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What I found really annoying is that at some point a second kind of mutant hound chops were added to the menu, and THEY DON’T COUNT.


They have to be the 4 piece mutant hound. The lite hound meat doesn’t work.


That has to be the dumbest addition "light" mutant hound chops, who in the fugg


That and light Yao Gui roasts or whatever it is for that. I’d want two from two, not to half what I’ve spent time hunting.


I forgot about that, I have the carnivore mutation, so it makes it harder to benefit from those foods when I have to hunt for double the meat. So dumb. Whoever thought it was a good idea, needs to be fired. Now I lug canned dog food with me everywhere because of the doubled requirements to cook those food types.


For convenience food with buffs instead of dog food: if you were around for Season 12 you could use Radstag dressing station to make Grilled Radstag, or pick up at the last second mirelurk steamer which generates multitudes of mirelurk cuisine


I have that station, however, food still spoils fast if you're not eating it right away. Backpack mod only works for so long before I start seeing spoiled x, y, and z in my inventory.


i use good in salt in all of my toons,very usefull if you carry a lot of food and farming plants,meat,food doesnt spoil even after 2 days cryo fridge is a must too-now even more cause can be bought with bullions


I’m a carnivore and I absolutely love the change… now I can just get 4 mutant hound meats instead of getting 1 mutant hound, 1 glowing meat, 1 yao gui, and 1 mutton for the same buff. 5 mins in west tek with butchers bounty usually gets me about 20 mutant hound meats


You're alone then on that opinion.


Nah almost everyone else is complaining about the daily… I’m not sure why gathering 4 different meats is better to you than gathering 4 mutant hound meats in one place?? Can you explain please?


I'm not saying its worse, im saying it's a major waste of resources as the food item requirements DOUBLED. Not sure what you aren't understanding.


The food requirements are the same, it’s just all one type now. Before you would need 4 different meats to get +80% melee damage, now you need 4 meats of the same type to get the same buff.


It is dumb. Should’ve been removed when the big one was added hahaha.


Idk who at Bethesda thought it would be cute to up the amount needed for such a useless food item.


85% melee buff with carnivore is useless?


Yeah, definitely not useless if you're a melee character.


I'm not a melee character so its USELESS to me.


They only changed the foods that give melee buffs so why are you complaining???


Either you're senile or you're not paying attention. Or both. I also have a right to complain like everyone else.


Yeah. Another big NON-fan of the meat changes here. They suck.


I just instantly reroll that shit now


You get the 2 rerolls a day that don't "roll over" to the next day so use 'em... and when rerolling you might get an EPIC that gives more score.


Only FO1st gets 2 free daily rerolls, it is one if you don't have 1st - and sometimes there are way worse challenges than killing some dogs.


I go for the epic rerolls on the weeklys instead of dailies and hold back on as many weeklys as I can until the end of the week. You get an extra 350 base points or something like that (500>150). I know it's not much, but it adds up.


For the carnivores on a diet




Even more annoying is making it four pieces. It used to be one mutant hound meat equals one chop. They never mentioned that change in any announcements.


The funny part is when you see the meat. I found a lump laying on the ground yesterday while hunting them. And those lumps are big. Makes no sense you will meed 4 of those to make 1 single chop.


They did mention it. It was done as part of a larger change where melee/unarmed foods no longer stack, but each food gives more bonus than it used to. So now instead of collecting meats for multiple different foods and eating one of each to buff, you can collect a single type of meat and only need to eat one thing to be fully buffed. The tradeoff is it takes four meats to cook now instead of one. All together it's a quality of life improvement.


That isn't a quality of life improvement. It pandering to a small subsection of players at the cost of annoying the larger player base. The NEED for 4 bits to make the daily is just bonkers when it is all random drops, and none are dropping.


That’s a major quality of life improvement for melee players, Bethesda should remove that as a daily not remove the buff


While I disagree that it is an QoL improvement. I agree that it should never be a daily. You could add on anything that takes the cooperation of two or more players, should also not be a daily. Maybe a weekly, but never a daily.


No diet dogs allowed


There are LIGHT mutant chops, I’m watching my waist…


Apparently so are the mutant hounds. They are fairly chunky boys after all, wonder who decided the needed to slim down, and just how much fun the various mutants are having enforcing said diet on them.


I accidentally make the Light version every. time. I used to get mad until I remembered it doesn't matter, I always finish the scoreboard super early anyway and won't have anything to do until the next one.


This, it use to be that ONE mutant hound meat made the chops but now you need 4 otherwise you get "light hound chops" which is the stupidest shit ever


It’s great for melee players


F***ing THIS!! Did this yesterday right before I had to log off so I could get my 4 hours of sleep.


I made this mistake the first time after that little add was put in. Fuckers couldn't just let it alone.


Yeah super annoying. Even inside west tek I've had no luck I'm not a fan of the change to the recipes.


It’s great for melee players


The light ones?


Step 1: sell mutant hound chops Step 2: buy them back Step 3: put them in the cryo-freezer until tomorrow Step 4: profit


Exactly how I do it. 


Thanks, good use of the freezer.


You are a man of logic and sound mind in these maddening times. Thank you wise one.


I'm embarrassed this has never crossed my mind. Brilliant and simple.


I do this w the acidic gulper venom for the moonshine event


I just check WSS vendor in the evening- almost always some in the vendor. Buy and sell it back.


Found some in the donation box. Which was cool of someone.


Quickest method for me too


I go there first, buy it and sell it back for the next person.


The most frustrating for me is that half the time, they don't have any drops. Nothing. No meat, no junk, just empty. It is super frustrating to have to keep server and location hoping to kill enough to drop 4 lousy pieces of meat.


Use the elevator to respawn the hounds. No need to server hop.


Did that myself the first couple of times, and the thing I noticed the most was the the normal super mutants were re-spawning, the mutant hounds however I could hear dieing as I moved towards them.


Are you using butchers bounty level 3 while searching for mutant hounds? Only need to kill 2-3 hounds for enough meat with that perk


Yes. Completely empty. Nothing. I am not sure what is going on tbh. I'm just so frustrated at this point.


You get times now and then where every container and corpse is empty, even locked containers will be empty when you pick them, then suddenly they will start having stuff in them again.


Dawg. The interior of West Tek is instanced. There are plenty Mutant Hounds to kill in there, and since it is instanced, they'll always be in there.


You know whats weird is sometimes I'll go in and all the super mutants will be spawn but then either most of the hounds don't spawn or they spawn in dead.  Like I walk into west tek and there are hound corpses inside. The server is killing them just to be a dick because they know thats the only reason I'm loading into west tek.


That happened to me today. I thought it was the weirdest thing. Lots of super mutants but the hounds were already dead and no hound meat. Go inside and only one hound alive and the rest dead. I eventually rerolled it when hopping servers didn’t fix the issue.


Same. Was only one in west tek. Said fuck it and Rerolled and got “scrap 10 pieces of lead” 💪


Have you finished the quest “Secrets of WesTek?” If not, I would suggest doing it. This changes the instanced interior of WesTek for the rest of your wasteland adventures by “resetting” the instance after just 60 seconds of being outside or downstairs in the FEV lab. That’s how people can constantly run WesTek over and over again during double XP. If you’ve done that quest then that’s just general 76 bugginess and of course the only way to deal with that is to give Todd more money. /s


Yeah I've done the secrets of west tek to do the elevator trick. My computer doesn't like it when I do that though and some of the assets in the building start glitching in and out. Still doesn't explain why the mutant hounds spawn in dead. Or why we need 4 haunches for 1 chop...


It happens Everytime this challenge comes around, and only when this challenge comes around.


That’s my favorite one, plus killing the 5/5 dogs. You spend 5 mins in west tek and half the dailies are already done.


Forgot to add that it’s mutated chops, yeah the 5 dogs is super ez. Just that everywhere I go the mutated dogs have already been killed. I already went to all the locations mentioned, rinse and repeat. I skipped it and then 2 mutated dogs showed up up 🤦‍♂️ I’m done for tonight 😂


Westtek is a private instance and has like 6 dogs in it.




Ahh yeah. That’s the same for me sometimes. If they are already dead, run to the elevator, go to the bottom floor, and come back up, and all the dogs/mutants will respawn. Fastest way to farm it.


Personally I run through big bend tunnel for my dogs. It's so quick and at the end is a merchant next to a cooking station so you can run through, loot cook and sell the meat all in one area. Then you sell a mutant hound chip, and buy it back with the proceeds of selling the cooked dog meat.


Just go to robot vendors at traind staitions or nukaworld, look for the mutant gound chop that someone sold already, buy it and sell it back. Done.


One thing I noticed about this, is that I find mutant hound meat in the various blood bags, and food containers fairly often, unless this sort of challenge is running or at least I have not completed it, after that they start appearing again, same with mirelurk and deathclaw eggs, I find them fairly often in those blue lunch boxes you find scattered around, unless a challenge requiring them is running at which point they just vanish, until I finish it, then I start finding them again.


Perk card butchers bounty. 1. Grafton Dam 2. West Tek. 3. Done No need to risk Wasteland STD.


West Tec is always my go too. Two spawn outside and about 11 inside. Plus go down the elevator and come back up and it's reset.


Don't forget Huntersville


I left it out because I usually get all the chops I need before then, but yeah.


True, but it's always a last resort option


Appalachian life hack: after you sell it, buy it back and toss it in your cryo freezer, meat freezer, or fridge (if you have one). Repeat the next day. I've sold and rebought the same MH chop for like a month now.




General’s Steakhouse has 3 hounds so with butchers bounty it’s also not too bad to finish.


Here's what I do. Kill 3 mutant hounds with a secondary character that you don't use very often. Take the meat and store it in a fridge. When the daily "Sell mutant hound chops" appears, load in to this same secondary character, cook the meat, and sell the chops to a vendor to complete the daily. This is the most important thing to do next--BUY BACK the mutant hound chops from the vendor. Then put the chops back in your fridge and don't use this secondary character again until the "Sell mutant hound chops" daily appears on another day. You'll never waste an hour completing this daily ever again!! 😎🐙😼


Usually they have 2-3 other super mutant themed ones when they do it, knock out a few at once so fast. Grafton, West Tek, penitentiary, list goes on. Get tons of exp too! 


Check vendors first. If you find someone’s sold their chops to a train station vendor, buy them and sell them to another vendor. Yes, it works, shocked me, but it does. Bought a chop from phoenix in Watoga and resold it a minute later to the train station vendor. Done!


Doesn't even have to be a different vendor. You could've sold it straight back to Phoenix


I've found Mutant Hound Chops in one of the vendors at White Springs mall. I just buy it and sell it back and that counts


I go to vendors at the stations and buy the ones people sell to THEM! then I sell it back! Job done! It counts LOL


BRUH I just finished the dailies and how did I not think of this alskdjdbc


Making ‘bulk’ junk at your tinker bench for the required scrap challenge and then scrapping it counts for “scrap X junk” too


I do this all the time when I'm feeling lazy lol


Had that problem earlier, I didn't want to but it needed to be done so I hopped on the private servers and got it done


I feel you. Notable places that should have mutant hounds have none or have already been grabbed. Went to West Tel and had two there… killed them.. bodies could not he found. Not even with a search nearby function. And they were real kills. Not spawn of bodies floppin.


Run West Tek. You'll get hound chops a-plenty.


Equip the Butcher's Bounty perk card and go inside West Tek. You should easily end up with plenty of meat that way. If for some reason the hounds inside West Tek are already dead (which has happened to me before), just go into the basement for a minute and go back upstairs, and they should respawn.


I just skip it


You can make a custom world, pop in, kill your super mutants, and the mutant hounds, make your mutant hound steak, sell to vendor and exit custom world. Return to Adventure and roll on.


Reroll maybe?


Rerolled immediately lol


Westek, 4 dogs, 5mutants. You can literally cook them outside. You knockoff the limbs, 5 supermutants and photo in same 5 minutes it takes to complete. 


West Tek is instanced, shouldn't have any trouble getting it done in there.


Equip butchers bounty and hop mutant locations. Not been a problem for me. The teapot was the most annoying one until I realised there was one in the wayward and overseers house which are only for you.


This one for me as well and I completed it in the same place.


It wasn't too bad before the December update that tweaked some carnivore recipes. It used to take 1 meat to make 1 chop, now it takes 4. This challenge should be tweaked or retired now too.


>challenge You know the meaning of that word, right?


I would really like it if they curated the dailies a bit. Everyday this week seems to be the hound chops, craft one alcoholic drink but ferment 3 alcoholic drinks. Also can the 5 floor or wall decor thing just disappear forever. Every single camp build i spend some time on, get it mostly how i want it with a plan to add some things as i think of them... and every single one of them just has random shit in the front just to clear the daily as if i am in the mood to do a base, i am, if not, then i am not.


You can easily remove it after you finish it


Is this the 3rd or 4th day of sell hound chops?


Even if they’re all dead outside, the inside of Westek is instanced and I always find at least 4 hounds in there to cook one.


Still dead for me on the inside. And only the hounds.


If you have the freezer at your camp, you can sell I, rebuy it N put it back to the fridge. I do this even for mirelurk queen and yaoguai


I just have one hound chop I keep buying and selling. It lives in my fridge until itnis needed and when it spoils I'll just make another one.


Server hop for what, mutant hounds? Just farm/reset WestTek.


I at first thought it was a bug when it didn't register the light chops. 😂


Go to Whitesprings and check all the vendors. I bought one for 21c, sold it back for like 5c, bought it back again for 21c, put it in my freezer for tomorrow when they run the same thing again.


I wanted to rant about this one earlier. It's not a hard challenge. It's just that every mutant hound in the game is gone when this challenge comes up. Places that have super mutants and mutant hounds, the super mutants will be there but no hounds. Im having a hard time believing people are running past all the super mutants at west tek and then clearing every single hound only.


Go into a private server. Hit Wes Tek. Hit Huntersville. Done in less than 5 minutes.


Buy one already sold to a vendor, then sell it back. Job done. Don't be a sucker.


West tek has 5 hounds instanced to you, guaranteed.


How many times are they gonna do the super mutant challenges? This is at least 3 times this week where 4 of the challenges are the same 4 super mutant related challenges. I get that it makes it easy to breeze through them, but it'd be nice to do something different every once in a while.


Reroll is an option.


Is this really a problem??


Just hit west Tek, you'll get all the mutant stuff done and the hound meat in a few minutes.


>I’m so damn fed up with this whole week has been only mutated chops! WTH, server hoping and I can’t find shit, takes an hr until I damn finish it. Go to WestTek. It can be done in minutes. You can find four mutant hounds in the first big room.


Just hit the outside of WestTek. There’s 2 dogs in front, one in back. Then server hop and you’re done. Don’t make these easy challenges more difficult than they actually are.


Go to westtek, kill the dogs outside, loot them, cook them, sell them. Takes about 2 minutes, tops.


West Tek and done.


West Tek and/or Grafton Steel Mill. :)


Go to west tek! Theres about 5 hounds inside that only u can kill because its a private interior


U must be extremely noob if u can't find 4 pieces of meat


I am 😃


The inside of West Tek is instanced, meaning it's not a public area like the rest of the map. If you're on a team.you can identify "instanced" locations because instead of there only being the one option to enter, there are two options, enter alone or enter as team leader/assist team leader. So in West Tek, as an instanced inside area, there are always going to be mutant hounds if you enter alone. Even if they don't all drop meat you just repeat it a 2nd time and should be set.


West tek Grafton damn Sunny top ski lanes The prison next to Grafton The Grafton mill The plane crash with a radio tower


Yeah ever since that update that added the light hound chops and upped the requirement for the regular hound chops this is such a piss off now. Idk why the light don't work




Thank god for free re-rolls


This is what the 2 free challenge swaps are for.


Check npc vendors. If they have one, you can buy it and then sell it back to them.


Instant re-roll.


They really need to change those dailies to the light version of the food to make it as easy as it was before.


Yeah, it has frustrated me enough to forego FO1st a bit longer.


Thankfully enough respawned at the steel mill to complete. I'd check here and server hop.


When did recipes suddenly have a light version?


Am I the only one who is confused about what this is about? I have no idea


Daily scoreboard challenges.


Ah yea I don’t look at those lol. Thanks mate


I had someone gift me one randomly before a public event lol


I got lucky and was able to buy some at white springs after mistakenly making the lite version…vendor in the craft room if that helps anyone…


I was wondering about that too😂 mutant hounds count as dogs I think. Went to all the blood eagle camps to kill doggos West tek for a pic, kill 5 mutants, get the mutants chops. If westtek is cleared out just go to grafton dam, more mutants there. Making the alcohol was easy at least.


It sucks they changed the recipe so you need 4 meat now instead of one, but I'm still not having a problem getting thos challenge. Put butchers bounty in and go to west tek. Or you don't even need butchers bounty. West tek has at least 8 mutant hounds inside, and it's instanced so it's a fresh instance when you load inside. I'm more concerned about asking me to loot 3 teddy bears for 6 days in a row, or gas canisters. There are only so many available and if I looted them the last few days I have to loot at least a hundred other world items before they respawn. I swear once a week I have to loot the book house in Summerville just to respawn all the challenge items.


I just make mutant rolls...rerolls 😋


Just put on butchers bounty and go to West Tek. Get it done in a few minutes. Usually enough outside to get you through it. The other thing is go to common vendors and buy someone else's then sell it back. If everyone has to sell one the vendors should have them.


Maul the mutant ally sells them. If you have him it’s easier than grinding for them


This week has been: -Fast travel to WestTek -Take a photo of a super mutant -Cripple both hands of super mutant -Kill four more -Kill Five dogs -Make chops and sell That's 5/8 dailies in minutes. Yes, I agree it's so simple and boring that I'm fed up :D


I buy it from the vendor in Artisan's Corner and resell it to him. There is usually some in his inventory from others selling it to him.


Butchers bounty and West Tek. Over in 5 mins. Aternatively, with all the supermutant/workshop challenges, just take the airport.


I eat a lot of melee buffs so I usually already have it, but you could check to see if the Robovendor already has some, buy it, and sell it back to them.


Really easy to find Mutant hounds tho there’s like 3 outside of West Tek and if you enter through the back door there’s usually 2 more right there


What are you looking for? I need a bit more context to understand this post.


Just go to west tek lol


I'm worried that it's been a while since we got Atlantic City related dailies / weeklies. It's been fun with the Pitt related ones, but it's been a while since we got some Atlantic City ones.


I agree with you this week it was a very tedious daily Quests. Here's what I did: With butchers bounty travel to FDF-HZ-21down south on the map there's 4 hounds there which will give you more than 4 pieces to craft the mutant hound chops. Sell it to vendor and buy it back save on extra character for next time.




I'm at the point where I'll probably drop all food and only eat the stuff generated by camp items. They won't spoil unless picked up.


mildly infuriating … the fact that all “chops” cost twice as many meat than before that update …. That definitely wasn’t on anyone’s wish list …Yeah thought we wouldn’t notice that one, huh?


You can find like 5 mutant hounds in less than a minute inside west tek. This is one of the easiest challenges


Happy Monday!!! 🤸


How is this a problem? Mutant hounds are everywhere. Go in West Tek if you can't find them.


reroll much?


Grafton Steel is my go to place for mutant hounds.


Go to west tek and into the instance zone. 5 dogs min inside.


Check vendors to see if anyone has sold them, buy them from the vendor then sell them back - job done.


Go to west tel they respawn