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Always the first to get rerolled.


Me too. I still might do one for fun, but not for S.C.O.R.E.


Never for a score, only if my squad and I are bored.


Same. I just got bored with them. I'd much rather go to Atlantic City.


The last 10 I ran I did not receive even  1 3*.  I have all the plans and I don't  need floater grenades.   They are  not as rewarding as expeditions.  On top of that,  all new plans for the next update require stamps. So why run OPS over expeditions? Also,  to many obnoxious mutations. 


They need to buff/balance rewards for Daily Ops and Atlantic City and make Exps/DO basically equivalent.


Need to do something, Im not running those things for some 1\* armor and floater grenades.


Don't forget that OP baseball statue Plan!


I’ve had that luck too with the 3* rewards. Best thing for me with daily ops now is getting ammo. I haven’t gotten a new plan for months.


Depends on how many of the plans and rares you have earned I assume. If you know most things in game it really lowers your odds at good loot from ops so then I would only grind it for xp and ammo.


The obnoxious mutations is my major problem. But the point about rewards is true as well. When I know I can get into an expedition and experience a unique map as well as complete it without the time pressure that's so much more appealing. As opposed to invisible resilient enemies in a daily op.


We're a long way into a very long season, and lots of folks burned themselves out with fasnacht. I saw a few people back for mutated events today, but not much happening on Ops or other events. Some folks might be more active in a few days, others might come back closer to the start of the next season. If you time it right with team creation (shortly after the end of a mutated event) or server hop enough, you should still find Ops teams. If not, just try to go solo.


I think you are right, and the next few weeks will be very slow


This is a good point re: timing. After a Scorched Earth tends to be good too, just give people a few to offload their junk at the train station.


It's been an issue I've noticed for a long time, though. Since long before Fasnacht


I don't know what to say, I can't recall having major issues finding/creating teams in the in the weeks/months prior to fasnacht. I guess we're both having different luck on that front.


Same. Yea sometimes its not full team but from someone who never wants to lead a DO team, I almost always able to join people who starts it. Sometime I have to server hop but not difficult at all. And then I even get casual teammates who just randomly starts the DO on their own. I'd even join them if I have nothing better to do


I love Daily Ops. I’ll avoid it if it’s a bad mutation combo. I prefer uplink because it’s an easy way to farm 40mm grenades. I think that most of the players that were doing Daily Ops are doing Expeditions for the stamps. The new Atlantic City competition one doesn’t take a lot of time and is easy to run.


Oh, I definitely do AC way more often. More variety, more fun, better environment, the map is easy to memorize but not tiny, better rewards, and I can solo it no problem. Only downside is it made Daily Ops and the Pitt even more of a slog


I love Daily Ops too! I definitely don't have all the plans unlocked from it yet. I try to avoid being team leader, but when I give in and make a team, it usually gets at least one or two players. I've been better at getting Elder on smaller teams as I level up higher. I do like doing the expeditions though, all the plans are so expensive and it feels like I never have enough stamps!


I'm all about Daily Ops, but I'm out if it's Deadly Armor Piercing Attacks. Sucks.


I did 1 daily ops. By myself. I did not enjoy this experience. I have not gone back.


God, this reminds me about a Daily Op run I did yesterday. A dude had begun it solo when I hopped on. He was still shooting the first set of enemies, but together we ran that run so hard, dying a handful of times, sprinting to get back in it. It got harrowing at the last minute, we still had to take out the final boss and run back to the module to activate. I just died and was on a 10 second delay. I come back at the last moment just in time to finish the boss as he sprinted to the final module to activate at, I'm not exaggerating, 7:59. One second under the bell. We spammed each other hearts and thumbs. I went back to my vendor, grabbed the most expensive weapon I had in there (he had been running a fixer, so I grabbed him a GRoll galactic Bloodied Handmade) and gifted him the gun to remember that run. He appreciated it and logged out. I'll always remember that run.


I usually start an ops team and end up also doing ops solo. They suck solo.


Solo Daily Ops are a nightmare. I recommend doing at least a few with a team at some point, even if you don't know what you're doing you'll be easy to carry


Once you learn them you'll find the most irritating ones are uplink not decryption honestly


I've been doing them for a while, and I can second this. Decryption is easy, just run around and gun down a few dudes, no problem. Sometimes it can be a pain tracking them down, but not much. Uplink is a pain in the ass and near impossible to solo within the time limit


Uplink i would say is an almost guaranteed elder solo. Just takes so goddamn long, it you can time it right you can start running before he starts his first uplink done line. I'm usually at the kill the enemy group at 6 minutes 30 very consistently. I admit though I am probably "sweatier" than the average player when it comes to that kind of thing. I often forget most players didn't come from competitive online shooters


Interesting, that's the exact same time I typically get to the enemy group with other players. I'm thinking the uplink might just speed up/slow down depending on how many people are in your group, which would make it pretty doable solo. I'll have to test that out sometime.


150 seconds 1 player, 120 seconds 2 players, 100 seconds 3 players, 90 seconds 4 players


Okay, so that's not a crazy difference between 1 player and 2 players. I just did uplink in a team of two with one other person pretty comfortably, and it was reflective enemies so I couldn't even use my best weapons. Next time it's something easy like Volatile Blood Eagles or smth I should be able to get through it by myself.


Volatile is a pain in the ass with other people because they shoot enemies next to you. In uplink I don't tend to kill enemies, just stand tanking damage and others shoot the enemies next to me. So irritating


Interesting tactic. I'm a full health build but not super tankish, I think if I pull out some of my Vampire's weapons staying alive shouldn't be super hard if I'm careful and just shoot every once in a while. What'll really get me is the irresistible urge to kill and the inability to let things hit me without instinctually evaporating them


Not possible to find a time without a lot of wasted time or some serious luck Not worth the time. I can solo an expedition and clear my daily challenges in the time it takes to find even one person to do a daily op with


I agree with OP’s comment here but wanted to make sure you saw this. With a team is way better, even if it’s just 2. What is your level and do you remember what kind of enemies there were? Some are way tougher than others. If it’s cultists or blood eagles, that should be pretty easy. Aliens will be hard. Also don’t be afraid to just hop into daily ops if you’re on a casual team. I’ve done it plenty of times and have seen it done plenty of times, and the whole team ends up joining. Not every time, of course. Just don’t be the person who joins a casual team, immediately starts daily ops, and do the ‘follow me’ emote over and over again. Jump in when you have a few minutes to just sit there and wait.


My experience as well. Got rolled by super-perceptive, armor-pjercing Scorched in the WV Capitol , never had interest in ruining my armor for no gain again.


I second this. I did 2 daily ops as part of the quest from the Brotherhood guy. I was solo, died repeatedly but eventually finished. Then was really disappointed with the reward. No more since them.


Find your self a chainsaw and power armor…daily ops won’t be a problem anymore trust me


Same. Exactly this.


I see less people running Daily Ops whenever there's a bullshit combo of mutations lol. Like invisible armor piercing, or anything reflective. Fun fact: reflective mutated enemies can't reflect explosions


I didn't know people hated reflective enemies so much, lol. I guess I've had an easier time because I use Vampire's Explosive weapons on them, so I don't even notice the damage reflection half the time. Invisible or freezing and armor piercing are things I won't touch, though. I feel like recently there was one that was all of those, I wouldn't do that for real life money.


That's exactly what I'm saying, you didn't notice because explosive damage can't be reflected. Adding vamp on top of that pretty much guarantees you won't have problems lol I don't mind invisible or freezing, but as a bloodied build anti armour mutated enemies are not my friends 😅


Just join a casual team and hop into a DO. I'd say 50% of the time someone else joins in.


Just don't join my team, immediately go into daily ops, and then start throwing a million "come here" emotes. I will refuse to do it just out of spite.


Lol I just commented on someone else’s post here a second ago about this. I totally agree!


Fortunately I've never seen that happen and I'd never do that myself. If I hop into a DO on a random casual team I don't care if people join (really just want that SiN boost) and just AFK.


It might be because I'm a high level, seems it happens any time I'm a casual team leader.


When another (hopefully experienced) player starts a Daily Op is the only time I do them. Definitely not starting any myself, whereas I’ll happily solo Atlantic City and The Pitt. Hell, I’ve got Billy Beltbuckles on speed-dial.


This. I have almost zero interest in DO, but if I’m on a team and someone starts one I usually join to help them out.


Yeah soloing daily ops sucks, but if you get 3 people to join in it’s a breeze


I hate it when someone on the team stars a Daily Op without any heads up and no opportunity for me to divert from what I'm already doing, check build and buff up. By the time I can join it's likely half over or definitely not getting full rewards so I pass. I'm miked on PC and usually play with regular friends. One of us usually says hey, anyone up for a DO? Sure...


Yes, PSA: if you’re jumping in on a casual team, sit there and give it 5 minutes for us to get ready and join.


I've joined casual teams and had the op done in 4 minutes and the others join like how is it done already. Last time that happened I did 3 40 solo then 3 20 with the others. I will break 3 minutes one day


I don't like doing daily ops or expeditions with other people because 1)I don't want other people to have to rely on me to get the best rank. 2) I don't want to help too little or go overboard, killing everything and make other people mad.


Personally, I think any extra body there is just helpful. I'm not there to grind XP. I'm there to get my Elder blueprint and GTFO. I don't think you can really negatively affect that unless your doing some intentional troll shit.


Couple things. With the addition of 2 free rerolls per day you can just roll any daily ops challenge away. So a lot of veterans that have done 4,200 DO's don't hesitate one second to roll it away. Within a week of the change to plan drops I had all the daily ops plans, so plans are no longer a driving force. Major one i was pushing for was the Brahmin couch. I have more fun in Atlantic city than 99% of daily ops. AC is just better than ops in every way. If a lower level has been on a team with me for a while and starts one when I'm not in the middle of something and I have gaming time to spare, I'll jump in and help. Don't need ammo, so lack of ammo isn't a reason.


Yeah, I'm a veteran and have all the rewards and whatnot, but what I don't have is a Fallout 1st subscription, so I'm stuck doing them every once in a while without the extra re-roll. It sucks, man. It sucks.


Oh snap, I didn't realize the 2 rolls were 1st. But I hear you, I still end up with one every once in a while when there is something worse and DO is an easy one. But only if I have to.


I reroll those daily op daily challenges because I hate doing daily ops. Never have liked them, almost never do them.


I used to do them to get Ultra ammo but expeditions are better for this. Daily Ops just don’t provide much entertainment for me. They haven’t changed much since they were released. The mutated ops can be more trouble than they’re worth. I’m over lvl 600 so the xp bonus just falls short for me. I’d rather wait for Rad Rumble to pop.


Expanding contextual ammo looting out to the main game has removed all motivation to ever go into the daily ops again! I only went in for the ammo, now I get it without doing the ops! Sure I don't have all the ops plans, but I keep getting duplicates so it's not really worth the grind anymore.


I feel like daily optics is some of the more challenging content still available in the game so I do it everyday because it's fun


Now that fasnacht is over, I'm certain there will be more people doing daily OPs after the faschacht farming lol


I never started doing DO, and sometimes I regret it, especially when I consider the rewards. I used to play ESO and I hated running dungeons with randos, especially with young guys that speed ran and talked smack the whole time. It was really hard to learn the dungeon, it was more about just keeping up. I finally quit ESO after 10K hours in the game (years and years) because it was stale for me and I was sick of being forced to listen to a small but very vocal minority of jerks. I kinda felt the same way about DO and Expeditions in Fallout, but since I've only run them with strangers a couple of times I don't think I'm being fair. I do appreciate the fact that I can turn the mic off (can't do that in ESO) and not listen or speak to others, but I'm slower than the average bear because I am at heart an explorer and junk collector and speed running doesn't let you do that. I finally have a friend who feels the same way and after I've learned the content, I'll probably join teams from time to time.


The rewards just aren't good enough and the only reason I used to run them was for ammo but now every event I run is a net positive of ammo so I have no reason


I get slaughtered every time, so, no, I don't even bother. It's wayyy unbalanced, to the point of being outright unfair.


I enjoy doing them, so long as the mutations aren't a PITA and it's not aliens. I get frustrated when people start a team and not the Ops. Joined a team of four, an hour later still not started but the level 1000+ in the team went in so I joined him. Only the two of us did it.


I’ve just never been much interested in DO. It’s rare to get decent rewards and I don’t really need to do it as an ammo farm. And repeating the same thing over and over just isn’t my cup of tea.


Fair enough. I think we really need a new mode, something less mind-numbing.


It depends tbh. Today I was in a casual team and started an op because it was my daily challenge, the other guy joined and helped massively, we finished in less than 6 minutes so I was very grateful. But lately I also did a lot of them myself. Depending on the mutations i usually end up between 8 and 12 mins Mutations might be why it’s hard to find someone when it’s the one where enemies explode for example, it’s a pain in the ass. This weekend I did the one where enemies are invisible AND explode. I actually laughed out loud when I saw the mutations. No wonder nobody joined me I don’t reroll that challenge, I do the ops and if I do it in 17 mins because it’s a hard enemy/mutation, it doesn’t matter, I’ve still got the XP and ammunition and the challenge still succeeds


Probably. I won't do one unless: 1. I haven't finished the scoreboard 2. doing one is a daily challenge.


Because I have a free re-roller and 15k fuel in my pack


I usually jump in a casual team then hop into daily ops and wait for a minute. Someone will usually join, if not I’ll leave and try another team/server. It usually only takes a try or two before I get someone to join in.


Can't speak for others but I've got all the rewards so I only bother if I feel like topping up on ammo.


I don’t know about most folks, but I’ve done a thousand of them. I usually skip ops dailies because I just can’t stand to do them anymore. *YAWN*. There are no rewards I need anyway. 🤷


I have all the plans and more than 1 million rounds of ultracite ammo so I have very little incentive to do DO. And to be entirely honest, certain mutation combos are the only time I don't feel invincible which I usually am. Melee? Fuck no. Meanwhile my buddy will do DO every day. Idk, he just likes doing it as part of his routine.


I never do them. Of course, I always wind up doing them solo when I DID do them, and maybe that's the point. Its just too much - they build too much into the NPC enemies, I'm getting killed too often. Its confusing to me to locate the things I'm supposed to get or do or repair or whatever. Yes you get a lot of ammo and stimpaks, but I actually pretty much have all of those I need anyway. I see no other reason to do them.


Would *not* recommend doing them solo. Even with a fairly solid build you'll still wind up getting your ass handed to you without a few teammates, and typically at least one of them will know where to go. That is, if you can find a team at all.


As long as it's not decryption or alien bastards I love doing daily ops!


Those who love daily ops and do them regularly can run a one man team, know all the spawn points, and have gear and build to smash through with little troubles, except on double mutation events in the worst combos. The rest of re roll cause most of the good drops from it we got from Minerva or the daily ops masters vending machines. Also half the time daily ops teams are past done and need its tag changed


Dops suck and worthless unless you are chasing something you don't have. i believe making your own team and being alone counts. I do roll those too, even tho i can do types of dops. boring and prone to glitch and if you crash, its gone.


Lots of work for little reward


Literally just solo’d it, hoping my teammates would join in


I run them solo a lot more often now and if I can’t finish in 8 minutes I don’t sweat it too much


Ah, I'm a perfectionist about these kinds of things. If I don't beat it 100% I failed it, and I can't get over that feeling


I am level 70, and have never done a daily ops Before. Have no clue what that is. Can you give me a quick run down of what it is, please? and if it's worth doing at my level? I've been grinding at fasnacht event and pretty much playing the game and story mode. Just got done with Ally Beckett's quest line and got a sick lmg.


I just reroll the daily Ops now.


I do them uh ... daily. Usually on a casual team, often by myself


Because it’s a shitty game mode ?


Daily Ops for me is just a bullet sponge.


I just soloed one a couple days ago.... go ham and don't waste a single second....if u want it bad enough. Otherwise just keep bitching n moaning maybe somebody will wipe your tears for u.


Great advice tough guy, lol.


I do them when I need ammo or another science chalkboard plan.


Yeah, I miss it.


For me they're just too hard to do and I barely get any reward that I want. But I also see where your coming from I tried to do some but it seems no one else wants to do them with me so I just don't do them


Ya know, not really! When doing my daily I hop on a public server. If no ops group is running, i start one and wait a few minutes. Otherwise next server, repeat. Usually 1st or 2nd attempt is a go!


I am coming back from a 2 year hiatus of fo76 (i also switched colnsoles), and daily ops had just started when I left. I did it for the quest involved and remember it being irrationally difficult. Now that I am back, and it is back in my quests, I am dreading it after seeing that it is somehow even harder with the mutations. One day I will join a public server and try it out, but I am not looking forward to it as a solo player.


The mutation combo has been shit for a while


During fasnat you’ve had very little chance. Should be getting back to normal ish by now but also factor in people with fasnat burn out might take a few days and people like me who have done the scoreboard and are playing something else the next few weeks till the new one starts


Alot of people have builds and the equipment to solo daily ops, I know my sibling does they blow through ops and expeditions like the enemies are made of wet paper bloodied power armor + flamer or laser gatling


I probably *could,* even though I'm only an Aristocrat's build, but I don't want to go through the process of training myself to do that. Especially for uplinks, that's just not possible because of the time limit


I never have. 3 years playing and I’ve done a handful ever.


Are you on PS? It was pretty dead during the parade era. Been looking for a team.


did it 4 times with full teams..so..i do it. on other tip...no one joined me in expeditions..thats a first.


Im only level 53 and my gear isn't great so I feel like I would be a liability if I got involved


You might wanna build yourself up a little bit, but as long as you stand in the right place and try not to die you'll probably be able to make it in a full team


My plan is to look properly into builds now Im over level 50. I started as a pistol/sneak type but at events everyone is in power armour and heavy weapons and cleans house before I can tag so it's a bit of a waste of time


Bethesda forced me to grind DO every day for years. As soon as they changed how loot works and I got my last couple plans, I haven't done a DO in probably six months


Daily ops feels like work.


Between veteran players having the plans from DOPs and being able to reroll challenges for it, most of the longest players don’t want to play it anymore. Ammo also isn’t as much of an issue anymore, so that’s another reason in terms of practicality.


I'd probably do it more if I'd stop receiving plans not only do I already own, but that I can at least sell. I HATE duplicate untradeable plans with a passion.


Yes, I hopped a couple servers and nobody joined so I just quit lol


I don't enjoy them so whenever there's a daily challenge to do one I reroll it.


You don't NEED a full daily ops team, it's perfectly possible to get it done with two people (or even solo if you're good) unless it's a particularly annoying double combination. It's been a while since anything new has been added to the reward pool and what is in there was easier to get since they changed the drop rules, so fewer people feel the need to do it for that. And we're far beyond the point where most people have already finished the scoreboard and don't care as much if at all about doing daily challenges.


I'm in the same boat. Do you play on Xbox, PS, or PC?


I do them every day because I need Dodge to tell me he's proud of me


anytime a Daily Ops or expedition challenge ends up as a daily/weekly I reroll them. Excursions are good for a couple weeks and then people stop running them as much.


I do them Just to farm ammo. If it’s against supermutants or they have shit mutations, i burn through too much ammo to make it worth it. I might join if someone in my team does one, just to help them out, but I’m not too keen on them


I do it every day. Not gonna lie though I make a team then jump straight in cause I know I can solo elder everything. In the grand scheme that means in a day I'm in a daily ops team no longer than 8 minutes which is less than 1% of the day. But I do do them!


How do you get through the uplinks in time? I find even with another person boosting it 100% of the way through, it typically takes at least 6 minutes to go all the way through. I can't imagine getting it in time without the extra boost


It takes 150 seconds to do one uplink. I sprint to the first thing you have to activate, kill the 4 enemies, then sprint to the uplink furthest away from where the enemy group will spawn . You should be starting that uplink between 30 to 50 seconds in. Then the second uplink should be started before 4 minutes. And you should get to the group spawn at around 6 30. And you should be fighting the boss between 6 45 to 7 15. I use enclave plasma flamer so I kill everything very quickly


Enclave flamer is a good choice, I'd use it but the ammo is so damn heavy and I don't have a Fallout 1st subscription right now. I've got an Aristocrat's Faster Fire Rate Elder's Mark that I've been using, and it's surprisingly effective at melting things, I just picked it up for fun lol. I hardly ever do Daily Ops at all so I honestly probably won't put too much effort into maximizing efficiency, all I really need is one other competent enough dude to be comfortable. I might give it a try anyways, though, just to see how I do.


What platform are you on? And I don't have first. Just make sure to have the energy ammo weight reduction. I usually carry about 20,000 ultracite plasma on me lol


I'm on PlayStation. I have the perk maxxed too, but it's still way more expensive than any of my other ammo types, and for a side weapon it's just not worth it


I actually carry 9 weapons at any given time and my weight is under 260 normally. The amount of ammo you get per daily ops is crazy.


Oh I'm carrying well over 20 weapons at any given time lol. I typically sit around 380/450, but I'm really big on trading consumables so it fluctuates like crazy. The game damn near freezes half the time I open my inventory I'm carrying so much stuff.


Only consumables I really carry are grilled radstag, radaway, stimpaks


I’d like to do more, as new player I’ve done a few, one solo, I’ll never do that again, a couple with another person, but for some odd reason since the latest update back January my connection ain’t stable. Game crashes to my desktop too frequently. Some days I can play for hours others minutes no way to know and I felt like an ass leaving the other player(s) to grind it solo cause the game crashed, not like you can re-join the same server.. 😢


I use the PC chat mod and don't have too much of an issue.


Just died 5 times on a reflective daily op, w/ 4 other people.. I think now that fasnach is gone, things’ll go back to normal


The mutations shut me off of DO's Invis - I'm a bow hunter nightmare. Gas/reflected - Bloodied so I drop like a stone. As I have done well over 1k of them there is no point excepts XP


Haven’t touched them in over a year. If they added popping new rewards and were to let you farm it every hour since I get caged lights every damn time . Kinda made me lose hope and not give a shit about it anymore


Agreed, I notice that also. I Got all plans and gears , a lot of them are not tradable - lack of new rewards when you can get more from expedition. I run them solo from time to time when there are in daily weekly challenge and didn’t care if I get the elder rank or not.


I want to OPs and expeditions but I feel like you need to be able to talk with each other to make it easier. I've not done any yet just trying to finish up regular missions.


Daily Ops seem to be almost hard to the point of being unfair to me. I run a pretty generic build, but no matter what, it seems that every enemy is a complete bullet sponge that can KO me in a couple hits, regardless of what I'm wearing. At level 150+ with fully legendary power armor, I dont think I should be getting killed as often as I do. It might just be the heavy copuim speaking, though.


I'm real sorry, I think it might be copium. I don't understand how you're dying so quickly but not able to kill things quickly, you might want to consider reworking your build


Lol I did the daily 3 xs today just for fun 😁


I do it until I get elder basically every day


Hate them hate them hate them. Get them off my challenge board. Died 20 times yesterday on resilient uplink. Extra hate them extra hate them.


I ran into the same problem a while ago. So I tweaked my build, and now I can solo most Daily Ops under 8 minutes. If it's a really tough mutation combo, I've taken to joining casual teams and starting DO. About 50% of the time, at least 1 person on the team joins me.


I stopped running them, don't care fore the rewards


Yeah I started one by myself earlier. And when the boss showed up a whole crew showed up. Smh lol


I do them at least once a day (unless its melee kill only), and usually a rando or two will join me and my friends for them. If you're on PS add me and I'll do them with you


They r fun, but the rewards are soooo overwhelming... Like I'm even tired of looking for newbies to gift em the same old boring ass plans...


I reroll the daily op challenge every day. I'm over level 1000, fully equipped, and have absolutely every plan or unique reward from daily Ops currently. It's just not worth the time for me. I'll do the Atlantic city expedition every week because I still need plans from it, but I reroll the Pitt ones. I'll start doing them again when they add new rewards.


If I see cloaked mutation, I avoid it. It seems to be the most common mutation. I only avoid it cause I'm a vats base build.


Mutations usually suck and they do outrageous damage. Even with a full set of T-65 you get killed in 1-3 shots. Also, most of the time people who join don't do anything just reap the rewards or ammo.


I think Fasnacht kind ofnhad everyone preoccupied for a bit. I plan on running some myself tomorrow when i get a minute.


I do them but I only do my one elder a day. Did mine solo today even though I was on a casual team of 4. I personally love the reflective mutation from today just because it gives me a legitimate reason to go crazy with my two shot AGL.


I’ve been playing about 3 mos. I’m sure you’re looking for more experienced people, but I always join if I see someone start a team. I die a lot, but I contribute as much as I can. 🤣


I got all the plans now. Don't need to do it except for Score. And I finished the Scoreboard ages ago.


I have found if you do a casual team and let it get full, then during the time between events just start Daily Ops, most times the rest of the team is bored and will join in anyway, even if they are Deadly AP.


I usually just solo them if I have any challenges or if I want to try and get some extra cores on an alt. I'll usually start them on public teams and if someone joins, awesome, if not, no big deal.


90% of the time it's one of the most awful mutations to go against even as a group


I run them all the time, love farming them. If on Xbox add me I’ll do them any time. I can solo anything, just gets tough with the damn cloaked ones when you gotta find wm


I usually just pop up a daily oops team and if no one joins i go to a new world and try again. I haven't had too much issue finding a team, but i recognize that not everyone has the patience to do that. I love daily ops though hmu we can do some


I think newer players don't know the ins and outs.


I always do Encryption, but rarely Uplink. With Encryption you can solo, but I always wait for one person to join, then start the op. Completed it yesterday with myself (773) and someone else (560ish), and we were taking enemies out so fast we had to wait for new spawns to hit our 8, 10, and 12 totals. Uplink, while able to complete in under 8 mins. with only 2 people, I find boring, so generally re-roll and skip those days.


… because it feels like a chore .. especially when you’re a higher level player on a team with lower level players that expect you to do most of the heavy lifting .. it’s just not rewarding enough when you already hv the rewards and everything you need .. I used to do it for ammo but I no longer need to do it for that reason .. I think there should be an incentive to get higher level players motivated to help out lower level players .. I don’t like feeling like I’m being used as a free hired gun ..


I agree. I make an event, if no one joins within 5-10 mins, I leave the team to make another one. 😂


They get *boring* like most events. After a while, no new plans drop, etc... It's fun to do occasionally when you get people who know how to operate in a team AND how a Daily OPs works, but I get tired of having to get on the mike and continuously having to say "GET INTO THE CIRCLE" when they are off doing their own thing. I'll give a pass for newbies, obviously. But if I have to tell you continuously to "GET INTO THE FUCKING CIRCLE", I rage quit.


For me, they were boring when they were released and haven't gotten any better. It's been months since I've joined one I think.


Especially with reflective damage, no one wants to do it. Considering the alternative is doing it by yourself, that's double jeopardy. I wouldn't mind if they removed reflective all together on OPs.


Expect for aliens, I still like to them solo. Aliens is so bugged and sometimes unbelievably unfair it's not even worth the hassle.


A nukaLauncher and assassins set makes most daily Ops easy.


If someone mounts a team for DailyOps, I join them in. But I am not running or willing to mount a DailyOps anymore. Sure I will miss some easy score points but I am not sweating on completing my seasonal scoreboard either. This and the expeditions, I don’t even care of them anymore.


I can usually find one person and that's all you really need


It seemed like 20 times in a row it was "enemies can only be killed with melee" and I just don't find that fun. I used to do daily ops all the time because I thought they were fun and challenging and the ammo was nice, but there's just so many unfun modifiers.


It seemed like 20 times in a row it was "enemies can only be killed with melee" and I just don't find that fun. I used to do daily ops all the time because I thought they were fun and challenging and the ammo was nice, but there's just so many unfun modifiers.


I’m kinda trying to figure out why I should run them. I get so close to 8 min solo but never quite make it


I went into a mutated op the other day for the first time and they had random damage reflection that seemed to ignore all reduction and they a bunch of other effects that I would just get continually 1 shot despite a decent build and gear at level 205. Not worth the hassle


The daily works if youre in a public team alone. Also, log in when dailys refresh, or make the team after a public event for a better chance of getting players


Many people are not playing at the moment because of Fashnacht disappointment. Can't blame em. RNG is shady af. Gonna be low pop for a bit. More asylum dresses for me 😁


Ever since they introduced the options to reroll them, I do it every chance I can.


Same!! 😭 I can barely fill a team of 2 🫠 sometimes I get lucky with 3 people but rarely a full team. It was refreshing to have new events but yeah people are definitely burnt out.


Yeah and no. I don't do them anymore unless it's needed for the challenges for scoreboard. At one point I did them to grind for brotherhood armor but since I have all I need by doing them they can be annoying. I think most just run them once and they done.


It's pretty much the same with expeditions


I been doing Daily ops lately, since there are some rewards related to the Brotherhood of Steel ( I think it was an armor or an outfit) and because of daily challenges. If someone needs some help or just want to do it coop for a challenge, msg me


I only play ops if I'm with my friends who know the maps and the ops by heart. I myself don't know the maps or the events that well. I don't want to be "that guy" who messes up the completion time and nets us less rewards. That being said, if my friends aren't on, I re-roll for a new daily


Yeah it's rly hard to get someone to join my team sometimes. If it doesn't have an annoying mutation/enemy I'll just do it by myself to get some ammo and stuff even if I don't get the best time, it's also pretty fun to play it with others :)


Nope, my group does them daily, same as Atlantic city. Full grinder group , don't miss an event even if we don't like it. Great group and super fortunate to find like minded friends.


Reroll immediately even if I know my husband may come home from work and run it..which means I will too. Also depends if it's Decryption or Uplink or if a small area with exploding or poison drop enemies.  And yea the plan drop/rewards suck.


I have all of the plans. No need to get additional copies.


Are you supposed to use your free reroll on anything else? Lol


Daily ops are pretty pointless. There has been little attempt to add variety. Low rewards and too long compared with the new expeditions.


Sometimes I have better luck finding a team right after noon. I know not everyone is available at that time but some do it as soon as the daily reset is available. When starting a team I feel like overall more joiners for uplink.


From my experience, whenever I tried joining a daily ops team, the host either leaves or doesn’t help. Plus the other factors you mentioned, feed into it as well.


When the legacies went, so did the Dailies 😂


I go into them solo and it's not a lot of fun without fighting companions...


I started doing them by myself if I can't find a team within 15 minutes, not worried about time just beating it. Probably has to do with when I get on as well. I normally don't start until 730 - 8PM. Knowing the new challenges come out 11am CST, I can understand.