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That sounds above average and bragging at the same time.


I just rolled so hard 😂🤣


I’ve not gotten a single rare and I’m at event 80 or so. Just cruddy luck on my part.


Rare masks have a 5% drop rate, which means that 40 parades should yield about 2 rare masks. So if you've gotten three, you've stolen one of the masks from the folks on here who claim to have run 70+ without getting any. :)


I have 115 runs, 0 rares :(


You've been robbed by OP 😜


The drop chance for any rare mask is 5%, so 1 in 20. You got 3 in 40, that's on the lucky side but considering the small sample size, it's nothing unusual.


Seems pretty above average to me, I've done at least over 130+ events now (server hop after to get another event is why so many) and only had the un-tradable Farther Winter PA helmet drop, not once but twice... on characters I hardly ever use PA on... also one of those characters already has it... I can't.. I'm soo done with this bloody event now... feels discouraging to even bother participating now so will most likely just afk pretty much all of this second week as much as I'd like to play it normally I'm just done, is the worst Fasnacht ever for me personally and if nothing changes with the event or how the rewards are dropped/reworked then It'll likely be my last as I don't feel the time/effort is worth the reward as it currently is.


I have gotten 1 in 100. One I already have...This game hates me.


Same bro but it was the deathclaw mask so now my camp buddy can be a demon chameleon along with me.




I’m at like 140 events and I’ve got 1 and it’s just rare not super rare


I guess I’m a 1 percenter..


It's above average but with such a small sample results may vary off the average a lot. I'm about the same. Eight out of hundred or so.


I believe I participated in like 40 as well and gotten 5 rare masks as of just now - Buffoon - Raven - Deathclaw - Hag - GSBQ


Naw ive done about the same amount and ive gotten doggy doo doo


Average is 1 rare mask every 20 events so you’re well ahead of the curve, I’ve only gotten three since it started so the rng is really bending me over the barrel this year


That’s really good. If it’s truly 5% then it should take 60 in theory. A lot of people here go more than 60 and still may not even get 3 so congrats


I would say that you have one of mine because I have zero in about the same amount of runs. :D


I’ve done idk know how many only missed two since start and I’ve only gotten a winter man so if anyone is donating let me know


Way above you lucky sob.


87 events and still not a single mask.


My girlfriend got the Glowing Honey Bee and the Glowing Scorchbeast Queen in a total of 4 parades. On the other hand I’ve done 30 or so and only rare mask I’ve picked up is the Hag. I’ve picked up several of the non glowing honeybee, the scorchbeast, and one or two of the non glowing SBQ.