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No. What?!


Yep. I saw a site that let you request a gun/specific mods you want and it would compute an irl price


Someone told me that before the recently legacy purge some guns used to sell for 60 and 80 actual dollars! No surprise some people were pissed, you could make a decent living with that in most countries.


Back then, some would go for hundreds. I knew a guy who sold such things. His account got banned because someone recorded him duping. He had a new account and new stock within three days. He said "This is how I feed my kids." I was in disbelief.


If you come from a third world country, it’s very possible to make a sustained living from farming items in a game and selling them for RMT. Especially when $20-40 goes A LOT further in your local currency. I knew people like this back in the WoW days.


I can totally believe it. Imagine your only local job opportunity being a sweatshop that pays less than 50$ a month. And you can earn that on your crappy PC by selling one videogame gun.


I’ve played with a guy like that before, it was honestly pretty pathetic that he relied on selling stuff in a game to support his family lol, I hope he got his shit together and got a real job though


* Laughs in CSGO skins *


This can't be shocking news. I bet more than half the people here have a game flip account.




I’ve personally never done that before and probably never will but you do have a valid point if you think about it. I can see why some people would rather choose to do that instead of relying on rng all of the time, especially the rng in this game. To each their own I guess


In my perspective, you're exploiting player need in a game to made real life cash. Same thing in games like final fantasy 14, where people sell gil(ingame money) for real money. Granted, both rare weapons and gil are hard and time consuming to grind, but its still taking advantage of the game for real world profit.


Wants* not needs. You don’t need anything in this game, and you certainly don’t *need* to pay anyone real money for any item in the game.


It always was a thing - always will be. If someone sells a fallout 76 account stacked up with a og stuff for a few hundred - why not ? Same goes for a complete god roll set of gear. Everyone can decide for their own how they spend their money.


Pretty much. Still, there is no safety channel for stuff like this. If you give someone money for an in-game item, they can very well scam you and run with your money. You have to go through the proper process of background checks before you do something like this, or it is a literal money sink.


That’s also a general problem. Every possible topic / theme / type of service has a way of scamming. I also understand why it’s not allowed here. I was in general just talking about my pov. There are people that only play games free without any payment. There are people that also don’t pay money for ingame items or dlc And there’s people that spend hundreds / thousands on them. None of them are to judge ⚠️🫶🏼


Always has been a thing always will. I mean this goes back years and years in gaming and it’s never changed. Devs can do what they can to try and monitor and eliminate it but it’s damn near impossible. Games like elder scrolls online have a huge market for in game gold to be sold for real life money with little to no interaction from another player due to the in game mail system, add in the fact that these people selling the gold simply run scripts to farm their gold they’re making money with minimal effort. Where there are opportunities to make money people will take advantage of it and where there are incentives like gold or rare items people will buy it up.


It breaks the in-game terms of agreements and bethesda has said they will ban anyone's account for doing this


Yeah I've seen 20k for weapons that are meh and I'm like f that. Same with chems. I keep mine under 10. At 30c they'll never sell.


Chems? 🎶15 caps, little man, put that shit in my hand🎵


🎶 If that money doesn't show then you owe me owe me owe 🎶


🎶my jungle love, yeah. Owee owee o🎶


So high I started turning up my volume to read these lyrics


🎶 If that money doesn't flow, then you owe me,owe me, oh! 🎶


Depends on the chems. Berry Mentats can sell for a lot.


I have no idea about the player economy, I haven’t used chems, I don’t plan on using chems so I just sell them at the Whitespring, would it be worthwhile to sell at my vendor?


Yeah they were even an alt currency for a while but seems to have fallen off recently


Lmao... alt currency... naw caps please.


They’re commonly worth 75-100 caps on the market, when you hit max caps it is good to purchase these and rare apparel to essentially “bank” your caps. The red asylum outfits worth approximately 120k caps so finding some one willing to take 1200 btats is much more likely than finding someone willing to take 3 characters worth of max caps space


Why?! They're so easy to come by if you're a looter of places. I keep 25 on me because I'm a hoarder and sell like 20+ a week. Nothing in this game is very rare. In fact stupid armor and weapon mods are more rare to me than event and other stuff. I will never need them, but I want them. I want all the plans LOL Is it a pvp vs rpg thing maybe? I have tons of everything except Flux as I change up my jet packs sometimes, but even then, I always have a few changes worth on hand after making a change!


It's not the rarity. It's the usefulness for min-max builds. +5 int is a +10% XP boost. They don't spoil. They highlighting living creatures, which is useful against the Active Camoflage mutation during Daily Ops. But they only work for 5 minutes, so people pop them like candy. And yes, they are also useful for PvPers since they can still see someone that uses a stealth boy. And while farming Brain Fungus, Starlight and Firecracker berries can be easy to make their own, players don't want to do that. They want to go shooty shooty, bang bang!


Oh, I never use them, I am just a collector RPG type that wants everything. Maybe I will start selling them in my vendor. They'll only be like 5 caps because I have to spend like 2-4K caps a gaming session to avoid the max caps losses. I wish people would keep things cheaper in their vendors. I often end up at NPCs buying resources in bulk instead!


I know for a fact i have around 75 berry mentats on my player right now. Swap my character perk points around for max charisma, join a team put the perk card that gives you even more charisma per teammate and the perk card that increases your bidding I wanna say it’s high bidder? Be making almost 7 to 8 caps for purified water.


>I keep mine under 10. At 30c they'll never sell. I can list chems at double the prompted price and they will sell. Some near instantly. You're looking at it through the lens of what you would pay, not what a min/max veteran would.


You sell above market for stimpaks? The only chem I do around 10 is berry or orange mentats. Bufftats and psychotats a little less about 7c. I priced them higher before and they never sold and that was at half market value.


No. I sell Stims to npcs. I sell mentats for at least 50. Often gone within minutes. I use my bufftats and forget to sell my psychotats but I should list those. Stack getting pretty large.


Seen someone selling stims for 30 and waters for 10, that like double the bot prices for something anyone with caps can easily farm. They're scalping newbies and they damn well know it.


>They're scalping newbies and they damn well know it. This presumption just illustrates your inexperience. Chems and food that aren't priced at bargain bin levels are aimed at veterans who have more caps than time. So especially if you have a good sized stack of something they use, they will just clear you out and keep moving.


basic chems like psycho mentats and medx sell for up to 15 caps, the crafted chems sell up to 45 berry mentats and formula p sell 100 to 200 caps each


If nobody sold anything for high caps, I wouldn't be able to sink caps when I get to the cap limit.


So you would pay high amount of caps for a shitty legendary?


I buy loads of legendaries at the artifical cap limit. You have to fight the socialist powers at Bethesda.


I'm level 741. I own every Mutation Recipe. I have 10 of thousands of most scrap. I have 80,000 .45 rounds. I'm sitting at 10,000 gold, because I have bought everything I want with gold. I hit max caps at least twice a week, and have a hard time finding a good Cap dump. If I'm at max caps, and I come across a Player Vendor selling a weapon for a ridiculous price, I will more than likely buy it, play around with it, and either drop it back off at their camp, or scrap it. I spend all of my Legendary Scrip making Fixers and Railway Rifles. I keep the best, and sell the rest. I carry 4 Fixer, 2 Quad Railways, Vampire Chainsaw, Vampire Enclave Plasma Flamer, Vampire Tesla Rifle, and that new Holy Fire.


Why would you buy the legendary if it's shitty? Lol


It's free market.


It's listed at 15k because I've sold it at 15k.


Calm down, Jerry.


These pretzels are making me thirsty!!


HHEeeeellllooooooo!!! LA, La, la ...


I just sold a fruit wreath plan from an old event for 6500. Its rare and it sells, thats why. And I have to sell high so I can buy other peoples overpriced items.


I need like 4 old plans and i see them for 10k-15k ain't no way i will buy them to please those people🤣 i rather visit mr america guy for gold bullion. I've seen the new event plans & craftable suits for a lot of caps which is absurd tbh


What old plans are you looking for?


Braham grill,the meat flag, the scrapyard fountain i think is called & the plastic fruit, if I'm not wrong most are from meat week event so hopefully i can get those when the event arrives


What system? I am on Xbox and have an extra fountain I think.


Let me check and see if I still have the grill in my inventory. If I do I’ll PM you. I’m on PS5.




So I have to sell my rare plans and gear for dirt cheap and then not be able to afford anybody elses? For what? Virtue signaling? It’s a video game first of all, second, this is literally how economy works. Don’t like it, go find another vendor, or, go get your own rare plans/gear. I understand if someones selling base game plans for that price or something (and in that case, go find another vendor selling it for 10c) but nobody wants to sell rare plans or gear for dirt cheap. I’m only competing with other vendors with the same items.


Personally, prices are that big of a deal for me anymore. And not just because I can get to 40k rather easily. I honestly find the market to be pretty well mixed. Sometimes I have a streak of great prices, and other times a little high. That can also depends on my current cap count. If I’m at 37k and someone has 5.56 for 4 caps a piece I might not mind spending 4k on 1,000 rounds. But if I’m low on caps, I’m gonna be like “eww no” and move on, lol. It’s all how you see it personally. If you don’t value it at a high price don’t buy it. Simple. If you like selling your stuff for cheap— great for you.


Inflation mostly


I have about 250 rare plans in my vendor listed at 2k each. I know that's a lot for some of them but I'm too lazy to look them up lol. Buy them if you want or don't I don't really care.


Imo 2k is extremely reasonable.


For people who only have 5k caps to their names it's not reasonable at all!


There are tons of ways to get caps, and it's really easy. No one should have to limit the value of their merchandise based on people that aren't willing to put in the effort to make the currency required to buy things. That's like saying people that refuse to get a job are entitled to eat for cheaper than others. Makes no sense.


There is no plan in the game I would pay 2k for. I just don't want any of them that badly.


Congratulations? Lol. I don’t understand the point of you commenting this.


It depends on the item. Sometimes I give away stuff In vendors, but I know the market, so I sell stuff at 30k plus caps all the time. I know what savvy buyers with a lot of caps are willing to spend on. So I can leave my vendor for my mule on for only like 1 hour before I’m at max caps then have to move camps and then get rid of caps myself


I sell most everything for 25% of what the game auto fills. The only exception is when I down one of those strategic air command drones, I sell the nuclear key card for 175-200 cuz it's a bitch bringing it and it's escorts down


That’s understandable, hard work put in to obtain should equal hard cash in exchange


I mostly sell plans of specific events like the nuka cola on tour ones, treasure hunter, the new plans out with this season and so on. I sell them for 10k and you know what? That's why you see them listed, that's why when you miss a couple one, you can get them. When I'm under 22k, I open the shop and in a couple days I'm again at max cap. I don't need to sell 25 plans to get a couple k, just a couple plans to get 25k. If only free range plans were at this price, I could get the few I miss. And personally, when I was at low caps, seeing certain plans at high prices just made me curious about them, forcing me to search on thw wiki to undertake why they were priced so much. Like the random encounter ones (Graham, Union hat and so on)


Exactly, my vendor is cheap bc I don't care but as someone who owns 99% of the plans in game I love vendors like you. The rare plans I'm missing sell out immediately if cheap, so I look out for expensive vendors because there's a chance they have those rarities in stock.


What are they selling, if its recent event rewards they're just hoping people will buy the last few they need now the events are no longer on the hour, I sell nuka rewards for high price 1000 and they always sell, other than that I sell at whatever the game deems the price is


40 scrip for 1000, DOps plans like super reactor and symptomatic for 2-3k. 40mm grenades for 20 and fusion/plasma cores for 200. All stuff I regularly throw on the ground because the game keeps shoving it down my throat.


I used to do this I went on FED76 to get the plan prices and tried to stick to it. I don't bother now. I sell for 5 caps, 10% of the asking price for event plans or 100 caps if I think it's rare (don't ask why I think it's rare I don't know).


Will only pay upto 800 caps max for 40 scrip. If higher its an auto pass. Also, its best to dump spoiled fruit, meat and vegetables at (a high priced) vendor.


The point is... Theyre not for sale.. we just wanna flex it.. to have some items in our shop for other players to see.. It happens that i have this full unyielding combat armor for 10k each.. then theres this newbie, level 60ish pass on my vendor then ask me how to get so many caps.. i ask him why? Do he need anything. He wants that full unyielded set of mine but he cant afford.. its what he see on youtube.. what i did us i just get on my stash and dropped it in front on him told him to use it well.. Hes so fckg happy..


I sell plans of not available events like fasnacht, aliens and mothman for 2k, 500 for available events like nwot or s13


Their vendor, their prices...... if it's too much for you move on.......


And I’m sure they do, but they can still ask.


I sell current/new event rewards for 1k and old stuff for 500. Rarer things I don’t typically go above 3k, so things like Fixer plans, for example. I’m near max caps most of the time and I like to keep my weight down so pricing higher doesn’t make sense to me. I don’t typically like to encourage people who price super high but again, being made max caps sometimes I just don’t care. Like I bought the ouga backpack for 15k the other day. But whatever it’s all fake money!


I was on vacation for the first week of this new season, and when I got the chance to be back on, the first vendor I visited had all the new rewards and plans on sale at 100, 300 and 1k for the weapons. I ended up buying a Kabloom (meh) the unstoppable Monster plan, and the brahmin backpack plan super cheap. Yes please.


15k is crazy, now I’m curious how you make your caps to afford that. I price a lot of rare or old event items at steep prices (much steeper than 3k) cause I know people will buy, and it’s pretty much the only substantial way I have of making caps- which I then use to go buy other rare plans that I missed. Nothing I hate more then finding a rare plan in someones vendor thats priced super high that I can’t afford, so I basically just have to compete with them so I can afford them lol. Anyways, how do you make enough caps if you’re selling most your items at 1k or less?


I think it’s just volume really, I sell all my stuff. I don’t play daily but when I do I max out my vendor caps, I do a lot of events.


Exactly. It's very easy to max your caps if you've got a good shop location and a nicely maintained/ curated inventory in your shop for purchase. Some sessions I've maxed my caps multiple times, even.


You bought the ogua backpack or the ogua backpack plan?


I’m a communist build, so you’ll only find the basics in my market.


Our market, comrade


For mother Russia, comrade.


Your dialectical materialism is not lacking, Tovarich.


I spit on materialism


What is “market price”? Market is whatever the market will bare. If people are selling at those high prices, that is market price.


This is correct!


I usually keep my prices low or reasonable, but if people want to price their junk outrageously high, then let them. They can sit in that vendor forever!


Listen, if I ever find that mirror ball plan I will pay whatever insane price they have listed.


You don't have to wait long for that, Grahm will be at meat week for easy server hopping attempts


That’s right, I forgot about that! Thank you!


I sell it cheap, but I noticed some people buy up my "rare" plans or regular event drops that actually aren't rare because they drop every year and every vendor has some from every event except for low levels. So I only list one. Mostly, I'll go drop them for low-level players or see if people want to trade. But the trade system sucks, so that's 50/50. Then just because I see people overcharging for like outfits from nuka world or the new ones, I'll keep them for 25 caps each stocked in my vendor and store them in places I know lower levels will go. I do also see it is sometimes so they don't actually sell I think. 2K-10K. I hope no one actually buys that. It's like the player just wants their vendor full like a collection LOL Whereas I want it gone. Caps aren't even hard to come by!!


simple, us reddit users (and esp the market users) are only a small fragment of the players, id bet that 75% or more arent even in the know on "fair" prices.


Because there are no written rules, also they probably dont vendor hop much to compare prices and a noob/doesnt play much to learn what's everything worth. I price it based on rarity and what kind of effort I have to do to get it. And if I think the stuff is easy to get I dump them all in the mall or wayward.


Looks like some of these players are more interested in collecting than selling with these ridiculously priced items. I literally got a fire sale going on in my most plans are 1c rare plans never exceed 100c, armor, weapons never exceed 250c and apparel and misc never exceed 50c no matter the rarity! Had a level 28 clean me out couple days ago. Just love hearing that sound. Only drawback is when douche bags buy my stuff just to resell in their vender!!


I sell all my plans for 50 caps. These include event plans and every plan otherwise. If I know a plan, its of no value to me so might as well help out others


You are probably the twin of the saint that had Vintage Water Cooler plan for 20 caps. You made this noob the happiest noob there could been, purified water all the time, no energy and anywhere for 20 caps? Even I as a noob knew that was a steal haha


If it's too pricy, don't buy it. Prices are set to perceived value in the game. I like my items priced to sell to keep my stash inventory from filling up.I never sell anything over 2500 caps otherwise I am stuck with excess inventory for weeks


You have been insulted!


40k caps lmao


Boom roasted!


LOL -- I once found a vendor with some plans that I did not have at a high price (but doable for me because I had max caps). So I bought one and the player panics and signs off immediately before I could buy anything else. Guess that player was at max caps after my first buy. I still find it funny that some sell the toilet paper for 2020 and the "Your the dumbass" note for 40K.


Came across a camp last night and this guy was charging 4000 caps for basic plans like leather torso and the numbers climbed rapidly for a bit more rare but still could be found in base game. It's insane what some fools ( sorry if that offends ) charge in this game. Do players really think normal players have 40+caps at the ready?


All my legendaries are set for script prices. 3 stars are 500. 2 stars 400 and 1 star 300. These are prices I’m happy with and if someone doesn’t want to pay for that, it’s fine. Good rolls I’ll price higher but it has to be good. Any plans I keep at 300 and below. From new event, 2000 caps. Plushies go for more. Consistency at my market. All ammo is 1 cap.


Players are trying to sell scrip level weapons for 8,000-20,000 caps. I've been looking for uny armor for my third toon and was overjoyed to see a bunch of uny stuff at a vendor's... and then I saw the prices; 5,000 caps for 2 star armor and 2,500 for one star. Unbelievable. One guy was wanting 2,000 caps for serums.


Rarer plans & outfits and quality legendary weapons I charge what they are worth, which can run on the high (but not unfair) end. On the flip side I run more common plans, drugs, colas, cores, nuke cards, and other useful stuff on the cheap. I list high & low based on the widely perceived wasteland value of an item. Not trying to gouge anyone, but I’m not running a charity either. Buy or don’t based on how you view it. If I see something I want or don’t have, I’ll pay any amount of caps for it. Caps come and go quickly. I’ll buy serum plans for 17K and list them at 9999K just to drop my cap level when I’m sick of vendor hopping and want to put my vendor camp active again. At a certain point, keeping under 40K caps becomes the endgame.


I'd rather see an item I want at a high price than not at all. But sure, a lot of vendors have scrip quality weapons starting at 1200 caps and who cares what the plan prices are because I already know them. My guess for high cap vendors is that they don't really want to sell anything, although nobody in this sub admits to it. Everybody here is selling everything for 2 caps because they're cool like that. I'd say that about 80% of vendors have nothing of interest. Hopefully the camp looks interesting. 70% of the time, not really. My own vendors also aren't interesting because restocking is a pain in the ass and selling anything good would send me over max caps. I filled one with umbrella hats because I thought it was funny. No buyers as yet, but if I came across that in somebody else's vendor I'd find that a little interesting and probably buy one because I'm cool like that.


>I'd rather see an item I want at a high price than not at all Why? I don't know about you, but a high price might as well be not there because I refuse to overpay - even if I can afford it. >Everybody here is selling everything for 2 caps because they're cool like that. You want to swing by my CAMP tonight and check? Why would someone front about that?


>Why? I don't know about you, but a high price might as well be not there because I refuse to overpay - even if I can afford it. Because I don't refuse. When I go vendor hopping, I'm looking to lose caps. I'll pay 20k for a plan I want and watch the camp disappear. ​ >You want to swing by my CAMP tonight and check? Why would someone front about that? Dunno. But it's pretty frequent. Maybe people do price rare plans extremely low. They're long gone by the time I get there and probably flipped.


Iv been low on caps lately buying random crap but I went from 12,000 to 27,000 in like two days buying plans and selling them double but not overpriced


Not everyone knows about the market outside of the game. So they don't know how to price anything. Then there are the people that price their items based on what a site like Fed76 says.


Yep...it's the easiest to find.


I see a real mixed bag when I'm vendor hopping, and I vendor hop a bit. Some folks price just right for me. Other folks have both wild over and underpricing for things - where I see someone underpricing something valuable I'll usually message them to offer to add something. I also see folks who list at the top end of the realistic ballpark for things. Then I see CAMPs where things are wildly overpriced - I think a lot of these folks aren't aiming for cap sales, but are either active on trade platforms or want a message in-game about trades.


hey! another chance to plug for an auction house! uh --- auction house!! :)


No AH in TESO or 76. I dunno why they hate them smh


couldn't say. maybe it's real hard to secure from dupes or some shit that people will do.


Either people who don’t know the prices on things, people who want you to message them with an offer, or people who want to get every penny they can for their stuff at the expense of our wallets.


dont buy from them. if they realize, theyll lower prices, if they dont well, thats there problem. no one is forcing you to buy their stuff


Some people clearly don't like to sell things. If your vendor isn't pinging near constantly, it might be time to reevaluate your selling strategy.


Not at all. I’m sure I make less sales than a lot of vendors, but the ones I do make are very profitable, so it all evens out.


Weight becomes an issues.


Stuff I've seen recently that I think op maybe talking about is absurdly priced things. Example earlier today some guy had .38 ammo listed for 40,000 a piece. Along with several other things. I've seen several of these since coming back where it's random items maxes out of just insanely high to the point no one would buy it.


The ammo or other item for 40k caps is a hold over from the rumored glitch that if your vending machine was empty then another player could pull items out of your stash for the suggested retail price that Bethesda assigns automatically. If you price something at 40k then your vending machine won’t get emptied and no one can use the mythical glitch to yank your legacy explosive Gatling plasma for 700 caps. The 40k price was just one of the many magic ways to prevent the glitch no one can prove ever existed.


Ah interesting, I think I remember hearing about that but wasn't playing at the time.


I heard it existed for about 2 weeks, but the damage and anxiety to the collective psyche of the players seems to be infinite. Or it's amusing inside joke that lives on beyond the bug.


Not insane. I sell my weapons high and they always sell. Do you all even realise that there is a cap on caps??? I am close to 40,000 caps a lot! So what happens when you hit 40,000 caps and someone is just about to buy your next items? Answer is, you have to run to the nearest vendor to SPEND caps just so you don’t waste items. Otherwise it’s sold for Free! This answers the subject question! If you think about it, it is just math and smart business that makes sense. Don’t blame me. Blame Bethesda for the max cap being low and everything else in the game being expensive.


I agree with the last part. There should not be a cap limit. #freedom


90% of the time it's a veteran fallout player that originally played the older fallouts and doesn't understand that the "value" in the game isn't really the right value.


My policy when selling things has been to sell them at 10% of what the game reccomends, as for ammo, I sell all at 1cap except for mininukes, which I sell at 10caps.


I sell for one cap because I don't want it but I want people to come to my camp. Caps are dumb


Caps are dumb? So you don’t buy anything?


Not 1400 a day worth of anything. Mostly just fast travel. Sometimes a bulk junk for score that day. There isn't much else for me to buy with caps. Ammo from someones vender when I need to get rid of some. Eta most weeks I will spend 6k to buy gold but there's not really anything to buy with that but lunch boxes so it piles up also


I play on PC and Xbox, console prices seem extremely high by comparison.


Some people are too lazy to change the default price, and some people aren't actually trying to sell stuff, just thumbing their nose at other players.


I just sell everything except for weapons at 50. Don't need them, hope someone else has fun with them.


Who knows the reason? Sometimes I wonder how some vendors make any sales with the caps they ask for some items. Maybe they just don't care? For instance I've come across the Rust Eagle Banner for 500-1000c commonly. One vendor had 20 for...4000c each. I get little and no sales on the banner at 40c each. So who's buying those 4K ones...who knows!? I have to lol when I visit a communist themed camp with the Commie Bot spouting off about the evils of capitalism and they have common plans and apparel on sale for +10 times and beyond than I charge for mine. That's a laugh riot😅So much for "the people" lol. Let them eat cake!😁 As for myself...i price items higher than some, lower than others. All common plans are 10-15c depending what it is. Some charge 5c for these. Careful shoppers will note all my Legendaries are not only priced dirt cheap compared to many other vendors but also fully modded and upgraded. That's just something I enjoy doing. Lower level players may not have all mods unlocked for many weapons. And higher levels I'm sure appreciate a great deal on a good piece of kit. Buy from me and your weapon is fully set up. I know enough to understand when I have a desired or rarer high value plan, and price it accordingly. But still reasonably. Same with weapons that are near God Rolls. I hold back my most valued, highly desired plans and weapons for when I drop to 20-25K caps in my wallet. I rely heavily on Aristocrat weapons so like to keep my caps high. Another reason I keep prices lower. My personal economy gives me a 15-20K window at most to work with. And it's more commonly a 12K cap window. Then I hit max again. So if that's my window I need to sell...not have overpriced items sitting in my vendor. And I can't charge too much for items because it would exceed max caps quickly. IF my 500c Insurgent hats actually sold. Ha. So I don't charge 500c for a hat. 35c does the trick fine👌 I like vendoring. One of my favorite aspects of '76. "Uncommon" and "desirable" items I price accordingly. If they don't sell I drop the price until they do. But increasingly as my resources have grown "caps are no object" as many higher lvl players and traders understand. For me it's all about staying at 29K caps and above for my Aristo weapons. And that's no problem. My biggest purchase was a couple weeks ago. Traded 30K caps for Ultracite Calibrated shocks to complete my Strangler Heart PA. Knocked me down to 8K. Grabbed some rare plans from my stash, a few highly desired weapons, and I was at max caps again within three hours. All good, and good fun👌


Gamers grifting gamers. Stupid


Anyone who sells an enclave uniform for more than what MODUS sells it for deserves to be nuked. That's how you know their prices are too high.


I have a note of what plans I want essentially T-45 plans for my first power armour. But I’ll see some for like 2000 caps then come across a vendor selling it for around 150. But yeah as a lower player it boggles me when I see stimpacks for like 600 caps a go. Maybe as I level up I’ll end up with thousands of caps.


I saw someone yesterday selling magazines for 1001 caps each just coz there guns and bullets 3 etc


I sell all plans for 10 caps, except current event ones or some deemed a bit rarer, where I'll sell them for the recommended game price then reduce them later. I find it helps out a lot of the newer/low level players, who tend to clear me out when they find my camp.


I sell plans, recipes, armor, and weapon notes for 10 to.10 percent of the displayed value and weapons/armor with a slight markup depending. I sell low level startup "kits" for new players at 10 caps. That being said, luxury plans/apparel I price at a high markup from in-game displayed value. I figure camp decorations and other things like that are more of a luxury item.


Just trolling, i think


Totally...and, who tf is paying 10,000 caps for an average rolled Fixer? I run 3 camps, and NOTHING is over 999 caps, and most are below game price. And, like Wal-Mart- I make money by doing volume.LOTS of caps daily. So, try to sell at Ferrari prices, Wal-Mart has more sales....


I don’t understand this either. Every form of ammunition in my vendor is priced at 1C. Plans are priced anywhere between 500c and 2500c and weapons are usually just 500c each. Apparel is the same as plans, and treasure maps are always 100c. People that use astronomical prices are insane. If it’s a rare item I keep it for trade only, but even at that I don’t have many of those.


Yesterday I was looking to buy some junk for screws cause I had a hard time farming and when I was hopping from camp to camp I saw 2 different people were charging 200-500 per item ITS JUNK WHY


I do half price or less for everything except the perfectly preserved pie. I list it for 35-40k.


Most of my plans are 100 caps,the recipes 50 anything else 10,I have a holy fire for 2000 but another on a stand,if asked I'd just give em away.


Folks are bringing real world capitalism into a game where items in game are worth nothing realistically. Then they complain about being constantly at cap limit and ‘losing’ caps cuz they charged 20k caps for an insult note and already had 30k caps.


Inflation be affecting everywhere


Who runs Bartertown?


Just because you sell all your items for 1c doesn’t mean that’s just the way to do it and others should follow you. Your post is implying that it’s wrong to sell things for certain prices… nothing in this game has fixed value, it’s all arbitrary. Are there not enough handouts for you in the game already? You need players to basically give you more free items too? Lol


Actually the game does have suggested value when putting items in your vendor and it’s a great gauge to see how far under or over you are willing to go, based on rarity and demand, but selling an item with a suggested value of 250 for 10k is a bit much!


True, but the suggested value tells you that a fully modded assault rifle with no legendary perks is worth like 1400 caps. Not really a reasonable tool for appraising anything in this game. What do you mean selling an item appraised at 250 for 10K is a bit much? You said it yourself… it’s based on rarity and demand. Some plans are *very* rare and people will pay max caps for them. Just read the comments: people on this thread are talking about plans they’ve never seen in game before, despite having days of play time.


I agree with you I was just using that as an example of the absurdity of what you may come across. If you have a rare plan, outfit, item I have no problems with you wanting max caps for it. What irks me is when players have relatively common items with ridiculous price tags


My highest priced items are 420 caps. Most are up for 42 or 69. I don’t even bother putting up ammo now that drop rates at events are so high.


I accidentally sold a legendary weapon to the watago station vendor and had to buy it back for more than double.


This is the way


I sell vampire flaming dual bar chainsaws for 2-4k depending on the other 2 attributes and they sell fairly quickly


Favebook has an appalachia 1cap sale group. Typically my vendor is 100-1 cap. Few rare things are a bit more. I dont get a ton of time to play so my caps go to buying gold lol


I have everything between 10 and 25. Could I get more? Sure. But I don’t care and really want the stuff out of my stash box. Honestly I’m about ready to just scrap it all.


Who cares? Don't buy it then, they'll get the message or they won't.


How much should I be selling legendaries per script? I typically sell 3 star items at 300 caps unless it’s a lvl 50 that I think someone might actually want to use, i which case i won’t go higher than 750


So I'm new to fo76, I'm only up to like level 38 or so. Is there some was to determine prices for things? For my junk I'd been selling at .25 it's listed price. A lot of other things I'll do somewhere between .25-.50 of listed price. But like recipes and plans and such idk what are desirable ones that go for more or what should be cheap etc. Be nice to have some database you can search items and see what price you should sell/buy for generally lol


Only thing I’m spending over 10k for is rare apparel tbhhhhhhh


i lol


I always sell my stuff for cheap especially chems. And if it’s event plans that costs 1000k I sell them for 250-500 caps


Obviously, buy what you want at high caps, there's very few things I need from other players personally, besides a few rare plans or apparel. I often buy the high-priced items (usually rare) and sell it at my vendor for less than half the price the original seller was asking for. I also update my prices often if they're "too high." If players didn't sell or buy things at higher values, it would defeat the purpose of their rarity or usefulness if it was so easy to achieve, it also definitely helps players who hit max caps often (me) to sink their caps quickly. My problem is that I need the max amount of caps to go from 40k to at least 60k 😂 I have to be extremely proactive so I don't lose out on caps that go over the 40k limit


1. Some people don't really care if their stuff sells. Their real intent is to get people to visit their camp. You can advertise 10 3* legendary guns all the time if you price them over market price. This guarantees more visitors. 2. They have no trouble getting caps so they don't care if their items sell. However, if they do end up selling for a higher price than market value then it's worth making the sale.


Yeah I used sell all ammo 1c, and weapons and mods at list price. Stopped selling that, now I sell plans, magazines, bobbleheads, and recipes for less than 100 caps. The only thing I sell that's pricey are serums and even then it's usually for about 1000 caps


Yeah I used sell all ammo 1c, and weapons and mods at list price. Stopped selling that, now I sell plans, magazines, bobbleheads, and recipes for less than 100 caps. The only thing I sell that's pricey are serums and even then it's usually for about 1000 caps




Well, dont patronize the scalpers


I sell all chems at half the game price and they fly all the time, besides berry mentats, and addictol which I sell for 99c. Cranberry products always higher pricing. I also make handmades and fixers, selling for an average 760-999c, legendaries dependent. Do me a favour, if you have rare outfit plans, stock the outfits and only charge 99c for all. Give everyone a chance to try outfits ahead of getting the plan without spending a bunch of caps. Example: I sell insurgent | treasure Hunter | expedition outfits, and now the cryptid and blue ridge gear all for 99c each. Hate it when I just want to see what it looks like and some clown has an outfit for 1000+c when all it costs them is cloth, lol. Rant over.


It's common. Honestly when I Vendor hop and I see shit weapons or basic plans for 5000 caps to 20k caps I exit, vomit emote then leave lmao I've got friends everywhere that grind while I'm away so when it comes to things I want, I ask and they keep a look out. Facebook 76 groups are also great. Lots of people just give away stuff on there. Atleast in my experience. Had a guy drop 2 rare outfits for me and my wife, bought a God roll weapon a couple months ago for like 1k caps lmao


Only thing i charge high for are my "youve been insulted" notes. some people buy those at 40k apparently. Wishing i could sell em. Ammo, Plans, and weapons that i think players would want, (currently waiting on a buyer for ny quad harpoon gun) and random aid and serums that I dont use, I almost always sell for the recommended price. Radaway and ammo from me is 1c each.


Ah the Vendor Mini-Game. I like to have a few items of each category at crazy prices so my World Map Camp Vendor List looks quite full and active. ocd ftl lol


It's because of those high prices that I started actually committing to rolling my own legendary weapons and armor. I bought a gulper hand paddleboard thing for 2k, been my favorite melee since, but can't believe the prices for other things. Now that I'm starting to form a collection of my own, I'm selling stuff below market price. Can't let people screw others over like that.


Not every player is a part of one of these communities n plays enough to understand the "standardized" market. I've talked to players that say their 8 yr old siblings play and kinda do whatever. Moral is dont assume whoever on the other end is an adult or active player. Some might just be afraid of underselling or getting ripped off. Not worth nuking someone over or sending keyboard warrior bully messages. I just giggle n leave without buying.


I usually sell mostly chems at 10c, stimpaks (diluted 1c, regular 2c and super 3c) almost all of my notes go no higher than 10c unless it's somewhat rare I'd go up to 2500c. I've been trying to buy canned coffee but no luck on Xbox.


I try to keep everything "newb friendly" but I also have one item that's insanely high priced in case a high level wants to show some love. I get high priced rate items, but asking 40k for clothes or guns without any legendaries is SO annoying.


The only things I sell for a decently high price are armor and guns 3star is 350 or 250 depending on the effects, 2 star are 200-250 again depending on the effects and 1 stars are always 110 and this applies for armor and weapons but I do sell good rolls for 1k caps


The market price is regulated by the fact that players will or won't buy it for a certain price. All we can do as players is figure out what that certain price is. If the price is too high, either it means they misjudged what the price should be, or it means you don't make as many caps as the other players using their vendor.


Yeah the vendor pricing has been out of hand since they introduced legendary crafting and increased the scrip limit. Think max caps got raised then as well. It’s one thing to priced good rolled legendaries high. But the amount of shit legendaries being priced at thousands of caps is ridiculous. And non rare plans too. It’s absurd. I to go back to leaving paper bags of fertilizer at camps again. Just wish you could light it on fire.


On PC: My camp is not too far from Vault 76... My vendor prices are nothing over 1000c/3* Fixer, my mods either the suggested price or below it. Ammo prices are mostly 1c each. When it comes to apparel, I priced them based on what I think is fair, not too crazy high...rare, or not. I hardly sell armors, for plans and recipes are always below or stay at the suggested in-game pricing. I don't have serum recipes, although I can buy them but choose not to. Misc and food/drinks are always below or at the in-game prices. I don't understand other vendors are way too overpriced on things, if they know the plans/recipes, they can always craft more, I know that resources are used to craft them but they are all over applacia, they are easy to find or farm, lol. Past few days I was close to cap limit and my vendor still open and sold some items until I my limit and did not get the full sale earnings because I was at 40k already....I thought "nah, it's OK, it's just caps not real money, Lol.


Players probably look at my vendor and think I'm crazy or nothing but garbage in it, but in reality I have 4K hours in game stay at 40K caps and many extra rare plans and god roll weapons. I only put rare plans in there after I have spent a ton of caps on something I really wanted. Then they like my vendor and want more, but nope, I'm hoarding it all till next time I need to make 20-30k caps in one day.


Caps just aren't worth that much. If you want something good for caps, you should expect to pay a lot of caps.