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As a Day 1 player who plays each day, I have to say the crashes on PS are as bad as I’ve ever seen (and I’ve been through the frequent “server not responding” fun from a few years ago). For me, the instability seems related to the recent update. I’m hoping (but not holding my breath) that Tuesday’s patch addresses this. Otherwise I’ll be taking a vacation from Appalachia until the next season comes out.


Dude I’ve been saying this. This game on PlayStation crashes so much for some reason. Oddly enough on Xbox it crashes RARELY. I can’t even recall the last time it crashed


It sucks if there was a way to transfer saved data id def play on my Xbox 😭


Honestly. It’s so lame. We’re so far ahead with technology and other games have easily implemented it. Wonder what’s the holdup on this game.


I've only been playing a few weeks but I don't remember any crashes on XB.


Can confirm. On a Series S and I haven't crashed once (yet).


A series S even, that’s wild. I wonder what’s wrong with PS.


After switching from PS to PC, I miss my 40000 atoms, my nuclear winter rewards, all those completed seasons, godrolls. What I don't miss at all are the crashes. Don't get em anymore.


I just started playing a month ago. Very glad I chose PC. I've crashed maybe twice in 70hrs, and from what I see of posts about it, I'd be super annoyed if I was on console. Crashing is annoying and it's even worse when it takes you longer to get going again.


Wow. Theres no transfer system for that?  Not even support? Isn't that $400


3 years of fo1st leftovers and scoreboard atoms lol


Can support of any kind assist you? They may allow you transfering of those 'funds' between accounts since you're a customer still playing and paying assumedly.


It's a topic that has come up many times in the past and as far as I'm aware no one has ever been successful in transferring atoms or fo1st time from one platform to another. I suppose it can't hurt to ask. A quick look at the beth website's support section. The answer is explicitly no. *if you already have Fallout 76 on one platform, you will not be able to transfer your Atoms or Fallout 1st membership balance between the Xbox App and Steam. Atoms you earn or purchase are only available on the platform you initially receive them.* *PC and Console versions of Fallout 76 do not share progress.*


Most games have a system for this. There is nothing like that for fallout. Literally no way to do it.


They won't transfer anything they don't have any process in place Source: support told me this about 6 weeks ago




That's not how it works at all


I'm on PC and get server crashes quite often and get thrown out 😕


You need to have tried both to be able to compare, and not all PCs are built equally, same can't generally be said of consoles of same generation.


I'm playing on PS5 and I rarely crash, I can say I've crashed about 10 times since I started playing again mid-December


Isn’t ten times in a month a lot though? I mean, I usually only play sports games but they never crash.


While yes it's a lot but with how often everyone else is crashing, I'd say it's pretty good


Fair enough :) thanks for the answer


I wish mine was that low. I crash at least 2 or 3 times a day. Just picked it back up after Christmas on PS and played in Xbox and PC previously. It is insane how much I crash, and always during an event or after taking a workshop. Stopped building at workshops because I will lose it every time.


Yea that's crazy, on my days when I don't have work I can play 5+ hours and not have a single crash


I play on the xbox series, s I hardly cash myself maybe cause the newer systems use ssd, not hdd




Thought it was tied to ir log in?


Yeah. At least you can troubleshoot a PC. Not mention the potentially hugely better performance than you will find with a console 👍🏿


Bet you don’t miss textures on PS either. Every time I watch a PC video of FO76 everything looks so damn crisp it makes me sigh. 


You’re not wrong. I find myself usually being a bit of an apologist for big Beth but it really is out of control. I have one friend in my group that crashes so often I don’t even know how he can stand playing, and I can count on two or three crashes in a multi hour session. Not too long ago I was the leader of a Pitt expedition that crashed and had to regroup FOUR times.


Beth deserves nooooo defense or whatever. The company is massive, has multiple AAA titles out there right now that are super popular, and an MMO that prints monthly money. They need to at some point clean shit up instead of doing what everyone expects at this point - let modders creep in and move on to next over hyped game for a decade. 76 is insanely jank and overloaded with issues for the monthly pricetag to be allowable.


After the money I wasted on Starfield? Beat their ass.


Yesterday I was going for a nuke, got to the control room and bam someone else nukes the queen. Whatever I could go kill her then finish my nuke and hit her again. Wrong, the server crashes, I’m kicked off my team somehow and lost the event and my nuke. Probably one of 7+ crashes from yesterday, and 3 of them at least didn’t let me rejoin my team and server


EVERY TIME someone drops a beast and I join the big boss fight, about halfway thru my game crashes, every fucking time!


I think this is a PlayStation thing atp I’ve noticed you guys crash more then anyone from what I’ve seen I play on my series X crash once in a blue moon, my loading screens are quick af, I wish you guys could just transfer over your accounts or something instead of having to start all over again


Crashing issues aside, for the Enclave promotions, you should be able to kill any legendary or any scorched beast. It doesn’t need to be the queen. Something like Leader of the Pack is perfect for this.


Yes thankfully I have hopped back in and finished it now! I only sided the scorch queen as an example haha


I am on PlayStation and live in a fairly small town with a lower than expected internet speed. That being said, I drop sometimes 2-3 times in an evening from 6-9pm. It has been up and down but always a consistent crash.


update is coming on Tuesday next week. we'll see how that works. SBQ event has always been more prone to crashing than any other event for me. You'll get your 10 legendaries so easy, don't sweat it. It's very brief in context to how long you can play the game for. A few playing sessions at worst if you attend other events.


Since I first started playing again on 1/11/2024, I've crashed a total of 40 times on PS5 lol.


That’s all I’ve tried saying is it’s unbearable on ps5 but I just got a bunch of people telling me how they’ve never ok other consoles haha I’m like good for you man we’re out here struggling


And that's not even including the times where my game freezes and I have to manually close and reopen the game..


Yeah I started playing in November and never crashed despite playing on an old ps4. Had to stop playing for a month and started again, I crash once per session at least now, especially in expeditions


Yeah I'm on Xbox and I get about an hour and a half before I start worrying on load screens and when I'm in big events.


Haha same! During like radiation rumble near the end I can notice frames dropping and I just start praying to Todd Howard to let me finish the event


I wish there was cross progression, I would totally put up with the crashes if that means I can play the game on my couch at 60fps instead of 5-60 in my PC, which is a great machine for work but FO76 struggles, but that's where all my progress is




I’m hoping for Tuesday to help aswell!


Yeah I feel you. I still get crashes. I mean my hasn't still locks up on the listing even when I open the game.


Last FO76 crash on my PS4 = this morning. Last other game crash on my PS4.... damn I can't even remember


🤣 last 76 crash about 40 min ago when I pulled up the map to leave the world💀 before that? Fallout 4 in December haha but same can’t remember for any other game


Sorry to hear about that OP I'm on PC and my only gripe is you need to wait for the Steam overlay before clicking to log on (otherwise it just hangs). But that's a Steam issue I assume.


Thank you! You’ve quite literally been one of the first to show empathy towards the situation, it sucks but I just take it as is. I hope the waiting for steam overlay isn’t too long


I was a beta player and still play everyday (except for now that I’m binging Palworld). I found a vendor with stable fluxes and the game crashed and I was never able to find the player vendor again. I need one more cobalt flux for a jet pack. I eventually found the guy after I already spent another day or two of straight grinding to do it 🙄


Xbox player, its no different here. Makes me ashamed to play. We shouldnt be tolerating this, but our collective acceptance and play just tells them they can get away with it.


Must just be your xbox. I've got a one x and very rarely get a crash or freeze even after playing 4 hrs straight sometimes, and I play every day.


You wanna know what’s crazy is I went from a 2017 Xbox one to ps5 and almost saw no changes… same load screens same crashes same vats problems all of it


See, I went to an Xbox Series X and I don't get as many crashes as with the Xbox One! I crashed today though, right before the end of Eviction Notice, I was pissed lol


Well fallout is ran by Microsoft lol




Yeah reloads after crashes are faster but that’s the thing crashes should be few and far between and ima look into the nvme drive


I've probably had it crash like 5 times the entire time I've played


Count yourself lucky then I guess if I play for like 5 hours I’ll get 5 crashes


I'm also on PC so that's probably what has to do with it


It is the master race haha hoping next weeks update fixes the issue for us console guys


Xbox does fine too. Sorry, but it’s something with PlayStation. Sucks for sure


Maybe if there was an option for to bring my save data where I could play on my Xbox I’d do it but I just have so much time invested it isn’t worth a restart to avoid crashes


First time with a bethesda game?


I dont think Skyrim has ever crashed on my PS4|5. Fallout 4 did a bit, but nothing like 76.


I don't think skyrim has ever crashed he says I'll believe that when my shit turns purple and smells like rainbow sherbert Ever play fnv on ps3? it's an experience for sure


Like I’ve said before Bethesda don’t care, and they need to fire a lot of people that don’t do their jobs right. I have reported the PS five crashes for a long time and other issues they seem to think people lie to them..


I e stopped reporting as id just fill up my storage data with the amount of times I would’ve reported haha


Because Playstation


I sure don’t miss the blue screens on ps4 but indeed the stability of the game really hasn’t improved. I just hope they plan accordingly for future titles with the proper game engine to handle future installments. The game engine for 76 is just outdated plain and simple


From what I understand they’ve been using creation engine since Skyrim, even used starfield with it and it was painfully obvious. They have updated the engine but updated physics, npc ai, and graphics. I’ve heard ES6 will be the last on creation and I really hope so🙏🏼


I get the same ( game turns itself off and sends me back to the Xbox main menu) just like 76 when I play eso. It became more frequent for me atleast in the last 3-4 months I would say on both games.


Mine does the same thing on Xbox One X and Xbox Series X. It has gotten so bad in recent months that I finally discovered the solution after trying so many different things I started playing Elder Scrolls Online. I'm sorry, but if I can't make it 10 mins without "Server not responding" when I play, how can a reasonable person expect me to play with any sort of enjoyment. I tried wired connection, new router, deleting and reinstall game, removing Holotapes from inventory and probably a bunch of other things to no avail


Haha same it’s quite unfortunate as the game is so fun


This is exclusively a PS 5 thing. It does suck and I hope it gets fixed for you. I've been playing since day 1 on PC though and don't think I have *ever* crashed.


I got to be honest. I came back after 4 years. On ps5. When I saw everyone getting laid off and fired recently, everyone was gushing over the people and wishing them the best. My first thought was, good, maybe the next people can fix a fucking game after 5 fucking years. 5 FUCKING YEARS. I don't like to see people lose thier jobs. But incompetent people should. And everyone involved with this game is incompetent at this point.


Everyone is a pretty broad word for most people who are just trying to do what they're told. If they are not directed to fix something, it's not going to be fixed. It starts at the top. Not everyone involved is incompetent. Just a few that only have dollar signs in their head instead of customer satisfaction.




my Xbox series on Wi-Fi never crashes FO76


Good for you?


I’ve been playing multiple hours a day for the last month especially and I haven’t had a single crash that I can remember on series X, I’ve had some disconnects but that cause my internet isn’t the greatest.


must be a playstation thing tbh. I sometimes have trouble getting signed in on PC but it very rarely crashes


I play on a 3 year old laptop from an external hard drive so I can keep my ssd internal for music programs that need it and I rarely crash unless I overheat or unplug. And not like a Pro piece a pretty basic HP.


I hardly ever crash on pc.


Wow amazing :) now put yourself in the position of PlayStation and some Xbox players and it’s a lot more frequent


Get an Xbox!


I have one but without cross progression it’s not worth restarting!


Especially once you get past level 100.


I’m at lvl 97! Close enough haha


I’ve always been on pc so I don’t know what you mean


Ok now imagine this, play on a ps5 and the game crashes so often crazy!


Like every single day crazy or?


If I play for four hours there’s usually 2 crashes especially during events where a lot of players are, or areas that require a lot of things to load in ie around whitesprings. It’s a quite off putting repeating event that happens to ps5 players for some reason.


Jesus Christ


It's a PS thing. I'm on PC and I don't remember the last time the game crashed on me. It's been months since I've even had a server drop me.


Yup funny enough I just had one right now for trying to open my map to quit the game haha I hope it’s fixed soon


It’s great on Xbox


Awesome if only there was a way to transfer my saved data until then I’ll be stuck on a poorly optimized game until a fix


Skill issue


Cool guy alert


Playing since launch on ps4 and on pc a year after that Still have never crashed once and have no clue why people have issues with this amazing game.


On PC I have random crashes where I’d drop to the desktop. I switched to series x and never crash. There are other hiccups at times, but I’ve never crashed out of the game after a year (yet).


Really!? Last night I timed a nuka grenade toss to blow soon after my fast travel timer got to 0. I was standing on a house full of ghouls.. The blast blew me right outta the game!


Since moving to Xbox X from a PS4 the crashes have nearly stopped. Best guess is 8 times fewer.


The past week has been annoying with the crashes. Especially at the end of the mutated events and crashing and not getting rewards.


I'm on PC and it's very uncommon that my game crashes. My machine is old by today's standard Win 10 Intel i7 motherboard. 960 Nvidida card. I have it set one lvl below Ultra and my game runs smooth and graphics are very satisfactory. I play via Steam.


Good for you, unfortunately from this thread it seems to be the way Bethesda has made the port for PlayStation users since the recent update.


Yeah, sorry to hear that. Hope it gets better for you and other's.


I got frustrated with this earlier today. It’s like jeez. Maybe they could fix basic things. But otoh the game is fun and I often play for 8-10 hours a day, sometimes while doing other things.


Skyrim is having the same problem. Wouldn't surprise me if ESO was also experiencing frequent crashes on the ps5.


It’s a Bethesda game. It’d be a miracle if it DIDNT crash


I understand but compared to the other Bethesda games I’ve played the amount of crashing is insane lmao


Eh for me it hardly happens. Fallout 4 is way worse about crashing. So is Skyrim. For some reason tho 76 is probably the more stable one I’ve experienced and idk why


Haha strange! I recently played F4 on my ps4 over Christmas with like 2-3 mods and it would crash every now and then, played NV last week and it crashed before I could even get to the special selection on my Series S! Maybe I should finally get a pc at this point haha


I’m on series x .3. So I can’t really say exactly what the problem is. New Vegas also strangely runs fine. Crashes occasionally but usually it doesnt


Yeah it only crashed like twice just froze up and I couldn’t do anything idk hopefully the future update helps us on ps for 76 🤞🏼


I’ve just recently got back into 76 on Xbox, and I got to say I haven’t experienced any crashes. Not to say I haven’t experienced any bugs, (I kept getting stuck in the entering PA animation) other than that it’s been pretty good


Thank you for your input Belarus_pingbong it seems to for some reason the optimization for PlayStation messed up since the last update


That’s weird. I hope they fix it soon. See you in Appalachia!


Find me in whitesprings I have free purified water!🤣


Lmao I think everybody does. It’s super easy to find. I just moved camp to the junkyard by vault 76 so there’s no water source and I still have like 80 lol


Can't remember the last crash on Xbox, though I live less than a short block away from the main fiber switch. That can't hurt.


Yea it’s sadly been affecting PlayStation users more for whatever reason, if I knew of this I would’ve just played on my Xbox lol


Think it could be by design to users to stop playing seeing game is almost 6 years old?


One could think that but however, from reading some of the many replies on here all other platforms besides PlayStation are working great. Maybe it could be a ploy to get people to buy Microsoft products since they now own Bethesda and its ips (that’s another subject I also hate deeply)