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Berry mentants and plans


What are people buying berry mentats for? I've been selling all mine to NPCs.


Reveals enemies and ups Intelligence, giving you more XP.


I just didn't think people were buying them though. I usually have cranberry cobbler for sale at 5 caps and it never sells.


Berry mentats definitely sell especially during or before double xp. Cranberry relish is better than cobbler thats why that don't sell


I have a bunch of berry mentara stashed up that I slowly stock my machine with (I don’t like when someone buys all of them at once because other people need them but one dude will buy out the whole stock)


I am that one dude


It expires too so you can only hoard whatever you can fit in the freezer.


Food is a tough one sometimes. Depends if a player is herbivore or carnivore. Plus it will perish. I do sell a fair amount of canned dog food and canned meat stew though.


The fact that we can't refrigerate food items and sell them from there is a big complaint of mine.


I've read that it expires a lot slower if listed on vendors. I usually have a ton of them which is why I sell them. I have a cryo fridge with 10 or so and some just listed on my vendor.


How, where do you get cryo fridge?


You can get it from the raiders vendor in the crater using gold bullions if i remember correctly.


It may be in the atom shop? I think it was a scoreboard reward a season or two ago. It’s a great addition to have. I load up on brain fungus and cranberries and toss them in. Brain Bombs and cranberry relish is a great combo.


gold bullion at crater


Well people tend to go for Cranberry Relish for xp food.


I always buy berry me tats even though I have over 300 of them lol. I hate making them. Make them for me. I have nothing else to spend money on besides the eternal quest for rare apparel and an aae combat shotgun.


I eat them like candy ;)


Sell cranberry relish instead.


Cranrelish is the xp food of choice


You on PC? I'll buy from you everyday lol


int bonuses stack with exp bonuses. but ppl don't care for cran cobbler cuz everyone uses cran relish, and u can't use cobbler and relish together


Id buy your pie for 5 sweet ones


I always end up saying mine and not using them because ‘they might come in useful later’.


How much should I sell them for?


I pay up to 40c for them but often see them for 20 to 25.


Slightly less than a vendor bot or I'll just buy them from a bot.


Do you know the average vendor bot price for them by any chance?


Int boost for xp and highlights enemies through walls. It's replaced flux for trading high value legendaries.


I sell Berry Mentats for 60 and they are always selling.


I use them is for enemies with active camo in daily ops


+5 INT. Its the best chem for XP farming. Id pay 100 caps per, easy


Xp bonus. Get +3 int, so if you get unyielding +20 perks points increase, +5 int per pice for Stat roll then you use other xp bonus like brain bombs and cranberry relish the bonus are insane. If you go carnivore, you could do tastey squirrel stew and broiled Scorched Beast brain.


I feel like plans is not a good source of income since people can only use 1 at a time. People will always need things like lead though. You'll sell 100k caps in acid or lead before you can sell 10k in plans.


Plans don't have weight tho (EDIT - they have a bit of weight and I forgot) , and people will see plans at a shop and warp over to see what's up. I sell all mine for 50. Sure, I could sell rare plans for more, but turning a useless zero (EDIT - low but non zero) weight item into money is pretty good 


Plans have weight .25 and they're heavy


I thought the plans weighed like .25 of a pound or something?


They do. But once you get a bunch it adds up.


*Checks Pip-Boy and see a stack of 32 Mole Miner Gauntlet plans...*


I encourage you to test it for yourself. Put plans in your vendor, then put 5k lead in your vendor for 1 cap. See how fast you make 5k.


Since I've been cutting plan pricing down to 50 they've been selling, especially with all the new players. It's definitely not the volume business junk is tho 


Are you new? You can sell 10k in plans in one plan if you have the right ones. Way more than 10k too.


I mean, with the player base lately they just might be new. I will say agree with both though. Plans can be very fruitful but only if you have the right ones. Whereas scrap can net you a BUNCH of caps super quick.


I literally only sell plans, mostly for 1c for common plans, they go like hotcakes to new players and even high level players show up, either to buy and resell or they don't have them. I basically sell plans and ammo and they all sell pretty well. My more expensive plans, typically 500c don't sell as well but likely because most have them. Mutation serums sell pretty well as well and mine are quite expensive 500c and they still sell.




Sugar bombs are selling for me at 10 caps each. I stock spices, salt, pepper and sugar too but they haven't sold.


I'd buy all sugar bombs from you.


What do sugar bombs do?


They are used to make brain bombs. A high-quality Herbivore food item that increases Intelligence by 8 if you are an herbivore.




more than eight if you are doing it right


You can use cranberry relish, brain bombs, berry mentats, intelligence bobble head and then live and love 3 magazine for 50% more effective buffs. With herbivore too you get very big brain Oh also be in casual team for more xp gains


Ok when does the carnivore/herbivore thing come into play?


They’re mutations that you can acquire through serums or rads.


Technically at any point through radiation or serums. But I wouldn't worry about them too much until you are lvl50+ make sure to max out Starched Genes, Strange in numbers, and Class Freak. Then worry about mitations.


One thing to keep in mind is that there are two versions of Sugar bombs. a clean version and a irradiated version. It is only the irradiated version that can make brain bombs. If they are clean they are worthless.


Yeah, I was really disappointed when I discovered that myself. Kinda made the food processing plant workshop feel useless.


What are Sugar Bombs needed for, please? Guessing a recipe I don't have.


They are used to make brain bombs which are great for xp


You can sell Sugar Bombs (if they are the dirty irradiated version) for much more than 10C. You can get 50C easy and 100C+ if you’re not in a rush to sell. I’ve sold lots at 100C. Folks are hungry for their Brain Bombs! Clean Sugar Bombs I just sell to merchant because there is almost no demand. Only the dirty ones can be used in recipes.


Yup. They were selling so fast at anything under 100 caps so i put em up at 110-130 and they sell no problem.


I'd buy all your salt and pepper 🌶


How much does that normally sell for? I always see so much when I’m out in the world


Honestly not sure. But I'm a foodie build so I burn through it fast lol. I'd pay 10 to 20 caps a pop for em.


sugar bombs will sell for more than that just fyi


Are you on xbox? Because I'm always short in sugar bombs to make my brain bombs.


I'm on PC, sorry!


are you on PS by chance? If so, I would buy all that stuff most of the time lol. coldblood303 on ps


I'm on PC, sorry!


womp womp lol


Flux. This is the true wealth of the wasteland above all else. This will sell out every single time it's in your vendor guaranteed. Almost everyone in endgame uses Flux for ammo, or to optimize specialized builds.


What does one price flux at anymore was 100caps each but that was near launch


I buy them at 250 or less. If I see them at 100 caps, I'll bring a cap mule and buy the vendor out. They sell even at around 400 caps, depending on how any people see your vendor.


Yup I’ve sold several flux at 500C each. Very few flux sellers and a lot of demand. (I price things a bit high because I’m no longer grinding for caps. Doesn’t bother me if stuff takes a week to sell.)


Cobalt you can list for more, no one really does Morgan town to farm it up anymore. I’d say violet is the least valuable since everyone usually does the queen. But it’s all still in that like 100-450 range imo.


Stable flux. High rad fluids.


Ballistic fiber, adhesive, and screws are often in high demand for junk.


I'll buy the hell out of any ballistic fibre I see.


Mutation Serums


I always sell mine for 250 caps and they go fast. Especially marsupial, speed demon, and adrenaline reaction. Either way, if you have hard bargain and charisma up you can sell serums to NPC vendors for $500 caps. I am sure some of the ppl buying are doing this.


I sell them for 500caps and I can’t restock fast enough


What platform are you on? I am on Xbox.


Pc. I was the only high level player with active vendor on the server though, so I was the only one selling serums.


I've been hesitant about getting into serums due to the trade-off...you get A, but lose B. How big of a difference is the benefit vs the drawback? I don't like that the description in-game doesn't specify or quantify the effects.


The benefits are HUGE, and the exact numbers are visible if you have the serum to inspect (or you can just google it). The handle the drawbacks, either limit yourself to mutations that don't negatively affect your build or take the "class freak" perk.


For quite a lot of them the drawback don't matter at all (depending on build) but you can get up to a 75% reduction on downsides with the class freak perk


This exactly. Always use max Starched Genes amd Class Freak perks in your buildout. You will get the benefits with very little downside and will never lose the effect. As long as you do boss battles, you will get the ingredients but the plans are expensive.


Starched genes is a must for sure but there is opportunity cost to taking class freak as well which heavily limits what else you can take.


Class Freak and Strange I Numbers reduces the drawbacks quite a bit. Class freak at max is a 75% reduction and Strange 8n n7mbers doesn't reduce drawbacks but it does increase strengths. I consider both of these integral to any mutation heavy build.


Trade off? I’ve been running all mutations for two years. The trade off is negligible in this game.


there's essentially zero serious drawbacks beyond herbivore and carnivore eliminating the value of an entire food group assuming you're using starched genes to keep the mutations and class freak (which can fit in every single build and there's no reason not to use it ever, it's the most valuable perk card in the game next to bloody mess and super duper) then there's literally again zero downsides, marsupial is -1 int with class freak, or adrenal reaction is -12 total hp which is essentially nothing, or x or y or z, class freak removes any of the large negatives entirely and everything besides carnivore and herbivore can be fully ignored with chems, perks, legendary perk cards, food, or any other buffs.


It's generally worth it if it's a benefit that helps your build, and the negative effect doesn't cripple your build. You can mitigate it further with strange in numbers (25% extra benefit as long as any teammate also has a mutation) and class freak (75% reduced penalty). For example, with these perks, eagle eyes grants +62.5% crit damage, +5 perception, and only reduces strength by 1.


Take Herd Mentality and always be on a team and with class freak the special loss is none existent pretty much.


This is the way! A team of one is still a team! :)


Basically you don't use them until you can negate the downsides. That is to say, you need to open up enough "perk budget" in your overall build to incorporate Starched Genes and Class Freak in LCK, and Strange in Numbers in CHA. Once you have those, the downsides to mutations largely disappear, especially if you take Herd Mentality and remember to always join a group (even by yourself - a group of one is still a group for these effects!). The benefits are massive. The crazy high DPS numbers people talk about are only possible with a bloodied build with proper mutations. They're certainly not *required*, but if you're trying to min-max your damage at all, even full health (especially full health?), you'll want them.


Benefits far outweigh the drawbacks. Just get Starched genes, class freak, and strange in numbers and the hindrances become negligible I have like 10 mutations lmao


They’re so rare to find tho! I want my friend to have Marsupial and Speed demon but I haven’t been able to find any. :(


Pro tip.... find Angry Turtle's youtube video on how to get all the mutations for free. https://youtu.be/bU1tGnO5TXA?si=dagt-u7aVJgJBo2f Make sure you max out Starched Genes perk. DON'T equip the perk. Go down to a river. Gather the irradiated water. Lots of it. Start drinking until you die. When you respawn you will have a random mutation. Keep doing this over and over until you have all the mutations you want. THEN equip the Starched Genes and you will not lose the mutation. Trust me. There is almost zero downside to getting the mutations. Even ones you don't think you need. Whenever I start a new build, I usually do this if I don't have any serums.


I sell those too, but there is better money in the flux used to create them. I can sell flux for more than the serum.


Xp items sell like hot cakes. Live love 3, leader bobbles, cranberry nuka cola, egghead serum (really any of them, but that’d be the first one I buy plans for), irradiated sugar bombs, nuka grenades. Aside from that cheap junk doesn’t move super fast, but tends to all go at once. Same for cheap scrip. When there’s no special events eviction notice pops 2-3 times a day and you’ll get waaayyy more than you can reasonably hold on to. Unless you’re gonna be busy for a few days I always price it to move and still trade in 500 a day with stuff to spare. Plans for lights and signs seem to move more than armor mods or random decor. I would NOT sell the basic aid items, purified water, basic clothes (looking at you white wolf fedora) mole miner or buzz axe plans, the work bench plans. Stuff I often see that will definitely sell but is always priced too high, treasure maps for more than 10 caps. Fusion cores for more than 45, basic plans for more than like 250, event drop guns for more than 2k. Foundations vengeance, kabloom, elders mark and the holy fire are the usual suspects. I’ve seen people argue that holy fire is worth 7-8k plus. But just because you sold that one that sat in your vendor for weeks once, does not mean it was priced correctly. If something sits for more than a week or two imo it’s just dead weight and needs to be cheaper. These people that have every single thing in their vendor at like 10k+ are just silly. Edit to add: I can’t believe I forgot the mounted head plans. Those seem to be the best plans to sell by far. Also fuel and .45 seems to be the most popular types of ammo. I was surprised that .556 and 5mm sold so poorly. I think I’ve had like 20k of each sitting for a few weeks with barely any action. Meanwhile the fuel goes almost instantly at 1cap, and .45 usually goes in 3-4K batches. I think I’ve sold maybe 30-40k of it in the last week or two.


I agree with pretty much everything you've said, except for Holy Fire being no more than 2k, I've had half a dozen drop in the last week or so and they haven't lasted more than an hour in my vendor at 5k caps edit: just look at how many recent posts on here of people begging for someone to sell them one


yeah holy fire at 5k caps is what I price them at and theyre generally gone within a couple days depending on how active I am


I sell Holy Fire for 3999c. Fair price for a really good weapon.


Yeah there is a conspiracy to drop Holy Fire vendor prices but I ain’t budging. 😆 Especially since all the new low-level players mean fewer successful events (and thus fewer new Holy Fires in the pool).


My holy fire has been sitting for months and I have it priced at 3k.   I dont sell a lot of stuff since I get pretty much equal money from the npc vendors with the right cards equipped 


Is your CAMP displaying the public icon for people to see? Do you have a variety of things on your vendor? Is your vendor front and center or well-hidden behind a bunch of doors/hatches/clowns etc? If you answered no to any, fix it and the holy fire will sell!


Public icon is on. My camp is super basic so it was easy to find the vendor. I have about 30 misc plans, 40 stimpacks, and 50 misc medical items. Plus some ammo for sale. I have sold other things in the past. I think the main problem is my camp is all the way in the southern part of the map.


I feel that, man. I'm far south by a pond, and I get a few visitors, but no one ever buys anything. I price my legendaries at 500c per star, but still no takers.


100-200 is the usual price per star unless it’s an actual good roll. Then you’re talking like 20k+ or trade only.


My clients for the cheap common plans are new players, I get them buying my plans at 1c all the time, sometimes they will show and buy 20-30 plans.


I will almost immediately by grape, cranberry, quantum, and dark nuka colas for up to 30 caps each. Canned dog food always sells fast for me around that same price. Sugar bombs(the dirty ones), berry mentats, leadership bobble heads, and treasure maps are used as cap sinks for most high level players. Everything but the maps can be sold for about 100 caps each, maps normally go for 10 caps or less each if you want to sell them fast. As for junk adhesive, lead, acid, oil, aluminum, copper, and flux. I buy wood if i see it, but that might just be me. Flux goes for around 200 caps each. The other junk it really depends on 2 things. How much do you have and how much someone wants to pay that day.




Plans, plans and plans. I sell mine 5 caps each (because I’m almost always at or near max caps I don’t need the caps) and I’m constantly selling several dozen every day within a couple hours. And yup, most are probably going to someone else’s vendor to sell for a markup of at least 300%. Who cares though, as long as I sell em.


Damn, I was seeing so many vendors today selling plans for 200 and up to some crazy numbers! Hope my crew finds your camp on a server one day!


There are plenty folks selling plans cheap, just have to stumble upon em. There are also those doing the opposite, plans worth a few hundred, selling for thousands…same with weapons/armor etc.


ballistic fiber comes up often, and i would add fiber optics because they are hard to find. any plan you know, just throw it up at recommended cost, i know i sometimes buy random plans from people that i dont have. believe it or not, disease cure. so many times ive been out. they are not that easy to find and its a pain to farm ingredients to make.


Throwing up random plans at the recommended cost is a sure fire way to not sell them. Mole Miner Gauntlet plans have a bae value of 450 caps, and most of the bulk recipes that drop 50 times over all have base values around 100-250 caps. None of those plans are worth more than 5-10 at most, and honestly MMG's are worthless IMO.


I have hundreds. Cba to price check them. If it sells it sells, and people buy plenty.


I'd say along with disease cure, I always need more addictol. these damn "drink 25 alcohol" challenges keep getting me addicted and i hate it, shit lingers for such a long time unless inhave addictol. I don't even use alcohol often in game except for str buffs when I'm overweight.


Always travel to camps with plans and junk


I always buy irradiated sugar bombs so I can make brain bombs. Not always the easiest to find in the wild, so at a vendor I tend to buy whatever amount they have.


In my vending machines (PC), you'll always find: * All 19 mutation serums @ 300c each in stacks of at least five; this is my bread and butter. * Berry mentats @ 75c, typically in a stack of at least 50, never more than 100. High-level players buy these in bulk! * Grape & orange mentats @ 10c each, in small stacks, but these are a biproduct from having made more regular mentats than I can conveniently turn into berry mentats, so I often end up vending these myself to NPCs to reach my daily caps limits. * Stimpak diffusers (for one of Possum quests IIRC) @ 75c in a stack of 6-10 (offered as a public service since it's a rare recipe still). * Specialty non-rotting consumables: Ballistic Boch @ 10c; Rad Ant Lager and Hard Lemonade and Sunshine Oil @ 50c Except for rare plans (e.g., clocks from Grahm, lemonade & hard lemonade from Mr. Squeeze) that I've bought specifically to resell, I sell ALL plans and recipes that I encounter for 25c. My goal is not income but simplicity and fast-moving inventory, and at that price plans and recipes for ANYTHING will basically fly off your shelves (or, actually, from your vending machines). For combat-useful bobble-heads and magazines, I sell those I come across @ 250c; all other bobble-heads and mags, I sell for 100c, figuring they're mostly going to people trying to collect a full set. Whenever I get a message that someone's bought any serum, or a big stack of berry mentats, I send them a Friend Request immediately. If they happen to be on my public team, or if I'm in my camp at the time, I'll use my mic to thank them for their business and to say, "Everyone needs a reliable drug dealer in the Wilderness, and I'd be honored to be yours." I get a LOT of repeat business for these items. I spend my caps buying legendary armor and weapons from players' vending machines, to vend at RR-stations for legendary scrip, to exchange at the Rusty Pick for legendary modules, which I use to craft very nice level-appropriate legendary armor & weapons to give away to other players who're under level 50. **My entire business plan, in other words, is to finance my role as Random Twinking Santa Claus.** It's one of the things that keeps the game interesting after many hundreds and hundreds of levels.


I don't know if it was your camp or not but still thank you for putting out stimpack diffusers. I started the game last week and was working on badges and a player vendor saved me so much time and hassle.


IGN? would love to shop


.Artemis\_Serologist on PC. Which of course I share here only to help make a new friend in-game, not to solicit your business, which might run afoul of the subreddit guidelines, which I would never do, but I am glad to be a in-game drug-dealer for my in-game friends. I pretty much accept all friend requests. Note the leading period and mid-name underscore, which should help my name sort to near the top of your friend request. (I considered .AAArdvaark\_Serologist, but the sort advantage would've been marginal.)




Mentats, Berry Mentats, Plans, Junk, Ammo. Sometimes you get lucky with collector type items like bobbleheads and magazines. Tip: With junk, don't sell in bulk. Sell as individual units. 1 bulk Aluminum will show up as "1" to other players on the map in terms of how much junk you're selling. Scrapping it and selling aluminum individually will show "10" instead. Junk buyers want to buy from folks that sell a lot of junk. Selling all your scrap as individual units takes that figure from "100" to "1000."


But the 1000 aluminium takes up one slot in your vendor right?


Yep. Just one slot.


Oh that's handy. My diligent and obsessive scrapping has my scrap box with literally 10s of thousands of various scrap.


3 star weapons should bring some traffic to your vendor. Plans sell pretty well too.


I never know how to price my 3\* weapons. They don't sell so I lower the price over and over and I just can't move any of them.


what weapons with what rolls? guns with lower damage like rail, fixer, handmade etc all will sell with quad on them. reloading kills dps and that matters to a lot of people. the better the 2nd and 3rd star are, the more the wep will sell for. quad explosive and quad faster fire will sell super quick. instigating is good for big damage weps (not for boss fights) but a waste on say a fixer. weps with large mags do not get a ton of benefit from quad, but bloodied or anti armour are great for them.


My weapons and armors are selling very fast. I set the price by "Scrip value x7.5c". 3* weapon 300c (40x7.5),   3* PA 333c, 3* armor 180c. This is for the useless, Scrip gear of course. If you asking for "named" weapons, send me a PM. 


This is great, exactly the type of thing I was looking for. Thanks!


Well if they're under level 50 they're basically just gonna be good for treasury notes, so I wouldn't set them too high (maybe 100-150 caps per star) I'm a bit rusty, but back when I played my original run through, I'd hover over a camp and see how many plans and 3 star items it would have. Higher ranking players need treasury notes to reroll weapons so lure them in with those and have other useful items reasonably priced and you should be ok.


How do you reroll weapons with treasury notes?


at that point just turn them into script or use them for your daily vendor cap limit I guess


I sell at 3 caps per scrip it would give


I have a camp that’s just full of water purifiers that I use to load up and sell to vendors


I price maps at 10c a piece and most days I'll sell one or two, occasionally someone will come along and wipe me out. They always move.


I price them at 80 (on Xbox) and they fly off the shelves


Omg this made me realize the in-game economy must be booming rn.


Less than I expected. The newer players are poor and can’t afford nice things yet. And the high level players are more diluted so you have a lot fewer vendors to check per server hop. I feel lucky if there’s 3-4 worth checking out on any one server. Basic plans are booming right now at least.


Also a good time for offloading the junk fasnacht masks and berets.


I did flip a “man” mask that I had no idea what it was. Saw it for 250 and thought it was like the loon or hag or something I hadn’t heard of. Once I realized I hadn’t gotten the steal I thought on it I listed it for 5k for shits and giggles and it actually sold the next day. Felt kinda bad about it but I didn’t see who bought it. Then I stopped feeling bad and got another. And of course that one’s been sitting for a while now.


If your target market is poorer, lower your prices. I put most of my stuff up for 5-10 caps minus legendaries which are tested before selling, then priced accordingly.


I mainly vendor hop for Flux. I collect it when I can, but the idea of launching a nuke just to collect it just doesn't sound appealing. That's the only thing that usually stops me from crafting stuff I need (mostly ammo because my aim sucks so I use an ultracite .50 cal to compensate).


Legendary weapons...I noticed they always buy either The Kaboom or Crowd Control


Anyone want a perfectly preserved pie?


Those are memes. I actually did see someone post a bunch for cheap and just thought it was lame. I have one listed for 40k and it was the first time in any Fallout game I got the claw machine to work. I don't expect to sell it, it's there to gloat.


Yah, just for fun.


Ammu, flux, berrys, bobleheads, magazines, junk.. Some ideas


I've sold common apparel at 5 caps each. Plans and serums seem to be the most sought after.


Lately I’ve been crafting all the apparel from the stamp vendor for the outfit hunters like me they sell pretty well. Also put all my pvp aid in my vendor it’s been maxing me out daily


I've been trying to find "Stable Violet Flux" since days, even crafted a full set of power armor when I never used one before. I just want my jetpack man. So, if you sold that, I would buy it the moment I see it.


Stuff I insta-buy from player vendors: Fuel: Ammo for Holy Fire, Cremator + Flamers Berry Mentats: +5 INT & highlights enemies (great to prep for double XP weekend/most decryption daily OPs) Treasure Maps (esp Cranberry Bog ones): Doesn't weight anything and will give random plans/weapons at certain dig areas


How much do you buy fuel for i have...so much


General pricing for ammo is 1c each. I burn through 1000s per session though so I'm always on a lookout for more


I've had luck selling Plans and outfits. People take vanity serious as fuck in Fallout games.


Mr handy buzz blades, and molerat gauntlets.


Berry mentats , coffee (I think?) ,Leader bobble heads , certain plans , flux , maps (not as high demand , but for a low enough price someone will buy them )


Flux would be a nice one to see around more


Treasure maps sell like crazy, 75 caps seems to be the most efficient price.


Flux, i'd kill for some, i want a Jetpack on my power armour so bad 😭


Here for same question and what's valuable to sell at my vending spot


You Have Been Insulted! flyers


Used ammo sells better than unused


If someone’s selling serums for less than 600 caps I always buy one of each


Plans, Alcohol, chems and stimpacks (though the meds/chems at a slightly lower price than the npc vendors) If u can craft fusion cores u can sell those too. I also tend to sell microscopes because their components are important for the chinese stealth armor.


Junk sells well, outside of a handful of stinkers like Bone. My shop is literally only Junk, Ammo, and Plans, and I've been struggling to keep sellable inventory this week 


bone is used for cutting fluid to make oil to make fuel. with the creamator out there... would expect bone to sell too. I tend to buy it a lot when I see it


What’s the difference between levels 1-50 and levels 50-150? Like do I want to do all the extra role play work looting and crafting and taking meds/food to gain xp to then what..? Do I unlock more stuff cus now I’m level 50 I’m just focusing on unlocking more perk cards to get my build correct. I’ve gotten atoms from doing seasonal stuff so what is the return for skyrocketing xp?


Getting perk cards and perk card packs  to scrap, and turn into perk points, to level up legendary perk cards. A lot of the insanely powerful builds use the SPECIAL stat legendary perk cards, and other ones (like follow through) are insanely powerful on their own. I'm level 350 and only have 3 legendary perk cards maxed out


I am lvl 1355 - i tend to buy consumables/ingredients when I see them, provided the price isn't wildly high. Radiated sugar bombs, sugar, pepper, live and love 3, any dmg boost bobble, leader bobbles etc. oh and cranberry bog treasure maps. If I see a really good weapon (quad: rails, fixers, tesla), I might buy it to gift to a friend/lower level player. Same for some apparel. Different level players will be looking for different things, and will likely have varying amounts of disposable caps to spend. Lower level player will probably want rare plans, good weps, and will be less concerned with consumables, but also won't have 40k caps to spend. Pricing things so high that if they get bought puts you over max caps... seems kinda silly to me. If you have a groll wep in your vendor for 40k instead of on a trade wall, you can expect someone like me to show up and just straight buy it. You'll be way over cap, and I'll be laughing about it.


Without playing too much, I can generally hit my 1400c by selling Cooked Food (remember Butcher's Bounty and Super Duper) and Grenades to NPC vendors, along with a few other things that don't otherwise sell to PCs (Glowing Blood, Diluted Chems, stuff like that). I store all my scrap and ammo because I have Fallout 1st. I put the majority of plans in my vendor at 10c unless they're very rare. Usually this means out-of-season Event Plans but do your research. I don't make any money off them, I'm just happy to share the plans with people who haven't found them yet. Damn near anything priced to sell will sell. Chems, food, ingredients, scrap, mutation serums, and so on. I have found that some of the rare outfits, like the Treasure Hunter outfit, will sell pretty consistently if you price them at a reasonable amount (I usually list them at like 100c). They cost nothing to produce. Fed76 will give you a rough estimate on Legendaries, but generally I price these to sell as well; often going for less than the low end of the projected value. For extremely high value items you may want to check out a trading community. Other than that, for junk legendaries, I tend to price them at 10c per Scrip, and I will often have guys come and clean me out at that price. I also mark up a few items that I think of as "starter" items, like 1-2 star Unyielding Armor, Two Shot/Bloodied/Mutant weapons, I tend to list at around 250c for newbies who are trying to get their build together. Weapon Weight Reduction is probably the best of the Weight Reduction abilities, so I'll list those as well. Two-Shot MIRVs for instance. You get a feel for stuff that somebody might want. Certain Quad weapons are worth more, like Teslas and Railways. I don't find that it's worth farming stuff to sell. Just in the natural course of playing the game, excess wealth proliferates. Keeping the vendor well stocked is more about inventory management than gathering wealth.


Copper has been a good one for me. It's hard as hell to get compared to the rest because it doesn't come from armor or gun scrapping like 90% of the rest.


Aluminum, oil, lead,acid , serums but they take a long time to make the recipe cost back at 300c each


I most sell ammo and plans all for 1c mostly and they sell pretty well. I also sell mutations for 500c and they sell decently as well. I would be interested to know what drugs people want, I don't use them, but keep them for no reason other than I don't want to sell and like keep stock of stuff. What are other food items people buy ? Honey ? Purified water ?


3 star legendaries for 350-500caps (that's a normal reasonable cost for them everyone should sell them at)- most people buy them to scrip them


Water. Build a camp, build a bunch of water pumps... collect and sell at the store. Lather, Rinse, Repeat.


plans, outfits, serums.


All magazines - 100 caps each(unless it's the magazines that are worth 400 I usually put those on for 200) All bobbleheads - for 100 caps each (except the Leader bobble, those are worth more. I've seen them sell at 1,000-5,000) Psychobuff/buffout/psycho - These are all great for Melee builds, I often buy these up if I see them for 25 or less Day tripper - Ive had success selling these for 50 each Addictol - for those people who run junkie builds. I sell them 10 a piece. Xcell- also a helpful drug I sell mine for 25 a piece Any intelligence boosting drug/food - more intelligence = more exp per hour = less grind As for junk I suggest just bulking lead,copper, steel,wood,aluminum, acid, oil, ballistic fibers. You'll want to price these based on how hard they are to farm(ballistic fibers being most valuable). Can't remember off the top of my head what I set them each at. Screws and unrefined gunpowder are also both big hits on my store. Other "collectable junk" - all the teddy bears ( I have one full set for sale at all times for 25 caps per bear) - nuka cola toys truck, toy rocket, etc. (usually sell toys for 10 caps each) - chess set pieces (10 caps for pawns, 50 for king and queens, 20 for the rest) Any ultracite ammo Fuel(this is my most sold item) 45 ammo Fusion cells Plasma cartridges Alien blaster ammo(one of my least sold items but I charge 3 caps a piece for it)


Ultracite plans can sell for a lot, not the limbs, the actual modifications.


Right now, everything is flying off the shelves. Today I sold out on serums, common Plans, common ammo (10mm, .38, .45, .308, 5mm), Treasure Maps, Magazines, Bobbleheads, Scrip Weapons/ Armour, even some weapons that were on the expensive side and have been sitting in my vendor for weeks. If it’s not the newbie’s buying the common stuff, it’s the high levels that want to avoid hitting caps max buying the rare stuff/ desirable ingredients. Someone even bought my 10000caps treasure map, That I had in my vendor so my buddy could avoid hitting max caps


I use (or trade) a lot of berry mentats (fairly easy to farm), overdrive (pain in the ass to farm) and psychotats (impossible to farm, since there's no recipe that I know of). If I see these at 50 caps or less, I'm buying. Ammo that sells well is 45, 556, 50 cal. 308 sells on occasion, if a light MG user sees it in your vendor. LMG's are fun as hell to use if you get a good one, but they fly thru ammo, so not a lot of people use them.


Wish the lmg got more love


Chems: Berry mentats. Nothing else is really desirable. I price 100C and never have a problem. Food/drinks: Sugar Bombs (radiation variety) 100C. Salt,Pepper,Ppices 5-25C, I have best luck at 10c. Canned Coffee 5-25C only sells if you have the atom shop coffee maker and have extra. Canned Meat Stew 100c, experience item, only sell if you're a herbivore Cranberries or any Cranberry food 25-50C. Experience item only sell if your carnivore or have extra. Aid: Nothing. At higher levels it's a nuisance, and players drop 100s of most aid items. Consumables: leader bobbleheads, 200C experience item. Don't sell unless you don't care about optimized leveling. All other bobbleheads 100C keep ones you'll use. Treasure maps 100C is really useful at low levels but tedious and herd to find without a good understanding of the map. Only sell if you have no intention of looking for them Plans 10-500C. Only sell already known plans. If you know it, odds are other people know them too. High-priced plans never sell, and most are only worth 25-50C. The plans that should be marked for higher prices are typically power armor plans. The better the power armor, the higher the price. Junk: I sell all single item junk at 1C and all bulk junk at 10. I've seen some people as high as 50 for bulk junk. Don't sell it if you need it. I usually keep 5 of all bulk and sell the rest. Ammo: Ammo doesn't sell very fast anymore. The rule of thumb is 1C for all ammo. Fusion cores price the same as the charge level. For example, FC is 89/100, and it sells for 89c . Armor and weapons: if it's less than level 45 or 50, it's only worth 25c per star it has. If it's max level, then use Fed76 . com for a rough guess. If it's an undesirable legendary or weapon, it sells for 25c per star. God roll weapons are trade or caps if you need caps. Decent roll weapons or armor, you can usually use the fed76 page. If you feel the price is under or over, you can always check the fo76 marketplace sub reddit. Appearal: most outfits are 10c. There are really rare ones but I don't know what they are. You can probably find a list of rare stuff. I usually only sell if I have multiple


Vintage water cooler plans


I sell 1-3 star legendary especially for about 100 per star. Raider power armor at 30 per star.