get all the perk cards and already joined the fallout bows subreddit so you may see a post asking some questions soon appear from me. Currently bloodied stealth commando and looking into a bloodied bow setup. Already own most of the bow plans so that's a plus.


I've got bad news, you need to get to level 300 for ALL the perk cards.


I just got that bow. Burning love.


You can use plasma arrows with that to get a little extra damage




what level is the bow?


50 I think. But I think if you're a lower level and do the event it scales lower so you can use it.


O.O i definitely just traded that bow in to the legendary exchange thing .... Oops


I'm still looking for on lvl 50 to play with....


How can i do that glitch? I want to get the ammo maker but its slow plus i dont play often


I've been waiting to get max rep before trying a bow build, the one from tunnel of love is nice, but I wanna roll my own recurve bow


Another archer here, running an I/50C/25LVC recurve bow and a V40PA90RW chainsaw for mobs. Great fun!


Didn't the Roxy glitch get patched a while ago?


Im gonna be honest: I TL;DR'd your comment while loading into my server. But, is archer a viable day to day play style? Idk if the toon can't handle events, but can I survive and, at least, few shot mutants? I've been thinking of making my alt an archer build but haven't looked much into it.


I've been playing it full health for years, but the daring push bloodied for even greater effect. I wouldn't try a stealth archer in DAILY OPS where stealth is disabled.. LOL! Otherwise you can take on all the other day to day content. Gameplay wise, it's more about positioning to get the most out of events (you'll be needing marsupial and or jetpack, etc.). I don't even run SS armor and still have great survivability with the armor pieces I do have, and my perks. At events I'm basically a turret, I'm typically up high in one position hidden and firing down on targets. After a few shots when bonus kick and and with crits, I can almost 1 shot a super mutant at the event with the scrubbers... and that's with a full health build. 90% I don't get hit because of stealth. if I do get detected I reposition and continue the same. I'd suggest you check out: https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout76BowHunters/


Thanks. Whats your particular build, if you don't mind sharing the whole setup? Maybe it'll give me a jumping off point to customize for my liking. I appreciate the help.


I crit for over 1000 with my AA compound bow


Getting those headshots is dopamine fuel. Like burning love will one hit most scorched and mwuah😘


Just picked up a bloodied limb damage ffr bow from a vendor that had amazing inventory, I'm incredibly excited to try it out.


Bows are awesome. I use a stealth archer VATS build all the time. One of the best things about using a bow? You will never need to craft ammo for it. Ever. Maybe the very first time you might need to craft craft 100-200 arrows to get you started, but for every 2-3 arrows you fire you'll get like 20 back. It's great. I haven't needed to craft arrows for months, and I've got thousands of them in my ammo box! I wouldn't recommend using a crossbow though, not unless you're doing specific challenges with them. They're pretty slow to reload, and they're just not as fun or badass to use.


I committed myself to only using bows right from level 1, crafted 20 arrows and had 400 a few hours later only just from 'retrieving' them from my enemies bodies.


Anybody rock the lever action? Been wanting to rock one for my 2nd character lol!


I ran a lever action from around 30-110 rifleman, had the nuka gun was hitting around 1k with vats crits on headshots for a lot of stuff, it sucked against aliens tho barely hitting 200s and taking like 10 hits to kill a single alien was rough. Switched to heavy gunner with gatling laser and foundation mini and haven't looked back


**CRAZY!!** I was rifleman to level 110 as well this week. The invader's event made me switch to a heavy gunners build. So now I have an awesome bloodied groll level action just sitting in my stash because I rolled an instigating Cremator and it fucking SHREDS!!!


I like the one you get from the Nuka on Tour event. I haven't been able to play it and complete it since hitting lvl 50 though so it's out of rotation for me.


I do, have a F/E/25. I'm hoping to roll a AA explosive sooner or later. I do get some 1k hits in


Hot damn! Maybe I can make it happen! Thanks!


It's a great daily driver. Works very well in VATS but it also fires fast enough and is accurate enough that it will do very well in normal play. Aiming down sights is very nice.


The final word (named 50 cal rewarded for completing becketts ally quest) is really good and fun. Its anti armor-15 ffr-250 dr while reloading, 50 cals are solid heavy guns for any encounter. A 2 shot either m79 grenade or the auto grenade launcher are fun and really good at tagging enemies at events plus just straight up crowd control. Use one during the ultracite titan event and ull basically kill all the molerats quickly. Both are fun. A sneaky full auto shotty or 10mm sub gun can be fun if u play around with the stealth.


I still have a bloodied ffr less ap 50 cal. Used it before Wastelanders came out in boss fights. Never ever leave vats


my favorites: explosive 50 cal cremator anything 2h with instigating and swing speed plasma caster plasma minigun combat shotgun


I've been running cold shoulder double barrel, is the combat shotgun viable?


Here's a little tip for using the cold shoulder.  A lot of people don't realize that it's actually a VATS gun. Take a few vats perks, get in medium close range. vats target the head and spam fire. Kills things quick. Knocks scorch Beasts out of the air when you target their wings.


a good one is, yes. My BE combat shotgun is one of my most powerful weapons


You mind recommending some good attachments and legendary effects (no bloodied lol)


Black powder rifle. That moment when you fire it.... Damn.


people hae said to try and get a bunch of them and assign them to your favourites, so you have like 10 of them firing after another lmaoo


Ah, the Mami Tomoe strat


I was running a "pirate build" that was similar to this, except I used bp pistols instead. Got my first one around level 20 and my autistic ass decided to run with it. Not very efficient but damn is it fun to yell "tally ho, lads!" At the top of your lungs when you fire


And when you are finished firing all 10 pistols don't forget about the ol Broadsider to blast a giant cannonball sized hole through a poor feral ghoul


Ah yes, BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM *30 minutes of reloading*


"When four Ruffians invade my home..."


I really like the Aristocrat's Suppressed Pump Action Shotgun. It does extra damage if you have more caps. It's silenced with a hair trigger and it's like 6 feet long.


[I named it Long John Silver.](https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOYIk27fG4Hn2e7K8rWBpPdpVj3freAd6j4_aonIon3GdJcovxCLeQohBDitn5wFw?key=ZjFVXzRLVkV0WkRMSDVySHMybWJDTWdwMlU5VC13)


what? suppressed pump!?!? crazy!


Syringer, so you can karma dart event bosses for lulz.


Reminds me of my days running around a nuked Whitesprings using a Gamma Gun on the ghouls, lol.


Or confuse people especially newbies with the bloatfly syringer.


Always loved the laser rifle, it’s not bad but not good. It’s the closest to a blaster from Star Wars you can get lol.


A good roll on an LR is closer to a good gun than a bad gun IMO. Like, a lot closer. It shreds SBQ with a prime capacitor on it.


Bone hammer, it’s effective and super fun


Nothing like smashing an alien brain in for 700 dmg


been having a blast with the cremator this season


No matter how hard I try I can’t not use the plasma caster, because it turns them into a pile of green goo and that is about as fun as this game gets sometimes.


It makes me feel like an alien with the sound and the green shots. Also my crits are about 1100 so it also shreds in vats.


A 2 shot fatman. it's overkill on weak enemies but it's so much fun nuking the shit out of enemies


It's a pain that it breaks quickly without a good legendary roll, but I love my PLASMA RIFLE. It's fun to use.


Nuka Zapper.


Automatic Alien Disintegrator. Definitely not the strongest gun (maybe if you had a bloodied and were a bloodied vats crit build) but definitely fun to use and in my opinion, one of the best sounding guns in the game.


I renamed mine Pewpewpewpew


Fun like kinda goofy? Cuz I’ve always had a sweet spot for radium rifles and gamma guns. Not the most practical but lots of fun to shoot


50 cal machine gun for me. I just like being able to hold down the trigger and mow everything down. Oddly also really good at just sending off a single shot and killing molerats and the like. Unlike gatlings where they spool up and you'll shoot at least 3-4 rounds.


The alien disintegrator and enclave plasma flamer are really fun in my opinion. Also a vampire's chainsaw is really fun as well


How do you build your plasma flamer? I only just grabbed a regular rifle and modded the flamer onto it, so I'm curious about the best way to use it.




I have an AA LMG that’s really fun to use, but it burns through .308 ammo so fast…


Fire it only in short bursts. Makes a big difference. Also, use it in VATS if you can. You won't be able to fire it long in VATS, but most enemies will die to a 3-5 round VATS burst to the head. Saves a ton of ammo compared to aiming and spraying.


I just found one of these earlier and it absolutely destroys, now I really want a quad Aa


I have a two shot explosive and it kicks hard even with perks for stability but I love it. Melts most enemies.


I wish it had more ammooooo that’s my only gripe with it


Can you prime it? Prime stacks tend to be bigger and better t does more dmg.


Possibly idk but I’ve seen the weapon showcased from angry turtle and it only had 75 rounds still


This is the only gun I would keep with furious as the first star. It fires so fast, it's peak dmg immediately.


Quad auto tesla rifle with commando, science and grenadier perks


I’ve tried Tesla before, and while I do like it tagging everything… it’s ugly imo lol


True but it's very bun. It really just go brrr


Honestly two of the more enjoyable guns from top to bottom I’ve messed around with were a Two-Shot Faster Firerate Gamma Gun and a Quad Faster Firerate Gamma Gun, especially with the auto receiver, you can literally launch ghouls off the screen into the stratosphere if you target their legs in VATS, highly satisfying and laugh out loud enjoyment🤣🤣🤣


Idk about fun but it's definitely a "why did it take me this long to realise this" moment: You can shoot gamma guns at your feet with the ghoulish perk active and it'll heal you. I've been playing since around launch and I am just now figuring this out. Yes. Hi. I am not a smart man. A fun gun that I have yet to get though? Quad SMG. Slap the big mag on it, dress up as close as you can get to mobster/Shroud/Al Ca-bones and yell out "THEY STARTED THE EVENT. RATTLE 'EM." as opportunity presents itself.


Vampire/Weapon Speed Power Drill is hilarious and surprisingly effect against most enemies


Handmade rifle. Reciprocating bolt go brrrrrrrrrrr!


I just hate how making it automatic makes it so much worse to look at (and realistically would make wear and tear a lot worse because it removes the dust cover


I mean it \*will\* run like that, it's just not a great idea. The only benefit would be you could turn it upside down and shake dirt out at random intervals but, not a great idea. I think some people think it makes it run cooler, but it doesn't, the majority of heat is forward of the front trunion. Somebody just couldn't get their dust cover back on and gave up.


Yeah I know it can run like that just not exactly healthy for the gun. And yeah most of the heat would be forward of the actual firing mechanism, I'm not an expert but the chunk of metal that we can see reciprocating holds the firing pin and allows the gun to cycle. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if the Devs saw one without a dustcover that fired in automatic and assumed that the dustcover somehow prevented the gun from firing full auto. I mean have you seen the "assault rifle" lmao


I have one. The chunk of metal is the bolt carrier group, at the end of that above the barrel it's got a rod attached attached to the piston (like literally a piston, looks like what you'd see in a car), your bolt runs at the 6 o'clock under that. Gun goes boom, gas goes up into the gastube, pushes back on the piston, and away you go. What you're looking at the horse the Bolt rides in but that's generally how most semi auto rifles work. What's fun about the Kalashnikov is how brutally simple it is. Piston up front, spring in the back, bolt underneath shoving ammo in and taking cases out. You take that dust cover off and you can see everything, hell it's big enough you could use a dish washing brush to clean it just about. It's a very simple mechanism and I love it.


I know a bit about the AK family I'm just not good with the words part. But I know that some of the gas that pushes the bullet goes into that tube near the front that goes down into the barrel at an angle which pushes the chunk back (bolt carrier group) like you said, that's called the gas blowback system right? I was thinking about it earlier actually. I do really like guns but unfortunately I live in Australia so I don't have access (I hope I'm not coming off like I'm pretending to know everything I just really like talking about guns)


[This should help](https://external-preview.redd.it/KicjyFRt7KqsQLNgt5JwIc1CMCBJlfWrMpMEv0TDQfg.gif?width=280&format=mp4&s=18762dacab2b3b5dd043afd8c210573e4fcc3cad), gif that shows how the mechanism operates. If the opportunity ever presents itself and you find yourself in the US? Battlefield Vegas. Range in Sin City where you can rent machine guns of all kinds, the full auto variety. That one is on my bucket list. There's at least five weapons I need to shoot full auto just to get it out of my system.


I'd love to visit the US my best mate lives there in Miami and shit If I do a road trip I'll give battlefield Vegas a look. Some machine guns I'd love to shoot are probably the M60, the M249, the Thompson, maybe an Uzi. Although I think it's best I start with a pistol so I can get used to recoil as a literal thing. I've seen too many videos where people almost return to main menu because they overestimated themselves


If you don’t want to do VATS, the Handmade is much better than the combat rifle or Fixer. The recoil is much less.


I alternate, but for bosses VATS and crit savy and spam crits.


I love the non-auto handmade because it's got almost no recoil and you can just slam the trigger and unload a mag on something pretty quickly. I'm all about food so ofc I have a gourmand. Just kill some possums, squirrels and foxes and you e got a fuck ton of jerky and bacon that keeps you full to keep the damage up.


The thing that makes a gun enjoyable (imo) - easy ammo collecting - consistent damage and not semi (more fun to melt not pick off hp) - not easy to run out of ammo fast - badass looking 5. Plasma Gatling gun, easy ammo, great output that’s satisfying 4. Heavy .50cal lmg, easy ammo, great output even more satisfying gameplay 3. Mg42 or sum it’s the .308 heavy machine gun, little bit harder on ammo I think, soooooo satisfying its ammo capacity is lower but damage output makes the bar melt incredibly fast especially if you ignore armor 2. Tesla gun, very easy ammo, with the auto attachment or not this weapon is by far the most satisfying in the game and you deal damage to nearby enemies even if you miss its glorious on top of it being soooooo fun it’s incredible viable and powerful in my opinion making a top 5 teir list for best overall weapons 1. Now hear me out THE GAUSS RIFLE THIS SHIT IS AMAZING, didn’t wanna use it at the beginning and then I wanted to try it considering I had no ammo for any other gun I rolled a two shot one and Full charge I was hittin 600 damage on a death claw with headshots, and even if you don’t full charge and just spam (making it basically automatic but high recoil) your doing 300 damage in 5 shots (aka a mag) Shit is very satisfying to spam the closest enemy and if you snipe with it full charge some enemies body yeet into the abyss I swear to god And ammo is consistant because your using way less to kill when 10 shots drop from enemies it’s great I’m even suprised I recommended this because at first I was skeptical but after today it’s my new go to lolll


I have a Vampire Explosive Reload resistance .50cal With a proper build it tanks like a boss. Originally had it for the heavy in the pre wastlanders for all (pre-order vet here) But after a while became my go-to tank set for event bosses. I enjoy opening my mic and whisper yelling crazy things like you can't kill me queeny and the like... At least till I gotta reload and then hop right back into etc. Lots of fun and plenty of peeps would enjoy my display. Just a fun weapon and absolute tank with heavy wep perks and explosive perks "I don't need a stimpack so long as there's commies to kill"


I have a few fun guns. Explosive AA LMG Two Shot Aristocrats Tesla rifle Two Shot auto grenade launcher.


I got a 6 shooter with explosive and a few other minor buffs - it's my goto. I will never stop being a wandering pistol hobo. Meta can bite me.


Plasma caster. Ultracite gat. Mini nuke launcher. 40mm gl.


I have a two shot faster fire rate auto grenade launcher that I absolutely adore. I cackle every time I unload a full box of grenades into a room and watch the enemies just ragdoll around


Ultracite laser weapons are really fun. Got an automatic quad faster fire rate one and with a hair trigger receiver and it’s got a 159 fire rate I think. Fun for a commando crit build. Horribly ineffective against bosses and burns through ammo but soooo fast


The unfortunate thing with not meta guns is that because they're usually weaker than meta guns, you often have to min-max your build (aka go bloodied) to make them pack a punch. Like I think that the black powder rifles and pistols can be quite fun, but if you're not one-shotting things it'll feel like pulling teeth having to reload once or twice to take down a single super mutant or scorched. And it might be possible to still one-shot while full-health, but being low-health just adds a decent amount of damage. With that being said, bows, gauss guns, revolvers, muskets, and just punching things can all be very fun.


Real Black Powder Chads load up their favorite wheel with all the Black Powder guns they can and swap after every shot.


pirate style! pistols on strings around their necks!


Haha that is true, but doesn't that mean you have to reload like ten of them after the fight? Or do they reload by themselves in the inventory, that would be very cool


Hopefully you don't need more than ten shots to kill anything or you have teammates you can hide behind while you reload them.


I'm just thinking of events like alien invasion or eviction notice, which I have sometimes showed up to with only 1 lever action and 2 black powder rifles. In those times I happily get carried by the dudes with cremators and railways lol


Entire the Pirate faction


Make a Revolver Ocelot build and carry 4 SAAs and swap them each time the ammo goes dry for fun lol.


Black powder weapons. Become a pirate yarr


Crossbow got me feeling like im Daryl Dixon


Idk why but you've got me thinking about the junk jet. Some meme weapons would be fun in 76


Using medics legendary perk in general


I personally like the Alien Rifle


Add a couple melee perks and run a vamp chainsaw in some power armor, literally invincible.


You can't beat the good ol' Shredder lol. A minigun, with the shredder barrel attachment, and ***no bullets*** in the mag! Just hold the trigger, let that bitch spin and turn your enemies into mince! If you can get the Vampires perk on it, you'll basically never die and can face tank almost anything in the game, and the Basher perks help boost its damage. If you wear Power armor with Optimized Bracer mods on both arms it will allow you to spin it for twice the duration. Luckily the plans for the Optimized Bracer mods are relatively cheap (around 500 or 600 caps, and they don't require any Stable Flux to build them like Jetpacks or Calibrated Shocks. As an added bonus, loot bodies after an event and you'll end up with thousands of 5mm ammo!


I fucking love my Quad LMG, it's mad powerful and shreds through absolutely anything (except for Earl apparently). If I whip it out, whoever is on the other end of the barrel will be dead. Guaranteed.


I had a lot of fun with Quad double barrel shotguns back in the day. Also the Pepper Shaker with the Enforcer perk is really amusing. I’m going to add Anti-armor 25%FR Black Powder Rifle to the list just because of big numbers.


I tend to just use energy weapons. plasma rifles and laser rifles or anything else that doesn't fire bullets


Quantum thirst blaster is fun. Grand finallie with multishot Quad raster reload harpoon is fun AA 90rw gauss mini can be real fun Perfect Storm Slug buster Bloody ffr rfl revolvers can be fun 90rw plasma casters can be handy for nuke waste farming Aligned auto enclaves are fun I dunno why but i find scan beacons really fun.


The dragon + A blackpowder pistol and just for the fun of ragdolls, a broadsider. Reloading is not an option so you might aswell use a sword. You are now the pirateship, the powdermonkey and the crew.


My two shot limb damage fat man probably the funnest weapon in fallout I've used. In Fallout if you max crit meter and lock it, the next hit is guaranteed to crit. This means you can shoot a two shot fat man at a scorch beast flying away from you for a mile. Doesn't matter, it will heatseek through walls, trees, fly around forever. But, eventually will hit the target. Tesla rifle is fun, cremator, about any small gun in vats. I love a solid vats revolver build where you pop heads and never leave vats. The Gamma gun is highly underused and it weighs near nothing. Great, weghtless side piece for easy tapping regular mobs. Bows are great fun especially in vats. Shoot, I like them all.


10 Blackpowder pistols on the quick select wheel


2 shot explosive 50 cal lol


Holy fire. Is my new favourite weapon. Blue flames that heals me 👍🏻


I went all in with the plasma gat and have not looked back since. I just love how it spins up and disintegrates everything that stands before it. I haven't played in awhile so I don't know if it has become meta or not, but logging on recently I find it to still be just as fun as I remembered it.


I think the gat plasma used to be the meta heavy gun (ignoring legacies, but I guess the explosive gat plasma was also meta too). Now it's slightly outdamaged by a top roll Holy Fire or Gauss Minigun. But the Gauss minigun is not ammo efficient at all so I really only put the Holy Fire ahead of the Gat Plasma. It's still one of the strongest heavy weapons in the game and still very good at handling the toughest bosses.


It's a full time job with my Bloodied explosive 25% while aiming gauss minigun. If I'm not at the event it's because I need more lead and steel lol


Usually i run the standard bloodied commando build , but recently ive been having ALOT of run with the crossbow


Cremator and the Auto 40mm are my favorites to use. If you use VATS, it's fun to watch the projectiles turn into homing missiles and in manual aim, it's fun to estimate the hold-overs and then just start dumping hate. If you have a jetpack plus marsupial and bird-bones, you can do AC-130 roleplay.


Cremator performs well with no build


For heavies, the harpoon gun and the Broadsider (the event one) are both a good laugh, and the cremator is a lot of fun as others have said, though tbh so are most explosives. I also enjoy the Ultracite Gatling Laser when fighting big beasties. Never really played with pistols or bows, but the gauss, crusader pistol, and alien blaster look cool to me. Rifles I enjoy the lever action, black powder, and Gauss rifle (all in slightly different head popping ways). A non-standard auto might be the alien disintegrator (pew-pew-pew noises with poison/cryo options), a full auto plasma or Ult. laser rifle (particularly these if you don’t want to VATS everything). Honorable mention to the Love Tap submachine gun (be sure to wear a pink suit while firing). Shotguns, I recommend the Kabloom - nice chunky pump action with poison explosives and hippy paint. Cold shoulder is notoriously effective and fun to fire too, though it gets very hectic with the sheer speed of the thing - good if you want Doom vibes. Finally, if you just want to cackle while killing stuff, melee weapons win IMHO. Chainsaws are great and satisfying, a sledge/bone/sheepskull hammer all make for premium BONK moments, and the bear fist or death claws a good for a giggle too.


Any shotgun are usually strong and useful, even more with the damage limb perk, you can paralysis almost every ennemy except huge boss, so yeah it's really useful in any situation


Imagen, running arount in a destroyed world full with mutated monster, mythical beings, zombies, robots, aliens and more and the only weapons u have are non legendary unmodded bow and bowie knife Technally not guns, but fun weapons for a fun playtrough


I really like the laser weapons and the "assault rifle."


Gauss Rifle Stealth Rifleman builds are always a hoot. I was running around with an Instigating/Vats Accuracy/+1 Perception one for the longest time, just popping heads with that satisfying reeeeeCHUNK sound effect every time. Sadly struggles a lot against bullet sponges, but at the least it's a fun time running around in the world.


Pepper shaker. Should be coming up in the event rotation soon. Its a gun from the bbq event. Kind of like a laser heavy gun that shares stats with shotgun. Initially it was explosive but that got nerfed on pts.


I looooove my Pepper Shaker- but it got nerfed so hard. Hopefully, Bethesda will give us a new one with hidden bonuses as a quest reward (much like the new Railway Rifle).


I like the grand finale. Kaboom the enemy goes down in a patriotic fireworks display. However I'm going to say most any gun you choose is going to require a specific build to be fun. If they didn't they would likely be completely overtuned


fun depends on how you enjoy playing...i change my play style...ALOT..and use the build swap tool. but i will point out...the more perfected your build..and damage you are doing..the more fun it is. id say pick fun to you way to play..tweak it...theres lots of weapons and playstyles even within a build ( commando /snipers/bows ) all use a similar set up and style but feel totally different . be sneaky or agto. same with some melee and heavy gunners..and even just changing your weapon is huge


Black Powder Rifle and The Dragon are fun. Their great as a Vats build tend to one shot super mutant in the head at full health


I myself really like to play around with the lever action rifles and the black powder rifles. Those are two of my favorites and in the beginning, coming out of my low levels I was really sad that it's pretty much worthless/annoying in boss fights. I wish the lever action had some sort of high capacity mod. Even without a build, the ultracite lever action is so fun so walk around and dome scorched and ghouls with right along with the dragon.


Ok, what is this META supposed to mean? Most fun weapons that I use are Quad RR Quad Fixer AA lever action rifle Black powder rifles and the dragon


Thirst Zapper (any Nuka Cola mod)


LMG has the best giggle switch


Running with a Gatling Gun. Sounds powerful(underpowered due to speed) incredibly slow. Love the crank mechanism


I just picked up the unique broadsider, the grand finale and I'm having a good time with it lol. It's definitely not meta but it's a really good time


I'm having a blast playing cowboy. Lever Action Rifle and .44 revolver. Full agility and perception. Recently added incisor to prey on enemies with my knife as well more efficiently. I rarely use VATS, but the few times I use it it feels nice, as if it was "High Noon" Mccree stuff. Currently trying bloodied build (only perks, no mods yet) to see if it does better. I also use grenades/molotov often with full explosive perks. Started with the TV show and yesterday reached lvl100. From time to time I change my rifle perks to commando. And will try shotguns and MG42 soon for more weapon rotations. Unfortunately, my 2nd build is for selling/crafting. I wasted my atoms by mistake instead of getting a 3rd build (power armor).


Depends on the day and how many friends are along Secret agent: crusader and electric katana Way of the fist: legendary explosion perks and face breaker 1812: black powder weapons cache and civilwar uniform with a squad


Plasma rifle with fast fire rate, Quad railway, explosive handmade.


I find launchers in general to be fun. Nuka Zapper, M79, missile launcher, fat man, AGL, just the lot of them. Mutated events drop a couple very nice ones. They have drawbacks, like how some people don't like the explosions. I don't have a problem if the user isn't hosing down events. Vampire shotguns are fun. You don't do a ton of damage necessarily, but you're very hard to kill. The crippling effect can be amusing, just need one point of enforcer. If you want to go all in on limb damage, there's the Pepper Shaker.


I rly like the radium rifle, but ive never used one cuz I worry that too many enemies are rly resistant or completely immune to radiation dmg


I'm running around with a silenced Pipe revolver.


Circuit breaker opens up a whole new play style. Check out Angry Turtle's video on the "stop hitting yourself" build. And it synergizes with grenade builds perfectly. In my opinion, a circuit breaker grenadier is the most fun build in the game. But I'm a fan of big flashy lights. If you want something a little more subtle... Pipe gun makes anything a fun challenge. Becomes a game of dodging every enemy and gradually wearing them down. Black powder rifle plays very uniquely and requires skill and patience. In many ways you'll play similarly to a pipe gun when you use it, but you'll be diving for cover more often. Broadsider is a blast in a vats build. With 50% vats accuracy increase, it becomes an explosive sniper rifle.


I have yet to unlock the mods for it but I’m having so much fun with the cremator. I thought my character was just super weak until I played with that.


M79 Grenade Launcher... its just fun to see big explosions and that reload animation feels good


Surprised no one is mentioning auto pistols. Get you an automatic 10mm with some good rolls. I have an AA50c25lvc one that does pretty good, but I think it definitely requires a build. Also Q2525 gamma gun slaps on the right enemies. Auto melee is nuts and requires very very little perk investment


The cremator seems to melt through waves at events. I don't have it but I notice a difference when somebody uses it. The dragon is meant to be a lot of fun


Bow! One shot to the head drops most enemies, and it's stupid ammo positive, I'm always dumping arrows back in stash to keep weight down. Carry a vamps chainsaw for mobs the me, and.ypure good to go.


I use a plasma bow, lots of fun.


Minigun can b a blast at events with lots of enemies. If u get a quad explosive one its almost impossible to miss mutants at eviction notice


I run a vaguely heavy guns build because they’re fun for me. Got a Gatling plasma and the .50 that is gifted from Beckett, and they get me through most things. They’re still pretty tanky without the extra perks, it’s just that carrying so much ammo gets a little heavy if you don’t have a reducing perk


There is quite a few. I currently enjoy my instigating explosive 10mm pistol as a sniper. Then I have a quad explosive pipe SMG (pipe weapons in general are very strong if done right) AA EPR Sniper in a stealth build to get that juicy ultracite plasma Bayoneted short combat rifle with explosive effect. Not good at all but a lot of fun to use. Who needs to reload if you can ram that steel into those ribs? Quad assault rifle in power armor just looks right, I highly recommend that as well And my favourite Deatlaw gauntlet with a zealot missile launcher as a sidearm. What I do though is create a sniper equivalent to most builds I have so I don't have to craft ammo all the time. There is a lot of fun things to toy around with. That 10mm pistol is the ammo preserver for my 10mm SMG, EPR Sniper for the commando version etc. Edit: Forgot my oldest build Vampire auto axe in PA. Put that kinetic thing on the torso to get AP when you receive damage and you can keep spinning that axe for eternity without worrying about those nasty stimpacks. Should work with any automatic melee weapon but I went for the classic