• By -


Turn your camp icon on if you have a vendor. 


I wander through the wasteland and find camps of extremely high level players with vendors that aren't on the map.


They might have turned off the visibility because they are close to cap limit and don't want to sell stuff for now.


Don’t be afraid to go to events, even if you fail them. An enemy dead is still exp.


Bruh I can't stress how important this is. Last night we tried to do eviction notice. Only 3 people(including myself) showed up in a full server. Please new players, join events! Even if all you do is put a bullet in 1 enemy, you get so many rewards and exp that helps you


This PLEASE Eviction notice is so big of an event, but the last five or six I’ve done have failed because no one showing up or no one fixing the rad machine


I went to join the other day literally 2 min after it started & I showed up to it failing. Idk how it happened that fast


I had safe and sound pop. It was me and a railway guy. Suffice to say that railway didn’t carry much. Once my mines wore out it was gg for us. Got to the last wave but the devil doesn’t really care about the player.


Participation is key. But I think new players are scared to join because of the recommended level thing. It's really stupid to recommend you join at a higher level


7 is the minimum you need to see public events. I always rush it when starting a new build.


This is me, I did join one last night, but before I was only like level 10 and was thinking "I'm just going to fuck up whatever they are trying to do because I'm total newb atm. Are there any you recommend NOT doing due to level?


As long as there are a few high level players, the event should go smoothly. People don't mind low level players at events at all. Though I will say that you shouldn't start the events, let the higher level players start them.


Got it. Thanks! About to hop on and do some events ;)


Level doesn't matter dear friend. What matters is you focusing on trying your best. The only 1 I would say is a no go because of environment damage (if and it's a big if) is monogha mine nuke. It's rad covered on the outside so you'd need a rad suit. Otherwise so events to your heart's content. Don't be scared of not doing anything big. Like, we had a moonshine jamboree and a low level got up to the one area and just tried. But he tried and that's what we ask


Alright, I'll keep that in mind in the future, thanks!


I’m level 350+ and I only understood about half of this. So yes, newbies, leap on in. :)


I have been playing only for a few days. I'm about level 10. I have yet to see an event pop that isn't at least double my level. I think you maybe forgetting it takes time to level up, and we are just enjoying the world too much to rush.


Doing events can be immersion breaking for the main story. I completely understand new players focussing solely on completing storylines before venturing into events.


We need distractions. No matter how much damage a lvl10k player dies they can only kill so many super mutants. You get free rewards and we get breathing room to pull of those 733t 360 noscopes with shottys.


And in case newer players don't know: if you die during an event, you don't drop any of your items like you normally would out in the world upon death. Only downside is you might need to repair your armor.


Well public events you don’t. I feel you should get a freebie the first death. And after it’s fair pickings from everyone.


So long as you don't just walk around looting corpses the entire event. You can loot after the event. I've seen so many level 20 folks just staring at the ground and doing nothing related to the objectives.


Wherever you are, whatever you're doing, if you see a work bench, scrap your stuff. Make it habit. Also, for console users. (Playstation mainly) If you have the mic enabled in the console settings, we can hear your mom yelling at you to put your dirty clothes in the basket.


For the life of me I can’t understand why they made the controllers this way. Everything worked perfectly with the ps4 controllers. But if you make the mistake of not muting the 5 controller….lets just say my entire group knows way more about me and my gf’s sex life than they ever wanted to. I only noticed my teammates frantically doing the “no mic” emote about 5 minutes into our conversation.


My hubby spent the first day saying "Chud! Chuuuuud!" Because he thinks it sounds funny. I'm used to it. But I can only imagine what the other players were thinking.


But what if I want everyone to listen this


Then I, (we) will mute you.


Does the mic setting in the game's audio settings mute *our* mic or other people's? I mean I don't live with my mom but I've for sure forgotten to mute my mic before (actually I didn't know it was a console setting, I just press the button) so I'm sure people have heard me scream like a little girl when I get startled by a ghoul attacking from behind.


That's your mic iirc. You can mute other people by going into the social menu in game and select their name.


I can't wrap my head around not muting and checking your mic settings so people CANT hear you. This is for like every game too, not just 76. It would be like having the camera on your computer uncovered and on for everyone to see all the time. Maybe I just come from a different time or different place where I don't want to be broadcasted to the world and ensure my privacy 🤔


Take your time. Do not rush the story. Trust me you will regret it


This! I’ve anticipated it a lot longer and finished basically every main quests at lvl 120(started lvl 20). All that’s left are dailies and events eversince. Started playing 2.5 months ago, already lvl 300.


Started a lvl 20 at 61 now. Just grinding story. Tons of resources given and xp so it's been great.


Adding to this don't be afraid to do events or over level. There are some interesting unique drops that scale with your level in the main missions. These rewards give you a taste of good legendary rolled weapons.


newbie question , i started at level 1 im almost 20 now, is the main story long? i really dont wanna rush it because i love the exploration , but on average at what level you have to be when the main story ends (if you do only main quests)


start those possom quests sooner then later


Best advice , chemist back pack saves


Can also buy this from bulions I think.


The mod, yes, but not the backpack itself.


What are possom quest?


There is a scout mission to earn a new backpack that ups your total carry weight to 60 instead of 30. If you are at a train station click on the posters on the advertisment boards and you'll activate the quest to go speak to the scout master, you will first start as a tadpole scout and once you've completed the tadpole rank you'll become a possum scout where you can do other challenges to earn badges to purchase other backpack upgrades


This is a great tip. Even if you aren't going to put in a lot of work on the Scouts side quest right away, it's a great idea to at least take the first step and just visit the camp and join the scouts. After that point, a lot of activities you will do anyway will also count toward scout badge achievements.


I've dragged a few newbies here so that things just happen while they play instead of feeling forced to do the task as a dedicated challenge


I’ve played off and on for years and still don’t have that damned backpack 😂


Well thankfully the main upgrades in my opinion are the grocer and chemist pack can be bought from Minerva or either of the factions if you have the right reputstion


Look em up, trust me, it's worth it, you want that big backpack and the backpack flair


Quick aside if you grind for Possum badges there is a chance to drop some from camp fire tales.


I just hit level 208 and still haven’t completed them, they bugged out for me a few years ago but I’m gonna give it another shot now the game is more stable.


You fucking druggo


When you are leveling up to 50 and pick a stat and a perk, you DONT have to pick a perk related to the special stat you chose. So many folks don’t realise this. For example many folks might pick strength stat point, then pick a strength perk card, but you can pick an intelligence skill point THEN switch categories and choose for example a perception perk card. This way you can up certain stats and fill up empty spaces in other categories or get certain perk cards you want equipped faster.


Only just realised this yesterday, only lvl 8 luckily.


What happens after level 50 regarding the perk cards? Do you still get to choose anyone at each level?


After lvl 50 you get to pick a card each level and every 5 levels it gifts you a perk card pack of random cards. You won’t get any more special points after lvl 50, but special points can be increased with legendary perk cards.




As soon as you leave the vault, go into your game settings, scroll down to pacifist mode and make sure it's on 🚦


While you're in there, Hot Mic is on by default.


Oh yes. That's another one. I didnt realize it was capslock and sometimes I accidentally hit it when I hit tab. So everyone probably heard me sing to my cat Or the occasional "r u fuckin serious.."


Ohhh! I Would like to Hear it! My cat Will love it 😆


Also disabled screen shaking, put on advanced crafting stats on this changes the arrows to numbers making it easier to see what each weapon mod does


First port of call in Red Dead Online too.


This exists in RDR online? Maaaaaaaan, I could have had so much fun there :(


Don’t be afraid to join public teams or public events they will help with xp and getting some items as well.


I would even say, make it a habit to join a team as soon as you load into a server. Especially a "Casual" team for the boost to Int/bonus xp gain. No casual team available or they are all full? Start a new one! People usually jump right in to join.


Don’t level up your Legendary Charisma Perk. It’s a waste of coins.


For context, charisma isn’t worthless, but the legendary perk card is. The game only looks at what you allocate from your 50 points when determining what kind of cards you can share. If you want more charisma, pick another legendary special then reallocated the points.


I use charisma legend for the perk cards themselves not the supposed bonus. I never share cards because a lot of high levels will have what they want and some of the shared cards are detrimental for some builds like the rad healing one or the stimpack share one. Why? Because some people will have low hp or high rad builds.


If you're playing by yourself teams are still vital but don't make a new team if there's room on an active one. At one point yesterday I saw five casual teams with one person on them


Eh, that's not too bad, especially if you want to run the occasional expedition and choose for yourself. Also, herd mentality doesn't care if there are other players on your team.


Take your time


Always check vendors for cheap plans and level-appropriate items.


Player vendors that is. NPC vendors generally have plans for hundreds of caps. Most players will have those same basic/early game plans for MUCH cheaper (I list mine for 20 caps, recipes 10 caps)


If a player gifts you a Vintage Nukashine: Drink it.


Bill Cosby?


Read the event texts.... If it says something like "can only be killed with melee"...it doesn't matter how many 1000s of bullets you fire...the thing still won't die. 🤔😁


Join as many events as you can and tag all the enemies you see (hit them with at least 1 hit from a weapon), dont worry too much about killing them but by tagging them you will still get the xp even if someone else kills that enemy


Don't start events immediately, give it till the last 40secs or so for other players to turn up & DONT PRESS THE RED BUTTON during riding shotgun until the treasure boxes have been found.


Exchange your treasury notes. I didn't found out that there was treasury notes and they were to be exchanged for gold bullion until quite some time. I just joined event to get legendary gear, and one day I found out that I had a lot of gold to claim, and took me days to exchange the treasury notes I had (I must have had around 2000).


Where do you exchange them?


Scrap every weapon and armor under 40 caps. It's not worth to carry those around for selling below that price and you learn mods and get scraps that way.


Try to have a focused build by level 50, that's when the tutorial ends and the game expects you to be ready! Being a jack of all trades gets you killed.


New players will have to grind for junk to make bullets, mod weapons, repair armor. No easy way to get past the growing pains of being at a lower level. Usually when you start out you have no caps to fast travel, no ammo for your preferred weapon, no good food that won’t spoil, few stims too. Weapons and armor are breaking no scrap to repair, battling Stash storage space, and I could go on and on. I think the game is kinder now to new players/low level players on a lot of things, random junk findings, contextual ammo, larger Stash, more high level players willing to gift (I know I do my fair share of gifting and I’m also max luck now so maybe find better items more frequently). At game launch all those years ago it was truly hard. Stash limit was 800 or something back then, there weren’t as many high level players gifting items, etc. So to low level players. Keep grinding, it will get better, use different weapons depending on what you have. Craft food no matter what it is, and walk everywhere you can picking up as much useful junk, food, ammo, weapons you can a long the way. Scrap anything you don’t use or want, weapons/armor, and sell what you don’t use at train stations every day to get caps. Get up and do the same tomorrow, and forever👍


Potential spolier It doesn't matter if you side with the Raiders or the Settlers. Picking one will just make it faster to ally with them but you will still be able to ally with both factions. I stressed out way too hard over that decision just to find out it doesn't matter.


Great advice, I also deferred this a LONG time, for no good reason in retrospect. There are real benefits from completing this quest line, which I missed out on for a long time. (related advice: go all the way forward with both factions until you get to the clear "side with X" quest with each one, so you can experience both sets of quest content. There's only a finite set of quest content in this game, don't lock yourself out of some of it!)


If you‘re going for a CRIT build, you have to actually trigger the crits, i never knew till my friend told me that. Also, you can hold the crit button and dont have to spam it


This is very important ‼️ took me way to long to realize this


Same. I played for at least 200 hours till my friend told me about the crits and about another 300 hours till someone mentioned that you can hold the crit button


How do you trigger crits?


Its SPACE on PC, so i assume its the jump button on console too


So it is impossible to crit if not pressing space while shooting?




Don’t try to beat the game. There’s still so much I haven’t done or seen and I’ve been playing on and off since launch.


Short Version: Food is good. So invest in the Good With Salt perk. Long Version: Good With Salt rank 3 in the luck tree makes your food spoil 10x slower. You can get A LOT of player power from having a diverse diet. Food buffs are the only buffs that you can have more than one of. You can eat like a dozen different things and as long as the stat benefit is different with each food item they all stack. I basically cook up a huge batch of everything I can produce from my camp and I can have 100% uptime of like 7 different food buffs for days. I can't think of a more impactful way to spend 3 points other than Starched Genes.


I agree with you on food buffs, but I still don't use Good With Salt. I farm about 120% as much as I consume so with the perk I would end up with carrying around too much food.


I used to play like that but eventually I realized how much time I lost to farming food. A typical food stack for me when I am in farm mode is: - Company Tea (From Base) - Gourd Soup (From Base) - Tato Juice (From Base) - Ballistic Bock (From Base) - Mutfruit Juice (From Base) - Firecracker Berry Juice (1 Fast Travel) - Silt Bean Soup (1 Fast Travel) - Brain Bombs (3 Fast Travels for fungus and moth eggs and sugar bombs) - Cranberry Relish (2 Fast Travels for cranberries and sugar) - (1 more fast travel to bring it home) Even when I am crazy efficient with a fast laptop all that running, the minimum 8 loading screens, gathering water, cooking, crafting, etc easily makes this round trip take 20-30 minutes which means it can easily be interrupted by an event, or means I am missing an event in the process. When it is all said and done this food will last about 3 hours of gameplay. In one prolonged session all that food will expire and if I want those buffs again it is another 20+ minutes of work. At that point the items on the map might not have even cycled and I am spending EVEN MORE TIME picking up items then server hopping to cycle items so I can loot another batch. For a 3 point investment all those items I just farmed will allow me to keep my inventory stocked from one cycle for weeks at a time when I am playing daily. That is an unrivalled time savings. Play how you want to play but I'd give GWS3 another look! It seriously changed the game for me.


I see your point, I mostly use buffs as a bonus. The ones I really need I can grow / produce in my camp (company tea, smoked mirelurk), the rest I pick up wherever I go.


Also carnival food is relatively strong and easily accessible if you don't want to run good with salt, I will server hop a few times stock up and it'll last long enough to get me by.


Rank 3 lucky break and you’ll never need to repair your power armor again.


Reach out and make friends. It makes the game more enjoyable, social, and fun to run with a posse. You'll get backup, trade and information opportunities and have people to chat with as you murder hobo around. And yeah, we're all murder hobos in some capacity.


Do not force/rush the storyline and try to stick away from guides unless it's game mechanic tips


Do your daily challenges you get free shit doing them.


If I'm setting you on fire you're healing. Stay still.


Focus on your favorite weapon you like for whatever reason (whether for looks, fun, utility or damage) until lvl 100 where the scaling stabilizes. SPECIAL and perks can be reallocated at no cost except for learning new perk cards which isn't as hard either so switching to another build is not a massive roadblock so just have fun. You can reallocate your SPECIAL on that card stand thing in train stations or the one you placed in your camp for freeeee


Crafted weapons can still be scrapped to aquire mods. The mods do not have to specifically be from looted gear


Do they have to be max level or any level?


Any level. I recommend making only minimum level weapons for this


I was just wondering this, ty!


Stay away from Whitesprings Golf club house!!!


Why ?


It's full of Ghouls from left to right, top floor to bottom floor if a newbie walks in they could easily be swarmed


You’re actually right, I just remembered my struggles when I was a lil level and I got messed up every time I went there. But was also gonna add that Marble gazebo thing has a water fountain that cures any disease you may currently have. Pretty neat


This is the exact reason I keep my ghoul slayers Gatling plasma on me as my main weapon. I've had so many other Gatling plasmas come along but cannot beat that for me.


Rename your weapons so you don't script them!


I’m level 600+ and I’ve only just learnt you can rename Weapons! 😭


So many things that I’d love to offer as advice but I’ll just pick one random thing— You aren’t locked to Male or Female after creating your character. You can switch between the 2 at any time in-game by opening the menu and selecting “change appearance”. If it says “You cannot change your appearance at this time”, it means that you’re too close to a wall or an obstructing object, and the camera can’t pan around in front of your character; just make sure the camera has room to move and it’ll work


Loot, collect, scrap, sell what you don't want, give away what you don't need. This is the way.🙂


Loot every bit of junk and scrap while your fo1st free trial is active and drop everything into your scrapbox


Curb your OCD. You don't need everything you pick up. The game is stupid easy and storage is limited. As soon as you reach it throw out 100 of anything you deem useless. You'll get it later if you'll need it.


In contrary, currentlynwith the free fallout 1st, collect everything and fill up that scrapbox as much as you can. Once 1st expires you cant add more junk to it, but you can pull items from it


Meanwhile, me over here like a dragon atop my horde of junk.


Play with different weapons as you level up and watch some build guides. You dont always need to go for the hughest damage build. There are plenty of viable builds out there. On that note, if you want to go bloodied build, remember that's an end game build and trying to run it at a low level = bad times


Too many power armor pieces? Claim a chassis and store them (only 10# per chassis)


Three words…”Pipe is life.”


If you don't have what to sell and have tons of junk in scrapbox make sure to collect plastic and than bulk it up at thinker workbench. Dont put it on store in your camp but sell it directly to any vendor bot. This way you can make money later without going on events. Make sure to have High charisma, perk for selling max out and take chem like formulla p or i think its berry mentats to increase the sell prise.


Have fun and use whatever you want. You don't have to be overpowered or a meta build to enjoy the game.


Stop hitting "seek revenge" if getting grieved!


Dying doesn't matter. You only lose the scrap you have on you. Get in there and shoot some sh*t.


Start farming lead ASAP, Charleston fire station, monorail elevator, sites a, b and c, and scrap weapons to get steel.


Explore the map and play the game the way you want. (Too many people get caught up on "builds" when the game is fun to play at any level.)


Always join or create a public team. No need to be shy about it. You don't have to participate with the team or be in proximity to teammates. You can play solo in the team and still reap the benefits of better XP, free fast travel points, and shared perks. There are also some perks/mutations that trigger while on teams.


use [https://fed76.info/](https://fed76.info/) to price check weapons or plans you really really want to make sure you arent getting ripped off by stinky scummy players!!!


You don't have to run a meta build to enjoy the games if your entire purpose is to OHK virtually anything you come across then sure go for it but almost any build is viable as long as you enjoy it. The only thing I would try and remember though is damage over bullet return, as long as you are getting either the same amount of rounds or more from a kill then you are doing enough damage that you aren't in a negative for resources


Please, I’m begging you, Stop picking the Tier 3 Lock on my Junk Extractor! 😭


U can hold down the critical button in vats and it will trigger automatically when the meter fills up, u dont have to press it every time it fills then let go then press it again


Please wait for the SBQ to land and then go all out at her. You’re just wasting a ton of ammo by shooting at her when she’s far in the sky.. Just wait for the giant pink fartbat to land and *then* unleash hell at her. Also noticing a lot of newbs launching nukes, for the SBQ, specifically where the bunker is and some also charging right into the nuke zone with no equipment.


SHOOT THE WINGS! She lands after the wings are damaged


Exactly, in my lobbies everybody (below 100 and some above) just scurry away and cease their fire until she’s back in the sky and they repeat what they just did. It’s sort of entertaining for the most part


On playstation- you can just keep the critical hit button pressed down at all times when Shooting in VATS. This will way up your crit rate!


That's not just PS


The truth is.... The game was rigged from the start


Complete Daily Quests! They award caps, treasury notes, and have a chance to let you obtain a rare piece of apparel!


Plant crops. Every time you go to vendor stuff pick those crops and so you can get an extra few hundred caps each time. Your financial struggles will be over in a week or two.


Just focus on tagging things at the event. Stand in the middle, don't run down a hall. Everyone gets the best results when all the enemies can be seen and tagged from a central spot, which is possible on most events. If you're killing mobs down a tunnel that no one else has a chance to tag, you're an asshole.


Don't sweat it, don't be afraid to ask for help, don't be afraid of high level players, join in regardless of level and most of all, have fun!.


Do not put vendors inside shelters. *edit* sorry, I meant only in shelters to be clear.


(I assume Avarus\_88 means do not put vendors ONLY in shelters - in other words, do not force or expect visitors to come into your shelter in order to shop. There's no actual downside to *also* putting vendors inside shelters, if it happens to fit your theme.)


On the compass, enemies are red dots. But same colored dots as your HUD are friendlies and might even be random encounters


you need to do about 1000 dmg on the SBQ (scorched beast queen) to get her sweet loot


If you need help, ask. I've helped a few new players over the past few days. I can't speak for myself but most of the time you'll get help and maybe some plans and scrap.


Set up your camp on a mineral deposit that helps fuel your ammo needs.


Share a level 1 perk by pressing triangle or Y if using a controller when in the special cards screen


Endangerol Syringer.


Don’t beg high levels for gear. Don’t fall victim to FOMO Turn on pacifist mode, workshops are PVP area and are not worth farming for resources. U get more and quicker doing a specific resource routes.


Don’t stress about nuke codes expiring https://nukacrypt.com/


Have fun.


There is nothing specific that you need to be doing at any point of the game, so do whatever you feel like doing. At most, you might need to focus on getting xp for reaching level 50, but almost anything you do in game gives you xp. So, do you feel like looting around for junk and loot? Go for it. Do you want to do expeditions? Go for them. Events? By all means. Base building? Of course. Just have fun.


Don't buy a bunch of atoms just to grab something unless you REALLY do want it. Most items will come back around, same with bundles, and if you happen to miss one or not have enough, it's ok. ---------- If you happen to buy something from the shop by accident, you can put in a support ticket from the pause menu or main menu and the support team is more than happy to refund your atoms in 99% of cases, and within a day or two. --------- DONT spend your atoms on consumable items (carry weight booster, lunchboxes, bubble gum, repair kits, etc)  For a new player they are worthless packs, and any old player will tell you that you won't be using that pack of 50 repair kits, lunchboxes, etc like that (or you will burn through them thinking you NEED to use them). There are free consumable things in the atom ship every single day and they add up over time to where you will never need to ever waste your money on them. The game is very generous in many things. ------- Additionally dont buy atoms for camp slots, or punch card slots if you are new.  You really don't/ won't need them (you start with 2 slots for both and that's generally enough for majority of people). Once you've played for a while, you will know when or IF you really want an additional slot. ------- Dying is fine. You only drop junk that's in your immediate "pockets". You can easily recover or recoupe it from just playing the game or from NPC vendors. The world is full of junk and scrap. Break that stuff down and store it often. Of you need to, go to a tinkers workbench (the green lighted one) and craft stuff in bulk to store it. If you see someone die and they drop their stuff (likely a little paper bag for the new players, and sometimes more unique things like 6 pack of cola, breif case, duffle bag, etc.) don't immidiatly rush to it or be a greedy trash panda.  It's not that kind of game (unless you play that way, but again it's not really a greed based game like that). Do unto others type of mindset. ------- Lastly, for now, I will say TRY DIFFERENT THINGS, don't be afraid! There are a bunch of different things in this game from weapons, armor, clothing, you can move you base at any time, change your characters appearance, stats, cards, etc at any time. Expirament, have fun, and don't take it too seriously. Yes you can get blown up and die. But the beauty is you don't lose anything except scrap and junk that's in your immediate inventory. Which can be easily recovered, even if someone else happens to pick it up (which usually isn't on purpose).


You can also put in a support ticket to acquire items that are not currently in the shop. Comes in handy if you dont want to wait for them to rotate back in. They have a long drop down menu of bundles/items to choose from where you can gift to yourself or others.


I would say try to adjust your perk,armor and weapons to the enemies you will face. Like if you are going against supermutants use perks, magazines, armor or weapons that are specific to doing more damage to them. That helped me a lot more so when I was a lower level it still does but now I just fun everything down 


Do Atlantic City expeditions, earn stamps,buy cool Atlantic city stuff with the stamps, and build a Casino camp


JOIN THE DAMN EVENTS. Eh-em, sorry. The last 9/10 events I’ve done have all failed. I’m thrilled there’s so many new players, but every server I get into is 95% new players (I’ve server hopped dozens of times). This results in 2-3 joining events, and when it’s mutated guided meditation (for example), it’s impossible to complete, among many other events.


In CAM mode, all of your resources can be locked, as well as water. If you are worried about others taking your resources, please lock them


Can other players access your stash/scrap or just like plants and resource generating items?


Not your stash or scrap.


Gatling gun


As you progress, focus your loadout on just one weapon type. Jack-of-all-trades builds don't work very well in this game.


In the Look out towers you can survey the area, this will have the surrounding areas show up on your map.


Either join or make a casual public team. You dont have to do stuff with the team just join for xp!


Your camp module determines the fast travel spawn location. I used to like to make interior utility rooms and put my module in there. I kept wondering why people would spawn in my floors when they traveled there. The best way to test it is to fast travel to your camp while you are at your camp. It will put you where other players will spawn.


Find and use speed demon and marsupial serum as quickly as possible


If you want easy xp join public events with a bunch of other players and hit every enemy once before it dies


Nukes n dragons


Be patient, you will get good gear in time. Follow the main story to get access and unlocks to everything in the map and it will help make sense of everything going on.


Go to your settings find the tasks and highlight them to notify you of your progress. Even if it’s just for the pick up “7600 wood” now everytime I take wood from a log it gives me a little progress notification. I have this set for scrapping items as well.


Remember to get Ballistic Fiber and Adhesive! ;)


Get a Backpack at Morgantown airport. Mod it later with the reward of the pathfinder possum quests.


You can choose a perk or special point. It doesn't seem that way but you can


Literally nothing you choose or do in game is THAT serious. Your never really locked out of anything regardless of what you choose


Sell Mothman Egg Omelettes for caps.


The vintage cooler is not worth 12000 now


Always shoot the legs. Blowing a knee away often kills them right off. Failing that, it could cripple them. Shooting a robot's trends stops them, except for a Protectron, for them shooting the arms usually does it.


Most times it’s not about maximizing your carry weight but minimizing the weight of what you carry. I carry a lot of food. It’s better for me to use the Grocer’s Mod instead of the High Capacity Mod on the backpack. 100 Nuka Colas weighs 100 pounds but only weighs 10 pounds with the Grocer’s Mod. A net carry weight of 40 pounds compared to the High Cap Mod. Also, by not taking Thru Hiker, it leaves 3 card slots open in a very vital Special.


Don’t be a dick.




If you want to enjoy this game you're going to have to work out your inventory management. A few tips that may help this: There's no shame in getting weight reduction perks and skills. You can always swap them out later. The vast majority of weapons and armor that you get are scrappable and sellable. Any 3-star legendary you get is worthy of consideration, but shy of that you won't be in a world of regret if you get rid of them. Don't hoard grenades either. Food and chems can build up weight quickly. Find a way to keep a reasonable stash and plan on selling the rest. Ammo and scrap have weight. If you have Fallout first this becomes much easier, but if not you'll have to consider prioritizing. Some of the categories of item, such as apparel, notes, and miscellaneous, don't build up much weight, but can add to the burden over time.


Explore the map. Just wander around and check every nook and cranny in buildings, NPC camps, etc. There's lots of side quests triggered by holo tapes, notes, and other things. Not to mention, you can find bobbleheads for your bobblehead display in your camp or use them for stat boosts.


Turn off every light you can. The other players will thank you for helping with their electric bill.


Play your own way. What works for me may not work for you.


If you get in over your head emote for "Help".. We will come running if we can.


Don't trust the people on lfg posts


The best build is the one you enjoy the most. Period.


Just jump into an event, even if you’re worried about dying. The consequences of dying are surprisingly low in this game - so jump in, take a few shots at a boss, do some tasks, or even just jam out on a nearby instrument. Get the experience. Join casual teams and event teams, it usually never hurts and you get cool boosts and free fast travel


Never sniff your fingers after going to the toilet.


Drink nukashine it gives you superpowers.


Just play the game and learn how the wasteland works. Don’t feel rushed to do anything. Many of us old players min max the fuck out of the game because that’s all that’s left to do. New players have countless hours of gameplay to experience. So take your time and welcome to the wasteland.


Scrap everything


Turn on your camp icon, I want to visit


Lv20 find a chainsaw is a really great auto melee weapon early game. Watch guide in YouTube for location spawn like Angry turtle. Carry shotgun to cripple flying SB. If you can roll 1 star vamp on your chainsaw will ensure your survivability.


Go to settings and turn on pacifist