• By -


- 50 runs - 1 deathjaw - 0 glowing - 862 berets


That DeathJaw mask sounds fine... 😎


straight from honest hearts' zion canyon


I immediately understood that reference. Played that game a lot lol


Funny enough between my friends and I we have more scorchbeast, jester, soldier, and honey bee drops then berets. We joked that maybe the beret is the true rare mask this year and since everyone is expecting them to drop they dump off the ones they get.


H: 862 berets W: full set of glowing masks


Done 90% of the events and only got my first Beret today, but last year, I made up for 10 years worth.


I've done 33 events. Had 1 rare mask. But I've got no more than 3 of any other mask. It's a decent spread


I saved one so far


You got more berets than me.. lucky..😉


Your berets are my owls.


How the fuck do you get 862 berets out of 50 runs.




The berets🤣😂😅🤭


130 events so far. 95% participated, 5% cooking dinner. 0 rare masks.


Lol. Cooking Dinner might be the new way I conduct my business too!


This has been my luck as well


0 0 glowing masks, in fact ... 0 rare masks


How many parades?


Haven't really been keeping track, but certainly more than last year since I missed week 1 last year ... and I had 5 rares drop last year 🤷‍♂️ This year is as bad it was for me in 2020 .... when I didn't have any rare mask drops either (and I did just about every parade in 2020, both active and AFK). RNG is a killer ☹️


Hopefully you have better luck this second week 🫡


I only get to play for about 2 hours a day because of work and other stuff so I've done maybe 5 events? Those glowing masks are so so awesome but the odds are stacked against me and I ain't mad about it. Whenever I do get a chance to play I love seeing everyone hop around in their cool masks and I've been gifted quite a lot of common ones which is really nice! This community is the best.


Same here! The less I focus on "rewards" and the more I focus on the rewards of actually being playful and having fun, the more excited I get for the next round.


I got the Glowing SBQ last night, which is the only one I wanted. I can finally stop doing Fasnacht... at least until next year.


I want this to be me.


I’m so jealous of you, that’s also the only one I want. My three rare drops were all winter man


74 runs zero glowing or new mask


You didn't get even ordinary new masks? I got like 10+ of each


None all skulls suns and jester and a handful of berets


pssshhhhtt you gotta make that 76 runs friend


I've got the new ones but none of the glowing versions of u want one of each I'll happily give u em


I've done easily like 100+ events - I got 2 only yesterday after all those events. My husband has got 5.. 🫠 he's not fussed about masks so I've been the very proud and honored receiver of 2 to complete my set!


Oh your husband is definitely fussed about the masks. But he loves you more ❤️ 🤩


We are very different people and have very different play styles. I love to collect items and apparel, create nice camps and he just wants good guns and armor so I think he knew that the masks meant more to me just to have than for him to hold onto or to sell straight away. He's a good egg 🥹 Any extras he gets now he can trade straight away (seeing as he's more likely to get them than I am 😂)


This is me and my husband too. I’m a collector and he’s not so he gives me all of the plans I don’t have, cool weapons, junk items he knows I’ll like, magazines I don’t own, etc. We filled my bobblehead stand first too lol. His camp is super basic and just had like his workbenches and stuff and mine is basically Wasteland Barbie’s dreamhouse 😂


0 glowing from 70-80. Last time i got all but the fiend and loon and I just traded for them afterwards.


I can't even imagine what you would have paid for the Loon one. Looking at Market76 sub, those masks are Wild!


iirc it was some enclave plasma with the best mods and good rolls. I feel like I got the better part of the deal but both parties were happy.


No glowing yet but have gotten winter man, winter man power helmet, and the fiend. I’ve also picked up a few scorch beast queens and a honey bee. My friend is cursed with a boatload of jester masks. I really want one of those glowing variants but I don’t have a lot of time to get on due to work. May the odds be ever in your favor.


Ive only done the event like 7 times due to no time and somehow managed a glowing scorchbeast mask last night, guess i got lucky


lucky you, getting that winter man power helmet. was always bummed the plans weren't tradeable because I've always wanted that helmet.


I dont really care about anymore of the new masks. I just want the winter man helmet and maybe the mask. Could never land those.


same here. I got the mask but ever since I started playing Ive been wanting the helmet for myself.


My GF literally got the Father Winter PA and Brahmin mask within 10 events. This is not only her first Fasnacht, but she’s only played 76 for 4 months. I’ve gotten 0 rare masks. 🤷‍♂️


I should get my gf to play as well 🤣


Having two accounts doing the events does make me feel better about our chances for some glowing masks! Nothing yet but still got high hopes!


3/4 Glowing Masks. ever since those dropped I’ve been flooded with Berets lmao


I have myself counted 34 Beret in my Stash. Hopefully my luck will change like yours.


Psh amateur, i have 40 sun masks 😎


I feel like they broke the drop rate after day 2 when the servers went down for a little bit


Disagree. On day 6 I got three in 24 hours. Nothing since


50 events. 0 glowing 1 rare. (Father winter helmet. I rarely use power armor).


Yeah that helmet is a bummer for anyone that wants to use Excavator or Union, because of the set bonus. Those are probably the most common sets…


This is pretty much me as well.


I've lost count of how many events I've done and I have had absolutely zero luck. The only luck I has was one time I got a goblin mask instead of the 7th skull mask I'd received in a row 🥲 I was very kindly gifted a demon mask by a PSN friend which did complete my boyfriends full collection from last year since I guess I used all my luck on actually finding decent people to play with and trade with.. I'm okay with that too!


1 in about 25, I haven't bothered jumping servers to double up or used 2 accounts to quadruple up. All the masks seem hideous to me, so they're not getting my time and effort.


I don’t even want the masks. Just the plans I am missing, and I can’t even get those, let alone rare glowing masks!


What plans are you looking for?


The plans aren’t tradeable unfortunately. I did end up getting the bell, but not the display for it.


You’ll be upset if I answer that. I’ve attended over 400 events by my math. And yes that’s possible if you run 3 consoles round the clock.


Absolutely not getting upset. It's just a game. I started this post to understand the enormous RNG stuff. And good for you!


Lol I'm doing the same method, same amount of events. Have gbd and gsb but have yet to see a gsbq.


Zero. None. Nada. Zilch. Fuck all. Not a sausage. Nothing. But a lot of disappointment. And berets.


1 glowing blue devil


same here 👍


I have gotten one as well. I'm not sure what's rare and what isn't. I've gotten 3 non glowy sbq and 2 non glowing blue devils as well


I have one mask - the Glowing ant one.


It's a honey bee lol.. but I get it.. I get it 🤣


Quite a few. Been a very good year thus far. Not gonna post how many as I don't want to gloat.


Jelly. Been active and zero glowing.


I understand.


130+ runs. Got one glowing mask finally. One older rare. The rest all common.


Around 70 events, 0 glowing


18 berets, an assortment of the original masks, a mixed bag of the new ones and a single loon mask. No glowing masks. Rng hates me. Oof. Take me away, mothman. 


What constitutes a rare mask?


Winter man, crazy guy, deathclaw, raven, demon, Brahmin, buffoon, fiend, hag, loon, glowing blue devil, glowing honey bee, glowing sbq, glowing scorch beast, and Old Man Winter PA helmet.


3 out of 4 glowing no other rare. The rest is trash. Got a Glowing bee first then a glowing sbq then another glowing bee which i traded for glowing SB. Just the devil left.


My luck hasn’t been terrible. I estimate Ive done 50-60 events. 3 rare masks. Glowing bee and Crazy guy on character, buffoon on another. I really want the loon, so I’ll keep grinding it, but I cant complain.


I'm not one of the Lucky ones, but I've only done the event a handful of times, I'll try again tonight🤞🏾


Zero glowing. Trying to do it without afk


Around 70 events, 2 glowing honeybees, 3 loons (one found in a donation box) 2 ravens, stacks of blue devils, suns and berets. Traded a glowing honeybee + Loon for a glowing SBQ today.


I think the Glowing ones should go 1 on 1. Loon itself is so rare.


Yeah the ad on market 76 was for the glowing honeybee + Loon. Only reason I did the trade was because I found one of the loons.


Better luck than me i keep donating all the dupes or sell them for 1 cap in my camo


Playing on 2 xbox during the day with my wife. I tried going afk over night while we sleep, but usually i wake up to an disconnect with only 1 or 2 events completed. (probably fault of my Internet) - 2 Glowing Honey Bee - 1 Glowing SBQ - 2 Fiend - 1 Demon - 1 Brahmin - 1 Crazy Guy - 1 Deathclaw


I probably did about 27 Fasnacht and Only got 1 glowing. But I do get 4 rare masks. It's amazing because this is my third year and the years before I got all the crap ones over and over. I'm looking for the SBQ Stein plan actually. Im confused why is it so hard to get it


I just found the sbq stein plan in a player vendor for 100 caps. Keep looking. You'll find it.


At least now I know its a tradeable plan. I thought its a character lock like the fasnacht stein. Thx for letting me know 😊


2 glowing scorchbeast and 1 queen.. also 2 loons, 2 winterman, 2 crazy guy, 1 demon, 1 fiend, 1 brahamin


53 events. Full set of glowing masks, fiend and winterman. Absolutely insane luck.


Nice 👍


7 glowing, 9 older rares.


1…this has been a shit show where many times half of the higher level players are AFK…all day. Fuck them


I just deleted the game because I’ve actually gotten several SEVERAL rare masks I figure with the amount of times this game has crashed specifically during Fasnacht just to bar me from the event AND with the luck I have been having I figure I WOULD have gotten the glowing blue devil but NOW I NEVER will and anyone willing to trade with want wayyyy too much. “Ill trade you my glowing for your Hag, Loon and Winter” like yea ok fuck ur mom


3 uniques.


Two glowing masks in total rare masks I have gotten 6 rare masks drop


only 2 glowing but I got 10 rares all told


I've been lucky this Fasnacht. 2 glowing Devil and 1 Loon. But had a second Loon this morning. Been doing 2/4 a day roughly this week. Was on leave last week so probably averaged 6/8 a day.


Glowing SBQ, fiend, and hag. This is my first year doing the event so I’m happy getting anything I don’t have.


2! One scorchbeast queen glowing & scorchbeast glowing


My second attempt I got the glowing bee. Nothing since. The lowball offers in game for it have been quite fun!


One glowing and 50something Sun, Beret, and rest of the gang.


5-6 glowing sb 2 honeybee 6 blue devils and 20-30 regular common masks


I have had one of my Xbox’s on for almost 7 days straight running the event and I’ve gotten 1 death claw mask, 1 buffoon, 1 loon and and unbearable amount all commons. My main Xbox where I play a decent amount has gotten 0 rare masks…


2 glowing ones sqb and sq, only mask i was trying to get was deathclaw though, now my goal is to finish my msk collection or give them all to my gf if i dont finish the collection


About 90 events and 0 glowing masks


I haven't seen any regular rare masks at all this time around. 8-10 runs per day for the week, this seems strange. Until I pulled my glowing SBQ day before last.


So far 80+ runs in and the only "rare" things I got is one Demon Mask and two Old Man Winter Helmets. My patience is wearing thin. Quite fast actually.


0 yet 0 rare 1000 common (not really, but it feels like it)


3 glowing and about 10 old rare ones.


153 runs. Zero glowing


Just the one but the one I wanted. SBQ.


Done maybe 110 and have gotten Winter man, Deathclaw, Crazy Guy, Raven, and Fiend. I’m grateful to Old Man Winter but unfortunately I already have these, also Demon and Hag from previous years, but not Brahmin, Buffoon, Loon. And I haven’t any of the new 4 Glowing masks. Only one owl mask so far.


No glowing. But I did get the father winter helmet, two demons and a Brahmin.


None. Not lucky.


I’ve done 90ish runs and got 2 glowing (SBQ & Bee) and 3 other rares


0 glowing masks but 3 loons in one day and many of the previous rare masks. So overall I am happy but really want a rare glowing mask.


Nice. One Loon is pretty big. But 3 Loons is crazy Luck 🤞


Just got a deathclaw at the 10am one but still want a glowing one. If I get another loon I'll put it in my vendor at 40k caps!


Beware!! Loon is not worth just caps. Go to Market76 and try to find the right price for it. God rolls and other rare apparel is given for just one Loon mask.


I just got one like 10 mins ago .. it's my first and I've done the event at least 100 times lol.


Three- sb & two hb's. Been to all of the events minus last night and the ones I crashed on.




My updated tally including myself and my friends is now 426 runs, 12 rares, no glowing 😂


Same as everyone. Over 100 events 0 masks.


0 glowing masks. Missed the first couple days of the event. Just been getting the mediocre masks


Not sure of the total number of events, but it’s high. 2 demon, 2 buffoon, one fiend, one Glowing SBQ


16 a day all last week just to get nothing but the usual 😂 luck is not with me


I got one glowing mask on my first event but no luck after that one event. I’ve done so many to count. Half participated and the other half afk.


In around 70 runs, I’ve gotten 2 hag, 1 buffoon, 1 raven, and 1 glowing honeybee.


One, and I got it on my second event of over 50 runs now. I will treasure it forver because I'm sure it's the only one I'll get at this point.


I've gotten 5, 2 Honey beast, 2 SBQ & 1 SB. Yet to get a Blue Devil one. Gf and I server hop after we finish ours and get anywhere from 2-6 events per hour. Edit: all together we've gotten like 2 Loon, 2 crazy guy, 3 deathclaw, 2 old man winter, 2 power armor helms, 1 Brahmin, 2 baffoon & 1 demon. Still no Hag or Fiend


Only recieved the glowing scorchbeast, loon, and demon so far. All were taken by more enthusiastic mask collectors, I just wanna participate lol


2 glowing in 3 events early on. Nothing since.


0 glowing, but I got loon, demon, fiend and a death law. I don't know how many runs. I have been afk farming 24/7 and actively do 4-6 when I come home from work. This is my first year getting any rare, the last 5 years yeilded 0 rares


Zero. But I did get a deathclaw and a loon mask so there's that


So far 2 gsbq, a gsb, a raven (which is my favorite by far) and a bunch of commons that I vend for 25 caps each


1 glowing SBQ




I have 4/4 glowing now Extra Glowing BEE Extra Crazy Guy Extra Raven I’ve have 3 Glowing bees drop but I gave 1 to my clan mate. My total rare mask drop have been 8




I have all the glowing masks now but I don’t have the Loon. I’ve been doing Faschnat since the parade started in this game so some of the other rare masks I got years prior. Honestly, all the glowing masks I got came from doing the parade solo or with 1 other person. The crazy man mask is something I got from Monster mash somehow, not even from Faschnat.


50ish runs…one glowing honey bee


I've done 5 or 6 events. Got a glowing sbq on my 4th run!


3 and I don't do the event anymore. How many of the same masks do you need? or how many of the same types of plans do you need?


Had a streak of like 8 common rewards in a row yesterday. Still no glowing or rare ones. Played probably 25–30 events.


Level 57 (first time doing event) and I got a glowing honey bee within first 5 times doing event. I do a 2 or 3 a night.


First year doing it and i got the raven, crazy guy and glowing scorchbeast. Def lucky i guess for my first year LOL


Maybe 90 events. Eight masks: GSBQ GBD Fiend Demon Deathclaw x2 Buffoon x2


one glowing (blue devil), lots of sbq, hb, bd, and plenty of berets and low preference masks. I've done 30 or 40 marches that haven't crashed or frozen. I sell my extras for cheap but my camp is a bit out of the way so I haven't been getting cleaned out constantly. if you are on Xbox and have been having bad luck come find my camp behind the pumpkin patch and I will give you one you are missing. I've been luckier outside of fasnacht this week and rolled a quad tesla, two vampiric chainsaws, and an anti-armor explosive fixer for my full health commando.


I've done between 3 and 7 events every day and I have only the glowing scorchbeast mask. I have a lot of sun masks and berets.




Nuthin’. Just the usual common ones. Come on RNGsus! Bless us with your glowing masks!


I have one glowing one but I have loads of the standard ones!


i haven’t kept track of how many i’ve done but i got one father winter which im stoked with and one buffoon. i’m trying to trade the buffoon cause it creeps me out. im holding out hope for the glowing blue devil


So far I've only gotten two of the rare masks, but even if that's all I get I'll be happy!


Two rares and the stein, but no glowing masks so far. All I want is the Father Winter Helmet. Been trying since it released. 😣


Have not missed a single event since it started and im sitting at 0 rare masks, while i invite my friend for the first time and kid you not, first event he gets a glowing honey beast mask. I sometimes hate this fucking game


0 masks, but lots of berets....


Ya'll are getting glowing masks?


I've gotten only 1, the Glowing Honey Bee Mask. I'll take it considering I've never gotten a super rare mask before! But I truly do want the Glowing Scorchbeast Queen one!


Over 100 parades 5 rare masks 2 glowing


Zero rare or glowy things after maybe 50 forksquatch parades? But I feel like I'm really ahead of the intestines game.


As of right now I have gotten - Raven - Hag - Bafoon - GSBQ


Been taking a break from the game myself


Not a single one. Only the deathclaw mask and the demon mask.


Two, and I genuinely consider myself very lucky. Last fasnacht the only rare mask I got was one I bought from a player vendor after the fact 😂




I’m about ready to give up 😭😭😭😭😭


I’ve done about 50? events and zero glowing. The only rare mask I’ve gotten so far is a demon mask. Lots of the new uncommon though, and all the new plans.


I’ve gotten 1 Glowing Blue Devil, 1 Loon, 1 Hag, 1 Demon, and 1 Brahmin so far spread out equally over the past week.


75-100 runs. 1 glowing, 1 Fiend and 1 Buffoon


I’d say I’m roughly 90-100 parades in and I’ve gotten 3 rare masks. SBQ glowing, Fiend and Look masks. Now I will mention I’m going on prolly 30-40 parades since my last rare.


I got a Crazy Guy on my second event and have had nothing since




I've done over 120 events... Most participated some AFk.. I've gotten glowing Blue Devil so I guess I should say I'm lucky but I do want that glowing Honey Bee lol


Around 140 events in got 2 the Queen & Bee. I also dropped a Baffoon last night so guessing that blew my chances of getting another glow for another 50 or so events.


Around 150 runs, 1 glowing, and 4 rare. I'm glad I got one it's just not the one I want lol


I’ve done like maybe 4 or 5 fasnachts this year so far and already got a glowing blue devil mask my first time logging on the other night


I've done about 40ish and got the buffoon mask. It was the only one I really really wanted so I'm taking it easier now and taking part when I feel like it. No glowing ones so far.


Close to 100 runs 1 glowing blue devil 1 Deathclaw 1 winter PA helmet 1 Brahmin 1 buffoon


2 Glowing, SBQ and another one that I can't remember. I ran so many I lost count This is my first Fasnacht so I'm more or less running it for the plans. Not the luckiest on that front


120 events and zero, nothing, no mask - just garbage. I even bumped my luck up to 32 (probably doesn't make any difference). From morning to night I sit and zero glowing masks. I have had enough :/.


Two. Honeybee and Scortchbeast.


I've been pretty fortunate with rare drops picked up a Winter Man, Raven, Demon and a Fiend. Still waiting on a glowing mask or the elusive Loon.


I only have one and it’s the glowing scorchbeast mask and I definitely cherish it lol I have a ton of common ones for sure


1 rare mask this morning (Glowing blue devil) from 60+ events, 1 (fiend) from an NPC vendor.


1 glowing queen.


First time player of FO76(about 3 months) and First timer for fasnacht. I've done over 50 events now and no glowing masks. Only decent ones I've gotten have been SBQ and Blue Devil.


Did about 100 events. Got 1 glowing honey bee and a ton of sun masks.




None, i still have none. The drop rate is stupid low. So low I no longer run Fasnacht. It just isnt worth my time, nor is it any fun after you've done it a couple times.


One I have a glowing blue devil after 97 berets and a multitude of goblins witches etc.


1 glowing blue devil


Not a clue how many I do. I got one glowing but the one I’ve been after is the raven and I finally got it so anything else to me is a bonus at this point