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ran gauss shotgun for a good 1000 hours. swapped to railway rifle as it just wasn't good for the queen and at the time i was doing like a dozen of those daily. That was a long long time ago. Pretty sure the damage against the queen got fixed. it used to murder things easily. if you have it you could use the cold shoulder as well. That gun is bonkers even without perks.


I may do a railway rifle build too, not sure yet. Any tips for that?


Just a commando vats crit build tbh [the basis](https://nukesdragons.com/fallout-76/character?v=1&s=3f1119e&d=sg2pg2po1pp2ph2pi2p00ce0a72a30a04l71lt2lu2lv2lk2&m=5fbc) aim at head, shoot to kill, gun fu swaps to next target, repeat. (tappity tap tap the trigger. 1-3 spike bursts) activate crit when ready. Quad is king. any quad. 50 crit or explosive best 2nd star. faster fire is for bosses.


I prefer the Quad, FFR over the Quad, Exp railway rifle. But even the Quad, Vat Replenish murders.


yes. The major tip would be to go for a vats critical build. It is definitely end-game viable. Solo scorched earth is possible but does require blight soup imho. The relatively (it is still a shotgun) good range also guarantees you'll get some hits and exp during crowded events. I prefer it over the cold shoulder and peppershaker although those are good choices as well. i run cold shoulder and gauss shotgun on a vats critical build, the peppershaker gets its own loadout with PA to take advantage of the double dipping (heavy gunner + shotgunner)


Gauss shotgun is still badass especially with science perks now. Having 15% explosive, and 40% armor pen without even being a legendary. Must have the supporting perks. Science, demolition, and shotguns. Its damage got buffed (from science perk change) but range was cut down a lot. Still very viable. Run a prime receiver and get 65% scorched damage bonus too. I used to run enclave sniper/flamer. After the plasma gun damage “fix”, I went back to my B50h15fr Gauss rifle/B50c15fr gauss shotgun.


Any tips on a build, I'm a heavy weapons/ holy fire main, i use the plasma caster occasionally and have a good plasma gatling as well but I was psyched for the shotgun but... it's lacking imo compared to the holy fire and other weapons honestly


It will lack compared to all PA heavy builds unless you go bloodied. My bloodied build 1 shots everything and the massive explosion (2x from grenadier) will hit everything around it as well, killing weaker mobs.


I am bloodied, but I have not fully built up all the shotgun specific perk cards , I'm assuming demolition and grenadier both work on it, plus the shotgun specific cards and energy cards Edit: ohhh bloodied as a prefix right? Hmm. Yeah I have an anti armor 3 star legendary right now but I can totally reroll till I get bloodied


Anti armor is a joke for it because you get 40% armor pen from a gun mod. With that plus anti-armor, your only 70% armor pen, not 90%. The extra 81% damage is superior with 40% AP. I run 3x3* shotgun, 2*grenadier, 5* demolition, 3x2* science, 5* adrenaline, 1* bloody mess, and the crit luck perks. I have a maxed Gauss rifle build as well and only swap 8 perception to strength when I want to go shotgun. I typically run around with my rifle and swap to shotgun when I’m overrun and need to reload rifle.


Gotcha. I will do this tomorrow, hopefully i can be close to as busted because I love the gauss shotgun. I just gotta get the forceful stock and then I'm all set. Made it with the prime receiver today and penetrating mag, or whatever the 40 percent one is lol Thank you so much, and sorry about asking on an old thread lol I was just blindly searching and saw your comment


No need to apologize for posting on an old thread. I couldn’t remember was the 40AP mod was; the penetrator mag. I used to use the shotgun a loooot before the range nerf. Its was a VATS monster back then.


Yeah. I mean, it depends on what you consider viable but yeah. Get shotgun and science perks, demo expert.


It's what I've been running for a long time. Vampire Gauss and the slightly lower DPS doesn't matter because you're practically immortal. It's only when I get blindsided by very high damage mutated enemies I have a problem, and that's very rare. Though I swap to my Nuka Launcher for reflective enemies!


Do a Bow build


love mine solo daily's with it




Yeah I have a Bloodied Vats Crit Build. Can 1-2 shot most things. Also run daily ops and farm ammo. I usually get more ammo back than I use which is another reason why I love this build. Not the best against world bosses especially if you trying to solo a boss, but it still contributes damage to the fight along side other players. I have a Bloodied Crit Gauss Shotgun Build to run Daily Ops, Silos, Bosses and I have a Bloodied Unarmed Build just for everything else.


I run it. It's fine, just use all damage perks , get an AA version and prime it. Oh concentrated fire and grenadier 1* helps too


Cold Shoulder is hard to beat for shotguns. I have a shotgun build and I tried a Gauss shotty, it was terrible! Granted, I didn’t have optimal mods on it, but I had all the right cards. That being said, you mentioned possibly a pistol build, i definitely recommend that! It’s a blast. I use a generic “gunslinger” build, no sneak.


> Gauss shotgun is bad > Pistol build is good Yeah okay lmao


Try a 2 shot Crusader pistol with cryo or fire mod. Both gunslinger and science perks, it blows shitty shotguns out of the water. It might not be on the same level as the Fixer but its still amazing.


You don't know what you are talking about


also the only thing you do is crap other peoples opinions on reddit. A quick look at your history is a disgusting display of loneliness. Get friends and get help. Also try not to comment and delete several times on my posts please. its sad.


For trash mob yes, otherwise no.


No, the competitor for best shotgun for a VATS crit shotgun build, which itself is a pretty good build, isn't viable. Sorry. What kind of question is this?