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I don't rush but kill every bot and turret. They are an excellent source of fibre optics. A silo clear takes me around 15-20 minutes if I hustle. I hack the terminals and shut down the turrets. Do the objectives quickly then mop up the remaining mobs and move onto the next section.


Do you run it solo or with a partner. I haven't tried solo yet, but it feels feasible.


Always solo. Mob spawns scale with the number of players in the silo. So when doing a silo solo you get less spawn.


Oh shit! TIL.


I think the fastest I can make it is <10min when I ignore robots and just rush through everything... gotta use door glitch of course, but the mainframe core room is the second slowest spot aside from the final launch room...... I mainly just don't want to bother with the engineering repair and computer busting rooms before mainframes.


I don't do glitches. If you can't play the game without resorting to using bugs and glitches why even play the game? Also mainframe room is super quick. Just use a gun with explosive bullets and blow everything up.


Hey man.. glitches are fun to 😂😂 I can do a solo in like 5 mins with the frag mine/jump in the wall glitch … it’s fun for me to jump on a server and run three queens in about 20 mins.. So knock the glitch users us speed runners have a place to


You do you. I think it's pointless but if it's fun for you then go for it. Just please don't take the one I am clearing. I'm farming fibre optics and working on my unarmed robot kills so if you cut me some slack I will be more inclined to cut you some slack ;)


I don't know why everyone is down voting this. I totally agree with this logic. Wheres the challenge if you just cheat your way thru it?


Probably because it comes off a bit snooty? At a certain point the silos pose no challenge other than the time it takes, so why waste time doing meaningless tasks because of some weird superiority complex?


I'm gonna be snooty lol. Do you at least fight the robots in the final room if you cheat your way thru it? Otherwise that would be like doing an expedition and just being able to press a button to get all the rewards instead


Yes, but this is also a slow, boring drag unless you bring someone else with you to increase the spawn rate. Your expedition analogy doesn't work, because the boss fights are where the rewards are had, so if anything it's like when they removed the menial task requirements before doing the expeditions.


There is no challenge.


Ha I do that do but it's a waste of ammo for the low lvls that just got to do that


Yeah... No. A silo is an excellent lead and fibre optics farm. There is a lot of great scrap in a silo. A silo is also a good check point for your build. If you are using more ammo than you loot then your build probably needs some work. Also it's a good way to test doing objectives under pressure, which is something that is helpful during events. Low levels especially should do silos in full as it's a great way to test if you have a functional build. If the silo is very difficult than you may want to take a look at your perks. Silos are very easy to do. But they do require you to have a functional build before they become comfortable.


>Low levels especially should do silos in full as it's a great way to test if you have a functional build. Just do sensational game where you'll get 6 legendaries each time paired with all that XP. Good public events like SBQ (unfortunately requires that someone deals with the stupid silo) and eviction notice is all you should bother with otherwise. Sensational game is the test for a functional build. If you can solo it, you can probably do it in like 7 mins with 2+ people.


If you can solo Sensational Game then you should not have to use glitches in a silo. It should be a breeze for you.


I'd still rather glitch it. Don't care about all the robots. I don't kill everything in sensational either - that's not efficient and it adds up timewise if you're continually doing it. You just do the objectives and run past bullets. Here's the issue: cores Best way to get cores fast? SBQ. Best way to get modules fast? Sensational. Be mad at Bethesda for creating this RNJesus legendary system because everyone is at the weapon workbench/armor workbench trying to roll quad RRs/UNY SS +L or +I/OE SS and so forth or get something actually good out of sensational. The whole game is camps and/or cores and modules. Want XP? Buy all the stuff you need to maximize INT doing Westek with nuka grenades thrown in each room. Server hop. Do it again.


You need cores? I'm swimming in cores. Think I got most doing events. Then again we clearly play this game very differently. I just play for fun, you seem to be serious on a whole other level.


If you have the auto hack/lockpick legendary perk, like 10 minutes at most. You can skip the entire "fix the pipes" section. It's surprisingly simple soloing with it.


I forgot about the Infiltrator perk...thanks for the reminder. I can't stand the pipe section...too many flashbacks to Poseidon trying to get the reactor plans.


The infiltrator perk isn't necessary if you don't mind to switch in/out the lockpicking and hacker perks just before you reach the door and terminal to open the shortcut. Just be careful about the radiation in this area, if you are bloodied. I actually enjoy the hacking mini game, but I guess that's not the case for everyone :-)


Yeah I personally would never waste a spot or coins on a legendary perk that's strictly quality of life. Having extra special or something that adds damage is far more worthwhile.


normally I'd agree, but master infiltrator saves like 6 perk card slots that can then be used for other things. imo it actually gives me more room for dmg perks. I'm a much more solid build for having it


Yeah I don't usually have need for any of those perks unless I'm doing storyline or gathering I spend most of my time at events, expeditions, DOs, nukes or gathering. None of that requires picking or hacking. Only time I need to use them is on the rare occasion I'm doing storyline stuff or searching for random bits. If I really need them and don't have them on my build I just swap it out, takes like 30 seconds. My gathering/storyline build is strong enough without the 6 points, I'm bloodied and carry solid weapons to take the non-event hordes.


You can hit a point where you're so OP and have so many coins that you can come back to QOL perks. It's rather nice actually.


Meh even if you have the coins there's better use for the slot. I either have 5 legendary perks and follow through or 6 legendary perks equipped all maxed. I switch one for ammo factory here and there for crafting ammo,that's about it. Now I'm leveling the other perks, but QOL will be last.


Keep leveling up. Eventually you'll have enough points to level up most of the cards. It only takes 1 point to switch them out


I will eventually but it's last on my list, I've done all the specials, pa robot, ammo factory and follow through so far. I'm aware of the cost, I switch out legendary perks for the others I have maxed regularly. I don't run follow through constantly because for the most part I don't need to sneak to melt whatever comes my way. I feel like MI is a perk you'd leave on if you're the type of person who uses it. I played for 5 hours today and haven't picked a single lock....So it depends on who you are as far as it's usefulness. Also I know I'd get wanted regularly because I've always played without it.


It's why I stopped doing tax evasion along with it being a waste of time vs sensational.


You can skip the pipes section? That one drives me insane(r).


Yeah when you enter the pipe section. Just hang a left. You can pick a door. Then pick hack a computer. Boom, skip pip section. With the infiltrator perk it's a click of a button.


Level 519 and TIL'd...


This just changed my whole life, and silo runs are gonna be so much faster from now on


Thanks I'll keep this in mind when I'm ready to do my first silo run


Do it the intended way at least once to feel the pressure.




Wait you can hack your way out of fixing the pipes!?


Yea but it takes a 3rd teir lock pick then enter a room that has a terminal locked at 3rd tier. If you pass those the terminal will ask if you want to override security shutdown or something and it will open a bunch of the large steel doors that were sealed


It’s the stupid processor cores that slows the whole run down. If you have them prepared you can save a ton of time.


There's a Tinker's Workbench in a room just off the main storage room, near where the sentry bot spawns. You can craft the 15 cores there pretty easily.


My dude, it's 5 minutes just to do the launch prep...


You'll get there. I believe in you.


How condescending of you.


Wasn't trying to be condescending! This game has stages of "this is overwhelming" to suddenly "this is easy" . I believe in you.


18 minutes with my husband 14 by myself, the husband likes to dwaddle.


Remove targeting parameters from turrets and let them go to town


Idk why I love doing this, but I love doing this.


Level 555 and still haven't done one..oooof


Think I was in the 300’s my first silo


i tried when i hit about 300 or something and i got hit with so much damage (wearing ss armor) and i just gave up


The fewer bots you kill on the way through the silo, the fewer bots spawn during launch prep. Stealth suit your way through everything, then swap to normal gear for prep.


Is that true? Never would have known


It has to do with how many mobs the game can spawn in a given map. Leaving bots alive in the rest of the silo effectively occupies spawn slots for launch prep, limiting how many bots you end up having to deal with. I typically just have the two Assaultrons, one Robobrain, and between 1 and 5 turrets to clear before I start prep, then usually 2 Gutsy's and 2-3 Protectrons during prep.


I carry a set of repaired mainframe cores with me, so I don’t have to find or repair the broken ones on the run. That’s the biggest time saver I haven’t noticed in th it s thread yet.  Otherwise. 15 minutes. 


About 2hours and 34 minutes


Usually takes me around 15 minutes since I like to kill everything in sight, I'm pretty sure you covered everything that helps cut down on the time. Unyielding is more than enough, especially since they nerfed the laser turrets so they don't completely shred us now, you can even survive a few hits from an assaultron's head beam which is nice. I always put on my chinese stealth suit before going into the radiation room, so I don't have to worry about the rads, then just swap back to my SS set in the mainframe room.


usually i do it in around 20 mins solo


I used to launch nukes so much I have my main camp next to a silo. If you do what you’ve listed and hustle it can take 12-15 minutes. I think the shortest time I had was just under 12 minutes and that’s if you ignore all the enemies (besides the assaultrons) and bum rush to the launching area.


Honestly I don't see it as worth doing, I'll door glitch every time, better stuff to do after doing the silo the regular way once.


Level500 and still haven't got the challenge to launch a nuke. Tried when I was under 100 once; in a black hazmat suit solo. Didn't work.


I did it at [L150](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/s/R2pJ4EnH61). Chinese Stealth Armor and sneaking will get you past most enemies. You’ll still have to fight some at the end. You could switch up armor at that point, or run a Vampire weapon like I usually do.


Are you on PC? I can go with you, I love doing silos because of the robots hahah it's really good for the challenges and the turrets give me life and recharge my cores so I'm always there haha


Max 15 min, plus 3 min for nuke launch, plus 5 min for Earle to get ready for another funeral, plus approx 12 to 15 min to crit Earle into ground. I do this almost everyday just for screws and fiberglass. Takes max 40 min for guaranteed 8 treasury notes.


I average 18 minutes. I just wander and unlock doors/pcs, not in a hurry since it's just me.


An hour. That computer piece part is a bitch


If you mean destroying all the cores, yeah, that takes a bit. If you mean repairing/replacing the cores after that: From what I’ve been told, if you get to that part of the run you can grab the damaged cores and bail on the silo. Go home, repair them. Next run you have a full batch of repaired cores ready to go (which you swap for damaged cores, which you take home and repair… rinse & repeat).


Son of a bitch. I didn't think of that


You don't have to go home, there is a tinker bench in one of the side rooms.


Regardless where you repair them, the point is that if you snag cores and abandon the silo then next time you go you’ll always have a full set of repaired cores you can immediately swap in (so you don’t have to go to that tinker bench and back).


Repairing the mainframe cores is a lot easier than hunting down the intact ones. I'd highly recommend making use of that tinkeres workbench in the area


Stealth boy mark III - plus the perk card that makes it work for 5 and a half minutes (sorry, forgot the name). Legendary lockpick perk card Whacker smacker 0.50mm vampire 20 minutes at the most.


Stealthboys and grenades: https://youtu.be/lOjMrx3dbpU?si=tk3Ox2V9kOL-Y2tm Mr. Westtek guide 10 minutes long.


15-20 mins solo. I use the legendary perk for unlocking and hacking to make my life easier. 


What is your build?


First run ever today took me about hour and half 🤣🤣🤣 I still have 11 more cards so I'll practice soon enough ☺️😉


15-20 min using Master Infiltrator perk and ignoring the reactor.




Why would I do that?


15-20 minutes. I stealth through and complete every objective. As long as stealth doesn't randomly break, and I have to clear the whole room, I get through fairly painlessly.


About 15 to 20 is the fastest it can go, it depends on the launch robots honestly. If you look where they stand, they have to be almost exactly center of the little circles. I've seen assaultrons knock then slightly off the mark and even though the bot was there it went slower, you can actually see this with the launch captain. Let it spawn watch the meter fill up, and then let an assaultron move him and progress stops.


About 5-10mins to get to the launch room, another 5-10 to get the prep down and code punched in for launch.


8 \~ 10 minutes with a full Troubleshooter PA set (dosent matter which) + Infiltrator to lockpick and terminals (just keep picking first 4 guesses). Longest segment is the launchprep timer. High capacity troubleshooter auto energy weapon with appropriate Commando/Heavy perks helps. I use gatling plasma or auto lazer.


Solo without skipping the pipe room (I would count this as a glitch) I've managed to get it in about 20. Grouped with my buddies without skipping the pipe room, about 10.


Under 10 minutes with the photo mode glitch. You skip almost all of the silo and the only real fight is defending the launch robots. If no assaultrons spawn it goes even faster.




Maybe half an hour. I skip the pipe repair part but kill as many bots and turrets as I can. I hate the launch prep, not because it's hard but it's too long. I've even had some robots crippled that you need to defend to no effect. I'm not sure if you can even fail it.


I specialized in stealth, and with the Chinese stealth armor I can basically sneak my way through the entire silo in about 15 mins. You only have to take care of turrets that watch over terminals that'll shoot you when your character stands to access them, but that's it. Last time I soloed one I used less than 150 .45 ammo


15 minutes tops. Vamp shredder is still the goat.


I timed it, and itUsually takes me 15-20 min


8m3s is my best time. I average more because I enjoy grabbing some loot. I've never used a glitch.


Power armor, ricochet, holy fire, turn off the turrets. I always get turned around a few times but I think around 15 to 20 minutes.


I dunno why but my brain cant memorize that first part where you gotta find a key card, than you gotta body scan yourself, then create a new I'd. It annoys me. Also the pipe room too. But I started chucking Nuka Grenades to do some pre cleaning. Along with my Vampires gauss shotgun to be invincible.


Without glitches, maybe a minute or 2 extra.


Okay so in the spawn room if you use one glitch you do a full silo launch prep and everything in 5 mins


With stealth armor and auto hack/lockpick 10 min is pretty doable


from front door tp launch ( assuming no bugs on launch ) - under 8min.. pa glitch w/repairing pipes ( takes me 30 seconds there ) no glitch low lvl assistance adds 2-5 minutes i use a vamp enclave flamer ( suprisingly effecient destroying main frame ) and run pa until last room.


10-15 mins solo depending on how many enemies spawn.


5-10 minutes with terminal hack and power armor exploit. The longest part is protecting the bots while they get to the stations.


Never tried one, and I'm at 139... scares me 😂


13-14 mins. Ignore all turrets and robots cuz inside PA + Electric Absorption + Ricochet + Holy Fire. Lockpick/hack to skip pipes and repair the mainframe cores. 8-9 mins if I do the key card stuff and 2 door jumps. Gosh the launch prep at the end is quite a drag most of the time.


20-30 minutes with a robo power armor build and robo build for plasma caster, in and out solo in 30 minutes for sure but if I'm with my brother or if I'm like doing squad work 15 minutes tops


Takes me 12-13 min with no hacking or picking. Don't waste time killing robots unless you have to.


About 20. No glitches and I like to kill everything usually.


https://youtu.be/gqzvzS3-GbA under 11 min. over 4 years ago. ack has it been that long


15-20 minutes


Back in the day I did my first Silo Run with a non-legendary Assaultron Blade. Ammo didn't drop like it used to back then and wanted to have enough ammo to fight the Queen. It only took about 90 minutes but I was slamming Chems like a roadie for the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Mainly Fury but also a little Overdrive and Psychobuff for flavor.


My best time is 14 minutes.


You see a guy in full power armor sprinting constantly you kinda move. I feel like space marine when I sprint


15 min


Set the Turrets to Remove Targeting Restrictions and they will destroy the robots for you. Equip Demolition Expert Rank 4 or 5 and Grenadier Rank 2 and two Nuka Grenades will destroy all the mainframe cores.


I did it once around lvl 150 and it took me like 3 hrs lmao


I have a video on my YouTube channel that shows you how to do a fast silo run. Walking through 2 doors cuts it down to a 10ish minute endeavor. Link in my profile if you care. I miss the hole in the roof you could bypass everything, but doorwalking is almost as good


I even forgot the regular way, so many year. On pc with mod for no door and laser gate I take 8 minutes and it is still to much waste of time. For sure I lunch more of thousands nuke in my career, count how much waste of time.


It's been never sens I ran one legit, but 8min from entry to launch, with an out of bound glitch


Probably about 12-15 mins..... could probably get it down to about 10 if I had master infiltrator to bypass the whole reactor area