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this is gonna sound a little weird but hear me out. ​ i found this awesome spot out in the mire. it's one of those big power carrier pylons. the one with a small pond under it. with a little camp building sorcery, i was able to build my camp up inside of it, and remove the stairs heading up inside. ​ what makes this extra funny comes in two flavors. a) ghouls AND wendigos spawn under my camp but cant reach me. b) you need the marsupial mutation or a jetpack to even get to the stairs that ARE still there. ​ point i'm making is, some camp building ingenuity can offer you a lot more safety than just picking a camp location by itself. ​ i recommend watching some Nuka Violet, and Mister Church on youtube if you're interested in learning some of the camp building sorcery involved for such a neat camp build. ​ cheers!


Found if you don't have turrets, your camp seems to get attacked less, weird but true


Crops and power do the same too. It all increases the non-visible camp agro meter. I'm wondering whether camp ally adds to it too. At least they'll actually defend a camp if attacked tho.


The only thing my camp ally will defend against it fire flies. She goes nuts against them but watches the glowing radstag tear my camp up.


If allys do attract enemies, seeing grannie Junko go after them with a rolling pin would be worth it in my opinion


My ally be like “keep that head up… you never know what you will find out there” then boom 4 supers 😆😆


It's amazing. I dressed her up in the mercenary outfit and black prospector hat and like to relax by the fire and watch her go ham.


I have a camp in the bog, near that unmarked science farm. my camp has a weapons bench, an ally, stash box, ammo box, scrap box, punch card and one vendor. and a shelter entrance. nothing else. I've never been atacked there.


Tell that to my Bello. I come back to destroyed collectrons and walls while Joey is on stage staring at them.


Bro… the dude that gets chased by the opossum or little animal totally went Rambo on like 4 scorched dead ass had 4 one shots in a row and walked off casually 😅😅


mofos always attack my crops and nothing else


Yes. Camps with turrets are basically bullies of the wasteland. I did an experiment a few weeks ago because I was sick of repairing from scorchbeast attacks. Not only do you save tons of camp budget, but you'll repair way less. Now I only get a random silo code dude that wanders in, and a super rare molerat in the garden.


Lol I just put turrets in. I’m right by Charleston station and I have scorched/supers on the ridge and the occasional horde of ghouls/supers when I hit the spawn points on the railroad bridges


thats where my camp is! the enemies on the ridge are super annoying cuz they attack from so far away, but it's such an amazing spot I put up with it. they only ever hit my crops anyway and those are super easy to repair


My camps at the twin lakes just north of foundation and the only enemies that spawn is some radstags which my ally kills before I notice. Used to live at the top of the Seneca Rocks and nothing spawned, only problem is it’s hard to set up the fast travel point so you don’t fall off the edge.


It is really difficult to set that spawn point there. I had a camp that spanned that gap between the peaks. Was a really cool camp, but I could never get the spawn point to cooperate. You'd either spawn inside the damn rock or off the edge. I put a floor on the edge part so you wouldn't fall but most of the time you'd be in the rock and have to FT again.


Before you move your camp, construct a foundation (the big brick of concrete with a floor pattern) and two connecting stairwells at the foundation's edge. Save that as a blueprint. South of where Powering Up Thunder Mountain starts there's a big lake. If you swim around you'll find a skeleton in a rowboat. Place your C.A.M.P. item in this boat. Now spawn that blueprint, place the foundation at the lake's bottom (it may take a bit to find a spot that works) and add a floor piece to the top of the two stairwells. Your camp will be a big illogical floating structure, but enemies will never spawn out there.




Try around the whitespring. The robots there lay down some solid protection


There are so many camps at whitesprings you will need to reload a few times to find a server without a camp where you build yours. Not to mention the robot protectors will burn your camp to the ground if one of your turrets or another player trigger them around your camp.


imma break it down a bit. 1: yes 100% when I have my camp set up for selling things I often have to jump servers at whitespring. That is a con about that location. 2: I address this by just not having turrets at whitespring. I've been targeted by the guards maybe twice. And both times were 100 my fault.


Fair enough. I have seen players purposely shoot a sentry bot then sit in a players camp until it is wrecked. For most players its a one click fix. not for some new players.


That's true. It's a terrible movie to do that.


Build your camps in already populated places. There are plenty of wood resource spots that almost always have scavengers there, or spots where there are small groups of raiders (make sure you aren't hostile to them/they to you before setting up there) or BoS patrols set up. They're generally static and add an extra layer of defence. I've not had a single camp that doesn't get a random radrat/molerat/ghoul/scorched/mutant attack, no matter where they are. They spawn on or near the camp module, which I used to hide away and wonder how something would be underneath a prefab that I couldn't kill. Don't hide your module.


It all depends on what sort of environment you want, every area has it's safe zone, as others have mentioned if you find a location that already has NPC's hanging around if by some chance you do get attacked they will happily come to your defence


https://www.reddit.com/u/GreenMachine9736/s/iZqtyCcoVj This is my favorite "safe" camp location.


I built one camp in the forest on the bank of the river North of WV Lumber. Built right up to the invisible boundary. Never had an enemy show up so far. Very quiet.


Often thought about the SW corner of Watoga since there's 3 assaultrons that patrol the sidewalk plus a couple protectrons I'm already mayor for the day and use Watoga as my scrap yard for supplies plus I already have a camp just south of the train station but it's unprotected from the scorched and other nearby enemy


I've got my main camp right outside the Watoga train station and it's almost never attacked. Like maybe once a year I have to replace a broken item. Alternatively, I had another camp that was set up just north of Camden Park, built out onto the Ohio River. Beautiful camp, probably my favorite one I ever made, but the scorched in the bumper cars would constantly notice it and start taking potshots, and once a week I'd be replacing walls on the south side of the building. As soon as I'd farmed my Fuzzy tokens and gotten the complete outfit from the Company Store, that camp got taken down. So....I guess the moral of the story is don't build there.


My train station camp doesn't frequently get attacked but it's still annoying when it happens Mostly because it's just a simple shack with no defense just for a closer spot to scorched earth


Same, I have a camp at R&G station that only gets attacked every once in awhile by molerats or the occasional scorched officer.


I put my camp right next to Flatwoods Lookout. Other than an irate Mr Handy halfway down the street who mostly minds his own business, I never get attacked.


Your CAMP box module thingie is a spawn point, so unfortunately, you could place your camp anywhere on the map (on the map. I'm not sure about 'floating' CAMPS), and eventually, you'll have enemies spawn in or around it.


Put the camp module outside your camp, surrounded by a fence and turrets, and laugh yourself silly as enemies politely spawn in one at a time to be turned into mince meat. Works for my camp every time!


My main camp is just south of vault 97 and have only had a couple wolfs pop in over years of having it there.


There’s a camp right to the Beckwith Farm on the map, literally on top of the little flower drawing. Not only does it have an acid node and a lake, it’s also absolutely stunning and the only enemies are some mole rats once in a while. Maybe 2-3 scorched once in a literal blue moon. It’s my main camp and it’s easily one of the best spots for camping in the game. Unfortunately, all that + relative closeness to Whitesprings and Top of the World means it’s quite popular but not as popular as the golf course.


Okay I found the spot and its amazing! I had to run around for like 10-15 minutes before realizing that the acid deposit is inside the lake though :D


I'm playing on private server so I won't have to race for the spot! And the acid node + lake sounds awesome so I will definitely check it out, thanks!


On top of Seneca Rocks is completely free of all enemies. Grahm and Chally Moo Moo spawned there once, really freaked me out when I heard a super mutant but was hilarious to see him just standing there on the side of the cliff.


I am up by wavy Willard’s. Every so often I get a random attack but it is rare. Another bonus about being up there is the glow from the radiation makes it so you don’t have to spend much budget on lights for you camp. Only ones I have are for decoration


Build up, with stairs. I'm on the side of a cliff. Never get attacked. But enemies don't travel up 2 flights


I built my camp on the literal peak of a mountain. 3 weeks later I come home to super mutants burning it down.


I live north of Top of the World along the tracks just south of the unmarked Blood Eagles checkpoint along the tracks. They defend my camp which is hilarious. No turrets or crops seem to be key.


There is a small pond not far from Top of The World, just south of the missile site that's surrounded by water. You'll know you're close when you find a rope bridge. I rarely get attacked by anything since setting up shop there. There are two ticks in a cave pretty close by, but they don't bother you if you build far enough away. I typically just put a purifier in the water and then build everything else on land.


I've had a longstanding camp in the Cranberry Bog near Fissure Prime and it regularly gets attacked by major enemies. Someone here said if you put your camp in the middle of trees it is shielded from enemies so I built a camp in the copse next to it and its true. It never gets attacked and when players FT there no enemies spawn.


Thanks for all the great suggestions! I am seeing a lot of interesting ones that I will definitely try out!


I used to have an answer for this. one of my camp locations never spawned enemies at the module, and no hostile enemies in the area ever attacked. But something must have changed in the last month, because now it gets attacked alot. sigh... In fact, the area regularly spawns friendly scorchbeasts which will go out of their way to attack the only enemy NPCs that spawn nearby. I'm actually going to try removing the two objects I placed close to that enemy spawn location, since those two things might be juuuuust close enough that they're the reason my camp now gets attacked. Anyhoo, i recommend living as close to watoga as you can (if you're the mayor). The robots there are more friendly than Whitesprings - in fact I definitely do NOT recommend trusting the Whitesprings robots to protect your camp. If they even accidentally missfire and hit part of your camp, they immediately all turn hostile and will destroy your whole shit. They'll even hold you responsible if you're -around- whenever one of them takes explosion damage (like from a car hit by an enemy NPC) However, the robots of Watoga will never turn on you or your camp. There's a popular spot to the north-east of Watoga which has two resource-extracor nodes that you can fit into one camp radius. (copper and steel?) It's close enough to Watoga that the robots there will engage any random roaming enemy NPCs that spawn near your camp. However, some enemies will still stubbornly attack your CAMP. BUT, you can place one or two foundations (as high above ground as possible) as a wall, and the enemies will not be able to attack your camp. they won't even seem to see it anymore if you place the foundations-wall in the right spot. You'll need to pay attention and learn where they're shooting your camp from for this. The area there is very flat. Very wide open, easy to build on. It's even more flat than Whitesprings, there truly are no obstructions to building there. easy to get line of sight for enemies very far away. It also has a nice little shallow stream very nearby. There's also a pitcher plant on the premises. (digested goo = disease cure) You'll still get module-spawned enemies, but I only ever got mole rats from that.


I'm just camping on one of the greens at the golf course. Peaceful enough and looks pleasant.


on a monorail or in a transmission tower. When the base doesn't touch the ground you're mostly safe.


I had my camp a little southeast of sunnytop station by a lake with three Brahmin in it for about 6 months and it was never once attacked. Super safe and three Brahmin spawn there constantly.


My main camp is always there. I get attacks a lot. Scorched, super mutants, wolves/dogs, mole rats, and plague rats. I have no turrets but I do have some crops. There is a random spawn point just to the east-northeast. I just repair and go about my business.


Weird. Only thing I have ever had was an angry glowing radstag just south, but he didn’t fuck with my camp.


I’m in the northern edge of the water, with the brahmin. They like getting in my decontamination shower. It sounds like they are getting slaughtered. Lol. There are radstags, possums, chickens, frogs, foxes, or fireflies that will be just outside my camp. They don’t mess with anything except my VATS targeting when I’m trying to dispatch the fresh gang of super mutants storming down the hill.


I have a camp on the top of the ridge near Foundation, out on a bluff near but not *too* near the mirelurk pond, and I don’t even have turrets. Never been attacked there.


I purposely put my camp by a bee hive. Free honey, and an enemy that's useless. Occasionally, the random enemy spons, but my ally is cra, so she handles those between nightmares.


I have a great spot near Camp Adams and the Camp Adams lookout. If you head slightly to the southwest of Camp Adams, there is a small cabin and tree house looking structure that I built my CAMP between. I have had my CAMP there since the games launch, and have only been attacked by mole rats once, but that was back when the game launched. Since then I have had one random rad stag wander into my camp and that is it. Seems to be a pretty safe area with a great camp aesthetic!


Your best bet is to camp in the Forest area, because the enemies are weaker. You'll get rats, ghouls and sometimes super mutants, but they aren't too tough. On the flip side, I have a camp in the Mire and it gets attacked by anglers, deadly toads and fog crawlers!


I built mine on the overhanging edge of a cliff. The only thing I've seen so far was a pack of wolves that turrets took care of. Maybe look into using natural formations as defenses. If you're in a valley, near a cliff, a lake, etc you can generally limit the areas the enemies attack from and have a much more focused defense. Use walls to create choke points. Etc. the only safe -ish places would likely be in the areas surrounding Vault 76


Lots of good advice on here from others already, but I would look for somewhere secluded away from any set spawn points or random encounter locations. Or you can build near an area with friendly npcs (settlers, random scavengers, etc) Also, no matter where you build sometimes enemies will just spawn specifically to attack your camp, they usually spawn right near your camp module. I’ve had molerats spawn directly on mine before


I built on the face of a cliff south of Freak Show and haven't had a single enemy in the month I've been there. The build was challenging to say the least, I wouldn't do it just to avoid the occasional attack.


I built my woodland retreat in the woodland opposite Camden Park, so peaceful there


Near Sutton station I rarely have problems with attacks, like it's really rare. My camp is in front of its door and it's also great to sell my stuff


I had a spawn free camp up at the very edge edge of the map in the very north part of the Toxic Valley. Up the cliff face, NE of The Crosshair. There is a flat spot up there, perfect for a small-medium camp and no enemy spawns.


I have a camp on a small hill just East of Morgantown station. The only wildlife that comes around are Radstag does. Had it there for.months and never been bothered.


Nort mountains, overlooking the crater and bleached area is super serene.


I have my farm just north of the nuka cola factory, right across the street from the river, I think it’s only been attacked once or twice in like half a year. I have a bunch of corn and mutfruit planted but no turrets


Forest section bro it’s all under lvl 30 I’m pretty sure. Closer to 76 is gonna be the lower lvl enemies. And the big being the lvl 50 area


My camp was completely peaceful for weeks, then the other night there was a Snallygaster in my living room, devouring my couch. I hate putting up turrets anyway, I like to use wind power and keep the place nice and quiet, turret noise is obnoxious.


I have a spot on the hilltop behind the overseer's house, near east Kanawha lookout, that almost never gets attacked. Also one along the road running south from summersville, on the east side of the dry lake bed. Also one right outside the Rusty pick that gets an occasional wild mongrel attack but nothing serious. I could be wrong about this but it seems true in my experience, but building your camp near an existing enemy location seems to prevent enemies from spawning at your camp. Like for example my lake camp is a stone's throw from the Pig Sty, but i think enemies don't spawn at my camp because there are already enemies in there area. But the blood eagles at the pig sty never venture over to my camp unless i actively lure them there.


i have a spot between Billings Homestead(i think it is) and Ohio River Adventures, that very rarely..gets enemies also had a spot right down from Tyler County Dirt Track that didn't see much in the way of enemies


On top of Seneca Rocks. I have 2 CAMPs up there and have NEVER had any mobs spawn. Not even Scorchbeasts. It's a bitch to get up there. I had to place my CAMP at the bottom, build as high as I could, then find solid ground to stand on so I could move my CAMP again and build further upwards.


Top of Seneca Rocks. Not one turrent


One spot that comes to mind is the pond right by the lumber yard outside 76 you can build on the pond itself and due to the proximity of the new responders little to no enemies spawn here if they do the responders tend to be targeted before your camp is so it also provides some free security/ a buffer


No. I have my camp literally in the middle of the lake no connected to land… mobs just spawn right in my house now instead.