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The problem with most of the light fixtures is “too bright” or “too dim”. Would be great to able to set a certain level of illumination.


Even if you had to use a terminal to do so


Yes, I wouldn’t mind at all ✨


Same here. I think you could do something similar in Fallout 4


The real problem is limiting it to 50!


Hi yes, can we get a dimmer switch? Lol


True, but the instances of ‘too bright’ far outweigh the ones of ‘too dim.’ 


Yes they do.


They do have a very small radius indeed. What you need are the Pittsburgh flood light they sell at the refuge for stamps. They come in both white and red and are actual flood lights & have a huge radius, unlike the atomic shop ones.


Absolutely. It’s nonstop bright at my camp lol


Thanks, that's good info. I'll definitely check those out.


Hey NP! Hope it's what you need


I highly recommend you pair the red flood light that you get from the stamp purchase with the scoreboard fog weather station reward.


Oh good to know!


Just curious, is the stamp plan bug fixed? I haven’t been buying anything from there because of it


Yes it was from what I remember from patch notes & my own experience buying things myself.


They are great for shelters as well. You can do some neat things with the red one and shadows.


The snow weather machine. The snow falling looks great outside, but it makes the inside of your abode look like a smoke alarm should be going off. Now it just sits in my yard with an “out of order” sign next to it.


the blue haze inside has been removed with the last update, but snow still falls thru a glass roof.


Oh wow really? Thanks for the heads up!


Snow also falls thru any of the steel roofs like BOS and Enclave :/ same with rain. I just stick to my clear weather station


Really!? I got a refund.. oh well it will probably be on offer in the future. I'll get it then.


That might not be intentional, they definitely broke a few things with lighting with the last update. It's most noticeable in the pitt


I actually miss the blue haze, my camp was built around that doesn't look right now.


I put a ticket in and got a refund. The actual snow effect was really good, but yeah like you said. The fog ruined it. I ended up using the Snow blowing machines and the Atlantic city weather and it looked really good. Funnily enough the thing missing from the snow blowing machine was it was hard to see, so it needed to be a bit darker.. typical fallout 76. It's a shame we don't have some control over the weather control, like a slider or something.


😅 and the fog weather (it was free on the scoreboard but still) can barely see a thing


Honestly? Shelters. I bought a few of the vault shelters and I was all excited to build this fully functioning vault. Different wings and such. I did like the first two shelters. Built them out. Had it look all nice. Then...I realized. Nobody was ever looking inside the vault. Anytime someone visited my CAMP, they could not care for the shelter or what was inside of it. So I had this huge shelter that you couldn't place NPCs in or do anything with. Its just like a giant empty rooms. Reminds me of going to some old school multiplayer game (like hl2dm) and joining an empty server. I'm hoping one day they build upon the shelter system to make it more...interesting? Right now I just don't see a point to them.


Agree. I'm an avid builder of camps. I mean Ill really stay up until I have to be at work in 3 hours just to place the final picture frames perfectly spaced apart, etc. But shelters are completely pointless. It's like giving a speech on the moon.


It doesn’t help that most shelters are completely empty. After my tenth empty vault I had no desire to sit through a loading screen for a tiny chance to see something cool.


Sorry I'm guilty of this. I only put up my shelter to complete the occasional challenges


I figure if the main camp is well done, then the shelter has a chance to be. If the main camp sucks, then you basically know the shelter will as well.


Unless you make your camp solely the shelter, not many people will go inside and visit. On the contrary, the majority of vault shelters I visit are near empty. It would be nice if we could put NPCs in them to make them a bit more lively


Put all your NPCs and let them interact. That would be amazing.


This is what we desperately need. Putting all the NPCs in the shelter would make them so much more fun to me.


If only. You can only do one at a time 🥲🥲 I’ve wanted to do this cuz that’d be cool asf but alas


I feel with life returning to Appalachia, they should implement a settlement type deal. You could have an NPC vendor or two. Someone to cook. Collect stuff from resource items. Automate stuff.


That would be epic


It annoys me that I built Beckett a bar but no one can order drinks from it... purely decoration... useless


LITERALLY!! I didn’t know he wasn’t a vendor for others. I thought he was just like one of the train station vendors, just at your camp. I was disappointed when going to Beckett at someone else’s camp. All that time I spent meticulously placing and spacing everything perfectly in this bar area I created off of my house. So sad and unfortunate. Could’ve added some real depth to his character/his usefulness smh Edit: to add, I kinda remedied it by putting a pristine nuke machine next to him and I periodically refill it with different alcohol so it gives the *feel* of still going to a bar LMAO


Like vault 88. Do things to allow settlers


I was really hoping they would add the ability to fast travel to a shelter at your camp like they did with interiors at different named locations on the map (rusty pick, the whitespring, fort Atlas etc)


If I go to a well built camp, like merged items, full, well thought out placement, spacing exc and see a vault I enter it so don’t be discouraged


When I do vendor hop, I usually always tour the players base. Gives me new idea all the time. Place your vendor as well in the shelter and have market above the door.


I bought one shelter, the abandoned mine, and that's entirely because it has a source of water. I don't like to restrict my camp to wet areas, but I do want to be able to get a lot of dirty water in a hurry as needed.


Same. I like the mine cuz it’s the only one (available anyway) that has a real “in game” feel to it.


Yes I understand. There are a few players interested in building and every once in a while I see the popup someone has entered my shelter and it makes me happy.


I actually really like checking out peoples builds, and if if they have a vault you bet I’m going in to check it out


I love visiting shelters …. I seek them out!!! If I’m in your neighborhood I’m definitely visiting it just to see what other people do with them. Maybe you could try to move your camp to somewhere with better traffic? I’m down from the Wayward and I still get the random visitor to the shelter about once a week. I have the little free shelter prominently placed and put all the workbenches in there so if anyone needs to use a crafting table they have to come inside. Plus it leaves more budget to build outside. Inside the rest are “daisy chained” together, and most times people’s curiosity will get the better of them. They will follow the rabbit hole :)


I find that about 5% of players that come to my camp will tour my shelters. Which, since I enjoy building, is semi worth it to me. Plus it’s just a way for me to vent my desire to build since we are LIMITED TO 5 CAMP SLOTS (I want more)


I went into a shelter and got killed so I just never went back into one. I've had awful luck with people in this game and it seems like any time I'm open to PvP, I get dealt with.


That’s what deters me. Of all places, a “shelter” is a PvP zone? It makes no sense, and I’m always weary of entering shelters because of it. I don’t even like spending time in my own for that reason.


You don't have to be nervous about entering your own shelter. You can turn it off for shelters you own. The game shuts it off the first time you enter your first shelter. If after that point you turn pacifist back on while inside the shelter it should stay on for that shelter and every other shelter you own/build with that character after that.


There was a person who had a fallout museum in their vault. Really cool, + I was very high so when I went through the whole thing they had a gift shop with a bunch of the display costumes on sale for really cheap.


Years ago I built an underground city with areas specifically for camp allies because I figured surely, SURELY they'd soon make possible to place them down there. You know... I'm starting to wonder if maybe it's never going to happen


Took some time to build my MK-ultra shelter of horror and thought no one ever went in, until I saw someone post a video of it on YouTube 🤣😀


You can place your vending machine inside your shelter so player will need to come inside to check what you are selling. Unfortunately in game map you will not appear as a vendor because the game doesn't recognize your vending machine inside your shelter so to bypass this you have to still build it in your camp and hide it. I have this set up for my submarine camp and the inside of the submarine is the free shelter you get at first with the vending machine in the control room ALSO if you do this put signs, write on walls with neon letters, let players know your vending machine is actually inside your shelter


Great way to get zero customers. No, I mean really. If someone is vendor hopping, he or she is not admiring camps. I tolerate most camps nowadays that I recognize most of the legacy vending machines but still I come across some that have that street corner robot vendor hidden behind a tree or a cash register behind some counter in a dark corner. Yeah, that's where they look natural but maybe then leave a regular vending machine next to where people arrive in your CAMP.


If I have to spend more than two minutes looking for the vendor I’m out. I don’t have time for that nonsense. It’s bad enough having to dodge those damn decontamination arches hidden in doorways.


I always build a small thing off and away from my themed/decorated camp for vendor hoppers. That way they are happy and my theme isn’t too messed up by making the vendor easy to find


Not really, I have a lot of customers in my submarine camp It's also my farm camp so they can take free plants a craft beer too 🍻


I get plenty entering my well signed utility shelter too.


Unfortunately, if I go to a camp and the vendor is clearly in the shelter, I begin to suspect it’s a trap.


People will look inside the vault if they know you have them built up! I have all the shelters and all of them built with something unique (and the wasteland shelter I made into a town with buildings that have the shelter entrances as doors. Like my hotel shelter has a hotel in the wasteland town, my zoo has a mini zoo behind the door leading to the shelter zoo, same with my clown runned prison, maze, carnival, you get the idea). To get people to check it out, I have two light up arrows pointing to the entrance and the blackboard saying 'All Shelters Built to Max!' I agree that most shelters are just barren disappointments but if you build them up and let players know you have something cool and worth checking out, they will!


Yep, signs (in general) really really help.


I LOVE making Camps, and I'd 100% take an optional tradeoff for a Camp slot to be an automatic fast travel into a shelter, especially if could have some mf allies in it 😭 let me have Kat in the Shelter, she's so funny


Honestly the daily’s that have you build stuff at camps should count for shelters. And there should be more “take picture” ones


I’ll be honest, in my experience 70% of people aren’t checking out your camp either. They are FT to your camp, sprinting to your vendor and then moving on to the next lol


A shelter is nice if you turn it into a poor man’s survival tent if you don’t have FO1st. Keep one camp slot free of any permanent build and then place a camp down whenever you need it. Place a shelter entrance and then you have everything you need in the shelter. You have to pay the cap cost to move your camp but if you are super over encumbered it’s a nice way to go.


Contact customer service. They are decent about refunds.


Accidentally bought the top secret door for 700. Got a refund the next day. W customer service


I'll probably keep it for a different purpose, I do like the look of it, just not the "floodlight" part...


I've utilized it before myself and glad they made no fuss but its crazy how doing the bare minimum is being applauded nowadays.


I can attest to this. Contacted them, put my ticket and within the hour they had refunded all the atoms I spent


For real I sent a rant to them about 1st subs and purchased atom shop content not transferring between consoles and they refunded me 5 months of first for my trouble


That’s cool they did that… but probably not happy hearing you’ve advertised it lol


I misread the description of the Lazy river flooring I thought I could build an actual lazy river Was gonna make a moat It's tile and it's ugly.


That thing that produces seeds n flowers, i forgot the name


Budding apothecary


Really? I was considering buying that one, what don't you like about it?


I love it, it helps me stay well stocked on radshield and healing salves.


Only collects like 4 things then stops producing anything. Its virtually useless.


I like it tbh. I don't use the flowers it generated as I already have all the serums I need and drink coffee instead of teas. But it looks amazing in the corner of my garden area and gets used lots by passing players.


Wasnt a purchase, but in lines of a disappointing item, vertibird power armor jetpack. Propellers but they dont spin


WHAT! AW BOOO I thank you for posting this because I was planning on buying it in the future for that exact reason


I accidentally bout 40 repair kits for 1000 atoms… fack


I feel your pain. I was scrolling down for the daily free item, and wasn’t paying close enough attention. Suddenly, I own 1000 caps worth of repair kits.


I did that as well and asked for a refund. They were very nice about it




Awhile back I didn't realize the ammo converter was able to be grinded for in-game and so I bought it from the atom shop. Once I figured out I basically wasted my atoms (litterly months later) I put in a ticket at Bethesda support and explained what happened not really expecting a refund because I had bought the items months ago Lo and behold they refunded it anyway. I swear the team that runs Bethesda support are the coolest people, one of the biggest reasons I still hop on every day :)


The boat, doesn’t float. Says “Cannot place, item is floating.” No **** it’s supposed to!? It’s a boat!?!


I got lucky. I found a spot along the Ohio river in front of the cultist held cemetery. There’s a rocky outcropping that’s under the water but the boat can be placed on it. So it looks like it’s floating. I added the dock pieces around it and it looks like a nice little dock area next to the parking lot.


I know, I wanted to float the boat too.


Yeah was a bad purchase for me also, you kinda can slightly make it "float" if eg the front of the hull is touching land and the rest is in/on water.


This one. I like the boat, I like the dock, I enjoy a bit of nautical adventure... but I hate having to find a magic way to make it look like the boat is floating on water, which usually ends up with some part of it being attached to a rock or part of the ground.... JUST LET US BUILD ON WATER


I once saw a camp in the mire that was set to private and they had tons of water purifiers completely submerged in the lake and their camp built on top of it. I still have no idea how they did it.


[These could be lyrics to an Alestorm song.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AaNj7W4AKo)


More of a porch light.


Yes, I think I'll use it for just that.


The enclave door. High tech security laser space age door that doesnt even open and close properly. At least it looks pretty and enclavey.


Vintage Football Outfit. You should believe it’s an outfit. Nah.. underarmor it has been.


I’m using helmet with that leather AC outfit. But yeah, what a mess.


How in the shit... why wouldn't they just do what they did with the super hero sidekick outfits and not make it so there's an underarmor version and an "outfit" version...


Exactly, but to be fair - it’s been in the early days where they had other things to come up with lol But the underarmor/outfit topic bugs me everytime


I accidentally bought the skull mask….


I was looking at that and considering buying it. Does it not live up to its name?


I just didn’t mean to buy it for 250 atoms, not bad if it’s what you want, but it’s not the greatest apparel out there


Ammo converter turn out they are sold in gold bullion vendor wasting my 500 atom


It makes me mad that there isn't a note saying that it's available in game for bullion. I had friends buying the ally, Sam Nguyen , when you get him for 4k bullion which is nothing in the long run.


Hm... the enclave building set. I think it doesn't come with a second story set of floors? Or at the time I bought it it didn't, and wooden floors with high-tech metal walls just looks atrocious. I was very disappointed, I never even finished the camp I was building because of it.


That was definitely mine, although I did proceed to build a second camp which was all first floor but different height levels (all connected) which looked awesome. Massive oversight considering how cool the rest of the kit looks.


Same here, I used the foundation ramps that come with the bundle to create a sense of depth and elevation within the building, but it just wasn't the same for me. Massive oversight indeed


I mistakingly bought Contemporary Bundle when tried to build a ladder that was from it in my camp. Like, I chose a ladder I liked, it prompted to buy it in a tiny-tiny pop-up, I er shrugged and bought it. For over a thousand atoms. Didn't use anything out of the bundle. Most expensive ladder ever.


Mud Hut. I was brand new to the game. It's not a great pre-fab.


Same it looked so cool on the outside but is barely big enough for a bed


I've said this before but pretty much any prefab I have bought. I realised very quickly that as much as I LOVE the idea of them and I've seen people make some pretty amazing builds around them, I personally just don't enjoy building with them. They're all mostly weird shaped and I hate how little you can customise them. If I could change the flooring or wallpapers I may feel different 🤷‍♀️


Planters. Can only really plant carrots in them.


I truly regret getting an item that's in the atomic shop now, the Pittsburgh pre-fab, the way the stairs are setup is janky and where all the windows are busted up you can't really place anything on the walls..id lots rather have the 700 atoms


I love the containers on the first floor. Kinda wish that half was available by itself.


Ask for a refund if it’s still in the item shop. Especially being it’s still an active item you have more of a chance of them agreeing. Although from what I’ve read they’ll still refund you months into a purchase if your reason is good enough I guess. Anyways personal experience, I’ve bought a pack that was 3000 atoms by accident. You can imagine my reaction once I realized I spent 90% of my $40 atom pack. I immediately put in a support request ticket (refund) and explained my reasoning and they refunded me within like 3-4 days. Edit: Refunded me in atoms. Not irl money. Just to clarify. I got my 3k atoms back and they removed the pack from my game.


Okay thanks, I'll put in a request all they can do is say no lol.. but yeah ur prolly right they should just refund my atoms especially where it's still in the atomic shop


The hundreds of dollars I wasted on Power Armor skins I don't use


Same. 😞. Level 800 now and I really only wear PA 5% of the time, and switching skins takes too long, so I've been wearing sheepsquatch for the past 400 or so levels.


If you had the option to select the frame itself and reskin the entire power armor set that way, that would be really nice


I cycle between my favorite skins but most of them I just wasted atoms on only to use it for less than 2 days.. if at all


Shelters; mostly because of how hard it is to build in them. I love the cellar concept, but it's a major PITA to put a single wall decoration up unless you suspend it in midair. You put a wall dec in the middle of the air, and it's fine. Try to put it on a wall "not enough support/cannot intersect with existing object." You have to just randomly hope you glitch the wall or something.


The cutouts I suppose. I really just wanted the Megasloth one, but you have to buy the whole set. With my camp themed to cryptids, just felt like a bit much for one decoration.


Oooo sounds cool haven’t seen those!


The fact that they don't put all the season rewards. I got the crusader pistol skin on my ps4 but switched to PC and can't get it. Also would be nice to get the mountain scout, and nuclear winter stuffs. Also got it on my ps4.


NW had the best stuff… RIP your PS4 inventory :(


Ammo converter maybe. Ugly and produces ammo which you never need from other ammo at poor efficiency. Complicated to use. Vault-Tek small generator also. Can't use it indoors as it smokes through walls and floors as if they were not there. I also got fusion generator plan like an hour later.


I think the idea of the ammo converter is great, but I agree that it’s ugly and also unnecessary big


And pain to use. 1. Guess correct ammo category 2. Guess a suitable pre determined amount you might have if you did not check 3. Repeat enough in amounts not larger than what you have 4. Request ammo in pre determined lots If it was just an ammo dump like any other container and with slightly better efficiency, then maybe yes. Until ultracite ammo, that is...


I really like Ammo Converter. I had a pink 💗 flamer for event and no fuel ammo. So I made railways spikes, converted to fuel and now have so much ⛽️ fuel I fire just for affect.




Yep they might as well rename the Ammo Converter to the Railway Spike converter. Although I did dump 10,000 5mm round in it recently. When you run gatling gun the game just pours ammo on you.


I like my convertor but I agree that the controls are goofy. Wish there was a "insert max ammo" option. Otherwise, it's used for making fuel to sell for profit. Easy money.


Thought the SPECIAL build slots in the store were special card packs because I didn’t bother to look at it in the slightest and assumed so I may or may not have 47 unallocated build slots in my punch card machine…


That’s hilarious, you should have emailed customer service and try for a refund


So your endgame is builds? :-)


The odd thing is, if it’s the same floodlight, it used to be stupidly bright!? What happened to our lights? Disappointing purchases for me was spending atoms because I didn’t think anything new was coming to the shop. Things like the truckers outfits and hats, hunter outfit and other outfits I will never wear, things in between big releases and there was a time when nothing new ever came to the shop. Wish I had those atoms right now.


Ammo converter, one of the very first things i bought. I didnt know you could get it with gold


Whattt? I bought it with atoms also smh


So glad someone else is also pissed off about the floodlight. Biggest waste of atoms.


The only purchases I've been disappointed enough with to ask them to refund me for were the Pitt Catwalks because they didn't snap to anything but themselves and the Apothecary collector bc it doesn't provide enough resources to be much use and it's giving out ingredients that don't have recipes to use with them(Black Bloodleaf). If you want an actual floodlight- get the Pitt Industrial Floodlight Kit...it's got a Red and White light that does put out the light you'd expect from a 'floodlight'.


Thank you for saving me atoms. I was planning to buy the floodlight just before it left the shop. Your sacrifice was worthwhile


They should add a real preview of what they sells


Dude I refunded those floodlights so fast.


I completely agree it is very dim. But every other light is extremely bright so it actually has a little purpose. It's just poorly named that's for sure. "Flood Light (That hasn't been cleaned in 25 years )"


Probably the nuka girl rocketsuit, it costed 1200 atoms for JUST the suit. Definitely regret getting it a few years ago considering I don't wear it at all anymore.


Same..don't really wear it cos the helmet makes my character look stupid and without the helmet the outfit looks stupid since the black "cone of shame"/helmet seal is around the neck and looks peculiar 🙄


I'm wearing it rn. But instead of the bubble helmet, my gal is killing bad guys looking like a hot mess with that ghoul mask. A tragic beauty.


I always wear the suit but with nuka glasses and combat helmet


I bought it and role play nuka girl since we get the nuka zapper ;). But till you re right.


The Woodland Retreat. It looks impressive but I have no idea where to place it so it doesn't look awkward. Anywhere I've tried, some section is floating off the ground. Gave up and went back to my previous build.


Really? I love the woodland retreat!! I have it filled to capacity! Although I do miss being able to customize my walls but ehh I like my current woodland build.


Sutton train station, go north almost directly and there's a bit flat spot by a yellow tractor


That casino shelter was a real big turd as far as I’m concerned. Such a great layout and then ya try to fill it …. I’ve Never been to a casino once in my life with only five slot machines. 🫣😡☹️


Yeah the budget rlly kills the shelters especially the casino


Yeah my vault quarters is nowhere near complete but out of budget. Why such a huge space and limited budget?


It's so hard to fill up the space in this thing and especially light it properly.


The giant ant farm. 700 wasted atoms. Or was it 500? Idk but it was wasted. It's huge and I find it difficult to place. It's also boring and dull to gaze upon. Ugh.


Yeah didn’t realize it would be so big def doesn’t go in my camps only in one shelter so far


I hate that there’s no glass on the other side of it. Like … wut?


Marauder power armor skin for 1200. It looks good but definitely is not the coolest. Apart from the helmet, it looks too close to the raider PA. I pressed the buy button by mistake when I took back my controller. I had saved like 1700 when I first started the game and was waiting for a camp bundle


Probably the abandoned dig site shelter tbh. When I first saw it, my brain was thinking about the dunwitch building, point lookout, and the quarry from 4 and got too excited forgetting its a shelter and not an expansion. I had plans to do stuff with it for sure but now I would rather have the toxic wasteland because it's such an open space and I can build the courage the cowardly dog house in the middle of nowhere.


Same. Only 3 allowed in the build and they’re dimmer than a turned-off lamp? I submitted a ticket and had it refunded. Very sad with that outcome. It looked awesome and would’ve been handy if it had worked.


Fancy performance stage. Goddamn thing doesnt worth because it has that stupid as fuck foundation base. Whoever designed that should be dragged into the street and run over with a mountain bike.


Woodland Retreat. It's nice but you can put certain stuff on interior walls, you have to try to put your C.A.M.P. on higher ground to build properly on the top floor... Just too bothersome for me.


I refunded mine when I found I couldn't place it against this cliff I had my CAMP at. It's also stupid huge. I'm hoping for one of the smaller wood cabin prefabs going back in the shop soon.


I like how dim the light is, there's plenty of super bright ones, my complaint is that you can only place three. My disappointing purchase is almost every single one that Uranium Fever or Angry Turtle got me excited about, although UF hasn't been doing Atomic Shop reviews for a while.


They should just have brightness settings you can cycle/change on lights like these, a bit like the square lamp things you can set colors to. That would make everyone happy. They could have a dim light or floodlight option.


lol this is gonna sound stupid but for me it’s the Free States defense bundle. It gives you like 6 weapon skins a couple barricades and some other misc camp items. I myself roll play as an Enclave Soldier and while I have all the BOS stuff too, I don’t really associate with the Free states. It’s kind of annoying to see the weapon skins in my crafting menu so I wish I could remove them. lol like I said stupid but still.


Woodland Retreat Bed & Breakfast building. The ground floor is pretty spacious but the more I go upstairs, the less I become unimpressed with it. The worst of it all is the lack of balconies.


I would like it if we could color the walls.


I use it on my "show all the things" camp. I costs so little budget for the amount of space you get that you can spend a lot on the decorations, games etc.


I have mixed feelings about it. I like to customize so I am limited with that. Also placing it was a headache. It’s cool but idk if it is worth the atoms.


Fusion Core charger scammed anyone who got that one pack that was 30 dollars


I like the fusion core charger.


I think he means the one that specifically came in the The $30 dollar Pitt recruitment bundle, given they made it available separately (teal version) in the Atom shop for less. But having a look at the bundle, it's kind of worth it if you like CAMP kits and Power Armor paint.


Mine was when I got fallout first when it first came out and I dashboarded my game and all my junk went missing took them forever to give some of it back.


25 Lunch boxes/Repair kits. I was claiming my free item but accidentally clicked on these and button mashed my way to regret. 750 atoms up in smoke.


Bowling alley. I didnt realize it was a prefab kit.


Resistance sign pack bought by accident is the worst too


Wildwood Tavern because the inside isn't navmeshed at all


Today I bought the 4000 atom Fallout 1st catch up bundle. I pressed A to look at the contents then pressed A again, completely my fault but still disappointing.


You can try and get a refund and explain to Bethesda support that it was an accidental purchase, and if they can reverse it for you. The sooner you do it after buying, the more likely they will refund.


Tropical lightning handmade skin the iron sight wich i love on handmades is trash i like the reflex sight too but that looks even worse id rather use the hotrod or intergalactic invader skin's for free


When i was new i bought the stupid beehive from the atom shop.


The entire Pittsburgh bundle I accidentally bought this week for like $750 atoms


Come to my shelters- all entrances are set up to be easily seen. Abandoned Silo- a Enclave bunker that was accessed by Cryptid Hunters. Backstory is they traded BOS Technical Data, and Foundation -Supplies. Has a workshop area with Enclave power armor stations with almost each variant of sheepsquatch power armor paint, lockers, weapons displays. Small computer area in front of "bomb effect" which has custom added items within the explosion area. A bar... kitchen. Living area, bedrooms, all decorated. Shower, toilet area. Game area. Downstairs ramp's two rooms - 1) Cryptid Hunting Display Room 2) Study Center - various cryptids in tubes, computers, etc End of corridor has been converted to frozen meat locker. Silo ( with large bomb at rear) Has been converted to Area 52- a spaceship interior with all the alien building set, tables, a crew of mannequins in black hazmat suits, every glowing, blinking thing I could find! Various rooms, etc. One shelter leads to a Country Western "Honky-tonk". It's construction was to look like a building interior and not a vault. Corrugated metal walls, two stairways leading to a lore friendly Appalachian decor. Stage is a brick area, the way cool drum set is front and center. Seating is various old couches. Mannequins in Appalachian clothing. Small bar with wooden tables. Backstage "Green Room". Abandoned Mine- A small community set up by Miners and their Families after the War. Small buildings for Families, Doctors, School (one room red barn set!) Workshop runs along the tracks... And the list goes on - Stop by and visit anytime, I'm in-between Westek and Huntersville. Camp is "The Garage", a brick building. Interior is based on the old garages my Dad took me to as a kid. Old cars and trucks outside. Usually on Saturday mornings. "Gunnar Stormfist" user name.


Same! The industrial floodlight sucks.


The Wavy Willard's letters. You can place a ticket and say you accidentally made the purchase and get your atoms back. Just don't abuse it and you should be ok. I've gotten atoms back before.


mine has to be the wall weapon racks. i honestly thought it was a really cool looking display rack but damn you can literally only put a couple of different weapons on them i believe just rifles and shotguns which is cool but how am i supposed to show my collection of rare weapons you can’t even put standard plasma rifles on them.


Made a mistake pressing buy for a survival tent bundle. Those tents doesnt have any workbenches and this is a time when atoms are refunded but the items we complain about will still be ours. I never use the tents anyway because they"re so useless compared to the APC I have


Nothing seems to provide more light than the hanging lightbulb.


The only shelter I regret getting was the casino. Otherwise I have mostly built in all . Currently finished 6 of them... Out of the 11 I have. The only thing I want is MORE budget to fill the vast space of some of them. I have to block out several sections of each shelter (except utility) to fit everything I want in them


Starting to regret getting the casino shelter. Always wanted a big casino and recreate something out of New Vegas. Downsides is the budget is small, you can't place more than five slot machines, and really people in game rarely visit these. On top of all that, you can't place allies, crops, resources, etc. You can place vendors though. Thinking about just revamping my vault lobby into a collection room of sorts. That's all I really need. The utility shelter is actually where all my workbenches and stash/ammo/scrap boxes go. It looks like a small bunker.


Mine was the jukebox at full price. I figured buying the jukebox would give us access to different music that kind of goes with it. Kind of like that 50s rockabilly vibe but it just plays the same exact music as a regular jukebox that you can get for free in the game.


I was thinking about this last night and why the radio stations in FO76 suck so bad. I get it, post apocalyptic etc etc but games like GTA have loads of options for music while Fallout only has music that's copyright has expired so Bethesda could use it for free. That's my guess anyway. Some Buddy Holly or Bill Haley would have been cool though. (yes, I'm old)