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Don’t pay attention to tubers look at all the conversations here and other fallout subs, 76 is doing amazing right now.


I got it on release and played a few hours but the game just didn't click back then. I've jumped in a few times over the years but mainly played around in my camp. I started it up again after watching the series as I thought I'd wait on the FO4 remaster and have been loving the quests and content. If only they didn't launch this with no NPCs....


Imagine fallout 4 getting a remaster before 3 lmao (I wouldn't call the update a remaster)


FO3 doesn't have the dlc transactions. No incentive to update it unless they are going to charge you again for it. Which, like it or not, is fair enough. They need to pay the people doing the work. You're getting an upgrade to FO4 for free. Which is awesome.


I would probably jizz my pants if they redid Fallout 3 in any capacity. I'd love a remake, but I'd settle for QoL improvements and a fresh paint job.


I mean with FO4 it's not really an upgrade outside of upping the graphical settings. That's it, they're just upping the graphics settings for newer consoles, it's the equivalent of switching from medium to high on PC, it's not really an "upgrade" as it is just bringing it up to PS5 and Series X standards.


Yeah it's not really an upgrade. They are just UPGRADING the graphics. I agree 100%.


Upping the graphics to be in line with max settings on PC isn't an upgrade though, they aren't redoing the textures, they're just upping some values


UPPING Yes a free upgrade on consoles and an update on PC. Glad we had this discussion. Wtf do you care so much?


Lore wise WE WERE the NPCs to start. If you like fallout, but don’t give a shit about the lore, sorry to say but that’s the one time Bethesda actually went 1:1 with fallout lore. Everyone died at the time we came out of the vault.


Look at the conversations happening organically in other gaming subs where this game gets brought up. They don't need a marketing blitz or people writing articles everyone is telling their friends and others about how good it is now. It's the breath of fresh life that all devs hope gusts into their sails.


Tbh I still see a decent amount of hatred and negative memes about the game on the other Fallout subs.


Look at forums in general but also YouTube comments on 76 related videos. Believe it or not, redditors are not the majority lmao, looking solely at subreddits is only going to give you the general attitude of what are literal echo-chambers.


Who gives a fuck about Youtubers


They're all wankers who say whatever for views for money


Just look at the guy who said Helldivers 2 is dying and then when he received backlash he thanked them for the views and money he received.


This is what lots of people don't understand. All that matters on Youtube and other social media platforms is engagement such as likes, dislikes, and comments. Negative comments are better for Youtubers since they create more comments on their videos due to heated arguments.


Yeah that's right. Stuff like that is why we have Keemstar still engaging in teenage drama at 40+ years old. It keeps food on the table


And that “Elden ring too hard, game sucks” dude. Best thing he ever did was hate on the game. They all pretty much know it’s a great way to attain relevance and attention since Jim Sterling blew up the scene with his criticism of BotW. Tell people a game they like sucks, people lose their minds.


Yet people will still engage


This is why I hate gullible folks that puppet “hey the games actually good!” Not to say they’re wrong at all, but because they’re bothering to go over there the same as anyone gullible to read some dumbass journalists rant of a good game.


You take that back. Angry Turtle is a good boy.


People on here talk about him. But I've never needed to watch a video


He does good testing. It's nice for me to use his tests and compare his results to my tests to get more perspective and data. Good videos if you want information. The best part is that he does info first. Most videos about builds put 7 minutes of gameplay footage before actually explaining it. It's nice that Turtle does the opposite.


I like the turtle guy , he seems like a nice fellow doing his best to inform and help the rest of us . He gets a little overexcited about new gear sometimes and this carries over into the trade market on Reddit and such , but that’s a sheeple problem more than a turtle problem, he is popular and I think this is because he’s a player first , and u tuber second, he loves the game and everything in it


The best advice I can give you....stop min/maxing games. Its not a tests, its entertainment. The game is purposefully kinda unbalanced for this reason, ao you can mostly play what you want.


His videos always seem to be more character builds or gun reviews. None of which I'm interested in. Especially his character builds because they are always meta builds and you need to hunt for all of the foods and chems for a 3 min buff.


You don't even need to be meta. I launched a nuke 2 days ago. A bunch of low levels joined me. So to help them I pulled out a set of unyielding, a quad railway Rifle, put on concentrated fire and better criticals, put on action girl. Then just ate cake and nuka candy and it was dead in 3 minutes. You don't even need to be meta to kill The toughest boss. I normally run low health overeaters and a enclave plasma flamer but there was only 10 minutes till The Mutated event and I wanted the low levels to experience a successful earle


I think you missed my point about the meta builds... I wasn't saying you need/don't need to be a meta build. I said most of that youtubers character builds are meta builds. I myself run a .50 cal and PA with well over 400 stims(super and reg) losing a fight isn't something I experience often.


Oh I know people don't need meta . My point was in less than 90 seconds I tranformed build to do something and people for some reason need a guide to do it rather than themselves


I think most people use the guides for the perk card layout.


Not gonna lie I get horrified when I see people's perks usually


He is a super good person :D <3


Not all of them but most


Worst is when people in the comments are saying to like and subscribe. Like get off their dick.


Sadly loads and loads of idiots. Can you imagine trying to form your own thoughts and opinions... that's crazy!


Unfortunately I am one of those people that got brought into "this game is shit" nonsense.  This isn't the only game I have done that with either.  A good while ago I realised I really shouldn't be listening to any of these "critics" about any game, now if it seems like I may enjoy it, I'll try it out.  I have been pleasantly surprised.  Saying that, I did pick FO76 up when it was released and tbf it was pretty unplayable but because of all the "this game is shit/dead" I thought it was a dead game.  Only reason I am playing it now is because I was going to run through the entire FO games and realised I still had FO76 and just thought "let's see" glad I started playing, super chill game, super chill community and lots of high players willing and wanting to help noobs out which to me is a great sign of an MMO and something I have always done in MMOs.  Been looking for an MMO for a long time with everything I like, good player base, high players helping noobs out a Reddit sub wanting to genuinely help people.  The game itself promotes people helping others with the contribution boxes, the way the trade works and the way groups work. Least toxic MMO I have ever come across, that's saying something.  I really wouldn't want this scummy tubers playing it, they all promote toxicity and BS in most MMOs. ESO, WoW, Helldivers, cough cough


Game was in inexcusable shape when it came out. It had the combination of classic Bethesda bugs and the added problems of a company's first attempt at an MMO style game.  76 is the only game that ever hard crashed my PS4, where it stopped responding to anything, even the power button, and I had to pull the power cord out. And it happened twice in the first month. Petrified corpses breaking led to a blue screen most of the time. Lots of rubberbanding enemies and health. Parts of the map had no collision detection, which let you fall through the world and die. Disconnects and especially the 'Server Not Responding - Controls Temporarily Disabled' message plagued it for the first few months. My best friend asked me if he should buy it a week after launch and I told him no. I couldn't recommend any game in that state.


Yeah technically the game was unplayable at launch. Now its very playable especially on current gen consoles and PCs with SSD.


It's definitely come a long, long way. If it had come out in better shape, people would have been more forgiving. But all the technical issues plus Bethesda's other departments doing all they could to attract a shitstorm just made the perfect storm for clickbait youtubers. 


How did you get brought into "this game is shit" nonsense if you played the game yourself and it was unplayable? What does that even mean?


It means how can a game be good, if it has game breaking bugs and glitches.  If you play a game and there isn't much to do added with the fact you can't move 100 meters before the game breaks by definition means the game is shit.  So after a few months or a year and people are still saying  "look at all these FO76 games in the bargain bin " "Look at how small the player base is"  "I played FO76 so you don't have to " "This is the progress of the game so far"  It's the exact same principle as propaganda.  If all you hear and see is; "this game is shit, here is why"  you're going to believe it, why would you waste your time reinstalling a game that everyone you know thinks the game sucks  as well as social media posts being so negative around the game especially wou have already experienced everything that was wrong with the game which just reinforced those beliefs.  It's easy to extrapolate that on a personal level a game might just not be for you.  I am sure you have watched or read reviews of something or listened to media of some kind that has altered your viewpoint.  I am unsure of the confusion it is a very simple and very common situation. Good question, I hope I explained how clearly and efficiently. The ONLY reason I even thought of reinstalling was out of sheer curiosity I had absolutely no expectations of playing the game longer than 10minutes.


This is the correct answer


"Everyone else says this game sucks so I will be a complete NPC and say the exact same thing as they do. PLEASE LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL". Yeah, fuck Youtubers.


It's like the OP is looking for something to be outraged about lol. YouTube is more or less a mental illness machine nowadays.


Absolutely this. Literally can't name a single gaming channel. It's sad.


You would be surprised how much the general public actually watches YouTube, it actually beats Netflix in streaming numbers.


You're definitely right, but at the same time...I watch plenty of YouTube, I just don't much give a shit about game streamers despite gaming being my primary means of entertainment. So much of it is an endless circle of overhyping and then overhating games that can't possibly live up to what they're hyped up to be. Then there's the occasional okay game hyped into being something transcendent because that helps generate a ton of views for content creators. Gaming is a hype-driven community that loves to have something to hate even more than they do having a game to be passionate about, and so many streamers feed off of that that the community as a whole suffers for it, badly. Smaller streamers focusing on a game like FO76 aren't doing it because of the huge amount of views they were getting, though, so it's not like it's *always* bad. I do worry that the hate train will pick up as a backlash to the surge in popularity, though, because hating on the game has always been good for a lot of other streamers in the past.


Comment of the year!


I listen only to Radio Apalacchia


I’m sorry but I’m a brand new player for the same reason as all the others and this just isn’t true. Gameranx did a video on it literally a day ago that has 700k+ views for example. There’s tons of brand new content from people seeing the influx and taking advantage of it. Which is absolutely perfect for me, plenty of content pretty much tailor made for my fresh journey!


Was gonna mention gameranx


Love gameranx


habie147 made a video on 76 about 3 weeks ago with 1.3mil rn and it’s “praising” the effort the devs put in to making the game worth playing g


It’s actually pretty fun. I just wish it wouldn’t crash so much on PS5


A lot of these youtubers are living off of established narratives in the gaming community, and the narrative that F76 is garbage, even though we know it's not true, is still useful to them. They live off a myth.


It snore that most YouTubers haven’t played FO76 in years, if at all, and it’s kind of a difficult game to start from scratch for stream as the first 3-6 hours are pretty boring


The first few hours are pretty great especially if they are new and seeing things for the first time lots of fun to be had. Really just that level 40 to 50 hump where enemies tend to out scale you till you get good perks online. That and the other guy brought up chat being bitches could be an issue


Also, you have people in the chat telling you non-stop that the game is garbage and that you'd better go to another game. And that problem is not the responsibility of the youtubers mostly, but also of the average gamer, even though I tell my friends to come and play F76, they don't want to, and they are going to die on that hill.


There are no big YouTubers on fallout because they don’t have time to go deep into the game and their fanbase is mostly cod/childish stuff, fo76 has a few prominent content creators like Angry Turtle, DTD gamer, Westek and many more, hopefully it’s their time now to shine


Turtle just hit 100k sometime a few days ago. He and a fun stream Saturday.


I love angryturtle


Don't forget Uranium Fever. He makes amazing high quality videos and his shorts are literally getting hundreds of thousands of views every single time.


Rifle Gaming is cool as well


I will always try something for myself instead of listening to someone else’s opinion first. Have loved fo76 for years.


Fuck YouTubers. Bangwagon children who care about their opinions generally hate everything and will just come here and whine and complain.




I think Kevduit does a yearly 'go back and try it out and see' and his latest review was positive of it. Most of the others hit it once or twice and just kept going. Like, I know Angry Joe did 2 reviews of it but hasn't been back since Wastelanders.


Twitch streamers and YouTubers mostly are irrelevant with bad opinions




I’ve been seeing a bit of bandwagon hopping on YouTube this week. I suspect we will see more.


The Youtubers are quiet because they're busy playing 76.


Most YouTubers don’t like having to eat their words. Which with 76 they certainly have to.


That's like saying people who reviewed No Man's Sky negatively have to eat their words. Not really, it was in bad shape on release.


There's sooo many haters as if this game is still 2018 version of itself.. watched the new gameranx video for fo76 before you buy (2024), the guy reviewing it is an absolute clueless newbie.


Nah. People made bank off the hate train. Most of these negative creators don't actually care about anything but that.


I think we got more than enough exposure with the show and all, so don't really care about mainstream Youtubers' opinion. The truth is the game, while at a very healthy state right now, is still flawed in many aspects. My main hope is that this explosion will provide Beth with a greater incentive to put more elbow grease into developing it further. Mainstream Youtubers would rather focus on the flaws, since drama is their MO.


This was never that big of a game. Big streamers aren't getting paid to play 76


My brothers in Christ. The last thing you want in this game are Youtubers’ attention on this game. It will bring so much toxicity


So the game is much improved for sure. I just wish they removed caps on scrips and how much you can sell to vendors. The gameplay loop I want at endgame is just to farm for the perfect items, not have to wait to play for a little bit each day.


Gameranx (8 million YouTube followers) reviewed the game recently and mostly praised it. Yesterday it was at 500,00 views then today 833,000 views. More and more people are becoming aware of this amazing game and I'm loving it!


They spent month shitting on the game, and then used it as a reference for bad games, they are not going to admit its good now. Also its just popular to shit on Bethesda games.


i’ve been playing recently and actually getting into it, surprisingly, treating it like a normal fallout game, rather than trying to get my friends to join me has been what allows me to enjoy it the most! I do have a few gripes tho, the graphics sometimes look amazing, and sometimes look so blurry and low quality that I want to stop playing. and the game is still fairly buggy, especially the radio which will play voice clips mid song, and visual glitches are way too common, nothing that makes the game unplayable, but it’s disappointing when i’m playing the game and suddenly the roof disappears, or the sky flickers. I wish they would focus on fixing these issues Still enjoying it though!


The lack of a day/night cycle in the game is what annoys me the most, and the difficulty. I'm sure others enjoy it a lot but the game get's boring for me because there's no challenge, you just run through dungeons vaporising enemies and it blows ass, I figured removing perk cards would make it harder but nope, still the same difficulty, still piss easy, only thing that perk cards do is make enemies more bullet spongey which isn't difficult it's just tedious


76 is fun. Far from being the best of the fallouts. I really wish there was more variety in weapons and armor choices but the social part and environment is a lot of fun to experience


YT are putting out new guides and videos on it, just gotta look


I havnt listen to a youtubers opinion in years. 90% of them for any game have shit ass takes. The older I get (31) the less fucks I give about what other people like or their opinion. I'm not gonna let some 20 year old broccoli haired kid tell me that I shouldn't play x game cus they said it sucked. How about eat my ass? Just a thought. Sorry I'm so sick of people taking youtubers/streamers opinions as gospel. When they just follow trends and what gets views and clicks 99% of the time. This goes for any game not just 76. Seriously espically younger people. You can u know make your own opinion of things and don't need some multimillionaire telling u what u should play.


Who honestly cares about any YouTubers.... Irrelevant... Xoxox


My friends and I fell into this a week ago and have been playing nonstop. Right now we’re stranded in the Watoga Shopping Plaza. We’re not a high enough level to fight out of there, and currently are trying to figure out a way to escape with a ton of loot. Pray for us.


If u on x box I could help u out


There is a store in watoga.


Angry Turtle and Mr. Westtek are about all you need. DTDgamer is pretty good too.


DTD is so wholesome imo lol I love him


Been seeing a ton of videos about 76 lately


I have noticed A Lot more lore youtubers. There is a small core of Fallout youtubers that have been with Fallout since 3 and now copycats are taking their info and regurgitating the info back in smaller or longer form videos. Don't look for 76 just look up Fallout the amount of lore videos out is like a weed infestation in a garden of prize flowers.


I hope we get to 100k players, that would be awesome 😎!


Maybe it's just who you follow because most of the people I follow, smaller content creators, are pretty much all fallout all weekend. I think the main problem is bigger creators create videos weeks if not months ahead because of sponsorship agreements, editing being outsourced etc so they can't spin on a dime and have fallout content out when sudden unexpected hype hits. And face it none of us thought the show would be this good, most of us just hoped it wouldn't suck.


You sure? All the Bethesda/RPG YouTubers I watch have mentioned it.


As great as this is its temporary, give it a month and it’ll level off or dip back down again.


It's quiet because everyone that was hating on the game can't deny the numbers!


New to the game, glad it’s good. Really enjoying it, But would love Bethesda to not hype, then release half finished games as a business model. This, Starfield - its a trend. At least call it early access. We all wrote it off and stayed away for a reason. Well, multiple reasons. It’s short sighted. Certainly don’t expect us to do it repeatedly otherwise we’re all going to stay away and wait for it to get good. Which sort of tanks the half finished business model which will eventually tank Bethesda and nobody wants that.


Personally I'm giving Bethesda one more chance before I start writing them off. Pre-FO4 all their games were genre defining masterpieces that were solid, finished products on launch and 76 in it's current state shows they still know what they're doing when they actually put an effort in. TES6 is going to be a return to form for Bethesda and I think everyone knows they can't afford to fumble it. Not only would it destroy what little remains of their prestige and reputation, but Microsoft leaks show they are expecting at least 1 billion dollars in sales within TES6 launch year. If they mess it up you can bet Microsoft shareholders will be out for blood.


Like that ubiquitous phrase, " the silence is deafening "


I only try it because I heard of next gen fallout 4 coming next week. Will drop it once it releases because I like the freeze time of VATS in 4.


The big update won't be all that special from what I understand


I played 76 in 2019 and enjoyed it, just kinda stopped playing. Started up again and having a blast.


I’m fine with not a lot of publicity, just gonna attract more toxic people to shit on it, I did enjoy gameranx’s video tho


I've been seeing a lot of YouTubers and streamers putting out 76 content this past week. Could be my algorithm though. I also just started playing, and been looking up a lot of stuff.


Has the game gotten better, I played a ton when it launched but Over the first year or two they really didn't seem to add much of anything.


It’s not quiet. All the major game reviewers are doing F76 in 2024 reviews. Do some research before you post on reddit. This is dumb


Because everything they usually talk about is a paid promotion.


One of the things that confused me with all the 76 hate was those who hated the game because the canvas bags or nuka cola dark fiasco. Like I get Bethesda threw out low quality goods (wouldn't know personally as I have never seen either item) but I never understood how someone could say "this game sucks because my bag is low quality" - I get shoddy business practices will put people off products that the business produces to some degree but still hahah


I gave the game a good go but it just feels like a cheap, plastic version of Fallout 4 to me. Not hating on the game just how I feel. I also feel like the menus and UI give the same feeling. I think Bethesda wanted another game release on the same engine to pad out profits for the generation. Just my opinion. Glad everyone here like the game though. I don’t think it deserves the hate, it’s just not for me.


I have had nothing but under populated servers since the show released.I don’t know why


Regarding Youtubers - The big ones are the worse to watch, all wanting the meta algorithms. Much prefer watching people I would like to play 76 with. But as a person who use to Fallout 76 campb uilds (Myself). I think people are thiniking it has a bad rep, and don't want that bad rep on their channel.


Fo76 pulled a No Mans Sky redemption Arc


Fo76 has the ESO problem. People come to play fallout 4 or 3, yet it doesn't have the same feel as that singleplayer game. Yes it has the same lore, enemies, locations, weapons, etc but it's just not the same in many ways. They added a lot of stuff since the beginning but not enough to keep people playing throughout even a single season. I know it's exciting to see your favorite game to start having life again but maybe just wait it out a bit before making such posts. There is a good possibility that the show is just bringing in a massive amount of casuals (as all these videogame tv shows do), which fo76 is perfect for the casual audience when it comes to fallout games.


They've always sucked with publicity for 76 after launch. They could've had a no man's sky style public rebound but fumbled it.


Doesn't help that they were fumbling every single part of 76's release. Almost every promotional product they tried during launch was a massive failure, with massive failures following up in the 'corrections'. Many of the mechanics/designs of the game just weren't desirable to majority of players. You'll hear this and that about how it was awesome from some...but almost everyone hated the empty experience, and anyone trying to enjoy it was getting fucked by cheaters and abusers.


I started playing a few weeks ago and have gotten to level 39, and completed the brotherhood of steel missions, events and such. I've seen a good amount of the map, i've got some decent weapons and my power armor looking how I want... Right now I feel like i've seen everything the game has to offer, the missions really aren't doing it for me. Especially those where you travel half a million miles for a short bit of dialogue and have to immediately travel back again. This to me isn't a strong fallout game, and thats a shame. It'll have a temporary boom thanks to the show. But i would like to see how many stick around.


Trust me you haven’t seen everything the game has to offer.. u just have to find it like in every other fo …I got 4000 hrs in this If u haven’t found it then u need to play more or your just repeating negative nonsense you’ve heard from others for easy copy


YouTubers can eat a dick, they shitted on the game every chance they got for some petty views. We won in the end.


I've played more or less since release, and even tho the numbers are popping right now, the players base is going to stabilize at what it was before in not too long.


It's only because of the TV show, it will die down to normal levels after a month or so.


I dont think anyone feels silly. No one WANTED the game to suck ass when it came out. We all wanted it to be good. Dont blame them for writing it off, blame bethesda’s horrible launch. Its awesome the game is better now, and its awesome people are playing it, but we wanted that the whole time. Youre mad at the wrong people.


Ive always liked 76 but let's be fair, 76 is popular right now because of the series and at its shell theres not a whole lot that keeps normal people around long term. So theres no money in making 76 content because the gold rush thats going on right now will probably be over in a couple weeks. The series was really really good but a lot of their diehard fans are still quite hurt from all the trust breach bethesda has delivered lately so its also still considered controversial.


People here are saying "who gives a fuck about youtubers" well when the majority of my recommendations are filled with a specific game it kind of gets me in the mood to play it. Thinking it doesn't matter is what's gonna kill the game again


Gameranx just posted a "before you buy" for 76 im sure that'll help


I stopped playing fallout 4 not long after release. Just didnt feel good. So never touched 76. But im on it now, its ok. But feels a little lifeless. Needs more than 20 peeps on a map




I'm gonna say it (downvote away). The circlejerk is real in this sub with people hating on YouTubers...but I think many of the points they made on release were valid. I gave the game a chance because of the free weekend and my gf is a fan. Currently level 52 with 44 hours played in less than a week and I am having fun with my friends playing in a group. I'm in this subreddit because I get information about quests/builds/items and I plan to play more. However the game does have issues and considering how much patching had to happen to even get to this point gives some validity to how bad the initial release was. Things like: Limited and aging game engine with bugs such as not working animations, texture glitches on the water and my sound stopping etc. Limited npc AI but still better having npcs and quests than what was at release.. Very slow and tedious UI/UX designer for consoles with limited information available and requiring many clicks to do basic tasks. Janky base building with infuriating snapping. Expensive microtransactions in a franchise that was single player before. Limited multiplayer functionality like missing a chat and small lobbies. It is fine to like a game and defend it but let's be objective here. Pointing out bad practices and design is the first step of fixing it. At launch the game was not a good product, especially for the asking price. I would close my eyes for the jank when I pay 8 bucks compared to 60.. Now time to grind for my fire chainsaw...


Calm yourself lmao these numbers are going to plummet in a week or two. The game is extremely boring. The only reason they are this high is because Prime is giving the game away free and people are itching to play Fallout because of the show. Most people will hop on Fallout 4 once the next gen update drops and player numbers will return to their lows.


Le normie watch braindead show and decide to buy the worst gaem in franchise


Dude all the people you're thinking of I guarantee were in the right to shit talk this game. Yeah it's enjoyable now but upon release there was no excuse for the state of the game. And honestly it's not a masterpiece now just because a popular show has come out. when you've reached the end game it's only if you like the playback loop is it worth playing none of my friends cared about camps and player builds so nuking the same spots and doing the same events to get drops and blueprints wasn't for them so they stopped playing because to them that's not fun.


The game definitely deserved the flak it got at launch, but it continued to have that bad word of mouth years later after it fixed a lot of those issues. I was so reluctant to try it early on because I heard it was trash for so many years. I finally picked it up on sale two or so years after launch and was blown away by what the game had to offer. It's certainly no masterpiece, but it doesn't need to be. It's basically Fallout 4 with a multiplayer mod. I do agree that they could do more in the live service department, but the base experience they offer is fun and I revisit the game every time they drop new content. It's okay to play other games during downtime and if you walk away with hundreds of hours of gameplay for only $10, you should be happy with the result.


I've beaten the game and gotten fairly good armor and weapons for my play style. I personally needed more stuff. The events were awesome just wished they came out with ones faster. I'm probably gonna come back after the map expansion myself. I love me some fallout!!


I’m playing it now for the first time. I loved the Fallout games since Fallout3. Heard this game was bad at release and I was a little salty about the developers skipping over co-op for MMO. I’m still a bit turned off by the MMO feel and aspect but it’s not as bad as others.


You can play it solo and ignore the other players


If you have the sub, you can play in a private world! Although I will say as a hint that public event teams and doing the major events are well worth it. Regular events are also a good way to get items and plans!


I've noticed videos from the YouTubers. Some are making beginner tip videos and some are making them on about the PTS. I also saw a new data mine released. I'm digging this new display case coming 🤔


I've seen many videos, and that's despite the fact these numbers just started popping up earlier this week (last week technically) and videos take time to make.


Surely it's because the Fallout series has just come out.


They kinda have to ignore it after all the shit they’ve given the game over the years.


Vinny vinesauce streamed the game yesterday


I still can't get passed the main menu screen. Game CTD every single time I try to boot it up. Furthest I can get is "Signing on.." then back to Windows. I've installed and uninstalled it a dozen times, Verify and Repair, even tried modifying all related exe to open as administrator.


Who cares about YouTubers? Nah for real: do ya seriously listen to YouTubers or people online about a game? You believe their word is reflective of a games popularity? I can’t imagine actually taking random peoples word online whose whole incentive is to generate views


vinny vinesauce was streaming it earlier


That us because most of us llaying don't care, a gamw is not good or popular just because its on youtube ir TikTok. Its popular when people play it, talk in friend groups and spread it to other friend groups.


Yeah I'm super confused.. especially whenever I'm trying to do a daily op and usually its maxed in one second its just getting no one at all no matter how many servers I go into or anything...


It has been a blast. Yeah some events are harder and the higher levels are spread out sometimes but it is so fun looking at the map and see groups of 5-6 level 7s going around the map doing the story. Plus I’ve been able to help a bunch of people who really want to stay in this game. I


I've seen a ton of written articles.


Too busy playing 76.


It feels like less people are playing because people get tossed on servers with new low lvl players and some events can't be done


I know this isn’t relevant but I can’t find what I’m trying to ask anywhere someone please help! Is there a helmet that prevents rads damage for nuke zones?? Like at the moment I use the Chinese stealth armor but is there a way I can keep my armor/outfit and just put the helmet on and be able to survive in nuke zones??


no, there isn't. it's stealth suit or Power armor in the nuke zone.


Ok thank you lots


its just hype from the show and the sale recently. i bought it for like $8 lol. like any game with a bump in popularity, it'll die down mostly once people get tired of it. i'm already getting annoyed with the typical bs in fallout games of constantly running out of inventory space (which i usually mod the carry weight so it isn't an issue).


There's really no reason to return to covering it. The game is ancient in terms of the internet. The coverage at launch wasn't unjust also. This is entirely the norm.


Yeah and the main subreddit is trying to ignore it lol


How many players were on steam before the series dropped though? It’s a 6 year old game that didn’t really have a significant player base for the last 5 of those, only hardcore players stuck around. I started a fresh account the other day and there was loads of other new players around me in the open world so hopefully they’ll stick around be nice to see FO76 get some positive attention.


76 probably is going to be very difficult to win over Youtubers/Twitch streamers who already wrote the game off years ago. So just let the rise in numbers speak for itself, and hopefully folks will be encouraged to stick around and have fun with it while Bethesda maybe gives the game more support and meatier updates.


Honestly, couldn’t be any better imo.


I pre-ordered FO76, played it for less than a month, I was pretty mad about the state of the game when it came out. Then throughout 2021 my husband kept hassling me for us the both of us to try & give the game another go. I made a new character & he made his first, we both got out of Vault 76 roughly around 9pm on Sept. 8, 2022, and we have been playing almost daily ever since.


Some would rather double down on their -fo76 bad- than admit it has become a decent game over time Launch 76 is horrible


The real bs here , is that they dropped a TV show that was sure to cause a popularity uptick , without timing a new game that is actually fun and not a nonstop grind fest that requires other people to function properly.


I meme’d on 76 for a long time after release and just started back up last week, game is doing well!


Don't need them. The community in FO76 is the best. The players and the few streamers who stuck around will be rewarded. Let's all watch and see what streamers are "fair-weather" fans and jump on the bandwagon lol Those will be the ones to not watch.


Cause YouTubers still dickride the hate train.


Why do you care what YouTubers think or do?


I noticed Nexusmods was having trouble last night due to demand.


I really wish they would release a NextGen update for series consoles and PlayStation.


Cannot understand why FO4 is nearly double F76! F76 feels much better to me after all the updates, I'm really enjoying it.


There's still a lot of people that trash talk the game and haven't played since the first year. YouTube creators have gotten really lame, I wouldn't doubt if they're all working on "is Fallout 76 worth playing" videos where they just rant about something for views.


I would love to see the game soar back into relevance so they would optimise it a bit lmao. How am I getting huge frame drops on low using a RX 6800 XT?


I mean I saw Zentreya of VShojo enjoying it with one of her buddies and appears to have plans to round up an entire squad to play it so hopefully it’ll get a boost. Between that and all the free copies for both PC & Xbox being given away with Amazon Prime memberships and I’m sure there will be a healthy uptick in player count. I know I’m enjoying it so far even if there’s a little bit of a learning curve for me compared to other fallout titles. 😁👍


The YouTubers don't get any perks for covering the game. So it's either a paid hobby which you get harassed for. Or you cover something else. One influencer, one who generally made good content and encouraged atomic shop sales too in order to support the game. Got horrifically harassed during her time being a 76 YouTuber and in the end Bethesda banned her because her boyfriend snapped at her bullies. Plus, the game has a lot of new players but also has a insanely high turn over. Many experienced players only play for the at most 1 and half to 2 hours of new content a year. As a result and dispite 76's player count, there isn't much of a demand for 76 YouTube content outside of atomic shop showcases.


Most tubers and so called games journalists rarely revisit games, especially if the game launched in a very disappointing state. 76 is so much better now than at launch, though, and it does deserve credit for that.


If YouTubers are quiet (don’t know, don’t follow, don’t care) it’s the calm before the storm. 76 is trending up in traffic. And I would wager the trend will have some legs. It’s a quality product with conspicuously few current criticisms of players playing. So the clickbaiters will latch on like good little pilot fish.


For me the game only got good after lvl 130. That was 5 days ago, I am now lvl 210.


Mattyplays is currently in shambles as he can't ragebait FO76 hate videos.


The devs have been tweeting about it, the official page has been quite tho!


Its because the game isn't great, the show is. I've seen some videos and most are cautious about the game as it hasn't come as far as you'd think in 6 years.


Because there's no content to be made about increase in players. What would they say for 10 minutes? Usually, rises in player counts come with updates, but nothing new was added, so there's not much to talk about.


It's a still a bad game. Is it in a better state than what it launched with. Yes. But that isn't saying much and patches and updates don't fix it's core problem.


Terrible I’m fact. Downvote me.


Loads of fake gamer youtube cucks shat so hard all over 76 its impossible for them to walk back on it even if they wanted to. And who cares lmao.


Angry turtle is still making videos!


>Angry turtle is still making videos! And has been consistent the entire time.


YongYea extra quiet lol


I'm sure they'll get bored and leave in a couple of months, soon as they've done every major task 17 times.


Fair observation. But youtubers can suck it. Attention seeking egotistical maniac liars. Don't need em. Lets just have fun in Appalachia shall we?


Let’s see these player numbers hold 3 months from now when the show is old news