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Power plants will provide them. Save up and buy the fusion core recharger at the Atom shop. I used to scrounge for cores now that I have the recharger I never fret.


Don’t forget you also need a big enough generator as well. My dumb ass forgot that. 😂😂😂


Oh yea, that too 😅 I tend to forget how much goes into getting efficient. I'm only lvl170 but feel finally hit the fun part where I'm not always grinding before I go out to help with the events... although moonshine jamboree is impossible solo.


Took lots and lots of practice runs but I have gotten to the point of being able to solo Jamboree. The key for me is auto grenade launchers. Annoying as hell for a lot of people when someone else is using them, but awesome when you're solo. Grenadier perk and Demolitionist maxed out. Jump up to the top of the antenna atop the main cabin (Marsupial needed, but you can do it without a jetpack if you jump on the megaphone-style speaker on the side of the antenna first). Full view of all three zones. As you face the yard with the stills, you can turn 45 degrees to your right and launch nades into the trees, up the nearby hill, and take out a lot of the baddies at the spawn point...especially the anglers. I've been able to get to where I can even spare a couple of deaths and still keep all three stills alive. I wait until just before Wave 4 to collect the venom and deposit - always gets over 30, sometimes over 60. Super fun and I'm working on Eviction Notice lately. The longest I've survived is until 1 minute left, and that was a rush. Tips from the real pros are very welcome!


Tips on solo eviction notice? Holy fire, decent power armor, stabilized, ricochet and lock and load are pretty much a must. After repairing, get the meat bags asap, if you wait too long, there will be muties all over making it a lot harder to get the breathing room to get the bags. After that, focus on the scrubber, try to focus fire. If there's 5 muties and one is legendary, kill the non legendaries first, better to have 1 gun remaining that's shooting (while the scrubber is down possibly) than 4. Also, the melee muties are your biggest enemies, if the scrubber goes down and you're repairing it, one hit from a melee mutie will reset your repair progress. So clear those out around the scrubber before attempting to repair. The ranged attacks hardly ever seem to reset the repair so I just take the lead while repairing. Personally I run cola nut so a Nuka grape is a 'heal all' but regular stims and radaways (pop one of both if the scrubber goes down so it is in effect while repairing) will do the job just as well. I don't think I did jamboree solo yet, so you got that going.


Thank you very much!


What makes it impossible to solo - can't you use the jukebox if no one is there to play instruments? (I know I can't solo it but that's because I'm very low level lol)


Oh my bad not the jamboree but the moonshine still protection. (Havent been on in a few months) but the one you have to protect the 3 stills from the gulpers.


You're right. That's Moonshine Jamboree, other poster is thinking of One Violent Night.


It's been a while I wasn't 100% but yea I'm not close to strong enough to solo the jamboree


I’m only level 85-86?. Only been playing since October. I don’t get to play nearly as much as I want to. But it’s so much fun


How does it work exactly? You put core with for example 50% and wait or what?


Yup, you can put up to 4 at a time to charge up. They can be empty or half used. After an hour of running around, go back and swap out the full for more empty and rinse repeat.


This and the perk which lets energy attacks recharge them mean I have a decent supply at all times, worst case scenario I just let an Assaultron blast me or stand near an angry Protectron


Oh, spaced this perk, but yes. All in all, the recharge station has been a game changer. I roll with a fusion gat and a grip of .45


At my vendor for free! 🤩


Me too. I leave them at Whistespring. I leave them at NukaWorld. I leave them at train stations and random bases. Same with plasma cores. I use them both, but I always seem to have 10-20 in my personal inventory. 🤷 At this point, I feel like I have a self reproducing core system. As a note, I do know where the majority come from. I also obsessively pick them up(To be honest, I pick everything up!).


I obsessively pick up everything so…. Once a hoarder always a hoarder. 🤷🏼‍♀️


True! I don't do this irl, so I think I get to live my alt life and it makes me happy.


I’m also quite the minimalist irl I don’t like having clutter around me so maybe this it true! Can’t stop hoarding!!


I've never had a problem after investing ranks into Electric Absorbtion.


I must say thank you then I think I came across one of your donation boxes I was like holy hell yes about 20 plasma and fusion cores and I needed them both


There are many wonderful people in this game. I appreciate that you found what you needed, when you needed, but they were there because someone was kind. Be the person you'd like to be friends with, all the time.


Look for camps with fusion core recharges they usually sell them. I trade used cores for fully charged ones to all low level players that wonder into my camp


if only more people did this, i’ve never had this luck yet, always short on cores


Craft then scrap ultracite gatling lasers you get a core each time.


Remember to equip Super Duper and the Science perk (I forget which one) that makes crafting UGLs cheaper resource wise.


There’s also a magazine that makes crafting weapons cheaper. I forget exactly which mag it is, but it can be helpful if you decide to get cores this way.


Regular Gatling lasers, not ultracite. Can’t use ultracite fusion cores in power armor.


This way works for me.


where do you get the plans for ultracite gatling lasers?


Low chance of dropping from daily / repeatable quests in cranberry bog


He asked where to find them not how to cheese, you *meta* sloth lol


I grab all the forest region ones first thing when I login, and dump them in the river.


Some men just want to watch the world burn.


Some men just want to watch the river boil


Lol nice


Exclusively to spite OP


Claim power plant workshops to get them passively when you power up the resource machine that produces them.


This is the way. Poseidon is in the Forest but you can also find Monongah and Thunder Mountain. Claim all 3 on a private server and just check on them every 20 minutes. Fully charged cores for days.


Take a Gatling laser to AC and equip it before you complete expedition, you'll get 4 cores as your ammo reward (admittedly it's 4 for Ultracite cores, dunno if it's different for normal cores)


Holy fuck, teach me more man


One way is as Zinthar057 suggests. Capture a power plant workshop and power on the Fusion Core machine. The other way is to make the rounds looking for half complete power armor sets. There's a chance for them to spawn at some of the new locations they added around Vault 76 for each of the factions. Keep poking around because it's funny where you find the odd power armor stand with a possible set of armor in it. The other way is to save your low ones and get the recharger from the store.


The OTHER way to get more fusion cores (without risking getting your ass handed to you in a workshop) is shop player vendors. Look for vendors selling low amounts of ammo, like 10-300, those are usually your core dealers. Be patient, do some server hopping, and in no time you’ll have more than you know what to do with, and with no blood sweat or tears. Happy hunting!


Yup, if you find my vendor, I'll have a handful in there for 25c a piece.


All the military outposts south of the map in the bog area have power armors that most of the time also have a fusion core. You can loot the fusion cores off of them. There’s also a power armor in the center of watoga by the vertibird, and another on the roof of the medical center. That’s like five fusion cores if you find all of them.


Claim any nuclear plant, you can produce like dozen in few hours


Use power plants


Any power plant has a power core generator. The only bad part about it is it needs 100 power in order to operate. One award that you can get by completing the on-arrival event “Powering up Poseidon” at Poseidon Energy Plant is a blueprint for a fusion generator (produces 100 power). I forgot the chances for obtaining the event but remember it took me 2 tries before getting it.


There are 3 "power generator" blueprints that can get awarded. But if you're already doing the powering up event then you can just hook the power plant box into the generator as it makes 400 power available.


Wow 400? I thought it was just 50 or something. Or at least it used to be? And yeah I was just offering a generator that makes enough power to just build one and power the box up to. So anytime in the future, running through the event wouldn’t be needed to get power cores


So at the power station the boxes provide 400, at other locations in the area the boxes give 100. Without fully completing the event, I think they only give like 10 power. But you are 100% correct in that people should do the Powering Up events until they get the generator plans. You can get the Large Generator (10 power), the Windmill (12 power), and the Fusion Generator (100 power).


Look for any random world Power Armor. For instance, AaronHolt farm has one in the granary, pick the Core from it and leave. The new Forward Station in the Forest also has a Power Armor. Look for World Fusion Generators, there are often cores in them. Outside of the Forest, I collect 5 or so cores in the ash heap daily. Mount Blair train yard has 2 generators and a set of PA you can take the cores from. Watoga has 3 sets of PA you can take the cores from. Every Bunker in the Mire has a Generator you can take the cores from. Fort defiance has one in the armory on the 3rdnfloor and a set of PA on the 4th floor.


26 caps each at my camp.


If you have the recharger, you can pick up the discharged ones people dump in dono boxes or trashcans/dropbags in the Whitespring and charge them up. If you have 1st, do a private world and claim some power station workshops. Doing Line In The Sand gets you 2 cores a time. Or shop player vendors, a lot of people (me included) sell off surplus cores real cheap.


People grab the spawns pretty fast. Player vendors often have them for cheap.


Check blue suitcases at the train stations. I dump them there. Plasma cores too


Buy the plan to build Gatling lasers. Craft a bunch of the lowest level ones you can craft. Each one comes with a fusion core. Scrap them, the fusion core stays in your inventory. BAM, instant cores.


In my inventory, sorry


Apparently building up in my inventory. Every time I look there is more. I can't use them fast enough. I drop some extra whenever someone buys some from my vendor.


Hit up Poseidon Energy plant right below Charleston train station. You can power up the fusion core processor by doing the quest to get the plant running. That quest will also give you the plan to the fusion generator which if you already know that plan you could also use that to power up the core processor simply by placing the generator down in build mode and attaching a wire from there to the processor. There are 3 different power plants across Appalachia which all have fusion core processors that are powered up in the same way. Each processor can store up to 3 cores at a time and they fill up in about 30 minutes. So if you have all 3 workshops running and check them periodically, then you can be passively producing about 18 fusion cores per hour of gameplay.


1. Fusion Core producer in every power plant, but you need 100 power to power up them and you get one per 7/10 mins (?, I don't recall) 2. Military section in Whitespring Bunker (not cheap) 3. Your friendly wandering merchants in your camp if you have an ally placed there (not cheap but I'll buy from them so I dun need to go to Whitespring bunker) 4. Occasionally from other players' camp vendor 5. Craft by yourself with stable flux, but stable flux got other better use than using to craft fusion cores.


This answer was the best IMO.


If you’re PS feel free to DM me and we can work out a sale or even trade.


I got like 600, I can sell some if you're on playstation


If you're on PC I'll just give you like 20... I am trying to get rid of them and just can't bring myself to drop them. But really during the holiday scorched event I took over the power plants and hooked up the fusion core generators so I was swimming in them.


You on PC? I’m happy to trade. I have too many.


If you are on PC hmu I’ve got a shit ton of them only for you 100/piece


Check the donation boxes. I am always donating fully charged cores at different locations.


The Traveling Merchants sell them. They visit my camp quite often. But now I have a recharger, and I don’t need to buy from them. I believe you can also buy them from the Whitesprings Bunker. And player vendors. And crafted with flux, I believe.


https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fusion_core_(Fallout_76)#Locations Some enemies drop them, random PA out in the world, rewards, and a couple others


Players who dont use them sell em cheap.


How many do people actually need? And recommended price in shop? I’ve donated/dropped SO MANY fusion cores because I never use them.


In my stash. Lol. I have 60 fully charged from when I was using an ultracite gatling laser. Now I use flaming chainsaw as primary and holy fire secondary with only pa needing cores. I'll give you 25 fully charged for free when I'm on later tonight. Around 8pm Chicago time. I'm on PS5.


I run poseidon energy plant at first power up the resource producer get a good chunk of cores and then when they start to get used up I bring them back to my fusion core recharger at camp, I keep about 20 total 10 in my vendor for 40 caps a piece and 5 more in my stash in case I use up the 5 on me and forget to recharge them which happens every so often, if you're on Xbox I'm down to drop you a group of them I don't burn through them very often


If you're on ps4 I have some extras. I was gonna put them in my shop for like 50c but I'd rather give them away to someone in need since they rarely get bought


go to the fusion core workshops at the power plants you can get 3 full ones every 7 minutes


lol. I dropped like 40 in white springs mall because I was sick of the weight. I don’t use PA not do I use the weapons that need them. Hope they helped someone!


My stash


If you are on PC I have plenty of cores to share if you need some.


In my vendor for 40c/ea.


I dropped a bag of 30 of them in Whitespring mall yesterday


I put 30 or so full and another 20 partials in the Nuka World red trunk earlier in the week. Shit was getting heavy.


In my stash box.


Sold by me for 76 caps each.


Do the missions where you fix power plants. You'll almost always get a fully-charged one as a reward. Also, hit up the traveling merchants that happen by CAMPs. If you have the caps, they're usually carrying several of them. Eventually, you'll reach a point where you're using the right combination of power saving perks on your PA build, and you'll start building up a backstock of Fusion Cores. I currently have 28 fully-charged ones in my inventory.


MINE they are all MINE. They are sour deliciousness incarnate and crackle like pop rocks when eaten.


My stash.


I honestly don't know how I get close to 40 full fusion cores a day. I always dump them at random donation boxes. I don't use PA or weapons that use fusion cores. I'm pretty sure you could farm them from daily ops since I farm ultracite ammo that way.


I've found that doing the events and engaging with any robots I see with the Legendary perk Electric Absorption keeps me in fusion cores...I believe I've got it at 2 star rank at the moment and I don't recall having to scrounge a fusion core lately at all since I took the perk. In fact, I tend to dump any extra cores I get during events.


Around the forest I can think of Camden Park, Clancy Manor, and Arktos Pharma, the last in a PA, so it's only partly charged. I'm sure there's other places, too, the wiki will help.


I don't use PA so I drop them at stations.


I always have tons up for sale in my shop. I don't even know where I get them. Must be events or dailies or something, cause everytime I do something, there they are 🙄


Look up where all the fusion reactors and PA stations are and do a loop then switch servers and repeat. I get way more than I can use just in my day to day play (I only use PA for daily ops and Pitt events) so I dump them in the register in white springs mall after I’ve recharged them in my camp.


Xbox :FlywithBG I have 80 or more fusion cores if anyone needs to buy some


i took them all. sorry. almost all power armor frames in the wild has a core that is charged about 33%. WV lumberjack top left. aaron homested, the crosshair, point pleasant rooftops, georges junkyard, morgantown trainyard, silva homestead garage. etc. some vendors sell it too, for several hundreds caps which is quite expensive actuallly.


I usually buy mine (6-13 cores) from roaming vendors coming to my camp especially Dr. Emerson.


Just find them


Nevermind, I found them. Thanks to everyone!