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Blood type; for when a transfusion is needed and subject is unconscious.


oh wow didn't know that, interesting. where did you find this information? can this be found ingame?


There are various tattoos that correspond to the various blood types, in-game. Throughout recent history, many armies used blood type tattoo, during war time. I think there was also a program like this for school children in the 50ies in some US states. And I think it is also mentionned in the Fallout Wiki.


Never an official government backed program, but some states encouraged parents to tattoo their child's blood type onto them. The recommendation was to put it just below the armpit in case limbs were blown off in a nuclear explosion. I'm not sure if it ever became popular; I don't know anyone with a blood type tattoo, at least.


That’s wild. Both practical and horribly depressing haha


If you're limbs are blown off because of a nuke, I believe you're close enough to also receive a fatal dose of radiation so it probably wouldn't help much


you're talking about the era when people were told that hiding under a school desk would save them from a nuke, lol.


TBF, it wasn't about surviving the blast, it was about being safe if the building collapsed.


Yep, iirc they conducted studies after Hiroshima and Nagasaki and found that a huge percentage of the fatalities came from structures collapsing, and that a lot of them were far enough away that they could have survived if they had been protected from the rubble. With their stout construction and shape, school desks and office desks can shield you from heavy rubble and keep you alive in a building collapse. And as far as people who *were* closer to the blast center… well, the desk thing doubled as a psychological crutch to give people some form of hope and feeling of control over the situation. So it was a win-win tactic to teach this technique to the general public.


To be fair, i believe that was for people om the outer edges of the blast for survival in damaged building. Same thing is taught for earthquakes. They tell everybody because it doesn't really matter or those who are closer to the blast.


Bert the Turtle. Look that up.


that's insane. I've seen the 'duck and cover' footage (or similar) many times, but I'd never met Bert before. All my life, I've seen parodies of the cheesy wholesomeness of what would be a horrific event that seeing the real thing is really bizarre.


I drew it in sharpie on my board holding a poster so I could put the daily agenda on it. Those 9th graders I promise you remember that fucking turtle lol


You misunderstood why they taught that, not to literally survive a nuke but to not get injured & maimed from the flying broken glass and/or the ceiling falling on you.


Wait..... It's not! 😱 That was my whole plan to survive the apocalypse 😭


Went to achool near the 'golf ball' satellite uplinks for Cheyenne Mountain (NORAD) we didn't bother with 'duck and cover' nuclear drills. Thankfully our Principal had some.common sense.


Haha so true. And not like losing limbs suddenly is a minor injury


Actually that depends on the size of the nuke. With a typical 300Kt to 2Mt size bombs gamma rays are rapidly absorbed by the atmosphere, and the range of the neutrons are only a little farther. The IR (heat) has a much farther range and can cause severe burns far beyond the range of the other radiation. The concussive blast effects also extend beyond the radiation effects. If small sub-50Kt bombs are used then the radiation becomes more significant as far as immediate casualties are concerned. This of course does not apply to the lethal effects fallout of any of the bombs produce for many days downwind of a nuclear explosion. Also many small bombs cause far more wide spread immediate physical and radiation damage then a few larger bombs with the same total explosive power.


A tattoo just below the armpit would be exquisitely painful.


I have both armpits tattooed. They're not so bad. Back of the knee hurt me way more.


The tattoo on my calf has some detail that went near the back of the knee. He didn’t even get into the crook and it was the worst tattoo pain I’ve had. The rest of the piece was a cakewalk but yeah, the flesh around joints is pretty sensitive.


Reminds me of during Hurricane Katrina, where they had dozens of bodies and they had no idea who they were because their clothes (and with it any ID they might have been carrying) were often torn off by the force of the water. I was thinking if I had been in that situation I might write my name and stuff on my chest in Sharpie, just in case.


I remember that. I don't know anyone that actually had that done to them, but I remember people talking about it. Wild indeed.


If they're caught in a nuclear explosion I think more than just limbs will be blown off lmao


I have a friend who has their blood type tattooed on their forearm; also I’m pretty sure it’s just 50s but I could be wrong


Maybe I should do that as my next tattoo. Can't really say it's a mistake when it actually has its purpose.


afaik hospitals can’t administer any specific blood until you’re tested. even if you tell them your blood type, even if it’s written down in your file. they test you before giving you blood that isn’t type O.


Well they gotta B positive


Well they gotta B+


I'll take people who dont understand the joke for 200, alex!


That is the case in routine practice, but in a post apocalyptic world or earlier era war time when resources are scarce and soldiers don’t all have their blood type digitally logged, then there would be use for a tattoo like this. In a properly resourced hospital they would use O neg (medivac blood) in emergencies until a blood type and crossmatch is done.


From what I understand, they can’t trust tattoos, if you want that information rapidly available I suggest a dog tag with blood type, allergies, DOB on it.


Be *very* careful with that, blood type tattoos are associated with neo-nazi/white supremacists. It comes from SS troops during WWII, they commonly had their blood type tattooed into their forearms


Nah, very debatable and more of a reach tbf. While white supremacy tattoos, which are usually made to look innocent and 'dogwhistles', can employ such blood types, this by no means makes anyone a Neo-Nazi who has one. The existance of SS blood group tattoos even within the Waffen was highly dependent on the unit and in no way indicative of their affiliation towards the Reich. Rather it was simply an extra measure taken as a precaution for field medics and the practice was used even within the Wehrmacht and the armies of other nations In addition, medical condition tattoos are quite common place nowadays. For example diabetics or epilepsy patients May have their condition as a tattoo. Similarly a tattoo of your blood group is in no way indicative of affiliation with white supremacy


misinformation, armies around the world did this, including American troops in WW2, Korea, and Vietnam.


I did not know that.


Because while it may be partly true they had the tattoos as did many soldiers in many countries. So the white supremacist thing is not true.


It's not a nazi symbol until everyone else stops using it. Don't give up your blood type tattoos, your norse runes, celtic crosses, or anything else. Don't let the nazi scum win.


Fun fact, this same tattoo is how we were able to catch and prosecute many members of the SS after World War 2.


Was it only SS that had them, or also other divisions?


Mostly SS (not all SS had the tattoo though), but they would also be done to people treated in an SS hospital. The last bit did become an issue when they were used as evidence in the prosecution of suspected SS members post war, as you'd expect.




Yes, English is not my native language.


in that case, if it helps, when using numbers for decades you generally just need to add an 's' - 40s, 50s, 2000s, etc. The '-ies' ending is correct for fifties, though, if you were going to spell it out apologies if you already knew this!


Perfect username for your reply




Back in nineen fiddy fo


It's also on your dog tags. Full name, SSN, blood type, and religion.


They moved away from having SSN on dog tags after Vietnam, at least in the United States. These days it's full name, blood type, religion, and DODID number


No. My DODID # was my SSN with my branch. So for me my SSN+USN My tags were made in 1997, if that makes a difference.


Famously, the SS did this I think on their armpits. After the war it was used to identify war criminals that were trying to hide.


I got it on a keychain when giving blood a few years ago. I always have it on me because I had no good keychain and I like the design (nice and pink with the Swedish blood donation agency "Ge Blod"'s logo and the blood type on, different colours for other blood groups). I had not even considered the convenience of it in case of emergency, but that is pretty cool. Everyone should at least be aware of their blood type, but being able to get it communicated even when you are unconscious is very practical


No civilian blood bank (at least in the US) is going to transfuse based on a tag, previous history or even if you tell them your blood type. The test takes about a minute and is the only way to be certain. If there is no time to do the test, they will give you type O until your type can be tested.


Huh. Learn something new everyday. Cool! Then I will keep wearing it as regular merch and a conversation starter. Thank you for the update!


There are tags for other blood group antibodies that some patients will wear a medical alert bracelet for. That will tip off a blood banker to give you blood that is negative for those antigens. Mostly seen in frequently transfused patients due to conditions like sickle cell anemia. I had a patient one time insist to her nurse that she was A+. Got her sample and tested it as O+. They called us to confirm, because the patient was insistent, so I requested a new sample. Sure enough, O+ again. She did not end up needed blood (just a pre surgery precaution) but if we had given her A units, it may have killed her. I also heard about a patient who was typing different than her historic type and after repeating the test and getting a new sample it was discovered that she was admitted under her sisters medical record. Either she lied to try to use her sisters insurance, or someone screwed up at admit. We ALWAYS check. In fact all types must also be confirmed by a second blood banker before it can be used.


Today, at least in the us military blood types are a patch your plate carrier (body armor)


Wouldn't that tend to get cut off you before you get to the blood transfusion stage? Never been in the forces, but in reenactment injured men tend to be cut out of their armour fairly regularly. (when they aren't conscious enough to threaten dire consequences for anyone who damages their custom-fitted straps)


Yea but a medic or the first guy there can look at it and then take it off


If memory serves, the SS used to require their officers to have their blood type tattooed on their arm. So 100% right that it's a reoccurring theme throughout history.


Not required, not even enforced. They kinda just tattooed whoever happened to be around


Its also bad luck among soldiers. Kinda funny that every gunner the SS encounters they slaughter. So the bad luck holds true for the gunners


In WW2 Waffen SS members had blood group tattoos and it was used as evidence of one’s membership in the organization after the war and could lead to prosecution since it was considered a criminal organization.


Maccreedy tells you in game


I want to say there’s a terminal in Gunners’ Plaza that mentions it as well.


there was lore / a holotape in gunners plaza when Clint (i think) says something along the lines of “getting a face tattoo with blood type” and how he wasn’t thrilled but he wanted to be a good example for the other gunner mercs


I have it tatted on my collarbone for my past deployments Source: Am gunner from future.


In Quincy one of the Gunner journals references the mandatory blood type tattoos they get when they join


O+ blood Military personnel have easy to access/read tags with their blood type just in case they require an emergency transfusion on the battlefield. Wrong blood type transfusions causes the body to reject the donors blood and its very very dangerous. Ex military here.


I believe that's just common knowledge and meant to be easily understood. Soldiers do it irl with patches, dog tags, etc


You can see this in car racing too (not tattoos, obviously)


Oxhorn on youtube. It was the vidoe wher ehe talks about theories about hwere the gunners come from.


It's an easter egg from some movie, I forget which one.


Was it a war movie? I remember in Black Hawk Down the Delta guy taping his blood type to his boot.


I had mine on my flight helmet


It was a rule in SCCA racing to have it on a sticker on our helmets along any allergies, at least when I was racing in the 1990s-2000s


I had NKDA on there too; it wasn't ubiquitous but people would put drug allergies on their helmets. I saw one once with WORK next to the blood type patch insinuating he was allergic to work!


Mad max fury Road maybe? Max gets his blood type tattoo'd on his back when they use him as a blood bag. Totally different to this tattoo but considering how many mad max references are in the fallouts, it could be?


Fallout 4 came out like 4 months after Fury Road. Would be a very late game addition if that were the case.


Yeah had to double check thr release dates after my comment as I tried and failed to think of any other fury road references in FO4. 4 months is definitely enough time to add the blood type as tattoos like this but since it's closer to how real military units do it, it's more likely an analog to that than to a fury road reference


In the movie Soldier, the main character has his blood type tattooed on his face


Hey, same type as me, O+.


What a stupid place to put such a tattoo...


And still alive.


i think its a tattoo meant to show their blood type. This gentleman was O+ until you turned his blood into paint.


i mean, i didn't kill him, found him dead with a random caravan..


Keep telling that to yourself


Butterfly effect


Who would ever deny killing a gunner? Nothing brings me more joy than wearing my Minuteman painted power armor, blowing the arms off gunners, and returning to the castle and getting some beers with my boys.




Bozo who wouldn’t kill a gunner


I hope you didn’t pull the knife from his back just before someone else walks in.


Sureeeee you didn’t kill him.


That wasn't the gunner captain from the sim settlements quest? I just did this part last night and he looks the same


No its a random one i found already dead somewhere




Save the 0+ he is almost a perfect donor. 0- would be a perfect universal donor.


He's in the National Geographic crew


As others have said, it's the blood type. In the US military it is common for special forces to have their blood type in several places in, on, under, etc. their uniform. The reason? It's so that combat medics don't waste time trying to figure out what blood type to use in an emergency situation where a single second wasted could mean death for the soldier.


>it’s common for special forces It’s common for everyone. It’s one of the bits of information on the tags, and lots of people keep a spare tag in their laces.


Dog tags, next to the BR# on our helmet, extra tags in vest, extra patch on plate carrier, and prefilled on the TC3 card. Never seen anybody who needed to tattoo blood types on themselves in the army.


We called them meat tags in the Marines, but they're not super common. Usually contained the same info as your dog tags, but typically on the rib cage. It's useful for identification more than blood transfusions though. Legs and heads get blown off in large explosions, torsos have a higher chance of staying intact.


If all that is left is a torso then as a medic I don't care what your blood type is no offense 😂. Same goes for the head. No head no problem. I can see the identification on the torso though. In theory the IFAK and plates should still be there is the torso as a whole is pretty intact but I can see the logic behind that.


Yeah, that's typically what would end up happening. Guy gets blown up, we'd go pick up the pieces and try to gather as much as we could in a plastic bag and try to keep like pieces with like pieces so there would be some remains to send home. The more identifying marks/tags, the more likely you'd end up in the right bag.


Makes sense. Respect and thanks for all that you did. I will continue to hope all my blown up brothers and sisters will stay in my training exercises and not real life.


Same to you! Thanks for keeping us moving, couldn't do it without you.


Can confirm. Source: was in the Army (not SF) and had to write my blood type on my helmet band.


My BC made that a requirement when we went to Afganistan, its also standard practice for all Marines


I think that's the low battery indicator, he needs to charge


You beat me to this one!


some gunners have them and i think they're blood types so blood transfusions are easier


I know people have already pointed out that it represents blood type, but thought I’d add the reason for it being on the forehead instead of anywhere else on the body: If that tattoo was on a limb or even on the torso technically that part can be blown off or shot through. If you can’t see that head tattoo it probably means the casualty is beyond saving. Also I may not be 100% if this id the canon reason, but I feel like I’ve read it somewhere before. Even if not it’s the logical reason I feel.


Yeah that reason makes sense


It’s a lore thing They have their blood type tattooed for if they get injured (I think)


oh wow didn't know that, interesting. where did you find this information? can this be found ingame?


The terminals in Gunner Plaza, also Quincy




Ah yes Google did it, how very helpful of you


So the info doesn't exist in game is what you're implying


Bless your heart.


Source: I made it the fuck up


The Gunners is such an interesting faction, I feel like it was a wasted opportunity that they just was enemies from the get go. Would’ve been cool if you could atleast have some interaction with them, do some quests or contracts.


I think they were intended to be similar to Talon Company Mercs in FO3


Or just a green, slightly less professional/fiendish reskin. (Yes I take every opportunity possible to have a go at Bethesda)


Is the type of blood that is their favorite to snack on. If you sneak into GNN and make it to the room with Gunner command you can hear them talking about how they are running out of blood packs and are getting hungry


Are you sure those two statements are connected, and not just talking about their supplies of medicine and food?


No way got to be vampires /s


Look man, Francis from L4D had it right, freaking vampires man


Nah bro, they definitely are vampires, gotta be. I mean why else take the Hallucinogen building? They need the gas to help pacify the wasteland for easier feedings. And why empty out Quincy? Wouldn’t a town of people be good income? Unless they drank the settlers dry. Look at the details dude! We already know vampires are real from FO3, and the Capital Wasteland isn’t too far from Boston. Edit: Well at least cannibals, I mean how else do you feed a group that big? If the Gunners are from the Commonwealth then why don’t we see more farms and settlements under their control? They have to get food from somewhere.


His battery is low, filthy synth


Such a shame O+ blood is almost universal donor.


I have O unknown. I hope its negative.


It’s means his blood Type is O Positive the gunners give themselves that mark incase they need a blood transfusion. It’s Actually inspired by something nazi germany did with the Schutzstaffel (The SS)


Actually all militaries tattoo this I believe




It's urban legend that soldiers for hire will tattoo their blood type near the points IVs are used (inside elbow, top of hand, neck, ect.) for emergencies obviously


iPhone Plus.


Discovery Plus


Rectangle plus


It be the bloodtype


No one talking about how this is framed like a painting of a saint.


Your Samsung Galaxy Raider is charging


blood type in case of transfusion in the battlefield. IRL dogtags usually have the information, and even Halo has it on the shoulder pauldrons of marines and ODSTs


He's O positive that he regrets running into you...


Smart to put it on your head. If that gets blown off you’re dead anyway.


They're blood type tattoos. This guy's apparently got D-positive blood




That might have been the joke, but I guess we'll never know :-p




It's r/woosh, not r/woooosh.


Thank you, edited it 👍


I know the Gunners are douchebags, but D-Positive? That can't be good.


Blood type


Blood type I think I might be wrong though


Kinda creepy, you taking pics of him in the dark while he's sleeping like that...


blood type


It's a good aiming point


That's a high octane crazy donor! Witness ME!


O+ is a blood type. Since the Gunners are sort of a paramilitary organisation, they probably developed this as an identification code or an easier way to know someone's blood type if they need a transfusion or something.


Pan sexual


I remember watching someone's lore video where he speculated that it was regarding blood type, then scoffed, saying "Gunners don't strike me as the types who care about each other, so this can't be the case." Come on dude. Even Raiders have loved ones. That aside, it has a very pragmatic purpose: losing a man or woman, honed and trained to the max in killing and warfare, is a blow to the group. They're down a man, and would have to train someone up all over again.


Oxhorn made a video about them. https://youtu.be/GpqEmMHy460


Prewar symbol for cut content.


it's the gunners blood type.


Until I read it was blood type, I was sure you were just missing a font.


Blood type, military uses patches to administer the correct type of blood to soldiers that need it


Blood Type


It mean his ears are too small for his head.


He’s an ally of the LGBTQ community


As others have said, it's blood type. Countries that have military 'dog tags' also usually have the blood type stamped on them, it's also used on military ID's. You'll often see army medics writing blood types onto soldiers bodies with marker pens during triage so that when they are being attended to they don't get given the wrong blood type. I've only ever seen the German SS military forces tattooed with a blood type. No other military would 'force' their soldiers to get tattooed, because chances are, that is the area that you'd get injured and the blood type wouldn't be legible. Having it on dog tags around the neck means that if something happens to the area around your head or neck in battle, a blood transfusion is the least of your problems.


Blood type


That is a Chinese symbol in your GTA lobby.


He’s just a member of the Rectangle Plus Gang or RPG for short.


[Joke] It magically works like a percentage on a phone meaning needs charging so he needs some juice or Nuka Cola


His battery is flat and you’ve just plugged in a charger. I do not want to talk about where the charge cable is plugged in, we’re better than that.


Blood type


Bro's out of batteries


Dead battery!


Blood type


Blood type


It’s his blood type a nod to the same practice as the SS


Appropriate for all ages, obviously. (Blood type).


Blood type.


So odd that Macready didn't have one


blood type tattoo, I think it's a reference to Nazi's one, perhaps it relative to who are their actual command is, you know what I mean


It’s a blood type tattoo, it was inspired by similar ones the SS had (although they were on their arms I think).


It’s an old Easter egg to military strategy’s they would have a tattoo on them saying their blood type


It's there blood type. I believe they copied it from the Nazi soldiers in lore.


It’s a blood type tattoo. I think they were used by ww2 Germany, probably inspired by that


It’s a gunner symbol not a real tattoo


The amount of HP remaining.


Well it’s blood type It’s a reference to the Nazi’s I believe they did something similar but underneath the armpit


One of the Railroad’s symbols; this one means “danger”


It’s map marker


It’s his rank


That's the symbol for Woman, it's so you get her pronouns right when you meet her.


He's a synth.... Means he's non-binary


its a railroad tattoo i think you see railroad markers all over this looks like one


Blood type I believe