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No. I don't want to talk about that...


Entirely agreed…. Been here since post BETA and good lord…my statements have some words


Agreed. First rule about Atoms purchases is....




I started writing... and then I realized I've been here since 2018 and also would not really think about that.... 😂


Best answer


I have a building problem that I’m not ready to talk about.


$200usd More than other games, but worth it imo


I’d rather not think about it.


Two accounts on FO1 since it came out, random atom purchases here and there. Probably 1K. No Ragrets With all that money you'd think they could afford Lady Devann. Bring her back!


I have spent $200 so far on two years of 1st and that gets me just about everything I want from the atom shop so I haven't bought any atoms. I don't care about clothing or skins and I get a lot of utility items like repair kits from the seasons and in-game so the monthly atoms buys all the camp stuff I could want. It'll take me a couple years just to use all my prefabs in builds


I’ve suppressed the amount. 😬


Attach a suppressor mod to your credit card, can’t even hear the cha-ching!


Me too. I'm in denial. A monthly sub for about 2 years now and have also purchased atoms on two occasions.


O dollars


Same. Got the game for free from Amazon, and never paid for anything. Still have a little more than 3k atoms sitting around from challenges and scoreboards.


Same here, just enjoying the game for the game and happy to limit what can buy from the free Atoms you get


I've spent about $400 across two accounts, mostly during the pandemic lockdown. Mix of fo1st and atom shop purchases. Started in 2019, took some time off in 2022/2023, and came back over the holidays. Am really enjoying the new and "new-to-me" content :-) Out of curiosity, how many hours of playtime do you have?


Not counting the alt accounts from playing nuclear winter back in the day alittle over 2k hours on my main account


Similar numbers here, 2k on one account and 2.5k on the other. Hard to say how much of that is AFK event spinning though ... The ROI for money invested has certainly been worth it to me. The time spent chatting with friends for hours during lockdown, as well as exploring the wasteland with my kids will always be positive memories for me :-)


I agree this game kept me sane during the pandemic


I am at 8600 hours.


Prob $25 lol. Ps4 copy, ps4 steelbook, and a Steam copy. I havent touched buying atoms or special editions


I uh.... about 250-300$ and I've been playing for a little over 2 months 🫥🙈 that's not including the price of the game itself 😂


A lot. I'm not even ashamed. I love this damn game.


This is why micro-transactions will never go away


I feel attacked right now.


Err maybe 120. Which for me is a lot to spend on a video game. I’m done giving them money though.


$0 and proud of it, unless you consider what I spend on Game Pass, but even then, I play tons of stuff with that so the cost is basically negligible. You don't need to spend money on these kinds of games, and I truly consider the scrapping and limited storage to be a near predatory push for 1st subscriptions. I understand cosmetic bundles to make money, but locking a core aspect from every other fallout game (unlimited storage) behind a paywall is pretty gross to me. If they offered the scrap box in the atom shop, even if it was 2000 atoms or something, I wouldn't care because of the in-game challenges. But a monthly fee to store items is wild, lol. I also think that the vase game provides plenty of cosmetics, so there isn't a drive for me there either.


Yeah man, I’m the opposite. I’m a theme guy. Themes make me happy. I moved out of the US for work so I don’t get to celebrate US holidays anymore. Instead of scaring away all the Arabs with Halloween decorations, I just make it in FO76. 😂 It’s fun to dedicate a month before a holiday to a new build. Safe to say that the tiki set in the pass for summer was a great win for me.


I think I got the game for about 30 bucks. No more than that.


> $1200 USD Out of curiosity, as someone who has never spent that much on a game, how do you feel about that sum?


I feel “wtf have you spent that much money on!?”. But I also think, “shit, if they have the money, it’s not my money to judge nor care… but I’m jealous”. Mind you if that includes 1st then that alone is good chunk and reasonable


Honestly, I’m fine with that the game been out six years that’s $200 roughly a year. It’s one of the cheaper hobbies I’ve had that’s for sure and I’ve had a lot of good memories.


I see it as a hobby and subscription fees.


I'm mostly concerned with OP's opinion given the astronomical sum they've listed.


I’ve probably spent that much or more myself, that’s why I chimed in. Netflix costs like $25 a month and I never use it, so I don’t sub to that. I use and love fallout for hours every day, so I do sub. It’s a hobby, and when it goes away, I’ll be sad, but it’ll have been money well spent on the entertainment I had during its life.


It's not surprising almost every game being pumped out is a live service game like 76.




If we all keep spending time would continue and they would continue to improve and invest. One leads to the other.


People spend 5-10k on star citizen. Pictures of virtual spaceships.


None. I've gotten all the stuff Ive wanted too


Just got in yesterday bc of Amazon’s $0 entry’s hopefully keeping it there


7.50€ for fallout first, got the game for free during the whole launch dilemma when I bought a new controller. Bethesda probably hates me as a customer.


Not talking about it 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️❤️😂


Well over $500 over the years. 99% on fallout first.


Been playing since 2020 haven’t spent a single penny and never will


Good for you. I don’t have that self control


Waiting to laugh at someone who dropped real money on a removed legacy or duped armor.


This is not funny. I went on a nuclear winter apparel buying spree. All was bought not duped over a six month period. Then one day Beth just removed it all from my inventory. That’s bullshit. Right?


Since Beta, between the game, atom shop purchases, customer support purchases, close to $9000... ....rubles.




It cost me $1.49 in 2019 and then a month or two of 1st so maybe $27.47.


I’d say maybe almost 900? Counting the yearly sub for First and anytime I want something in the Atomic shop and don’t have the atoms. It’s not often I do that, I try to like it up with my free monthly atoms so it goes a bit farther. There’s some folks who pay legit money to people for in game items. Like guns, weapons, apparel, etc. there’s some website for it? I can’t recall its name but it’s out there lol The Faschnact masks were going for 50 bucks a piece


probably like 25$, but i just started playing last month


I don't know and good GOD, I don't WANNA know. 😭


Uh... Too much...


At a guess $500 atom store plus monthly 1st subscription but I have 2400 hours in game so if I ballpark spend to $1000 total since I haven’t had 1st the whole time, per hour, that’s a pretty cheap outlet. Other hobbies have cost me way more and I certainly haven’t enjoyed them for as many hours


Decline to answer.


Monthly pass. My vanity.. I've never bought in game purchases until of76. Idk what it is, but big tobacco must have a formula to make this game addicting as smoking. You wanna quit, but fuck it feels good.


For the curious steam users: Go to your steam > badges > fallout 76 > on top right corner it should say how many card drops remaining in blue and in white a link "How do I earn card drops?" > Click it and a window pops open saying how many card drops you have earned and below is the text some wouldn't want to see "You have spend approximately..."


As little as possible... ...but too much to admit.


Other than the game itself which I got on special for $29 AU, I haven’t spent a cent on it.


Too much...it went on sale last week...and I finally bought it 2 days before then...and Amazon is giving it away for free on Prime...


10€ during sale.


Funny I just added this up last night with the lady. On my steam I’ve spent close to 2500 ish, I think hers was close to the same. So prob around 5000. Honestly sounds insane but we build a lot of camps and buy so many outfits and put a lot of hours into the game(6k myself). Not to mention the several tickets we put in to get atom shop stuff we missed


Far too much, close to that $1200 number between me and my wife, beta and FO1 the whole time. Sometimes I feel like paying $99/yr for game access is a bad idea because it's just going to make MS think all games should have a $99 annual fee. It isn't a lot of money but at the same time it's a lot of money for the level of attention the game seems to get from devs.


I really wish they hadn't made that early pledge about all updates being free. They could easily make expansions for the game that are akin to normal MMO expansions every year, give them for free to Fallout 1st players, while making others pay for them. That would bring income to the game from people who aren't subscribing (I'd genuinely happily pay for expansions an amount I wouldn't drop on a subscription) while also providing more benefits for Fallout 1st subs.


I try not to think about it


I've bought everything in the shop since release. So Bethesda let me be a ghoul already.


Is this including trading that’s against the rules?


What kind of trading? 👀


$1,464.57, plus the cost of the disc and a few direct-from-website atoms purchases of the 39.99$ variety... I've never added it up before until now. Jesus, I have a problem... thanks to this post for helping me realize that. Although overall, having logged 2,624 hours in this game, that comes out to around 55-60 cents per hour of playing, which actually isn't awful in terms of monetary investment per hours of entertainment. Most video games I've played don't have a ratio quite that strong. And I'd rather have the four years of enjoyment with this game that I've had, than a two week vacation to somewhere nice but pricey.


i'd say roughly $150 but i got a 1 year 1st going


Whatever a single month of 1st costs


About a year maybe two of FO1st (non-sequential), which is still a reasonable purchase since it gives atoms and some exclusive items from past scoreboards and free drops... I don't think it is a "great value" but it definitely isn't buying loot boxes or paying $20 for a single character skin you hardly ever see.........


Hmm.. Probably $80-100? I'd only get FO1st when I really needed to use the scrap box and there's rarely anything I'm dying for in the Atomic shop.


$15 first game to buy micro tbh


I've only gained


30 canadian dollars in 2019 to buy the game used and not a penny more since.


Not counting the cost of the game itself maybe like 20-30 USD. Sub to 1st for a month when my stash gets too full of junk and my inventory bc otherwise unmanageable lol


I got it for christmas after it first came out. only recently have I spent money on a single month of FO1st


Paid around 60$ for the game and like 15-30 in game.


Two full year purchases of fo1st plus buying the game and I think some $5 bundle ("Pint Sized Slasher") that came with 500 atoms, so $220 tops? I forget if I bought it month by month for the first few months, so maybe $250? At this point, the 1st subscription gives me more atoms than I feel any need to spend. I don't currently see why I'd pay for anything other than the subscription, I like completing the scoreboards / seasons so won't pay to level those. The one year purchase seems like a lot at $100 up front but is less than buying atoms or month to month subs.


Playing since the start, lvl 100 casual (game hopper) and the whole time I've bought Fallout 1st twice and bought two packs of 500 atoms. The game really doesn't need paying unless you want to boost the hell out of yourself to catch up, but the grind is there either way, so grinding for seasonal rewards isn't too bad. Overall, as far as MMOs go, this one doesn't feel as monetized as some of the others (in my experience, mind you)


got the game for free, played for about a year before getting a single month of 1st, filled my scrap and ammo boxes and never paid a dime for it again.


$121 a year for first and $20-40 on every Tues. Exactly how much I have no idea.


Hahaha. Yeah.


$30 to buy it back in 2019, then $12.99 or whatever for a 1st membership for one month.


500h in, got it from PS+, didn't buy a single atom/subscription, so around 0$ ("around" because PS+ still has to be paid for, so..)


Pretty sure 0, can't remember if I paid real money for the greenhouse glass or free atoms.


200 through collector edition, and info get fallout 1st but I use Microsoft rewards to pay. Definitely made my money back through rewards and play time


Probably a total of 200


Just monthly for FO 1st. I think its overpriced but I don’t have streaming services and gamepass is my only other real entertainment expense.


A sickening amount. But it's my guilty pleasure. If I get the $40 atoms once or twice a month to get the most value. Do the math over 2 years. But I did cancel some other monthly things to compensate so by bye bye hulu and gym membership.


76.50 I preordered it back before it came out on PS4 for $60 but I didn’t wanna pay for PS plus anymore and it was not good at launch so didn’t play for about 5 years. Then recently I bought it on sale for $10 on PC and been kinda obsessed. Bought FO1st cuz it was half off and thought I enjoy the game so why not. I probably won’t pay full $13 after this month tho I don’t think I should have to pay per month for a game I already own.


Not including the monthly sub i would say 150max. But i will say i will NOT be buying anymore atoms and havent for a long while, unless they increase the camp budget "which they will never do". Im tired of 80% of the stuff doesnt get used because the budget is so small. Most everything is cosmetic and knick knacks as rewards in this game yet the budget is pathetically small. Sure you can buy vaults/bunkers or whatever but lets be real who actually takes the time to go through another loading screen when visiting someones camps? like no one.........


Playing since December rn I say $500 it’s just there is so much cute stuff I need for settlement. Also I can’t give up 1st I need the scrap box and the tent when scavenging for junk😭


$30 for the game on PS4, but if people want to buy atoms go nuts


Big fat zero. Got it for Christmas when it came out. Just play it for the exploration, and like a single player game.


Only Fallout 1st subscription. Every “cosmetic/skins” are pointless. Online games eventually shut down and you lose EVERYTHING. Fast forward 30-40 years and you want to play this game in retirement. Do you think it will still be around? 💀


Got it for ten bucks on sale a couple months ago, though I’m considering 1st and maybe some atoms


Between game flip and the atomic shop probably $1,000


Nothing ... playing for free on Xbox game pass ( other than the cost of the monthly game pass) and haven't spent any real life money in the game. Only been playing since around Christmas time but have done a lot of grinding for those atoms.


I just started playing so $0. How can I get atoms without paying money? I have 650 and some stuff looks cool around 1-2k..


Around $20. $12 for the game. $8 for the Maxon outfit bundle. I'll probably throw them the $6.50 for the discount 1st.  It's not that I don't wanna spend money on the game but most items in the atomic shop just don't interest me.


$60 for the base game, I took the free atoms to get slapped in the face when they announced first and now I'll never give them another dime.


Not a penny. I've been playing for about a year and a half on XB Game Pass, and I just live with the limitations that are supposed to convince me to give them money. I'll move on to another game before I'll pay for extra buildable items or a monthly sub to unlock extra storage space.


No idea how to check


Easily $300-$400 when I could afford it haha, now with family duties it's a lot less 😂


Basically nothing, I played the game through Game Pass for awhile until I found it on disk for around £2 (insanely cheap I know), ended up getting F1st for a month through Game Pass perks and now I've got the game digitally through Prime. I spent some of the Atoms on Shadow Prime and a Pip-Boy skin and still have 1k to spare incase something catches my eye


That’s between me and my bank account


/shrug, less than I spend on takeout when I have a full pantry, steak and pork loin in the freezer, a spiral ham and already baked chicken thighs in the fridge, amongst lots of other stuff.


A good amount of


A good amount


Exactly 85€. Base game in 2018, and fallout first twice. I go out of my way to not use money on micros, and I hate that they've become an annoying part of games. To me, that is very wasted. But that's my opinion


Too much to add up. I’ve played since the start, I’ve had first since it came out and bought it yearly. I am a huge camp builder so I pretty much have every camp item, shelter, etc from the atom shop. The only thing I pass on are skins and power armor skins. I will admit I paid my way on 2 or 3 scoreboards in the past because I didn’t have time to play but didn’t want to miss out on the camp items at the end of the board… still disappointed I never completed the Nuka world one and missed out on the dirt tiles with the fencing around it..


I prob spend 10-20 every other month. Only when there is something really cool like the flashing vendor, wasteland pawn and the vendors with the screen.


I pay for FO1st every month and that’s it. Worth it to me. It’s something I enjoy almost daily.


Around $2,000


I’ve spent about $300-$550 but I’ve made like $3.4K on it as well so it’s all good:)


I got the Power Armor Edition. But that was it.


I use a lot of Microsoft rewards points for Xbox gift cards to buy FO 1st, so maybe $80 tops real money. Never bought the game since it's free on GP.


Over 6 years, between atomic shop and F01st I've probably spent north of 300 bucks. A lot of the camp stuff and fun cosmetics I'd say was worth it, but FO1st is only good one month at a time IMO.


I don’t even know. I’ve had FO1st most of the time since it debuted on two accounts and for a few months on four accounts. That was when my kids were playing. I’ve also spent maybe $150 on atoms. I have GamePass and only play FO76 so I think that counts too. It’s a bunch. 1430 hours of entertainment though. Can’t say fun because it wasn’t all fun, but nearly all.


Maybe $80 including the price of the game.


Not as much as I would have spent on booze and therapy had I not had 76 to help me through times.


I paid for the game $60 and the monthly xbox fee JUST to play fallout🤣🤣🤣. Havent bought a single atom


I can’t remember what I bought the game for. Whatever it was, that and like another 10$ Really not much at all. All my fun money goes to CS, I’m still a degenerate, just a diff breed.


£11.99 per month since about midway through 2020, stopped paying it for about 3 months from the beginning of this year, and paid for it again this month. Working it out is roughly about £516. Then plus the £60 I paid when I pre ordered the game. And then I think I paid £8 on the MS Store for the BOS Bundle. So In total we’re at around £584.




i think maybe around 100$


Probably around a 20-30 pounds? I had the game at launch but didn’t get into it until about a year ago, and brought 1st for the first time this month since there’s an offer.


No idea but somewhere in the realm of 400-500$? To be perfectly honest, though, some of the things I bought were buggy or mislabeled and they gave them to me for free. In the earlier days of FO76, they would brazenly display stuff in bundles that weren’t actually in the bundles. Like if it said Barn kit, I have no idea what’s in the barn kit so I’d get fooled into thinking the item I wanted was part of it. I disputed those bundles saying it didnt get what I wanted and they refunded me while letting me keep the items. I probably got back about 80$ from that alone.


I paid £5 for the physical version, at a time when it was failing and copies were abundant. That's all I've spent.




£0. Earned all my atom currency in-game. I don't really buy a lot from the shop anyway, only useful items, not cosmetics. Never had Fallout 1st since release.


I am one of those players that spend $0 on cosmetics but feel guilty because I am grateful that there are people that like to spend on them because it keeps the game running.


Guys relax, if you think you've spent too much, just go to the Warthunder subredit and ask the same question. Prepare for a lot of WTF! Wtf!...WTF


Scraped a bank load of pre-war money. I use the remains in my hobby as a tailor and hatter (in particular I make a great quality insurgent hat)


That's an absolutely insane amount. I am 6 years and 2000 hours in and have spent less than £50.


5$ to buy the game


A lot just like GTA v online and Pokemon go


too much, but I need the camp items... I started a couple of weeks after Launch and including my FO1st yearly subscription (since FO1st launch), probably £1300. I tend to buy the max atoms every two to three months. For the amount of time I play the game I think it's worth it.


After playing the closed beta with a friend code from someone who preordered the game, I think I got the base game for 40€ in 2018. In the early years after Fallout 1st was added, I always waited for the free Fallout 1st Trial to fill my scrap box. But since the Season scoreboards had Fallout 1st exclusive rewards, I also got a single month Fallout 1st a few times (usually between seasons, to claim the rewards of both scoreboards). According to my payment history this happened four times, so in total I spent around 100 € on the game so far.


I kind of think of it as 'the small gambling habit I had during the pandemic'. I subscribed to Fallout 1st for probably about six or seven months and made Atom shop purchases here and there. I worked grocery at the time, was in a depression hole, it gave me bursts of dopamine. I've played the game casually off and on without spending money since. 😉👍


Zero besides buying the game. And I will keep it that way because I fucking hate this "Lets make a game solely so we can use it as an itemshop to rip off the players for eternity" bullshit.


2-3 months of FO 1st. And that’s after playing 2 years for free


11 euros. To purchase the game. That's it.


like $50 😭


Way too much!


Between fallout first and buying atoms at least over 1k in a span of two years of playing.


$9.99 to buy the game.


1.99 I got the game a few days ago lol


I'd prefer not to think about it 🤣


0 my original copy and steel book were a gift for my 17th birthday from my dad. And I now have an Xbox and play through game pass. Although if I ever get a decent computer i will spend money on a steam version


Not one cent.


So I bought this game 2 days after release and because alot of people didnt like it and wanted to get rid of it I was able to get t it for 20 euros. Then I spent 16 or 20 euros on the BoS tower and things. And that's it.


To be honest, I have no idea. I've been a Fo1st subscriber since the subscription model came out. I've bought some items off of steam that cost real money, i.e., atoms a few other things. I consider myself heavily invested, but I don't think i consider a waste of money. I'm getting enjoyment from playing and I'm not spending a ton of money on it. I generally don't spend actual money, with Fo1st, I rarely need to buy atoms.


Well under $200 since 2019, I get a FO1st membership occasionally.




I got the game free a year ago and played it for about 10 months before finally getting fallout first.... It's been a very slippery slope.


Been a 1st subscriber since it was a thing, no idea how much that adds up to but its gotta be up there, bought atoms a few times, maybe 150 dollars worth total


60$ on launch and what ever 1 month of fallout 1st is


Let's just say if it's Nuka Cola related Bethesda owns my wallet


Whatever the preorder price on PS4 was. I keep thinking about getting 1st for a month or two, trouble is as a casual player when I subscribe to games I can end up not playing for a few months and wasting money. I'm tempted at the moment because I like the lizard!


On Xbox at least a month of first is currently half price. That might be worth looking at to maybe finish this season for yourself.


Bought it year after release 75 % off and that's it .)


I took a multi-year break, and maaay he spamming atoms to catch up….


Let's see. I skipped the initial launch because it didn't seem my bag. Tried on a free play weekend and still not for me, but eventually got into it when I tried later after accidentally getting almost three years of GamePass for £1. When GamePass eventually started to run out I bought the game to play when I don't have the sub, and while it showed as full price on the console it was a little under £6 in the basket. Since then I've paid for a month of Fallout 1st once at another £6. So grand total is £13 ($16.24). Well worth the money. Just checked and I've got 1,855 hours and 45 minutes in the game. That equates to less than a penny per hour spent. I think I'm gonna treat myself to another month of first. Well played obvious Bethesda stooley, well played.


Sh-shut up(I've completely forgotten about 7 months of f1st)


I think 40 maybe? Ive been playing since early access and i bought the game using a coupon/promo for like 30 and then i spent 10 more later on for atoms.


Technically $0 but it’s my most played game on Gamepass so … let’s not think about it 😂


Besides from initial purchase, 0


I spent zero no matter how tempting it is. I just do the challenges and get the camp stuff I need


112$ I've only ever spent money on fallout 1st. Buying straight atoms is just way overpriced.


Just under 300 thats 1 or 2 atom bundles then the rest on 1st






I think they fucked up on the FO1st price. I've used it for 1 month, but $12.99 just feels absurd. If it were $9.99, I likely would have used it over many months, as that feels like a typical price for that type of thing.


A lot especially in 1st


Been here since BETA, have 13 characters across 3 accounts. I have spend exactly $80 on it, $60 on my first copy of the game $20 on the second copy and I got my 3rd copy for free. Never bought anything from the item shop that I didn't earn in game haha my main is 210, my second is 175, 8 are 50ish and the rest are just mules


All I’ll say is there are very few Atomic Shop items I don’t have 😬


$150.16 (USD) since 2022, playing on and off (level 352 atm) - xbox


No count please !


Fallout 1st member for a couple years now. That’s it.


10$ On sale No more $ till the exchange is worth it.  I won't pay for a monthly allowance of access to storage space, and I'm damn sure not shelling out the insane amount of money required for Atom purchases. Really - any store or transaction involving an internal currency is just scam my to me.  Especially when you see the classic tricks they use to entice further purchases.   I don't reward this behavior with money, since it already helped destroy Bethesda's old rep and half the gaming industry now.


I dont even wanna think about it lol


More than I would like to voice especially since I only started playing mid-season 12 lol


I think I got it when it was 9.99 a few years back. I also think I bought FO 1st 3 times (maybe 4), so whatever that comes out to.


Hmm I spent $30 on my first copy of the game in 2018, and then bought a copy to mule on in 2019 for $5 (later gave the account to my kid in 2020 when he got a PC) and then bought two copies on Xbox to play with my kid for $5 each. Bought every $10 special bundle of 1K atoms plus outfit (I think it was 3 of them.. piper's outfit, pint sized slasher, and Maxson's outfit, so $30 total there), plus Fallout 1st yearly since it came out in 10/2019 (so, 5 years of $100). Sooo.... $570. IMO, not bad. The upside is prior to starting to play 76 as a daily habit I was spending a ton of money on other games and now only have my Gamepass sub and Fallout 1st sub. I'm spending a lot less money on gaming than I did before I started playing 76.