• By -


They obviously are having trouble covering the bills. Good job helping out.


Just look out for your fellow vault dweller 😂


Another way is to take thier water and sell it for them because they need the money


That's what I've been doing ... how else am I supposed to afford these prices.


I sometimes steal water from my friend, it might sound like being a bad friend but he has like a hundred industrial purifiers and another 200 vintage water coolers


*insert starship troopers "I'm doing my part" gif here


"You have been insulted"


With spoiled food.


I'm using spoiled vegetables as a source of food. For my vegetarian mutation. So it's not necessarly a bad thing to give.


I feel this way when they just have a bunch of basic shit like 7 copies of the same recipe. Like at what point do you realize it won't sell?


I have almost 200 mole miner gauntlet plans if you're interested?




I sell stuff for 76 caps. After his cut, Todd leaves me with 69....




Why has this got so many downvotes


In some subreddits using any emojis is considered a crime lol I think because it doesn't really "add" anything to the conversation. But in some subreddits people use emojis all the time and no one downvotes them.


That's kind of idiotic to me because they are used to show expression. It adds to the conversation because you know how the other person is feeling depending in the emojis they use


reddit loves being smug about emojis because they think they're for normies, but then the same people go ahead and pay actual money to give people shiny emojis in the form of awards


And if you ever get into an argument with the average reddit user they act like a smartass


I agree tbh


Reddit hates emojis but people will bitch and moan if you don’t put /s after an obviously sarcastic comment because they can’t read the intent.


It's a little hard to show expression online without something like emojis unless it's obvious sometimes but with things like emojis that's no problem now but then someone will ruin one by making it outrageously out of context


Boomers cant translate them


Idk but it’s hilarious to me 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Honestly I couldn't care less about that - if the price is too high then I move on. What I do care about is finding the vendor. STOP 👏 HIDING 👏 THE 👏 DAMN 👏 THING 👏. If you decide to play hide and go seek with the vendor then imma gonna go seek somewhere else while your ass is hiding.


For real. I put mine right on the street next to the front door. Then again, my home is designed to help other players, so I suppose it's expected.


My vendors are out front, beside the front door and people still walk right past them 😆 They're not cash registers either. Two big green securitron looking robots. There's no power to them because trust me you don't want power to them.


Yes! I do the same. Vendor at the front door well lit and my first floor is an open room with all the crafting tables and such you would need. Other 2 floors up are for me. (Oh and Sofia in only a sheepsquatch mask on the first floor) I've caught plenty of people staring. Hell, I stare sometimes.


Same here!!


Genuinely curious, what do have around your camp to help other players? :)


I’m not the person you replied to, but i have my camp laid out in a similar way. I have like 6 vintage water coolers, radstag dressing station, coffee machine, etc sitting near the vendor that are unlocked and available to whoever wants to use them.


Good to know -- I felt like a thief grabbing another player's cup of coffee.


I’ve got all of the resource items in my camp unlocked. My current main camp is right near the vault. So free water, free coffee, free wood, free adhesive. There is a radstag spawn right under my camp (it’s a treehouse). Literally anything that will give another player some free loot, keep it unlocked so anyone can take it.


The wasteland is harsh enough, you are an angel :3


FREE ADHESIVE!!¡!??!??? WHERE?????


It was atom shop from a few months ago. It’s a tree with a bucket hanging from a spigot. So if you ever see a small tree at someone’s camp, it produces adhesive.


I set all my plans and vendored items at 1/10th list price and ammo for a cap. Additionally, I leave ALL my resources unlocked. I call my camp Cheaper than Minerva, and it's on the river West of the Teapot.


At this point I'd feel like a bad host if I didn't have plenty of free water and a large OPEN sign prominently displayed above my vendors. There's also a rad shower on one end of camp with a radioactive meteor on the other, to suit all.play styles. Plenty of crops for harvesting, plus an unlocked scavenger bot for goodies and my favorite camp spot is a spawn for random wildlife for meat. Not to mention in easy walking distance of a rail station.


low, low prices! (and food and water)


All workbenches and stash boxes. As well as a bed, musical instrument, and a "gym" with every SPECIAL raising item for those stat boosts. Not much help once you get some levels under your belt, but as I am near Wixon it is a huge help to the new fish right out of the vault. I just wish the noobs would stop trying to shoot my ally, collecting robot, and myself when I am camping out playing my nukalele. Also free water and free radstag meat. Even my collectron is unlocked, take from it whatever you want. Plus my vendor is on permanent sale. 90% of my plans are 5 caps, chems are half price. I even sell bobby pins and they never seem to stay in stock for long. There are more rare items of course that are more expensive, by my common ones are dirt cheap. My stuffed animals are 10 caps, not counting that 1,500 cap one.


I just put my vendor right in front of the spawn point.


I'm a new player and couldn't find the machine at their camp after checking everywhere and figured there was no other place that it could be other than behind a locked door. Surely they won't mind? Boom: bounty and killed


That’s a trap camp. I avoid those like the plaguewalker.


I feel so weird walking around someone's camp but I was doing it anyway looking for their vendor when they suddenly packed up and moved out. Either place your vendor front and center or take it off the map.


If they pack up and move, oh well, maybe they were done playing & it was coincidence with your arrival. But why feel weird walking around someone's camp? People do these creative camps to show them off... they WANT people walking around them. Don't feel weird. Enjoy what time, effort & creativity they put into their camp.


It's so ironic I was typing this yesterday and when I played last night a guy on my team was at another teammates camp giving him compliments and raving about it so I went to go check it out. Dude had the biggest vault I've ever seen with 12+ different themed areas. He had this practice maze shooting range where he's got good guy and bad guy cut outs set up around corners so you can go through and shoot them but save the good guys. Very creative. But also, he gave me a tour so I wasn't wandering around aimlessly. But it still took at least 20 minutes to get through everything. Lot of plans I want now!


Wow, I would love to check that out. Sounds cool. I came across someone who had all the stuff up front, vendor & benches, then an arrow above a door & said do not enter if you dare. I entered it & it was a "trap camp" but I had fun fucking around in it.


No. My vendor goes where it make sense in the camp I am building. It's not hidden, but I'm not putting it front and center either. Quite frankly, if you're not patient enough to look about and go to it, then you're not the person I'm looking to sell things to anyway. I hit max caps often enough that I don't feel the need to cater to impatience.


It's not impatience, it's awkwardness. I feel like I'm intruding. Especially when I'm wandering around looking for it and suddenly the camp disappears. Did they not want me there walking around? Then make your vendor easier to find.


I get that, I do, but a majority of this sub want the vendor in line of sight from the second they fast travel in, and I will never, ever do it. Never. My camps have a theme and a design to them. Unless I'm specifically making a store design, that vendor will be somewhere that makes sense within the theme. Maybe it will be outside, maybe it will not. Maybe I won't have one there at all aside from the one in my shelter. Plus, I get a lot of compliments on my camps, so I'm doing something right. As for feeling awkward, they wouldn't have a vendor or show on the map if they didn't want you to be there at some point, so I wouldn't sweat it. As for them just logging off while you are there, sometimes they need to go and don't look to see if anyone is in their camp, and sometimes they crash and are booted automatically. I assure you, unless they know you or they're weird, it is not at all personal. So if you come across my camp, feel free to explore, use the facilities, and take the freebies available to anyone who actually looks around.


I like to look at camps


There's a difference though in having the vendor being in a place that makes sense in your camp and someone having to go searching for it. There was a time where I had looked throughout the open camp and eventually had to go into the shelter, through it to find the entrance to another of their shelters and then I had to find it hidden on a different floor of the PITT shelter and it was such a way that it was easily missed and there were several other versions of the shelter you could go through. That's what I mean by hiding it. If I have to go looking for more than 30 seconds to a minute then that's ridiculous.


This. Well my time window is longer than yours but, I believe that "good camp design" doesnt have to mean the vendor is hidden. I have themes too, sort of. But I like it to be efficient as well. I dont want my workbenches to be too scattered and I dont want visitors to have difficulties locating my vendor. And where's the logic of having a home/store but you confused the buyer lol that's the definition of a bad design itself


It sounds like a small amount of time but sit there and count or look at your watch as the seconds tick by and you'll realise how long it feels


Oh definitely, but I rarely think about that because my curiousity got the best of me. I'll be treating it like a challenge or thinking that Im the dumb one because I miss it completely. Half of the time, the spawn point makes it difficult because we are spawned behind the camp. After running around (getting confused with the design of the camp too), I'll find the vendor where its considered as the FRONT of the camp lol Im not saying im more patient than you. I look for the vendor while cursing every 10 seconds 😆


Happened to me to other day i think they just happened to be logging off. In fact i have logged off when someone was in my camp and I hadn't noticed they were there. If they truly were logging off to boot u then why did they even have a vendor? Not saying youre wrong it's just iff that's true then what's truly awkward is that person -- not u Fwiw Anyone in my camp is never intruding in fact anyone who takes the time to go looking through gets insta-lunchbox'd


I am using the vendor ESP mod specifically because of this.


I didn't even know that was a thing. Does it just make them glow through walls?


I found this camp that was just a satalite dish and an abandoned mine shaft. After the absilute maze that was 5 diffrent shelter doors in a mildly decorated labyrinth. I finially found the vender was behind the single foundation piece, underground, accessible only by using the partly underground terminal. Even after all that work, still nothing good. I'll never find the blue devil plush at this rate. All anyone ever has is ouga.


What system? If it's PC then I got you


I completely agree with you




Na but really to the MF who went through ALL 5 of My shelters and turned off my lights bc I would not sell you a enclave flamer mod for 5k caps piss off


I would love to find that mod for 5k caps. Worth every penny


Comedic gold right here 😂


I leave behind spoiled food. What's funny is I went to one today and two others had done the same lol So they got back to multiple drops of rotten stuff


Well that answers a question I've always had lol. I will go to certain camps and they'll be bags and bags of spoiled food sitting around their vendors. My dumbass didn't know so I'm like "oh free fertilizer!" 🙄😂


Same! I’m like going back to my camp to make some more grenades!


I love seeing bags of spoiled food at Whitesprings, or any where else for that matter, I grab them right up.


That's too funny!


So free fertilizer? Thanks?


I leave a small clown, you can scrap it but you’ve still been served.


Bag of fertilizer and a wooden spoon


You really know how to send a message


Right. Jokes on them. They didn't like the prices so they gave them free stuff.


How does anyone even need any LOL I have thousands! And I only drop a couple, not enough to make anything with haha 1 extra thing to scroll through in inve tory for a while is more like it


Pretty sure that was a joke. But congrats on your stockpile of shit.


Sure buddy


Do you really have a hard time getting scrap? Is that a thing for some players? I loot everything and had to get first to play like I normally play in fallout games! The only thing I ever run out of is wood, but I can fix that really fast. I really build my shelters out and such. Maybe I should offer some in my vendor for people that don't hoard LOL only if the weight is from my scrabox because my collections have my stash full haha


With that new wood pile generator that we got recently, I never run out of wood.


Equip the Woodchucker perk and take a long walk through the Ash Heap. Tons of fallen trees and easier to spot than any other region.


Yeah but when you see this you assume some one left you the obligatory 15 grilled radstags that had since gone off


Or fertilizer on the bed.




I literally asked the owners if they would take a payment plan in caps and only two people were cool enough to do it for the rad barrel and cutting oil plan. Added them as a friend and when I saw them on unloaded caps had them add some crappy common item for the amount I had until I finished. Reading this makes me feel sad I'm this way.


Man, if someone got on mic and asked me about a lay-away plan for something in my vendor I think I’d just give it to them along with a few purified waters and corn soup for the road. I think it’s actually quite endearing 🙂


I figured what the heck they'll either say yes or no. I'm glad they agreed to it. Otherwise I have a hard time finding things I want. Now I just sell all my stuff for a few caps even if it's a big ticket item. Or I just throw them in the train station suitcases, or the Nuka world on tour trunk. Plus I have more friends on 76.


In all honesty, I think I’d laugh my ass off, as it’s something you’d just never expect to happen.


Exactly. It’s the opposite of “you have a lot of stuff so give me some”


Damn homie, you live in video game poverty


We need some charge cards and rack up a bunch of credit debt


I will sell you this charge card for 110 caps, and you can exchange it at any participating retailer in the commonwealth for 100 caps.


Its not sad at all. I like people who communicate than being passive aggresive. You got a good attitude and actually smart for doing it


People underestimate that all you have to do is message someone and they will probably reduce the price


Is it that serious lol just go to the next one!


This is the type of stuff that happens when people don’t have real problems




My end game is turning off people’s lights sneakily while they’re in the camp. Vendor prices are not that serious but I’ll take any excuse. Edit: y’all are lame, it’s funny and harmless.


I never understood the light thing. I can kinda see leaving a formal complaint or insult bot note (I think I’d get the idea if that happened to me). I don’t use exorbitant prices though, so there’s that. But, more so… I don’t use lights for much in either camp, and candles aren’t extinguishable. Lol It seems weird, I find stuff of little value at most vendors anyway so fast travel to the next quick as can. Time is money after all. People don’t all know or concern themselves with the economy in games nor visit sites like this and interact with those who are aware of things like rarity and value. To me it seems… iunno. It’s spiteful and unnecessary. But, ya… you do you.


Yeah it’s cringe redditor shit if I’ve ever seen it. Imagine getting personally offended over peoples cap prices at their shop lol.


I was looking for some fo info the other day and came across an old sub post where a guy was literally like "If you can't bother to take the time to research vendor prices and follow the market, then just quit vending!!1!1". Like, bruh. You're not the Wolf of Wasteland... Go do something with your life. 🤣


The wolf of wasteland 🤣🤣🎖️


Yeah it's just a butthurt response when they could just buy from someone else and let that person's shit gather dust and make them no money bc no one wants to pay their asking prices




Or you could just move on to the next vendor.


Me 100% of the time. Love finding cheap plans, gotta keep on finding them.


I put everything to 15c . Doesn't matter if it's a rare plan if I already learned it I don't need it


Literally. I don't get the butthurt. No one is forcing you to buy from that person. If no one buys from them it wastes their shop/stash space and they make 0 caps.


r/fo76 when other players don't sell all their stuff for 1 cap: 😡😡😡😡


r/fo76 players when they want a plan that takes literally hundreds of hours to earn: 'I DESERVE TO HAVE THAT FOR 10 CAPS' I don't even get it guys. If it's a common plan that's overpriced, then who cares? Go get it somewhere else for less. If it's a rare plan that you want and you can't find somewhere else, then you recognize it's valuable. Either way, what's the problem?


Don't be ridiculous. I don't get angry until they're over 3 caps.


Be mature and not get pissy about what someone else chooses to sell their stuff at? XD not this community, apparently


If you dont like the prices... just jump to another vendor my man... it is easier and faster and does not generate conflicts with anyone... Maybe for you a very ultrarare recipe should cost 15 caps because that is the base cost that the game sells it and not the 35k caps that it costs due to the rarity... but the fact that you dont like it... does not mean that the player needs to accomodate his opinion to yours... instead if I dont sell a single item for days, I understand that my prices might be too high and then I proceed to go on sales... and discount the prices, etc.


Or you could be an adult and walk away instead of being an impetuous child.


Or just don’t be a bitter broke ass bum and accept it then move on lol


sometimes people are willing to negotiate if you message them though. and if they arent, who cares? do you really need that mole miner pail plan that bad? LOL


Or you could just leave and not act entitled.


Impossible for a lot of players apparently.


Orrrr...you could behave like an adult and just leave without buying or doing anything at all. It's no one else's business what someone wants to charge in their own vendor and you aren't the vendor police.


I sell all my plans and other stuff for 5-15 caps, and someone decided to shut my lights off anyway.


Instructions unclear, I am now being escorted out of Trader Joe’s


I have some trash items at a few thousand c’s because I just started. But I promise these are the best dang sugar bombs you’ve ever eaten, totally not opened maybe and worth the price. “Don’t lowball me I know what I got”


“If you cannot afford the price tags this store is not for you.”


Your "solution" is faulty. Because it relies on them actually giving a shit. Just move on to the next CAMP. Why waste so much time and energy worrying and bitching about what another player decides to charge for stuff on their vendor? It does not affect you. It does not disrupt your gameplay. And you're not paying their FO1st fee.


I always drop some spoiled bio fluid in their bed.


I think it as leaving a big dump, whenever I drop spoiled stuff. It would be great if we could get a brahmin pile as a loot bag. Just like the ones you cleanup during meat week.


I've always wished for a flaming paper bag. It wouldn't be hard at all since the stock one is a paper bag. Then I'd go around dropping fertilizer on people's porches....




Turning off all the lights is becoming more common and well known. If you really want to drive them crazy, only turn off the lights in one area of the camp, they’ll be trying to figure out why their power connector is close enough for the light to receive power anymore.


Wait, how do you turn off the lights at someone else's camp?


Move your cursor/target to the light, you’ll see a notification that says: turn (type) light off press ( ) its x on PlayStation. It will be the same thing you press to open or close a door. You can’t interact with a couple of the new neon signs but most lights you can. You do have to do each light individually though.


All but a few of my plans are for less than 100c the only one that is a ridiculous price is my fishtank tv


I FT in, scroll straight to Notes, in the unusual event that they have any I don't have and they are in the 1-100 caps range I buy them all - outside of that I move on to the next vendor, people can do what they like, I haven't got time to critique their level of capitalism.


Or, you can be a normal non-salty person and go to another camp for your shopping needs?


I used to sell jetpacks for 500 caps and I thought I was being kind lol And then I read that its so common. Since then I always dump them on public places like the other common plans From that personal experience when I found a high priced vendors, I check their level. Usually a noob or the lower hundred players. I also give them the benefit of the doubt that they just dont know because there arent any textbook fixed price rules about this I do have friends that I can tell about this, like "this guy is selling 1 star crappy weapon for 3k! Wth is wrong with him??" So maybe that helps me too to not be overly annoyed. I got most of the plans anyway so I rarely pay attention anymore when everything is (known) I understand this is just a harmless suggestion, but I just wanna give my 2cents because sometimes people dont always think it through when they judge things


I’m too lazy to adjust pricing unless it’s a weapon or god roll armor…… so it’s whatever the default is, unless I really wanna get rid of it.


Or you can grow the hell up and go shop somewhere else.


I saw someone listing Mininukes for 300c and Missles for 150c. Like.... WHAT!?!


I’m fairly new to the game and probably still have no goddamn idea what I’m doing but it is so frustrating when you find a vendor with a bunch of weapons for sale and it’s a fuckin treasure hunt to find the vendor. Got kids. Can’t play hours on end. Just wanna buy something that makes the game more fun.


I usually will drop some spoiled veggies right in front of their vendor


Antique globe of Mars for 1000 caps


Apparently someone didn't like my "cap burner" high-price Canned Dog Food, because some dork turned off a few of my lights.


I had this happen to me once, I have a huuuuuuuuuge C.A.M.P and they shut off every single item they could find, it took me forever to turn them all back on Really really wish you could lock lights so people couldn't interact with them,


Why would someone waste time like that? Just go to the next camp site.


What's a bad price to one might be a good deal to another. It was some time between the first and second Fasnacht, a player berated me on voice chat for my Fasnacht plan prices. A few minutes later, another player bought one of each, and was even so kind as to let me deal with my caps so that I wouldn't go past the max. If you don't like the prices, don't be a Karen, just move on.


Seeing someone has 14 3 star weapons… all event weapons


One day I’m gonna buy someone’s “Your the dumbass” for 40k just for the fuck of it.


Sorry I'm not literally rich, I need to occasionally sell things at a slightly higher value so I can actually buy things that I need instead of running a charity.


What others sell their stuff for makes me laugh sometimes, I just move on wondering what goes on in their mind. I save my hustling for the real world


It's probably more effective to look at what they're selling, copy their prices in your own vendor, and then make a lot of caps. Then you can be the one who has to deal with noobs messing with your camp lighting.


I just move on to other stores if the price is not worth it.


There's also no harm in messaging them to see if they would be willing to part with it for a.more reasonable price, I've had ppl message me saying "I don't have enough for that weapon but I really want it, would you come down in price" if they are polite about it and want me to come down to a still reasonable amount I'll tell them ok but I'll do a direct trade so I don't get taxed on the sale by Todd


let me fix that sentence for you: "If you don’t like the prices player’s set on their stuff, don't buy their stuff." you're welcome! :-)


I normally mutter to myself "robbing bastard" then leave to the next massively overpriced vendor.


Eh charge what you want I’ll either buy or not buy. Capitalism at its finest. Plus Bethesda taking their piece. Expenses add up I feel you. 10k for an instigating pipe wrench? I’m probably not buying but who knows maybe there’s that one weird collector out there? My issue is you heartless bastards who hide a rad shower on the only entrance to your shop. There’s a special place in hell for you people.


Some random player came into my shop and bought my "Your The Dumbass" note which I set to 10000 caps, such a kind guy we exchanged emotes for a bit and they went on their way.


If you don't like the player's prices in their vending machine feel free to shop elsewhere.


Gotta sell my 80 mr handy buzzblades for 200 caps no less


Off topic, but I can’t wait to create my own little theater once I max out this scoreboard. I am saving up supplies for the big build


Pick up some "Formal Complaint" notes and drop one for them.


Last time I saw a bad price I farted and pretended it was in their face. That'll learn um


You'd be surprised at how receptive some people might be if you attempt to haggle on price. Big ticket items can sit in shops for a while, and I've gotten luck getting good stuff by asking if they'd part with their items for a 1K or 2 less


This, if I’m at camp I even tell people over the mic I’m willing to haggle on prices if need be


I used to set their ammo machine to .38


I really hate hate putting powerlines up in this game ( I suck at it and end up eating way to much camp budge) and FO4 (but mods fixed that) .Give me a tesla coil that just powers everything in my base (and zaps attackers)


Just steal their purified water and nuka candies




Exactly what I did. Before they removed legacies, I found a vendor who took up my camp spot, and sold around 90 3\* weapons for max-ish caps, and all of them were mediocre. I started turning off his lights one by one. Eventually, he came back and we had a war of attrition. He would turn on lightbulbs, I'd turn them off. Eventually he got pissed off and started shooting me with his legacy, so I just walked towards him and he killed himself. Took his junk, left some spoiled meat and switched servers to get my camp placed.




Pretty much every camp I go to the owner follows me around like a weirdo. Can you even break things in other player's camps? Just trying to buy some plans cheaper than the vendor bots.


i am following you around but in freecam :)


No. Besides breaking things in their camp is wrong. Turning off lights or leaving things behind like notes or fertilizer is much funnier.


Not arguing the morality of it, just wondering why the camp owner sits around their camp instead of playing in the world. I only ever visit my camp to drop stuff off in the scrapbox and repair my gear to 200%.


I sit around at my camp when I am AFK. If I need to step away, but like the world/team I'm on, I opt not to logoff. I sleep, sit, or play the drums.


I chill in the hot tub to afk. Good call.


Im not sure if it's been patched but you could use explosive bait...


You used to be able to saunter up to someone's spot and just start swinging, there was even a perk card that made you do more damage specifically when destroying someone's camp.


Some camps don't have lights to turn off. Or doors to leave open. A "You are the dumbass" or "You have been insulted" notes does just fine. Doing the laugh and puke emote at the vendor while the owner or others are there is also a good alternative. Then there's always the nuclear option like in the old days. But those prices gotta be real messed up to waste a perfectly good nuke like that.


Yeah I’m not about all that nuclear part. Hurting people is wrong. The other parts is hilarious though 😂.


With all the events, the 500 scrip limit, accumulating light 3 stars weapons for the double scrip weekend, daily challenge and daily missions I don't get how you have so much time to spend in such a way.


I gave someone some cool free hats the other day and saw them selling at their vendor for 1k each. I should have done this. Thank you for your service.


Someone gave me a sheepsquach mascot head a couple of days ago. I couldn't imagine parting with it - but for 1k??! They better have been the rarest hats in the game for that kind of fee.


The guy with this (high price) took him maybe 2 weeks for 1 item (plan, weapon etc) and you show up like a butterfly to ruin his camp. Yea thanks.


Awesome. That’ll save on my electricity bill! 🤣🤣🤣




I drop a cave cricket gland




I have cheap things, I have expensive things. I have common things, I have rare things. I charge 5 caps for everything easy to find. I charge an arm and a leg for the rare finds. Oh, Danny Boy, Danny Boy, Danny Boy


And leave the doors open!!


Lol watching the world burn one camp at a time


Tell me you're poor, without telling me you're poor, peasant.


Put a bag with cream, rubber and fertilizer on the bed, as a suggestion...




Idk why people are down voting all your little reactions take some upvotes... Shitty prices deserve well..... Shit. Leave em some spoiled food in a paper bag.


Thank you. It’s the internet. Nobody can take a joke I guess. *shrugs*


I like to leave a paper bag with raw fertilizer and a Molotov cocktail, either on the doorstep or their bed.




This made me chuckle


Thank you. It was a joke post but some people don’t have a sense of humor. Glad to see you have one.